Roxys Discovery

Published on Oct 22, 2017


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Chapter Six

By Chris

"I believe we have a mess to clean up," April said obviously feeling the wet sheets too as she shivered.

"A big mess," Roxy said with a laugh as she stepped into a little puddle of water on the hardwood floor.

"Watch where you step, I would hate to die of laughing from seeing you slip on the floor," Roxy warned her giving April a grin to show that she was teasing her.

"I bet you would laugh too," April said stepping carefully onto the floor.

"Well first I'd make sure that you were okay before I would start to laugh," Roxy told her.

"Thanks," April replied laughing a little.

When Roxy got to the bathroom and she got a look at the floor she blurted out, "Oh my god, I think there's more water on the floor than in the tub."

"I don't know, there may be a cup or two more water in the tub," April said as she came up beside of her.

"I can't believe we made that much of a mess," Roxy said frowning at the water on the floor.

"But we had fun doing it," April said and then she gave her a little kiss to her cheek.

Roxy smile, "Yes we did, a lot of fun."

"Where's your mop?" April asked.

"It's in the kitchen, go get it while I let the water out of the tub," Roxy told her and April went off toward the kitchen.

Roxy walked carefully through the water to the tub so that she could let it start to drain. She then picked up the small rugs in front of the toilet, the tub and sink putting them into the sink. April soon return with a mop bucket and two mops and they began to mop up the water. Once they had the water mopped up, Roxy figured that this was as good a time as any to clean the bathroom so she put April to cleaning the tub as she got the toilet and the mirror that they somehow managed to splash water onto.

Once they had the bathroom cleaned to Roxy's satisfaction, they moved on to the bedroom stripping the bed so that Roxy could put the sheets and the waterproof mattress cover onto wash as April cleaned the floor so that the hardwood floor wouldn't stain.

When Roxy returned from the wash room, she entered the bedroom to see April bending over pick up a pair of house shoes that Roxy kept by the bed. Roxy stopped right in the doorway watching April with her eyes squarely on April's ass with her rosebud and pussy in plain view. Roxy felt her pussy spasm and she could feel a bit of moisture come to her pussy.

"I think you need to put some clothes on," Roxy said.

"Oh shit, you scared me!" April yelp as she dropped the slippers that she had just picked up. "Why do I need to put clothes on?"

"Because I'm having a hard time convincing myself not to drag you onto that bed and make mad passionate love to you," Roxy admitted.

"Well is that such a bad idea," April said coming toward her with a seductive smile.

"No..." Roxy replied trying hard to look away from April's eyes and failing to do so.

"Then let's go to the bed and make the mad passionate love you mentioned," April said as she pulled her in close.

Roxy felt her will weakening wanting to do make love to April again and again however she found an ounce of strength to resist April's seductive smile. Just as April leaned in to give her a kiss, Roxy put her finger to April's lips.

"I have a paper to finish writing and you promised to go grocery shopping for me." Roxy told her.

"I did?" April said with a surprised look.

"Well you hadn't yet but you were going to," Roxy said with a grin.

"Oh, and what about us making love all afternoon?" April said with a more than a little disappointment look in her eyes.

"How about we make love all night," Roxy suggested, "and I make a wonderful dinner for you."

"Mmm... will you make some banana pudding for desert and blueberry muffins for breakfast tomorrow?" April asked.

"I believe that can be arranged," Roxy said with a smile and then she leaned in to give April a soft lingering kiss.

"You don't have to go shopping for me, I can do that later.... But I do need to work on that paper, I'm sorry..." Roxy said.

"No I don't mind but you got to write down everything you want, if you just tell me, who knows what I'll bring home," April said with a laugh.

"I will and I promise I will make up for this tonight," Roxy told her. "It's just once you mentioned making love all day in the car I forgot all about having to do that damn paper but it's important..." Roxy was saying when April stopped her with a kiss.

"It wasn't all that long ago I was a student; studying and writing papers were what I put first," April said after the kiss.

"Always first?" Roxy had to ask.

"Almost always," April said with a little laugh.

"I figured as much and to tell you the truth, I might not either," Roxy said though she wasn't so sure that would be the case. She had waited so long to be able to attend college, she wanted to learn everything she could.

"No I think you'll put it first and you know what?" April asked her.

"What?" Roxy asked.

"I won't let you get behind on your studies, it's too important to you and too important to me," April said then she gave her a light kiss.

"Thank you," Roxy said in almost a whisper happy that April could see just what this meant to her.

"Now let's get dressed and then you make me that grocery list," April said pulling away.

Once dressed, Roxy took April into the kitchen giving her a pad and pencil. Roxy then began to list what she needed as she went from the pantry to the refrigerator. A couple of the items, she gave the brand that she wanted so that April would get just what she wanted. Some things that she cooked, it didn't matter to her but on some, it was very important to her that she get just the right thing.

