Roxys Discovery

Published on Dec 14, 2017


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Chapter Nine

By: Chris

Roxy saw Diane walking past the security gate with her phone glued to her ear and she was doing more talking than listening. That made Roxy smile knowing that Diane had left work early to come in to see her and she was obviously finishing up some of her work. Diane didn't see her until she was about ten steps away, she smiled and quickly ended her call giving a couple of orders to whomever she was talking to.

"How you doing little sis?" Diane asked while giving her a hug.

"I'm fine, how about you?" Roxy asked in return.

"Better now that I'm here with you and away from all the aggravation of big time law," Diane replied with a smile.

"Then come home and open a practice here," Roxy asked the obvious question.

"What and miss out on all the back stabbing and cut throat politics of a large law firm," Diane said while they walked to get Diane's bags.

Roxy stopped, forcing Diane to stop with her. She waited until Diane turned to face her before saying, "Please promise me that you'll get out of there before it kills you like it did dad, you know there is more to life than that. Don't forget to smell the roses, they don't last forever. I'm just getting to know who my sister really is and I don't want to lose her."

Diane gave her a smile, "You know since dad died, I have been doing a lot of thinking, mostly about all that he missed. It made me think about how I have become dad and how his work came first. I promise that I won't let that happen, a year ago I would never have even thought about leaving work early but here I am."

"Yes, you are and I'm going to make you leave early lots more," Roxy told her. "I'm going to tell you to take a few days off and come home. If you refuse then I guess I'll just have to go to Atlanta and haul your ass home,"

Diane laughed, "I bet you will."

"Damn right I will," Roxy said taking her arm and leading her toward the baggage claim area.

Roxy got her to talk about the law firm and everything that was going on. Diane was happy to fill her in on all the affairs that some of the partners were having and a few of the juicier things going on with some of their clients. Nothing about any of their cases but still things that she was sure they didn't want anyone to know including the law firm that was representing them. It made for some interesting conversation and got them home. Roxy avoided saying anything about April, wanting Diane to meet her and make up her own mind. She had faith that April could win Diane over even if April didn't feel the same way.

She did text April to tell her that they were home and asked her to try and slip out early if she could. April wasn't sure that she could which Roxy expected her to say so she messaged her back that she would make her favorite dish if she would. April accused her of not playing fair; something that Roxy couldn't and didn't deny.

Roxy heard April's car door close and she turned to Diane, "Now you promised to be nice, April is scared to death about meeting you."

"I promise," Diane replied while making a cross on her chest though she wasn't catholic or even religious but Roxy appreciated the gesture.

Roxy went to the front door, opening it for April who had this pensive expression. Roxy just gave her a smile and as she got to the door, she gave her a light kiss which surprised April but seemed to reassure her with her sister standing by the couch.

Roxy took April's hand leading her to Diane, "Diane this is April and April this is my sister Diane."

Diane came to April giving her a heartfelt hug and when she pulled back she said with a smile, "So this is the sweet lady who stole my sister's heart."

"Well actually I have this reputation of being a bad assed bitch," April said taking Diane by surprise.

"Don't pay her any mind, she has been telling me that since I met her and I as yet to see any proof that she is anything but kind and sweet," Roxy said hitting April on the arm and frowning at her.

"Well I am a bad assed bitch and everyone at the law firm knows it," Diane said just as seriously as April had said it.

"Well it is nice to meet you, you bad assed bitch," April said holding out her hand.

"You too, you bad assed bitch," Diane replied taking her offered hand.

"You're both are full of shit," Roxy said not believing that either of them had said what they said.

"Hey we are what we are, isn't that right Diane?" April stated.

"That's right, I know a bad assed bitch when I see one and April has all the markings of being a bad assed bitch like me," Diane said.

"Oh god, you're both crazy," Roxy said frowning at both of them.

"It is nice to finally meet you, you're all Roxy talks about anymore," Diane said much to Roxy's relief.

"You too, I admit I was a little nervous about meeting you," April admitted getting serious.

"Hey we're both bad assed bitches, we'll get along just fine," Diane said and laughed when Roxy gave her another frown.

"Enough of the bad assed bitches," Roxy said, "April go change and Diane you be nice."

"I think we just got our marching orders," April said grinning at Diane.

"I think we did," Diane said with a laugh that as much as Roxy wanted to fuss, she did like that their first meeting had at least started off well, even if it wasn't what she had imagined or wanted.

