Roxys Discovery

Published on Sep 22, 2017


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Chapter Four

By Chris

Roxy looked at the couch and then she looked up seeing the hallway leading back to her bedroom, she felt April's warm soft hand holding hers and she knew what she wanted. She led April past the couch and back toward her bedroom. She didn't look over at April fearing what she would see so her kept going forward before she could change her mind.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" April asked when they got to Roxy's bedroom door.

Only then did she turn to look at April and she said softly, "No but it is what I want... I want you to stay with me tonight."

"I don't have anything to wear..." April told her.

"Diane left one of her nightgowns here when she came home for Dad's funeral, I think it will fit you perfectly," Roxy said going to her dresser and getting the nightgown out.

Roxy could see that April was wanting to say something and she figured she knew what that was so before she could ask if she was really sure Roxy told, "Now go freshen up as I turn the lights out. She then immediately left as she feared that if April asked her again if she was sure, she would change her mind and let her leave.

It was only after she had gotten back to the living room that she exhaled. She was so nervous about letting April stay but she felt more her need to have April there for a little bit longer and if things went further that she had intended, then she could live with that, in fact that was probably why she was feeling so nervous.

When she entered the bedroom, April was just coming out of the bathroom wearing Diane's nightgown, "You look a lot pettier than Diane did in that nightgown." Roxy said with a smile.

"I doubt that, I saw the picture of her in the living room, she is much prettier than I am," April replied.

"No she isn't, you're much prettier than she is," Roxy said telling her that from the heart.

Roxy saw that April was about to argue but then she smiled and said instead, "thank you."

Roxy smiled as she went to her dresser getting a nightgown for herself. She really didn't have any long nightgowns like she had given to April so she found the longer one that she had which went down to her knees figuring that once they were under the covers, it didn't matter how long it was.

Once in the bathroom, she peed and then she stripped down to her panties. It was then she wished that she had gotten a clean pair out as the ones she had one were still a bit damp. It was too late to do anything about that now so she put a little body spray on before slipping into her nightgown. She brushed her teeth noticing that April had opened the new toothbrush that she always kept in the holder. She then brushed out her hair and took a deep breath before opening the door.

She saw that April was already in the bed with only the lamp by the bed lit. Roxy walked slowly to the bed wondering just what was going to happen when she got into the bed which she soon did. There she hesitated for a second looking down at April who gave her a comforting smile.

"I promise I won't bite," April said with her lips forming a grin.

Roxy had to laugh which calmed her nerves, "I know."

"Come on and let's cuddle a little and have some pillow talk," April said while holding up the covers.

"I think I'm too nervous to talk," Roxy admitted.

"Then I guess I'll do all the talking," April said and once Roxy had started to get into the bed, April turned off the light casting the room into darkness.

"Now I can't see you," Roxy said and she turned onto her side to face April putting her hand to April's sides and she felt April snuggling in close.

"You won't need to, I'm going to be here right beside of you," April said and Roxy felt April's body move in so close that she could smell April's minty breath sensing how close April's mouth was to hers.

"Tell me something you've never told anyone," April told her.

"I thought you were going to do all the talking," Roxy said.

"I know but I want to know something about you that no one else knows," April told her.

"After my sister graduated from law school, she came home to study for the bar exam. When the exam got close, a friend of hers from law school came to study with her. Her name was Sabrina and she had short black hair and wore these big glasses. But the thing I remember the most was that she always had this smile on her face and she was so friendly. Even though they were studying for the most important test of their lives, Sabrina always took time to talk to me and she even played some games outside with me even though Diane wanted her to study. I developed the biggest crush on her, she was just perfect to me." Roxy said stopping there for a moment as she wasn't sure if she could tell the last part.

"And..." April said softly.

"At night, I would lay in bed dreaming of the time when I would be grown up and I could be with her. I would dream of..." Roxy said.

April didn't say anything as Roxy was hoping she would so she knew she had to finish what she had started. "I would dream of kissing her... that was the first time that I ever got wet and I began to realize that I was different... that I was gay."

"That is sweet, did you ever see her again?" April asked.

"No, she left after they took the bar exam and I never saw or ever heard Diane talk about her again." Roxy said feeling her face grow warm from just telling April about getting wet and aroused.

"You know who my first crush was on?" April asked her.

"No who?" Roxy asked hoping that it was similar to hers.

"The head cheerleader at my high school, oh god she was beautiful," April told her.

"Were you friends with her?" Roxy asked.