"Now let me get you my debit card to pay for this," Roxy said as she headed for the living room where her purse was.

"No I'll get it," April immediately told her.

"I won't let you pay for my groceries," Roxy said as she stopped in the doorway.

"I'll be eating most of it so I'll pay for it," April said standing up from the table.

"Just how do you figure that?" Roxy asked.

"Well I'll eat some tonight and in the morning and then tomorrow night. And then Monday morning, you'll make me eat before I leave and you'll pack me a lunch. On Wednesday night I'll be back over here to eat again and I assume next weekend too," April told her and Roxy could see that April was daring her to argue.

"Okay you'll eat part of it but not all of it," Roxy conceded.

"Then I'll pay, and I don't want any arguments," April told her standing firm.

"Okay but you'll have to come over Tuesday and Wednesday for dinner," Roxy said with a shy smile.

"Deal and I assume that I'll be staying over each night?" April asked.

"You had better stay," Roxy told her.

"Try and send me home," April; said with a sexy smile.

"Cool I knew I could convince you to let me pay," April told her.

"And I got you to come over twice this week," Roxy said.

Roxy watched as April came over to her and used her hands to pull her in close, "Any time you want me to come over, no matter what time of day, I'm just a phone call away," she said and then she gave her a kiss.

"I'll remember that," Roxy said giving April a long hug.

April held her for a moment before pulling back, "Now let me go shopping and you get your ass in there and work on that paper," April told her.

"Yes teacher," Roxy said laughing but then she went toward what used to be her father's study as April headed out to do the shopping.

It took Roxy a few minutes to get her mind onto the paper she had to write and not the fun that she and April had in the bathroom and the bedroom however like most everything she did, once she got her mind back onto the paper, she was lost to the world. She forgot all about time and just concentrated on getting everything right and her facts correct. It was a paper for her history class and she and her classmates quickly found out that the professor didn't like for someone to misstate a fact or get the date wrong. So Roxy spent extra time checking and rechecking her facts to make sure she didn't screw up. She got the first draft done which was what she wanted to accomplish this weekend. She would edit it on Monday when she had a fresh mind. She looked at the clock on her computer and realized that she had been at it for two and half hours. She then began to worry about April as she should have been back long before now.

She first went to the living room and saw that April's car was there so she had to be back. She then went to the kitchen but she didn't see any bags or anything. She was about to go back through the house when April appeared in the doorway of the kitchen.

"When did you get back?" Roxy asked.

"A while ago," April said giving her a smile as she came on into the kitchen.

"Why didn't you come and get me, I would have helped you with the groceries," Roxy said feeling bad that April had to do the shopping and put them up.

"Well I did come to tell you that I was back but you seemed to be on a roll with your paper so I figured that you needed to study more than help me with the groceries, but now if I didn't put everything in the right place don't be too mad," April said giving her a little kiss.

"I won't be mad and next time come and get me," Roxy told her.

"Next time... does that mean that I'm doing the shopping from now on?" April asked grinning.

"Oh no; I didn't mean that, I will do the shopping from now on?" Roxy said quickly backtracking.

"Honey, I was teasing you, besides you got dinner to cook with my banana pudding for desert," April told her.

"And that is what I'm going to do, so sit your ass down and talk to me as I get to work," Roxy said giving April a quick kiss and then pushing her down into the kitchen chair.

"I think I'll start with your banana pudding but you got to help," Roxy told her.

"Sure what you need me to do?" April; asked as she started to get up.

"Well to make banana pudding, you got to have pudding right," Roxy said as she got a pot and had April get the pudding mix as she didn't believe in the instant stuff, you had to make real pudding. So while she began the fixing their meal, she directed April on how to make real banana pudding. They talked, giggled, and generally had fun as April learned how to make her favorite desert. Once they finished off dinner and April had her two helpings of banana pudding, they went to the living room to relax while their meal settled.

When there was a pause in the conversation, Roxy gathered up her nerve to ask April something that she was very curious about and was important for her to know. "May I ask you something?" Roxy asked.

"Sure you know you can, anything at all," April said with a soft smile.

"What type of girls do you like to date?" Roxy asked.

April grinned as she replied, "Well they have to know how to make a mean banana pudding, be great at softball, and..."

"April I'm serious," Roxy said as she realized that April was describing her which wasn't what she wanted.

"I'm sorry but I am attracted to you," April told her.

"I know and I'm attracted to you too but I want to know what type of woman you like," Roxy told her.

"Why do you want to know? So you can try to become what you think I want you to be. It won't work, you don't have it in you to be anyone you're not." April told her.

"I know and I won't try to be, I just want to know what you type of women you have always preferred," Roxy told her.

"If you're asking if I like strong take charge women or more of the submissive type then I would say that I have always seemed to date the latter," April told her.

"Thank you, that is what I wanted to know," Roxy said feeling a sense of relief.

