Ruby Red


Published on Sep 13, 2018


Ruby Red by RJ

This story is a simple, multi-part fiction about love between a college student and a recent post-grad. I'll be posting more unrelated stories in the future with a variety of interests/kinks, ranging from more vanilla things like romances to more perverted things like incest and ageplay. If you have any comments about my work, or even just want to chat, please don't hesitate to message me.

Please support Nifty in any way that you can.


"Oh my god."

Both Wyatt and Khadija turn to me, looking concerned. "What?" Khadija asks. The tone in her voice implies that she's expecting something a little more serious than what is happening. I don't blame her. I'm being dramatic, I know that.

"He's here," I say, biting my lip. Across the food court, I can see RJ fiddling with one of his shopping bags. It's been days since I've seen him, let alone talked to him. We had exchanged numbers prior, but nothing substantial has even really come of it. Just the basics: "Hey, what's up" and "How are you." I never figured out how to approach the subject with him so I just left things as they are. I suddenly feel very embarrassed. More so because I'm acting like a middle schooler when their crush is in the same vicinity, but I can't help the way I feel about him. I'm totally drawn to this guy.

Even Khadija notices my silly behavior. "What are we, 11?" she asks, rolling her eyes and then reaching over to pat my arm. "Relax. He's just a guy."

Granted, she and Wyatt don't know much about him. I wanted to keep most of the details vague in case nothing ever came of it. And when I shared those vague details, I didn't want to sound as if I'm too invested in him, but of course, my lack of ability to hide my feelings totally betrayed me. They catch on quick, my friends, and although all they really know is that I've finally gotten some action with some nameless guy that I'm kind of into, they can tell.

"Wait, which one is he?" Wyatt asks suddenly, looking in the direction I had been staring.

"The one with the sweater and two shopping bags. One's a brown bag."

Then Wyatt laughs. "I know him!"

I blink. "Sorry, what?"

"Yeah, that's RJ! Hey! RJ!" Wyatt, never afraid to make a scene, stands up and shouts RJ's name across the mall's food court. I bury my face in my hands, just listening to Khadija laugh. Wyatt keeps beckoning RJ over until finally I reach out to grab Wyatt's shirt and tug him back to his seat. But it's too late. RJ is already on his way over, smiling softly. I try not to stare as he gets closer, but God he looks so handsome. I have to compose myself.

"What's up, dude?" RJ says to Wyatt, doing a little handshake with my idiot friend before he notices me. "Jake!" He looks surprised at seeing me here, but he quickly throws a genuine smile my way. "Hey."

Wyatt bites his lip, trying not to smirk. "So I take it you two know each other?"

"We've, uh, met," RJ says simply, still looking at me. I find it hard to meet his gaze. "At Stevie's last party."

"Wait, you were there?" Wyatt asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I live there," he says with a laugh. "Granted I was hiding in my room for most of it."

"Ah." Wyatt nods, looking between us both. "Well lucky you two met then," he says, trying to be discreet and wink at me. I just want to kick him in the shins.

"Yeah," RJ says softly. "Lucky."

Wyatt introduces RJ to Khadija formally, and they all chat for no more than a minute before RJ has to go. Something about birthday shopping for his little sister, but I miss the details. All I hear is that he's invited us to swing by his place later. Just a small get-together, nothing crazy. A low-key jam session of sorts. Wyatt accepts the invitation on behalf of all of us, smiling at me like an idiot when he does, and before I know it, RJ is walking away.

"Okay, daddy," Khadija says as soon as he's out of earshot.

"He's actually a really nice guy," Wyatt says, glancing at me. "Used to come by the record store all the time."

"That's great and everything, but he's hot as fuck," she says, emphasizing that point, making Wyatt laugh.

"Is that all you care about?"

"I only hang out with you two because you're pretty," she teases, shrugging.

Wyatt only grins, doing a mock-princess pose with his hands on his chin. "I'll take it."

By the time night rolls around, I get nervous again. A weird little queasy feeling in my stomach, and I hate feeling like this. It's so juvenile, thinking of nothing but stupid questions like "Does he like me?" and "Does he want me?" All while being too scared to buck the fuck up and confront him. I know it's silly and still, I let myself continue to feel this way.

Khadija and Wyatt and I show up in front of RJ's apartment late because I needed to drink beforehand. I'm already tipsy, having had a couple shots just to calm my nerves. Stevie answers the door, smiling at the sight of the three of us. "Come in, lady and gents, come in," he says, ushering us inside. The lighting is pretty dim, but the music is soft and quiet, and there aren't more than a dozen other people here, mostly just lounging and chatting in various parts of the apartment. Wyatt gets roped into a conversation with Stevie and so I grab Khadija's hand, tugging her into the empty kitchen.

"I need a drink," I say.

"The shots weren't enough for you?" she asks, cocking her eyebrow at me.

"I'm so fucking nervous, Dij. Why am I so fucking nervous?" I run my fingers through my hair, feeling antsy.

"Listen, baby," she says, taking my head in her hands. "Just talk to him. I promise it's not that big of a deal."


"And stop making excuses," she adds, giving my head a squeeze. "What has that ever done for you?"

Before I can answer, none other than RJ himself comes into the kitchen. "Hey, you guys made it," he says, smiling at the both of us. He opens his arms to Khadija, who looks surprised but very pleased as she enters the hug. And then he turns to me, and I can't help but smile as he pulls me into a deep hug. God, I missed the feeling of him, thankful he's wearing a thin shirt so that I can get a little of his warmth.

When we pull back, I will myself to look up at him when he speaks. "Do you guys need anything? Drinks? Food?"

"Nah, we're okay," Khadija says quickly before I can answer.

Truthfully, I could use a drink, but it'd probably be best not to risk making a fool of myself. "Listen," I say, swallowing thickly as I lean into him a bit. He lowers his ear closer to me so he can hear. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"What's up?" he asks, looking at me with a confused expression. I feel his hand on the small of my back.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Khadija slip away casually. "I just..." I don't actually know what I want to say. "I think I just needed some closure."

He looks taken aback. "Closure?"

"Or, confirmation? I don't know what the right word is. Fuck." I rub my face a bit. The shots were starting to get to me. Right now. Perfect timing.

"Is everything okay, Jake?" he asks, putting his hands on each of my arms.

"No. I mean, yeah. I just, I have a lot on my mind. I'm just confused, that's all," I say, trying to brush it off.

He's about to speak when we're interrupted by someone. A girl. One of those indie-types with the funky style and uneven bangs. She's cute, sure, but something about her puts me off. Probably the fact that she's interrupting me, right here, right now. "RJ! There you are. You ready yet?"

He glances over at her. "Uh..." He looks at me before saying to her "I just need a minute."

She glances at me too before stepping closer. "We gotta start up now, though," she says. "I have to be out of here in 20." She hooks her arm around RJ's, in a very territorial kind of way.

