Royalty Sucks

By Davey R

Published on Feb 22, 2002


This is a sex fantasy story and not intended to imply anything about the real-life sexuality of Prince William. Prince William is copyright of a weird institution from feudal times that really shouldn't be around anymore. But it would be pretty sweet to fuck him.

Stuck in the London traffic, Mark resisted the urge to alleviate the boredom by making smalltalk with his fellow passenger. The bloody family rarely even looked him in the eye, let alone spoke to him, and this young one probably wouldn't be any different. Mind you, what chitchat can you make, really, with someone who may as well live on another planet? Anyway, Mark was meant to be keeping his mind on the job. Just because it was nearly the end of his shift was no reason to get lax. He nevertheless found himself glancing at the young prince, who was looking anxiously out of the window, seemingly in a hurry to get back to the palace. Mark was anxious too, to get off duty and get into the pub. He noticed that, because of the way he was sitting, Prince William's trouser legs were tight around his thighs. Mark gazed at them greedily, cocking his head to one side. He had a nice, robust body, the prince, and a very nice-looking arse. Get your mind back on your duty, he thought. It's your job to keep that arse safe. At least for another ten minutes. The minutes passed slowly, the prince fidgeting for some reason - weren't they meant to be trained in how to not fidget or something? -, but finally the car made its way through the gates of the palace. Mark went through the usual cautionary communications with Dylan on his cellphone as they made their way in.

Dylan Maitland was waiting with the others by their chosen side entrance to the palace as the car pulled in. He looked every inch the heavy; stockily-built, dark-suited, silent and eerily impassive. Waiting to pounce the moment shit kicked off. He was the tallest and indeed the widest of the bodyguards, darkly handsome, with a broad face and thick, slightly curling black hair. He'd probably have shaved his hair off for efficiency long before now if there weren't certain rules about his appearance. The family and their advisers didn't want the staff looking like skinheads, so Dylan, Mark, and everyone else had to look a bit like the family themselves. A bit archaic. An old-fashioned idea of handsome. Probably the same rules that kept the young prince here from appearing on the cover of Smash Hits in tank tops and the like. For such a long-running institution the royals had an amazing lack of media savvy. They could have cashed in on the prince's looks to up their popularity, but a Victorian sense of restraint kept them from doing so. Good, thought Mark. He'd ended up working for them for the last couple of years, but he'd have been happy to see the end of the royals. Happy to see this guy sitting opposite him have to survive in the real world. He got out of the car, keeping the door open while the prince stepped out after him. He took the opportunity to check out his butt as he went by. Man, it looked nice. He resisted the urge to pat it as it went past. Wondered if he could actually get away with something like that. Then he handed over to Dylan and his mob to accompany the cute prince into the palace. Mark left to park the car and then went on his way. Nah, he could never get away with something like that. Dylan Maitland's dark blue eyes were twinkling in the sun.


Once indoors, the bodyguards dispersed, and Dylan Maitland gave the prince a brief, significant nod. The prince confidently and quickly went through the formalities of greeting his family. Then retired to his rooms. To change, he said.

