
By Daniel Webster

Published on Jun 11, 2000


Author's Note:

The Roughneck is a series of stories set in the mid 1970's, when I was in my late teens and early 20's. I worked a series of jobs on oil drilling rigs in western Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. I learned a lot about hard work, and life. I also discovered a part of me I never thought existed. I hope you enjoy. However, remember these stories take place in the 1970's, before the advent of AIDS. These stories do not practice safe sex. You should.

The usual warnings apply. These stories describe explicit M/M sexual activity. If this is not what you like or it is illegal because of your age or community standards, do not read this.

The Roughneck Part II: Taking on the Crew

I stood on the edge of the rig platform leaning against the rail, looking out into the horizon to the east. It was one of those perfectly still Colorado nights. The stars sparkled in the black sky above. My eyes searched the eastern horizon anxiously, hoping for a glimmer of light that would announce of the coming dawn. My hopes were in vain. It was only 5 am; the dawn would not come for at least another hour. I was dead tired and ready to go home. It had been one of those ball-busting nights on the rig. Shortly after the crew and I arrived for our graveyard shift, the drill bit had given out. Most of the time on an oil drilling rig, the work is not too bad. The drill bit is at the end of thousands of feet of steel pipe grinding away at the layers of rock. All you have to do is occasionally stop the drill, add another 30' section of steel pipe, and start drilling again. When the drill bit wears out, you earn your money.

We had been at 6200 feet when the bit wore out. That meant well over a mile of 5" steel pipe had to be hauled out, three 30' sections at a time. For four hours solid we hauled that pipe out. I was lead tong man. When the boom fastened to cables at the top of the tower would pull up 90' of the pipe, I would throw the wedge - a wedge shaped iron clamp - into the "hole", and the pipe would be let down slightly until lodged firmly in place. Then I would "throw" the tongs - wrestle a giant pipe wrench-like tool suspended by cables - onto the base of the pipe. Our Driller, Jack, would then pull the tong back with pulleys and cable, and the tong would break the threaded seal of the pipe. Then my buddy Carl would "throw the chain" - wrapping a thick chain around the base of the pipe. Jack would pull back the chain with the pulleys and cable, and the chain would turn the pipe, unscrewing it from the pipe below. Then came the tricky part - stacking the 90' section of pipe into the back of the derrick. Carl, Smitty, and I would gather around the base of the pipe, gripping it tightly. JJ, the Derick Hand, a hundred feet above us in the top of the tower, would grip the top of the pipe. Jack when then push the lever to pull the pipe up. JJ would lean out and pull the top of the pipe towards him in the back of the derrick. We three on the bottom end of the pipe would struggle to hold on to the end as it swung toward the back of the derrick, guiding it in to place, and then stand clear as Jack lowered the boom to stack the pipe into place. You had to hold onto the pipe firmly, or it would swing free and crash into the other pipe. You had to make sure you didn't get between the pipe and stack of other pipe, or you would be crushed. While we all wore steel-toed boots, you had to make sure you feet were clear of the pipe when it lowered, or you foot would crushed flat by the 1000 lb. pipe. But, we were a good team, and worked in unison for four solid hours hauling out the pipe. Then, a few minutes' rest while a new drill bit was screwed into the end of the pipe, and the whole processed was reversed, lowering the sections of the pipe, clamping them into place, swing out a new section, screwing it into place, and lowering that section into place.

We had finally finished a few minutes before. The drill was spinning steadily, grinding away thousands of feet below in search of the pocket of oil the geologist were certain lay below. We were in a layer of solid granite, the drill bit only making a few feet per hour. With any luck, we wouldn't have to add another section of pipe for the rest of the shift. The others were in the 'dawghouse' - the cramped, steel sided shed on the rig platform with lockers and benches for the crew. Most of the rest of the crew smoked cigarettes, lighting one after another after hours of not being able to smoke. I was enjoying the fresh air out on the rig platform. I heard the hinges of the dawghouse door creak as the door was opened. I turned to see Carl step outside. He saw me standing out by the railing, smiled and nodded, and headed toward me. I smiled back.