RJ looks at me sadly before I pat his chest. "No, it's okay. Just, come find me after."

He nods, smiling. "Yeah, of course." He gives my arm a little squeeze before the girl tugs him into the living room.

Khadija hooks her arm in mine and guides me towards the living area, since everyone seems to be there for this little jam session. All there is is a keyboard, a guitar, and a cajon. As Khadija and I find a spot in the back, I'm surprised to find RJ sitting behind the keyboard. "Don't tell me he's good at piano," I whisper to Khadija, and she chuckles to herself, patting my hand. There's a mild introduction from RJ, who says hi to everyone and mentions that he's just here to accompany his good friend Charlotte for a few of her songs. Charlotte is the girl who interrupted our conversation, and start to dislike her a little more as she sits on the cajon and waits for RJ to start up. It's the petty part of me. And then, he starts playing. I swear my jaw drops as I watch him run smoothly through a slow, mellow, jazzy chord progression, adding seamless flair throughout. His eyes are closed as he does so, and I bite my lip as I watch him. Charlotte starts singing after the intro, and granted, she has a very pretty voice. But then RJ starts singing along with her, My whole body twitches. "God, he sings, too?" I whine, and Khadija just hugs me from the side, laughing slightly. We sway back and forth to the tempo of the hauntingly beautiful tune. I'm totally transfixed by him. I want to jump his fucking bones. He's not making this easy for me.

RJ and Charlotte run through another three songs before cutting it short. Charlotte says "That's all, folks" and everyone claps and cheers. As she stands, a couple people bustle up to her, probably to say all manner of nice things about her songs. But of course, I'm focused on RJ. A couple guys, Wyatt included, crowd around him while he's at the keyboard, laughing with him about something, so I wait in the back with Khadija. We're standing somewhat behind Stevie and his girlfriend, but I notice they're in some sort of argument. I can't really tell what it's about, because she's talking in a low, hostile voice, and Stevie is just trying to keep the peace. And then, all of a sudden, she swears and shoves Stevie, causing him to stumble and spill his drink all over the front of me. I look down at the sopping mess that is my shirt, frozen in shock. Really? Right now? I look up and see that his girlfriend has disappeared and he's is looking down at me. "Fuck, I'm so sorry," he says, setting his cup down and looking at my shirt.

It's hard to be mad at Stevie. I'm more pissed at his stupid girlfriend. "It's okay, really."

"Let me get you another shirt, at least," he says, tugging at my wet t-shirt. It's sticking to my skin a bit.

I sigh. "Yeah, that'd be nice."

Khadija says she'll wait here for me, and I nod, sighing through my nose. I follow Stevie out of the living room area, down the hall, and into his room. "I'm really sorry about that. Sarah can be... well..."

"How's that going?" I ask, peeling off my shirt as he rummages through his drawers.

"I don't know, man. She's a mystery." He pulls out a shirt that I assume he thinks might fit me. "Love is hard sometimes, y'know?"

"Oh I know." He comes over to me, taking my wet shirt and handing me his dry one.

"Try that. Want me to wash this for you?" he asks.

"You don't have to go through the trouble," I say, sliding his shirt on. It's slightly big, but nothing crazy. It's actually quite comfortable.

"I literally spilled my whole drink on you, it's the least I can do," he says with a chuckle. "I'll add it to my laundry and you can grab it next time you're here."

I nod. "Sounds good."

After a little pause, I realize Stevie is looking at me curiously. "You doing alright, buddy?"

I wonder what my face looks like. "Huh? Yeah, totally," I say, smiling before gesturing vaguely to the living room. "That was a pretty cool set. I didn't know RJ played. And sang."

"Yeah, he usually keeps it to himself," Stevie says, smiling, clearly proud of his best friend. "He's very humble, that guy. He'll never admit that he kills it on the keys."

"He really was incredible, I was surprised."

Stevie smiles, scratching his head for a moment before saying "Look, I don't wanna be nosy or anything, but are you two...?"

I smile slightly. I wonder if he's talked about it with RJ at all. At the very least, I know Stevie can sense the chemistry. After all, he was the first to point it out. "Like you said. It's hard."

He laughs slightly, slinging his arm around me and leading me out of his room. "Things will come around for you, buddy. Trust me."

Stevie's words make me feel a little better, a little more hopeful, but only for a brief moment. Because as right as we leave his room, while Stevie's rambling about his initial struggles with his girlfriend, two people stumble into RJ's room. Stevie doesn't seem to notice, but I do. I glance into RJ's room as we walk by. The door is half-open, giving me an unadulterated view of Charlotte on RJ's desk, her legs wrapped around him, both kissing hard and grinding into each other. I get little more visual than that. A moment later, my view is obscured by the wall.

What surprises me most is that it doesn't upset me as much as I thought it would. My first thought is "Wow, already? You just finished your set barely five minutes ago." And that irritates me on some level. But then I realize, I get it. We're not boyfriends, and he's free to fuck around with whoever he wants. But it still sucks to feel like I was just a one-time conquest. It hurts a little more because I miss the physicality, and because my feelings for him haven't dwindled whatsoever. I don't end up seeing him that night. I just leave early with Khadija while everyone else messes around with the instruments, drinking and laughing. Even when RJ texts me hours later, saying that he looked for me, I make up an excuse, saying I had to leave early. An emergency.

We still end up seeing each other pretty regularly, and neither of us bring it up. I don't ask about Charlotte, and he doesn't ask about whatever I was trying to get at that night. It's interesting, though. Over the next few weeks, things don't really change between us either. We still hang out, but if we're alone, he doesn't make any moves. We're still playfully flirty with each other, even a little touchy at times, but it never goes further. We still laugh, and make jokes, and talk about serious things, and all in all have great fucking times together, but it's all friendly, and I feel like we're both holding back. I like to pretend that the ball is in his court, that he has to make the move, but really, what game are we even playing? Part of me wonders if me telling the truth about my age put a wall between us. If it's that big of a deal to him. I want so desperately to break that wall down but I'm too nervous that I'll be rejected for good.

I tell this all to Ty one night, just before he's about to leave and head back to his own apartment. "Rejected for good?" he asks, looking at me with tired eyes. I feel bad for keeping him any longer. It's already late, and he's barely slept lately. He looks beat, but he's kind enough to listen to my dumbass struggles.

"Yeah. I don't want to lose him as a friend, too."

"But is it a good idea to stay friends if you're always gonna want to be something more?" he asks. He has a point. I bite my lip slightly, unsure how to respond. "But I think it's more than that," he adds.

"What do you mean?"

