
By Daniel Webster

Published on Jul 5, 2000


I'd been in Moab, Utah, for a couple of months now. Things were going pretty well, after having screwed up royally in Craig. Sam Sneller had hired me on right away with the recommendation of Jack, my last boss. The roughneck business in Moab was pretty steady. In Craig, the drilling had been for oil, at depths of 6,000 - 8,000 feet through shale oil. In Moab, the drilling was for natural gas, at depths of 16,000 - 18,000 feet. A rig would be on location for months at a time before finishing the well and having to pack up to the next site. It was January, and a good time to be in southern Utah. While this of year the snow would be a couple of feet thick in Craig, in Moab the temperatures in the daytime were in the 50's and 60's.

I had been on good behavior since my slutty adventures with the entire crew in Craig. There wasn't a whole lot of opportunity to slutty here. Sam, our driller, was a quiet man in his 40's - a father of six, and a deacon in the Mormon Church. I'd never even heard him cuss. Jim Parker, assistant driller, and Ted Binion, derrick hand, were also married men in their 40's, and worked hard and kept to themselves. The one interesting guy on our crew was Chad Amboy, from Gallup, New Mexico. Chad was 22, and not quiet at all. He kept us entertained with his non-stop talking and boasting. Chad was a good-looking guy. He was a tall, lanky guy, probably 6'2", 170 pounds. But, for a guy on the skinny side, he had a nice round little butt. I'd sneaked a peek or two as we changed clothes in the dawghouse at the end of a shift. His dark blonde hair was always neatly close cropped. His skin was naturally pale, the kind that never tanned. His eyes were green, and always flashed with a slight look of mischief. His face was spotted with freckles, his cheeks were blushed with red, giving that wholesome, fresh kind of look. The skin of his face was smooth, covered with light peach fuzz. I don't think he had to shave more than once a week. I guess you could sum Chad up as having that wholesome, all-American boy next door kind of look. But, there were a couple of things about Chad that would have immediately disqualified him for any all-American boy contest, if they ever held such a thing.

The first thing about Chad was that he had a real gutter mouth. The word "fuck" seemed to be about a fourth of his limited vocabulary. "The fucking motherfucker really fucked that fucking thing up" was a typical Chad statement. I kind of figured he talked that way to try to sound 'tougher', to over shadow his boyish good looks.

A second thing about Chad was that he was a shameless braggart, a self-proclaimed God's gift to women. If you believe half of what Chad claimed, he'd screwed every woman in New Mexico worth screwing, and had screwed more than a few who weren't worth a fuck, out of an act of kindness. But, Chad didn't speak about women in very kindly terms. They were always "bitches", "cunts', 'sluts' and 'whores' to him. And, while he boasted of how many women he had, I noticed it was always in the past, and somewhere else. For all his bragging of conquests, he sure didn't seemed to have anything going for him here in Moab. He never talked about women he'd been with here.

Another thing about Chad was that he was an easy and frequent drunk. He had developed quite a fondness for beer, and seemed to spend most of the time he wasn't working in saloons, guzzling beer. It didn't seem to seem to take much to get him drunk. He seemed to be one of those folks that get angry when they get drunk. He'd been in several fights, mouthing off and saying the wrong thing to the wrong guy. Sometimes he held his own. Some times he got his ass kicked. He'd showed up to work several times with cuts and bruises on that boyish handsome face. Once he got a good shiner, and had a swollen eye for days. It seemed to me he drank to forget something.

The other interesting thing about Chad was that he seemed to have an anal fixation. More accurately, a fixation about men's asses, usually his own, and something going in them. Guys he didn't like were usually described as 'butt fuckers', 'dumb butt fuckers', or goddam cornholers". If Chad had gotten a bad deal on something, he would say "yeah, I really took it up the ass on that one and had to bite the pillow", or "yeah, the guy really stuck to me on that one" and "I really got shafted that time". For someone that claimed to be so hot for women, he sure seemed to have anal sex between men on his mind a lot.

When I added it all up - trying to convince everyone he was tougher than he really was, constant boasting of past conquests of women with no attempt at any in the present, drinking like he wanted to forget something, and anal sex always in the back of his mind - I suspected that Chad Amboy, all-American boy and self proclaimed God's gift to women on the outside, was really a frightened little homo boy on the inside. I figured what Chad Amboy needed was a good hard dick up the ass and a nice, long fuck to put him in touch with his inner self. Now, this was not an undertaking I would have normally signed on for myself. My limited sex with men over the past few months had been with men much older than I, and I had been the one on the receiving end of a dick. That had suited me just fine. The couple of times I had screwed women before that had been less than fulfilling. I did kind of wonder what screwing another guy would be like, if it would be better than with women. And, I didn't exactly see anyone else lining up to give Chad what he so richly deserved. Sometimes if you want something done right, you just gotta do it yourself, I reckoned. So, I set about figuring out a plan to have my way with Chad. I had to be careful. He was on my crew, and I didn't want to screw thing up like I had in Craig. I finally decided the way to get Chad was to use his weaknesses against him - his cocky self-confidence, and his low tolerance of alcohol and fondness for beer.