April let out a laugh, "Oh god no, I wasn't part of the "In-Crowd" like she was. I was a nobody and she never spoke to me one time in high school. But I would go to the football and basketball games just to see her jump and do splits. If only she knew how many times she was a part of my fantasies. I learned to masturbate dreaming of her and oh god could she make me wet."

"I can't believe that we talking about sex," Roxy said still feeling a bit embarrassed about the conversation.

"We're not, we're talking about learning who we really were." April said. "So, did you masturbate to the image of Sabrina?"

"I'm not telling," Roxy said with a laugh as she buried her face against April's shoulder.

"I take that as a yes," April said.

"Okay... I did," Roxy finally admitted.

"Good for you," April said pulling her in close.

"Can we talk about something else?" Roxy suggested not wanting April to take this where she wasn't sure she was ready for it to go.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" April asked.

Roxy didn't say anything for a moment trying to think of something to say and then before she realized she was saying it she said, "This feels so nice, you holding me."

"It feels nice having you hold me too," April whispered into her ear.

Roxy hadn't realized that she had moved her arms on around April and was holding onto her just as tightly. She pulled April in a little closer and she heard April let out a contented sigh. They both lay there, neither talking but then they didn't need to talk, all that they needed or at least Roxy needed was to have April there so close and holding onto her so tightly. Sometime thereafter, Roxy felt her eyelids get heavy and she fell into a peaceful sleep.

When Roxy heard the alarm going off, her first thought was that it Monday morning already and she had a test to take on her first class. A test that she somehow forgotten to study for but then she heard a voice calling out to her as the alarm magically turned itself off.

"Time to get up sleepy head," she heard April say and then she felt April's hand on her shoulder shaking her gently.

"Morning," Roxy said as she opened her eyes to see April sitting up in the bed with her hair all astray but never looking so beautiful.

"Morning sweetpea, did you sleep well?" April asked as she pulled the sheets down, swinging her feet around, and getting up out of the bed.

"Never better," Roxy said smiling as she sat up in bed. "What time is it?"

"It's six, I have to get back to my apartment to get my softball gear so I set the alarm early. I hated to wake you but I figured if I slipped out without waking you, you'd be pissed." April said with a smile.

"You're right I would be," Roxy told her. "You go get ready and I'll fix us some breakfast."

"You don't have to do that, I can grab something at my place," April told her as she entered the bathroom.

"Something bad I'm sure, I don't want you running down to first even slower than you already do," Roxy said and she saw April turn and grin.

"I don't run slow..." April said... "At least compared to an eighty-year-old woman." Then she laughed at her own expense.

"That is true," Roxy said and she saw April stick her tongue out at her before she disappeared into the bathroom.

Roxy made a stop at the guest bathroom before heading to the kitchen to make some coffee and figure out something quick and easy to make. She cut up some fruit for energy and heated up a couple of bran muffins that she had made yesterday morning. Roxy made April sit and eat before allowing her to leave and she walked her to the door having to stop there since she was still in her nightgown.

"I believe that you have two more kisses coming to you," April said as she pulled Roxy in close.

"I believe that I do," Roxy replied with a smile.

"Well here comes the first," April said leaning in and Roxy closed her eyes just as she felt April's lips touch her lips. It was a soft kiss that still left Roxy breathless when April pulled back.

"Mmmm... nice," Roxy breathed out.

"And here's your last kiss," April said pulling her in tighter.

This kiss lasted much longer and April slowly opened her lips and Roxy felt April's tongue enter her mouth. Roxy's heart began to pound and she felt her whole body respond to the kiss that grew more passionate with each passing second. She felt April lifting the back of her gown but she was powerless to stop her nor did she want to, she was just too much caught up in the passion she was feeling at that moment. April let the kiss linger and linger until she finally ended the kiss with Roxy trying her best to remain standing on knees that had grown weaker and weaker as the kiss went along.

It was only when she felt April pulling out on the back of her panties and April's hand slip down to her ass, did she come back to reality. However, just as quickly as April had done this, she withdrew her hand and released her panties.

"Now when you call your sister tonight, you'll have to tell her that you did indeed let me into your panties on the first date," April said with a cute grin and then she gave her a quick goodbye kiss.

April turned and opened the door and was going out before Roxy could think of anything to say, "Hey I didn't let you into my panties!" she said which even she thought was a lame comeback.

"That's not the way I'm going to tell it," April called back to her from a few steps away.

"You'd ruin my reputation just to say that you got into my panties?" Roxy asked.

