Route 198

By Mr Bill

Published on Jul 5, 2004



Note: The following story is a work of erotic fiction. Any resemblance to someone who is living, dead or somewhere in between is a case of wishful thinking. If you are under the legal age for your area or are offended by a story containing homosexual acts then move along.

"Route 198" (t/t) (M/t) (Oral) (Anal)


The bus route home was the same everyday. After sixth period, we boarded bus 571 in the circular drive at the front of the high school. Around 2:30 pm, the caravan of buses began rumbling down the access road that ran between the barbershop and the gas station. The access road had two speed bumps and half a dozen potholes that would rattle the seats and knock you into the aisle if you weren't careful. At the end of the access road, the bus turned right on to Route 198. Driving past the car parts store, pizza restaurant, firehouse and finally the auto body repair shop we continued on Route 198 until the first bus stop about a half a mile outside of town. Two more stops on Route 198, then the bus turned right on to Oursler Road.

Our nickname for Oursler Road in school was "OutThere" because it was a long, single lane, dead end road that fronted only a couple of farms and a county park. The first bus stop on OutThere was about five miles from the intersection with Route 198 and directly across from the entrance to the park. The second bus stop on OutThere was at the end where the bus used the gravel driveway of the Oursler farm to turn around.

After the second stop, the bus retraced its path down OutThere and turned right on Route 198. At the first road past the abandoned Audry farm, the bus turned left on to Peach Orchard Road. The last bus stop was at Rowland Lane, a small subdivision built between a cornfield and an orchard. That's where I got off the bus.

During my freshman year, approximately fifteen kids rode bus 571. I attended a small high school and any juniors or seniors who could afford a car or managed to borrow their parent's drove to school rather than ride the bus.

I don't remember the first time I noticed Brian. He was a senior and I was just a freshman so the only time our paths crossed was on the bus. His family lived in a small house on OutThere across from the county park. Since his dad taught history at the high school, Brian drove to school every morning with his father and rode the bus home in the afternoon.

Brian was tall and thin with a shock of red hair. He had a few freckles sprinkled across his cheeks and pale blue eyes.

One afternoon in late May, while waiting outside the school for bus 571, I happened to look over and noticed that Brian was staring at me. After we got on the bus, he sat next to me. I was surprised because there were plenty of open seats. He made me nervous. Why did this tall senior want to sit next to me, a mere freshman? He asked my name and what courses I was taking in school. We had a pretty banal conversation until right before his bus stop on OutThere.

At his bus stop, he whispered in my ear, "Don't wear any underwear tomorrow and we'll have some fun." He got up, winked at me and walked off the bus.

I was shocked at his bizarre request but when I got home I had to jerk off twice just to calm down.

The next day I went to school without any underwear. I didn't have gym class that semester so I didn't have to change in the locker room.

When I went outside after sixth period, I saw Brian standing with the other kids waiting for bus 571. I walked over to where he was but I didn't say anything to him. Brian motioned for me to stand away from the other kids. We walked over to the railing in front of the flower beds.

"Did you wear any boxers today?"

I said, "No."

"I am going to help you shoot a load today. You okay with that?" Brian asked.

I nodded.

"Good. Get on the bus first and sit all the way in the back. Be cool and act like nothing is going on."

With the realization that on the bus ride home, another guy was going to mess with my dick, my knees got wobbly. I steadied myself against the rail.

As the bus made the sharp turn from the access road to the school on to Route 198, Brian and I slid across the slippery vinyl seat. I stopped when my right leg pressed against the side of the bus. His leg pressed against mine.

After the first stop on Route 198, Brian reached over and grabbed my crotch with his right hand. He rubbed the outline of my hardening dick. With his left hand, he unhooked my belt. Then he unbuttoned my jeans.

"Pull down your pants," he whispered.

"What if somebody sees us?" I replied.

"Just pull them down. Hurry!"

I grabbed both sides of my pants, raised my butt off the seat and quickly slid my jeans to my ankles. My prick pointed straight up.

Brian spit on the palm of his right hand and grabbed my boner. He started to masturbate me. I glanced at my crotch to see Brian's slender fingers and thumb wrapped around the shaft of my dick.

"Don't look down. Just stare straight ahead."

I nodded. I affixed my eyes on the "NO STANDING WHILE BUS IS IN MOTION" sign at the front of the bus.

