Rubber Lust

By Rubber Butt - Ride a Rubber Butt

Published on Aug 15, 2023






"I'm sorry big guy but I won't make it for tonight." was George saying.

"What happened?" Herb asked.

"It's Christmas craziness and everybody wants things to get done before we close for the holidays. I really want to see my big guy but I don't know when I'm getting out here. "

"Cutie! You call me when you are home and I am coming over. I want to see you before we head to our families."


"Yes! And don't worry about something to eat. I'll take care of it. Miss you!" and Herb hung up.

George left his office around 7:00 pm. He was tired. Yet, he wanted to see Herb. He called him that he will be at home in 30 minutes.

Herb had already waited in front of the house as George arrived.

"Did you wait long? I'm not late, am I?"

"No boy. All is good. Let's get in. It's cold."

"Sure. Yes. Sorry." A moment later they were in upstairs.

"Make yourself ready and take a shower. This always helps." Herb grinned and the front of his leather jeans filled. It was the same he wore at their first date.

George went to the bathroom. He really didn't need a lot of time. He had cleaned yesterday and quickly this morning in case he would run late for their date. Even Herb was a little surprised. They had dinner and watched TV.

At some point George fell asleep and awoke in Herb's lap. He felt Herb's finger working in his hole and the leather bulge was pushing hard on the front of the pants into his face. He wanted to get up but Herb pushed his head with one hand back into his lap.

"Lick it." demanded Herb. His boy was eager to take care of the bulge. One hand found its way to one of Herb's nipples. He just started to gently treat them and Herb's pole was in a few moments brick hard in his leather pants.

"Fuck! Boy! You know how to pull the trigger." Herb stood up and maneuvered George to the bed room. Herb pushed him backward onto the bed and was right between his legs. His four big fingers were deep in his boy's hole.

"What is one of your dirtiest phantasies?" Herb pushed harder as he asked.

"Getting fucked by you!"

"Not more! Again! What is one of your dirtiest phantasies!" Herb's fingers went even deeper in the boy's dry hole and fucked it. George thought his top wanted to tear apart his ass.

"Tell me, boy!"

"Fucked and filled with men's juice from tops like you in one session."

Herb got his cock out, spit on it, and mixed it with his precum. He pushed his cock head through the ass muscle and filled the fuck channel with his manhood. He came closer to his boy's face and said "Two pigs think alike. I have an idea." Then he fucked his boy into heaven and he followed suit.

The next morning they had the first coffee in bed. It was Christmas Eve George had his first vacation day while Herb had had a couple of days off.

"We are still good for our Boxing Day dinner?" asked Herb.

"Sure. I am looking forward to it. This will be the most delightful Christmas day."

"Good. I invited Pete. He's the friend I helped to move his stuff a few weeks ago. He can't go back to his parents this year and will be alone today and tomorrow."

"Sorry to hear this. Sure, the more the merrier."

"I also want to spend more time with you over the holidays. You are off until when? Was it not until January 6th?"

"Yes, big guy you are right."

"Fantastic! Are you OK?"

George put the coffee mug aside, took Herb in his arms, and gave him a long kiss. "Is this answer enough?" Herb's eyes lit up and George smiled. They had breakfast and after a lot of hugs and kisses Herb left for the first two Christmas days.

"Merry Christmas, big guy. Is it OK when I am coming over at 6:00 pm or do you need me earlier?" George texted as he returned from his parents.

"Merry Xmas, Cutie. No 6 is fine."

George was right on time. They had a long hug and kiss before George put his things in the bed room. He went back to the kitchen where Herb was finishing the preparation for the main course.

"What plates do you want to take?" George asked.

"All on the dining table. Could you take care of it? You are better in this than me."

"I am on it." George came back into the kitchen to pick up the missing water glasses as Herb stood close behind him. Herb's hand opened the front zipper of George's jeans.

"Mmm, a rubber jock and my boy is already horny for dessert."

George pressed his butt on Herbs leather lap. "Well, I like big desserts. "

Herb turned around his boy. "It feels good that you're here. "

"It feels good to have you." and George emphasized it with a long kiss. The doorbell rang.

"He is always 5 minutes too early!" was Herb saying and rushed to open the door.