My chance came a week or two later. We were driving back into town after the swing shift out at the rig. Chad was sitting in the back me, blabbering away. He was telling me about how his truck had broken down and, according to Chad, the garage owner had really "fucked him in the ass" on the repair bill. He owed $250 bucks, and was without truck and broke until payday. He wanted to get drunk that night. I had just turned 20 at the end of December, and was still too young to buy beer. Since Chad was 22, I suggested that if would buy the beer for me, he could come over to my place and we'd 'party' together. Chad said sounded just great to him.

It was after midnight when we got back to my place with two twelve packs of beer. I'd rented a cabin on the outskirts of town. It was in a tourist camp nestled under cottonwood trees alongside a creek. The place rented out the cabins to the tourists in the summer. In the winter, the place was nearly deserted and I had gotten the cabin on the cheap. It was a nice little homey place, with knotty pine panel walls, one large room with kitchen and living room, and one bedroom and a bathroom. Chad and I sat at the kitchen table, chugging down beers and talking story. Well, Chad chugged down the beers; he guzzled down four in the first half hour, and already began to look glassy eyed, and slurred his speech. I wasn't much of a drinker. I didn't want Chad to know I wasn't keeping up with him, so every time I'd get up to go take a leak, I'd dump most of my can of beer down the toilet. Chad was going on and on, bragging about some chick he had balled in Gallop. He claimed she gave the best head he'd ever had. I pulled out a joint, which I much preferred to beer, lit it, and offered him some.

"Naw, naw, that's alright" he told me. "I don't mind if you go ahead and smoke that 'wacky tabaccy', but it's just not for me. I tried it once. This other chick I was ballin' once offered it to me, and I tried it. Made me higher than shit; too high. I don't remember the whole evening. Beer suits me just fine."

I enjoyed my joint, while Chad chugged down two more beers, while going on and on about one chick or another. He paused, to catch his breath or try to remember where he was in his story, I guess. He was beginning to act drunk as hell.

"Hey" I said, taking advantage of the pause. "You wanna play some cards? How about a game or two of poker?"

"Sure, that sounds cool, little buddy" he readily agreed. Chad had taken to calling me "little buddy" recently, and it annoyed the hell out of me. I ignored it, and went to dig out a deck of cards. I returned to the table and began to shuffle.

"How about 5 card draw?" I suggested. "One dollar ante, and minimum bet."

"Great" he replied. Then he remembered he had no money. "Oh, well, you know I'm broke 'till payday, though. You'll have to spot me the cash 'till then."

"No way, dude" I protested. "You think I'm going to spot you until payday? No thanks; you'll welch. You never pay anyone back."

"Aw, man, you no I'm good for it, little buddy," he slurred. I shook my head firmly. "Well, to hell with you, then" he said. "We'll just have to play without money if you don't want to front me."

"Aw, it's no fun to play poker without betting" I complained. "That's like going to church and not praying. What's the point?"

"Well" he said, shrugging his shoulders. "Want do you want to do, then?"

"Well . . ." I began slowly, rubbing my chin, considering, and preparing my smoothest, best lying voice. "It would be a lot more fun if we had a bunch of chicks here . . . . but, well, we could play strip poker, I guess. At least it would make it more interesting, and it won't cost us anything."

"Strip poker?" he repeated, with obvious surprise. "With you?" he considered, his beer- dulled senses not reacting too quickly. "You're right, it would be a lot more fun if we had a bunch of chicks to play strip poker with. I dunno." He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I guess so. Like you say, it won't cost us anything. How do you want to play it?"

"Well, we just use our clothes for poker chips" I explained readily. "We assign them chip values, and we just bet 'em just like poker chips. Shoes and socks are all worth $5 each. It's $5 ante, $5 minimum bet. You shirt is worth $10, undershirt $15. Pants are $20, undershorts are worth $25." Winner gets to keep his winnings until tomorrow."

"Until tomorrow?" Chad repeated. "How the hell am I supposed to get home if I lose my shirt?" he questioned.

