Roxys Discovery

Published on Nov 26, 2017


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Chapter Eight

By Chris

Once they had carried everything into the house, April told her, "Now you go study, I'll fix us some lunch and then start putting my things away."

"No I can cook us up something quick," Roxy protested.

"And I can make a pretty good sandwich so you go study," April told her firmly.

Roxy laughed giving in to April's suggestion, "A sandwich would hit the spot about now."

"Well I'll have you one in a moment, Now Go Study!" April said.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said with a laugh and then she turned to head to her study to do just that.

Roxy set into her studies and had just about forgotten about lunch when she heard Roxy say, "Sorry for taking so long but I had to run to the store to get some bread, someone here doesn't keep any bread for some reason."

"I don't make too many sandwiches," Roxy replied before remembering to say, "But you didn't have to run to the store, I'm sure I could have found us something to eat."

"But would it have been as great as one of my sandwiches?" April asked with a big grin. "Try a bite."

Roxy looked at the sandwich that April placed in front of her and she had to admit that it looked good with the lettuce, tomatoes, ham, and turkey, real ham and turkey and not the processed stuff either. "It looks great." Roxy said.

"Taste it," April told her eagerly.

Roxy picked up the sandwich, taking a bite. She began to chew and she found that she was tasting something other than mayonnaise and mustard. "Oh it is good, what did you put on it?" Roxy asked.

"That is my secret," April said obviously happy and relieved that she liked it.

"On seriously what did you put on it?" Roxy asked before taking another bite.

"Not telling," April said very pleased with herself. "You know you can out cook me but you got to admit I really do make a mean sandwich."

"Yes you do," Roxy said wiping her mouth with the back of her hand to April's pleasure.

"And if you are really good and study hard, I might just make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich tonight," April told her before turning to leave.

"I promise to study really hard," Roxy said and April turned and gave her a big smile before leaving her to study and enjoy her sandwich.

Later that night April did reward her with a great peanut butter and jelly sandwich that was as good as the ones her mother used to make for her when she was a child. They sat out on the porch eating their sandwiches while enjoying the warm summer evening before retiring to the bedroom for some much-needed sleep.

Once she had April off to work, Roxy made a call that she was both excited about and feared, she just wasn't sure which was the correct emotion until she finished the call. "What's wrong sis?" Diane asked when she answered Roxy's call.

"What makes you think something is wrong?" Roxy asked knowing that if she called Diane this early something Diane would figure that something had to be wrong.

"Because the only time you have ever called me this early, it was to tell me bad news," Diane said.

Roxy then realized that Diane was right, she had called her early in the morning to tell her that their mother had passed and again when their father had passed. "It's nothing that bad, in fact it is good, I just don't know how you'll feel about it."

"Then tell me and I'll let you know," Diane told her getting right to the point.

"I asked April to move in with me and she did this weekend," Roxy said and she waited for Diane to let her have it.

"Oh I see..." Diane said and Roxy heard her exhale so she waited for Diane to continue and she did. "Did you ask her because you were lonely in the house alone?"

"She asked me the same thing," Roxy told her.

"Well that is a point in her favor," Diane said, "So what did you tell her."

"I told her no, I didn't get lonely until I started letting her stay the night, then when she wasn't here I missed her." Roxy said.

"I can understand that but now I got to change my plans for this coming weekend," Diane told her.

"You're not going to give her a hard time or do your lawyer thing on her are you," Roxy stated more than asked.

"No little sister, I just want to meet the woman who stole my sister's heart," Diane said and that made Roxy smile.

"Do you think she has done that?" Roxy asked.

"From what you have told me, the moment she followed you out from that meeting you were screwed," Diane said.

"No, remember you wouldn't let her do that, you said that she couldn't get into my panties on the first date," Roxy said not believing that she had just said that to her sister until it was already out of her mouth.

Roxy heard Diane give out a horse laugh, "Oh my now I really got to meet her for you to say something like that."

"I know, I can't believe I said it myself,' Roxy said feeling herself blush. "You will be nice to her, won't you?"

"Yes. I'll be very nice, I promise," Diane told her.

"I really can't wait for you to meet her," Roxy told her and then they talked about how it all came about that they decided to live together. Unfortunately, they couldn't talk real long as Diane had to get ready for work plus she had classes to get to.

"I called Diane this morning," Roxy stated just as April was about to take a bite of her chicken salad that Roxy had made for their lunch and Roxy noticed that April stopped with her mouth open and she brought her fork back down.

"Did you tell her that I had moved in with you?" April asked.

"Yeah, since dad died, we have become closer you know and I wanted to share this with her," Roxy said with a smile.

"What did she have to say?" Came April's immediate reply.

"She was cool with it and in fact she is flying in Friday night just to meet you," Roxy said with April not giving her the response that she had hoped for.

"What?" April said jumping up from the bench with a horrified look in her eyes.

"She wants to meet you," Roxy said taking the bowl from April's hands before she dropped it.

"She can't come yet, I'm not ready to meet anyone from your family, I mean what if she hates me. God, she may think I am just trying to... oh hell I don't what she will think. Can't you put her off for a few weeks, a month, or better yet a year or two," April told her.