"I think you're more scared of getting hurt than anything else." Ty knows me pretty well by now. He knows my past relationships. Specifically my most recent one. Maybe he's onto something. Am I afraid that RJ would hurt me? Maybe subconsciously. Ty pats my shoulder, holding it gently. "Listen. From what you're telling me, he sounds like a pretty great guy, right? And it sounds like you really, really like him. You're just torturing yourself by sitting around and not doing anything about it. Trust me. Better that you lay it all out there and let things run their course."

"What if it doesn't work out?"

"Then it doesn't work out," he says with a shrug. "And you'll move on. You're not so horrible that you won't find someone else," he teases, making me laugh.

"How sweet of you to say," I say, rolling my eyes and smiling at him. I've always admired Ty. Big, tough looking guy, fully equipped with face tattoos, a criminal record, and a gruff voice at times, but he really is one of the sweetest guys I've ever met.

"You know I love you, buddy," he says, smiling sleepily at me. "Now give me a hug. I gotta fuckin' sleep."

"Why don't you just stay over?"

"I gotta get up early for work again."

"And you let me keep you?" I say, standing up and pushing him towards the door. "Go sleep."

He just laughs. I hug him goodnight at the door and he kisses my cheek before leaving. As he heads out, he tells me to keep him in the loop, and I promise that I will before I lock up and head back upstairs. It's practically midnight, and I consider texting RJ, but I don't want to have this conversation so late, or over the phone. I think about sleeping, but in the interest of being productive, I pick up where I left off on my research paper, deciding to hammer out as much as I can before I start to really doze off.

An hour or so later, that first yawn hits me, so I feel like it's time to hit the hay. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth, dressing in just a pair of underwear and an old t-shirt. As I'm brushing my teeth, I check my phone, and my eyebrows raise at the content of messages I received while I was showering. They're from RJ. "Not to be too forward or anything but I'm drunk as fuck and I really wanna suck your cock asap." Then, "Right now actually." Then, "I'll come over if you want me to." All from two minutes ago. The thought of doing something, anything, with him is enough for me to quickly type back my address and tell him to text me when he got here.

I'm already hard by the time I send the message, and I quickly finish brushing my teeth before I plop down on my bed, lightly playing with myself. Maybe this is a bad idea. Should I have said no? He's drunk after all—does that count as me taking advantage of him? But it'll be good. It'll be so good. It's been practically a month since we've done anything physical. Does he miss it? Is that why he texted me? Or just because he's horny and has no one else? Thoughts like this go through my head at warp speed and before I know it, my phone dings. It's RJ. "Here," it says, and I sit up, waist-banding my dick and then heading downstairs, careful not to wake my mom. I get to the front door and unlock it. When it's open, RJ's standing there with a stupid smile on his face, wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. "Hey," he says.

"Did you drive here?" I ask, poking my head outside.

"No, I got a ride. I'm not stupid," he says, smiling down at me.

"That's debatable," I mutter before grabbing his hand. "C'mon. And keep quiet. My mom's asleep."

I sneak him upstairs as quietly as possible. I know my mom wouldn't care who I had in my room, but it's out of respect that I at least don't wake her up. "Here we are," I say, ushering him into my room as I shut the door behind me.

He looks around the cozy space, taking his sweatshirt off. "Cute room," he says before his eyes fall on me for a moment. He smiles slightly and then sits down on the chair at my desk, trying to unlace his shoes and failing. He grunts and then just slips them off before I can offer to help.

"Where were you?" I ask curiously.

"At the bar," he says simply as he sighs and then stands up, looking around again, checking out the closet curiously and then poking his head into my personal bathroom. "Damn, nice," he says, flicking on the light and then glancing towards me. "You mind if I shower?" I tell him I don't mind and then he just stands there, looking at me with his slack, adorably drunk face, smile slight. "You coming, or...?"

Even though I showered already, I dare not refuse. I follow him into my bathroom. I watch him undress as I start the water, since it takes half a minute to warm up. "How hot do you like it?" I ask, watching him pull off his shirt and start working on his belt and pants.

"Very," he says, stripping completely naked. I realize he's not wearing underwear and I gulp a bit, biting my lip as I get the full view. He runs his fingers through his hair and smiles at me as I hold my hand under the shower, waiting for it to heat up.

"There," I say once it gets hot, pulling the curtain aside for him. He steps inside, sighing happily at the warm water, and I just watch for a moment before he glances at me.

"Get in here," he says simply.

"You know I showered before you got here?" I say with an amused smile.

"Really?" He laughs a little, looking me up and down. "Well. Come keep me company then."

I hesitate before I take off my shirt and then my underwear, stepping into the shower with him. He moves aside to let me get under the spray, and I let it go over my face and down my body with a hum. I feel him moving behind me, and then his hands slide over my shoulders, down my back, and then my sides. Without missing a beat, he reaches around, pressing up against me as his hand slides over my stomach, down to my cock. I let out a little breath when his fingers find my shaft, groping me gently, getting me hard. "I'm overheating already," I say, and he laughs in my ear.

"Keep it together. I'm not done with you yet," he says, and my knees almost go weak. I just nod a little and he kisses my neck. He tilts us so that I'm facing the shower wall and then presses me into it slightly as he gets on one knee behind me. I feel his hands at my ass, groping my cheeks and spreading them lightly, and I brace myself for what's next. I bite hard on my lip so that I don't moan out as his tongue slides across my hole once, then twice, then three times, long and deep strides. He leans in more, moaning against me as he rims me, his tongue working expertly around me. I whimper and whine a bit, unable to stop myself from doing so as he eats me out.

I reach between my legs to jack myself off and barely get two strokes in before he turns me around, moving my hand out of the way so he can take over. He strokes me a few times, looking at my cock before opening his mouth and taking me deep, all the way, down to my fucking balls and holding. "Fuck!" I moan out, and he reaches up to cover my mouth and keep me quiet. For which I'm thankful. If he hadn't, my moans would be amplified by the acoustics. I close my eyes, enjoying the sensation of his mouth bobbing back and forth at a smooth and steady pace on my cock, my fingers in his hair, muffled moans against his palm. I last longer than the first time he blew me, but it doesn't take terribly long for him to coax an intense orgasm out of me. I say "I'm cumming, I'm cumming" over and over. My words are stifled by his hand but he gets the idea. With his free hand he strokes himself as he sucks and I fill his mouth with my load, listening to him moan in pleasure, slurping slightly. He keeps sucking slowly, almost lovingly, moving his hand away from my mouth and letting me breathe. I pant a bit, twitching from sensitivity as he works his lips and tongue over my member, but I watch him, intrigued. He doesn't stop even as I start to go soft in his mouth, until he himself gets close. Then he stands up, one hand on my chest and pinning me against the wall as he shoots his load all over my cock. He lets out soft, deep moans as he milks out his load, squeezing the last few drops out before he starts smiling at me as if he hadn't just performed excellent oral sex on me and jizzed all over my dick.

"You really know what you're doing, don't you?" I say with a tired laugh.