"What type do you prefer?" April asked as Roxy knew she would.

"You!" Roxy said and before April could make her be more specific, she leaned forward and kissed her, not a light kiss but one that she made very passionate as she lay on top of her.

"Care to join me in bed?" Roxy asked softly as she got up off of April, heading toward her bedroom.

She saw that she caught April off guard which is what she wanted, she was a few steps away when she stopped to see April sitting up and looking at her. She reached down pulling her tee shirt off and throwing it back at April.

"Wait for me," April said jumping up from the couch.

"I wait for no woman," Roxy said laughing as she began to run toward the bedroom.

"I'm not just any woman," April called back.

Roxy had such a head start that she made it to the bedroom and had her shorts and panties half way down when she heard April at the door. She paused waiting for April to come and tackle her or do something but nothing happened. She was about half bent over with her shorts and panties at mid-thigh when she turned her head toward the door to see April just standing in the doorway.

"Go ahead, I'm just admiring the show," April told her.

Roxy began to blush knowing if she bent over any further, she would be exposing herself to April. It wasn't like April hadn't already seen what she had but still she felt embarrassed but that also excited her. She paused another moment before she pushed her shorts along with her panties on down her thighs to her knees and on down to her ankles. She knew once they were past her knees they would pretty much fall on down but she was getting into the little show she was preforming for April.

"Very nice," April said and whistled which just embarrassed Roxy that much more however her pussy was telling her something else, that it was wet and excited by putting on this little show for April.

Roxy paused for another second before she stood up and stepped from her shorts and panties. She turned to face April who whistled again making her blush even more.

"Quit it," Roxy said though she loved that April was admiring her body so much.

April started to walk toward her when Roxy said, "Stop, wait a minute."

"Why?" April asked though she did stop a couple of steps into the bedroom.

Roxy got onto the bed laying on her side facing April before she spoke, "Now it's your turn to undress for me."

"Oh no don't make me do that," April pleaded and Roxy could see it wasn't something that April wanted to do.

"I did it for you," Roxy reminded her.

"But I didn't ask you to, I just stopped and watched what you were already doing," April replied.

Roxy thought about that for a second before she could think of a good response, "True but now I am asking you."

"I can't, I'm not as pretty as you are," April said.

"You're right, you're not," Roxy said and she saw a bit of hurt in April's eyes but she wasn't finished with what she had to say, "You're even more beautiful than I could ever dream of being."

April then smiled and Roxy could see the slightest bit of reddish hue coming to April's cheeks. "Now you're just plain old fibbing."

"No I'm not, I believe that with all my heart," Roxy told her. "Now please undress for then come here and make love to me."

"Only because you are such a great liar," April said and Roxy started to tell her that she wasn't lying but thought better of it. She could see in April's eyes that April did believe her, at least the part that she thought she was beautiful, not that she actually was.

April reached down and pulled her top up over her head to reveal her plain white cotton bra that she was wearing since she had to go out and do the shopping. She pulled the arm straps down managing to keep the cups covering her breasts which made Roxy smile. April's hands went to her shorts unsnapping them and then pushing them off her hips leaving her white control top cotton panties in place. Roxy took in April's body seeing the little bit of belly that wasn't pressed in by her panties and then her hips that were also a little wider than April wanted them to be.

She watched as April pulled the cups off her breasts seeing them sag only a little and she saw how hard April's nipples already were. April turned her bra around so that the hooks were in front and she could easily undo them dropping her bra to the floor. She hooked her thumbs into her panties pushing them down over her hips. She didn't do so as slowly as Roxy had done but still Roxy enjoyed April body as it was being revealed to her.

"Now bring that beautiful body over here and make love to me," Roxy told her with the tone of her voice showing her desire for that body.

April smiled as she stepped toward the bed. She climbed onto the bed on her knees moving over her and then lying down on top of her.

"Thank you for believing that I'm beautiful," April told her and before Roxy could respond, April was kissing her, a soft lingering kiss.

"You are beautiful," Roxy said when April raised her head ending the kiss.

This time April didn't argue, she just lowered her head kissing her again, this kiss starting off soft and tender however when April opened her lips, the kiss quickly became passionate with their tongues coming together within Roxy's mouth.

Roxy gently rolled April onto her back and she began to kiss April's cheeks and neck before going back to her lips to kiss her there. She soon found herself back on her back with April on top of her and she was doing the kissing, kissing her face, neck and then back to her lips.

"Get up on your hands and knees and turn around," Roxy whispered to her.

April smiled and she replied with, "My pleasure."

Just as April got onto her hands and knees, Roxy's eyes focused on her breasts hanging down, "Wait a moment," she said.

"What's the matter?" April immediately asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to kiss and suck on your lovely breasts." Roxy replied just as her hands came up grasping April's breasts in her hands.

"Oh god," April gasped and when Roxy kissed her right nipple and then sucking it into her mouth April gasped even louder, "Fuck!"