Brian moved his right hand up and down my cock. With his left hand he massaged my balls. When the bus slowed for the second drop off on Route 198, Brian stopped jacking me. He pushed his left hand in between my crack. His finger began probing for my asshole. While the kids were exiting the bus, he burrowed a finger into my butt. Once the bus started moving, he continued yanking on my cock while he finger fucked me.

Whenever I would get close to ejaculating, Brian would stop jacking my cock and squeeze the base of my dick. I would shudder and he would continue pulling on my prick. Before the bus made its third stop on 198, Brian was trying to slide another finger in my ass.

"Spread your legs, man."

Since my right leg was pushing against Brian's thigh, I moved my left one outward until I felt Brian's second digit enter me. Once both fingers were inside, he stopped moving his left hand but kept jerking me with his right. By the time the bus turned on to OutThere, Brian had teased my cock to the point that I was desperate to blow my load.

"Finish me off," I hoarsely whispered.

I looked down at my crotch as Brian started moving his hand rapidly up and down my cock shaft. He forced both his fingers deep into my asshole. I suddenly felt my nut juice rise from the base of my cock. My first blast of semen hit me in the chin. The next landed on my shirt. The remaining squirts speckled the dark green vinyl bus seat and Brian's hand.

The bus began to slow for Brian's stop. He grabbed my prick firmly around the base and shook it, flinging cum on my shirt and the back of the seat in front of us. When the bus lurched to a halt, he removed the fingers of his left hand from my butt hole and released my dick. Brian stood and walked quickly to the front of the bus. Unlike the grinding, rattling and squeaking cacophony of the bus in motion, the only sounds were the metronomic clicking of the flashing lights and Brian's footsteps. The bus driver opened the front door and Brian bounded off the bus without even looking back at me.

As the bus started to move forward, I reached down and pulled my pants up. I felt the cum around my cock smear into my jeans. I tried to wipe the cum off my shirt but that left even larger wet spots. When the bus finally reached my stop at Rowland Lane, I held my book bag in front of me and practically ran off the bus.

After lunch period the next day, Brian and I walked around the track and talked. Brian told me about Yuri, a foreign exchange college student who had stayed with his family when Brian was 15. Brian's parents had seen a notice about Israeli exchange students posted in their synagogue and decided it would be educational for their children to have a foreign student live in their home. Thus, Yuri came to stay at Brian's house for two semesters. Yuri was in his early twenties. He was born in Russia but his family had emigrated to Israel when Yuri was a boy. After finishing secondary school and a stint in the Israeli Defense Forces, Yuri had decided to attend a university in the United States so he could improve his English. Yuri's stay turned into quite an education for Brian, although it was not the type of learning that Brian's parents would have ever imagined.

Since Brian's house had three bedrooms and he had three sisters, Yuri wound up sleeping on a bed in Brian's room. During the first week, Yuri caught Brian masturbating in bed early one morning. Yuri didn't say anything but that night suggested that they both relieve their tensions by masturbating together. Brian reasoned that if he made a pact with the college boy about jacking off, then he wouldn't have to worry about Yuri telling his parents. For the first month, almost every night and sometimes in the morning Yuri and Brian would jerk off together.

As the weeks passed, their jack off sessions became more adventurous. One night Yuri convinced Brian to masturbate next to the older boy in Yuri's bed. The pretext was a jack off contest with the winner being the guy who shot their load first. Brian won the initial round so the next evening Yuri suggested a rematch. Again Brian won the second contest but during his orgasm he accidentally shot a couple of wads on Yuri's arm and chest. Brian thought that the college boy would be upset but instead Yuri suggested a third round. However, the next evening Yuri changed the rules slightly. The first guy to cum would shoot his load on the loser. Brian figured he owed Yuri the chance to get back at him so the teen went along with the new rules. A couple of minutes into the third contest, Brian felt his nut juice begin to rise from his balls into the shaft. He turned on his side toward the college boy and let loose. The first few shots hit Yuri's cheek and nose. Subsequent blasts of cum landed on Yuri's chest and arm. The third time was their last contest. Instead, it just became their daily routine for Brian to jack off in Yuri's bed and shoot his load on the college boy. After wards, Yuri would finish the jack off session using Brian's cum as a lubricant.

Over the next few weeks, when Brian sprayed Yuri with juice, the college boy would open his mouth to allow dollops of sperm to land inside. Eventually Yuri would position his face several inches in front of Brian's cock as the teen shot. Each evening Yuri's face would approach closer and closer to the tip of Brian's spurting cock until the teen's cock head wound up inside of Yuri's mouth. As Brian blew his load, Yuri sucked on the tip of the teen's dick. In the aftermath of his first blow job, Brian felt disgusted and ashamed. He told Yuri that their jack off sessions were over.