"So did I do all right?" Diane asked after April had gone into the bedroom to change.

"Yes, you did just fine," Roxy said with a smile. "So what did you think?"

"I think we'll get along just fine, she did surprise me with the bad ass line." Diane said.

"Yeah, she did me too but I think that was her nervousness coming out. She told me the same thing when we first met." Roxy replied.

"Come on and help me get dinner started," Roxy told her sister as she headed toward the kitchen.

"You know we could just go out for dinner so you don't have to cook," Diane told her causing Roxy to stop and face her.

"I promised April that I would fix her favorite meal if she would come home early," Roxy said as a matter of fact.

"You know it's not like I will hold you to that promise, besides I was going to leave early anyway. That way you can cook it for me on Monday," April said coming from the bedroom still in her pant suit that she wore to work through her blouse was pulled from her pants but still buttoned of course.

"I don't mind cooking but if you want to go out to eat, that is fine with me," Roxy said looking from one to the other now that April had come back into the living room.

"I say let's go out to eat," Diane said.

"Yeah, let's go out, that way you can drive and Diane can sit in the back with me and she can tell me what you were like as a little girl, all the mean things that you did," April said grinning at Roxy who just frowned but then she smiled.

"You know I was barely three when Diane went off to college so she won't have many tales to tell," Roxy said wanting to bust April's bubble.

"Don't worry, I got lots to tell, mom used to call and telling what you had gotten into and what you had broken. She also threatened to send you off with me when I went back to college after a visit," Diane said.

"She did not!" Roxy said not a hundred percent sure that their mom hadn't done that.

"Oh yes she did little sis," Diane said with a big smile. "I got lots of stories to tell like the day that you broke mom's favorite vase and almost caught the house on fire all in the same day," Diane told her.

"Oh this I got to hear," April said all too eagerly. "Just let me put myself back together and we're out of here."

"I didn't do that... did I?" Roxy asked.

"Yes you did and mom was pissed," Diane said with a laugh.

"Don't tell any more, I just got to hear this," April called back before disappearing back into the bedroom.

"Oh, you're not going to hear anything about my childhood," Roxy said aloud while smiling at Diane which she hoped told Diane she had permission to tell anything she wanted to. She wanted Diane and April to get along and if that meant a few stories got told about her, she was cool with it.

April returned a few minutes later wearing jeans and a V neck knit top with a pair of sandals. They went out to Roxy's car and sure enough Diane and April rushed past her getting into the back seat before she could even get to the car.

"If you think that we're going anywhere with you two conspiring against me in the back seat, you're crazy," Roxy told them when she got to the car.

"Who us?" April said with a laugh.

"Yes you, now one of you get into the front seat," Roxy demanded.

"You're no fun," Diane said getting out and going to the front passenger seat however after putting on her seat belt, she turned in her seat so that she could talk to April who was sitting behind the driver's seat.

As soon as Roxy put the car into gear, Diane began to tell April the story of how she had broken her mother's vase and got ahold of some matches all in the same day. Roxy protested this even though she was much too young to remember doing it. She was sure that Diane was embellishing the story more than a little but that just made the story that much more interesting. From there, Diane told a couple of more stories about her, some as she got a little older. For Roxy, it was interesting to hear these things as most of them she didn't remember. And by the time her mother would have used them against her in her teenage years, she had gotten sick and Roxy's teenage years of rebellion never happened since she was too busy caring for her mother and keeping the household going.

While they were eating, Roxy got Diane to talk about herself so that April could get to know just who she was. She knew that Diane had saw through what she was doing and she went along. Diane had more than a few stories to tell about law school and the working her way up the latter at the law firm that she worked.

"So tell me about your family," Diane asked of April when they were home and sipping on some of her father's special coffee in the living room.

Roxy saw the apprehension on April's face and she wanted to come to her rescue, "Hey April tell Diane the story about Alice and Allison from the softball league."

"I'm sorry if I asked something I shouldn't have," Diane said before April could respond.

April gave Diane a soft smile, "No it's just that I have strange relationship with my parents or rather my mother."

"Strange or strained?" Diane asked and Roxy could see the lawyer in Diane come out wanting to get to the specific on April's relationship with her mother.

April laughed, "Actually both," April replied. "You see my mother doesn't believe being gay is right, it is a lifestyle that should never be allowed or accepted, even if it is her daughter."

"I'm sorry to hear that, so you don't have any contact with her?" Diane asked.