Roxy smiled to herself as she sucked harder drawing a little more of April's breast into her mouth. She released that nipple only to move over to April's left nipple giving it kisses and gentle sucks that had April moaning. Roxy loved how aroused April could get by having her breasts sucked and kissed. She moved her mouth back to the right nipple and began to suckle on it.

"Oh god Roxy that feels so nice," April moaned.

Roxy suckled a little harder and she moved her right hand from April's waist down and around to April's pussy. She ran her fingers lightly along April's slit feeling how wet and aroused she was. She slipped her middle finger into April's pussy moving it around inside of her while she kept sucking on April's nipple. She switched back to April's left nipple this time giving it tender bites between sucking on it. April began to really moan and her whole body seemed to quiver as she fucked her with her finger. Roxy moved her fingers to April's clit and she used a circular motion to rub against it.

"Oh god I'm close," April cried out so Roxy began to rub harder against April's clit and then she sucked April's nipple into her mouth, sucking hard.

Roxy released April's nipple only to again begin sucking on it and that sent April into a world of pleasure as her orgasm hit her hard with her arms giving out and she fell down on top of her. Roxy was able to still rub April's clit a few more seconds before she stopped letting April enjoy a very intense orgasm.

Roxy slipped out from under April as she began to recover from her orgasm. She stared at April's flushed face and neck and she had to smile knowing that she had made April feel such pleasure. It made her just as happy as she would have been if April had given her the same intense orgasm.

She was lost in those thoughts until she felt April begin to stir and she saw April begin to frown which worried Roxy for a second. "You played dirty," April said and then she kissed her ending any worries that April was in the least bit mad at her.

"It's your fault," Roxy said grinning at April.

"Just how did it become my fault, I was doing just what you said to do," April said. "I thought you wanted to make love to each other."

"I did but when I saw your breasts and I knew how much you loved to have them sucked and kissed that I couldn't stop myself, your breasts drew my mouth to them," Roxy told her.

"So it's my breast's fault now, they told you to suck and kiss them?" April asked arching her eyebrows at her.

"Yep... wait a minute, I think they are talking to me now." Roxy said and then she pushed April onto her back placing her ear to April's right breast.

"What are you doing?" April asked.

"shhhh.... Listen a minute... your breasts is saying... kiss me... suck me... make love to me..." Roxy whispered and then she turned her head to kiss April's right nipple.

April laughed, "Now you're being silly," She said pushing Roxy off her breast and onto her back.

"Well that's what I heard," Roxy said trying not to laugh at her own silliness.

"I bet," April said and then she cocked her head, "wait a moment."

"What?" Roxy asked.

"I hear something... I think it's your pussy and it's telling me to eat it!" April stated.

Roxy laughed, "Now you're being silly!" But then again her pussy was talking to her and it liked what April was saying.

"Should I listen to it?" April then asked her.

Roxy didn't have to think about the answer to that question, "Oh god yes!"

April laughed at the intensity of her answer but then she gave her a kiss, a soft light kiss. "Now I guess I should do as your pussy is telling me to do," April said with a sexy smile.

"Please," Roxy said and she opened her legs for April to crawl between. She closed her eyes feeling April's soft hands on her inner thighs and then she felt April blowing on her pussy making her moan and wanting April to touch her pussy that much more.

She felt April blowing her pussy again and this time she cried out, "Please April, I need to feel you!"

Feel her she did as April began to lick her outer lips and then pulling her lips open to lick in deeper. "Oh god yessss..." Roxy cried.

She raised her ass off the bed pushing her pussy in against April's mouth and she felt April licking her harder and deeper. Roxy gripped the sheets in her hands when she felt April's tongue against her sensitive clit. She felt a couple of April's fingers push into her pussy and she let out a long moan as those fingers began to fuck her pussy while her tongue licked her clit. She wanted to feel April's tongue and fingers all night long however, she was just to aroused by this point that she could hold off her orgasm but for a moment before she felt her pussy spasm and her clit explode with pleasure that traveled throughout her body leaving her with only the feeling of pure pleasure and love.

When she could feel her body again, April was tenderly licking her pussy sending surges of pleasure through her body. When April's tongue touched her clit, she experienced another small orgasm that left her breathless. This time when she recovered, she pulled April away from her sensitive clit and up beside of her so that she could kiss her tasting her own juices of April's lips.

"Oh god that felt great," Roxy said in a contented sigh.

"Just great?" April asked.

"Well maybe extraordinary wonderful," Roxy said grinning at April.

"Just maybe?" April asked again.

"Oh shut up, you know what I mean," Roxy told her.

"I do and you make me feel the same way," April said giving her a kiss and she pulled Roxy in close enjoying the feeling of having made love and the pleasure that they had given each other.

"You know I don't think it could get any better than this," Roxy whispered to her after a few minutes of them cuddling.