"Yep," April said with a laugh and then she waved with a big smile as she got into her car.

Roxy smiled as she waved back, she then stood in the doorway watching April drive away before closing it. She leaned back against the door and let out a "Oh my..." as she thought about how great she felt and the excitement of being with April. She stayed there for a moment before she could push herself away from the door and start to get ready to go to the softball field, which was another thing to look forward to, plus April would be there.

When she arrived, April was already there and she was talking to Helen, Jane, and Lucy; the other captains as the other women began to arrive. Roxy went on over to where some of the players on her team were talking, joining in on their conversation. They would be playing in the second game that morning so as that game went on she sat in the bleachers and watched as her team and the team they were going to play chatted about the game but mostly about what was going on in their lives. As the first game began to near the end, they paired off and began to throw some just to get loosened up. Roxy was hoping to throw with April but she was busy helping their pitcher warm up. Even though no one pitched very hard, they still needed to loosen up their arm as they would throw a great number of pitches to some batters before they got the ball into play.

Their game finally got to start and when Roxy came up to bat for the first time, April pulled her aside acting like a good manager giving her batter some advice, however April had something else in mind to tell her.

"I heard tell someone got into your panties this morning," April whispered into her ear.

Roxy felt her face grow warm and before she could say something back April said in a much louder voice, "Now go get a hit like I told you to do." She then slapped her on the bottom sending her to first base.

Roxy was so unnerved that when she swung at the first pitch, she missed it so badly that she about tripped over her own feet as her body swung around.

"That's not what I told you to do, hit the ball," she heard April call out to her from the dugout.

Roxy didn't know what she wanted to do most, beat April with her bat she was holding or kiss her but both ideas were equally appealing to her at that moment. "Well then be quite and let me concentrate," Roxy called back to April who had a big shit eating grin on her face.

Everyone laughed which for some reason did help Roxy get her mind back on hitting the damn ball. She made contact on the next ball driving it to the outfield, she dropped her bat and starting to run to first watching the ball head to right field. She saw the right fielder Jessica, the daughter of the mother daughter pair coming toward it and she knew she was screwed. She just stopped and watched as the young girl came sprinting in toward the ball, laying out as the ball came down into her glove. That girl would one day be playing on some college team leading them to a championship with her mother watching every game, home and away. The girl jumped up with a big smile and all Roxy could do was to give her a thumbs up as she headed back to the dugout.

They ended up losing the game three to two with the Jessica having a hand in all three of her teams runs just proving the point that she was going to be a great player one day, if she wasn't a great one already.

"So, you want a hot dog?" April asked after everyone had left and the field was filling up with the younger girls for their practice.

"I would love one," Roxy said giving April a smile as they walked past several people that were heading toward the field.

"Would you like to go out again?" April asked once they were out of earshot of the people around them.

Roxy stopped and looked at April wondering why she would ask that after she had just spent the night with her. As she looked into April's eyes, she saw that she was being serious and it occurred to her that just because they had one date didn't guarantee another was in the offering.

"Of course, in fact I was thinking of asking if you would like to come over and I could cook dinner for you one night this week," Roxy said which she didn't actually think of doing until that moment.

"I would love to, what night?" April answered with a relieved smile.

"What night is good for you?" Roxy asked as it really didn't matter to her.

"I get off a little earlier on Wednesdays, is that a good day?" April asked hopefully.

"Wednesday it is," Roxy said giving April a bright smile and feeling her heart skip a beat as she had another date with April.

"It doesn't matter what you fix, I'll eat anything," April told her giving her a bright grin.

"What makes you think I was going to ask you what you wanted?" Roxy asked her.

"Because that would be the first thing I would have asked you," April said with a laugh.

"I'll have you know, I already know what I'm going to fix, so there," Roxy told her.

"And that is?" April asked in return.

"Something eatable, I hope," Roxy said with a laugh, a bit of a forced laugh all the same.

"How about I help you out a little," April said.

"That would be greatly appreciated," Roxy said with some relief.

"Fix me the first thing your mother taught you to cook, you know after she got sick and you started to do the cooking," April told her.

"Baked spaghetti, that's easy and not very fancy," Roxy said surprised by April's request. "Why do you want me to fix that?"

"I don't know, I just think that would make it special for your first dinner you cook for someone," April said.

"You know I've cook for other people before," Roxy told her.

"But not for someone whom you might like... ah..." April said stumbling a little with what she was wanting to say.

