Roxys Discovery

Published on Nov 5, 2017


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Chapter Seven

By Chris

Roxy told April all about her test and how she thought that she had done as they sat and ate the lunch that she had packed. When she got home, she put the sheets onto wash and then went out to do the mowing, something that she still enjoyed doing, even in the heat of the day. She finished just in time to take a shower and get dinner made before April arrived home. A thundershower moved through while they were eating which cooled the temperature so they were able to sit out on the porch swing after dinner.

"Do you want to go inside and make love," Roxy asked just as the sun was beginning to set.

"I would love to," April replied giving her a kiss.

"Like we did last night..." Roxy asked hopefully.

"You enjoyed that didn't you," April commented with a knowing smile.

"Yes," Roxy admitted feeling her face grow warm. "But can I...,"

"Be on top?" April asked as if she was reading her mind.

"Yea but if you want to..." Roxy said.

"Honey, as long as you are in the bed with me, it doesn't matter who is doing what, just as long as we are enjoying ourselves." April said giving her a kiss.

"I know but you know what to do and I don't," Roxy said feeling bad that she wasn't as experienced at April was and not as sure what to do to please her like April seemed to able to do with her.

"Honey, you know more than enough to make me happy," April said giving her another kiss. "Now let's go in and make love all night long."

"Thank you," Roxy said blushing as she got up off the porch.

When Roxy turned to close and lock the back door, April came up behind her kissing the back of her neck with her hands circling around to grasp her breasts. Roxy had to stop for a moment enjoying what April's hands and lips were doing to her before she could finish turning the deadbolt lock on the door.

"Now quit that," Roxy told April though that was the last thing she really wanted April to do.

"I really don't think you want me to stop do you," April stated as she tweaked both of her nipples through her tee shirt.

"Yes I do," Roxy said and then she let out a moan betraying her own words.

"Okay I will," April said and her hands disappeared from her breasts.

"Good," Roxy said turning and she headed toward the bedroom hoping that April wouldn't stop and she didn't much to her delight.

She felt April's hands on her hips so she naturally slowed her pace as she felt April beginning to raise her tee shirt. When April had her tee shirt up to her breasts, Roxy raised her arms above her head allowing April to pull her tee shirt up over her head where Roxy finish pulling it off for her. She felt April's hands on her sides moving around to her breasts. She slowed even more and she moaned when April's hands gasped her breasts giving them a squeeze.

"I thought I told you to quit that until we got to the bedroom," Roxy said but then April's fingers gazed across her hard nipples making her moan again.

"I'm not listening to you," April whispered into her ear before she gently bit her shoulder making Roxy moan again.

"I can see that," Roxy said feeling her pussy becoming moist. But then April's hands left her breasts making Roxy groan. However, April's hands slid down her stomach to her jogging shorts.

This time Roxy did stop allowing April to slowly pull her shorts and panties down off her hips. She stepped out of them feeling April's hands go to her ass cheeks caressing them with her fingertips.

"Oh fuck!" Roxy moaned feeling her pussy getting even more moist.

Again, she felt April's fingers leave her body and she wanted them back groaning her protest to April. She waited a moment for April to touch her again but then she heard April moving behind her. She resisted looking back though she wanted to as she sensed that April was removing her own clothes. The next time she felt April touch her, it was with her body pressed against her back and April's bare breasts pressing against her. Roxy reached back to April's bare hips as April's fingers slipped around her waist and on down to her pussy.

"Oh godddd..." Roxy whispered feeling her clit being touched all so lightly.

Roxy let April caress her for just a moment before she turned around pulling April in close to kiss her and be kissed by her. They clung to each other with their lips opening and their tongues touching within Roxy's mouth. When April withdrew her tongue, Roxy's tongue followed it so that their tongues kept touching just as their lips did. Roxy's hands moved down to April's ass, clutching her cheeks in her hands with them kissing and then kissing again. Roxy felt her body becoming so aroused by their caressing and the feel of April's body pressed in against hers.

Finally, she had to break away from April. She grasped her hand saying "Come on,' as she pulled April toward the bedroom.

When she got to the bed, she helped April onto the bed where April sat in the center. Roxy climbed onto the bed on her hands and knees coming to April where she slowly eased April onto her back as she kissed her. Once April was laying down she moved her lips down to April's breasts. She kissed her left nipple getting a moan from April and when she sucked it into her mouth, she heard an even louder moan and April's hand against the back of her head. Roxy cupped April's breasts in her hands giving them a squeeze before moving her mouth to April's right nipple sucking it into her mouth. She drew the nipple into her mouth sucking harder and harder until April began to squirm. She felt April's left hand on her belly moving down to her pussy. When it got there, Roxy had to release April's nipple to let out her own moan feeling April's fingers lightly caress her wet lips. Roxy went back to the left breast kissing and sucking on the nipple getting April to moan yet again.

"Oh god Roxy you are driving me crazy," April moaned.

Roxy then pulled her mouth off of April's nipple causing April to groan. She sat back and April raised up her right leg for her. Roxy slid her hips around as April had done the night before and she grasped onto April's leg. She lowered her pussy down until she felt it touching April's pussy which was just as wet and aroused as hers was. They both adjusted their bodies until their pussies matched up perfectly. Roxy began to move her hips while she pressed them downward mashing their pussies together. April began to push her hips upwards and she moved her hips in the opposite direction. Roxy moved slowly at first but it felt too good to not speed up and that is what she did.

She could hear the slippery sounds of their pussies grinding together and that just increased her arousal and excitement. Roxy had no clue as to when to raise up however when she felt herself getting close to an orgasm, she raised up and she got the groan she wanted from April who tried to keep pressing against her. Roxy wouldn't let her and she only sat back down when she had calmed and she heard April's breathing slow. She then lowered her hips and she ground down harder and faster. April moaned her approval only to groan again when Roxy raised her hips back up.

She kept raising and lowering her hips until she heard April cry out, "Oh god no, I got to cum!"