The lunch period ended before Brian could finish his story. On our way to our divergent fifth period classes, Brian told me that he wouldn't be riding the bus home because he had to stay until 3:30 for a school newspaper meeting. However he promised me that we would meet tomorrow at lunch so he could finish his story.

After hearing Brian's tale, I was extremely randy. In my fifth period class, I couldn't concentrate on Mr. Kinston's social studies lecture. Sitting at my desk, my boner snaked down my leg. Every few moments it would throb. While Mr.Kinston talked about Africa, I kept imagining Brian and Yuri masturbating in their bedroom. About thirty minutes after class started, the teacher told us to break up into study groups. In the confusion of students pushing their desks together into circles, I slipped out of the door and headed to the bathroom.

In the boy's bathroom I headed for the last stall - the big handicap one. I closed and locked the door. I yanked down my pants, sat on the commode and put my legs straight out. I spit on my right hand and began the quickest jack off session in history. In less than a minute, I spurted my load on the tile floor, the front of my pants and my hand. I wiped off the cum with toilet paper, threw the sperm filled paper in the water, flushed the toilet and rushed back to Mr. Kinston's classroom.

I didn't see Brian in the cafeteria on the next day but I did run into him in the hall. Although it's hard to talk in a hallway full of teenagers, Brian knew that I was anxious to hear the end of his story. He told me to skip out of my sixth period class a little early and meet him in front of the school.

Brian was already outside by the time I made it out the front door of the school. It was never easy escaping the last class of the day. The teacher watched the door like a hawk. Every kid wanted to escape sixth period before the bell rang. I walked over to Brian and he motioned for me to follow him past the end of the bus line. He then continued the story about Yuri.

In December, Brian's sister had her bat mitzvah. To celebrate, Brian's parents threw a huge party in their house with an open bar. Brian got very drunk with the help of Yuri. The college boy would order two drinks from the bar - one for himself and one for Brian. Toward the end of the party, Brian felt the room was spinning. After the last guests had left Brian and Yuri headed for their bedroom.

Brian knew as soon as Yuri closed and locked the bedroom door that something new was going to happen. The alcohol had embolden Yuri. As the college kid stumbled toward his bed, he pulled off his clothes. By the time Yuri fell on to his mattress he was naked. Yuri rolled over facing Brian and motioned for the teenager to join him in bed. The booze had lowered Brian's inhibitions although he still felt slightly disgusted about the blow job. Brian walked over and sat on the bed next to Yuri. Yuri rolled over and faced the wall. He pulled his legs toward his chest into almost a fetal position.

Yuri told Brian to put his index finger into the college boy's ass. Brian thought that this was a strange request but he complied. Brian pushed his finger between Yuri's hairy crack and found his asshole. His finger went inside with only the slightest resistance. Yuri told Brian to move the finger in and out of his ass. After several times of Brian's index finger going in and out, Yuri told Brian to put two fingers inside of him. Brian slid the tip of both his index and fuck finger into Yuri's hole. Yuri then ordered Brian to shove the fingers deep into his asshole. Brian pushed his fingers inside of Yuri's rectum. The college boy moaned so loud that Brian had to tell him to shut up so his parents would not hear.

After a few minutes of finger fucking, Yuri told Brian to get a condom out of the drawer next to his bed. While finger fucking Yuri's hairy ass, Brian suspected that the college guy really wanted a dick. Drunk and now very horny, Brian extracted his fingers and got the condom. Brian didn't even bother pulling his pants down. He just unzipped his fly and extracted his hard cock. Brian slid in the bed behind Yuri and rolled the condom on his dick. Brian laid down behind the college boy. He then pushed forward and felt very little resistance going into Yuri's finger-fucked hole. Brian fucked Yuri for several minutes before he came. He pulled out of Yuri's ass and immediately fell asleep.

I realized then that compared to me, almost a complete virgin, Brian was an expert regarding sex. He told me that by the time the school year ended I would be almost as experienced as him.

As the bus turned on to Route 198 I put my hand on Brian's knee. He pushed his right leg against me. First I rubbed his knee and slowly moved my hand to his thigh and then his crotch. After the bus had made its third stop on 198, only three other kids remained. They were all sitting near the front. I unzipped Brian's pants. Since he never wore underwear I reached inside his fly and pulled out his hard-on. Just before the bus turned the corner on to OutThere, I leaned beneath the seat and lowered my head toward Brian's lap.