"Actually, I talk to her at least once a week and go see her at least once a month which means I am overdue for a visit." April told her.

"Okay, now I am really confused," Diane said taking a big sip of her coffee which emptied her cup and she held it out for Roxy to refill.

Roxy looked over at April who told her, "go get us all a refill while I try and explain my relationship to my dear mother."

"I would say that you don't have to but now you got me intrigued," Diane told her honestly.

Roxy gathered up the cups making her way to the kitchen as April tried to explain her relationship with her mother. When she returned, April was telling Diane about her mother showing up at her apartment when she was broke and there was nothing in her apartment to eat. When she finished with her story April then asked the million-dollar question.

"So, am I right to continue to see and talk to my mother when she doesn't accept my lifestyle?" she asked Diane just for curiosity sake but then she was also curious as to how Diane would answer that question.

"On one hand, I would say no, I wouldn't have a thing to do with her until she accepts me for who I was..." Diane said but then she paused for a moment to think. "However, after having lost my mother when she was still a young woman makes me want to say that you are doing the right thing by trying to stay close to her."

"What would you do?" April asked putting Diane on the spot which Diane didn't seem to mind.

"I can't answer that question, with mom dying like she did and then losing dad, I can't put myself into your shoes. How did mom accept it when you told her?" Diane asked directing her question to Roxy.

"She was already very sick when I told her so she had too many other things she wanted to tell me to be upset with me being gay. I don't think she liked it but she wasn't going to waste what little time we had left arguing about me being gay. I wish we could have had all those mother daughter arguments and fights..." Roxy said wishfully.

"I wish you could have too," Diane told her and Roxy could see that Diane was about to tear up.

"But then I wouldn't have met April and we wouldn't be here right now talking so in the end I think things turned out as they were meant to," Roxy said smiling.

"Nicely put," Diane said with a smile. "And on that note, how about we call it a night, I need to check my emails before I go to bed."

"Sound good but don't take long on your emails, we got an early morning with our softball league." Roxy said.

"I won't I promise," Diane said with a laugh.

Roxy and April turned off the light while Diane visited the bathroom. They had just gotten to their bedroom when they hear Diane exclaim rather loudly, "Damn!"

"What's the matter?" Roxy called out to her.

"I forgot my stupid laptop, may I borrow your tablet, I saw it in the kitchen," Diane asked coming out of her old bedroom.

"Sure, no problem," Roxy told her and Diane headed off in the direction of the kitchen.

Roxy didn't think another thing about it until she turned and saw pure panic coming across April's face. She was about to ask her what was wrong when she knew just exactly what was wrong. "Noooo!" Roxy yelled turning and running toward the kitchen in a mad dash.

Roxy ran into the kitchen to see that she was already too late as Diane was grinning from ear to ear, "Nice background you got there sis."

"You did not see that," Roxy warned her taking the tablet and quickly changing the background picture from the nude photo of April to some nature scene.

"I didn't see a thing," Diane said and Roxy knew that the picture would never be brought up again, at least not when April was within earshot and maybe not even when she wasn't.

When Roxy got back to the bedroom, she saw that April was still in near panic, she had wanted to make a great impression on Diane and that wasn't the impression she wanted Diane to be left with. "I made it just in time, she hadn't even turned it on. I changed the picture before she could see it."

"What did you tell her?" April asked meaning why she was in a rush to get the tablet back.

"Oh I told her I had forgotten that I had put a passcode on it and needed to turn it off so that she could use it anytime she wanted," Roxy explained trying her best to assure April who seemed to accept her answer.

"She won't go looking around on it will she?" April asked.

"No, just like we wouldn't if we were using hers," Roxy said giving April a reassuring kiss.

"No, we wouldn't," April replied appearing to be reassured.

"Now let's get some sleep, we got a long day ahead of us," Roxy told her wanting to get April's mind away from the nude pictures of her on the tablet and onto Saturday's softball games.

The next morning, Roxy was up early and had breakfast about cooked before she began to get April and Diane up and going. They both came into the kitchen looking sleepy and wanting to get back to bed. Roxy had their coffee cups filled and ready for them when they sat down at the table.

"Is she always this energetic in the mornings?" Diane asked.

"On Saturday mornings, she is, it's softball day. I'm doing good to delay leaving the house before sunrise,' April said smiling at her. "It a wonder she didn't make us camp out overnight at the park."

"I'm not that bad," Roxy said in her defense but she knew that she really was close to that.