Roxy smiled, "Yes you are someone like that and you would be the first that I have cooked for."

"You are someone like that for me too," April said and Roxy felt April's hand take ahold of her hand.

Roxy opened her hand allowing April to grasp her hand. "You know I have come up with a very special garlic toast that I can make with it," Roxy said.

"I love garlic bread but make sure you got plenty of toothpaste," April told her.

"Why?" Roxy asked confused upon hearing that request.

"Because I just might want to kiss the chef for the wonderful meal and I don't want to have garlic on my breath," April said giving her a little wink.

"Oh yeah, I think the chef would appreciate that," Roxy said blushing more than a little.

Roxy then changed the subject to the softball game that they had just played and also the game before their game. This was pretty much what they talked about as they ate their hotdogs and relaxed in the shade of their tree. Much too soon April had to leave as she had volunteered to babysit for one of her coworkers who was going out on her first date since her divorce. April said that she was going to help her get ready and be there to calm her nerves as much as babysitting her kids. Roxy was about to offer to help but then she thought about a nervous mother about to go on a date and April bringing a strange woman with her. She wouldn't appreciate that and she was sure the mother wouldn't. They said their goodbyes with April sneaking a little kiss before she left leaving Roxy wanting more but happy that she had something exciting to look forward to. Besides she had a lot of studying to do and the lawn could use a mowing as it had been a rainy week and it was past due mowing.

Roxy did talk to Diane on Sunday afternoon telling her about her date with April, however she left out the part of April "Getting into her panties" in fact she kind of left out the whole part of April spending the night. She wasn't sure how to explain that while she slept with April she didn't really sleep with her. Diane was excited for her and happy that they would have another date on Wednesday.

After she got out of her last class on Wednesday, she stopped by the grocery store on the way home to get the things she would need to prepare the baked spaghetti and the garlic toast. She also picked up some fresh tomatoes and cucumbers to put into her salad. When she got home, she put everything out that she would need and then she went and look a long bath, laying there and relaxing in the warm water. It took her a few minutes in the tub to actually feel herself relaxing but eventually she did. As the time got near for her to start cooking, she drained part of the water out of the tub so that she could shave her legs and pussy.

When she finished in the bathroom, she went to her bedroom to find something to wear. She looked around through her closet trying to find just the right thing to wear. She happened to come upon a blue romper outfit with shoulder straps that she had bought but then never worn. It wasn't something that she couldn't see herself wearing anywhere out but it did show off her tan legs and shoulders; she put it on deciding that maybe it was just for this occasion that she bought it. That she didn't actually believe but she liked the idea anyway.

She had just put the spaghetti into the oven when she heard the doorbell ring. She looked at the clock on the stove seeing that it was just after five. April wasn't supposed to be there until six however she had a feeling that April would end up showing up early. She went to the door opening it to see a April smiling as she stood there holding a bottle of wine.

"Someone's early," Roxy said seeing April standing there wearing a blouse that was almost sheer and showed the very sexy bra that she was wearing.

"Just a bit, I hope you don't mind but I got tired of watching the clock waiting for the time to leave. I did buy us a bottle of wine to drink to make up for it,' April said hopefully.

"In that case, you're forgiven," Roxy replied stepping back to welcome April inside.

"I love that outfit, it looks so sexy on you," April said giving her a quick kiss as she came in.

"Thank you, this is the first time I've worn it," Roxy said pleased that April liked what she had picked out. "you look very sexy yourself."

"Thank you, I was hoping you'd like it," April said with a mischievous grin.

"Oh... I do," Roxy said feeling her face becoming warm as she blushed slightly. "Come on into the kitchen and keep me company as I finish our dinner."

"I can help if you like," April offered.

"You can help by talking to me as I cook," Roxy told her. "Now put the wine in the fridge to chill."

"Okay but you sure I can't help with anything?" April asked while opening the refrigerator and placing the wine inside.

"I'm sure," Roxy said giving April a smile. "now sit and tell me about your week."

"I went to work and then came home, not much more to tell than that," April said with a grin.

"Now you're going to have to do better than that if you expect to eat tonight," Roxy warned her giving her an intense stare that she hoped would work.

"Well since I'm hungry, I guess I had better start talking," April said laughing that just killed Roxy's stare.

April did begin talking though she didn't say much about work but then Roxy didn't care, she just wanted to listen to April talk. She didn't let April help with a cooking though she did have her set the table and pour them a glass of wine. She even found a couple of candles to put on the table and she lit them creating a romantic mood even though the sun was still shining through the dining room window.