His hard throbbing cock was just below my lips. A small drop of clear liquid seeped out of the hole at the red tip. To steady myself, I wrapped my right hand around the base of his prick. When I squeezed his shaft, Brian's cock head throbbed. The bus hit a pothole and his cock head brushed across the end of my nose. His glob of precum smeared next to my nostrils.

Brian mumbled, "Come on, man. We're almost to the next bus stop."

Since this was my first blow job, I was hesitant. Brian ran his fingers through my hair as he pressed against the back of my head forcing his cock against my lips. Finally I opened my mouth and allowed the end of his dick to slip inside. Brian sighed. With my tongue I explored the ridge between the tip and the cock shaft. He pushed against my neck forcing his prick down my throat. When I gagged, he released the pressure on my head. I pulled back until just his cock head was in my mouth.

"Move your head up and down," he whispered.

I complied and began sliding his cock in and out of my mouth.

Just before the brakes began to squeak signaling the next stop, his rod started shooting juice into my mouth. The first blast of cum landed on the back of my throat. The rest just dribbled on my tongue. While he was cumming, Brian firmly held the back of my head. When the bus stopped, he released me. I immediately sat up.

"Swallow it," he whispered as he stuffed his dick inside his pants and grabbed his book bag.

He slid past me and headed down the aisle to the front of the bus. As he walked down the steps, he turned toward me and smiled.

When the bus started moving, I leaned my head forward and tried to spit out as much of Brian's cum as possible. I felt nauseous. I resolved to never suck a cock again.

The next day at school Brian and I met during the lunch period. While walking from the cafeteria to the library, I told him that I didn't want to give any more blow jobs. He just laughed.

"You just need more practice," he said. "Plus I got something better planned for this afternoon."

He made a circle with his left thumb and forefinger. Then he pushed the middle finger of his right hand through the circle.

"Get off the bus at my stop. We can go to the park."

The bell rang. Brian stood up.

"Make sure you take a shit before you leave school today. Wipe your ass really good."

I nodded. Brian walked off into the crowd of students heading for their next class.

I didn't speak with him before we got on the bus that afternoon. Once ensconced in our rearmost seat I whispered in his ear, "You really want to butt fuck me this afternoon?"

"It's got to happen sometime - might as well be today. It's almost the end of the school year. You owe me a graduation present."

I looked down.

"Where are we going to do this at?" I asked.

"Just get off the bus at my stop. We'll go to the county park. It's always deserted this time of day."

He grinned. My stomach churned. I wasn't sure if I wanted to have his cock up my tail pipe. Brian could tell that I was worried.

"Really, you'll enjoy it," he assured me.

We didn't touch each other during the bus ride. We didn't even rub our legs together. Route 198 seemed much longer without the thrill of messing around with Brian.

At the first stop on OutThere, Brian and I got off the bus. We crossed the street and walked up the road into the county park. Once out of sight of the street, we linked our arms across each other's shoulders. Just the weight of his arm on my shoulders and neck made my cock hard.

Along the way, Brian asked if I was ready to lose my virginity. I had never thought about getting butt fucked in the same terms as a girl getting her hymen busted but the comparison made our tryst in the park seem more significant. We weren't just two horny boys trying to lose our loads of cum.

"Yeah," I replied. "I really want you inside of me."

After I said that I felt that we should have kissed or hugged - done something romantic - but instead, I reached over and grabbed Brian's hard-on through his jeans.

"Don't worry. I'll be fucking your ass real soon. Did you take a dump at school?"

"Yeah, I squeezed out a big turd after sixth period." Brian and I started to laugh.

"Good. I don't want anything preventing me from ball banging you."

We stopped at the first picnic shelter. I put my book bag on the picnic table. Brian threw his book bag on the table next to mine. He unhooked his belt. In a flash, he had his pants around his knees. He wasn't wearing any underwear so his hard cock peeked out from under his shirt.

"Strip!" he ordered.

I hesitated only briefly, worried that we would be caught. I then sat down on the bench and removed my shoes, shirt, jeans and boxers. With the exception of my socks, I was naked.

Wasting no time, Brian waddled over to the table. He unzipped his book bag and extracted a condom and tube of KY jelly.