"April, she will love you, I promise," Roxy said now she was scared that April would move back out before she ever got settled in and she also realized that maybe April was right, it was too soon. But then it was too late now, she had to convince April that everything would be okay and then she had to make it okay.

"April please sit back down and let's talk," Roxy then told her.

April did sit down though Roxy saw the fear in April's eyes. "I've never met anyone's parents that I have dated, I won't know how to act around her," April told her.

"April, just be the woman that you are when you are with me and you will do just fine," Roxy assured her.

"What if she doesn't like me and wants me to move back out," April said.

"Then I will tell her to go home and not come back until she starts acting like the sister I believe her to be," Roxy told her.

"You'd do that for me," April asked.

"Damn right I would, I love my sister but I won't allow her to come between us," Roxy said reaching out and squeezing her hand.

"I still wish you had put her off for a while," April said trying her best to smile.

"I can call her now and put her off until you feel ready," Roxy said reaching for her purse.

"No don't do that, I think that would make it worse. Let's just see how it goes," April told her.

"You mad at me?" Roxy asked knowing the obvious answer to that question.

"A little bit," April said.

"Just a little bit?" Roxy asked.

"Well maybe a lot but I'll get over it," April said giving her a forced smile.

"I'm sorry," Roxy said.

"It's okay," April replied. "I won't stay mad forever," and then she smiled that Roxy appreciated even if April was obviously forcing the smile.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise," Roxy told her knowing she had to figure out a way to do just that.

Roxy then changed the subject just so that she could get April to eat her lunch and get things back on better terms with her. But she could see that April's mind was on meeting her sister and what that could mean for her and for them.

When she got home, she changed into her work shorts and tee shirt; she then went to mow the yard. It was one of the hottest days of the summer but she needed to do something where she could think. She thought about calling her sister to either tell her not to come or make her promise to be super nice no matter what she really thought. But then she knew that if she did, then April would be even madder at her. She just had to let things play out and hope for the best. She knew in her heart that Diane would do the right thing just like she had done when their dad died. She was soon wiping the sweat out of her eyes and feeling the hot sun baking her but it also relieved a lot of the tension that she had been feeling since lunch. She just couldn't believe that she hadn't thought this through, but when she had called Diane, she never dreamed that Diane would immediately want to fly in to meet her new roommate and lover. When she finished with the lawn, she was feeling better mentally however, she was exhausted physically.

She took a shower and then she went to the kitchen to make some baked spaghetti. She knew that April would see right through this gesture but hoped it would work all the same.

April did see what Roxy was trying to do though she didn't mention it at dinner. Roxy wanted to talk more about her sister coming however she just didn't think that April was ready to talk about it just yet. So, she waited until after she did her homework and they were in bed.

Roxy slipped in close to April who did at least pull her in closer which was a good sign. "Are you still mad at me?" Roxy asked softly.

"No," April said.

"I don't believe you," Roxy said looking into April's eyes.

April smiled, "Okay I'm still a little mad... well not mad as much worried."

"You don't have anything to worry about, I told you," Roxy said trying to reassure her.

"I know but I am going to be worried until she gets here and I find out for sure that she'll like me," April said and Roxy saw April's forehead wrinkle.

"What else is bothering you?" April said.

There was a long pause before April answered, "If I meet your family then you need to meet mine but I can't do that."

"It's okay," Roxy said but she saw in April's eyes that just saying that it was okay wasn't the right thing to say.

"No it isn't. I should be proud to introduce you to my parents... no that isn't what I mean to say, I am proud of you but you know about my mom. I know she hates me being gay and I hate her for that but we're at this point where we are talking again. We are getting along and I hope one day she will accept me as I am but that isn't now. I should go ahead and bring you home with me and be damn if she rejects me again." April said.

"No, you shouldn't, don't do anything to drive that wedge back between you and your mom. I lost my mom way too soon and who knows how she would have felt about me being gay had she not been sick. I'm sure her illness changed her perspective so she couldn't afford to lose me, not because I was taking care of her but because her knew she had little time with me where we could talk like adults even if I wasn't yet an adult. If it's twenty years from now when I meet your mother then I can wait, even if you never get to bring me home to meet her. If I am the cause of you and your mother not talking then I could never forgive myself," Roxy told her.

April smiled, "Why are you so understanding?" she stated as a question that wasn't a question.

Roxy smiled, "because I lost my mom much too soon and I don't want you to lose yours, not now not ever."

"Thank you," April said softly.

"You know I got some making up to do to you," Roxy said.

"No you don't, everything is cool," April replied.

"You sure?" Roxy asked not letting on what she had in mind.

"Yes I'm sure," April replied with a soft smile.

"Okay but then you'll miss out on this," Roxy told her now giving her a mischievous grin. She then eased April onto her back and she saw that April begin to see what Roxy really had in mind. Roxy put her mouth to April's right nipple sucking on it through April's thin tee shirt that she worn to bed.

April let out a moan and then she said, "On second thought, you've got a lot of making up to do."

"I don't know, you already said that everything was fine," Roxy said easing up on her elbow and she used the fingers to tease April's nipple feeling it harden under her touch.

"Actually I was just being nice, I really think you need to do a lot of making up," April said, "ohhh," she added when Roxy pinched her nipple.