"How about we sit out on the back-porch swing?" Roxy suggested after they had put away the leftover food and put the dishes into the dishwasher.

"You got a porch swing, I always wanted to have one," April said.

"Yeah, we got it when mom got sick. That way she could sit outside on her good days and then when my father had his stroke, that seemed to be his favorite place to sit in the evening, I had a lot of long talks with both of them there." Roxy told her.

"Oh okay," April said and Roxy saw the hesitation in her voice and her manner. She had an idea that maybe April didn't want to interfere with those nice memories.

Roxy came over to where April was standing, putting her hands to April's hips, "I think it would be nice if that porch swing becomes a place where we can have a lot of long talks and make it special for us."

April looked into her eyes and Roxy didn't look away wanting April to believe what she was saying, "You know I would like to be a part of your pouch swing memories." April finally said.

"I would like that too," Roxy said giving April a light kiss. "but I do have to warn you about something."

"What's that?" April asked.

"Well the first thing is that we have to have a nice gentle swing going..." Roxy said and then she paused giving April a soft smile.

"Well a swing is made to swing and what would the second thing be?" April asked with a soft smile.

"Well when I was little my mother held me as we swung and as she grew sick, I held her. After she died my father held me and when he had his stroke, I held him... so someone has to be holding someone as we swing." Roxy told her.

"So, whom will be holding whom?" April asked with her curiosity showing in her eyes and facial expression.

"I'll let you figure that out," Roxy said and then she took April's hand leading her out to the back porch and on to the swing.

April immediately sat down slightly to the right of the middle of the swing, she then held out her left arm as she turned slightly to the right in the swing. Roxy smiled as she kicked off her sandals and she sat down drawing her feet up onto the seat of the swing so that she could lay in against April.

"I see your figured out whom was going to be holding whom," Roxy said giving April a sweet smile.

"Yeah, that wasn't too hard to figure out," April said laughing just a little.

"Now start us swinging," Roxy told her as she snuggled up against her.

"Yes ma'am," April said giving out a little laugh but then she did set the swing into a gentle motion.

"So, did you tell Diane about your date with me," April asked after a moment or two.

"Of course, she was happy for me; though she does want to meet you," Roxy told her.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" April asked.

"Very good, you'll like Diane though she tends to say that she is thinking," Roxy told her.

"I like people like that, at least then you know where you stand with them," April replied.

"When I told her about our date, I did leave out the part where you stayed the night..." Roxy admitted.

"Well she doesn't have to know everything about what we do," April replied.

"True, but I did tell her about everything else, I want her to know what a sweet and kind person you are," Roxy told her.

"Hey I'm not sweet and kind, I'm a hard ass bitch," April said trying to sound serious.

"Yeah, right," Roxy said, "You and your reputation..."

"Hey just wait until you see the real me," April said still trying to be serious.

"I have seen it; I saw it the first day I met you. You could see that I was in trouble and you came to help," Roxy said turning her head to give a kiss to April's cheek.

Roxy could see that April was trying to come back with some quick quip so she put her finger to April's lips stopping her and getting a kiss to her finger. She then turned around in the swing so that she was now facing April. She put her arms in around April's head and she leaned in to kiss her. She felt April's hands go to her sides holding her as their lips met.

From there, she let April take over with the kiss, she felt April's lips opening and she opened hers. She let out a little moan feeling April's tongue move past her lips. She felt April's right hand go to the back of her head holding it gently as that kiss slowly ended and then April kissed her again, just using her lips this time. April kept the kisses soft and tender while somehow managing to keep the swing going in a gentle sway that just made the kisses all the more romantic and fulfilling.

They kissed for a few minutes before Roxy brought her head back giving April a soft smile before placing her head against April's right shoulder. April wrapped her hands around her even tighter and she kissed the tip of her nose making Roxy giggle. She lay against April letting her hold her with neither of them talking, but they didn't need to, the way they were holding onto each other did all the talking that needed to be done.

Just as the sun began to set and the evening air begun to cool, Roxy asked softly, "Will you stay with me tonight?"

"I would love to," April said giving her a light kiss.

"We can set the alarm so that you'll have time to get back to your apartment to get ready for work." Roxy told her.

Roxy saw a grin come to April's lips, "What?" she asked.

"I packed a bag just in case you invited me to stay," April said and Roxy could see a light red hue come to April's cheeks.

"Were you expecting me ask you to stay?" Roxy asked.