"Yes, you are," April said teasing her a little.

"I just like to get in a little practice, besides I promised Jessica that I would pitch to her so that she can get some batting practice before her game this afternoon." Roxy told them as an excuse which was true but she would have wanted to get their early anyway.

"Who's Jessica?" Diane asked while Roxy put their breakfast onto the table.

"She's Ann's daughter, when we started the league, Jessica was just starting to play softball in middle school. Ann wanted to learn the game so that she could help Jessica and better understand what was going on. Anyway, we needed another player so we allowed Jessica to play even though it really is for adults. The bad part is that she could just about outplay most of us then and she definitely can now." April told her.

"Well it's sweet that they can do something together," Diane said.

"It is, we all got to watch her grow up and one day we will see her playing for some big college," Roxy said.

"You know you never did tell me about Allison and Alice, what is their story?" Diane asked.

"Oh god yes, tell her that story," Roxy said with glee.

"This must be interesting," Diane said turning so that she could see April.

"Well you see Alice was married to a man named B.J. ..." April said starting the story of the two friends. Roxy noticed that there were minor differences in the story that April had told her however the main facts remained the same. But then again when Alice and Allison told the story, they never told it the same way just depending on whom they were telling it to. Diane, Roxy could see, was enjoying the story and was getting caught up in the telling of it. After finishing that one, April told a couple of more, one of which was new to Roxy so she was enjoying it too.

When they got there, Ann and Jessica were already there as well as a few other players. Roxy went to the pitcher's circle with Ann doing the catching and Jessica in the batter's box. They got a few of the younger kids to run down the balls that Jessica hit. Roxy's pitching was beginning to improve though she didn't have much movement on her pitches, she mostly just threw it as hard as she could and still get it close enough to the plate for Jessica to hit. Diane went to the stands with a large cup of coffee that she brought with her from home.

Soon more and more of the women arrived and Roxy noticed that Diane was no longer sitting alone and she was talking to the women sitting around her. When it came time to start the first game, Roxy headed toward the stands where Diane was sitting since she and April were playing in the second game. However, she never made it that far as April stopped her, asking her to play in third base as that player had an uncle to die and she needed to be with her mother.

Roxy would be in the field first so she had April move Diane the stands on the third base side and asked her to sit with her. With Diane taken care of, Roxy turned her attention to the game. Like always, she tuned out everything but the batter or if her team was batting then the person that was batting for her team.

Near the end of the game, there was a pause in the game and Roxy was able to look over in Diane and April's direction. She saw that Diane appeared to be wiping her eyes and April had her arm around her shoulders talking to her. She became worried that something was really wrong but then April looked up mouthing to her "It's okay." Roxy was still worried about Diane but with April there, she felt she could turn her attention back to the game which was good since the game had restarted and there was a ball coming right toward her. It was more self-preservation than skill that she was able to catch the ball that was about to smash into her face.

"Way to go Roxy" she heard Diane yell and she looked over at her to see her standing pumping her fist. Roxy had to laugh, she never had a cheering section before and it did feel nice, especially with it being her sister, the last time she had a family member cheer for her, it was her dad when her mother had become too sick to come to any of the games.

The game ended with the team she was playing on losing five to four but she did her part with four hits. Normally it would bother her to lose no matter that is wasn't her team that lost, she was more concerned about Diane so she went immediately to where her sister was waiting for her.

"Were you crying?" Roxy asked as she sat down beside Diane with April getting up to get ready for the next game and also to give her some time with her sister.

"No," Diane said however she didn't look directly at her.

"Yes you were, what's wrong?" Roxy asked putting her hand on top of Diane's.

Diane hesitated for a moment before answering, "I just saw how much fun you were having and how intense you were and I realized just how much you missed out on having to take care of mom and then dad. I'm sorry..."

She saw that Diane was about to cry again, "look at me," she said waiting for Diane to look before she continued. "Yeah, I missed out on some things but I got a lot more in return. I got to know mom and dad like I never would have. And right now, I'm having the time of my life playing with these women."

"But it's not real, it's not a real game," Diane said.

"The hell it's not, for everyone playing here it is very real. Ask any of the women on the team that wins the league championship gains bragging rights for a year and let me tell you, that's important. It also gives some of the mothers a break from their kids and let the older ones relive their younger days." Roxy said.

"Okay it is real, I get that but..." Diane asked.

"But what?" Roxy asked.

"Are you really happy, I mean considering all that you have missed?" Diane asked her looking into her eyes.

