

Published on Aug 15, 2009






Hearing a knock at the door I walked over and opened it.

"Hi." Edward said as he stood there casually looking all fine and sexy.

"Hey." I said sullenly and walked back to my piano. My room was like one of those suits at the most expensive hotels in the world-- very elegant, but nothing personal except for three pictures on my grand piano. One of my grandmother and grandfather, one of my father and mother and one picture of my big sister who died with my parents on the yacht. Apparently I had thrown a tantrum and had to stay with my Grandmother as punishment, which was how I had survived.

"Alec, I'm so sorry for hurting your friend." Edward said suddenly behind me. I was absently playing a melody. I didn't feel like saying something.

"Please don't be like this. I apologized for my behavior." He said sitting down beside me.

"It's not that he is my friend so much as that you are always so arrogant and sure of yourself. I mean people don't mess with you. I think I was just jealous." I said softly looking at him from the corner of my eye.

"Are you kidding? You are always making your bitchy one liners or ignoring people. Why would you be jealous?" He asked.

"Because people think that that's who I am. Do you really think I'm that shallow?!" I yelled standing up and walking to the middle of the room. "I have to be this way. This is what people expect from me. They don't care that half of my monthly allowance goes to a homeless shelter that I donate food to every month. They don't know that I stop to help an old lady cross the street. People believe what they want. It is exactly the same way with you. You thought that I was this snotty little brat the moment we met."

"You help the homeless?" He asked also standing up to join me in the middle of the room.

"Yes, I REALLY do. You can even come with me tomorrow if you want to." I said looking up at him.

"Fuck. You really are beautiful!" Edward said suddenly looking at me with lust. "You know that, right?"

Blushing I looked down and mumbled something incoherent and he just laughed and put a finger under my chin and gently forced me to look at him. I couldn't look away from his face even if I wanted to. His light green eyes captivated me with an intense longing that I never knew I could have.

"Alec, I know we don't always get along, but you are very important to me. You need to know that I am always, ALWAYS, here for even if we had the biggest fight in the world." He was looking at me real protective like and I have to admit that I really liked it.

"Thanks." I said as I looked down at the ground.

"Anytime." He said. Giving me a friendly pat on the back he started to walk out the room when I suddenly felt this urge to know what it is like to kiss someone.

"Edward?" I asked softly. He turned around and came back towards me.

"Yeah?" He asked looking down at me, but I wouldn't meet his gaze.

"Never mind." I said softly.

"Hey come on. Tell me." He said looking at me with understanding.

I blushed crimson and stuttered out: "W-will you, uhm, I was hoping that, uhm, I want to know, w-what it, uhm, feels like to you know kiss." I was so embarrassed that I wasn't even looking at him, but at my shoe.

I felt a gentle hand bringing up my head to look at him.

"Look at me Alec." He said as my eyes darted everywhere but to him.

"Come on. If you want to be kissed it isn't that big of a deal to ask me. I am hopefully quite good. Come on. Ask me to kiss you while looking into my eyes." He said more forcefully.

Looking into his eyes I quickly rumbled out the words: "Kiss me?" And I held his gaze.

His hand gently rubbed my arm the other held my neck and I saw him coming closer his eyes leaving mine to explore my face. My eyes closed.


Just as his eyes closed I looked at his mouth and saw him quickly moisten his red sensual lips with the tip of his tongue. That was all it took to make me pop a hard on then and there. I was barely even touching him, but dear heavens he was having the most sensational effect on me. I was seeing that pale skin color with the longest lashes known to mankind, I mean this boy could make all of the actresses in the world kill for those lashes and the cheekbones. Perfection. He was every inch the aristocratic beauty. He had this tiny little mole just below his left eye that made him all the more special.

I have had lots of sex and kisses, but I'll be damned if I want this kid, this spoilt, pampered and -on the service- cold being. I wanted all of him. I was falling in love with a sixteen year old prince so far out of my league that it wasn't even funny. At nineteen I had never really been in love.

Control yourself Edward, he is a virgin and he needs to be handled gently. His lips tasted of cherry lip ice.


And then I felt it. His lips were the right amount of moist and gentle, but firm. Is that even possible, but that was how it felt. It was a simple kiss, but it felt perfect.

Pulling away he softly said: "Well I think that is pretty much it."