"Well, I figured you would crash hear anyway" I told him. "Hell, it's already after one o'clock, and I'm getting too drunk to drive. You can crash on the couch. It folds out into a bed."

"Well, I dunno . .. . " Chad said slowly, wavering.

"That's OK, man, I said quickly. "If you're too chickenshit, that's OK" I bluffed. "Come, let's go. I'll run you back home now, while I can still drive OK. We can kill off the rest of the beer another night." I figured that would get him - threatening to cut off his beer supply. It worked like a charm.

"No, no, wait!" Chad protested. "Hang on here. No need to be in such a rush; I'm just starting to get a good buzz on here. Me? Chickenshit? Hell, it'll be a cold day in hell before I take in the ass from you. I can kick your ass in poker anytime. Deal 'em!"

I shuffled and dealt the cards. We played several hands pretty evenly. I got Chad's shoes, socks and shirt at one point, and then he won them back. He chugged down the beers constantly. The first twelve pack was gone already. I'd cut back my dumping out my beers to conserve; Chad was too far gone to notice I wasn't keeping up with him anyway. I took out another joint, and fired it up.

"Let me have some of that" he slurred, taking me by surprise. I handed it to him quickly, though, and he inhaled deeply, like a pro. "I guess I have smoked it a couple of times" he admitted. "Actually, I do kinda like it, but it does make me really high. I lose control, and get myself into trouble."

"Oh really?" I asked, reaching to take the joint back. "What kind of trouble?"

"Oh, nothing" Chad quickly responded. He shrugged his shoulders. "It's sometimes . . . it, uh, makes me too high and I do things I shouldn't do, and then can't remember I did the next day."

"Well, that doesn't sound like trouble to me" I said. "Hell, anything you can't remember the next day you can always deny, and say it never happened" I told him, planting the seed of a way out for him, if things went as I hoped.

Chad laughed. The pot really seemed to relax him, and he shed his tough guy act. We began to laugh and tease each other, taunting the other would 'lose his ass' on the next hand. Finally, Chad had a luck streak, wining several hands in a row. I was down to just my undershorts, worth $25. Chad seemed to think he had an especially strong hand, and kept raising the bet. After drawing two cards, he confidently raised the bet to $50.

"Fifty bucks!" I complained. "You can't do that! I only have my undershorts, $25!"

"Guess you'll have to fold then, little buddy" Chad said, smirking. "I guess you'll have to be in the buff the rest of the night."

"Come on, man!" I complained. I considered the options. "Give me a loan, Chad. Just loan me my pants back for this hand. Give me a break here."

"What do you have for collateral for a loan?" Chad queried, an amused look in his eyes.

"Whatever you want, man" I assured him.

"Well, then, I'll tell you what" Chad began slowly, deliberately. "If you want a 'loan' to match my bet, you can bet a blow job." He paused, to watch my reaction. I gulped, in faked alarm. "You win the hand, you get all your clothes back. You lose, you gotta suck my dick. And," he added, you'd better be good at it."

"Aw man," I complained. "I can't do that"

"Take it or leave it" Chad said simply.

"Shit!" I swore loudly. "Fine. OK. No way you're going to beat this hand" I assured him. "You're on."

Chad smiled. "OK, so what do you got?"

"Pair of Jacks" I declared confidently, laying the cards down on the table. "Guess I get my clothes back."

"Not so fast" Chad chided. "Looks to me like you gotta suck my dick" he told me, as he laid his cards down. The three queens seemed to be laughing at me. "And" Chad continued, "you can start by handing over your undershorts I just won."

"God damnit!" I swore. I continued to stare forlornly at his cards. I couldn't appear too eager, or it would blow the whole game plan.

"Come on, come on. Pay up! Let's have those undershorts" Chad demanded.

"Sonnabitch" I muttered, standing up. I jerked my undershorts down, pulled them off, and threw them in Chad's direction. I looked down, checking my cock quickly. I hoped it wasn't hard, giving me away. Fortunately, it was just beginning to stiffen, the thick head of my cock hanging down. While pretty average in the dick department, I always liked the way my dick looked. Maybe 7" when hard as a rock, it was nice and thick. The circumcised head was wide and round. I looked up, to see Chad staring at my hardening dick. "Like what you see?" I teased.

"Just checking out the competition" Chad assured me. "And, it doesn't look like I have any" he added confidently.

"Oh yeah?" I chuckled. "Well, let's see what you've got."