"You sure?" Roxy asked as she moved her fingers to April's left nipple teasing and then pinching it tenderly.

"Damn you Roxy, you're killing me," April moaned.

Roxy leaned over and gave April a light teasing kiss before she got up on her knees and straddling April's hips. She reached down pulling up April's tee shirt with April helping her get it off. Roxy grasped April's breasts in her hands squeezing and caressing them. She leaned over taking April's left nipple into her mouth sucking hard pulling April's breast into her mouth. April let out another loud moan and Roxy felt April's hand on the back of her head. Roxy eased up on the force she was using to suck on April's breast and she began to suckle on the nipple.

"Oh fuck," April moaned.

Roxy suckled for a couple of minutes using her fingers to tease and pinch April's right nipple. She switched nipples suckling on the right nipple and using her fingers to tease and pinch the left nipple. She stayed on this nipple for another couple of minutes getting April to really moan and then she pulled off the nipple she was sucking on giving it a tender bite. She slipped down in the bed getting between April's legs. April had her hips raised up even before Roxy's hands got to them. Roxy pulled April's panties past her hips seeing April's pussy already wet and her lips swollen with arousal. Roxy pulled April's panties on down and off her legs. April immediately opened her legs and Roxy dove into April's pussy as she knew April was past needing to be teased. She licked the juices from April's lips and she brought her fingers in spreading April's lips open so that she could lick in even deeper. April was very wet giving Roxy lots of juices to lick up and she did want all that April had to give her.

She did eventually move up to April's clit licking it very lightly as she eased two fingers inside of her. April give out a moan pushing her hips up into Roxy's mouth. As she began to lick harder against April's clit, she also was fucking April's pussy harder with her fingers. When she sucked April's clit into her mouth, she heard April moan loudly and then April's pussy squeeze her fingers and her body became rigid for a moment with her orgasm crashing down upon her.

Roxy pulled her fingers from April's pussy licking them clean and then licking April's pussy clean. Just as April began to come back to life, Roxy came up in the bed pulling April's limp body to her giving her sweet kisses.

April's eyes opened and the first words coming out of her mouth was, "You know you may have more making up to do tomorrow night."

Roxy laughed, "I'll have to remember that."

"Oh, I'll be sure to remind you," April said with a little laugh.

"You won't need to," Roxy said softly as April sat up and then she helped her to sit up.

Roxy raised her arms up allowing April to pull her tee shirt up and off. Roxy expected April to go to her breasts but she didn't instead she pushed her back onto the bed and she went down to her panties pulling them down and off.

April moved her hands to her breasts squeezing them before using her index finger and thumb to twist and pull on them. Roxy let out a moan and she felt her pussy getting wet. April give her a sweet smile before she lowered her head down to her pussy. Roxy closed her eyes as she felt April kissing her sensitive clit. April then began to lick her pussy while she continued to tease, pull, and tenderly twist her nipples.

"Oh, god that feels nice baby," Roxy moaned out raising her ass off the bed to push her pussy against April's mouth.

April licked between her lips getting into her pussy and then she would go back to her clit teasing it until she was close to an orgasm. However, April would stop there to go back and lick against her pussy lips and between them. Roxy felt her nipples begin to get tender but she didn't care, the pain there only intensified the pleasure that April's tongue was giving to her.

When April went back to her clit, Roxy had to reach down and hold her head so she would stay there. She felt April suck her clit into her mouth and then pressing with her lips against the base. Roxy felt her clit explode with pleasure and she cried that pleasure out in a long moan.

When she began to recover, she felt April giving light tender kisses to her nipples and then she came up giving her a kiss. Roxy wrapped her arms around her holding onto her tightly while they kissed.

"I thought I was making up to you tonight," Roxy whispered to her when the kiss slowly ended.

"Oh hell, sooner or later I will screw up and have to make up to you so I thought I would just go ahead get one step ahead," April said with a cute grin.

"You know I won't let you off that easily," Roxy told her.

"You better not, make up sex is too much fun," April said with a laugh.

"I am beginning to find that out," Roxy said. "Maybe we will have to have a few arguments just so we can make up,"

"Now you're getting the idea," April said laughing.

"Are you still mad?" Roxy asked again turning things back to a more serious tone.

"I'll tell you tomorrow night," April said while giving her a wink.

"Ohhhh..." Roxy said knowing what April was hinting at.

"No I'm not mad at you anymore, I really do want to meet Diane, I just wasn't expecting it to be this soon," April said cuddling in close to her.

"You'll like her and she'll like you, I promise," Roxy said holding her close to her until they both drifted off to sleep.

When she got home on Tuesday, she first striped the sheets off the bed in her old bedroom that at one time had been Diane's so that she would have a clean bed to sleep in. She then dusted and cleaned up the bedroom making sure it would be perfect for Diane. And after dinner, she had April clean the living room as she attacked the kitchen.

"That's not what I want you to sleep in tonight," Roxy said when she entered the bedroom just as April was slipping her tee shirt on that she wore to bed.

"What do you want me to sleep in?" April was saying just as Roxy came up behind her putting her arms around her.

Roxy put her lips next to April's left ear and whispered, "Nothing, I believe I still have some making up to do."

"Yes you do," April cooed leaning back against her.