Roxy knew she had reached the right point to let them both have what they both desired and needed which was a good thing as Roxy wasn't sure she could go much longer without giving in herself. She sat back down and she moved her hips fast and hard until she heard April cry out as her orgasm hit. This sent off a chain reaction with Roxy as her clit exploded with pleasure and she fell to the bed feeling her pussy spasm with pleasure.

"Oh god that felt good, you were wonderful," Roxy heard April whisper to her just when she was coming out of the foggy haze of her orgasm.

"Did I do okay?" Roxy asked moving over closer to April.

"Let's just say that I am still having ripple effects from my orgasm, so you did perfect," April said to her.

"I don't know about that, I wasn't sure when to raise up so I just did it when I was about to cum," Roxy admitted being slightly embarrassed.

"Honey, how do you think I knew when to raise up?" April told her. "I figured that when I was close you had to be too."

"Oh that makes me feel better," Roxy said letting out a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry so much baby, just enjoy us making love," April told her, giving her a kiss to reassure her.

"I do enjoy it, more than you can ever know," Roxy said.

"Oh I know, I'm sure that I enjoy making love to you just as much as you enjoy making love to me," April said.

"I'm glad," Roxy said cuddling in close and closing her eyes with April's heartbeat putting her to sleep before she wanted to.

Thursday evening Roxy was back to studying after they had eaten dinner. April insisted on cleaning up the kitchen for her so that she could get her homework done and also study for another damn test. That night when Roxy came to bed, April was naked and that was all Roxy needed to see to get her body excited. They kissed and caressed before April turned around and they made love to each other laying on their sides. While scissoring was fun, Roxy missed being able to taste April and make her cum with her tongue and fingers. Afterwards, they cuddled together for a while talking before sleep overtook them.

April wouldn't let her cook dinner on Friday even, instead, she took her out to dinner and a movie getting them both out of the house for a while. This time April took her to an inexpensive restaurant that had great food and then to see a romantic comedy that they both enjoyed. It was supposed to be good and it was. The best part for Roxy was when April took her hand at the beginning of the movie. They held hands all through the movie and then April kept ahold of it when they got up to leave.

When they got home, they freshen up and retired to the bedroom. They came together and kissed as they slowly undressed each other with the kissing stopping only when their clothes got in the way. April then led Roxy to the bed laying her down on her side and getting in beside of her. April came in close giving her a light kiss and then a much more passionate kiss. Roxy felt April's hand move from her side down between her legs that Roxy naturally opened for her. She felt April's fingers caressing her lips making her moist. Roxy moved her right hand down between April's legs which were already open for her. She too began to caress April's lips feeling how wet they already were.

When April made no move to change their position, Roxy realize that this was how April was wanting to make love. She also realized that she was enjoying just caressing April, feeling how wet she was becoming with her gentle caresses and also how April was using light kisses as they caressed each other.

Roxy was moving her fingertip up and down April's slit stopping at the top to circle her clit for a moment. April was doing pretty much the same to her and every once in a while, Roxy felt a moan come from within her soul that she couldn't keep in, but then again April was moaning softly into her kisses.

This felt so wonderful to Roxy however, she was becoming so aroused that she needed more. She didn't want to stop April's kisses to tell her what she was needing. So Roxy decided another way to voice her need, she let her middle finger slip between April's lips going into her pussy. April let out a soulful moan and then Roxy felt April's middle finger slip inside her causing her to moan. The caresses became much more intense as their fingers probed each other's pussy and then they began to rub against their each other's clits. Soon April's kisses stopped as she pressed her forehead against her forehead. Roxy began to pant as was April as their orgasms were coming at her like an out of control train. Roxy felt her clit explode when her orgasm hit her hard. She heard April cry out before she was lost in the fog of her orgasm.

"Damn that felt wonderful," Roxy panted as she came out of her orgasm to see April smiling at her.

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it, I have always wanted to make love that way," April told her.

"You haven't?" Roxy asked figuring that one of April's past lovers had shown her that.

"No, I've never found someone that I wanted to be that intimate with, someone that I wanted to just be close to and caress." April told her.

"Now you're going to make me cry," Roxy told her pulling April in close so that she wouldn't see her tears.

"I didn't mean to make you cry... but I like that you are," April said and Roxy felt April holding her even tighter. She also felt something wet on her cheek that wasn't from her tears.

Roxy held onto April for a while before she eased her onto her back, placing her head onto April's shoulder. She just laid there not saying anything nor feeling the need to do so. She was just so happy and feeling so good, and it was with that feeling that she fell asleep.

Roxy woke up still in April's arms and for a moment, she thought about how nice it would feel just to lay there all day but then she remembered what day it was, softball day. That was the only thing that would make her decide that she could lay in and sleep in April's arms but not on softball day. She slipped out of bed heading to the bathroom and then the kitchen to get breakfast started. She had just put their plates on the table when April came in still wiping the sleep from her eyes.

"It looks like someone is wanting to get to the park early this morning," April commented as she came over to give her a kiss.

"No just woke up for some reason," Roxy said though April's frown told her that she wasn't buying into what she was saying.

"Tell me something I might actually believe," April said with a grin.

"You know how I look forward to Saturday's," Roxy admitted as she sat down at the table.

"How about we leave a little early and we'll see if you can pitch, you never know when we might need someone to fill in," April told her.

"I've haven't pitched since I first tried out for softball in the eighth grade," Roxy said. "and I wasn't very good then."

"Honey as long as you can get it close to the plate, you'll do fine. Remember no one strikes out in our league." April reminded her.

"You might be chasing down a few balls," Roxy told her however the thought of pitching was rapidly growing on her.

"No you will be chasing down some balls, once I get my fat ass in a squatting position, it ain't moving," April told her with a laugh.

"You don't have a fat ass," Roxy told her.

"Yes I do, I just got lucky and found a girl who likes women with fat asses," April said giving her a wink.

