Ruby Red


Published on Sep 10, 2018


Ruby Red by RJ

This story is a simple, multi-part fiction about love between a college student and a recent post-grad. Any relation to someone or something in real-life is purely coincidential.

This installment contains an intro as well as the first chapter.

I'll be posting more unrelated stories in the future with a variety of interests/kinks, ranging from more vanilla things like romances to more perverted things like incest and ageplay. If you have any comments about my work, or even just want to chat, please don't hesitate to message me.

We all love this site dearly. Please support Nifty in any way that you can.


I've always been a party-goer. I love the energy, mingling, meeting new people, the innocent flirting. But tonight, I have no real interest. The only thing keeping me here is that I'm several drinks in and don't know what to do with myself.

"Cheer up, buddy," Wyatt says, patting my shoulder before setting his card down. A blue six.

It's my turn, but I have no cards to put down, so I pick one up. "Have I ever mentioned how much I fucking hate Uno?" I say, smiling slightly at him. I try and picture us from the outside – three pals sitting at a small round table in the corner of a room in the middle of a party—not quite a rager, but with plenty of rowdy drunks and loud music.

"Only once or twice." He grins a bit, turning to Khadija as she sifts through her cards. I look between the two of them—my best friends. Khadija, the artsy, ballsy civil rights girl, and Wyatt, the cheeky hybrid between punk and frat. I've had the strangest inkling that there's something romantic going on between the two of them, but either they both don't want to admit it, or they're hiding it from me. Even though I'm upset, I smile looking at the both of them. They have it easy. I'm a bit envious of that.

Khadija puts down a Draw 4 card and Wyatt gawks, causing us both to laugh at his misery. "Green, please and thank you," she says slyly before turning to me. She bites her lip. "Do you think your dad's actually gonna do anything?"

Only a half-hour ago did I listen to a lengthy voicemail from my father. We've never truly gotten along, but it seems he's finally found a way to justify his hate for me. Someone spilled the beans about me being gay. I imagine it's one of his friends from work. I had a mild fling with one of their sons, so maybe that's how he got word. I know it wasn't my mother. She's too protective of me to tell my father the truth. Not that it's any of his business.

It was a nasty voicemail. That's the best word for it, really. I'd been called all manner of names and slurs, received all sorts of threats. Half of me wishes I hadn't missed his call by a mere three minutes, because that half of me would have loved to lash back at him, but what was I going to do? Change his mind? He had already decided what he wanted out of me. He wanted to never see me again. He threatened to hurt me if he did. Classic fatherly homophobia.

I tried to pretend like it didn't upset me, but it did. A lot. I held my composure through the voicemail, but both Khadija and Wyatt noticed my mood shifting, my normally cheerful and upbeat personality completely dulling. And now, I could feel the breakdown coming, starting from the bottom left side of my chest and working its way up. That nauseating ache. "I gotta use the bathroom," I say in response, and I set my cards down, turning abruptly, and hurrying to find the nearest bathroom. I feel my lips start to tremble of their own accord and I practically trip trying to sprint into the bathroom, slamming it shut behind me and then finally letting myself go. I cry. It hurts my stomach to, and I drop to the floor, wrapping my arms around myself and letting myself cry it out for God knows how long. I hug my knees, sniffling, feeling the tears run down my cheeks, cursing my father until my body has finally had enough.

I feel a little weak and lightheaded by the time I stop crying. I look up towards the sink and get the idea to splash some cold water on my face. That usually helps. I stand up, taking deep breaths, wiping my nose with the back of my hand before I look at the mirror. I stand up straight, getting a good look at myself. My dad always said I "look like a faggot." But I don't see it. Slightly-below average height. Short, messy, dark brown hair, nearly black. Thick eyebrows. Hazel eyes. Strong jaw. Nothing about me screams "gay," except, if I'm on the hunt, how I carry my body. I run my hands down my torso a bit, picturing my body underneath it. Underneath my old Rage Against the Machine t-shirt and black skinny jeans is a lean, lightly toned figure. Pretty basic. Nothing too faggoty, except for maybe my ass. It's the ass that I'm most proud of. Probably my best weapon.

Just then, the door swings open, and I jump, clutching my chest. "Jesus Christ," I whisper.

"Oh, shit, sorry," someone says, chuckling. "I should have knocked." I look over at the guy in the doorway, and I involuntarily check him out, as one normally does when a gorgeous man stands shirtless in front of you. My eyes travel up from his waist, following the trail of hair up his perfectly toned body, to the facial scruff, to his light-brown eyes. He's looking at me with concern. "You okay?"

I blink. "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine," I say, clearing my throat. "Why?"

"Your eyes are all red," he says, pointing towards my face.

I feel my cheeks getting a little warm, and I look away. "Sorry."

"No need to apologize," he says, and I glance back at him. He's half-smiling at me, his eyebrows raised up in the center. He's cute. No, more than cute. A mix between boyishly adorable and devilishly sexy. That perfect pairing of boy and man in one body. He has that face that genuinely sweet boys have, but you can tell there's something more to him.

I realize I'm staring before I shake my head to clear my thoughts a bit. "Sorry, did you need the bathroom?"

"Just to wash this," he says, holding up a white t-shirt. Presumably, it was his undershirt, since he has a button-up slung over his shoulder. The t-shirt has a dark red stain on it. Wine, I'm guessing. "You mind?" he asks, stepping inside the bathroom, and I shake my head, moving away from the sink to give him room. I brush by him, since the bathroom is a bit small, and am about to leave before he asks "You sure you're okay?" I turn back, looking at him, and he's not even looking at me, just rubbing his thumbs into the stain as he sets it under the faucet. "I know it's probably a stupid question. Asking someone if they're okay when they're clearly not."

"Am I that clearly not okay?"

"Only slightly," he says.

I bite my lip. "It's not a big deal, really," I say. "I'm just a little emotional and a bit tipsy and my dad's an asshole."

"Ah, good ol' daddy issues?" he says, chuckling to himself, and I'm about to retort when he adds "Fun club we're in, huh?"

I look at him a bit, even more curious about him now, watching as he focuses on trying to get the stain out. He bites on his tongue lightly in concentration. I can't help but give him another once-over. His back is smooth and a little muscular, his arms the perfect amount of thickness. He's ideal—to me, at least. Tall, a little bit of hair, clearly fit but not all about fitness, not overly muscled. He has a softness about him, but he still looks strong. My eyes trail down his back, and my eyebrows raise a bit at seeing his ass fill out his jeans so well. I shake my head again, clearing my thoughts before they get any dirtier. "You're not gonna get the stain out that way," I say.

He sighs through his nose, holding it up above the sink. "Damn. I really like this shirt."

"It's a plain white t-shirt..."

"It was the most comfortable t-shirt I've ever had, for your information," he says, smirking at me.

I roll my eyes but smile anyway, coming closer and then snatching the shirt from him. "Step aside," I say, bumping him with my hip as an excuse to make body contact. He laughs, moving over as I sift through the medicine cabinet, finding some hydrogen peroxide. "I'll go take care of this," I say.


"My mom taught me an old trick. I'll try and save your shirt for you."

He grins. "I'd be eternally in your debt." We lock eyes, staring at each other for a few moments, seconds, who knows how long. I probably look like an absolute dork staring up at him. I suddenly am fearful that he can read my thoughts before he says "So, uh, I gotta piss." He points towards the toilet behind him with his thumb. "You're welcome to stay and all, but..." he says jokingly, holding back a laugh.