He just chuckles slightly, looking down and gripping my cock again, giving it a little squeeze. "I like what I do."

"I like what you do, too," I say and he smiles at me before I stand up a little straighter. "Maybe we should actually shower."

We spend maybe another five minutes in the shower, soaping each other up, playfully groping each other, talking softly about his night at the bar with his friends before I decide we should probably get out. He agrees, shutting off the water behind him once we've rinsed off. I step out, drying myself with my towel and then handing it to him to dry himself off. I get redressed in my underwear and shirt before heading back into my room, smiling.

He comes out a minute later, totally naked still, clothes in hand. I can't help but watch his cock swing between his legs. "Well thanks for, uh, letting me suck your cock, I guess," he says, laughing slightly. He drapes his shirt over my chair and starts pulling on his jeans.

I blink. "You're leaving?"

He looks up. "Well... I mean..." He just shrugs. "I hadn't really planned on staying."

"What was your plan?"

"To make you cum," he says seriously, in a way that's I find both endearing and comical. "I didn't really think beyond that."

"Just stay over," I suggest, and he smiles a bit.

"That gonna be okay with your mom?"

"She won't care."

"Alright." He runs his fingers through his hair. "Do you have something I could wear then? Can't sleep in jeans."

Truthfully, I wanted him to stay naked, but I get up anyway, rummaging through my drawers. "Uhhh... Not sure if anything I have will fit you. Oh!" I tell him to wait, and I head out of my room. I sneak into my mom's room as stealthily as possible, heading over to her dresser. Ty's drawer is the bottom left one, and when I open it, I find some spare clothes. I rummage through it until I snag a pair of sweatpants that RJ could definitely fit into. Him and Ty are practically the same size. I bring the sweats back to my room and toss them to RJ. "Try these. Oh, and maybe some boxers." I look in my underwear drawer and grab the pair I was thinking about—the biggest pair I have.

He pulls on the boxers, adjusting his crotch a bit. They look like a nicely snug fit, and he doesn't complain, just slipping on the sweatpants with a smile. "Damn, these are nice," he says, feeling out the soft fabric.

I laugh. "Just don't leave with them," I say, heading over to my bed. I pull off the covers, giving him room to slip in. He joins me, and even though it's a queen-size bed, he gets close, cuddling up to me. I get the hint and roll onto my side, nestling back into him as he spoons me and wraps his arm around me nicely. And of course, my sappy ass notices how perfectly we fit together.

He doesn't say anything else because he falls asleep within a minute, his breathing getting deep. I just smile, letting out an elongated, satisfied sigh before falling asleep in his arms.

When I wake up, RJ isn't there, and it takes me a few moments to realize this. Bits of last night come back to me slowly before I remember everything that happened. I sit up, stretching a bit and look around. I notice his jeans and shoes are still in the room, on the floor. I cock my eyebrow a bit, wondering where he went. I call out his name gently, thinking maybe he's in the bathroom. But there's no response. He must have left the room, maybe to get some water. He could be hungover, after all.

I put some shorts on and leave my bedroom. When I open the door, I immediately smell breakfast. It lures me downstairs into the kitchen, but what I'm faced with catches me off guard. Both my mom and RJ are chatting and whipping up a large batch of pancakes. Together.

"Um. Good morning?" I say.

Both of them turn towards me and my mom says good morning back, RJ just smiling at me. "Hope you're hungry," he says.

"Yeah," I say, looking at them both from across the island. It makes me nervous that they've had all this time to talk. Probably about me. I take a seat. "So you two have met."

"Yup," my mom says. "I roped him into helping me with breakfast."

"I wouldn't say roped," he says with a laugh, taking the batter bowl from her to pour onto the pan. "I was easily swayed."

"Don't be too easy, now, I like a challenge," my mom says, and I roll my eyes at the look she gives me.

"Please stop flirting with him, mom," I say in an exasperated voice, making both of them laugh.

They continue with a conversation that I clearly had interrupted, and I watch them for a bit. I hate how good he looks, even with his messy hair, looking like he just rolled out of bed, spatula in hand as he finesses the pancakes. I get the strongest urge to kiss him. Just when I start to really fantasize about him taking me into his arms and dramatically locking lips with me, RJ's phone, situated near my arm on the island, starts buzzing loudly. He looks back at the sound and at the lit-up screen. "Who is it?"

I turn his phone to face me. "It's your mom."

"Shit. You mind?" He offers my mom the spatula and she immediately takes over, but of course, she doesn't waste the opportunity to run her other hand from his shoulder down his upper arm. He comes over to the island and grabs his phone, giving me a private smile and then heading into the living room to answer the call.

My mom speaks up as I'm watching him. "I'm a little in love with him."

I turn back, groaning. "I really need you to stop flirting with all the guys I like," I say, and she just laughs.

"Of all the guys you've liked, he's the most likeable. And older, huh?" she adds, grinning. "I'm impressed."

"Whatever," I say with a slight smile. "Dare I ask what happened this morning?"

She shrugs, busying herself with the pancakes. "He came downstairs for water and we introduced ourselves. Talked over coffee."


"Well I have a right to know who's in my house, don't I?" she fires back playfully, glancing back at me.

"Okay, yes, but what specifically did you talk about?"

"Nosy," she says, tsking and laughing. Clearly she's enjoying torturing me. "Just the basics. Who he is. Why he's here. What he's doing with his life. Vice versa." Then she looks at me slyly. "You came up, of course."

"What about me?" I ask quickly, getting antsy.

She shrugs again as if she has no idea what I'm talking about, and when I groan, she laughs. "You like him a lot, don't you?"

I bite my lip a bit, looking back at RJ briefly. "Yeah."

"But you haven't told him."

"How would you know?"

Ignoring my question, she just says "You should tell him. And be honest. About everything."

She's being so secretive and sketchy, but also the fact that she's talking about this at all gives me a little bit of hope. Maybe RJ said something particular to my mom. Something to trigger this conversation. "I'm just afraid."

"Of rejection?"

"Of getting hurt again."

She looks back at me with a sad smile, pausing for a moment. "You know how much I hated that boy."

I sigh a bit, getting that weird ache in my chest that I always get whenever someone brings Toby up. "Only too well."

"Rueben is not that boy."

I smile at my mom for a moment before glancing back at RJ. He sees me looking and he smiles, winking at me as he chats on the phone.

By the time RJ gets off the phone, we have more than enough pancakes to satisfy an extended family. We all sit at the table, sharing the cakes and fruit, enjoying each other's' company and making each other laugh. Mostly, I like to watch RJ interact with people. I like the way he wrinkles his nose when he laughs inward, or how he blushes at nearly every compliment, or how he sneaks soft little smiles my way. His left hand rests on my thigh under the table and I bite my lip, loving these intimate little touches. That has to be a sign. Right?

