Rubber Lust

By Rubber Butt - Ride a Rubber Butt

Published on Aug 11, 2023






George had lost the sense of time as Herb returned. He undressed in front of George. His manhood swung heavy between his strong hairy legs and he was sweaty. George could catch a light smell of his top. Herb disappeared in the back of the room. George could hear that he was dressing up in rubber gear.

As he came to the front of the room again, he asked "How is my boy doing?"

"I have to piss." was the boy's reply.

"We take care of this later." Herb untied his boy from the chair and helped him up. Finally, George saw what filled his ass. It was a massive dildo.

Herb noticed his boy's view. "Yes it's similar size to Kaan's and it looked hot as it slid into your hot ass."

"Whatever makes my top happy."

"Come here and lick your man. " Herb had changed to a rubber tank top with front zipper and a rubber jeans. He lifted both of his arms behind his neck. His boy was immediately on him and licked his pits. Herb opened the shirt too. It could not get better for the boy. He was in heaven. The little pig removed with his teeth more of the shirt to free the nipples. He inhaled the man smell under the arm pits kissed, licked them. His tongue went slowly down to one of the nipples. He played tenderly with it. Herb's breath was heavy. The boy did not stop there. He moved further down. Herb wanted to stop him but the boy knew, it was not the time for him to take care of his top's bulge. He went the other way up to the opposite nipple and treated it the same way as the first. Then the arm pit. The boy repeated this game several times. Herb enjoy the devotion of his boy. He felt and saw that his boy was excited.

George did such an excellent job on Herb's nipples that Herb's pole was at full mast in the rubber jeans. "Boy, turn around, kneel down, ass up, head down." demanded Herb. As his boy had turned, he saw streaks of his juice running out of his boy's ass. The dildo treatment worked. It remained slightly open. Usually Herb likes it if his boy's fuck tunnel stays tight. Today was different, though. He had not had his boy's ass for two weeks, not even one of these boys who "just want to try" did he have during his assignment. He wanted to fuck his boy as long as he wanted and a tighter ass would have shorten this pleasure.

He poured some of his collected juice on the boy's love entrance. The hole sucked it up. No waste. He dropped another portion on it and rubbed it with his big fingers into it. The boy groaned. A bit more of his juice and he pushed one more finger into this hot ass. His three fingers fucked the hole. Herb could watch how his bull seed and the boy's ass juice began to mix. He pushed the fourth finger into this eager hole. His boy moaned. His finger fuck became harder and the boy seemed to like it. Still in his straight jacket he spread his legs wider to open his bubble butt more and his top could work better on his ass. Herb pushed his fingers deep into the boy's ass.

Herb used up almost one container of his natural lube before he stopped. He opened his rubber jeans. The zipper was longer and run between his legs. This avoided squeezing off his balls, they just dropped down when the zipper was opened. He pulled out his brick hard cock and mixed the juice on his fingers with his precum on his rod. In one hard thrust all of it was in the boy.

"Thank you. Thank you for giving me your cock." came unexpectedly from his boy.

Herb's drills were hard. It did not take long and he had fucked his boy to the floor. He laid on him and whisper in his ear "If you want to enjoy it you should make space down there."

George had never pissed while getting fucked. He knew if he didn't let it go it would be uncomfortable, the least. Then Herb changed his angle slightly and aimed for his full bladder. "Don't you want me to fuck you long, boy?!" He did a couple more hard short pushes into the cunt of his boy. "Does this help, boy?!" George tried to relax. "I can fuck it out too if you like pig!" Herb drilled hard again. This brought George over the edge. It began to drip out. Each time Herb hit his bladder more came out until it ran out.

"Good boy. You know what's good for your man." Herb's hip movements were slow and powerful. Nothing of his cock was left outside of the hole. His hands were around the shoulder of his boy and he licked his neck and ears. Each push brought some of the warm boy liquid out of the boy's rubber short. They fucked on the floor for a long time. Both felt it was important to enjoy this moment and nothing should interrupt it.