"Would you think bad of me if I were to say that I was hoping that you would?" April asked.

"That depends on why you were hoping," Roxy told her curious as to April's answer which she was hoping would be the one she was wanting to hear.

April looking directly into her eyes and said, "Because I loved feeling you snuggled in against me and since Friday night, my bed has felt big and empty for some reason."

Roxy saw in April's eyes that she was speaking from the heart, "My bed has felt the same way." Roxy told her.

"How about we go make that bed a little less empty," April suggested.

"I like that idea," Roxy said giving a light kiss to April's lips before sitting up and swinging her feet back to the floor so that she could slip her sandals back on.

Roxy checked all the doors and turned off the lights as April ran out to her car to get her little overnight case. Roxy let April use the bathroom attached to her bedroom as she turned down the bed and got her nightgown and clean panties. Once in the guest bathroom, she peed and then she brushed her teeth before brushing out her short hair. She picked up her nightgown and she started to put it on when she thought of April in the bed waiting for her. She bit down on her lower lip wondering if the idea that just went through her head was the right one. She wasn't sure that it was however she put the nightgown back down on the sink. She looked down at her clean panties, pushing them down past her hips and on to her ankles; she stepped out of them putting them with her nightgown.

She put on her robe and stepped out of the bathroom before she could change her mind. She walked slowly to her bedroom feeling like her heart was going to pound its way right out of her chest and she was having trouble catching her breath. She entered the bedroom to see April sitting at the side of the bed. She was wearing a short red nightgown that had a plunging neckline that showed a bit of her breasts. The nightgown also showed April's fine legs that were so smooth and had a bit of flesh to them that just made her that much sexier to her. Roxy stopped just inside the door feeling more nervous that she had ever felt in her life.

"Is something wrong?" April asked when Roxy didn't move or say anything.

Roxy knew it was now or never, she placed her hands that were shaking so badly to the tie of her robe and somehow she managed to do pull the knot free. She saw April's eyes widen as her robe came apart revealing that she was wearing nothing underneath. She reached up pushing the robe from her shoulders letting it fall to the floor. She felt her heart pounding and she was sure that she was blushing from the tips of her toes to the top of her head.

"Oh myyyy..." April breathed out and Roxy could see that April liked what she was seeing.

A moment later April smiled saying, "Oh my god, you're beautiful."

"Thank you," Roxy said and she saw April getting up from the bed and then her having to steady herself which just added to April's compliment of her body.

Roxy watched as April stepped over to where she was standing and she liked that April was now looking at her face and not her body. Roxy was biting her lower lip as April got closer. It was only when she was standing in front of her did April's eyes glance down to her breasts. Roxy's eyes followed April's eyes and she saw April's hands moving toward them and she sucked in her breath holding it as she felt April's hands cover them with her hands.

"Oh godddd..." Roxy said as she exhaled the breath that she didn't know that she was holding.

She looked up in time to see April's head moving toward hers and she closed her eyes just as April's lips touched hers. April's lips seemed to barely touch her lips which made the kiss that much more romantic and reassuring her that this was the right thing to do.

When April pulled her head back ending the kiss, Roxy found her voice, "I've never done this before. I'm kind of nervous and scared."

"I never done this before either and I'm just as nervous and scared," April replied confusing Roxy more than a little with the lie that she had just told.

"But you have made love before... with several woman..." Roxy said feeling a bit betrayed by what April had said.

"I've never made love to you before and I am very nervous and scared that I will do something wrong and then the first woman that I feel that I can love won't want me anymore," April said and Roxy could see in April's eyes that she was just as nervous as she was.

"I don't think that you have anything to worry about, I've already fallen for you," Roxy told her.

"I've fallen for you too," April said and she leaned in to give her another kiss, a tender kiss that lingered this time.

"May I see you?" Roxy asked.

"I'm not as pretty as you and I am a little overweight," April said showing that she was scared of Roxy not liking her body.

"I think you're beautiful," Roxy said and she reached down to April's hips. She began to pull April's nightgown up. Now it was April who was biting her lower lip as the gown came up over her breasts. Roxy pulled it on up over her arms dropping it onto the floor.

"I love your breasts, I wish mine were more like yours," Roxy said in a whisper as she reached out cupping April's heavy C cup breasts with her dark nipples extended out and she could feel them pressed against her palms.

"I wish mine were more like yours," April said with a shy smile.

"No, yours are perfect," Roxy said giving those full breasts a gentle squeeze that made April emit a soft moan. "May I see the rest of you?"