He closed and locked the door as he went in. He smiled, teasingly, at the man who was waiting for him there. At Dylan. Dylan's handsome face was still impassive, until a small smirk began to wipe over his stern-looking lips. The prince hurried over to him, pressing his hands against Dylan's great chest and kissing at it, at the lapels of his jacket and the waistcoat underneath. "Oh, Dylan" he breathed, "I've missed you, I've been waiting so long to come home and see you". He kept kissing at Dylan's jacket as Dylan looked down at him. The prince peered down and saw Dylan's trousers tenting impressively. Dylan grinned, and bent forward a little to kiss the prince. He took hold of William's sensual jaw in his two big hands and went into his mouth to taste it, the familiar taste of William's mouth, the feel of his supplicant kiss. Dylan tongued hungrily at his mouth, and the prince felt eagerly at Dylan's thickly muscled hard body, until Dylan pulled away and indicated with a nod what he wanted. "Come on, Prince", he spat this word out, "Come on, let's have it" William nodded, his panting jaw wide open. "Oh yes... oh yes, I'd love to, oh yes... I couldn't sleep last night, waiting for this...", and he slid slowly down to his knees, letting his hands slide down the hard contours of Dylan's body, feeling the strength of the muscles in his stomach and his legs beneath his clothes. He kissed gently at Dylan's waistcoat and jacket as he went down on his knees, and then he kissed and licked and nibbled eagerly at Dylan's flies, taking the zipper in his teeth and pulling it open. He pressed his nostrils against Dylan's crotch, able to smell at his genitals, able to feel the great stiff cock that was bulging through. Dylan moaned quietly as his cock head nudged through the fabric and he felt the prince's face through it, felt the prince's eager sexy mouth trying its damnest to unleash his cock. "Come on, prince", he urged, "You know you want it" "Yes, yes..." William gasped as he pulled the zip down with his teeth and the saw the bulging tip of Dylan's cock appear through the gap. He reached out for it, pulling the flies apart and allowing the dick to thrust out at him. "Oh God, yes, it's massive, it's so big" the prince whispered, salivating, unbuttoning Dylan's trousers properly now, and clutching on to his strong legs. "Oh, I love your cock so much, Dylan, I love men's big cocks-" And he wrapped his lips around the fat cock head, taking it into his hot, wet mouth, and then taking a little more, and a little more, taking it inch by satisfying inch into his sexy face as he had so often in the past. Dylan had taught him how on their first night together, that night the prince had first pleaded to suck on his cock. "Oh yes, oh yes, that's the way, prince, that's the way, yes, take that cock into your throat, Will, yes-" Oh yeah, he'd never known anyone able to take a cock as far back into his throat as William. He held on to the Prince's head to cram it further down the shaft of his titanic dick, to get himself as deep into the prince as he could, thrusting, thrusting now, unable to control himself as his cock was swallowed up into the prince's mouth, his balls crammed tight against William's chin. "Oh man, yes! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum really hard and you're gonna be a good cocksucker and swallow it, swallow it all down!" he hissed, and the prince would have nodded eagerly were he able to nod, but instead he reached out and held on to Dylan's buttocks to steady himself, to keep himself there. His eyes rolled back in his head in pleasure as Dylan- OH YES! Dylan was jizzing up now, the cum so hot, builiding up in the shaft of his cock and then- "Fuck, fuck oh Jesus yeah!", the cum expelled, bursting out, his cock head throbbing in ecstasy as it spilled its contents down Prince William's throat, right down into him, the prince's eyes closed in sheer pleasure as he swallowed it down, felt the man's heat pouring into him. Dylan panted, sweating, still holding on to the prince's head as he felt it all go, there was so much of it... Then the final gorgeous spasm as the last of it left him. The prince exhaled deeply as the cock left his mouth, but he still licked and slurped eagerly at it, and at the dribbles of cum on his lower lip and chin, and then he wrapped his lips around the dick again, sucking lovingly on the cock head. He sucked on it for a long time afterwards, leaning against Dylan and sucking on him as contentedly as a baby on a bottle. He took his mouth away to say in a voice choked with spunk, "I love cock, I love cock in my mouth so much", and then quickly proved it taking the engorged head back into his mouth again. The prince was pleased with himself, Dylan could see, when the cock inevitably began to harden up again. But Dylan finally forced William's mouth away from it. "Come on kid, get that suit off. I want to see your body, I want to have some fun with it" Prince William nodded eagerly, pulling off his jacket and throwing it away, taking off his shoes and his trousers, unbuttoning his shirt, taking it all of quickly, the colour of his clothes quickly giving way to the colour of the body, the skin beneath. He threw the clothes away into a messy heap. He was still on the floor as he did it, sitting on the floor. Finally he was stripped down to just his underwear. It was the underwear Dylan had told him to wear, the white lace panties he loved to see his boy in. The handsome prince's hunky young body in only a pair of skimpy panties designed for pleasing men. Just like the prince's athletic body was exposed just to please him. The panties showed that underneath, William belonged to him. "Oh yeah, PRINCESS" he taunted, "You know how to make me happy". he