April pulled back and Roxy could see that April wanted to say something but then she was hesitated for some reason. "What do you want to say, I can see that there is something on your mind." Roxy asked her.

"Ahhh... I have some toys at home if you would like to try them," April told her. "But you don't have to if you don't want."

"What type of toys?" Roxy asked curious as to what April might have.

"A couple of vibrators and a..." April said and then she paused a second, "... and a strap-on dildo."

"You have a strap-on dildo?" Roxy asked seeing April blush a little as she knew she herself was doing.

"Yes but we don't have to..." April was saying when Roxy put her finger to her lips stopping her.

"Do you like using the strap-on? What does it feel like?" Roxy asked.

"Yes I like it and it can feel great but..." April said but Roxy stopped her again with her finger to her lips.

"Bring it with you, I want to see it... but I have never used one before, you'll have to show me how." Roxy said.

"I will and then we can decide if we want to use it,' April told her.

"Oh that decision has already been made," Roxy told her giving her a kiss to stop any further conversation.

They kissed for a few minutes while the room became dark with the setting of the sun. Soon they were both asleep holding on tightly to each other.

The alarm went off much too soon for Roxy but April had to get ready for work and she wanted to send her off with a good breakfast and pack her a lunch. April protested both however she sat at the table and ate her breakfast and then took the lunch that Roxy had made for her.

Roxy met April at the bench that they first met and they had their lunch as Roxy had fixed enough for both of them to eat. They talked while they ate and the hour that April got for lunch ended much too soon for Roxy but then she had another class to attend before she could return home.

That evening she called her sister and talked to her for a while but after she had hung up, she went on to bed even though it was still early. She lay against the headboard trying to watch some television but the show couldn't hold her interest. She found herself wishing it was already Tuesday and April was there. The house became empty without April there to talk to, she picked up her phone only to put it back down not wanting to bother April; a minute later she had her phone in her hand waiting for April to answer.

"I was just thinking about calling you," April said when she answered her phone.

Roxy gave off a relieved laugh, "I beat you to it."

"Yes you did, so what's up?" April asked.

"Oh I don't know, I talked to Diane for a bit but when I got off the phone, the house began to feel a little empty without you," Roxy admitted.

"You want me to come over?" April asked.

"No I'm fine, just wanted to talk to you a moment, I don't want you to be out this late at night," Roxy said thought she really did want April to come over.

"It's not even eight-thirty, I don't think that is too late to be out for a grown woman. Besides that isn't the answer I was hoping for," April told her.

"What was the answer that you looking for?" Roxy asked hoping to hear what she so wanted to hear.

"Yes April, I would love for you to come on over and since you'll be here Tuesday and Wednesday anyway, why don't you just stay all week," April told her.

Roxy smiled, "I would love for you to stay all week, I feel lost without you here." She admitted.

"I missed you too, when I walked into my apartment today, I cried because this wasn't where I wanted to be tonight." April said making Roxy cry feeling so relieved that April was feeling the same way she was.

"Then get your ass over here," Roxy said through her tears.

"Can I bring the rest of me too," April asked.

"Smart ass!" Roxy said and then she hung up on her.

Before she could put her phone down, she heard it ding. She looked seeing a text message from April, "My ass is cute as well as smart."

"Just get your cute smart ass over here. And don't drive too fast" she messaged back. This time there was no return reply. She figured that April was packing her things and besides she needed to freshen up a bit before April got there.

She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and brush out her hair. She then went and turned on the porch light though it was still light outside. She figured that by the time that April had packed and got there it would be dark. She then began to wonder if she was doing the right thing. She knew come Monday morning, she would be wanting April to come home to her and not back to her apartment. She thought a little more about it and she knew that she so cared for April and obviously April cared for her. She would just have to see where this went but for the moment, she wanted April to be there with her. She began to straighten up the kitchen as she knew if she just sat idle, her mind would drive her crazy trying to decide what was the right or wrong thing to do.

Much sooner than she expected, she heard a car pull into the driveway. She opened the front door to see April getting out of the car wearing a pair of jogging shorts and a loose fitting top. Roxy came on out to help her with her bags.

"You drove too fast, there is no way you could have gotten here that quickly," Roxy fussed at April.

"No I didn't, I already had my bags packed, I just had to throw a few more things in a bag. Now give me a kiss and help me with my bags," April told her.

Roxy smiled and she gave April her kiss before accepting the rather large suitcase that April pulled from her car. "I was already going to try and talk my way into staying Thursday night." She said in explanation of Roxy's unasked question.

"You wouldn't have had too much talking to do that," Roxy told her.

"I was hoping that I wouldn't," April said with a bright smile. She then pulled out a clothes bag, another small bag and then a laundry bag. "I need to do some laundry, I'm running out of clean panties and bras.

"That's fine, I'll do it with mine," Roxy told her taking the laundry bag and heading toward the house.