Then Herb pulled up his boy. He sat on the lap of his top. "How does it feel to have a strong man fucking your cunt?"

"Can I have more, please. All is yours."

"That's my boy. Let's get up." and they moved to the sling. George realized his top had a full equipped playroom. He could not really see what he had, Herb lifted him too quickly into the sling and put the gasmask over his head. He wanted to make his little pig high on poppers before working on him another round. It took a few minutes but the boy was ready. Herb removed the masks. He always wanted to see how the lust of his boy takes over.

He pushed all his 4 fingers into this warm wet hole again. His boy moaned a little. He increased the pressure and the boy's ass gave way for a little more of the top's big hand. Herb added his thumb.

"Oh man, what are you doing with your hand?"

"Does it feel good?"

"Fucking hot."

Herb worked a little longer in his boy's love tunnel. He had other thoughts for tonight what he liked to do. Giving his fist to his boy would happen another time. He had prepared a few dildos and grabbed one of them. It was a little thicker as the one they had started the evening. He rubbed some of collected juice from the second container on it. The dildo head was right in front of the hole. He pushed it in and it seemed the ass was just sucking it in.

George's breathes were deep and long. "Yeah. I am your hole. Cunt." Herb speeded up the pushes. This ass took now all of it. His thrust got a little more aggressive. His boy was groaning.

"I need to piss again. May I?" asked George.

"Yes. Let it out piss pig." Herb squeezed the bulge while his boy pissed. The package was twitching between all the liquid that this boy had produced. It ran out and down onto the dildo that Herb still pushed into him. As nothing of the piss was left, Herb pulled the toy out. The hole stayed open. The top's white juice dripped out. The hole was shiny and wet.

Herb aimed for the fuck tunnel and pushed his rock hard cock in. "Here take some more poppers." he put the bottle under one of his boy's nostrils. He took a few deep sniffs. The top didn't wait until it kicked in. He began to pound the butt. The boy moaned louder. Herb looked down on his hard drilling cock and his little pig. He loved what he saw. This eagerness to get more. The devotion to be only for him there. He started to pull the sling towards him while pushing his lap forward. "I fuck your brain out, little cunt." The top's strokes were massive. His balls slapped the boy's ass. All the liquid mixed up to a white foam around the cunt. Herb just poured the rest of his juice onto his jackhammer.

His bat slipped in and out with almost no resistance. His boy was in fuck heaven. Never before a guy had rode his hole so intense and deep. His top drilled more of the natural lube out and his cunt warmed up. The friction of this fat cock increased in his hole. Herb loved it and he felt how the climax built up in his balls. He pulled out his boy's boner. He wanted both to come at the same time or close to that.

Both slowly started to breath deeper. The boy's hole tightened and squeezed the top's rubbing fat cock. "Make your pussy tight to get bred." The boy squeezed his ass muscles even more. "Yeah, take it." the next moment Herb pumped all his bull juice in his boy's love tunnel. He didn't wait until he totally calmed down. He fucked on and jerked off his boy. He came in a similar eruption. The boy juice was all over him, Herb, and floor.

It took them both a while to catch their breath. After having a shower George insisted to clean the mess they made. Herb grinned "An eager boy, you are. You want to see what awaits you."

"I am only cleaning. No window shopping." George replied and smiled.

"OK. You do your "not-window-shopping-cleanup" and I take care of something little to eat. It's after 10 pm already."

They enjoyed their dinner and had another bottle of wine. It was late and George got ready first for bed. He was in bed and had dozed off for a few moments as he opened his eye and Herb laid beside him only having a rubber brief which showed more than it hid.

"I am sorry. I must have dozed off a bit." was George reaction.