After she finishes eating, my mom excuses herself, wanting to shower and get ready for the day. "You staying long?" she asks RJ, and RJ turns to me for an answer.

I chew slightly on the inside of my cheek and nod a bit. "Yeah."

"Great. I'll be down later. I'll leave you two kids alone." She smiles at us both, winking discreetly at me before heading upstairs.

As soon as she leaves, RJ starts picking up dirty plates and bringing them to the sink. "You don't have to do that," I say, grabbing some of the cups.

"Nonsense," he says. "It's the least I could do." I set the cups down as he starts rinsing off plates one by one and loading up the dishwasher. "Your mom is great," he says.

"Yeah, see seems particularly fond of you," I say with an eye roll, heading back to the table to put away the fruit we didn't eat.

He just laughs. "I have a thing for moms."

"I'm sure you do." I put away the syrup and butter and then sit up on a nearby counter, just watching him rinse off all the dirty dishes, even ones from yesterday that he didn't use. It gives me enough time to muster up enough courage to speak up. It's now or never, right? I decide that in my head. Everyone has been telling me to just do it. See what's up. And it's the smart thing I do. Better to break it off now if there's no hope than way down the line when I've fallen in too deep. "Hey."

He turns to me and smiles a little bit. "Hey yourself."

"I wanna talk to you."

He arches his eyebrow a bit before setting the last of the bowls in the dishwasher along with the silverware and then kicking the door closed. "Am I in trouble or something?" he asks, grinning and wiping his hands with a towel.

"No." I laugh a little. "Unless you wanna be."

He laughs a little, tossing the towel on the counter and coming closer to me. "I mean, I'm a little tempted."

"Just a little?"

"Maybe a lot." He grins and stands between my legs, hands on the island on either side of me before his face relaxes. "What's up?"

I look at him for a moment before sighing. "I..." I laugh nervously, rolling my eyes. "God, why is this so hard?" He doesn't respond, just smiling softly. "This is going to sound so fucking corny, probably, or I might not make any sense, so I apologize ahead of time."

"Say it anyway," he says.

I lick my lips slightly, staring at his chest. "Okay. So it's probably very obvious by now that I like you."

He just smiles at me. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. Like, I really fucking like you. As in, I get all nervous when I talk to you because I have feelings for you. Butterflies. The whole shabang. And I'm rarely like this."

He grins. "That's pretty gay of you," he teases, and almost out of reflex, I punch him a little harder than I anticipated.

"Shut the fuck up, Rueben," I say, not even apologizing as he recoils and laughs, rubbing his chest as he gets back into position. "And stop looking at me like that."

He can't seem to stop laughing. "Like what?"

"Like that! With your face! God, you make me crazy."

"I make you crazy?"


"How do I make you crazy?"

"I'm sitting here practically confessing that I'm borderline in love with you and you're just standing there laughing at me."

"I mean, you punched me—"

"Can we be serious for a second?"

He composes himself quickly, his hands on my thighs. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry. I'm calm." He sighs. "Okay—"

"Sometimes I don't even know how to read you," I spit out.

"Sure, but—"

"Like, we hit it off great, but then, I don't know, you backed off a bit."

"Listen, Jake—"

"And I get it, maybe you just wanted it to be a one-time thing, but I feel like there's something more between us."

"I agree with—"

"But nothing's come of it these past few weeks, and maybe it's partially my fault, but I don't know, and then last night happened, and I'm just so confused—"

He covers my mouth with his hand so suddenly that I stop speaking. "Let me speak," he says calmly. When I nod, he moves his hand away. He takes a deep breath, which makes me brace for the worst. "Okay. So, you know I've wanted you since day one."

I perk up. "Really?"

He laughs, slightly confused, probably at the sight of me. "Was... was it not obvious?"

I shrug. "Yes and no," I say.

"I felt like I've been dropping pretty strong hints. Especially lately. And not on purpose."

"Fine, but then you quickly pick up those hints and toss them in a trash bag."

He laughs at the analogy. "Okay, maybe that's kind of fair. I mean, yeah. Like you said, we hit it off great. And you're right. I did back off a bit. And I know—"

"Is it my age?"

He looks irritated at me interrupting yet again for a moment, but then he looks confused. He blinks, shaking his head. "Wait, what?"

"After I told you I'm 17, we just reverted back to being friends. Or whatever this is."

He stares at me for a bit before saying "Jake, I don't give a fuck about your age."

"Then why—"

"I backed off because I didn't think you wanted me," he says quickly.

I almost laugh. "Are you kidding?"

"That's not what I meant," he says quietly, rubbing his forehead as he searches for the words. "What I mean is, I backed off because I didn't think you wanted something more. Shut up for a second," he adds before I can interrupt him, and I keep my mouth closed. He holds my sides a bit, his eyes darting around a bit before they're steady on mine. "It was after we talked a bit that morning after. After you told me how you were scared to, y'know, bottom, and I figured, hey, maybe it's just not your thing. But then I remembered how anxious you were the night before. I knew something was up. I felt it. Some touchy subject that you were being terribly vague about. And I was afraid to ask you because I didn't wanna put you off. So I kept a little distance until I could, y'know, get more information. So, I asked."

"You asked?" I narrow my eyes a bit. "What does that mean?"

After a pause, he speaks. "Long story short, I know about your last relationship," he says softly, rubbing my sides with his thumb.

I freeze instantly. "How? Who—?"

"I talked to Wyatt."

I groan. "Are you fucking—?"

"Don't be mad at him," he says quickly. "I pried. And your mom confirmed some things this morning."

My face is red, I'm sure of it. It feels hot and I feel terribly embarrassed more than anything else. "What did they tell you?"

He bites his lip. "That he was abusive." I look down at my lap and then close my eyes a bit. I feel a headache coming on. "I'm sorry," he adds.

I look up. "Why are you sorry?"

He shrugs. "I'm sorry you had to endure something like that. And I'm sorry I didn't just talk to you sooner and instead assumed everything on my own. I just didn't want to make a situation so early on. And I'm sorry about last night."

I laugh a bit, surprised. "What? Why are you sorry about last night?"

"Because I didn't want that to happen. Seriously. But I was drunk and couldn't help myself, and God, you don't know how hard it's been to hold back," he says softly, clutching onto me a little tighter. He seems to lean in as if he wants to kiss me but stops himself. "But I didn't want to... I don't know. Overstep."


"Or pressure you, or anything like that. I know there's something between us," he says, and it makes me smile. "I've known that since we met. I can feel it, and you can feel it, and whatever it is, it hasn't gone away. Not for me, not at all these past couple of weeks. Honestly, it's just gotten worse," he says with a slight laugh, sighing through his nose. "It's been hard for me to try and, I don't know. Be respectful. But I had to let you come to me. When you were ready. Otherwise, it wouldn't feel right to me."