I blush, nodding. "Right. Sorry. I'll be downstairs and, uh, yeah." I bite my lip, trying not to smile at him before I turn and head out of the bathroom, my heart racing, and irritatingly so. When's the last time I had been so nervous like that in front of a boy? Never. I've always been sure, smoothly flirtatious, easy, but something about this guy—whatever his name is—excites me in a way that I haven't been in a long time. Maybe ever.

When I head downstairs, I realize it's quiet. There's no music, and it seems like everyone has essentially left, save for a few stragglers. Party's over, I suppose. I start to wonder how long I'd been up in that bathroom when Stevie comes into the kitchen from around the corner and smiles at the sight of me, clearly surprised. "Jakey! You're still here!" He comes over and pulls me into a hug and I laugh a bit, hugging him back. I have a particular fondness for Stevie. He's an absolute dreamboat—handsome Taiwanese American with a slight Aussie accent, wickedly intelligent, kind-hearted and upbeat. I suppose I'd date him if he wasn't straight, but I kind of like that about him. We've only known each other for the span of a semester but he was completely unfazed about me being gay. Didn't treat me any differently when I told him. I suppose that I'm rather not used to that sort of treatment. The only other person to treat my homosexuality as almost extraneous information is Wyatt.

"Where is everyone?" I ask when I pull back.

"Had to kick `em out," he says, shrugging. "Neighbors threatened to call the cops so we had to shut it down again." He rolls his eyes and I laugh. This isn't the first time I've been over Stevie's apartment and had parties end barely before they'd begun. He glances down at my hands. "Whatcha got there?"

I hold up the shirt. "I'm on laundry duty," I joke, laughing. He's about to say something back but is interrupted by one of his friends. He excuses himself, and I nod, heading towards the sink to try and clean out the stain with the peroxide and a bit of dish soap. I scrub lightly and only just start soaking it in a bowl when I feel hands on my shoulders, followed by that already-familiar voice. "Any luck?"

I can tell it's the mystery man without even turning around. "Let it sit for a bit and it'll be brand spankin' new," I say, gesturing towards the bowl.

He chuckles. "I hope so," he says. "If it works, kiss your mom for me."

"Will do." But he doesn't hear my response because he gets roped into a conversation with Stevie. I turn around looking at them both. Stevie's friend is wearing his button-up, a simple short-sleeved grey shirt that's completely opened, and I find myself itching to run my fingers through the soft-looking hair on his body. I only come to when Stevie addresses me.

"Yo, Jakey, we're gonna head out."

"Oh. Okay." I bite my lip, looking around. "Uh, should I leave then?" Stupid question. This isn't my apartment, of course I should leave.

"Do you need a ride or something?" he asks.

"Uh... hold on." I pull out my phone from my back pocket, finding a few missed messages from Khadija, saying that she and Wyatt are waiting up for me. I also see two missed calls from my mom, which makes me pause. I had forgotten all about the argument with my dad.

"You could just come with us," Stevie's friend suggests, making me look up.

Stevie hops on board immediately. "A fantastic idea. Why don't you come out with us?"

"Me?" I blush slightly. "I think I'm all partied out, guys," I say with a slight laugh.

"No party," Stevie says. "We're just going to a buddy's to lounge out, nothing crazy. He just got an insanely huge new TV so we're just gonna go over, eat, chill, maybe watch a movie. It's still early."

I glance at my phone. It's 11pm. I bite my lip, looking between them both. "I don't wanna impose or anything."

"Nonsense. You're coming," Stevie says, coming over to me and swinging his arm around my neck.

I can't help but laugh and let him steer me away. "Alright, alright," I say, smiling. I make eye contact with his friend as we walk by and he winks at me.

I text my friends as RJ drives us in his car for no more than ten minutes, where we arrive at their friend's small, two-bedroom home. Their friend greets us from the front door, standing in his boxers and a t-shirt and waving and pointing at where we should park on the street. When we head up, Stevie leads the way, hugging his friend before turning to me. "Jake, this is our old pal Bobby."

"Sup, kid?" he says, nodding at me with a drunken smile. He looks a bit older, but it could just be the facial hair, coupled with the unmistakable dad-bod hidden underneath his sports shirt.

Stevie pats my shoulder. "Bobby, this is Jake. He was in my psychology of sex class, that's how we met. Smart as a whip, only a freshman." I blush a bit, laughing at his unnecessary introduction. I'm glad I met him when I did. We sat next to each other in class, and he struck up a conversation, and we were instantly friends. I'm sad that this is his last semester.

"Nice to meet you," I say, nodding.

"Oh, shit, I didn't even introduce you to RJ," Stevie says, pulling the mystery man to him. So that's his name. RJ. "RJ, Jake. Jake, RJ," he says, pointing between both of us. "The `R' stands for Rueben, in case you're curious. RJ has been my best mate since... well, since high school, yeah?"

"Pretty much," he says, patting Stevie's stomach playfully.

"Love at first sight," Stevie teases, kissing RJ's cheek, and we all laugh. "RJ's my roommate—I'm surprised you guys haven't come across each other yet, now that I think about it, but whatever."

"Enough talking," Bobby interjects, waving us in. "Come look at this fucking TV."

We all head inside and are immediately faced with a TV that covers almost the whole wall. It's a bit obnoxious, but it fits the room nicely, like you're up close and personal with the movie theater screen without breaking your neck or getting a headache. He's got some random music video on it, scantily-clad girls dancing about for the camera. "Take a seat, take a seat," Bobby says, pointing to the pillows and blankets on the floor around a glass coffee table. "Dig in to the leftovers, otherwise Marsha will kill me."

At my confused look, RJ leans and says "Marsha's his stepmom. Killer chef."

"Damn right she is," Bobby says, chuckling before shifting his sights between each of the three of us. "Drinks? Drinks?" He points at me. "You 21?"

Stevie laughs. "Does he look 21 to you?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" Bobby challenges before turning to me. "So, what, are you 18? 19?"

I bite my lip. "Yeah," I lie.

Bobby nods. "Still a baby." He shakes his head. "Just behave yourself with the drinks," he says, heading into the kitchen and coming back with two six-packs of hard cider and a bottle of whiskey under his arm.

We all get seated around the coffee table, resting against the couches that are in U-shape facing the television. I sit at the head of the table, with RJ on my left, who's next to Stevie. Bobby gets the whole other side to himself. I watch them dig into the food, what look like empanadas and authentic chips and dip, but I'm not particularly hungry. I sip on an Angry Orchard and mostly watch them interact and joke and laugh for a while. At one point, RJ's ex-girlfriend comes up in conversation, which Stevie and Bobby enjoy teasing him about. RJ just blushes and rolls his eyes, suggesting that we watch a movie instead of torturing him. It takes us a bit to settle on what to watch, but Bobby chooses Cloud Atlas, and the mood of the room changes dramatically. The guys are focused on the film, offering a little commentary here and there but otherwise staying quiet.

I'm barely paying attention. After a while, bored of the movie, I start unintentionally thinking about my dad. But I try to shut him out. I think about my mom instead. I should call her in the morning, let her know that I'm okay. See what she has to say, if she has any advice. I'm already planning out specifically what I want to say when I hear a sharp snore that startles me. I look over at Bobby, who has fallen asleep on the floor nearby.