"Diane, I don't believe that I have missed anything, I have gotten all that I could ask for, I promise you I wouldn't change anything that has happened to me," Roxy said staring back willing her to believe that what she was saying was the truth.

"You promise?" Diane asked.

"I promise," Roxy said giving Diane a long tight hug.

"I'm still sorry for what I did to you, making you miss out on your childhood," Diane said after the hug.

"No, you don't need to be sorry for that but you know what you should feel sorry about?" Roxy asked her.

"What?" Diane asked now with a worried expression on her face.

"Making me almost miss my game," Roxy said with a big grin and then she jumped up and went down the stands stopping once she got to the ground to smile back at Diane who was smiling back which did make her feel better.

This game went better both because they won and also that she was playing with her regular teammates and also April was there with her. She didn't get to talk to her much and when she did, it was about the game.

"Could you two gotten any dirtier?" Diane asked when she and April met her after the game.

Roxy looked over at April and April was looking at her, Roxy had never thought about getting dirty at the game, that is what ballplayers are supposed to do. However, she could see how it would be strange to Diane who always had to look professional and did so even when she wasn't at work.

"I don't know, I think you could have gotten a little more dirt on your left cheek and neck," Roxy said as she reached down scooping up a little loose dirt and then smearing it on April's cheek and neck, both of which were soaked in sweat so the dirt stuck to her.

"And I don't think you got any dirt in your hair," April said getting some dirt herself and then she removed Roxy's hat and let the dirt fall from her hand onto Roxy's head.

"How about now?" Roxy asked her sister.

"Oh god you two are crazy," Diane said laughing at them both.

"You know Diane looks a little bit odd being all clean and us so sweaty and dirty," April said.

"Don't even think about it!" Diane said as she began to back away from them as they reached down for more of the loose dirt.

"Oh, don't worry we're going to be doing more than just thinking about it," Roxy said stepping toward Diane.

Diane was smart enough to have kept the keys to Roxy's car and that was where she headed in a dead run, getting to it and locking the doors behind her to keep them out.

"You got to let us in sometime," Roxy said to her.

"Oh no I don't, I can make you walk home. I got the keys," Diane said and she immediately started the car.

"Okay you win," Roxy said dropping the dirt she was holding as did April.

"That's better," Diane said with a smile.

They loaded up their things into the trunk where Roxy got a hand full of dirt and she whispered for April to get into the front passenger seat so that she could get into the back seat behind Diane.

Once inside the car, Roxy sat up in her seat and said, "How about a little dirt for my clean sister." She immediately smeared the dirt onto Diane's cheeks and letting the rest fall down the front with some falling onto and under her blouse.

"I am going to kill you; you sneaky bitch!" Diane yelled turning around to try and hit her but the steering wheel stopped her.

"You asked for dear sister," Roxy said laughing and April was trying not to laugh but she couldn't stop herself.

"You're both dead!" Diane said and she was serious.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself," Roxy said trying to be serious but her laughing indicated that she wasn't sorry in the least.

"You're still on my shit list," Diane said trying to rub the dirt from her cheeks.

"We are sorry," April said getting her laughter under control.

"Don't be, I did ask for it," Diane said finally letting out a laugh.

"It is fun getting dirty, you know the next visit we'll let you to play with us," Roxy told her.

"Now that is something I won't do, I'd get myself killed. Besides I don't know a thing about softball," Diane said starting the car.

"I didn't either, I was told to get the league going, if I had known then that I was going to have to play, I would have refused," April said honestly.

"But you enjoy it now don't you?" Roxy asked.

"I enjoy being with the women and seeing how much this means to them," April said.

"But you enjoy playing now don't you?" Roxy asked again.

"Yes I enjoy playing now though I'm still the worst player in the league," April replied.

"You're not the worst,' Roxy said and then April turned and looked her in the eyes, "Okay you're pretty bad."

"Roxy, that's a terrible thing to say," Diane told her.

"No, I made her say it and I am. She has tried to help me but I like catching and bunting to try and get on base." April said.

"I saw you get on base once, you were safe by a mile," Diane said pleased that she had figured out that much about the game her sister so loved.

"Well they are kind enough let me get on base at least once a game," April informed her.

"Oh... I don't understand, what do you mean that they let you get on base?" Diane asked.

"You see everyone gets to keep hitting until they put the ball in play and if the player is like April, not very good then everyone lets them get on base at least once during the game." Roxy explained to her.