Herb smile at him. His eyes shined. "No problem. You look cute when you sleep." Herb moved closer. The boy felt the heat his top always has. He was never cold. "I want to fuck my little pig into sleep." whispered Herb into his boy's ear. George was able to push his big top on the back and sat on the lap of him. "Mmmm, you're ready." was the boy saying as he pushed his bubble butt onto the rubber bulge. He licked his man on both nipples. The top's mast was pushing hard through the rubber between his ass cheeks. "Would you love to fuck me hard?"

"If you want I am ready." Herb pushed the boy from his lap and got the poppers out of the nightstand. The boy had pulled his legs to his shoulders and his ass was free. Herb squeezed the rubber bulge which formed under the rubber jock. He looked at the boy's half open hole. Herb was proud of the work he did earlier.

He got out his full mast and spit on it. "Take a good sniff, boy." George took not only one. Herb grabbed the boy's foot angles and pushed in. He pulled the boy toward him and his rod. His boy was pinned onto this hard top cock. He laid the legs on his shoulder and came closer to his boy. His stroke were hard and deep. He did not want to leave anything of his cock outside. He nailed his boy into the matrass.

"Jerk off! I want to feel your tight pussy on my fucker dick."

George pulled out his boner. He beat his manhood and it did not take long that his ass tightened around his top's cock. A few more strokes and he shot. Herb was turned on by the view and the feeling around his hard man proud. He unloaded what was left in his bull balls the deep into the boy's ass.

They spooned for the night. Herb kissed his eager boy and they felt asleep.

George woke up the next morning around 10:30 am. He didn't realized when Herb got up. He looked out to the window and saw it had snowed over night. "It's unusual. The first snow would be earliest mid January but we are in December. Maybe we get a white Christmas. It is just a few days away. The last white Christmas I have a recollection was as I was a kid. But then, the last couple of weeks were actually unusual" George thought.

"You are awake. Be right back." Herb interrupted George. He returned with two coffee mugs and set on the side of the bed right to Georg. He gave him a kiss and said "Here some coffee to get you alive." George smiled "Thanks how nice of you. When did you get up? It was pretty late last night until we slept."

"Around 8. I am an early bird. Friends always wonder whether I sleep at all."

"Why didn't you wake me?" George looked at his strong man's eye.

"You look so cute when you sleep and you deserved a long good night's sleep."

"You do care about me, do you?"

"Yes, I do. Something wrong with it?"

"No. No. Not at all. It feels so good." was George's reply.

"I want to make sure my boy feels good and, of course, I am feeling good too." both laughed. "Would you mind to start the week with me tomorrow?"

"You mean staying over another night?"


"Well... you know... ummmm.." George was looking for the right words.

"What?" was Herb's irritated answer.

George took Herb's strong hands and kissed them. Herb was confused. His eyes turned serious.

"I thought about it yesterday. I had this need to awake beside you as often as it possible. It was... is still my wish." was George's explanation.

"Why didn't you tell me this yesterday?"

"I was not sure how you would react. Maybe you would have seen it as limiting your space. We know each other just for a couple of weeks."

"Stupid boy! You do not limit or invade my personal space. I determine how close someone can get to me. And you are one of two who can get close to me and it feels wonderful. No boy secrets anymore! I am upfront with you too. Understood!"

"Yes. Understood." George replied and looked down feeling sorry for complicating things. "I would need some clothes for work. I can go over and get them later today."

"No. I'll drive you. It's snowing and walking might take longer." Herb insisted.

"Thank you. I like it when my strong man watches out for me." George blinked his eyes.

"Breakfast is ready." Herb gave his boy a kiss and they went into the kitchen.

They drove over to George's place before dinner and picked up a few clothes. They watched a couple of DVDs after dinner and went early to bed. Herb wrapped his strong arms around his boy who fell asleep quickly. He listen to his breath. It was soothing. Herb felt the first time for a long time this was what he wanted too. Hot sex and closeness. He kissed the neck of his boy, pressed him even closer to his chest, and vanished into dreamland.

Next: Chapter 6

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