A minute later Pete stood in the hallway. He was a tall guy. A little smaller than Herb, though. His frame reminded George a bit of a rugby player. He was full in black leather. The pants were a little too tight but in a way that let him look sexy. You want to have more from this type of gay.

Herb and him had a warm welcome. "Good to see you, my old friend. Merry Christmas!" said Herb.

"Thanks for the invite and here is a bottle of wine. Hope, it's not too bad." Pete smiled.

"Never, it will go well to the main course. Come in and let me introduce you to George."

"Nice to meet you, George. Finally, I get to know you in person. I have heard a couple of things. Of course, only the good ones." all laughed.

"Glad you heard only good things about me and happy to have you over for Christmas dinner tonight." replied George.

"Let's get started, guys." and all went into the dining room. The dinner was filled with a lot of talks and laughter.

"Finally, we made it to the dessert. I clean the table before we have it." said Herb.

"Do you need help?" asked George

"No, you take care of our guest. It won't be long." and Herb left the room.

"You know, he has not just a crush on you, George? I have never seen him so relaxed and joyful since the nasty break up a few years ago."

"I know, and I had a bit of my own struggle. It's unusual. Most gays are afraid of closeness and particularly in the beginning. He seemed not at all to have this. After I realized that it came from the bottom of his heart. I am now more afraid of hurting him because I don't always understand immediately what's going on in his mind and feelings."

"Don't be. I think you have a very good feeling for him. Your feelings will tell you what to do, most of the time." Pete smiled at George.

"Here comes the dessert and a small present for my cutie." Herb gave the present which was not small at all to George.

"Ummm, I have something really small for you, big guy." said George and got up. As he returned, he gave his present to Herb with a kiss. "Merry Christmas. Please, you open first." asked George.

"If you wish." Herb was never good in unwrapping presents, he tore the paper from the gift and his smile became wider. He flipped through the calendar and stopped in December. He and his boy laughed.

"What is it?" Pete was confused. Herb explained why they laughed. The December had the painting of the exhibition where they stopped, disappeared in the washroom to fuck, and returned as nothing had happened. Pete laughed too.

"It's your turn, cutie." George opened his present slowly. He loved it to feel the excitement coming up and guessing what the present could be. Just now, he did not have an idea. Herb's smile was big. Finally, he unwrapped it. He stopped.

"You are crazy! That's too... "

"... no it is not. I hope I got the measurements right." interrupted Herb. George's present was a handmade black leather pants.

"Cool, it has a zipper from front to rear. Of course!" George grinned. He leaned over to Herb and gave him another kiss. He could see that Herb's leather jeans' front almost exploded.

"Put it on boy. We should try it out. I want our guest to do the first checks."

"Sure!" came from the boy. His dick was hard thinking about getting into leather and please two guys. They went into the playroom. George just grabbed his military boots which he had bought a couple of days earlier.

"Cool, where did you get them?" Herb asked.

"Down the street in this military shop. They are used but look almost new."

"True. They will fit perfectly to the rest of the outfit."

George took off his clothes and stood in front of the two guys only in his rubber jock filled by a hard dick.

"Turn around boy and show our guest what you got." requested Herb.

"I see you are still into smooth guys. A bit toned, not bulky. Really nice butt. " said Pete and squeezed his growing leather package.

"Believe me, not just nice to look at. Where do you want him. Most of the things you know from my previous place. The fuck bench is new."

"Yeah let's try this." replied Pete.

"Boy get in your gear and here is the second part of your Christmas present." Herb gave him a heavy black leather jacket The boy's jaw dropped. He hurried up to get in his new gear.

They tied him to the fuck bench. Pete stood behind the boy and pressed his package against the leather butt in front of him.

"Are you looking forward to serving my dick?" and Pete pushed his lap hard on George's ass.

"Yes, I do." said George. He could see Herb who sat on the left side of him on a chair how he enjoyed the scene. His package was big.

Pete came around and his package was right in front of George's face. He pulled his zipper down and got his cock and balls out. The dick was a little shorter than Herb's. The balls were big and the metal cockring pushed them more forward on his dick. But it was as fat as Herb's. George liked long cocks. Yet if he had the choice to have a cock longer or thicker he rather go for the second option. The feeling when it pushes its way into his ally and rubs his fuck tunnel up, made him immediately horny.