"However, players like Roxy have to earn their way, there's no free pass for them," April told her.

"I think I am beginning to see," Diane said with her facial expression indicating that she really was understanding.

"The league was designed so that beginners can enjoy the game as much as the well- versed athlete." April told her.

"That is how April designed the league," Roxy added making sure that credit was given where it was deserved.

"I had help you know," April had to add.

Roxy and April further explained the league to Diane as she drove them home. Once there, they all headed for the bathroom to clean up, including Diane since Roxy made sure that she too had gotten dirty.

"So, what is on the agenda for the afternoon?" Diane asked as they sat on the porch eating the sandwiches that April had fixed for lunch.

"I thought that we might go to the cemetery, I haven't been there since Dad died," Roxy suggested.

"Yes I think that would be nice, maybe pick up some flowers on the way to put on their graves," Diane said.

"Do you want to come?" Roxy asked directing her question to April.

"I will next time, I think it would be better for just the two of you to go today," April said.

"Okay but I do want you to go with me one day," Roxy told her.

"I will, I promise." April replied.

"So what will you do while we're gone?" Diane asked.

"Oh I will be preparing for our five course dinner tonight," April replied with a big grin.

"I didn't think you could cook," Diane said and then Roxy could see that her sister had just realized what she had said and obviously wanted to take it back.

"I can't but I am great at making reservations," April said with a laugh.

"I'm not so sure she is all that great at doing that considering the first place she took me too," Roxy said teasing April but also setting herself up without realizing it.

"I only took you there because your sister here wouldn't let me into your panties on our first date," April shot back.

"Hey someone had to look out for my innocent little sister," Diane added much to Roxy's embarrassment.

"Okay enough of this conversation," Roxy said feeling her face turning so warm on an already warm day.

"You started it," April said grinning.

"And I'm ending it," Roxy declared. She then got up and started to clean off their table ending any possibility of Diane or April continuing what she had foolishly started. But she liked seeing April and Diane joining together to tease her.

"So what do you think of April?" Roxy asked just as soon as she pulled onto the road in front of her house.

"I was wondering how long it would take to ask me that," Diane said smiling at her.

"It's why you came and don't argue that point," Roxy told her.

"I like her, she's really nice," Diane said to her.

"But...?" Roxy asked.

"There's no but's, I really do like her and I wasn't so sure that I would. I was going to try my hardest to like her for you but when she told me that she was a bad ass bitch, I knew she was someone I could like," Diane said.

"She really isn't a bad assed bitch, she's as sweet as the day is long," Roxy told her. "I don't know why she keeps saying that."

"If I had to guess, I would say that sometime in her past someone pushed her against the wall and she became a bad assed bitch. That assures me that she won't ever let anyone push you around," Diane said.

"You know I can take care of myself, I'm a big girl now," Roxy told her.

"I know but sometimes it's nice to know you have a bad assed bitch in your corner, even if you never need her to become one," Diane said.

Roxy thought that over for a moment, "I guess you're right."

"I am and I can also see she is as smitten with you as you are with her," Diane told her.

"You think so?" Roxy asked trying not to smile too broadly.

"Her eyes are glued to your ass every time you get up to leave the room," Diane told her.

"They are not!" Roxy said trying not to blush.

"Yes they are but more importantly, she clings to every word that you say like it was the most important thing anyone has ever said," Diane told her.

Roxy wasn't sure how to respond to that so she went back to her first question, "So do you really like her?"

"Yes I do, I really do," Diane assured her once again.

She then seemed to pause so Roxy waited her out. "Besides from the picture that I saw, she has one hot body, damn it would light a fire in the rain, I mean hot!" Diane said.

"Diane! I can't believe you just said that!" Roxy said blushing as she was hitting Diane on her leg. "You can't ever tell her that you saw that picture, I told her that you didn't."

"I won't tell, I promise but she is pretty," Diane said.

"I think so but she thinks that she's too fat," Roxy told her.

"Well she isn't, I definitely wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers as they say," Diane told her.

"Can I ask you something?" Roxy asked as she pulled up to a red light that was on red.

"I'm bi," Diane told her.

"I was wondering," Roxy admitted.

"And to answer your question, it just depends on the person I am with, if I like them then I might develop a relationship with them," Diane told her.

"So when you going to settle down with someone?" Roxy asked.

"God you wanting to get me married off?" Diane asked.