I run a hand over his chest a bit, sighing. Suddenly it makes sense. We still flirted and teased around that fact because we've both been into each other. But he figured I'm probably still broken, or otherwise in the process of healing. "I respect that, honestly," I say, looking up at him. "I really do. And I get it. I was nervous too. I was nervous about saying anything to you because... Well, the last time I felt anything similar to what I'm feeling now, I got hurt." I grab at his shirt lightly, mulling it over for only a second. "But, my mom is right. You're not him."

He smiles slightly, looking at me for a while. "You can't know that."

"I know that, Rueben."

He opens his mouth to speak but stops himself, just pausing for a long while as he looks at me. "I don't know what to say."

I smile. "You could say you forgive me for taking so long."

He laughs a little. I feel his thumb rubbing against me soothingly, pausing again before he says "Kiss me."

I blink. "What?"

"Kiss me."

"Right now?"



"If you don't fucking kiss me, boy—"

We both laugh, and I keep my hands on his chest, biting my lip slightly. I look up and then slide a little closer, snaking my hand to the back of his head and pulling him down a bit, my heart racing. He closes the gap and kisses me tenderly. It's a slow, deep kiss, enough to make me breathless. I feel my whole body tingle and get warm. When he presses a little deeper, he coaxes out a nice moan from me, which makes him clutch onto me harder.

When he pulls back, I make a little whine, laughing at myself. "Fuck, don't stop now," I say.

"I have to," he says, laughing slightly as well, resting his forehead against mine. "Before it gets out of hand."

"Let it," I say softly, gripping his shirt in tight fists as I look up at him. "I missed kissing you."

He licks his lips a bit, grabbing my hips and sliding me closer to him. He seems to be contemplating something. Then, "Remember what I said about not wanting to overstep?"

I smile a bit, sliding my hands up his shirt to rub his skin. "Overstep," I tell him.

He looks at me with this mix of confusion, concern, and desire. "I want you so badly, Jake."

Hearing the need in his voice gives me goosebumps. I scratch lightly at his torso, and he hums a little, closing his eyes. I lean up and kiss him, and he immediately kisses back, both of us getting into it, our breathing a little heavier, our lips moving a little faster, our tongues getting in on the action. I reluctantly break the kiss, holding him back slightly so I can take a breath and say "Take me upstairs."

He raises his eyebrows. "But... your mom is still—"

"I don't care." I press up against him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. He gets the signal, lifting me up and carrying me to my bedroom. Because I keep kissing and touching him the whole way, he stumbles on the stairs a few times, but it only makes us laugh. Only makes him clutch onto me more tightly. We hear the shower running down the hall so we don't have to worry about being too quiet just yet. We get into the bedroom and he shuts the door, sets me down, and then pins me against it, both hands on my face, kissing me deeply. I'm very aware of his warmth, the security of his body, and I pull him against me, already rock hard. I'm sure he can feel it. I slide my hand down and caress his bulge through his sweatpants and feel his moan in my mouth before his hand rests on my bulge, feeling me up expertly. He starts to get on his knees before I stop him. "My turn," I say, pointing towards the bed. "Clothes off, and get on your back."

He grins a bit. "Yes sir." I watch as he strips quickly and efficiently in front of me, and before I know it, he's naked, that beautiful cock of his pointing straight at me. My mouth waters. He moves to the bed like I told him to, lying on his back with his legs draped over the edge of the bed. I get between his legs as he sits up with his elbows to watch me better. My fingers wrap around his shaft and I grip it, stroke slowly. He starts spreading his legs even more. Transfixed by his cock, I squeeze it, stroking the head lightly with my thumb to tease. He lifts his hips a bit and I chuckle, holding him down. "Easy." I flick his cock with my tongue, just barely, over and over.

"You're killing me," he says.

"Shush." Suddenly hungry, I open my mouth and take him as deep as I can, holding for a bit, listening to him moan. I start to bob up and down, quick, slurping, moaning as I suck him, his hand on the top of my head. The taste, smell, and feel of him is making my mouth water even more, and my drool slips from my lips and slides down his shaft and over his balls as I work him over. But once my jaw starts to get sore, I pull off, swallowing spit and giving his cock a few more tugs. I look up at him and realize he's staring intently at my eyes, which makes me blush but also turns me on even more than I already am. I stand up, climbing on top of him and straddling him. He holds my hips, looking up at me as I grind my brief-covered ass on his shaft. I lean down to kiss his neck, tug on his hair a bit, and then put my forehead on his. "Another thing."

He groans, half-laughing. "What now?"

I tug his hair again to keep him steady. "I want you to fuck me."

He stops, widening his eyes just slightly, his eyebrows heightening, and he gives my face a once over before looking back into my eyes. "Really?"


"What changed?"

"I just know you won't hurt me," I say. My nervousness is gone. I'm sure of this. I want this.

"What if I do?" He looks genuinely concerned, and in a different context, I would almost cry. Here, I just want him even more.

"I trust you."

He smiles a little goofily and then laughs cheerfully before kissing me again, pulling me onto the bed more and resting me on my back. I'm aware of my heart beat way more than usual but I feel both comfortable and incredibly aroused as he strips me naked and sends kisses all over my skin with each piece of clothing he removes. When he comes back up to my lips, he tells me to turn over and I do.

He takes his time with me, kissing slowly down until he's gently rimming me. I try not to squirm and groan, but he's so skilled with his tongue that he elicits involuntary noises out of me while simultaneously making my toes curl. until they hurt. My ass lifts to meet him on its own accord, which only makes him laugh to himself before giving me what I need. I feel him all over my hole, poking his warm tongue inside, making me grab at my own hair and moan so well that I start to feel dizzy.

I whimper when I feel him pull away and I turn to look at him. "Why'd you stop?"

He laughs softly, standing up, giving my ass a good slap that makes me gasp. "Condoms? Lube?"

"Desk drawer," I say, pointing across the room. I watch him head over and rummage through the first drawer until he finds the lube bottle, chuckling to himself.

"This your jerk off station?" he asks, gesturing towards the desk as a whole before he tosses the lube to me.

"Shut up," I say, laughing slightly when I catch the bottle. Soon he finds a condom. He holds it in his mouth as he closes the drawer with his hip and then rips the package open with his teeth. I swallow a bit, a hint of nervousness coming to me, and I think he notices me staring because before he takes the condom out, he crawls over me and kisses my lips. "You okay?" When I nod, he smiles and says "Get on your back for me," and I do so.