RJ chuckles next to me. "I knew this movie was boring."

I blink, looking at him. "It's not that bad," I say, smiling.

"Sure. Just not my kind of film." He looks at me, smiling. "You into this?"

"No, not at all," I say, laughing.

"I had a feeling." He bites his lip as he stands up, looking around for the remote. I notice Stevie is on the couch, fast asleep. It's just me and RJ. RJ finds the remote and turns down the volume to barely background noise before sitting back down with a sigh.

"Looks like we're the last ones standing," I say.

RJ cocks an eyebrow at me before turning and seeing Stevie fast asleep. "Guess so," he says with a laugh, looking back at me as he takes a swig of his cider. Bobby snores again. "Is that our cue?"

I laugh. "Weirdly enough, I'm not that tired."

"Weirdly enough, neither am I." RJ smiles at me for a bit, and I have to look away so that I don't smile at him like a total dork. "So," he says, sliding a little closer to me, resting his back comfortably against Stevie's couch, "what's a kid doing in college?"

"I'm not a kid," I say.

"I'm just teasing," he says. "Kinda."

I laugh a little. "I get it, I'm young."

"Way younger than me, at least."

I look at him curiously. "By how much?"

"I'm twenty-five."

"Oh wow," I say, laughing.

"Practically ancient to you, right?"

"No, you're not that bad," I say, biting my lip. "So you're out of school?"

"Yep. Took me forever though. Only just graduated last spring."

"What'd you study?"


My eyes open wide. "Wow, I'm impressed."

"Nothing that impressive," he says, but I swear his cheeks get a little redder, even in this dim lighting.

"I guess I'm just surprised. You don't look like you'd study chemistry."

"Yeah? What does one who studies chemistry look like?" he asks with an amused grin.

"Never mind," I say, laughing.

"Here," he adds, lifting his ass to pull out his phone. "This might help." He scrolls through something on his screen before handing his phone to me, showing me a picture of him and a girl in lab coats. He also has on big, thick-framed glasses.

"There he is," I say, and he laughs. "Are those like, safety glasses?"

"Nope. Those are my regular glasses."

"Damn dude. They're interesting," I say, zooming in a bit. "Super nerdy, but with a vintage pornstar flair."

He grins as I hand him back his phone. "Would you buy my videos?"

"I'd be broke watching you," I say, and we both laugh a little harder than necessary.

Stevie stirs, groaning. "Shut up," he mumbles sleepily. "Some people are trying to sleep here."

RJ messes with Stevie's hair. "Sorry buddy, we'll be quiet," he says. Stevie mumbles something but drifts back into sleep almost immediately, and I hold my mouth so that I don't giggle. RJ smiles at me. "C'mon. Let's go talk somewhere else." He stands up, his cider in one hand, his hand outstretched to me. I take it, and he pulls me up to my feet. I half-expect him to hold my hand but he lets go, and I brush myself off before following him.

He leads me to a bedroom, which is a bit messy just because there are clothes all over the floor. "Bobby's room?" I ask, looking around.

"Yeah. Used to be my room, actually," RJ says, glancing at the lack of personality in the room. There's nothing on the walls whatsoever. Just the bare minimum furnishings.


"Yeah. I lived here with my mom when I was younger. Bobby's aunt bought the place a few years ago." I watch him as he looks around, clearly reminiscing about something. "Tons of memories in this little house."

"I'd like to hear a couple," I say, smiling. He grins back at me before hopping onto the twin bed and patting a spot on the mattress nearby him.

We sit in bed for nearly an hour, swapping stories about our childhoods, where we've moved to and from, a bit about our family lives. I find out that he has a couple sisters, and a mom that he's super close with, and a dad who's in prison. I tell him a little about my mom too, but mostly about her boyfriend Ty, who's been more of a dad to me than my own father. I miss him, and make a mental note to call him tomorrow. I feel like I'm getting to know the kind of person RJ is by watching him speak, especially about his mom, but also by the way he listens to me. How he leans in, focuses on me when I speak, asks appropriate and curious questions. It's so easy to talk to him. He's funny, compassionate, loving, maybe a little sad too. All of it makes it easy to open up to him, to relate to him.

After a while he yawns, trying to catch himself, but I smile. "Tired?" I ask.

"Getting there."

"Maybe we should get some sleep. It's really fucking late."

He laughs, nodding in agreement. "You're not wrong." He stands up, stretching slightly before he takes off his shirt and then, before I can respond, starts undoing his belt and fly. He pulls his jeans to his ankles, stepping out of them as well as his socks and just leaving him in his underwear. I bite my lip slightly, watching him climb back into bed. This time, he gets under the covers before looking at me. "You coming?" he asks.

"Uh. Yeah," I say, laughing nervously. I'm not sure how undressed I should get. I settle with taking off just my pants, my t-shirt long enough to cover most of what's trapped in my briefs. I lick my lips a bit as I get into bed on the opposite side, sliding in next to RJ. It's a small bed, and I'm barely on it when I find our legs fully touching. "Is, uh, is there any more room?"

He chuckles. "Not on this side."

"Right." I sigh a bit, closing my eyes for a moment, willing myself not to get hard.

"Here," he says, and he shifts a bit before I notice his arm sliding to my side of the bed, behind me. I look over at his face and he nods. I hesitate for a moment before laying down on my side, resting my head on his chest. I feel his hand press against my back for support. I'm fully aware that my bulge is pressed against his thigh, and I spend too much time being frozen against him that I just don't bother moving. He doesn't say anything about it either, so I figure it's not a bother.

I realize I'm pretty tense, not wanting to make him uncomfortable but also realizing that he's the one who initiated this. He's fine. So I relax, sinking into him a bit, listening to his faint heartbeat, my hand on his warm torso. I close my eyes, and after a moment, he speaks. "Can I ask you something?"

I swallow thickly. "Sure."

"Why were you upset earlier?" he asks, and when I don't respond, he adds "At the party."

"I... uh..."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I was just being nosy."

"No, no, it's alright," I say, taking a breath. "My dad, um, found out that I'm gay."

I expect a pause, maybe for RJ to take in that information, but he doesn't miss a beat. "And didn't take it too well, obviously."

I can't help but laugh a little. "Obviously."

"How'd he find out?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," I say, and I feel him rubbing my back soothingly, almost affectionately.

"Well I guess that doesn't really matter. What matters is how he responded."

"Yeah," I say, nodding. "It's not a huge loss, honestly," I say. "We've never gotten along."

"Maybe that's how you should see it, then."

"What do you mean?"

"I know it hurts, but he wants you to hurt. You have to show him that his opinion doesn't matter. Because it doesn't."

"Shouldn't it?"

He gives me a little squeeze. "It should, but since his opinion isn't valid, it doesn't."

I rest against RJ's chest comfortably, finding myself sinking into sleep a bit. I've rarely felt so at peace. "You're an alright guy, RJ." I reach up and pat his cheek.

He laughs softly, whispering "Shut up" and moving my hand away. At the same time, he pulls me a little closer, letting out a long sigh to signal that he's relaxed. I smile to myself, closing my eyes, and before I know it, I'm asleep.