"You DON'T have a fat ass, you got a cute ass," Roxy said being genuinely sincere.

"Saying something like that just might get you laid this afternoon," April said.

Roxy grinned, "You got a really, really cute ass," she replied.

"You're definitely getting laid this afternoon," April told her and Roxy felt her face grow warm.

Roxy paused for a moment feeling her pussy tingle at that thought but then she decided to change the subject back to softball less they never make it to the park at all. "Have you ever tried pitching?"

"No, I like to catch. I can see everything that is going on that way plus I don't actually have to do any real fielding unless someone tries to bunt and since I'm the only one that does that, I get to just watch," April replied.

"You know after the summer league is over, I'm going to teach you how to really play," Roxy told her.

"You know I just like to catch, that's all I want to do," April said.

"I know and I don't mean to change that, I just want you to love the game as much as I do," Roxy said and then she saw April's smile turn into a frown and she knew she had said the wrong thing, she just wasn't sure why it was wrong.

April reached across the table taking ahold of both her hands, "Roxy, I love being out there with all the girls and talking and even gossiping with them and I enjoying playing. However, I will never love the game as much as you do but that's okay, it's still something that we can do together. You understand that?"

"Yea I do, I really do," Roxy said as she did understand what April was telling her. "But I'm still going to teach you more about the game, even if all you ever do is catch and bunt the ball."

"Okay that you can do," April said releasing her hands so that they could finish their breakfast.

They finished their coffee, putting the dishes in the sink before getting ready to go to the ball park. Sure enough, they were the first ones there. April had brought several balls for Roxy to pitch with. Roxy got to the pitching circle and she went through the steps that she had remembered from grade school and also from seeing the pitchers pitch the one year she got to play and from watching it on some of the sports channels. The first one she pitched went about five feet above April's head and all Roxy could think to say was "Oops."

The next one she bounced off the dirt in front of April making them both laugh. The third pitch, she actually got it close enough for April to catch and not have to go to the backstop to retrieve. She slowly got to the point that she could hit April's glove on almost every pitch. They were slow pitches of course but they were accurate and hittable. Soon the other women began to arrive and she found herself pitching a little batting practice with several women getting up to hit.

By the time that Ann and her daughter Jessica arrived, Roxy had gotten even better control of her pitches, at least the direction they were going. Ann came up first and she just gave her straight easy balls to hit, however when Jessica came up, she began to try to move them around. They were still easy for Jessica to hit but she had to concentrate a little more. She actually got her to miss one when she was able to throw a rise ball that started off low but then moved up.

When it came time to play, they tried to get her to pitch but by then Roxy could feel her arm beginning to tire and get sore since she was using muscles she had never used before.

Roxy didn't have as much luck with hitting as she had with pitching only getting one hit and flying out the other times that she came to bat and they lost their game seven to five. But she still had fun and enjoyed playing just as much. When she had played for real losing was like the end of the world but here, it wasn't much different than winning. When both teams left the field, they were all talking and joking with each other and as they sat to watch the next game the teams mixed together since friends were playing on opposite teams a lot of the time.

Roxy stayed with them since April was usually off talking to the other manager and the rest of the players of both teams while keeping an eye on the game that was being played. When the game ended, Roxy had to wait for April to finish up her duties before they could leave.

"You know what would be nice?" Roxy asked once they were back in the car and the air conditioning was running cooling them both off.

"A nice long soak in the tub," April replied with a smile.

"Yes," Roxy relied with a smile. "Without the splashing this time."

"Well that's no fun," April said with a pout before she began to laugh.

"I think we might find a way to make it fun..." Roxy said shyly.

"I think you just might be right," April said taking ahold of her hand.

When they got home, they went straight to the bathroom, stripping out of their sweaty dirty uniforms. April turned on the shower so that they could rinse off before April started to run the water for their bath. April pulled her in close giving her a light kiss as the water began to cover their feet. April's kisses became much more passionate while the water rose in the tub. Just as the kisses were starting to make Roxy's pussy moist, April declared that the water had risen enough for them to settle into the tub. Roxy was slightly disappointed however once she was leaning back against April's body in the tub, her disappointment turned into contentment, signaled by her sigh.

April used her hands to caressed Roxy's arms which really felt nice on her right arm that was still sore from all the pitching she had done for the batting practice. They talked for a while before they both became silent just enjoying the feel of the warm water and the feel of their bodies pressed together.

When the water finally cooled off, Roxy sat up so that April could wash her back and her hair. She then turned around so that Roxy could wash April's back and hair. April then let the water begin to drain as they finished washing their bodies before stepping out of the tub to dry themselves with their bath towels.

"Did you bring your... ahhhh..." Roxy started to ask feeling her face turn warm feeling a little shy about what she was asking about.

"My strap-on?" April said with a knowing smile.

"Ahhh... yes," Roxy replied feeling her face grow very warm.

"I did, would you like try it out?" April asked.

"Yes but only if you want to," Roxy said still blushing while her pussy was becoming moist.

"Oh I definitely want to baby," April said coming to her and giving her a kiss.

"Is it very big?" Roxy had to ask after April let the kiss end.

"It's absolutely hugh," April said putting her hands about foot apart.

"Oh god, I can't handle that," Roxy said shocked that April would have something that big.

April then grinned, "I'm teasing you, it's not that big, I promise."

"Don't tease me like that!" Roxy said a bit mad at April for scaring her like she had.

"I'm sorry," April said with her facial expression showing just how sorry she was. "Come on, I'll show you."

April took her hand leading her into the bedroom. She had Roxy sit on the bed as she pulled her small bag out. Roxy was watching intently as April opened it pulling out several items, the first being a small vibrator that Roxy knew she could handle with ease. The next item was a small egg vibrator connected by wire to a control box. She pulled out a bottle of lube as well as a tube of lubricating jelly. The next item was the strap-on harness that appeared to be made of leather and very well made. Finally, she pulled two dildos out that fit into the harness. One was about seven inches long and shaped like a real penis with the girth being about an inch and half, the other one was just as long but a little smaller around.