I grabbed him and said: "No, you owe me a little bit more than that." And I gently slipped my tongue to rub his lips. It felt natural to do it. Me the virgin who wasn't even worth a second look from a guy like Edward, the JOCK!

His lips opened and our tongues crept towards each other, fighting to get into the other mouth. It was wonderful. It must have lasted quite a while, because when we pulled apart, I was so breathless that I was seeing stars.

Then I started to giggle.

Looking at me with a grin on his face, Edward said: "If you are finding this funny I definitely did not do a good job."

"No! It is just that I am literally seeing stars!" Giggles. "I always said my first time should be like that, but I didn't think I would seriously see stars!" He was smiling down at me and tried to let me go, but I held on or I would surely have fainted.

After a few more minutes I let him go, stepped away and said: "Thank you, for the greatest kiss of my life."


The following morning as I sat next to the Dowager Princess at the table, I saw Alex coming in. He looked so hot. His almost shoulder length black hair was pulled into a short ponytail with a red rubber band. He was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with a red Levi pullover and a pair of 501's that hugged his skinny frame nicely. I wished that he would turn around so that I could see his ass.

"Morning, Alexander." The Dowager said looking up at him from the head of the table.

"Morning, Grandmama." He said as he brushed a kiss to her forehead. Looking at me he blushed and said: "Hi." in that low husky very correct voice.

Being the flirt that I am I winked and said: "Morning. Sleep well?"

"Fine thank you. How about yourself?" He asked politely.

I tried to look sad as I said: "Not that great. I was dreaming of these luchious red cherries that tasted so good and how I craved to taste them again. It was weird." I said drinking more tea just like the Princess. He was drinking coffee.


"Are you ok?" asked the Dowager when Alec started to choke on his coffee.

"Yes." He said as he took a croissant to butter it.


That son of a bitch! I thought to myself as I saw him practically telling my grandmother about the kiss. Why was he staring at me like that? It was difficult enough trying to concentrate on what my grandmother was saying without him looking at me with those light green eyes that would tempt an angel to sin!

Tucking my shoe off of my foot I gently made my way towards Edward.

"So Edward what is your plan for my security?" I asked with the sweetest most innocent smile.

"Well, at school." and he was off explaining his strategies while I made my foot to his leg. Gently nudging his shoe I continued to butter my croissant as I felt his eyes on me. He was somewhat startled, but recovered nicely and continued with his explanation.

Then I made my way up his leg gently running it up and down. Meeting his gaze I cocked my left eyebrow, pursed my lips and gave him a tight- "how do you like that?"- smile.

As I moved my foot into his crotch I felt his hardness. His maleness. I could not believe that I was behaving like this. I saw him lower his hand as he tried to remove my foot, but I pressed my foot quit hardly at his erection and he gasped removing his hand. I removed the pressure.

"Are you alright?" Asked my grandmother.

"Yes, Your Highness." He said, his voice pitching just a fraction too high.

Feeling an evil streak, I asked Edward: "Edward could you please pass me two peaches? They look so delicious. I just want to suck al the juice out of them. I'd spend my all day with them." Licking my lips and lightly pressing my foot into his crotch I said: "Yum."


"You sleazy skank!" I said to Alec as I found him waiting for one of his car sto be brought around.

"What?" He asked looking all sweet and innocent.

"You almost made me cum in my pants while licking those peaches! IN FRONT of your dear GRANDMOTHER!" I practically yelled at him.

"Sorry, but you told her about my lips! You think I didn't know you were talking about my cherry flavored lip ice?" He shot back while glaring at me.

"You wanna kiss again?" I asked getting closer to him.

"Yes. NO!!" He said looking flustered. "Maybe late when we are home." And then his car was brought around.

A Mercedes Benz S65 AMG- black on black with dark tinted windows. The car was bullet proof too.

He drove like an escaped convict! I was saying Hale Mary's and Our Father's all the way to school. As we parked I saw Johnny waiting for us. Great and he had a slightly blue eye. Alec was at his side in seconds helping him with everything. I mean if I wasn't so nauseated- NOT JEALOUS- by the cute little boy helping and fawning over the jock I would have MAYBE apologized to Johnny.

Hi people! I hope that you are all doing well. Better than me I suppose. Anyway I hope you like this story and thank you for all the great responses! Please keep telling me how you feel about it.



Next: Chapter 3

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