Roxy gave a kiss to the side of April's neck while reaching down to the hem of her tee shirt, pulling it up. Roxy pulled back just enough to get April's tee shirt off before wrapping her arms back around her with her hands on her belly first but then moving up to cover April's breasts. She squeezed and fondled April's breasts making her moan. When Roxy used her fingers to tenderly pinch and pull on her nipples, April let out a much louder moan.

Roxy only caressed those wonderful breasts for a moment before pulling away much to April's displeasure. Roxy came around April getting an approving smile from her when she saw that she had come from the bathroom naked. Roxy sat down on the edge of the bed opening her knees making April's smile that much broader.

She put her hands onto April's hips drawing her in close, that put April's breasts eye level. She leaned in giving a kiss to April's right nipple drawing a moan from her. She went to kiss April's left nipple while letting her hands move to April's panty clad ass. She let her hands roam around April's ass, cupping those cheeks while she continued to kiss April's hard nipples, sometimes going from one to the other and sometimes giving the same nipple several kisses. April's hands were cradling her head and she was using her fingers to caress her.

Roxy kissed the left nipple however this time, she sucked the nipple into her mouth drawing a moan from April. She moved her right hand from April's ass, around her hip and down between her legs. She felt April's moisture through her panties and she heard moan louder when her fingers began to lightly move against her pussy. She used her fingers to tease April's pussy as she went from the right nipple sucking it into her mouth. She could feel April's panties becoming moist as she sucked harder on April's right nipple.

"Touch me baby, I need for you to touch me," April moaned.

Roxy knew what April meant so she pulled April's panties down past her knees and April managed to get them on down and off. Roxy placed her right hand against April's now bare pussy feeling the heat and moisture there. She let her middle finger go between April's lips allowing it to enter her when she moved her hand downward. She fucked her with just her middle finger at first before adding her index finger all the while she was sucking on one or the other of April's hard nipples. She could feel April's pussy clamping down on her fingers and she knew April was close so she used her left thumb to press and rub against April's clit. It only took a few seconds of this before April's body stiffened and she let out a cry as her orgasm overtook her body.

April's knees gave out so Roxy pulled her in against her holding her up all the while sucking and kissing her sensitive nipples. A few moments later, she felt April's hands against her shoulders, pushing her away. Roxy looked up into April's flushed face and saw her smiling back at her.

April stepped back thus pulling the nipple that Roxy was sucking upon from her mouth with a wet popping sound. April bent over giving her a soft kiss before pushing on Roxy's shoulders. Roxy lay back on the bed with her ass at the edge and she watched as April kneeled down between her legs. She watched as April's lips formed an O and she felt April blowing against her pussy.

"Ohhh..." Roxy moaned opening her legs even wider and feeling her lips open for her. She closed her eyes feeling April's breath against her pussy and it was driving her wild with desire. April kept blowing against her pussy with each breath getting Roxy that much more aroused. She could feel her juices leaking down to her ass. She was trying to hold out and not beg April to touch her however with each hot breath against her pussy, her willpower weakened. She had teased April until she gave in and she knew April was returning the favor.

"April please..." Roxy finally said giving in knowing that April had won the battle of wills.

"Please what?" April asked softly and then she blew against her pussy, a long drawn out breath that caused Roxy to release a long drawn out groan of frustration.

"Lick me," Roxy groaned.

"Lick you where baby," April asked innocently like.

"Oh god April, lick my pussy!" Roxy cried out.

A split second later, she felt April's tongue against her pussy, licking from the bottom of her pussy to her clit. She then felt April's fingers pulling her lips open and that wonderful tongue of hers beginning to lick in deep inside.

"Yes baby, that's it!" Roxy cried out.

She felt April's tongue go down to her asshole licking her there making her groan with pleasure and then it was back on her pussy licking and sucking upon her lips. Roxy's body shivered with pleasure and she groaned when that talented tongue left her pussy. However, a second later she felt two of April's fingers entering her pussy and her tongue against her clit. April began to fuck her hard and lick even harder against her clit. This Roxy had no power to resist and she felt her clit explode with pleasure that surged through her body.

When she recovered, she felt April's tongue tenderly licking her girlcum from her pussy. She reached down to April's cheeks, gently pulling her up. April came up and she lay down on top of her. April kissed her with Roxy tasting her juices that coated April's lips and cheeks. She then rolled April onto her back and she lay down on her.

"So have I made it all up to you?" she asked of April.

April smiled back and Roxy was sure that April would say yes but then April was always full of surprises. "If you were to go get the harness and dildo and then fuck me, I just might consider you forgiven," she said.

"Oh okay... I think I can do that,'" Roxy replied surprised by April's answer but liking it all the same and then she gave April a kiss before rolling over and getting up off the bed.

Roxy got the harness out and stepping into it and then tightening it down. She looked down to see the cock sticking out from her groin and gave April a shy smile. Roxy got the bottle of lube and just as she started to get back onto the bed, she saw April getting up on her knees. It took her a second before she realized what April wanted to do. She went to the center of the bed laying down on her back.

Roxy watched as April put her knees to each side of her thighs and she reached for the bottle of lube. April poured a small amount into her palm, reaching down to the cock that Roxy was wearing.

"Oh my, did I get you this hard baby?" April asked.