He puts my legs around his hips and grinds against me a bit as we get into a comfortable position, kissing me lightly. He lubes up his fingers and then reaches between us to rub me gently, and I mewl a bit, tightening my grip around him as his finger slides into me. I moan out, letting him slowly work his finger back and forth. He adds another, his face hovering over mine as he explores, penetrating me gently but deeply. My cock is so hard that it hurts. I keep my eyes closed, his thick fingers roaming until he very slowly and teasingly slides them out. "Wanna do the honors?" he asks. I open my eyes to see what he's talking about. He's holding up the opened condom packet, and I reach out and grab it. I take it out of the packet and reach between us, grabbing his cock and then slowly sliding the condom onto him in a strangely intimate moment. He kisses me as soon as I've finished. "We'll stop if you need to, okay?" he says, and I nod, thankful for his kindness. I kiss him once more before laying back again, preparing myself, closing my eyes. I listen to him shift, listen to him spit in his palm and work it onto his cock. Then, I feel the head push against me. I try and relax before it enters me and I immediately, instinctively tense up, grunting, saying his name. RJ immediately calms me. "Shhh. Relax, baby, relax. I've got you," he says. Something about his voice is so soothing and erotic that I find myself relaxing, nearly melting, his large hand running over my torso gently. I swear under my breath, feeling exceedingly fuller by the second. Inch by inch. God, he's so big. My mouth opens and no sound comes out and I do my best to relax through the pain because I want him there. I want him inside me.

It takes a minute before he's fully in and then I feel him kiss my cheek. "You okay?" he asks, and I nod. "Does it hurt?" and when I respond with "A little" he laughs slightly, making me laugh a bit. And then he starts thrusting. It's slow and tender but I gasp in surprise, holding onto him, tugging on his hair a bit too hard and I apologize, but he just smiles and says I can keep doing that. He leans down after looking at my lips and kisses me once with each thrust before kissing me deeper and slower. He very, very gradually speeds up his tempo but never goes too fast, careful not to hurt me, and after I finally get used to his size, to him being inside of me, I feel it. I'm in heaven. There's still a bit of pain but it's dulled by the pleasure he's giving me. The pleasure I've missed from getting fucked, and getting fucked right. I start to grind back with him, which he takes as a signal to take me harder.

I expel a sharp breath with every thrust, trying so hard not to moan too loudly. He shifts ever so slightly and I nearly scream out, his cock hitting that sweet spot just right every time he sinks into me. His own moans against my neck fill my ears so nicely it's like they're coaxing an orgasm out of me. And then the unexpected happens. I cum without touching myself. I feel it building but do not expect to have an orgasm so intense that RJ stops altogether to watch. He looks in between us as my whole body tenses and my cock spurts out thick ropes of cum on both our stomachs. He smiles at the mess I've made.

"That's... that's never happened before," I say tiredly.

"That was fucking hot. You're fucking hot." He grins a bit, kissing me softly on the lips and not moving his hips. I laugh softly against his mouth, panting slightly before I get a small surge of energy. Purely from the desire to make him cum. I shift us both so that I'm on top of him as we kiss before I sit up straight, still settled in his lap, his cock still inside me. I start to ride him slowly, and he looks up at me with surprise and lust, half-smiling. As I grind deeper, he moans a bit, closing his eyes slightly. I gradually move faster, fucking myself on his cock at a steady pace, my hand on his chest. I slide that hand up to his lips. I trace his bottom lip with my thumb before he takes it in his mouth, sucking on it softly with his eyes closed. I moan softly at the sight, watching him for a bit before I work my hand down to his neck. He looks up at me as I tentatively squeeze, testing the waters. He doesn't stop me. My fingers press into those sweet spots on either side of his neck as I ride him and I watch his mouth open as he moans. I start stroking myself with my free hand, biting my lip, watching him submit to me. His moans get a little louder, his furrowing his eyebrows even more, whispering "I'm gonna cum."

I think about a comment Khadija made once, after meeting him. She said that RJ looks like the type of guy who likes to be called daddy. I had my doubts at first, but I've been curious ever since. So I try it. "Cum for me, daddy," I whisper. Turns out she was right. He lets out a loud moan and cums almost immediately, thrusting his hips up and getting deep inside me as he fills the condom. He tenses before collapsing on the bed, spent, panting. I grind on him very slowly, stroking myself at a fast pace. After only a few moments, he notices, and then takes over for me, one hand stroking me and the other feeling up my torso. I lean back a bit, hands supporting myself on his thighs as he gets a second load out of me. I watch it spill all over his stomach, a couple shots even up past his chest.

When I open my eyes, RJ is smiling, licking his fingers clean, and I blush. "You look so good right now," I say. He just laughs, smiling up at me. "Though you've got a little..." I point to my own mouth to imply that he has some cum in his beard and on his cheek.

"Really?" he says, laughing a little. Then he bites his lips. "Feed it to me." I grin slightly, reaching out to scoop it up with my finger, but he stops me, grabbing my wrist. "Nuh uh. With your mouth."

I arch my eyebrow before laughing. "You're dirty," I say, but I happily lean forward, swiping up the cum with one long lick. I shift, hovering my mouth over his as he opens his mouth and lets me spit my cum into it. He eagerly accepts it before he pulls me down for a deep kiss, humming against me as we roll onto our sides, still managing to stay connected. He breaks the kiss and pecks my chin lightly before resting his head under it, his face against my neck and chest.

"I think I died a little bit," I say, playing with his hair, and I hear him laugh against me.

"Rest in peace, kiddo," he says, rubbing my back. "How do you feel?" he asks, his hand sliding down to my ass and gripping it for emphasis.

"Sore as fucking hell," I say, smiling. "But in a sexy way."

He laughs. "Long as it's sexy." We're quiet for a while before he speaks up again. "I needed that."

I smile, kissing the top of his head. "Me too."

"Did you really not notice?" he asks, lifting his head to look up at me. "My struggle? I'd catch myself staring at you all the time and have to stop myself from practically pouncing on you," he says with a laugh.

I laugh too. "Impressive restraint."

"God, I know," he says, kissing the center of my chest. "But I've got you now."

I stroke his hair. "Now you don't have to be up late touching yourself wondering about me," I tease.

"True," he says immediately. "All the sleep I've lost because of you."

His tone is strangely serious, and I blush and get turned on at the same time. "I was kidding," I say, laughing.

"I'm not." He looks up at me with a slight smile but a mostly serious expression before leaning up to kiss my lips a little. I smile against his kiss, humming a bit, picturing him jerking off in the dead of the night with images of me in his head.

"I don't believe you," I say, even though I do.

"Are you saying you haven't jerked off thinking about me?" he asks with a grin.

I laugh. "You may have come up once or twice."

"Once or twice," he repeats, muttering with a grin. "Liar."

"Okay, so more than I'd like to admit."

He bites his lip, staring at me as if imagining something. Probably imagining me masturbating. "What'd you think about, exactly?"

I blush, laughing. "I'd rather show you."

"Mmm," he says, chuckling, giving my ass a little slap. "Naughty boy."