"You may," April said stepping back.

Roxy saw that April seemed to be a little less nervous as she reached down to her panties very slowly pushing them off her hips. As April's panties came down, Roxy saw that April too shaved her pussy and she let out a slight moan seeing April's pussy come into view. She saw that April's outer lips covered her inner lips revealing a very nice slit that was showing a bit of moisture. Roxy so wanted to touch April, to feel the moisture but she was afraid to do anything but watch as April bent over to push her panties on down and then she straightened up as she stepped out of them.

"You are very beautiful," Roxy whispered and she saw April smile.

They both stood there for a moment before Roxy asked, "What do we do now?"

April reached out her hand taking Roxy's in here and then she said very softly, "How about we slip into bed and then we can see where that takes us."

"I like that idea," Roxy replied feeling April's hand give hers a squeeze as she led her to the bed.

April helped her to slip into the bed and then she did something strange. She went over to where her nightgown was placing it over the small light on the nightstand. That served to dim the light giving the bedroom a romantic aerosphere, she then slipped into the bed, laying on her side facing her.

"I'm not sure what to do," Roxy admitted as much to herself as to April.

"You know kissing and touching would be a nice way to start," April suggested.

April followed up that suggestion by leaning in to kiss her. Roxy then felt April's hands touching her breasts causing her to emit a soft moan. She felt April's fingers gently tease her nipples making them even harder. After a moment, Roxy gathered up her courage to place her hands upon April's breasts and she got April's approval when she heard April moan. Soon Roxy's fingers were teasing April's long nipples loving how they felt against her fingers.

Roxy felt her pussy beginning to become very moist; she so wanted to know if April's pussy was responding like hers was plus she had this intense desire to touch her there. She began to move her right hand away from April's left breast but then she stopped when her hand was just below the breast as she wasn't sure if she should or if April wanted her to. April pulled her head back and Roxy felt April's hand leave her breast and she felt it on top of her hand.

Roxy just knew that she had screwed up when she heard April's soft voice say, "Go ahead, I want you to touch me."

"I don't know what to do," Roxy admitted.

April kissed her and then she turned onto her back, holding Roxy's hand right where it was. "Yes, you do, just do what you know feels good to you, just know that I want you to touch and feel me anywhere you want. And just a hint to help you out, I love my breasts kiss and sucked upon." April said giving her a reassuring smile as she released her hand.

Roxy hesitated for a second before she looked from April's face to her breasts with her nipples so hard and she wanted to kiss and suck them as much as April obviously wanted her to do. It was like April was reading her mind and telling her it was all going to be okay.

She first moved over and she kissed April on the lips getting a kiss in return. Then she did move her mouth down to April's left breast where she kissed her hard nipple feeling it against her lips. She heard April let out a moan that told her that April wasn't lying about liking her breasts being kissed and sucked upon. It was then that she remembered what she had started out to do. She began to move her hand on down April's stomach and she felt April move her left leg in against her leg indicating that she was opening them for her. She moved her hand to the top edge of April's pussy hesitating for a moment, April didn't say anything, she just lay there with a reassuring smile giving her time to work up her courage to move her hand further.

Roxy hesitated for only a brief moment before she moved her fingers downward feeling the top edge of April's slit getting another moan from April. She let her fingers move on down April's slit and feeling the moisture, a lot of moisture. She slipped her fingers on down April's slit and then back up stopping at her clit that was beginning to peak out with April's pussy becoming aroused and opening up.

She began to move her fingers up and down April's slit and she heard April moan out, "mmm baby that feels nice, don't stop."

That gave Roxy a little more confidence and allowed her to really explore April's wonderful and very wet pussy. She let her middle finger slip between April's lips knowing that she liked to do that to herself. Very slowly she let her middle finger slip deeper between April's lips until she began to push it inside of her. She felt April's warm wet pussy gripping at her finger as it went in deeper.

"Oh, fuck baby..." April moaned as she pushed her hips upwards against her rubbing fingers.

Roxy began to push her finger in as deep as she could and then she remembered April's breasts. She covered her left nipple with her lips and began to suck upon the hard nipple.

"Oh god you're going to make me cum," April cried out and Roxy wanted to do just that. So she began to use the palm of her hand to press against April's clit which made April really moan. A moment later, she felt April's body stiffen and she let out a long moan. Roxy felt April's juices against her fingers as she experienced her orgasm.