George was eager to lick and suck the guest's cock and Pete wanted to get his full mast into one of the boy's warm holes. He slowly dove it into the mouth and the boy's tongue licked it. He put his both hands on the back of the boy's head and started to push more of his man proud into him. Herb leaned over and gave his boy some poppers to sniff.

It didn't take long and Pete pushed his full length in. The boy choked for a few moments and then all the meat was in his mouth.

"Wow, it's all in." Herb looked at Pete's dripping wet cock as it moved in and out. The guest enjoyed it for quite some time to have his rod serviced this way. Then he pulled out, only the head stayed in the mouth.

"You better swallow it all, boy. I don't want a mess on your new jacket." said Herb.

George thought "That was fast." A moment later he had a bitter taste in his mouth. Pete used him as a urinal. George swallowed. Pete fucked and pissed in his mouth. The boy had to watch out to keep up. Finally, Pete had emptied his bladder. Herb smirked and said "You expected something else, didn't you?"

Pete went around to take care of the boy's second hole. "You did a great job. That's worth a reward." Pete opened the rear end of the leather pants and spread the butt cheeks.

"What a juicy hole. " he kneeled and rimmed it wet. George moaned. Pete got up and without warning pushed all of his manhood into it.

"Man, that boy has really a tight ass. I like it." His strokes were hard. Herb came around and watched how Pete worked hard on his boy's ass.

"Fuck I can't keep it any longer." Pete did his final deep pushes and creamed the boy's hole.

"Thanks man for the lube." said Herb, laughed and gave Pete a plug to seal the boy's hole.

"You're welcome. Thanks for the dinner and the second dessert. I gotta leave now. I have to get up early. " Herb brought Pete to the door.

Herb returned and kneeled in front of his boy's face. He took it in his big hands and pressed his tongue deep in the boy's mouth.

"You are a little pig. You deserve another reward for the guest service. " he untied the boy and they moved to the bed covered with a rubber sheet. Herb was between the spread legs of his boy and the boy's hands were on Herbs leather butt.

"You know, you are the first and only one who touches and rims my ass?"

"I appreciate it, big guy."

Herb pulled the hands off his butt and cuffed them to the head end of the bed. He put the feet into two leather loops that hang from the head end too. His boy was ready for his final fuck this night. The boy had closed his eyes and his breath was slow and calm. Herb came closer, kissed him, and opened the leather jacket.

He looked at the wet body, leaned over and inhaled deeply the smell of sweat and leather. It almost seemed that he got high on it. His rough hands touched over and his tip of the tongue tasted the body. Slowly moved his hands down on the boy and opened the leather pants, front and back.

One hand pulled out the soaked balls and hard dick. The other hand was on the plug and got it out. Without wasting any of Pete's juice he pressed his meat into the boy's hot, wet hole. He enjoyed it to have his top in him. His ass was relaxed. Herb moved forth and back a few times and looked down on his dick. Each time his cock head came out of the boy his ass seemed to suck it again. It didn't want to let it go.

"Man, Pete dumped his load of a couple of days into your cunt." The boy smirked and Herb put his hands on the head end of the bed beside his boy's cuffed ones.

The boy looked down and could see how the leather hips of his top were going up and down. His strokes were intense and the balls slapped on his butt.

"I fuck your juice out, and only I do it or tell to do so."

"Yes, I need you in me and fuck my balls empty or tell me to jerk off." George looked up and saw the sweaty body hair of his fucker. Sweat dropped down and he tried to catch some of it with his open mouth.

Herb thrusts increased. Almost every other push met the love spot of the boy whose dick showed it. Pete's juice did the rest to keep Herb going. The top fucked more of his friend's juice out. It ran down the ass crack of the boy and dropped on the rubber sheet. Herb was turned on by the thought that another top fucked his boy and he ploughed all the juice out of him. Herb was pulling his manhood out to pump it in again. He drilled deep and hard. His boy breath was fast and his fuck tunnel tightened. Herb knew he had his boy ready.

"Yeah... I can't.... " the boy exploded in four long shoots. Herb just fucked on. He was ready too and he injected even more cream into his boy's eager hole.

Next: Chapter 7

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