Chad shrugged his shoulders. "Why not? You're going to be choking on it in a minute." He stood up and peeled off his t-shirt. He unbuckled his belt, unzipped, and pulled off his jeans and undershorts in one swift motion. He kicked them free from his feet, straitened up, and there it was. The son of a bitch was already hard as a rock. His stiff cock pointed out a good 9", and was at least 3" thick. It was straight as an arrow, capped by bulbous angry red head. His balls were huge, hanging freely down from his cock. It was all nestled in a thatch of thick light brown pubes. While Chad was smooth chested, a trail of light brown hair trailed from his navel down into the thatch of pubic hair. I gulped. It was all much better then I had imagined from my peaks I'd sneaked while he had changed clothes in the dawghouse on the job. I'd love to be on the receiving end of that cock, I thought to myself. But, tonight, Chad was going to be on the receiving end of my cock, whether he liked it or not. I was sure he would.

"Oh, don't let it scare you" Chad said, misreading my thoughts. "That's the reaction I usually get - from chicks. But, they manage to handle it. You will, too. Come here." He coaxed. "Come over here and suck my dick, little buddy."

"Aw man," I protested. "I can't do this. I can't suck you dick" I lied. "Please? Please don't make me do this."

"You lost, fair and square," he said firmly. "You're the dumb son of a bitch who bet a blow job. Now it's time to pay up." He sat down and spread his legs widely. "Come on, Will. Suck on it for me. Suck on it real good for me."

I stepped toward Chad, hesitatingly. His cock pointed out at me, painfully stiff. I felt my own cock twitch in anticipation. Chad noticed it.

"Looks to me like your cock likes the idea of all this" he observed. "Hmmm? You like the idea of sucking my dick, little buddy?"

"Fuck you" I told him.

"Oh yeah?" Chad challenged. "I bet you'd like that, to fuck my sweet little ass. Hell, you'd probably like it so much you'd never go back to women." Chad's voice was becoming a hoarse, forced whisper. I knew he was pretty high from all the beers, and even higher from the pot he had smoked. But, now he was sounding like he was drunk, drunk with lust. "Well, too bad you won't get a crack at my ass. You're going to suck my dick instead. Come on now, suck my dick, damn it."

I lowered myself to my knees. My face was inches away from his dick. I opened my mouth tentatively, and began to press forward. I stopped when my lips were almost touching the head of his dick, pulled back, and looked at Chad.

"Please?" I whispered pleadingly. "Please, Chad? Please don't make me do this."

"I don't care," Chad whispered hoarsely. "You're gonna have to do it."

He reached out with his arm, placed his hand on the back of my head, and pulled me toward him. My lips brushed the head of his dick. I opened my mouth and took the head of his dick. I sucked on it, and ran my tongue over the head. The tip of my tongue found his piss slit and pressed it open.

"Oh yeah!" Chad gasped.

I pressed forward, burying more of his cock in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock, and sucked hungrily.

"Yeah, yeah" Chad whispered hoarsely. "Do it! Do it! Suck my cock, man."

I pressed forward. The head of his cock pressed against the back of my throat, forced the opening wider, and then slid down my throat. It pressed deeper, downward, until my nose was buried in his thatch. My hand found the end of his ball sac, gripped around his balls, and gave a tug. His cock twitched in my throat. I pulled back until the head of his cock lodged at the opening of my throat, and then dove forward swiftly, ramming his cock down my throat. Then I did it again, and gain, as I pulled on Chad's balls.

"Ah, fuck!" Chad gasped. "That feels so fucking hot, man! Do it! Do it to me, man!"

I pulled back, pulling my mouth from Chad's cock, and gulped for air. I began to lick his cock, working from the head to where the head disappeared into his thatch and then worked my way back up. I wrapped my lips around the head, sucked greedily, and then worked my tongue down the other side.

"God damn!" Chad cried out in pleasure. "You are one hell of a cock sucker! You're giving me the best head I've ever had. You must have had lots of practice or something. Are your some kind of cock sucking homo or something?"

I pulled my head off of his cock, and shook my head. "No," I lied, "I've never sucked dick before, until tonight, until you made me suck yours." I shrugged my shoulders. "The way I figure it, though, if you're going to do something, you might as well do it right and give it all you got."

"Well, you're doing it right, alright," Chad assured me. He reached out and put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me toward his rigid cock. "Give me all you got. Suck me."