When I wake up, somehow, RJ is spooning me, his arm draped gently across me and his body pressed nicely against my backside. My heart starts racing feeling his morning wood pressed against my ass, his soft breaths against my head. I bite my lip, my own cock starting to harden in my briefs, but I don't move just yet. I stay resting, enjoying the sensation of him up against me like this for as long as I can before, after a few minutes, he shifts a bit in his sleep, grunting slightly as his hips push more up against me but otherwise not waking up. I swallow thickly, resisting every urge to grind my ass into his crotch. But I don't totally trust myself. I slip out of bed. I need water anyway. I hold his arm up carefully and very slowly slide away from him before standing up, adjusting myself and looking at him. I smile. He looks so cute and vulnerable as he sleeps, hair a little messy, face relaxed. I grab my phone from the nightstand, checking my missed messages. I see that both Khadija and Wyatt have texted and called multiple times, and I respond with just a quick "I'm okay, don't worry" to each of them. I text my mom too, telling her that we can meet up later.

When I get into the kitchen, I search around for glasses. I find one in one of the upper cabinets and fill it up from the tap, taking a sip and looking out the window. It's a cloudy sort of morning, and it looks like it's cold outside, but that's all I really notice because Stevie comes up behind me. "Hey, there he is," he says, causing me to jump a bit. I turn, and he's rubbing his eyes, yawning. "Sleep okay?"

"Yeah, I did, thanks," I say, smiling a little.

"Where's RJ?" he asks, looking in the cabinets and grabbing a mug.

"Still asleep upstairs," I say, taking another sip.

"Oh?" Stevie looks at me and grins a bit, pausing. "So, you two... y'know?" He grins at me with a knowing expression, looking me up and down, and I see what he's getting at.

"What? Me and RJ? No," I say, laughing.

"Really? I'm surprised." He shrugs a bit, heading to the coffee machine.

I swallow slightly. "Why surprised?"

"I don't know. You seemed pretty into him." I blush a bit, busying myself with my cup. Was I that obvious? Then he adds, "And he you."

I blink. "Huh?"

He turns as he pours in coffee grinds, looking at me with a confused expression. "What, you didn't know?"

"Didn't know what?" Was he looking at me a certain way and I just didn't notice? Was he dropping hints all night? Were we actually flirting or was he just being his playful, albeit straight self?

"He, uh, gets the best of both worlds, we'll say," he says with a chuckle. "And plenty of it."

I bite my lip. So RJ is bisexual or something. That's perfect. But then, Stevie's comment catches me off guard. "Plenty of it?"

"Oh yeah. RJ is the unofficial king among our friend group," he says casually. "No commitments. Gets action on the regular without even trying. Makes it look like cake. And since he plays both markets..." He shrugs. "Lucky chap."

So RJ gets around. And by the way Stevie made it seem, he's surprised RJ and I didn't sleep together. I wonder how much RJ actually sleeps around. If I'm exaggerating it in my head. Stevie could just be overstating things. But even so, I wonder if I have a chance with this guy. The opportunity is there.

Stevie's phone rings, so I make my way back upstairs, trying to figure out what I want to say. If I want to say anything. Maybe RJ's just not into me. And if he is, maybe it's nothing more than a sexual attraction, which wouldn't fare well for me since I know my attraction for him is already beyond that. It's only been one night and I have something for him. Little inklings of feelings. I want to know him more.

When I get back to the room, he's asleep still. I try to get back into bed without making too much noise, but all the shifting causes him to groan and stir. I look down at him and his eyes flutter open a bit, so I stay sitting up against the headboard. "Morning," he says groggily.

"Morning to you too."

"What time is it?"

"Barely 8."

"Okay, good," he says, yawning and stretching. He moves onto his back as he stretches. The covers shift and I get a good view of his happy trail disappearing under the blanket.

"Why, do you have plans?" I ask.

"Unofficially," he says. "Stevie and I usually get breakfast after a party."

"So, every morning?" I tease.

He grins, looking up at me. "Excuse me?"

"I mean, every good frat boy likes parties a little too much."

"Fuck off," he says, laughing and slapping my leg playfully. "I'm not a frat boy."

"You have some frat-ish qualities."



"What is with you and parties?"

"I'm just teasing," I say with a laugh. "I don't think you're like that."

"What do you think I'm like, then?" he asks, smiling.

I pause, looking at him. "Well. You're very relaxed, toned down, easy to talk to. Personable, even to strangers, like me, so even though you're not obviously outgoing, you can be. But you also have this little shy quality about you. I'd say you're kind of like an open book, but the kind of book that knows people have to put forth the effort to read it."

He chuckles. "Is that your professional opinion?"

I shrug. "I know someone who you remind me of."

He nods, thinking it over. "It's pretty accurate, I'd say."


He laughs softly, looking at me before saying "Should I do you now?"

Feeling a little more audacious now that I know his sexuality, I grin slightly. "Do me."

He grins back, just staring at me for a few moments before speaking up. "Even though you were a nervous wreck last night—"

"Hey!" I shove him playfully.

He laughs. "What? Deny me. You were a nervous wreck, and I get it. Maybe because of your dad, maybe because you hung out with a bunch of big frat boys," he adds in a mocking tone, making me laugh. "But I think you're very outgoing. Maybe even a little crazy, when you're comfortable. And you're rarely uncomfortable. You can talk to anyone, be yourself around everyone, rarely lose your energy, and you usually don't care what people think, save for a select few. You're probably loud, under normal circumstances."

I nudge him in the stomach with my knee. "Now you fuck off," I say, blushing and laughing.

"What?" he says, smirking and resting his hand on my bare knee to keep me from nudging him again. "Am I wrong?"

I bite my lip. "I guess not."

"Thought so." He pats my leg before rolling onto his back, scratching his chest and saying "It's okay, I still like you." I try not to smile too widely, looking away before he adds "Hey, why don't you come get breakfast with us?"


He tilts his head towards me, grinning. "You're always so surprised when we ask you to hang."

"I don't know. It's still strange to me when a bunch of... well, guys like you wanna hang with a little gay boy like me."

He laughs. "There's more to people than who they like to fuck, you know," he says, shrugging. "Besides, you'd be surprised how much my group of friends couldn't care less."

I get the feeling he's hinting at his own sexuality. "Yeah?"

"Trust me. No one will bat an eyelash." He rolls back onto his side, looking at me. "So? You gonna come with?"

"Do you want me to come with?" I ask coyly.

He just smiles, standing up and stretching his arms a bit. "Yes, I want you to come with," he says in a slightly mocking voice. He bends over to grab his shirt off the floor.

I laugh, looking up at the ceiling with just my eyes. "Then I guess I'll come."

A moment later, there's a knock on the door. "Yo, you guys in here?" It's Stevie's voice.

"Perfect timing. Come in," RJ says, not looking away from me until Stevie comes up behind him and slaps his ass. "Morning, handsome," RJ says, grinning.

"Hey, beautiful. Listen, I can't do breakfast today."

RJ frowns. "Don't tell me it's because you have plans with Sarah."

"It's because I have plans with Sarah," Stevie says, putting his arm around RJ.

RJ rolls his eyes but smiles at me. "He's always breaking tradition for this girl."

"She's the one, I'm telling you." He pokes RJ's chest with his index finger. "Just you wait."

"Whatever. Get out," RJ teases, pushing him away and laughing. "Go fall in love."

"You know you're the only one for me," Stevie says cheekily before backing towards the door. "Let me know what you're doing later. Or I'll just see you back at the apartment?"

"Probably the latter."