could see the price's cock and balls wrapped tightly in the underwear, the prince's smooth buttocks completely exposed in them. The prince smiled teasing, posing on the floor with them, leaning back on his well muscled arms and stretching his smooth naked legs like a girl. "Please, Dylan, take off your clothes too. I love your big strong body". Dylan smiled and took off his jacket and waistcoat. The shirt underneath was tight against his body, particularly his arms with their huge biceps. The prince looked on longingly as he saw the body beneath the thinly stretched shirt. Dylan tore the shirt open and yanked it down over his meaty shoulders, dropping it to the floor. His body was fucking fantastic. His chest and arms were so big and tight, his waist so slim and taut. He kicked off his shoes and socks, pulling down his open trousers and getting out of them. His legs were as well-toned as his upper body. "Oh, Dylan, how did you become so wonderful?" the prince asked in awe. "Years of training" Dylan said in a gravelly tone which contrasted with the prince's soft voice. "To protect people like you" William writhed excitedly in his panties, "There's no-one to protect me from YOU though, is there?" Dylan grinned. The prince loved to say that. "No-one at all", he replied, tearing off his briefs and unleashing his massive dick again. "Uungh yesss... please take me", William begged, his cock head sticking out "I'm helpless against you. Take advantage of it" Dylan was dribbling precum. Nothing turned him on more than the prince's surrender. William loved to surrender, loved to be in the power of another man. "Believe me, I will" Dylan assured him, walking a few steps forward and standing over him. William started to push himself up from the floor, but Dylan beckoned for him to stay where he was. then he reached down to scoop the prince up in his arms. William loved it. He felt Dylan's iron-hard biceps beneath his legs and his upper back. "Come on, princess" Dylan said, kissing at him and carrying his hunky body with ease, "I'll carry you to the royal bed. You can give yourself to your prince" He took him there slowly, more and more slowly as they got closer, increasing the anticipation. The silk sheets were a deep, sensual red. When they reached them, Dylan showed off his strength, grunting as he lifted the prince right up above his head before throwing him down onto the king-size bed. The prince lay sprawled on the sheets, his cock bulging beneath the panties. "Oh yes, Dylan, my prince, my master, yes..." Dylan leapt on top of him, pinning him down, letting the prince feel the full weight of his body, enjoying the feel of the young stud's body beneath him, loving it, the sexy young hunk craving this submission to him. He kissed and licked at the prince's upper body, kissing his gorgeous mouth and fondling him, feeling the entirety of this fit young body pressed against his. His cock rubbed against the lace of the panties and was tickled by them, driven even wilder, so that he was dripping precum onto William's stomach and onto the panties themselves. He knew he had to do something, he had to... He drew himself away for long enough to rip the panties off the prince, throwing them over the prince's face and reaching out for what he'd put under one of the the overstuffed pillows earlier, the bottle of lubricant. As he took hold of it and pulled it across to him, he let it dribble across William's face and chest and tight stomach. William was without the panties now, he was naked, and so fucking sexy. Dylan sweated and panted with excitement as he took hold of the prince's legs by the ankles and hoisted them over his huge broad shoulders. His heart pounded in his throat as he smeared and slapped the lube around that arsehole, around his own cock too. This young guy was so sexy and so submissive. He loved the feel of those legs against his chest, over his shoulders. "Fuck me, fuck me..." William whispered, his thick arms flat against the silk at either side of his head. Dylan went into him, burying his thrusting, burning log of a cock in that tight arsehole. Oh man, it was fucking great to be inside it, so great to hear the prince screaming with joy as he fucked him up the arse. His hands groped at the prince's chest, smearing the spilled lubricant about his nipples. William's eyes scrunched shut, his mouth gaping wide open as hot cum started to spurt from his own dick. Dylan smeared the cum across William's chest too, covered the palms of his hands with William's cum and then wiped it across the prince's face, letting the prince lick it off his fingers. "Uuungh yeah, Will... uuuhhhh yeah, it feels so good to fuck you...", he grunted as the prince sucked on his fingers, as he felt the prince's asshole giving way to his huge dick, felt the pleasure deep in his stomach and his abdomen as his burning cock head began to spit cum up inside his gorgeous lover. The prince's back arched and he gasped and gasped, such a good sound, such a fucking turn-on, as Dylan's spunk poured against his insides. "Oh... so...goddamn... good... yeah..." Dylan growled, finally collapsing against the prince's soaked, sticky body as the last of it left his cock, as the final throbs of desire shuddered in his cock head. The prince panted with ecstasy as Dylan lay against him. "Oh yesss...." whispered the prince, "Oh, I love your cum up inside me, I love being yours... uhhh...". Dylan licked his face and his throat. "Oh Dylan, your cock in me feels... so... good..." "Will", Dylan whispered into his ear, I'm gonna fuck you and fuck you until the day I'm dicking the king". William's asshole tightened anew around his cock as he said it. The prince was his.

Next: Chapter 2

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