

Published on Sep 27, 2009



For fucks sakes! This was getting ridiculous. Alec was acting like a total hussy! I didn't mind when it was with me- God knows I didn't mind- but with this douche bag Johnny it was revolting. Alec was helping him with his Math homework. Such a cliché right? The Jock asking the prettiest boy in school to help with his homework and them, falling in love while the bodyguard wants to beat the fucking jock up!!!

Alec was giggling at something Johnny said to him and he had this faint blush on his cheeks that made him look so adorable! OK, so I admit that I have been ignoring him and only flirting with him when I was horny as fuck, but I was supposed to protect him. Now he was probably over me and looking to score with DJ- Dumb Jock.

"Yes! Well done!" Alec shouted and patted Johnny on the arm. Taking advantage of the situation Johnny grabbed Alec's hand and kissed it.

"Take it easy DJ." I said standing closer to the dining room table.

"My name is Johnny." He said through gritted teeth.

"It's a term of endearment," I said with a cocky smile that I knew would bother him.

"For what?" Alec asked with a slight frown between his brows-- soooo cute!

"Dumb Jock," I said as Johnny jumped up and came towards me saying, "Be careful bodyguard. The only reason I am being pleasant is because Alec asked me to."

"Really? I thought it was because you didn't want your ass kicked again." Cue smug smile!


"OK, guys. Let's break it up and dial it down- k?" I said as I walked towards them ,the tension in the room palpable.

Johnny turned to me and said: "Fine, but he better stop with the name calling." Looking at me he said, "So Alec, I was wondering whether you wanted to go to a movie with me tonight?" Awkward, to say the least.

Shooting a glance at Edward, I saw that he looked so nonchalant and that really bugged me!! After that morning he wouldn't even kiss me anymore and, only on the rare occasion ,did he even bother to flirt with me.

"Johnny, I'd LOVE to," I said with perhaps a little too much enthusiasm. "Should I change or can we go like this?" I asked looking at myself.

"You look sooo hot! I really think that I'm the one that needs to change. I'll go home quickly and be back to pick you up. OK?" He asked smiling like an excited kid.

"Alright, Johnny. I'll see you soon." I smiled back and walked with him to the door.

"Man-whore," I heard someone whisper.

Gasping indignantly, I turned to Edward and said, "Why would you say that?" I was really hurt and couldn't believe he said that.

"Uh, let me think?" he said holding his hand to his chin. "Well you kissed me and now you are dating DJ? Guess what that makes you?"

"Edward! That's a terrible thing to say. You know I really liked the kiss, but every time I want to talk to you, you blow me off. I don't know what you want."

"Well how the hell am I supposed to know what YOU want?!" he shouted passionately.

"What I want? I made it perfectly clear that I was interested in you! God, we practically fornicated at the dining room table, IN FRONT of my grandmother no less. Tell me what more you wanted. Every time after that when I tried to talk to you or touch you, you pulled away. What was I supposed to think?"

"Alec-" Edward started saying something.

"No! Just leave me alone." I said and hurried up the stairs to my bedroom. Walking up and down, I wondered if I had been acting like a man whore. I just helped Johnny and,OK, yes I told him I'd go to the movies with him, because I wanted to make Edward jealous, but he didn't even look that interested.

'Stop it Alec!' I said to myself as I looked into the mirror. 'People don't care about you. You KNOW the only way to survive is to be cold.'

Wandering over to the closet, I walked inside and chose something for the movies, something that would say 'JUST FRIENDS.' I settled upon a pair of cream CK jeans and brown leather loafers with a white button down shirt and a brown, cream and white Armani pullover. I left my hair as it was and sprayed on some cologne and walked downstairs. Just then the doorbell rang.

"Hi Johnny." I said smiling. It was obvious that he was dressed to impress with his Polo shirt and Levi jeans. He looked hot and his short blond hair was done up in the latest spiky fashion.

"You look hot Alec," he said checking me out.

"Thanks, but YOU look amazing." I smiled and looked down to the floor.

"So, what do you wanna see?" he asked as he led me over to his truck. Seeing that I was struggling to get in, he came around and gave me a slight lift to get in.

"Thanks," I said as I closed the door myself. I didn't like being treated like `the girl', so I wanted to do things like that myself.

We ended up watching some comedy that was a little vulgar for me. I didn't like swearing that much and it kinda bugged me, but I acted like I didn't totally hate it because Johnny was so into it. Afterward, he wanted to know what I wanted to eat, so I told him to follow me. We got to the beach and luckily the hot dog stand was still open, so I told him to wait and ran over to get four hot dogs. I came back and gave him three and a soda.

"You only want one?" he asked and I nodded yes. "Well let me pay you back. After all, I invited you out," he said reaching for his wallet.

"No. You paid for the movies, so please let me pay for this?" I asked looking up at him in the darkness.

Sighing he said something like, "You are too cute for your own good." But I wasn't sure.

The two of us walked down the steps leading to the beach and sat down in the sand eating. He had his third one down while I was still nibbling on my first.

"You want this?" I asked holding out half of my hot dog.

"Alec, what's the matter with you?" he asked looking at me suspiciously.

"Nothing. I'm just not that hungry," I said avoiding his eyes taking the hot dog back.

"Please don't lie to me Alec," he said, scooting closer to me and taking my hand. "I have noticed that you are much too skinny. Do you have a problem with eating?"

"I want to go home," I said looking straight ahead and ignoring the question.


"I said I want to go home," I said more directly, more menacingly.

"OK, come on," Johnny said while getting up and offering his hand. Ignoring the gesture, I got up and walked over to the car. He started talking about random things like sports and cars and I nodded, giving monosyllabic answers when required.

When we pulled up to my house I said, "Thanks Johnny, I really enjoyed tonight."

He was quiet,so I waited for a few seconds. When I opened the door to get out he said:,"Alec, I know you don't like it when I pry, but believe me when I tell you that you are worthy of happiness. I don't know why you do what you do, but I won't pretend like the other people in your life that this isn't happening. You need to be confronted and you need help. Just let me help you. Please?"

He gave me a look of true concern and for a moment, I considered telling him the truth, but just then the front door was thrown open, my grandmother and Edward rushing out. Both of them were yelling at me saying how irresponsible I was and how I wasn't allowed to leave without a guard going along. I looked at Johnny, gave him a tight smile, then followed them inside ,where the lectures continued.

Hi everyone! I am so sorry for the short chapter, but I am sooo busy! I promise to write more over November and December. I would just like to thank my friend Mark who was editing this chapter and has promised to help me in the future! You are great Mark!!!!

Let me know what you think at -- please!!!! It is the only way writers know if they are doing well!



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