I dove on his cock, plunging it deep into my throat. Then I pulled back until the tip of his cock was just in my mouth, sucked hungrily, and then plunged it back into my throat. Then I did it again and again. Chad gasped with pleasure. I worked my hand up his ball sac to the bottom of his cock and then explored downward, all the while slurping greedily on Chad's cock. My fingers found the opening of his ass, really close to the base of his balls. I rubbed my finger around the opening of his ass and then pressed inward, and twirled around the puckered bud. Chad opened his legs wider, giving me better access. I removed my finger and stuck it in my mouth and sucked. The taste from his hole was musky, but sweet. I coated my finger liberally with saliva, pressed against his hole, and pressed inward. His puckered hole resisted, and then relented as the tip slipped into the warmth inside his hole. Chad spasmed, and his ring clamped down around my finger. I dove down on his cock with my mouth, sucking hard, slurping loudly. Chad relaxed, spread his legs widely, and his ring relaxed around my finger. I pressed my finger inward carefully, slowly, until my knuckle pressed against his bud and then slipped in. I twirled my finger around his hole, working it back and forth. Chad slid back into the chair, giving me better access to his ass. I began to dive down on his cock with my mouth, plunging deeply, swirling my tongue around his cock, and then pulling back until his cock popped from my mouth with a loud sucking sound. Then I dove back on it, and then again and again.

Chad began to sigh softly "Ahhhhhhhhhh. Ahhhhhhhh. Ahhhhhhhhh". I looked at his face, his cock buried in my mouth. His head hung backward over the back of the chair. His hand was over his tit, his finger pinching and toying with the nipple. His eyes were clenched shut tightly, his mouth opened in an "O" as he moaned. He was lost in world of his own, lost in the feelings coming from his cock and his asshole. I pressed my finger into his hole as far as I could, meeting no resistance. The tip found the hardness of his prostrate, and the rubbed its way around it, and poked against it. Chad stiffened. I buried my nose against his thatch, his cock buried in my throat. I felt his cock stiffen in my throat and his prostrate harden against the touch of my finger. He was close to shooting his load. I pulled my finger swiftly from his hole and pulled my mouth back off his cock while sucking hungrily. His cock popped from my mouth with a loud slurping sound. I pulled away, and stood up.

"Whaaaat?" Chad stammered, opening his eyes in surprise. "What are you ding man? I was . . . . I was getting close to shooting."

"I know" I said nonchalantly. "That wasn't our bet - to get you off. Our bet was just that I had to suck your cock." I shrugged my shoulders. "I've sucked your cock. I've paid my bet. Get yourself off." I walked over to my chair, and sat down.

Chad looked me with disbelief. "You can't be serious?" I nodded. "You son of a bitch! I was so close. Come on, man. Please? Get me off!" I shook my head firmly. "Fuck!" Chad exclaimed with disgust. "I was so fucking close. That was so fucking hot." I looked at him stonily. "Please?" Chad pleaded. He grabbed his dick with his hand, tugging and playing with the head. "Please? Please get me off? I'll . . . I'll do anything, man."

"Get yourself off" I told him evenly. "I've paid my bet. You wanna get off, jerk yourself off."

Chad began to pull his cock in earnest, and then stopped. "I can't do that, man," he said. "I can't jerk myself off in front of you. It's too weird."

"I'll tell you what . . ." I began. "I'll give you a chance. Let's play one more hand of poker. Sudden death You win, I gotta suck you off until you cum. You lose, you gotta suck me off."

Chad gulped. "I . . .I couldn't do that. I couldn't . . suck . . . suck your dick. I've never done anything like that. I don't think I could do it."

"Fine" I said. "I'll give you a break. You lose, you can jerk me off - as long as you get me off. I lose, I'll finish what I started - I'll suck you off. Fair enough?"

"Shuffle the deck" Chad quickly agreed. He stood up quickly, his long stiff dick poking straight out. " I gotta take a leak, get it ready for you to suck again. You go ahead and shuffle the deck."

When Chad came back from the bathroom, I had the deck neatly shuffled and stacked. He eyed it distrustfully. "Did you stack the deck?" he questioned with suspicion.

I pushed the deck across the table toward him. "Go ahead, cut the deck if you don't trust me" I told him, shrugging my shoulders.

Chad reached for the deck and then stopped, and shook his head. "No, that's OK" he said. Go ahead and deal. I trust you - you're probably hot to suck my dick again anyway."

I dealt the hand, and we both considered our cards. "I'll take one" Chad announced, discarding a card.

"Only one?" I questioned. "You must think you have a pretty good hand. Chad shrugged his shoulders, and maintained his best poker face. "Wanna double down?" I asked.

"Double down?" Chad asked in surprise. "Double our bet? What, you want to suck my dick twice?"

I shook my head. "No" I said. "If you want to double down, we're have to make it more interesting. For double down, we'll bet our ass. Winner gets to have the loser's ass."