Roxy laughed, "No not married, I just want you to have someone to come home to," Roxy told her.

"I got you for that, well you and now April, that's all I need." Diane replied.

"I'll see what I can find," Roxy said just to see what Diane would say.

"Don't even think about it," Diane said making Roxy laugh.

Roxy couldn't resist naming a few people that she knew just to tease Diane which made for some laughs between them, especially when it was someone that she knew Diane had grown up with. A few of them Diane threaten to hurt her if she tried to fix her up with. It was only when they got to the cemetery that things got serious. They had stopped at a flower shop to buy some flowers to put in their parent's vases and also two fresh roses, a red one for their mother and a white one for their father. They both cried as they arraigned the flowers in the vases and visited with their parents.

As it turned out, April wasn't all that great at making reservations either. She had made the mistake of calling her mother who for some reason was in a very talkative mood. Her mother told her about what everyone in her home town had been doing, or so it seemed to April. Most of these people April either didn't remember or never cared for in the first place but she was a good daughter and she listened. By the time she got off the phone it was too late to make any reservations at any good restaurants, so April did the next best thing, she put some steaks out to thaw and put some potatoes into the oven to bake. That was the other thing she could cook after making great sandwiches.

So when Roxy and Diane got home, Roxy fired up her father's grill and she made April go to the store to get them some wine while Diane fixed a salad for them to eat. They sat out on the porch and ate their steak dinners and sipped their wine. They consumed one bottle and started on a second before they decided that they were more than a little tipsy and they went to bed a little earlier than normal however the wine that they consumed did put them to sleep rather quickly.

Luckily Diane had an afternoon flight out so they were able to have a nice breakfast and take their time getting her to the airport. After several hugs at the airport and Diane promising to return home soon, she departed to head back to her home and her job. April surprised Roxy by not asking her about what Diane thought of her as soon as Diane was past the security gate. In fact, this wasn't until they were in bed that night that she did ask.

"So did Diane say anything about me?" she finally asked.

Roxy turned to her side to face April, "I was wondering when you were going to ask," she said with a smile.

"I was hoping that you'd just tell me," April said with a frown.

"Oh, sorry; I should have," Roxy said feeling bad about waiting for April to ask when she knew how important it was to her.

"Yes, you should but I will forgive you if you tell me now," April said and Roxy could see how fearful April was of her answer.

"Honey, you had her eating out of your hand as soon as you told her that you were a bad assed bitch," Roxy said with a laugh.

"I was so nervous that it just came out," April said in her defense. "I know I could have said something better to get her to like me."

"April didn't you just hear what I said, you had her as soon as you said that you were a bitch, well a bad asses bitch." Roxy told her.

"Seriously?" April asked obviously not believing her.

"Yes seriously, she loved you, I promise," Roxy told her. "She believes that somewhere in your past you had to be a bad assed bitch and knowing that makes her feel like I am safe with you, that you'll always look out for me... Was there such a time?"

April looked at her for a moment and Roxy knew that Diane was right, there had been a time that April was what she claimed to be.

"It was when I was a junior, a friend talked me into going to a lesbian bar on the west end of the city. She had heard about it and wanted to visit it for some reason. Anyway, we went and as soon as we pulled into the parking lot and saw a lot of bikes there, I knew that we were out of our element. I tried to talk her out of going in but she determined. Well we did and it was full of some meanest looking women I had ever seen in my life and a lot of them stared at us as soon as we entered. They kept hitting on us and I just wanted to get out of there. Finally, my friend consented to dance with one. I kept a eye on her and soon the woman had her hands all over my friend and she started to resist. I went to them and pulled my friend away and got between her and the woman who was much bigger and stronger than I was. I was scared shitless but I acted like I knew what I was doing. I somehow got the woman to back down and I got my friend out of there. My friend told me I was one 'Bad Assed Bitch' and she told everyone about what I had done so for a while my friends called me that. But I really wasn't, I was just trying to get us out of there alive." April said.

Roxy smiled and said, "So I really am living with a Bad Assed Bitch."

April laughed, "No I'm afraid that you are living with a candy assed bitch who about pissed her pants while she was trying to act like someone she wasn't."

"Well you're my bad assed bitch now," Roxy said giving her a light kiss. "So, what happened to you and your friend?"

"When she realized that I wasn't who she thought I was, she quit school and ran off with one of the real bad assed bitches from the bar," April said with a laugh.

"Ouch!" Roxy said.