She brought them over to her giving Roxy the larger one, "this one is for our pussies, see it isn't all that big."

"No, it is okay," Roxy said thinking about the size of the cucumbers she had used that might be a little larger but not as fun.

"What about this one?" Roxy asked picking up the smaller one.

April gave her a mischievous smile, "That one is for anal sex," April told her.

"Oh I see," Roxy said looking at it again and wondering if she would ever dare try that one.

"Do you like anal sex?" Roxy asked meaning the dildo and not just her tongue which Roxy knew April liked as she also learned that she enjoyed.

"I do but how about we save this one for another time," April said taking the anal dildo away and giving her back the other one.

"Yes let's," Roxy said feeling relieved that it would be put away for another time, if and when she ever decided that she wanted to try being fucked there.

"Want to see me grow a cock right before your eyes," April said standing up with a big grin.

Roxy laughed feeling the tension she was starting to develop ease away. "Yes, I would love to see you sporting a cock," she replied with a laugh.

"Help me put it on," April said getting the harness and standing in front of her. She first put the cock into the harness and then she stepped into it. She brought it up and showed Roxy how to tighten it onto her hips. Roxy knew April was doing this more to show her how to put it on rather than needing the help.

Once they had it tightened down on her body, April stepped back, "So how do I look with a cock?" April said as she moved her hips back and forth so that the cock moved with her.

"Very sexy," Roxy said feeling her pussy tingle with the thought that it would soon be inside of her.

"I think so too," April said as she reached down to her cock and wiggled it a little making Roxy grin but then she found that she wanted to do something.

"Come here," Roxy said reaching out to April's cock pulling on it and thus April to her.

The cock felt so big in her hand as she held onto it. She looked up into April's eyes who had a questioning expression, that is until Roxy opened her mouth. "Oh my..." April breathed out as Roxy took the cock into her mouth. Roxy had no desire to suck on a real cock but she was enjoying the way April was looking at her as she moved her mouth up and down on April's cock.

"Oh god you're kinky today," April said just as Roxy pulled off of April's cock leaving the head wet with her saliva.

"I just had to do that," Roxy admitted.

"I loved it," April said a thick husky tone. She then leaned down giving Roxy a kiss, a slow lingering kiss. "Lay back on the bed baby."

"Okay," Roxy replied feeling more than a few butterflies developing in her stomach.

April followed her onto the bed however she didn't immediately get in position to fuck her, instead she stayed on her hands and knees coming up and giving her a kiss. April's first kiss lingered relaxing her some and she continued to kiss her relaxing her even more. Roxy raised her hands up to April's breasts that were hanging down giving then a squeeze and making April moan. She used her fingers to tease April's nipples making her forget about April wearing a cock until she felt the end rub against her lower belly.

April moved her kisses down to Roxy's neck and then to her breasts causing Roxy have to release April's breasts. April kissed and suck upon her nipples and Roxy felt her pussy getting moist again and her body aroused. April left Roxy's breasts causing her to groan but she had to moan when April's kisses got to her pussy. She brought up her knees opening them up just as April began to lick against her pussy.

"Oh yes," Roxy moaned feeling that wonderful tongue move around and then into her pussy. April pulled her lips open allowing her tongue to go deeper inside of her. She felt her pussy get so wet as it always did when April licked it.

April continued to lick her pussy and then give her clit a few kisses. Roxy was becoming even more aroused feeling her pussy becoming very wet. However, about this time April stopped making her groan as she wanted April to keep licking her.

"You ready baby?" April asked.

Roxy opened her eyes to see that April had picked up the bottle of lubricant and was coating her cock. Roxy didn't trust herself to talk so she just nodded her head. April gave her a reassuring smile as she put the lubricant down and then she leaned over her with one hand on her fake cock and the other on the bed beside her arm. Roxy then felt the head of her cock touch her pussy and she tensed for a second before willing herself to relax. April slowly moved the head against her lips for a moment or two before she pressed the head into her entrance. Roxy felt her pussy opening as the head slipped inside of her.

April released the cock, moving her right hand up to Roxy's side. Roxy looked into April's eyes as April lowered herself down and Roxy felt the cock filling her pussy until April was laying down on top of her.

"Are you okay?" April asked softly.

"Yes, it feels nice, you feel nice," Roxy said hoarsely though she did adjust her hips a little to let April's cock sink in fully.

April lowered her lips down giving her a soft loving kiss. When it ended, Roxy was ready, "fuck me baby." She said.

April raised her hips and Roxy felt the cock pulling back on her pussy lips and feeling empty but then she felt April pushing back down filling her pussy once again. April was moving her hips slowly which Roxy liked as it allowed her to get used to being fucked for the first time plus she could feel every inch of April's cock moving in and out of her pussy. April kept moving slowly and giving her sweet kisses as she fucked her.

Roxy was really enjoying April's slow fuck however soon she began to feel a need for more, she didn't express this need until her need began to overwhelm forcing her to blurt out, "faster baby, fuck me harder, I need more..."

April stopped kissing her and Roxy opened her eyes to see April smiling her approval, "as you wish my love," she said and she lowered her head back down to kiss her.

Roxy returned the kiss and she felt April pulling her hips back again only this time she pushed back down much harder. "Oh yes..." Roxy moaned out loudly.

April began to push down harder and faster; she really began to fuck her hard and fast. Unconsciously Roxy wrapped her legs around April's hips riding April's cock urging her to push in deeper into her pulsing pussy.

"Oh god that feels good," Roxy moaned as she clung onto April's body feeling the cock move in and out of her pussy going in harder and faster now. Roxy loved feeling April's weight on top of her and she was really fucking her with the cock going in deep and fast. Roxy felt her body responding to April's use of her fake cock. She pushed her hips up into April's body as she came down wanting and needing more and very soon she felt her clit becoming very sensitive, she tried to hold off her orgasm but could only do so for a few more seconds before she gave into the pleasure when her orgasm hit. She felt April push into hard one last time before all she could do was feel pleasure and the release that her orgasm was giving her.