Chad's eyes widened in surprise. "Damn!" he said hoarsely. "You really want to go for broke." He considered. "I really gotta get my rocks off," he said, tugging at his cock. "Ok, you're on" he quickly agreed.

"Dealer draws three," I announced, discarding the cards and drawing three form the deck.

"Three?" Chad asked incredulously. "You doubled down betting your ass on that hand? You must really want to lose. You sure you're not a homo or something?" he asked, smirking.

I ignored his wisecrack, and examined the cards in my hand. The way I had stacked the deck I had dealt Chad a pair of tens and a pair of jacks. I had dealt myself a pair of queens. Knowing Chad would only draw one card while holding two pair, the next four cards on top of the deck had dealt him a two, and myself the other two queens and an ace. This was going to be good.

"What d'you have?" I asked.

"Two pair!" Chad said confidently, spreading his hand out on the table. "You can kiss your ass goodbye, 'cause it's going to be mine tonight!" He pulled at his stiff cock under the table.

"Not bad" I said, nonplussed, as I spread my hand down on the table. "But, not good enough against four queens. I think your cherry ass is mine tonight. IF it's till cherry."

"Fucking son of a bitch!" Chad shouted. "You stacked the deck, you son of a bitch!"

"If I had stacked the deck," I returned evenly, "do you think I would have offered to let you cut the deck?"

"Bullshit" Chad retorted. "There's no way you could have got four queens to my two pair in a fair game. The bet's off."

"Bullshit" I returned. "You bet your ass: I won, fair and square. You made me pay off my bet. You need to pay off your bet. Get your ass up here, 'cause it's mine tonight."

"Fucking son of a bitch" Chad muttered. I stared at him firmly from across the table at him. He weakened. "You're not really going to make me do this, are you?"

I nodded firmly. "You made me suck your dick," I said. "It's only fair you gotta pay off your bet."

Chad sighed, and shook his head. "I can't believe you tricked me into this. Fine, asshole. How . . . how do we do this, then?" he asked, conceding a little too easily, I thought.

"Well, you just get your ass up and lean against the kitchen counter" I told him, motioning with a nod of me head. "I'll take care of all the rest."

Chad stood up and stepped over to the kitchen counter. I noted for all his protestations, he was hard as a rock He leaned forward, bracing himself with his hands against the counter, planted his feet firmly, and stuck his butt backward. He turned his head back to watch me. It was a beautiful sight. His long legs were thin, but firmly muscled, dusted with a light layer of light brown hair. His thin waist spread out upward to his broad back. That rosey cheeked, all-American boyishly handsome face turned back to me, with an anxious look. And in the center of it all with his cute, round little butt, waiting to be used. I stood up. Chad's eyes focused on my fat, rock hard cock. I stepped toward the counter, and fumbled through the kitchen cabinets to find something to use to lube him up with. I decided on a can of Crisco. I scooped up a liberal amount with my index finger. I gripped his ass cheek with my other hand, pulled his cheeks apart and pressed my Crisco covered finger to his puckered little asshole. Chad flinched with the cool grease touched his bud. I swirled my finger around his hole, and then pressed it forward. It slipped in, and I pressed inward to the first knuckle.

"Oh!" Chad gasped. "Oh no. Oh no, man. Please, man, don't make me do this. Please don't make me do this."

I kept my finger firmly in him, letting his adjust to it's invasion, and then began to twirl it around, massaging the warm inside of his ass. Chad was silent, his mind focused on the sensations coming from inside his ass, considering. I pressed my finger forward, burying it in him as far as I could. Chad backed his ass away a little, but I kept my finger firmly in him, until he relaxed. The tip of my finger explored until I felt the hardness of his prostrate. I rubbed against it, and then jabbed against it in small, fast jabs. Chad gasped, and then relaxed. As he did, his ass's grip on my finger relaxed as well. I reached around with my other hand and wrapped it around his cock. It was rock hard, the tip of his cock slick with precum. I rubbed the palm of my hand on his precum, slicking it, and then began to stroke his cock.

"Oh yeah!" Chad sighed.

I began to work my finger in and out of his hole, pulling the tip almost all the way out and then jamming it all the way back in. I jacked his cock as I did. Chad began to buck, thrusting his cock against my hand, and his butt against my finger. Abruptly, I released my grip on his cock and pulled my finger from his hole. I smeared Crisco liberally on my cock, and smeared some on the hand I was using to jack him, for good measure. I lined the fat head of my cock against his hole, and pressed against it.

"Oh no" Chad moaned. "Oh no. Oh no, man. Please, man, don't make me do this. Please don't make me do this."