"It's cool, I ended up with you," April said giving her a kiss this time.

"Yes you did," Roxy replied.

"So other than the bad assed bitch thing, what did your sister think of me?" April asked getting the conversation back to where she wanted it.

"I really think she likes you." Roxy told her. "I think what she wanted to make sure of the most was that you really cared for me, that your feelings were real and you weren't here to take advantage of me."

"I'm not, I..." April was saying but Roxy put her finger to her lips stopping her.

"What she saw was a woman whose actions told her that this woman really cared for me," Roxy said softly.

"What actions?" April asked. "I didn't do anything that I know of."

"Well... someone who cling to every word that I said like it was the most important words to ever been said, her words not mine, and whose eyes followed me everywhere I went and whose eyes seemed to love looking at my ass when I leave the room." Roxy said grinning at her.

"They do not," April said but even Roxy could see that she wasn't convinced of the words coming out of her mouth.

"I don't mind you looking at my ass, you can do that all you want... besides I like to stare at your ass too," Roxy said with a giggle.

"Did she really say those things?" April asked, "I mean about the way I looked and listened to you."

"Yes, she did, you see it didn't matter what you said to her, it was how you interacted with me that she wanted to see," Roxy told her.

"How did she see all those things?" April asked.

"She's a lawyer, she is paid to pay attention to how people act and what they say. My father once told me that he learned more about his clients by how they acted when they talked than by the words that they said, I guess she inherited that trait from him." Roxy told her.

"I guess she did," April said. "As long as she approved of me, that is all I care about."

"She does," Roxy assured her. "Do you like her?"

"Yeah, she's cool, not as cool as you but cool," April said smiling back at her.

"How about we get some sleep, tomorrow is Monday and we both got a big day ahead of us," Roxy said giving April a kiss and cuddling up against her.

As the long hot summer progressed, Roxy continued to look forward to Saturdays and their softball games. When August came around, Roxy wanted time to slow down, it was all going too fast. First her summer classes would end and then the summer softball league would end. But as much as she wanted time to stop, it didn't and so they played their last games of the summer. Roxy got another disappointment when she found out from April that their team came in third. While she wanted to be on the winning team, she was still happy that she had gotten to play and that she had made so many new friends, most of which loved to play softball as much as she did. Roxy made sure to get a picture of each of the teams but then again they were all doing that once the final out was made in the final game of the summer.

The following Saturday was the dinner at Rosa's house and April wasn't lying when she said that the woman could cook. She had four grown daughters who helped her and of course once everyone began to arrive, they also pitched in. Rosa's house was in the country and while it was a modest house, it had a huge back yard that the children took advantage of. Everyone in the league donated some money to pay for the food, all Rosa had to do was to cook it, well with the help of her daughters. It was a fun day that Roxy enjoyed and made her realize that while she would miss the games, she would also miss the women she played with just as much.

Also as the summer went on Roxy and April began to settle into their relationship. Roxy learned the things that April did that would get on her nerves and she knew there were a few things that she did that got on April's nerves. But they managed to keep those things in perspective. Roxy also found that having April living with her had its advantages. Ever since she had taken over the cooking duties when her mother got sick, Roxy had always had been bad to start cooking something only to find she was out of one of the ingredients. Most times she had to either substitute something for that ingredient or just go on without it. So, when April came to live with her, she found that she could either call her at work and have her pick it up on her way home or send her to the store to get it. April never seemed to mind but then she did try not to take advantage of this too often, if there was something close that she could use then she would, especially if it was raining and she didn't want to send April out.

When the summer session ended, Roxy passed all her classes with three A's and one B. She was disappointed in the B but April told her that the main thing was that she had proven to herself that she could and would succeed in her college career. The bad part of the break was that she quickly got bored with no classes to attend. To made matters worse, the weather turned dry and she didn't need to mow so she had to find other ways to keep herself busy. Some days when she was really bored, Roxy would meet April at the door wearing only a robe that was shed as soon as April closed the door. April enjoyed these days as she got her desert without first eating all her vegetables or even getting to the dinner table in the first place. On some evenings, they never made it to the dinner table upon which April declared was the best diet she had ever been on.

However, all good things come to an end and Roxy had to start classes again and April was busy with all the new students and their financial aid which seemed to get more complicated every year. But they always made time for each other and discovered new ways to make love. It was after one of these lovemaking sessions that April that would bring up a subject that Roxy had thought was long forgotten.

End of Chapter Nine.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 10

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