"Oh yes baby you did," Roxy replied trying to be serious but then she let out a giggle. She tried to turn serious again to say, "That feels good baby," but then she had to giggle again.

"Good, I want you to fuck me good," April said really turning serious.

She moved her body up over Roxy's cock with Roxy reaching down grasping it by the base. When April lowered her hips down to the cock, Roxy moved it along April's lips getting a moan from her. Roxy moved the head to April's clit and she used her hips to get her cock to rub against it. April moaned again holding still content to let Roxy control things so Roxy moved her cock back to April's slit allowing the head to slightly part her lips. She could see how wet April was becoming and when April started to lower her hips, Roxy moved the cock head to again rub against her clit. April let out a groan because Roxy had not allowed her lower herself onto her cock but she also moaned because of the feel of the head against her clit.

Roxy rubbed the head of the cock against April's clit until April raised her hips and she moved the head back to April's pussy. This time when April lowered her hips, Roxy kept the cock still allowing April to fill her pussy with Roxy's fake cock. Roxy released her grasp on her cock, raising her hands to April's breasts. She gave April's' breasts a tender squeeze getting a moan as April' settled down on her fake cock. April sat there for a moment before she raised up a couple of inches and lower herself back down onto Roxy's cock. Roxy's fingers moved to April's nipples pinching them softly and pulling on them getting a moan from April who was now bouncing up and down on her cock.

When April stopped bouncing on her cock to begin to move her hips forward and back, Roxy raised up supporting herself on her hands so that she could suck April's left nipple into her mouth.

"Oh fuck Roxy, you know I can't handle that," April groaned though she had put her hands to Roxy's shoulders holding her to her breast.

Roxy just sucked harder and giving April's a nipple a bite before switching to April's left nipple. She sucked hard on the left nipple releasing it so that she could use the tip of her tongue to tease the hard nipple.

"Fuck girl, don't stop, you're going to make me cum..." April moaned. Roxy started to stop not wanting April to cum so quickly but then she got a better idea, she kissed the nipple and then going to the right nipple, teasing it with the tip of her tongue. April let out a loud moan and she stiffen for a second with her orgasm crashing down on her.

Roxy pulled April's now limp body to her and she lay back bring April with her. She then slowly turned April onto her back while somehow managing to keep her fake cock deep in April's pussy.

She kissed April's cheek while she recovered and then her lips as her eyes began to flutter open. When April began to return the kisses, Roxy raised her hips and she felt April's lips change and a moan come from those lips when she brought her hips back down.

Roxy felt April pushing up on her shoulders saying, "No baby, I want to fuck you now."

"Shhhh.... I still got a lot of making up to do to you," Roxy replied giving her another kiss.

"No you don't," April said, "You never had anything to make up for."

Roxy just smiled as she began to fuck April with her cock. "Damn you..." April moaned as she brought her knees up opening her pussy so that she could fuck her deeper and harder.

Roxy started to move her hips faster and harder getting moans from April who was clinging to her. She felt April start pushing her hips up against her thrusts so Roxy moved down harder getting her cock in deep inside of April's pussy. April kept moaning and Roxy felt her fingernails digging into her back as she fucked her. Roxy just kept fucking April hard with them both panting from the fucking that she was giving to her. Soon she felt April's body quiver and then stiffen as April had another orgasm that left her weak and limp.

Roxy slowly pulled her cock from April's pussy seeing the cock was coated with April's juices. She took off the harness laying it to the side so that she could pull April's limp body in close holding her while April came down from her intense orgasm.

"You've worn me out baby," April said with a contented sigh.

"Then lay back and sleep," Roxy told her softly giving her a kiss to stop any protest that she knew would come.

"Oh no, I'm not that worn out," April said suddenly filled with a burst of energy as Roxy found herself on her back with April on top of her.

Roxy wasn't about to argue accepting April's kiss and returning that kiss with passion. However, April only allowed the kiss to last for so long. She raised her head up giving her a smile before she slipped down to give a kiss to each of Roxy's nipples making her moan. April then got up on her knees and Roxy watched as she put the harness on. Roxy expected April to go ahead and lay back down on top of her however she didn't. Instead April reached down to her knees pulling up on them. Roxy went ahead and raised her knees up and spreading them open. April let her own knees slide outward and she slipped her hips forward. She grasped ahold of the cock that she was wearing bringing it downward.

Roxy felt the head on her pussy lips with April letting the head rub against her slit. She let out a moan liking what April was doing but she needed more so she raised her hips up trying to push against April's cock. April quickly got the hint and Roxy felt April placing the head at her entrance. Slowly she felt April's fake cock entering her pussy. April kept pushing her hips forward until Roxy felt the base of the cock against her pussy lips and she felt so full.

Roxy paused a moment reaching down to grasp Roxy's breasts causing her to moan. April only paused for a moment before Roxy felt April pulling back on the cock and Roxy feared that April would take it out but she didn't; she stopped and then pushed it back in a little quicker and Roxy let out another moan. April then began to fuck her with her fake cock with her hands squeezing her breasts while using her fingers to pinch and pull on her nipples. Roxy opened her eyes for a moment seeing April's lovely breasts bounce as she used her hips to fuck her. That just excited her all the more and when she closed her eyes again, her mind was still seeing April's lovely breasts bouncing with April's body movement. This as much as April fucking her that sent her closer to an orgasm.