The head of my cock slipped past his ring, and I pressed my cock slowly forward into his warm insides. His hole was incredibly tight. "Oh God" Chad moaned. "Oh God no. Oh I can't do this. I can't do this. Stop. No. Please, stop."

I stopped pressing my cock into him. I was halfway in him, and the widest part of my cock was pressed against his ring, and his asshole was clenched against my cock so tightly I wondered if was stopping the blood flow into my cock. I gripped his cock with my grease-slicked hand, and began to jack him off. I jacked him off hard, my hand sliding up and down his long, hard cock. I gripped the head of cock, squeezing it with my fingers, and then pressing my palm against it. His ass loosened its tight grip around my cock. I pressed back against the head of cock firmly. He backed his crotch away from the pressure of my palm on his dick head and, as he did, he pressed his ass against my cock, guiding it into him. The length of my cock slipped into his hole, until I felt my pubes brush against his ass. I gave a sharp thrust, punching the last of my cock in him. I felt the head of my dick punch against the hard nut deep inside him. Chad shuddered. His ass clenched around the base of my cock, no longer resisting, just squeezing and massaging my cock.

"Oh my God" Chad moaned. "I can't fucking believe it. I can't believe I'm letting you fuck me in the ass" he said again.

I pulled my cock most of the way out, and then slid it slowly back inside him. As my cock slide forward inside him, I pulled back on his cock, pulling him toward me. Then I did it again and again, slowly building up a fucking rhythm, slowly letting Chad get used to the sensation of my cock fucking him in the ass.

"Oh my God" Chad moaned again, as the head of my dick punched against his nut. "I can't fucking believe this, I can't believe your cock is fucking me in the ass. It's all I can feel – your cock, your fat cock fucking me in the ass."

I couldn't believe it, either, how good it felt to have my cock buried in Chad's ass. It was much better than I had ever imagined, much better than the couple of times I had tried fucking chicks. His ass was so tight, so firm, so fucking hot. I think it made even hotter knowing first hand the sensation Chad was feeling as my cock fucked in and out of his tight hole. I released my grip on Chad's cock, and gripped both hands firmly on his hips, and slammed my cock full length into him, knocking Chad forward. Chad gripped the counter more firmly, planted his feet wider, and thrust his ass backward toward me. I began to fuck him in earnest, pulling back on his hips to meet my thrusts. I jammed my cock as far as I could inside him, standing on my toes to get more in him. Chad ground his butt against me, and clamped down around my cock with his ass. I began to slam bam him, franticly fucking like a piston as fast as I could in and out. Chad pushed his ass back to meet my every thrust. I had him hooked, like a trout. It was time to reel him in. Quickly, on a backward motion, I pulled my cock out, and backed away.

"Wwwwhaaaat?" Chad asked, looking back at me in surprise. "What . . what are you doing? You didn't cum already, did you?"

"No" I assured him. "It's time to change positions. Come on, follow me." I took his hand and led him toward the bedroom. Chad followed meekly. I pointed to the bed. "On the bed. On your back" I instructed.

Obediently, Chad climbed on the bed, propped up the pillow, and lay on his back. He spread his legs, and waited anxiously.

I didn't keep him waiting; I wanted back in the saddle. I crawled onto the bed to him. I lifted his legs, placing on my shoulders, and pressed his legs back and outward. His outstretched legs exposed his puckered pink hole. I lined the head of my cock against it, and then pressed inward. His hole parted liked butter and welcomed my cock like pussy.

"Ooooooooohhhhhh" Chad sighed as the length of my cock slid into him until my crotch was pressed against the back of his thighs. Our faces were inches apart. Chad looked questioningly into my eyes, and then broke into an embarrassed smile. "I . . . I guess if something's worth doing," he began, "it's worth doing right. Fuck me hard, Will. Fuck me good and hard. Give me all you got."

"Ok" I promised. I pulled my cock out until his ass ring was gripping my cock head, and then slammed full length into him. Chad gasped, but his ass clenched the length of cock tightly. I began to really slam bang Chad, pulling back and then slamming hard against him, bouncing him around like a rag doll. Faster and faster I fucked him, long and hard.

"Oh fuck!" Chad cried out in delight. "Fuck! Fuck Fuck!" he cried out each time my cock slammed into him. "Fuck me!" His eyes were clenched tightly shut. Chad was lost in his own little world, his own little world of pleasure, pleasures coming from deep inside his ass, his tight ass stuffed full with my cock.

I lifted Chad's legs higher, pulling his exposed ass higher. I propped myself up higher, placing my feet on the bed, so I could bring my full weight down on Chad as I slammed my cock in him. Each downward slam into him bent him nearly in half, his knees now around his ears.