He directed me to kneel on the picnic bench and lean forward so that my ass was sticking out. I rested my elbows on the table top. Brian moved between my legs, his pants brushing against my calves and the backs of my thighs. I stared down at the table reading the graffiti scratched into the wood. "B.L. Loves K.G". "James + Katie Forever". I imagined carving "Brian Buttfucked Me Here" into the table top with my Boy Scout knife.

Although I was horny, I was embarrassed being in such a vulnerable position. Should I let Brian fuck me up the butt? Only a rectal thermometer, a doctor's latex gloved finger during a physical and Brian's two fingers had ever been inside my ass. Any of which were a lot smaller than his throbbing cock.

I avoided looking back at Brian so I was startled when he squirted a glob of KY on my ass cheek. He slid his cock through the KY on my ass and then stepped back. I saw the wrapper of the condom blow by the picnic table and land in a pile of leaves. Then he moved between my legs again. Brian's greasy finger rubbed inside my crack until he found my asshole. He shoved his finger up my ass. After a few pokes in and out, Brian added a second finger. He slowly rotated them in my ass.

"You ready?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Go ahead and do it."

Brian slowly withdrew his fingers. He pressed his cock against my ass ring.

"Relax or you won't enjoy this," he warned.

He pushed hard and my asshole slid open around his dick head. As soon as Brian's cock tip entered me, my hole started to burn. I tried to slide forward but he grabbed my hips and held me in place.

Brian didn't move his pole. "Your ass feels great. Play with yourself and it won't hurt as bad," he said.

My cock had rapidly deflated due to the pain but I took his advice and pulled on it. Brian leaned forward and I felt his cock slide deeper into me. At the point that his pubic hair pressed against my butt, it felt like he had found the top of my ass canal and there wasn't any more room. Now that he had gotten his dick completely inside of me, he paused and then began a quick withdraw until just the head was in my hole. He then began making quick jabs.

"Let it happen," he muttered. "You want to lose your virginity, don't you?"

"Yeah, just hurry up. It hurts like hell," I replied.

His hands slid from my hips to my ass. He rubbed my butt cheeks and then pushed them apart so his prick would slide deeper into my hole. On his upstroke, I felt his balls slap into my butt.

The warm spring day combined with the pain of being fucked caused cool rivulets of sweats to run down from my underarms to my chest. As his cock churned my ass, I smelled a slight odor of shit. As he kept a steady rhythm driving his cock in and out of my hole, neither of us spoke. The only noises were the occasional sigh or groan.

Brian fucked me for about ten minutes before I felt him push all the way into me and stop. His cock swelled. He groaned. I knew that he was gumming.

After he had shot his load, he pulled his dick from my hole. He backed away from between my legs. As I turned around and sat on the picnic bench he removed the condom.

"I want you to drink my nut out of the rubber," he said.

Brian leaned over me. His body blocked the sun from my face. With his left hand he pushed against my forehead.

"Come on. You drank my cum on the bus. Tilt your head back and open your mouth."

I reluctantly leaned my head back. Brian positioned the open end of the condom over my lips and inverted the rubber holding it by the tip. I parted my lips and his cum oozed into my mouth. Now that the condom was an inch from my nose, I could smell my shit mixed with the latex odor of the rubber. After several large blobs of sperm fell on my tongue, he threw the condom on the dirt next to the picnic bench. I straightened my head and swallowed hard.

"I told you that you'd learn to like it," he said. Brian started to giggle while he pulled up his pants.

After the pounding that my ass just had and drinking Brian's juice, my cock had begun to harden. I reached down and started to masturbate.

"Finish off before someone comes up here." After shooting his load, Brian had become more cautious. Since I hadn't cum, I was in no mood to stop jacking.

"Give me some of that grease for my prick," I said.

Brian grabbed the tube of KY and squeezed some on my cock head. I rubbed the lube over my shaft and continued pulling on my dick. He sat down on the picnic bench next to me.

"Open your legs. I'll finger you so you can nut faster."

Brian moved his right hand under my sack and began poking around until he found my hole. He slid his fuck finger inside of me.

"Goddamn, your ass is really loose now. I must have fucked your brains out," Brian said.

We both giggled at his remark. I continued to pull on my meat and Brian finger fucked me until I shot my load. Brian kept his finger in my ass.

"Come on, Brian, pull it out. It fucking hurts now," I told him.

"Man, I love this hole. I'd like to fuck you every day."

Brian pulled his finger out of my ass. His finger tip had some shit on it so he wiped his finger on the bench next to him. I put on my clothes. He put the KY into his back pack. We walked back to his house and his mother gave me a ride home.

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