When she began to recover, she realized first that her pussy was empty though it was still pulsing from the fucking and she also felt April kissing her face and using her fingers to caress her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" April asked when she opened her eyes.

"I'm way beyond okay, I think you took me to heaven and back," Roxy said putting her arms around April's neck and bringing her down for a kiss, a long kiss.

"You think you might have enough energy to send me where you just been?" April asked with the desire she was obviously feeling written across her face.

"Just try and stop me," Roxy said feeling a surge of energy she didn't have a moment before. However, she then began to feel doubt overcome her. "But I doubt I can do it the way you did, I've never tried anything like this."

"Don't worry you'll do just fine, if a man can do it then I know you can," April told her. "And besides you can keep it up longer than any man can." Then she giggled at her little joke.

"I'm not so sure about that," Roxy told her.

"You mean you're a premature ejaculator," April said with a shocked expression.

"April! You're gross!" Roxy said pulling the pillow from under her head and hitting April with it.

"Then you can keep it up longer than a minute?" April asked.

"April I'm trying to be serious," Roxy said turning to her side so that she could look into April's eyes.

"I know and you'll do just fine, I promise," April said softly. "Now help me get this harness off and onto you."

"Okay," Roxy replied getting up on her knees and moving down to April's hips.

Roxy couldn't resist leaning over and giving April's cock head a kiss all the while looking into April's eyes. She saw those eyes light up and April grin back at her. She then began to take the straps loose so that she could slide it off April's hips and down her legs freeing her of the harness.

She saw April start to sit up, "Wait and let me see if I can get it on." April smiled her approval laying her head back down onto her pillow.

Roxy sat down putting her feet through the harness sliding it up to her thighs before getting up on her knees which wasn't easy but she managed to do without falling. She pulled it on up feeling the base of the cock shaped dildo press against her sensitive pussy. She went to tighten the right side but then the left side began to slide down. She pulled the left side back up realizing that April's hips were wilder than hers and she should have adjusted the harness to her hips before pulling it on. She was about to start over when she felt April's foot against her right hip holding the strap in place.

"Thanks,'" she mouthed to April before she tightened the left side and then the right side. She had to go back to the left side getting it a bit tighter before she felt that the harness was snug against her body and would thus stay in place.

She was now ready but she felt like April needed to be warmed up again and she knew just what to do to get her aroused. She leaned forward putting her hands down on the bed beside of April's arms. She leaned on down to give April a soft kiss. This kiss was light and brief that left April wanting another as April now had her hand at the back of her neck pulling her down for another kiss, this one longer with Roxy opening her lips allowing her tongue to enter April's mouth, she felt April's tongue touch hers and they both moaned as they kissed. She let the kiss linger before she pulled away hearing a groan from April.

Roxy just smiled moving downward until her head was over April's breasts. She used her hands to grasp her breasts squeezing them gently before she lowered her lips down to April's right nipple giving it a light kiss. She pulled back hearing Aril groan again and she lowered her head again this time she sucked April's sensitive nipple into her mouth.

"Oh fuckkkk..." April moaned as Roxy sucked harder drawing the nipple into her mouth. After a prolonged minute, she pulled off that nipple with a wet pop sound occurring when April's nipple slipped from her mouth. She immediately sucked the right nipple into her mouth, she again sucked hard on it getting April to moan loudly. She then began to go from one nipple to the other kissing them and or sucking on whichever nipple she was on. She had April moaning loudly now and she knew that she had April very aroused.

She knew that for a fact when she heard April moan lustfully, "Please fuck me, I need you in me now."

Roxy released April's right nipple that she was sucking on and she felt a sudden surge of doubt enter her brain. April's eyes were closed however she somehow seemed to see her doubt that Roxy was sure was written on her face.

"I'll guide you," April said with the tone of her voice revealing the desire she was obviously feeling.

Roxy looked down seeing April reach for the cock that she was wearing. She moved her hips so that April's hand could grasp it. She moved her hips forward as April pulled the cock shaped dildo toward her pussy. Roxy was glad that April was helping her and she was also determined that next time, she wouldn't need the help, she would know what to do.

She saw April moved the head against her lips coating it with her juices. When April stopped moving her cock, Roxy knew that April had the head at her entrance. Roxy knew what to do, she slowly pushed her hips forward watching her fake cock slip into April's pussy. When April's hand released her cock, Roxy leaned forward slowly lowering her body until she was laying on top of April and her hips were pressed against April's hips. She knew that she was now fully inside of April. She felt April adjust her hips and when April brought her legs up, Roxy knew that April was ready.

Roxy first gave April a kiss, a soft tender kiss, and then she raised her hips up a couple of inches pausing a second before pushing them back down hearing April grunt. Roxy began to fuck April slowly trying to make sure she was doing it right.

"Fuck me baby, fuck me hard with your big hard cock," April moaned out a few moments later.

When she heard April say that, she remembered how she had told April the same thing and how it felt when April began to fuck her harder and faster. She pressed her knees into the bed and she raised her hips higher coming back down hard pushing her fake cock deep into April's pussy. Roxy moved her hips faster wanting to please April and make her feel like April had made her feel. Roxy knew she wasn't the best in the world at this but April seemed to be enjoying what she was doing with her moaning and how she was gripping her shoulders. April was pushing her hips up against her as she pushed down. Roxy could feel the base of her cock rubbing against her clit exciting her again and she kept fucking April feeling her muscles strain as she brought April closer to an orgasm.

"Ohhhh..." April groaned loudly as her body suddenly stiffened and she let out a loud moan as her orgasm hit her.