Roxy was gripping the sheets feeling April move her cock in and out of her pussy and it seemed that every stroke of her cock went deeper and spread her lips over wider. When she felt April's thumb began to rub her clit, Roxy lost it and she cried out with her orgasm crashing down upon her and she lost control of her body only feeling the pleasure that April was giving to her.

When she recovered, the cock was no longer in her pussy which she didn't like however feeling April up next to her kissing her cheeks and lips more than made up for that lost.

"Oh god that was nice," Roxy moaned wrapping her arms around April holding her close.

"Yes, it was," April replied before giving her a last kiss and she then lay her head on her shoulder for some much-needed sleep.

When she got home on Wednesday afternoon, she first did some studying so that she could get ahead so she wouldn't have any to do any over the weekend. April was going to show the girl her apartment so she was on her own for dinner. She fixed a small salad and then she went through dusting the house and running a couple loads of laundry. In the meantime, she had gotten a text from April saying that the girl was running late so she would be home later than she had planned.

When Roxy finished dusting, she cleaned up and went to bed to wait for April. The house felt warm so she just put on a tee shirt and a pair of panties. She took her tablet to bed with her so that she could have something to occupy her mind as she waited for April. She went to some clothes sites but she didn't see anything she liked and soon got bored with them. She tried several other sites trying to find something interesting and somehow she found herself at her favorite story site. She felt a little guilty when she opened the site to her favorite story. She put the tablet down wishing that April was back already so she would have someone to talk to but she wasn't there. She picked her tablet back up and began to read.

Soon she was lost in the story with the main character found herself doing things that both embarrassed and excited her. It was also exciting Roxy getting her moist and her pussy demanding attention.

"That must be something very interesting that you're reading," She heard from the doorway.

"Oh shit!" Roxy exclaimed as she dropped the tablet when she saw April standing in the doorway with a big grin.

"So what are you reading?" April asked not moving from the doorway.

"Oh nothing," Roxy said feeling her face growing warm which she hoped wasn't as obvious as she feared it was.

"Then why do you have your hand in your panties?" April asked now coming on into the room.

Roxy didn't have to look down to know that she had gotten caught red handed yet she still looked down to confirm April's observation. "Oh god I'm sorry," Roxy said pulling her hand out of her panties knowing that would show that those fingers were wet and what was worse was she didn't know what to do with them.

"Don't be," April said sitting on the side of the bed.

Roxy just watched as April reached out taking her hand bringing it to her mouth and she took her wet fingers into her mouth which both surprised Roxy and excited her more than a little.

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't... ah..." Roxy stammered out still feeling bad about what she was doing.

"Baby there's nothing wrong with a little masturbation, I've done it a time or two myself," April said with a soft smile.

"But I got you now so I shouldn't...." Roxy started to say but April stopped her with a light kiss.

"Hush now," April said picking up the tablet, glancing at what was on the tablet and then she gave it back to her. "now start reading."

"What?" Roxy asked confused as to why April wanted her to start reading the story again.

"Start reading your story but first let me get these panties out of the way," April said and then she got up on the bed and moved in over her legs; she reached to her hips and Roxy used her hands to raise her hips off the bed allowing April to pull her panties down and off. April then quickly stripped her own clothes off before settling down between her legs.

"Read baby," she said giving Roxy a smile.

When Roxy hesitated looking down at April, April reached up using her fingers to push the tablet up so that all Roxy could see was her tablet. Not knowing what else to do, she began to read, feeling silly doing so but she did. She was just at a very good part and as soon as she began to read, she felt April's tongue touching her pussy. She let out a moan and she wanted to put the tablet down and just let April lick her but obviously, April wanted her to continue reading the story. It was hard to concentrate with April's tongue licking her like it was, that is until she reached a point where the main character was also getting her pussy licked. Then she and the character became one, she was both reading and feeling her pussy being licked.

She let out a louder moan and she opened her legs further for April who used her fingers to part her lips. Roxy became so aroused and she knew her pussy was leaking it's juices that April was licking up with considerable talent. It was always an effort for her to hold back her orgasm reading this story while April was licking her, she was hopeless to stop what was coming. April had barely touch her clit with her tongue when it sent her into an intense orgasm. She dropped her tablet and just let the feeling of pleasure overcome her.

When she began to recover, she felt April coming up in the bed and sitting down beside of her. She felt April's arm going around her shoulders pulling her in close.

"That must be one great story," April commented giving her a light kiss to her cheek.

Roxy looked at her trying to figure out what to say or even how to say it so she just said, "it is, it just gets to me for some reason."

"What reason is that?" April asked which was Roxy's deepest fear that she would ask.

"I can't answer that, I just..." Roxy said still avoiding the question.

April studied her a moment and she could just feel April looking into her soul and discovering the truth and she was right, "Is it a fantasy of yours?"

"Yes," Roxy said feeling her face warm from embarrassment.

"May I read it?" April asked though she didn't reach for her tablet.

When she hesitated, April said the one thing that would convince her to do so, "I just want to know so that I can understand you better. It is just a fantasy, it isn't real. We all have them you know."