"Cool. And you," Stevie adds, pointing at me. "I'll see you around?"

I look from him to RJ and then back before nodding, smiling. "Hope so." Stevie smiles and then dips out of the room, calling for Bobby.

RJ chuckles slightly to himself. "And then there were two," he says.

"Maybe I should leave so it can be one," I tease before laughing at his expression. He pretends to look offended before throwing his shirt at my face.

"Is my company that bad?" he asks.

"No," I say, crossing my legs and looking up at him. "I've grown rather fond of your company."

He smiles, laughing through his nose, and I notice a little tinge of red in his cheeks. He glances at me. "Breakfast, then?"

"Breakfast, then."

We both get dressed in our clothes from the night before, washing up only slightly before he drives us to his favorite local diner. He knows all the waitresses. Every single one. The range in age, from teen to borderline elderly, but they all smile at him or otherwise fawn over him, calling him "doll" and "sweetie" and "handsome" when they say hello. It would be intimidating, and almost a little irritating, if it wasn't for how he blushed nearly every time while responding in an innocently-flirty way.

"You're pretty popular around here," I say after we choose a booth and put our order in.

He shrugs, smiling to himself. "I'm a regular customer."

"It's not just that."

"What is it then?" he asks, cocking his eyebrow.

"I mean..." I gesture to his face and he laughs. "Plus you're charming as hell."

"I don't try to be."

"That's why you're charming as hell."

He blushes again. "They're just a nice group of girls, is all."

"Uh huh. They're in love with you," I say, taking a sip of my water. "Or at the very least, very, very sexually attracted to you."

He bursts out laughing, but it's a short laugh. "Yeah, right."

"I am right. Prepare for a reverse gangbang of sorts," I say, grinning.

"I don't think I can handle that," he says with a laugh.

"Don't be humble. I've heard otherwise."

He looks back at me, narrowing his eyes. "What do you mean?"

I shrug. "Stevie told me some things."

"Oh?" He grins, leaning in a bit. "What things?"

"Something about a king," I tease, shrugging.

He laughs, knowing exactly what I'm talking about. "So now you think I'm a slut."

"I don't know," I say, laughing.

"Does it bother you?" he asks me.

I blink, pausing. "Does what bother me?"

"That I sleep around."

I didn't expect him to admit it. "I... no. Sorry."

He smiles at me softly, thinking something over. "Did you not have your slut phase yet?"

"I mean, okay, once upon a time, but I grew out of it."

"You're like 12." I kick him under the table and he winces, laughing. "Sorry, 13," he teases.

"Listen. Everyone's different. I'm not like you."

"Why not?" he asks.

"I guess I'm just picky who I sleep with."

He grins. "And I'm not picky who I sleep with?"

I stare at him for a while before sighing, putting my hands in my face. "You're gonna make me feel like such a dick, I can feel it."

He laughs amicably, running his fingers through his hair. "I just wanna see where you're coming from. I mean, you're pretty flirtatious."

I blush, smiling at him. "Sure."

"And you have the looks to back it up."

I try not to smile so widely. "If you say so."

"But you don't take it further."

He's being vague and it makes me antsy. Was that a subtle invitation? To take it further with him? "I don't know. It depends," I say, shrugging. "I've been hurt before, so now, now it's about trust. Not only trusting my gut but actually listening to it. Knowing when something is right." I bite my lip. "Does that make sense?"

He smiles, nodding. "Makes perfect sense." He fiddles with his straw lightly, still looking at me. "But flirting can just be for fun. Sex can just be for fun. It doesn't always have to mean something, right?"

Just then, a lady comes waddling over with a coffee pot and stops at our booth, smiling widely at RJ. "Heard you were in, Ruby," she says happily, leaning down and then kissing his cheek while setting a small plate down in front of him.

"I'd be upset if you didn't come and say hi," he says with a bright smile.

She chuckles softly to herself, patting his shoulder. "Of course I'd come say hi. I have to personally provide the free pie."

"You need to stop giving me free pie, Celia, I'm gonna take it for granted," he says with a laugh, looking down at the fresh piece of apple pie in front of him.

"And you need to start accepting my free meals," she says in a playfully stern voice. "No more sneaking money to my waitresses. F. R. E. E."

He smiles bashfully. "Alriiiight, whatever."

She ruffles his hair a bit before turning to me. "And who's this?" she asks sweetly.

I'm about to speak when RJ introduces me. "This is Jake, from school. Jake, this is Celia, the owner of this fine establishment."

"Well, nice to meet you, Jake from school," she says, and I laugh, shaking her hand.

"What do you think, Celia?" he asks, looking at me. "He's cute, isn't he?"

"Downright pretty, I'd say. Look at those features."

She points at various spots on my face and I laugh, my face getting hot. "Alright, you can stop teasing."

She laughs too before resting her hand on her stomach. "Did you want a slice too, honey?"

"No, I'm okay, thank you." I smile up at her.

She smiles back before she leans down and kisses RJ's cheek again. "I'll leave you guys to it. Come back soon, you hear me?"

"Without a doubt," he says, smiling at her as she walks away, leaving him laughing.

"She seems fun," I say.

"Oh she's the best," he says, smiling. "Practically family. And she makes a killer pie." He takes a bite and, as he chews, slides the plate over to me. "Try it." He holds out his fork for me to take.

I bite my lip a bit and shrug, accepting his fork and taking a piece of the pie, practically moaning when it melts in my mouth. "Wow."

He laughs, taking back the plate. "Wow is right."

Eventually, our food comes, and we sit and chat for almost an hour, talking about random shit, really. But the conversation flows without pause long after our meals are cleared. It gets harder being in his presence after a while because I'm so into him. We think in similar ways, but are different enough for conversations to be interesting, for me to want to engage him more and more. And he's so beautiful. At times, when he talks, I find myself just staring at him adoringly. No wonder he's so popular amongst the ladies. A hot guy who's actually a sweet, kind person? How rare is that? The only thing that makes me nervous is his earlier comment. About sex just being for fun. And I get it. I used to be like that. But I changed. I no longer let just anyone in, not like that. But him, him I would.

He's sipping on his coffee when we're interrupted by his phone ringing. He glances down at the screen to see who's calling and then something dawns on him. He swears and quickly answers the phone, saying "Dude... I completely forgot." He talks on the phone, sounding a little flustered at first, but clearly making plans for something with a bunch of his friends. After a minute or so, he says he has to go home and change and then hangs up. He sighs, glancing at me. "Sorry."

"Sounds important."

"I completely lost track of the days," he says, rubbing his face. "I feel bad leaving you."

"No, no, it's okay," I say, waving him off. "Go out with your friends."

"You sure? Don't you need a ride or something?"

I smile. "I have options."

"You can just stay at my apartment if you want?"

"No, really, it's okay," I say, laughing. "Go, so you're not late."

He bites his lip a bit, seeming to hesitate before he stands up. He pulls out his wallet, setting down a couple twenties on the table. "That should cover it."

"That's way too—"

"Shut up," he says, smiling, and I blush. "So, uh... Guess I'll see you around, yeah?" he says.

I look up, smiling back. "Hope so." He nods and turns, quickly heading out of the diner, saying goodbye to some of the waitresses. I watch him leave, watch him head to his car and fumble with his keys a bit. I bite my lip a bit, my heart racing before I down my water and then practically run out of the diner. "Hey! Wait!"