"I can do my own laundry," April called her.

"I know and now you don't have to, I got a load or two to anyway," she replied lying a little but then April didn't have to know that. "Besides I can do it while I'm doing homework so it won't be a bother."

"Well thanks," Roxy replied and Roxy was glad that she had given in without further argument.

When they got to her bedroom, Roxy first hung up April's dress clothes for work in her closet so that they wouldn't get wrinkled. "I'll clean out a couple of drawers for your things tonight and tomorrow I will have to rearrange some things to fit the rest of your clothes." Roxy said as she eyed her dresser thinking of what to move out tonight so that April would have a place to put the things that she had brought.

"Am I moving in with you?" April asked and the question startled Roxy at first as she hadn't realized what she was doing. In a short time, she had gone from worrying about taking things too fast to speeding them up even further.

''If you want to..." Roxy said hesitating as she tried to read April's thoughts which wasn't able to do.

April came to her putting her hands to her hips drawing Roxy in close. "How about we try it for a little while before we make a decision."

"I'm pushing again, aren't I?" Roxy said frowning as she feared that she was messing up.

"Maybe a little but I don't mind, this is where I want to be. I just want to make sure that you want me here too." April told her.

"I do," Roxy said quickly, maybe too quickly she feared having not thought about her answer before spitting it out.

"Even when I leave my dirty clothes in the floor of the bathroom, leave the top off of the toothpaste, using the first toothbrush I get my hands on no matter who's it is," April said pausing for a moment for effect Roxy was sure, "Let's see what other bad habits I have..."

"You know I have my own bad habits," Roxy told her.

"Like what?" April asked her.

Roxy should have known that question was coming but she wasn't prepared to answer it but not because her didn't have any bad habits, "I don't know, I've never really lived with anyone before. The only people I have lived with were my parents and they were always sick so they never really were able to really complain, but I'm sure that I got some, everyone does. You'll just have to figure out what mine are and if you can live with them." Roxy said.

"I know one already," April said with a slight grin. "You have no idea how to shut a door," April said with her grin growing.

"I do too," Roxy said while her mind was working to see if April was right.

"Come on," April said taking her hand leading her out of the bedroom and toward the kitchen. Even before they got there, Roxy knew that April was right and sure enough, the door to the glasses and plates was open as well as the pantry door.

"Well I'm in those cabinets all the time," Roxy said in her defense and she started to go shut them but April wouldn't release her hand.

"It's cool, makes it easier for to remember where things are." April said giving her a little kiss to reassure her. "Oh and you never close the bathroom door..."

"Well I had to leave it open in case my father needed me, I can close it from now on," Roxy told her.

"You don't do anything in there that I don't do beside you look sexy sitting on the toilet peeing," April said giving her a sexy wink.

"Oh god you're gross," Roxy said and then she had to laugh.

"I think it is safe to say with we will both have to adjust to each other and how well we do that will decide if this is permanent or temporary," April told her.

"I guess it will," Roxy said. "Can we?"

"Yes we can but only if we work at it," April said.

"How did you get so smart?" Roxy asked her.

"While there is more that I disagree with my mother than agree, it doesn't meant that I didn't listen to her when she had something important to say. Of course she was talking about me and a boy and not another girl, but the same applies." April told her.

"Yes it does," Roxy said, "Yes it does."

"How about we put my things away and then slip into bed," April suggested.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Roxy said taking April's hand and heading back to the bedroom.

Roxy made room for the items that April had brought helping her to put them away. She did notice that there was one small bag that April didn't unpack making her wonder if her toys were in that bag.

From there they went to the bathroom to put April's personal items away. As April did that, Roxy picked up her toothbrush to brush her teeth. She was just rinsing out her mouth when April came up to her to brush her teeth. On a lark, Roxy handed April her toothbrush to use just as a joke.

However, the joke was on her as April took her toothbrush putting some toothpaste on it and began to brush her teeth. "Told you!" April said pulling the toothbrush from her mouth leaving her mouth a foamy white smile.

Roxy laughed, "I guess you did."

April finished brushing her teeth and after she had rinsed her mouth out, she turned a said, "You know I got a couple of new ones you can have."

''I like this one," Roxy said taking the toothbrush from April and putting it into her mouth and did a final brush of her teeth.

April laughed, "You're a keeper."

"I hope so," Roxy said going past April and entering the bedroom.

Roxy found her sleep shorts and top, putting them on as April put on a short night gown. They slipped into bed coming in together in the center of the bed. "Will we grow old together?" Roxy asked.

"I hope so," April said pulling her in close. Roxy put her head on April's shoulder and was soon asleep safe in April's arms.

Roxy woke before the alarm went off so she slipped out of the bed, careful not to wake April. She had breakfast about made when April wandered in still trying to wake up. April came over giving her a kiss before going to the table and sitting down where Roxy had her coffee. Roxy soon had their breakfast ready and they sat down to eat. As April got dressed, Roxy cleaned the kitchen and fixed April something to take for her lunch.