"I know and yes you can read it but not here and not while I'm around. I would be too embarrassed." Roxy told her.

April frowned but then quickly smiled, "Okay, I won't read it now. You can just send me a link to it."

Roxy picked up her tablet and went off the site that the story was on, she then handed her tablet to April, "I have it here under my favorites, you can just use my tablet when you want to read it."

"No I don't use your tablet, that's yours, I can use my own," April said trying to hand the tablet back.

"There's nothing on it that I don't want you to see..." she said pausing a second, "Well except for those pictures I took of you sleeping naked."

"Oh hell, now I am going to check out your tablet," April said pulling the tablet back.

Roxy had to laugh, "There's no pictures of you on it."

"Well shucks, I always wanted to model nude," April said putting her right arm behind her head trying to do a sexy pose.

"Well then tonight's your lucky night," Roxy said grabbing her tablet back and getting off the bed.

She went to the end of the bed, "Now pose for me baby."

"Don't you dare!" April said closing her legs and covering her breasts.

"Come on, just one," Roxy pleaded.

''No way! I was kidding with you," April said keeping herself covered.

"You wouldn't have said it if somewhere in there you really wanted to do it," Roxy said not sure if that was true or not but the doubt she saw in April's eyes told her that she wasn't far from the truth.

"You won't show it to anyone..." April said with some hesitation in her voice.

"You know I won't," Roxy told her.

"I know but I had to hear you say it," April said and she slowly moved her hand down uncovering her breasts and she opened her legs just enough to reveal her pussy. "How do you want me?"

"Ah... put your right hand behind your head and your left lying on the bed beside of you." Roxy told her.

"Very beautiful," Roxy said getting a smile from April who still had this nervous expression.

"Now open your legs just slightly," Roxy instructed her with April doing so. "Perfect!"

Roxy brought her tablet up which did have a fine photo app on it and since it was a one of the better name brand tables, it did take wonderful pictures. Roxy moved to the corner of the bed to get a better profile and she clicked off a picture before April could change her mind.

"Let me see it," April said sitting up.

Roxy came over handling the tablet to April and she looked with her. "Yuck, I'm too fat!" April said wrinkling her nose at the picture.

"You're perfect and you're beautiful," Roxy said sincerely.

"But look at that roll of fat on my belly," April said again wrinkling her nose.

"What roll of fat? You're seeing something that I can't see. All I see is a very beautiful and desirable woman who has breasts that I would die for and has curves that makes her the envy or every woman that sees her," Roxy told her.

"Now I know you are lying," April said but then she smiled brightly, "but I appreciate it."

"I meant every word that I said," Roxy told her.

"I know you did and because of that I just might let you take a few more," April told her giving her a wink.

"Seriously," Roxy stated.

"Yes seriously, I really was being serious when I told you I wanted to be a nude model, but not one that anyone but you would see," April said laying back down this time putting her right elbow onto the bed and resting her head on her hand with her left leg bent at the knee and her foot flat on the bed.

Roxy got up from the bed with her tablet in hand, she came to the end of the bed and clicked off another picture. April rolled onto her back with her hands behind her head and her legs again just slightly parted, just enough to see the top cleft of her pussy. April rolled onto her stomach and looked back at Roxy who got that pose. April kept moving around on the bed posing for Roxy who just kept taking pictures. Roxy felt her pussy getting moist and she could see April's nipples growing hard and her pussy getting moister with each picture that she took.

Finally, she rolled onto her back and opened her legs wide, "Oh baby, I'm dying here," she moaned. Roxy knew that she wasn't posing so that she could take her picture, she was positioning herself for Roxy to come to her. Roxy did just that, putting her tablet onto the corner of the bed before climbing between April's open legs. She dropped her head down between those lovely legs and began to lick April's wet pussy. April let out a loud moan bringing her knees up so that Roxy could lick deeper. She moved her tongue into April's slit getting to her core and making her moan. She then put her hands to the back of April's thighs pushing gently. April brought her legs on up and as she did so, Roxy moved her tongue lower, down to the bottom of April's pussy and then on lower.

She used the tip of her tongue to tease April's asshole, just barely going across it and then she rimmed it with the tip of her tongue. "Oh god! Oh god!" April moaned.

Roxy kept teasing April that way, moving across her asshole and then around it again. April was moaning from the teasing but Roxy knew she wanted more so she began to use the flat of her tongue on April's asshole, licking against it with firm pressure. She placed the tip of her tongue at the center and pressed in getting a real loud moan from April. She could see that April was loving this so she wrapped her right arm around April's thigh so that she could rub against April's sensitive clit.

"Fuckkkkk..." April cried out when her orgasm hit her, a very intense orgasm from what Roxy could tell.

April's legs came down so Roxy moved her tongue to April's pussy licking up the overflowing juices coming from her. When her first orgasm ended, Roxy immediately sent her into another one with a couple licks against her sensitive clit. This seemed to cause April a sensory overload and she went completely limb. Roxy came up in the bed and she turned off the bedside light before cuddling up against April whose breathing was just beginning to slow.

"I think you just blew my mind," April said in what sounded like a very contented sigh.

"That was what I was going for," Roxy said giving April a light kiss before the both settled down to sleep.