RJ turns, the driver door wide open, about to step in. He smiles at the sight of me, laughing when I get to him lightly panting. "You okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, just." I swallow, taking a breath. "I wanna see you again."

"Yeah?" he asks, smirking.

"Yeah. Plus, I owe you for breakfast."

He bites his bottom lip slightly. "That you do."

I rock on my feet a bit, smiling like a dork. "So. Soon, I hope?"

"How about tonight?"


"Tonight. I should be back around dinner time, if all goes well."

"What are you even doing today?"

"Big outdoor concert shindig that my buddies and I promised we'd help set up for. Just some volunteer stuff."

I smile. "That's sweet of you."

He laughs, slightly biting his bottom lip again as he looks at me. "So, yeah. Just show up at my place later. If I'm not there, Stevie will be."

I nod a little, smiling. "Okay. See you then."

"See you."

I'm about to turn away when he stops me, his fingers hooking smoothly into my belt at the front and tugging me into him. He leans down and before I know it, his lips are against mine. I moan softly, kissing him back, pressing up against him lightly as our lips move against each other. A hint of tongue and then he pulls me in a little deeper, and I know he can feel my hard-on through my jeans because he nudges at it lightly with his finger when he pulls back. He licks his lips and smiles.

"Fuck," I groan, both of us laughing before he pushes me away playfully.

"That's incentive for later," he says, giving me another once-over before putting one foot in his car.

I look him up and down. "Not that I needed it."


When I arrive later that night, a girl answers the door, looking at me curiously. She gives me a very "Who the fuck are you?" look. When I tell her I'm looking for RJ it seems to dawn on her, and she smiles sweetly, letting me in, announcing my arrival to the rest of the apartment. We both go into the sitting area, where RJ and Stevie are sitting on opposite sides of the coffee table, playing chess of all things. "They've been at it for over an hour," the girl whispers to me, sighing. "I just wanted to get dinner."

"We'll get dinner soon, babe, we're almost done," Stevie says to her, eyes still focused on RJ, who's studying the board intensely. The girl must be Stevie's love interest, but we don't do introductions.

Finally, RJ makes his move, saying "Check!" with a smug grin, and Stevie swears under his breath, calculating his options. RJ glances at me and smiles, patting the spot next to him. I smile and join him on the couch as Sarah joins Stevie on the opposite side. I kick off my shoes and sit on my hip a bit, half-facing RJ. "Hey," he says in a low voice to me, smiling. I notice his eyes linger on my lips.

"Hey yourself." I smile back at him, feeling his hand rest on my thigh. Part of me wishes I wore shorts, for that skin-on-skin contact. But I'm wearing a casual short-sleeved button up that's tucked into my jeans. He, on the other hand, is wearing a sweater and some short athletic shorts. I could touch his thighs if I wanted. "Think you're gonna win?"

"Oh I know I'm gonna win," RJ says, looking back at Stevie, who just whispers "Fuck off." He hesitantly makes a move before committing to it and then sits back, glancing at RJ. I watch him rather than the board, finding his concentration intriguing. Finally, he smiles and leans forward, moving a piece halfway across the board. "I believe that's what they call checkmate?"

Stevie gawks, his eyes darting all around the board before slumping back in his chair. "You fucker," he says with a laugh.

Sarah perks up. "Is it over?"

"Yes, darling, it's over," Stevie says, absentmindedly stroking her hair.

"Good. Let's go eat." She stands up quickly, tugging on his hand to get him up.

He relents, chuckling a bit as he stumbles to his feet. "I want a rematch tomorrow," he says, pointing to RJ as Sarah drags him out of the room.

"We'll see," RJ says with a laugh.

"You kids behave yourselves!" Stevie cries out before the front door slams shut, leaving me and RJ chuckling softly to ourselves.

"Congrats," I say, rubbing his back from over his sweater. The sweater looks cozy, and feels soft as hell.

"Thanks," he says, smiling at me. "You want anything to drink?" he asks before standing up. "Water? Wine?"

"I try not to drink two nights in a row," I say with a laugh.

"Up to you, buddy."

I bite my lip. "I'll stick with water."

He disappears into the kitchen for merely a few moments, coming back with two cold water bottles. He tosses one to me and I catch it, cracking it open and taking a swig as I watch him put his water on the coffee table and then sit back down next to me. "So, where'd you go all dressed up today?"

I laugh. "You call this dressed up?"

"I call it looking nice."

I grin. "Just another day, is all." He nods, looking me over, and I laugh. "I didn't do much," I say, setting the bottle down. "Saw my mom today. Got a few things straightened out concerning my dad."

"Anything good?"

"I guess. My mom's boyfriend, Ty? He's very reserved, usually, but he's super protective of me, so he was... not pleased. Suggested a restraining order. My mom has one against him already."

"Jesus," RJ says softly. "That bad?"

"I don't know," I say, shrugging. "I'm not that bothered by it." When RJ looks at me questionably, I lean in, patting his hand. "Honest."

RJ nods, smiling, his hand on my thigh again, rubbing with his thumb lightly. "You feeling a little better then?"

"Yeah. A lot better, actually." I smile at him. "I think I just needed a little time to process it. And you helped a lot."

RJ smiles. "Good."

We kind of just smile at each other for a moment before I hit his upper arm playfully. "How was your concert thing?"

"God, it was awful," he says with a laugh, shaking his head. "I mean, it wasn't that bad. We raised a ton of money, which is great, but the music was just terrible."

I laugh. "How terrible?"

"Like... country folk with underground punk vocals."

I try to picture it in my head. "Those things don't mix," I say, laughing.

"No, they don't." RJ leans his head back against the couch, slouching a bit to get more comfortable, his arm now resting over my leg casually. With his free hand, he adjusts his crotch a little as he spreads his legs. On his other hand, his fingers play with my jeans a bit.

"What's the money being raised for?"

"The youth center," he says, smiling to himself. "The place upstate is decrepit, and those places mean a lot to me so I try to help anyway that I can." He says this looking off into nothing, as if just introspectively. I reach out and comb his hair with my fingers and he closes his eyes, smiling softly for a moment before looking up at me. "I missed you."

My chest flutters a bit in surprise and I chew on my bottom lip for a moment. "Already?" I tease, giggling.

"Shut up," he says, laughing softly. He looks so calm as I run my fingers through his hair.

I think it over for only a moment before deciding "Fuck it." I sit up a bit only to swing my leg over his lap and straddle him. He opens his eyes, cocking one eyebrow as he looks up at me, sitting on his lap, my hands on his chest. I feel his hands rest on my hips. "I thought about you pretty much all day. Is that lame?"

He chuckles. "No."

I smile, playing with his sweater a bit. "And that kiss... at the diner..." I bite my lip a bit. "That was unexpected."

"What, you didn't expect it to be good?" he asks with a grin.

"No, I knew it'd be good. I just didn't expect you to do it."

He smiles up at me, resting his forearms up my thighs and holding onto my belt. "It was bound to happen," he says, looking at my belt as if studying it. "I resisted kissing you all last night."

"Really?" I ask, looking at him. "Why?"

"Because you were upset, even after we talked," he says, glancing up at me a little. "You tried not to let on but I could tell, I'm good at that sort of thing. And it'd be super scummy of me to come on to you when you're, y'know, feeling some type of way."