"You look nice today," Roxy said when April returned.

"Why thank you," April said with a smile but then that smile turned crooked, "I have a meeting with this cute coed on her financial aid and I wanted to look pretty for her."

"Well I hope that she fixes as great a lunch for you as I do," Roxy said handing April her lunch bag.

"You know you don't have to get up every morning to make me breakfast and pack my lunch, you can sleep in if you want,' April told her.

"But I like doing those things for you," Roxy said frowning as she was used to getting up early to prepare for her father to wake up and she missed doing it after he was gone.

April looked at her for a moment before she said, "I like you doing it too, I just wanted to make sure that you knew you didn't have to."

"I know I don't have to but I like doing it," Roxy told her. "Now get off to work so that you can meet up with that cute coed."

"You know I was teasing you about that," April said.

"Yea I know, besides you're not woman enough to handle two coeds at one time," Roxy said happy that her wit had returned to her though a bit late.

"Oh I'm not?" April replied.

"Nope, I am about all you can handle," Roxy said with a grin.

"You got that right," April said and then she came to her giving her a lingering kiss.

"You keep doing that and you'll be late for work," Roxy whispered to her.

"Then I guess I'd better get going," April said giving her one last kiss before heading toward the door.

Roxy had an hour or so before she had to start getting ready for her first class so she finished cleaning the kitchen before heading toward the bedroom to get her day started. Today she didn't have time to meet April for lunch but then she would be seeing her that evening so she didn't feel too guilty making April eat alone but that didn't stop her from sending a message to April telling her that she hoped that her meeting with the cute coed went well. April messengered her back that as it turned out she would have meetings with three cute coeds today and hopefully she would have dates set up for the weekend. That of course sent off a banter of Roxy telling her that she couldn't handle four women at once and April saying that she could. The short conversation ended with April telling her that she'd be home by five-thirty if traffic wasn't too bad.

By the time that April arrived, Roxy had dinner almost ready. April quickly changed out of her work clothes and when she got back to the kitchen, Roxy was putting April's food on her plate. They discussed their days with no more mention of the cute coeds that had never really existed.

"I'm afraid that I have a big test to study for tonight, I was hoping to get my studying done this afternoon but I got held up at the library trying to find a book that my Lit. Professor decided we all just had to read before the end of the summer session." Roxy said feeling bad that she couldn't spend the evening with April as she had planned. "I really am sorry..."

"Roxy you don't have to keep me entertain, I can figure out something to do as you study." April told her with a smile. "You know there will be times when I have to bring home work and you'll be left without my wonderful company."

"I know but I hate that I ruined our evening," Roxy said feeling down.

"You didn't, now you go study," April said giving her a kiss. And then she whispered into Roxy's ear, "Besides I got to make plans for my dates with those cute coeds this weekend."

"Oh god, you're just full of it aren't you," Roxy said with a laugh.

"I can't help it if I'm a chick magnet," April said seriously before she burst into laughter.

"I'm not even going to bother with commenting about that line," Roxy said laughing too and feeling better about leaving April alone for the evening.

"Let me know if you need anything," April told her as she turned Roxy around and pushing her toward her study.

"What are you going to do?" Roxy asked turning back around to ask her.

"Probably just watch some TV," April said while turning Roxy back around and sending her off with a pat on the ass.

Roxy heard the TV come on as she sat down to study for the stupid test that she really needed to get an A on so that the battle ax would let her stay. She studied for a couple of hours before needing to pee and get something to drink. She had to go by the laundry room and she saw April pulling clothes from the washing machine.

"You didn't have to do your laundry, I said I would do it for you," Roxy told her from the doorway.

"I'm not doing my laundry, I'm doing our laundry," April replied and then she grinned as she followed with. "It's okay if I put your new white cotton panties in with my new red dress isn't it?"

Roxy first started to protest when she realized that April was pulling her leg again, "Sure I was going to dye them pink anyway."

"Cool, I didn't think it would be a problem," April said still grinning.

"Anyway thanks," Roxy said seriously as she really didn't like doing the laundry.

"No problem, besides it gives me a chance to sniff your panties," April said just as Roxy was leaving.

"Oh god you never stop do you," Roxy said with a laugh.

"Nope," April said laughing.

It was a little after nine when April popped in to say that she was heading to bed. Roxy was about to quit studying figuring that she was as prepared for her test as she would ever be. She closed up her books and turned off her laptop before heading to the bedroom where April was sitting up in the bed looking at her tablet. She wasn't wearing a top and Roxy figured that she was also not wearing anything below her waist either though that part of her was covered. Roxy smiled and felt a tingle down below as she began to undress with April watching her every move. She was still a little shy about undressing in front of April but it also excited her to no end.