"Just for you, daddy," I say in a soft, boyish voice, stroking his beard, and he immediately groans a bit.


I laugh. "What?"

"That turns me on so much, you don't even know."

"What, being called daddy?"

He nods, blushing slightly.

"I could tell," I say cheekily, scratching lightly at his facial hair. "I'm sure lots of people call you that."

His eyes are closed, and he hums as if purring. "I guess a few," he says.

I snort. "A few." I keep petting him lightly, watching him for a moment before I say "Can I ask you something?"

"Depends. Is it sex-related?" he asks in a teasing voice.

"Yes, but not like that," I say, and he opens his eyes, looking at me. "I feel sort of weird asking, but, well, have you slept with anyone? Y'know, since the first time you and I fooled around."

"No," he says softly, looking at me curiously. "Why?"

I arch my eyebrow. "You haven't slept with anyone?"

"Not since you and I," he says and then pauses. "Well, okay, maybe you should clarify what you mean. I hooked up with a couple people, but it was just, y'know, oral. I haven't done the full nine yards though."

"Really?" I'm sure I look surprised.


"You haven't fucked anyone?" I ask.


"Or been fucked by anyone?"

He laughs. "What's this about?" he asks.

"I'm just... Confused?" I say, skeptical. "Aren't you addicted to sex or some shit?"

"First of all, fuck you—"

"Yes, daddy," I chirp in, grinning at how he closes his eyes and totally pauses.

"I hate you," he says quietly, smirking a bit as he pushes my face away playfully. "Second of all, yes, I love sex. A lot. But I wasn't getting it from the person I wanted it from," he says, running his hands over my ass and up my sides.

I blush a bit, smiling to myself. "So are you saying you're not a slut anymore?"

"No, I'm still a slut," he says, grinning and kissing me gently. "But if you asked, I'd only be a slut for you."

I get shivers a bit. I start pushing up against him slightly and he grunts a bit, sliding deeper into me in response. I moan a little, clutching onto him. We look at each other for a while before I reach down between us. I grip the base of his cock and pull my hips back until he's no longer penetrating me. At the same time, I start sliding the condom off of him, letting it fall onto the bed. Holding his dick still, I ease back down onto it, taking him raw, breathing softly as we stare at each other. "Jake," he whispers, and I shush him, licking my lips as I ease him deeper into me.

When I'm as deep as I can go in this position, it clicks for us. We both hungrily start kissing, and he pushes his hips as far as he can against mine, getting deep in me. I moan against his mouth, feeling him thrust back and forth for a while until he wants to switch positions. He pulls out and has me turn over, back facing him as we lay on our sides. His cock nestles between my cheeks before sliding into me sharply. I let out a crying moan and he chuckles in my ear, covering my mouth with his hand and telling me to shush as he works his hips back and forth. He starts to move his hand away but I don't let him. I don't trust myself to keep quiet. I don't want to keep quiet. I moan against his palm as he fucks me deep, my own cock achingly hard.

And then he shifts even more, rolling so he's on top of me and I'm on my stomach, lifting my ass up for him. He sits up and then he pulls out almost all the way, just keeping maybe half the head in, spreading my cheeks before sinking into me deeply. "Oh my god," I moan out. I want to turn him on even more so I say "Fuck me, daddy." It works. He pushes my head into the mattress, pinning me down nicely as he thrusts. The bed shakes as we fuck. He doesn't go terribly fast, but the force and depth of his thrusts make the whole bedframe vibrate. I bite down on one of my knuckles as he works me over, getting so deep that my eyes are practically rolling. He's that size that's almost a smidge too big to handle, that makes me feel like it's just a little too much. It's perfect.

He wraps his arm around me and pulls me up, both of us on our knees as he keeps thrusting into me. He kisses my neck, biting and sucking on it teasingly, and with his free hand, he reaches around and squeezes my cock with a firm grip. He licks up to my ear, nibbling on the earlobe before moaning. "Where do you want my cum, baby boy?"

I throb in his grip. "Inside me," I say almost immediately. "Cum inside me."


"Please," I beg, reaching up to hold onto the arm he's got around me. "Please."

His breathing gets a little heavier in my ear and I listen to his moans change over the next minute as he reaches climax. His grip around me tightens as he cums inside of me, filling me with what feels to be a big load. His thrusts become erratic and twitchy as he does, presumably from the sensitivity, thrusting deep every few seconds before he relaxes, sitting back on his heels. I keep to his lap, catching my breath, resting my head against his shoulder. He laughs softly after a bit, slackening his grip but running his hands over my front. He teases my nipples slightly. "Such a good boy," he says softly.

I blush, smiling. "Remember when I said I think I died?"

He chuckles. "Yeah."

"I lied. Now I'm dead."

He laughs a little harder, kissing my cheek and letting his hands slide lower. His fingers graze over my cock, and when he notices it's still hard, he goes back to grab it. "Come back to life for me."

I moan softly from his touch, grabbing his wrist. "RJ—"

"Shhh," he says softly, stroking me slowly. The lube is laying on the bed nearby and he leans over to grab it, squirting some into his palm before tossing it away. Then he gets back to work, using his slick hand to stroke me, the wet noises practically echoing off the walls. He works every inch of me with a slow but steady stroke. "You got a third one in there for me?" he asks.

"You really are gonna kill me," I say, but I let him. It feels so good, with him still inside me, against his body, his facial hair scratching nicely at my neck, my pleasure at his command. He reaches around with his other hand and teases my balls as well, a couple of his fingers stroking my taint, making me bite my lip and hum with joy.

"Cum for me, baby," he says softly, and I do just that. It doesn't take more than a couple minutes for my body to warm up even more, my hips to thrust slightly into his fist, my cock to spew a third, impressively decent load along the front of me and all between his fingers. He teases me by wrapping a tight, wet fist around the head of my sensitive cock. I cry out, slapping his hand away, and he laughs. "Sorry." He gives my cock one last stroke before kissing my neck and then pulling away from me. I gasp when he pulls out, feeling a bit empty, but I'm so tired that I have little energy to really register the sensation. I lie down on my stomach, collapsing with a sigh.

He smiles at me softly from across the bed, just looking at me for a while. I like to think that he's admiring my body, and I chuckle to myself at that thought before he moves. He gets on all fours and bends down, kissing my thighs, then my ass, up my back, to my neck. "How you feeling?" he asks, touching me soothingly.

"I'm feeling a lot of things," I say, and he laughs. "But I'm good. Very good." I grab onto his arm. "Can we just lay here for a bit?"

He smiles. "Sure." He lies down on his side, cuddling up against me for a bit before I shift onto my side, nuzzling my face into his chest. I smile widely as he wraps his arms around me. I close my eyes and smile so hard that it hurts my cheeks. But it's a good hurt. A hurt that I welcome. That's happiness.

Next: Chapter 3

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