I smile a little, reaching up and combing his hair again, feeling something in my chest. He's so goddamn cute and so sweet, which only makes me want to ravage him right now. "Well, I'm better now," I say, looking at him.

He looks up at me with a slight open-mouthed grin, looking me up and down a bit before tapping his lips with his index finger as a signal. I lean down and kiss him, pressing our lips together with a gentle firmness. Immediately both our bodies move slightly against each other, him arching into me a bit more. I pull back, breathing against his lips a bit, and he waits for me to kiss him again. And so I do, making the kiss deeper. He starts to sit up as we kiss, his arm holding the small of my back before he shifts me comfortably in his lap, him sitting up straight, and me getting my legs wrapped around him. He kisses me more deeply, and I start moaning a bit, my face and body getting warm as we get more into it.

Then I feel his hands firmly grip my ass before he picks me up, and I gasp a bit, holding onto him with a laugh against his lips. "I gotchu," he says, kissing me, carrying me almost effortlessly to his bedroom. He lays me down gently onto the bed and climbs over me, our lips still attached until I break the kiss to catch my breath. I look up at him as my hands slide down to the hem of his sweater before tugging it towards the top of his body. He smiles, letting me take his shirt off of him and then toss it to the floor. He sits up on his knees, basically straddling me as I run my fingers over the hair on his body. My cock twitches in my jeans and I swear under my breath.

"What?" he asks, chuckling as I play with his happy trail. He starts unbuttoning my shirt.

"Nothing," I say, and then I swallow. "Can I be honest?"

He pauses for a moment before slowing down the unbuttoning of my shirt, taking his time. "Be honest."

"I'm nervous. You make me nervous."

"I make you nervous?" he asks, glancing at me. "Why?"

"I don't know," I say, teasing my finger into the waistband of his shorts. "I think it's because I haven't felt this insane attraction towards anyone for... a while."

He grins, pulling my shirt out from my jeans. "Are you out of practice?" he teases.

"Shut up."

He laughs, undoes the last button, and then opens my shirt. He runs his fingers over my body and hums slightly before leaning down to give me a sweet, deep kiss. "No stress," he says. "Okay?"

I nod. "Right."

He looks at me for a while before basically sitting in my lap. "Look, Jake," he says seriously. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do. We don't have to do anything at all. I promise I'm very easy-going."

I believe him. He's earnest when he speaks. He just doesn't know that I want to do it all with him. Everything. "Okay."

"Okay." He smiles and then kisses my lips, then slides down to my neck and collarbone, surprisingly tender. He kisses back up to my lips, snagging my bottom lip between his teeth just as his hand creeps over my bulge. I let out a whiny moan and he chuckles, pulling back and then hopping off the bed. "Lie down," he says, working at my belt. He reaches into my jeans to rub me through my briefs. I feel his little beard tickling my skin as he goes lower, and lower, before I feel his hands sliding my jeans clean off. I don't look down yet, just enjoying the sensations as I feel his lips mouthing the outline of my cock through my briefs, lapping and moaning. And then he tugs the waistband down a bit, just under my balls. He whistles. "Big boy," he says, chuckling. "I'm impressed." I feel his fingers wrap around it, feel him rub me against his facial features as if relishing in the feel and smell before I feel his hot mouth engulf me. My hips raise but he holds me down, taking charge of my pleasure. Going slow, steady, using lots of deliberate tongue, occasionally taking it deep. It's so slow but he clearly knows what he's doing. Because I've never gotten a better blowjob. And because I haven't even jerked off in over a week, I'm already close. Embarrassingly close. It creeps up on me so fast that I don't have time to warn him. I just moan loudly, arching my back, and fill his mouth.

I swear I pass out for a moment before I look down and see him licking his lips and swallowing before taking a breath. He's just holding my still-hard cock loosely in his hand, wiping his mouth with the back of his other hand. Then he notices me looking. He smiles. "I'm so sorry," I say, embarrassed again, sitting up on my elbows. "I've never cum that fast before."

"Don't be sorry," he says with a laugh, letting go of my cock and then kissing me on the lips, causing me to lie back down. His hands slide up my sides and then up my arms, his fingers locking with mine as he holds my hands above my head and pins me down. I wrap my legs around his loosely, breathing heavily against his lips. "I wanna fuck you so badly," he says softly, and I let out a little whimper before deciding to take a little charge. I slip out of his grip and then hold onto him a bit as I shift us, switching positions so that I'm on top of him and he's on his back. I sit on his thighs, sitting up straight as I run my hand over his bulge. He moans, closing his eyes a bit. My eyebrows raise as I look down, and I shift a bit so that I can pull down his shorts and underwear enough to let his cock free.

I almost gasp. "Jesus," I say, taking his cock in my grip.


"You're... kinda huge, dude," I say with a nervous laugh, wrapping my fingers around his thick cock. He laughs too but I'm a little terrified. All my nervousness comes back. "RJ..."

"What?" he asks.

"Can I be honest again?"

He sits up on his elbows, looking at me curiously. "You don't have to ask."

I nod a bit. "I don't know if I can do this."

"I told you we don't have to do anything you don't wanna do," he reminds me.

"I know, I just hate going back—"

"You sound actually upset," he says, and he looks a bit concerned.

"I just mean—"

"Do you wanna stop?"

"No!" I say quickly. I realize he's still hard in my grip and I give him a few strokes to emphasize that point. "No. I don't wanna stop. I just don't think I can take this thing," I say with a little laugh.

He nods a bit, smiling, looking amused. "Alright." He thinks something over. "Do you wanna fuck me, then?"

I blink. "What? Really?"

He snorts. "Why are you so surprised?"

"I just... I guess I just didn't picture you... taking it." But now I can picture it. Very well, in fact.

"So... Yes or no?" he asks with a grin.

I smile back, biting my lip. "Do you want me to fuck you?"

He rolls his eyes, reaching up for the back of my head. "Don't sass me, boy," he says, pulling me down for a kiss. I break the kiss after a few moments, my turn to kiss down his body. I bite at the hair between his chest and take my time with his soft happy trail, discovering that it might be my favorite part of his body so far. I take his shorts and underwear off completely, tossing them away and then getting between his legs. I hold his cock up, feeling its heat and weight in my grip.

"I'm in awe right now," I say, staring at it.

When I look up, I notice he's blushing. "What?"

"This is probably the most beautiful dick I've ever seen," I say honestly. The length, girth, shape. Everything about it.

He laughs. "How many dicks have you seen, exactly?"

"I've had my fair share, big guy," I say, leaning down and kissing the tip. Then lick it, taking his precum. I fondle his balls, gripping them to keep his cock up before I take him into my mouth. I'm drooling, I realize this, but he doesn't seem to mind. He just watches me work his incredibly hard cock over. I maintain eye contact for a while, bobbing slowly, unable to take it too deep. Maybe I am out of practice.

I pull off, slurping and swallowing spit as I jerk off his now slick cock, working every inch and spending time on the head. With my other hand I slide a finger across his taint, and he opens his legs more almost instinctively. I tease his hole a bit and he closes his eyes, hands behind his head, swearing softly under his breath. He looks so cute. A perfect mix of boyishly cute and alluringly masculine. I lick my lips and spread his legs further, lifting his ass up a bit and getting into a more comfortable position. It's dim, so I can't see much. I just dive in with my tongue. He moans immediately, his leg tensing from my tongue against his hole. I feel his fingers in my hair, coaxing me deeper. I run my tongue in circles, slow, then fast, making out with his hole and then tonguing him slowly for what feels like a beautiful eternity.