Roxy pushed in harder and faster for a couple more strokes before she stopped allowing April to enjoy her orgasm. Roxy slowly pulled her cock from April's pussy removing the harness before she slid in beside of her kissing her sweaty face and lips as April slowly came back to life.

"Did I do okay?" Roxy had to ask when April opened her eyes.

"You were perfect," April told her giving her a kiss before Roxy could argue.

"I doubt that I was perfect but thanks," Roxy said with a smile after the kiss.

"You were to me," April said again kissing her and this time Roxy didn't argue when the kiss ended.

Roxy cuddled in close to April giving her another kiss and another one when that one ended. They continued to kiss and cuddle for a few minutes before they just held each other enjoying the lovemaking that they had just had.

"You want to go again?" April asked looking into her eyes and Roxy was wondering if she was reading her mind.

"Do you?" Roxy asked.

"I asked you first," was April's reply though she was already sitting up and reaching for the harness.

"Yes..." Roxy said with a slight hesitation.

"How about a little cowgirl this time," April suggested.

Roxy had read enough stories to know what April was taking about and she liked that idea. "Sure, I want to try that," Roxy replied with a grin.

"I love doing it that way," April said giving Roxy a kiss. "Help me get this back on."

Roxy helped April put the harness back on and get it tightened down. April then laid back on the bed with the fake cock sticking up from her pussy. Roxy felt her own pussy spasm as she looked down at April with this lustful desire written across her face.

Roxy placed her knees to the sides of April's waist with April reaching down to hold her fake cock up. Roxy shifted her hips back and she lowered them until she felt the cock's head against her pussy lips. She felt April moving the cock so that the head was sliding against her lips causing Roxy to let a soft moan. Roxy let her do that for a moment as it felt so good, but then she was ready to let the cock penetrate her pussy. She shifted forward so that the cock head was at her entrance as April held her cock still. Roxy slowly lowered her hips feeling the cock entering her pussy slowly filling her up. She slowly moved her pussy onto the cock until she was sitting on April's cock feeling even fuller than she had ever felt before.

"Oh this feels nice," Roxy moaned just sitting there for a moment.

"Yes it does, doesn't it," April said softly and then Roxy felt April's hands on her breasts, squeezing them tenderly.

"Oh fuck!" Roxy moaned and moaned louder when April pinched her nipples pulling on the ever so slightly.

Roxy raised her hips and lowered herself back down as she began to ride April's cock letting it fill her pussy again and again. She loved feeling the cock going in and out then she felt April begin to push her hips upwards when she went downward pushing the cock even deeper into her pussy.

She groaned when April's hands left her breasts going to her hips. "Slide your hips for me," April said softly pulling on her hips.

Roxy sat back down on April's cock and she let April guide her hips moving them forward and backwards thus rubbing her clit against the harness and feeling the hard cock move within her pussy.

"Fuckkkk..." Roxy moaned loving the way the cock was stimulating her pussy and clit in this position.

Once she got going, April's hands left her hips returning to her breasts which made Roxy let out a loud moan. Roxy felt her body come alive with the way April was teasing her breasts with her cock moving within her pussy. She got close to an orgasm before stopping and going back to moving up and down letting the cock fuck her again. She did this for a few minutes before going back to the sliding motion that was more than she could handle as her cilt exploded and she fell down against April as her orgasm coursed through her body.

When she recovered, she was lying on her back and April was holding and kissing her. "Oh god that felt good," Roxy sighed out her pleasure.

"Yes it does, now you know why I like it," April said giving her a kiss.

"Give me a moment and you can ride me," Roxy said trying to get her breathing back under control.

"Take all the time you need baby, we got all evening," April told her giving her a light brief kiss.

Roxy let April hold her as she regained her strength though her body was still tingling from her orgasm. Of course, the kisses that April was giving to her helped to keep her body excited. She wanted to just lay there and enjoy April's kisses and the feeling of April holding her but that would be selfish of her. She wanted April to feel what she was feeling so she pushed April onto her back and she got up on her knees so that she could remove the harness from April's hips. She put it this time managing to do so on her own having tightened the straps down a little before slipping it on.

Once she had it in place, she lay back down and April moved over her. Roxy held her cock upright feeling both her juices and April's on the cock shaped dildo. When April lowered her hips, Roxy moved her cock against April's lips as April had done to her. She saw April close her eyes enjoying what Roxy was doing to her. April was also moving her hips and when she stopped, Roxy placed the head of her cock at April's entrance. Slowly April lowered her hips and Roxy watched as her cock disappeared inside of April's pussy. She felt her own pussy spasm just from what she knew what April was feeling having felt the same thing moments before. Once April sat on her cock, Roxy reached up to April's breasts and cupping them in her hands. April gave out a moan when she gave them a gentle squeeze.

April raised her hips upward pausing a second before sitting back down with a moan. April then began to ride her cock moving up and down with the cock going in and out of her pussy. Roxy continued to tease April's breasts and nipples with her hands and fingers getting April to moan.

When April began to slide her pussy against her cock, Roxy released April's breasts and she used her hands to partially sit up where she could get her mouth to April's breasts. She supported herself with her right hand and she used her left hand to bring April's right breast to her mouth and she sucked it into her mouth.

"God damn you, that's no fair!" April moaned loudly.

Roxy smiled to herself and sucked even harder. She felt April wrap her arms around her head holding her up so that she could now use both hands to grasp April's breasts. April began to bounce on her cock while Roxy went back and forth between her nipples sucking on one then the other.

"Oh god baby that feels so damn great," April moaned.

April began to bounce upon her cock as she slie against her while holding Roxy to her breasts. Roxy sucked harder and she used her hands to push and pull on April's hips getting her to move harder against her fake cock.

A few moments later, April let out a loud moan and she stiffened as her orgasm hit her hard. Roxy pulled April down as she laid back on the bed. April's body twitched a couple of times as her orgasm surged through her body. Roxy rolled April onto her back and she slowly pulled her cock from April's pussy hearing another moan come from April's lips. She took off the harness laying it beside of her and she pulled April to her kissing her sweaty face and lips.