"Oooooooh. Oooooooh! Oooooooooooh! OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!" Chad began to moan loudly, in ecstasy. "Ooooooooooohhhhhh! Oooooooooohhhhhh!" he moaned, over and over again.

"Shit!" I thought to myself. I'm sure he a god damned moaner. Chad Amboy, all- American boy next door, God's gift to women. And here he is, moaning like a two-bit whore in heat while I fuck the daylights out of him.

"You like my cock in you, Chad?" I asked. "You like that cock in your ass?"

"Ooooooooooohhhhh!" Chad replied.

"You like me fucking you, Chad?" I asked. "Hmmmm? You like my fat cock fucking you in the ass?" I punched my cock hard against his nut deep inside, just for good measure.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" Chad responded. "Ooooooooohhhhhh! Oooooooooooooohhhhh!"

I took that as a 'yes'. "You want me to cum in you, Chad?" I asked. "Hmmmm? You want me to shoot my load deep in your ass?"

"Ooooooooooooohhhhhhh! Oooooooooooooohhhh! OOOOOOOOOHHHHH!" Chad responded.

His moaning was beginning to get to me. His moaning made me hot, but it was beginning to get to me. He was sounding like a goddamn bitch in heat. I'd turned Chad into my goddamn bitch, my own personal piece of pussy. I had him nearly bent in two, his knees pressed back past his head, against the pillow. He was well limbered up. His ass was pointed straight up. His head was pressed forward, toward his crotch. When I banged my cock against him, bringing my weight down on him, I could see the head of his cock banged against his cheeks. It gave me an idea to shut him up. I pressed down hard against him. I gripped his cock with my hand and then guided it to Chad's mouth. He resisted when he felt the head of his cock pressed against his lips. He squirmed, and tried to turn his mouth away. I gripped his head firmly with my other had, and pulled his head forward, pressing his cock against his lips. Chad opened his mouth, and I pushed his cock in. His lips wrapped around the head of his cock, and he sucked tentatively. He must have liked what he felt, as he next slurped loudly as he sucked hungrily on his own cock. He reached out with his arms, wrapped them around his lower back, just above his ass, and then pulled, pulling more his cock in his mouth. He got several inches of his own cock in his mouth. With Chad now occupied with, I resumed fucking him in earnest.

I reveled in the hot velvety tightness of his ass. I marveled in readiness with which Chad's hole welcomed my cock plunging into it, and then clenched it tightly when reached the inner most depth. I fucked fast and faster, hard and harder. Chad sucked ever more hungrily at his own cock. I felt a tightness in my balls.

"I'm going to do it, Chad!" I shouted. "I'm going to cum! Gonna shoot my load in you Chad! You want it? You want that, Chad? You want me to shoot my load in your ass?"

"Uungh! "Unnnnnnggghhh!" Chad grunted, as he sucked hungrily on his cock.

"Fuuuuuuucccckkkkk!" I screamed, as the first volley of hot cum shot from my spasming cock. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I cried out, as each spasm of my cock shot load after load of cum deep inside Chad's welcoming ass. I wanted to milk every bit of this cum, the sweetest orgasm I'd ever felt.

"Umph!" Chad grunted, as his cock twitched and fired the first load in his mouth. I punched my cock against his nut, and then again and again. "UMPH! UMPH!" Chad grunted loudly, his cock spasming in his mouth. He slurped loudly as he sucked the cum from his own cock, as I fucked it out of him.

I don't know how long we came; it seemed forever. Finally, Chad's ass had milked all cum from my cock, and he'd sucked every last possible drop of his own cum from his cock. I pulled my cock from his ass, his muscles gripping it tightly as it withdrew. I lowered his legs, his cock slipping from his mouth. With Chad lying flat on his back, his chest heaving as he breathed heavily, I climbed on him, pressing our still rigid cocks against each other, and drew my face toward his. His eyes were still clenched tightly shut. A line of cum dripped from the corner of his mouth. I licked it clean, balancing the cum on the tip of my tongue. It tasted sweet. I ran the tip of my tongue across Chad's lips. He started to move his head to the side but as he tasted his own cum on my tongue, he turned back and parted his lips. I slipped my tongue in Chad's mouth, and he sucked the cum from my tongue. Chad opened his eyes, and looked deeply into mine. His eyes broke into a smile, and he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulled me closer, and kissed me deeply.

I never really knew for sure if Chad had figured I had stacked that deck of cards against him in our game of double down. But, the way I see it, I think he not only figured I had stacked the deck against him - he was counting on it.

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