And then I turn him over. His ass is perfect. I slap it before I even ask if he'd like that, but he responds well, moaning and lifting his juicy, thick ass up a little more. I spread his cheeks and dive in a little more, invading him again with my tongue before I have to come up for air. He looks back at me and my cock aches at the sight of him with his ass on display. "You gonna take it or what?" He says it playfully but I sense the longing in his voice. I know how that feels.

I get completely naked and then mount him, rubbing my cock between his cheeks, teasing his hole. I feel him pressing back against me and I grin. "Part of me wants you to beg for it," I say softly.

"Don't start with me," he says with a laugh.

I grin, looking down at my cock against his hole. I bite my lip, temptation taking over, and I push the head in. He moans out, and I watch with my jaw hanging. I pull out, then push back in, then pull out, then in again, dipping back and forth until he pushes back and makes me sink in a few more inches. I grunt, holding his hips. "I don't have a condom on," I say.

He whispers "Fuck," tugging on his hair slightly. "I don't want you to stop."

"I know," I say, catching my breath, feeling his incredible warmth around my dick. I lick my lips. "What should we do?"

"I think I have some in my nightstand," he says, pointing to the table beside his bed. I pull out of him slowly, letting out a slight moan and then checking the nightstand. I find a few books, lube, and a Fleshlight, but no condoms. "Nada," I say.

"Fuck," he groans, rolling on his back and rubbing his face. He looks at me from between his fingers and then mumbles something.

"What?" I ask.

"Just fuck me," he says.

"Shouldn't we--?"

"Please?" He says it so tenderly and needily that my body cannot resist. I comply without thinking. He rolls back over, arching his back. I spit on my cock, slide it against his very-wet hole, and sink my cock into his warmth. And God it feels so good. Just what I've been missing. I go slow, not wanting to cum so soon. He slides back against me until I'm all the way and his ass is raised enough for him to jerk off. I listen to him moan. I thrust. And I don't really start off slow, but he's handling it well. I grab his hips, his ass, his shoulders, tugging and smacking and fucking hard. The bed shakes a bit, and we're not being so quiet. I'm sweating, lost in the sensations of the fuck before I felt his ass suddenly clenching on me. Practically milking my cock. He was cumming, all over his sheets, and it set me over the edge. I moaned loudly, my hips twitching as I filled him with a second load. That's twice now that I didn't warn him.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck," I moan, gasping for breath, twitching as I cum. I feel a little dizzy, holding onto to him a bit until he collapses under me and my cock slides out with a lewd wet noise. I look down at him breathing heavily, sitting back on my heels. "I'm sorry, I did it again."

He looks back at me. "Huh?"

"I fucking came inside you."

He just chuckles tiredly. "It's okay," he says. "Kinda hot actually." He reaches under himself and I see his fingers slide over his taint and hole, pawing at his ass a bit, already dripping with cum. I will myself to look away, too tired to get turned on again.

"I can't believe we just did that," I say softly, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand.

He shifts onto his side with a grunt. "I promise I'm clean," he says. "I get tested often and everything. I have the papers if you wanna—"

"No, that's not what I mean. I trust you, weirdly enough," I say, surprising myself by saying that aloud. It makes him laugh. He smiles at me a bit before beckoning be over to him. I crawl over, letting him take me in his arms as we get close. He holds my face as he kisses me softly on the lips a few times, but in such a way that makes me moan a bit. "Why are you so good with your mouth?" I say.

"I have a few talents," he says with a smile, sliding his hand down my body gently, his eyes closed.

"Are you gonna sleep?" I ask after a moment, biting my lip.

"Considering you fucked all the energy out of me, yeah," he says with a slight laugh.

"Okay." I lean forward a little and kiss him again. "G'night, RJ."

He smiles softly and I watch him doze off before I close my eyes and settle against him, sleeping peacefully.

By the time RJ wakes up in the morning, I'm still in his bed, in my briefs, sipping water and scrolling on my phone. I hear him shift a bit and I look down, his face close to my hip. "Morning, sleepyhead," I say, putting my phone down and running my fingers through his hair.

He hums softly, stretching under the covers. "Hey babe." I swoon a little. He yawns slightly, squinting from the incoming sunlight. "You're still here," he states.

I chuckle. "Wow, thanks."

"I didn't mean it like that," he says with a sleepy laugh, leaning forward and kissing my hip, his hand running up my leg smoothly.

"Did you sleep okay?" I ask.

"Slept great, actually," he says with a smile. "My ass is a little sore though."

I laugh, running my fingers through his hair. "You asked for it."

In response, he nips at my thigh before sitting up, getting close to my face and smiling very slightly. His eyes flicker to my lips before he kisses me gently, letting the kiss draw out until he pulls back, licking his lips. "I'm gonna ask you something," he says suddenly, still staying close.

I laugh. "Ask away."

"Am I really too big for you?" he asks.

I blush, biting my lip. "I don't know," I say, looking down at the covers over his lap. I slide my hand under the sheet and play with his cock lightly. It's semi hard, still thick. "It's not that. Not really."

"Then what is it? Have you never done it before?" he asks, simply in a curious manner.

"No, I have," I say simply, unsure how to respond.

He waits for me to say more, and when I don't, he sighs. "Sorry, I don't wanna sound like I'm pressuring you or anything."

"You don't sound like that," I assure him, stroking his cheek. "Promise." I smile and kiss him, and he kisses me back a bit.

When we pull back, he smiles and then reaches over me to grab my phone, just checking the time. "Shit, how'd I sleep in so late?"

I laugh as he hops out of bed, looking for his clothes. "Should I have woken you earlier?" I ask.

"Next time," he says, and I bite my lip at that prospect. I watch him walk around naked in his room, admiring his form. "I'm supposed to meet my mom in like twenty minutes," he says. He grabs underwear from his drawer and a pair of jeans, slinging them over his shoulder. "And I probably smell like dick so I should shower."

"Okay," I say, sad we can't spend more time relaxing. "I should probably just go then."

"You sure?" he says, stopping in the doorway.

"Yeah, I have homework to do anyway."

He smiles. "Alright." He comes back over to bed, crawls on, and kisses me again, and I can't help but moan against his lips. "I'll be seeing ya."

He starts to turn and I grab his arm, saying "Wait."

He looks from my hand on his arm to my face. "What?"

I take a deep breath. "Can I be honest again?"

"You don't have to keep asking my permission," he says with a smirk.

"Yeah, but you might not like this one."

He cocks an eyebrow. "Say it anyway."

I glance at him before looking up at the ceiling again. "I'm, uh. I'm not 18. Or 19." I pause. "I just turned 17." RJ narrows his eyes a bit, staring at me, not responding. "Please don't hate me."

"Aren't you in college...?"

"Yeah, but I skipped a year way back when."

"Huh." He bites his lip a bit, shifting his body a little bit.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you."

"No, it's okay," he says, thinking something over in his head, looking at the covers. Then he looks back at me. "Thanks for telling me," he says with a little nod.

I don't know what else to say, so all I say is "Sure," watching him get out of bed and head right out of the room. After a few seconds, down the hall, I hear the shower running, and I just sit on his bed for a minute and curse myself out.

Next: Chapter 2

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