"You know I should have never let you know how sensitive my breasts were," April said when she was able to speak.

"To late now," Roxy replied grinning at April.

"I know," April said with a contented sigh.

"Besides it wasn't something that you could have hide, I'd figure that one out without you telling me," Roxy said giving April a kiss as she used the fingers of her right hand to lightly tease April's right nipple.

"Quit that!" April said before a low moan escaped her lips.

"Quit what?" Roxy asked and then she moved her mouth down to kiss that same nipple. "This?"

"Ohhhh... yes that, quit it!" April moaned though she was making no attempt to stop her.

"Or how about this?" Roxy asked dropping her hands down to April's pussy lightly teasing her sensitive clit.

"Damn you!" April moaned opening her legs to better allow Roxy's fingers to work their magic.

Roxy moved her mouth to April's left nipple using the tip of her tongue to tease it as she moved it around the nipple before sucking it into her mouth. Roxy moved her fingers down to April's wet pussy pushing two into her so that she could fuck her. April pushed her hips upwards moaning and when Roxy went back to her sensitive clit. April let out a long moan as she came once again.

It took April longer to recover this time with her whole body a red hue from the orgasms that she had experienced. When she was able to open her eyes, she whispered, "Uncle."

Roxy smiled at her knowing that April was done, she was exhausted from her orgasms and too sensitive to be touched again. "How about a nap?" Roxy suggested.

"Please," April responded giving her a relieved smile. Roxy pulled April to her allowing April to roll over putting her head on her shoulder. Roxy caressed April's back and soon April's breathing slowed and she was asleep. Roxy kept caressing April and soon her hand slowed and she too was asleep.

When Roxy woke up about an hour and half later, she opened her eyes to see that April was already awake and was looking at her with loving eyes. "Have a nice nap?" Roxy asked.

"Yes but now I'm hungry," April stated.

"How about I fix us something to eat," Roxy responded.

"I didn't for you to fix us something to eat," April said defensively.

"I know but I'm hungry too," Roxy said giving her a kiss before sitting up.

"We could just order out," April said sitting up.

"nah... I'll cook us something," Roxy said getting out of the bed. "What you in the mood for?"

"A pizza, that is why I suggested ordering out," April said.

"Wait until you taste one of my pizzas, you'll never want to order out another," Roxy said.

"You got the ingredients to make a pizza?' April asked.

"Of course," Roxy said hoping that was the case.

Roxy had almost everything and what she didn't have, she found something that would work. April showed her approval by eating three large pieces and would have eaten more had she room in her belly to put it.

"Are you going to stay here next week?" Roxy asked April later that evening as they lay in bed facing each other.

"Are you asking me to stay?" April asked.

Roxy hesitated for a second, not because she wasn't sure if she did or not but she wasn't sure how April felt about staying. "Yes, I am," she finally told her.

"I would love to stay but I'll have to go to my apartment to pick up a couple of things and get my mail," April said with a smile.

Roxy then had another thought but she was afraid to even think it much less say it out loud. "What's on your mind?" April asked.

It took a moment for Roxy to realized that April had asked her something and another moment for her brain to process what she had asked, "What?... oh nothing," Roxy replied.

"No something is on your mind, something important," April said.

"Why would you think that?" Roxy asked hoping that April would let it drop if she didn't offer up what she was thinking.

"Because you were biting your lower lip and you had the far-off stare in your eyes," April told her. "You know you can talk to me about anything."

"Oh you know me, I space out from time to time," Roxy said.

"No you don't," April said cutting off that escape route. "Let's talk about it."

"No... it was a stupid thought," Roxy said.

"Maybe it isn't," April said giving her a reassuring smile that suggested to Roxy that April had already figured out what she was thinking but it wouldn't be hard considering what they were just talking about.

Roxy thought about how to begin this conversation that she knew they weren't ready to have. "I was just thinking that since you are staying here next week and next weekend we'll probably decide for you to stay over again that maybe you should just go ahead and move in." Roxy said so fast that she almost ran her words together. She caught her breath and went on before April could respond. "That way you could save the money that you were using to pay your rent."

When she saw April's smile turn into a frown, Roxy knew that she should have stopped talking when she was ahead, bringing money into it was the wrong angle to use and April's reply told her as much.

"Let's keep the money out of it for now, I am doing just fine," April told her firmly.

"I'm sorry, please forget I said that," Roxy said feeling like she had really fucked up and there was no way April would even stay the next week much less move in with her now.

"It's forgotten but I got a question for you, an important question that I want you to think about," April told her.

"I will," Roxy said feeling nervous about whatever April was about to ask her.

"Do you want me to stay because you feel lonely in this house without anyone here with you?" April asked and before Roxy could answer April hit her with a zinger. "You had never lived on your own before your father died and I'm sure that this house felt empty without him here to care for."

Roxy was sure of her answer until April mentioned her father and that made her really have to think. She went back in her mind feeling sad about her father and how empty and lost she felt after he was gone. She really wished April hadn't brought him up but she was right to do so and she knew it.

"I was sad and lonely when he died and everyone had left. I was a bit lost at first with no one to take care of but I found ways to keep busy and to tell you the truth, I began to enjoy my freedom, I didn't have to worry about going somewhere and not have to figure out who I could get to come in and look after dad. Then I had school to look forward to and the house wasn't so lonely anymore. Now I can't say that there were days that I didn't feel very lonely but I always found something to do to make it okay again. But then you came along and I asked you to spend the night. That was when I fucked up." Roxy said seeing April smile at that last line.

"Yeah, you really fucked up there," April said grinning back at her.

"I did, I really did," Roxy said and then she gave April a light kiss. "Seriously that was the first time I felt real loneliness."

"I believe I can relate to that," April said returning Roxy's smile.

"Now tell me what you feel?" Roxy asked of her wanting to know more about how April was feeling rather than thinking.