Once naked she turned off the light and slipped into bed beside of April who indeed was as naked as she was. She felt April pull her in close and then she kissed her making Roxy moan as the tension from studying quickly went away. April rolled her onto her back and slipped on top of her. Roxy opened her legs letting April's legs slip between hers. She felt April's pussy touch her pussy and she felt a touch of wetness there. April kissed her again, this time she opened her lips so that their tongues could touch and the kiss become so much more passionate. April also began to rock her hips and Roxy felt April's pussy rub against hers. Roxy's knees came up on their own and she opened them up allowing her pussies to come together. April pushed her hips downward putting more pressure and friction between their pussies.

Roxy let out a moan and she began to push her hips upwards wanting to increase the feeling of pleasure April was giving to her. When she did that, they both moaned into the kiss.

"Oh god this feels good," Roxy moaned aloud.

"Yes it does but I want to do something to make it even better," April said giving her a light kiss before she began to get up.

"Oh no... don't stop, it feels too great," Roxy groaned.

"I have no plans on stopping," April said in a husky voice.

April got up on her knees and Roxy felt April grasp her right leg bringing it upward. Roxy wasn't sure what April was doing until she felt April's pussy against her pussy with April's left leg between her legs and her right leg against the outside of her left hip. Roxy then knew that April was putting them into a scissoring position. Roxy turned her hips a fraction so that their pussies were fully pressed against each other.

She let out a loud moan as April began to move her hips and the friction between their pussies increased. "Fuck!" Roxy moaned as she began to move her hips too. With the juices that they were both producing, it was getting very slippery between their pussies as they ground them together. April was moaning loudly as she moved and twisted her hips increasing the friction between them.

Just as Roxy felt like she was about to have her orgasm, April raised her hips up decreasing the friction between them which kept Roxy's orgasm at bay. This just increased the arousal that Roxy was feeling when April lowered her hips again, letting their pussies rub hard against each other. Slowly Roxy felt her orgasm gathering momentum and again April raised up frustrating Roxy and her growing need to cum. Roxy opened her eyes to see April grinning at her obviously knowing what she was doing to her. However, Roxy also saw how red April's cheeks and neck had become and the sweat on her brow indicating that while April was frustrating her, she was also doing the same thing to herself.

April did this to her twice more and Roxy knew she couldn't get any more aroused without her body exploding sending them both up in flames. The next time that April started to raise up, Roxy reached down to her hips pressing her back down. "I've got to cum, I can't take it anymore!" she moaned.

April dropped back down and she moved her hips even faster, pressing down even harder.

"Fuck!" Roxy cried out when her orgasm exploded upon her soul and she was lost. She vaguely heard April crying out and she felt April falling down onto the bed beside of her.

When Roxy could breathe again, she opened her eyes to see April lying down beside of her with their legs still intertwined and she could feel how wet she and April were. She reached out pulling April in close to her as April moved her legs around.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Roxy asked when April's eyes fluttered open.

"Did you like it?" April asked and her smile indicated that she knew the answer to that question.

"Hell yes, but if you had raised up one more time, I would have shot you," Roxy told her.

April let out a laugh, "You wouldn't have to, I would have shot myself. It was all I could do to raise up that last time and I was praying that you would tell me to stop and let you cum. I wanted to stretch it out as far as I could so that your orgasm would be that much more intense," April told her.

"I believe that orgasm was pretty intense for both of us, I think we soaked the sheets," Roxy said with a shy smile.

"Well I'm too tired to change the sheets now," April said.

"Me too besides I like feeling how wet you are," Roxy admitted.

"I like it too," April said coming in closer and Roxy could feel April's wet pussy against her leg.

"I think we are both crazy," Roxy said.

"Probably but I love it," April said as she laid her head down on Roxy's shoulder.

When Roxy woke up, April had moved to the side so that she was able to slip out of the bed without waking her. She went on to the kitchen to put their coffee onto brew before going to the bathroom to shower. She was just finishing bathing when she heard the alarm going off. When she stepped out of the shower, April was sitting on the toilet peeing and she appeared more asleep than awake. Roxy grabbed a towel to dry and as she stepped out of the shower, April was stepping in. April gave her a kiss, though a sleepy one that made Roxy smile.

"I see the shower woke you up," Roxy said with a grin as April came into the kitchen, sitting down where Roxy had her coffee sat out.

"Yea I slept hard last night... for some strange reason," she said with a grin.

"Me too, I wonder why?" Roxy said blushing a little.

"So, you ready for your test?" April said changing the subject.

"I hope so, I'll study a little more before class," Roxy said sitting down to eat.

"Don't over study, just brush up and little and then just relax, I found if I studied too much I did worse on my tests," April told her and so they discussed how she learned how to study and what worked for her. Roxy knew that she was different but still what April was saying did make sense.

End of Chapter Six.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 7

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