A few hours later Roxy suddenly woke up, realizing she had no idea how April's meeting with the girl that had come to look at her apartment. Without thinking, she turned on the light and shook April awake.

"What's wrong?" April mumbled trying to hide her eyes from the light with the blanket.

"Nothing's wrong, you never told me if those girls going to take your apartment," Roxy told her.

April's head came out from under the covers and she looked first at the clock before looking at her, "You woke me up at two-fifteen in the morning to ask me that?"

"I'm sorry but I know I'll never be able to go back to sleep until I know if they will or not," Roxy said apologizing.

"They are if I can get them out of their dorm contract, now may I go back to sleep. I'll tell you all about it in the morning, I promise." April said putting her head back under the covers hiding from the light.

"That's great, now go back to sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning," Roxy said relieved that April could get them out from under her contract on the apartment.

"I will if you'll turn off the fucking light," April said with more than a little aggravation showing in her voice.

"Sorry," Roxy said quickly turning off the light and snuggling in close to April who seemed have already fallen asleep.

April didn't seem too upset when Roxy woke her up for real the next morning for which Roxy was grateful. She had made her a special breakfast all the same to make sure that she was on her good side. As they ate, April told her about how they really loved the apartment and the fact that it would come furnished. Plus, it was close to the campus so that they could ride their bikes to school on the good weather days. April was pretty sure that she would be able to get them out of their contract for their dorm room since they were already short rooms for the coming fall semester.

When April went to get ready for work, Roxy couldn't resist looking at the pictures that she had taken of April. They all came out great, well except one that was so blurred that she couldn't even tell that the woman in the picture was April.

April came back in a few minutes later to say goodbye and get her lunch that Roxy had ready for her. "What you doing?" she asked.

"This!" Roxy said turning her table around to show April in a very sexy pose as her background for her tablet.

"Oh no you don't!" April said reaching for the tablet however Roxy was ready for that and pulled it back out of April's reach.

"Yes, I do," Roxy said putting the tablet under her legs so that April couldn't get to it.

April came around the table to where she was sitting and Roxy figured that April would pull the tablet from under her legs, however she just leaned down giving her a kiss. "Just keep your tablet here okay," April told her.

"It never leaves the house." Roxy promised her.

"Good, see you for lunch," April said grabbing her lunch and heading out of the kitchen.

When Roxy got home after eating lunch with April, she went straight to her study to do some intense studying completing all of her homework until Monday. She finished just in time to fix a salad for their dinner.

"I need for you to clean the guest bathroom after dinner while I do our bathroom. Those are the only rooms that I haven't cleaned this week," Roxy said as April came into the kitchen after changing out of her work clothes.

April smiled, "You know your sister is coming to check me out and not how well you keep house," April told her.

"She's not coming here to check you out," Roxy told her.

"Yeah right, how about telling me something I might actually believe," April said with a grin that was meant as a dare to argue.

Roxy did want to argue but she couldn't Diane was coming just to see who April was and she knew it. "Okay she is coming to check you out but I know she will love you."

"And if she doesn't? What if she tells you that I'm not the right person for you or am just here to take advantage of you?" April asked.

Roxy knew her answer was extremely important and she had to give April the right answer but also an honest answer. "Then I will send her back home and tell her she isn't welcome back until she can accept you and that you're not going anywhere." Rosy said looking April in her eyes.

"You'd really send her home?" April asked.

"Damn straight I would," Roxy told her.

Thank you and I promise to try my best to get her to like me," April said.

"Just be yourself and you'll do fine," Roxy said reaching out to grasp April's hand giving it a squeeze.

"So, what is she like anyway?" April asked.

This Roxy had to think about before she could answer, "Since she is so much older than I am, I only really got to know her when my father died. Before that I would see her when she would come home and she didn't do that much until mom and then dad got sick; she came more to see them more than me as they were the ones that needed to see her and she them. We have become much closer now and she has been there when I need her. She listens to what I have to say and only gives me advice when I ask for it."

"That is all you can ask for in a sister," April said.

"She is and now she will be your sister too," Roxy told her.

"I hope so," April said though her voice showed the doubt she was obviously feeling.

While they ate, Roxy told April more about Diane, at least what she knew about her work and the other parts of her sister's life. In telling that, she realized that when she did talk with Diane, the conversation centered around her and she decided to be more of a sister to Diane and get her to talk about her problems too.

Once dinner was finished, April went to the guest bathroom to start cleaning, not that it was all that dirty since neither of them used it much. It was only when they both had to use the restroom at the same time that it got used. Still Roxy felt it needed to be cleaned just to make sure. And she also had them both go through the house, just to make sure that nothing was dusty or needed to be wiped off. By the time that they made it to bed, they were both so tired that they just kissed goodnight and fell to sleep.

April showed her nervousness when she ate her breakfast, mostly picking at it than eating. Roxy tried to reassure her but she knew that April would be nervous until she met Diane and found out that she wasn't anyone to fear or be worried about. But she knew that if their roles were reversed, she would be nervous too. In fact, were she to admit it to herself, she was a bit nervous herself, she wanted the weekend to be perfect. She even had a hard time concentrating during her classes wanting them to hurry get over so that she could get to the airport.

End of Chapter Eight.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments whether they be positive or negative. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 9

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