"I wasn't looking for anything serious when I met you, I just thought that you were cute and could use a friend after the meeting you had with the battle-axe. And I was the one who fucked up when I followed you out of the office. I found out that you were smart and sweet to boot. I will admit that your sad story sucked me in and I wanted to know more about you and the more I found out the more I wanted to know. Whether I was looking for someone to become serious about or not, I found her anyway. And for the first time in my life, I find myself in a serious relationship and that scares me." April said.

"It scares me too, I'm so afraid that you will eventually figure out I'm not who you were looking for," Roxy told her.

"Well since I wasn't looking for anyone, you don't have anything to worry about there," April said grinning at her.

"That's not what I meant," Roxy told her.

"I know, I was teasing you," April said and after a moment's hesitation she asked, "So what now?"

Roxy bit her lower lip and she saw that April was holding her breath, "will you move in with me?" she asked making the question official.

April didn't hesitate with her answer, "Yes I will."

Roxy let her breath out, a breath that she didn't know she was holding. She then gave April a kiss before pulling her in close holding her tightly.

"Please tell me that we're not making a huge mistake," April whispered.

Roxy pulled back so that she could look into April's eyes, "I can't but I wouldn't have asked if I thought that was a possibility."

"I don't think so either," April said smiling before pulling Roxy back in close.

They held each other tightly both thinking about the huge decision that they had just made. Roxy was both worrying and excited about April being there with her. It was with these thoughts that she eventually fell asleep.

Roxy was at the stove making omelets when April came in rubbing her eyes and still appearing half asleep. "morning," Roxy said to her.

"Morning," April replied giving her a kiss to the cheek. "How you feeling this morning?"

"Fine," Roxy replied wondering if April was speaking of their decision last night, that is until April glanced down toward her pussy. "Oh... just fine, maybe a little sore." She replied feeling her face warm thinking about how April had fucked her with the strap-on.

"Me too," April replied smiling at her. "those smell good."

"I hope they will taste good too," Roxy said with a smile.

"I'm sure that they will," April said as she went over to the coffee pot to pour herself a cup and then sitting down at the table.

Roxy finished cooking their omelets, bringing their plates over and sitting at the table. She looked over at April wanting to ask the question that had been on her mind since she had woken up.

"Go ahead and ask your question," April said smiling at her.

Roxy let out a nervous laugh, "Are you still moving in?"

"Yes dear, you're still stuck with me," April replied. "May I eat now?"

This time Roxy did laugh for real, "Yes you may eat."

"Good, I'm hungry," April said putting her fork to her omelet.

"So what all do we have to move?" Roxy asked.

"Mostly just the rest of my clothes and a few personal things I want to bring," April told her.

"What about your furniture?" Roxy asked.

"To tell you the truth, most of it was given to me or I got it cheap and I really have nothing that would fit in with your home," April told her.

"It's our home now so anything you want to bring, we'll find a place for it," Roxy told her.

"Actually, I was thinking about giving it away to the students that may need it or..." April said and Roxy could see that April had thought of something.

"Or what?" Roxy asked.

"There was a girl that came in to see me right before the spring semester ended wanting to know if they signed a dorm contract for the fall would they be able to get out of it if they found an apartment that they could afford. I think my place would be perfect for them." April said.

"Do you think she would be still looking?" Roxy asked.

"There's only one way to find out, I just need to stop my desk and find her name and number. I have a file folder on my computer that I put things like that in, just in case I need it," April told her.

"It's good that you saved her name," Roxy said.

"I save everything, my coworkers make fun of me sometimes but then when they need something they come to me first," April said with a smile before taking another bite of her omelet.

"So you end up getting the last laugh," Roxy replied with a grin.

"I usually do," April said with a laugh.

They talked through the rest of their breakfast before getting dressed. They each drove with Roxy following April to the university so that April could go in and search her computer for the girl's name and phone number. Roxy stayed in her car working on her laptop on some homework that she had put off doing.

"I got ahold of her," April said.

"Shit! You about made me piss my pants!" Roxy said as April had scared the crap out of her with her so into what she was working on.

"Oops..." April said grinning from ear to ear.

"What did she say?" Roxy asked after saving her work.

"She said that they weren't able to find anything so they went ahead and signed up for a dorm room," April told her with a frown that matched Roxy's frown.

"Well it was worth a try," Roxy told her trying to sound cheerful though she felt otherwise.

April didn't say anything for a moment and then she smiled which made Roxy naturally curious as to what April was about to say. "I told her that we were overbooked on our dorm rooms as we always are and that I might be able to get her and her friend out of their contract if they should like..."

"Can you do that?" Roxy asked now hopeful.

"Sure, but it will take some work and I have to make sure that I have someone to fill their rooms," April told her.

"Oh, do you think you can?" Roxy asked.

"I believe that I can but first she has to take my apartment," April said pointing out that they weren't in the clear just yet.

"Will she?" Roxy asked.

"I don't know, she's coming up Wednesday afternoon to look it over and we'll know more then," April told her.

"I hope she does," Roxy said.

"Well you ready to actually do some work?" April asked.

"I'll work your ass off," Roxy told her.

"Good, I need a smaller ass," April said and then she turned around and shook her ass at Roxy making her laugh.

When they got to April's apartment, Roxy knew that it was small but it was even smaller than she had imagined though she didn't tell April that. They went to April's bedroom which was about half the size of her bedroom in her house and they began to clean out her closet and dresser. They filled both hers and April's suitcases and bags, the rest they put into some of the boxes that Roxy had in the garage. Next, they boxed up April's personal items including April's stuffed monkey that she still had from when she was a little girl. They left the pantry filled not that there was anything in it that Roxy wanted to keep, since it was mostly things there could be cooked in the microwave. The fridge was much the same way but since most of it would spoil, they went ahead and emptied it.

End of Chapter Seven.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments whether they be positive or negative. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 8

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