Roxy pulled her finger from April's pussy and she brought it up to her mouth, without thinking she opened her mouth and touched her finger with the tip of her tongue. She really didn't get a taste that she could discern so she put her finger into her mouth and she was able to taste April's slick juices.

"How do I taste?" She heard April ask.

She looked over at April seeing that her eyes were open and she was watching her with a kind smile however that didn't stop her face from turning what she was sure a bright red that would have lit up the room had the light not been on. She quickly pulled her finger from her mouth and tried to think of some way to respond but her mind didn't seem to be able to work at that moment. All the blood that should have been supplying her brain cells were now in her face and neck turning them red.

"Shhhh... don't be embarrassed, I want to know what you taste like too," April said rolling over and giving her a kiss.

"So do you like how I taste?" April asked again after the kiss.

"Nice," Roxy said with an embarrassed smile.

"Good," April replied and then she kissed her as she slipped up over her. Roxy opened her legs allowing April's legs to slip between them.

She put her arms around April's body rather liking the feeling of April laying upon her, it was comforting to her for some reason. April ended the kiss much sooner than she wanted and instead of kissing her lips again, April kissed her chin and then she kissed her neck which caused her to moan as it felt so erotic to her. April kissed all around her neck before she moved lower somehow managing to keep the sheet and light blanket over her. She felt April's hands on her breasts and then she felt April's breath against her left nipple just before she kissed it.

"Oh god," Roxy moaned feeling April's soft lips gently sucking on her sensitive nipple. Now she knew why April liked her nipples sucked so much.

April released that nipple and kissed the right one before sucking it into her mouth. Roxy let out a louder moan as she put her hands to April's upper arms gripping them. April switched back to her left nipple sucking harder on it this time and Roxy was sure that she was soaking the sheets with her arousal that April was causing her to experience. April left her hands on her breasts as Roxy felt April's lips kissing her below her breasts and down to her belly.

"What are you doing?" Roxy asked though she knew full well what April was doing or rather going to be doing soon.

April didn't answer her, she just kept on kissing lower and lower on her stomach to her abdomen. Roxy opened her legs further bringing up her knees as April's lips were kissing her just above her pussy. As much as she wanted to see what April was doing, she was kind of glad that the sheets were covering her view.

She felt April's lips kiss her just on the very top of her pussy and she thought that she was going to have an orgasm right then. April kissed her pussy just a hair lower and lower again. When she got to the bottom of her pussy, Roxy felt April's tongue against her pussy lips slowly moving upwards.

"Oh Fuckkkk..." Roxy moaned.

April licked her outer lips and then she felt April's fingers opening her up and her tongue going inside of her. Roxy was sure that she was going to die but she didn't care, what April was doing to her felt so damn good. She just kept licking inside her pussy and Roxy was sure she was going to drown April with the juices she was producing but April seemed determined to lick them all up. April finally moved her tongue up to her clit and then she felt one of April's fingers entering her. Roxy was sure that she was about to die just from the pure pleasure she was feeling. April's finger went in deep and she felt it moving inside of her just as April's tongue started to press against her clit. Roxy wanted to feel this forever but April's tongue and finger was pushing her rapidly toward an orgasm that hit her so hard and was so intense that she let out a loud moan as her soul ascended to heaven.

It took Roxy a few moments to recover from such an intense orgasm and when she did, she found April coming out from under the covers slipping on to her side and moving in close and Roxy felt April give her a light kiss to the cheek and she felt April's left hand on her stomach.

"Oh god, I've never felt anything like that before," Roxy said still laying on her back and feeling her body slowly begin to calm down.

"I was hoping that you'd enjoy it," Aril said.

"I don't think enjoy is the right word," Roxy said with a smile.

"What word would you use?' April asked of her.

That Roxy had to think for a moment before responding "I don't know... intense, exciting, wonderful... all of the above..." Roxy said letting out a contented sigh.

"I'll take that," April said giving her another light kiss.

"Give me a moment and maybe I can try... ah... doing the same to you," Roxy said not sure how to say what she wanted to say.

"Eat me," April said with a big grin.

"Well I wasn't going to say it that way but yes," Roxy said feeling herself blush.

April gave her a sweet smile and then she said. "Let's just relax and talk for a while, we got all the time in the world"

"What do you want to talk about?" Roxy asked.

"Well I am curious about one thing..." April said.

"What's that?" Roxy asked.

"I noticed that you're not a virgin, just how did lose your virginity?" April asked giving her a wicked grin.

End of Chapter Four.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments whether they be positive or negative. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 5

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