It had been almost a month since Carl had . . . introduced me to the pleasures of . . . . man sex. More specifically, it had been almost a month since Carl had introduced me to the pleasures of being on the receiving end of his man sex. I had been back to his trailer a couple of times since then. Well, actually, I guess it was a couple of times a week I had been back. I still didn't know quite what to make of all it, what it made me. All I knew was that I enjoyed what Carl did with me. Tonight was the eight day of our "8 on, 3 off" rotating shift. We had the next three days off, and then we came back on the swing - evening - shift. I would have liked nothing better than to spend the next three days with Carl at his trailer. But, his wife was coming up from Grand Junction for his days off. Carl was about as happy as I was about being his wife for the next three days. But, of course he couldn't exactly tell her he had something better going with me. I had decided to go camping. I knew a great hike up above Steamboat Springs. A small trail that twisted up to the 11,000' level and then dropped down into a narrow valley with a small lake in the center. The fishing was great. I was looking forward to a couple of days on my own up in the mountains. I need to clear my head and think things over.

"Waaal" Carl began, stepping up next to me. "We sure earned our pay tonight, didn't we?" I nodded in agreement. "Way I see it, that day shift owes us one, havin' everything all set for them with a new bit and all" he continued. I nodded again, looking at his face, admiring his fine features - his long, aquiline nose, his deep-set, dark brown eyes. The dark stubble of his unshaven face accentuated the sharp features of his jawbone. My admiring, appreciative gaze did not go unnoticed. Carl winked, and nodded his head toward me.

"I shore wish you was 'a commin' out to the trailer for the next three days" he said, wistfully.

"I do too," I agreed readily, "but, I think your old lady might think three was a crowd."

Carl laughed. "Yep, that she would. She wouldn't like that one bit." He turned his heads toward me. His eyes had a mischievous look I had come to recognize. "I sure wish we could get together for some quick fun 'afore I got's to face her."

My heart quickened at that the thought of being with Carl, but then I frowned as I remembered. "I . . I thought you said she was coming in tonight, and would be there at the trailer waiting for you this morning" I stammered.

Carl stroked his chin, eyeing me with amusement. "That she is, that she is" he said. "The old bitch will be waiting for me to get home, no doubt with a whole list of things I've been doing wrong to tell me about." He cleared this throat. "I, ugh . . I was thinking that maybe we'd have the time for some quick fun tonight yet, before we changed shifts." "Out here on the rig?" I blurted. "Are you crazy? They'd catch us for sure, and then there'd be all hell to pay."

"Naw" Carl confidently assured me. "The drill is all set; it won't need no attention until the morning shift gets here. The others are restin' in the dawghouse there, chain smoking cigarettes, talkin' story.

My heart quickened and my dick stirred at the thought of being with Carl and the danger of being with him out here, on the rig.

"You see that grove of juniper trees out yonder?" he asked, motioning with his head out to our right. Straining my eyes, I could make out the clump of trees. I nodded in reply.

"There's a little clearing in the center of that grove. You be out there in a couple of minutes, waitin' for me. Be all ready for me. I'll go tell the others you're down below, checking the pipefittings underneath the rig. I'll grab a roll of toilet paper, and they'll figure I'm headed up to the bushes to answer the call of nature."

My dick stiffened at the memory of being with Carl, and the anticipation of being with him now. The danger of doing it out here, practically under the eyes of the rest of the crew made my dick even stiffer. I nodded quickly in agreement, and set out in search of what I needed.

A few minutes later, I was waiting for him in the small clearing in the center of the juniper grove. I heard the snap of a twig, the rustle of branches, and then Carl stepped into the clearing. My eyes, already adjusted to the dim light, could make out Carl's face, and eyes. His eyes were eager with anticipation. I pulled down on the long zipper of my coveralls. The striped, heavy cotton coveralls hung loosely on my body. I slipped out of the shoulders and arms of the coveralls, and let it drop to my feet. I was naked underneath. I had already stripped out of my clothes, stacked them on the ground, and put on the coveralls back on while I waited for Carl.

I could see the glint in Carl's eyes as he looked me over approvingly. He unzipped his coveralls, let them drop to his feet, undid his belt buckle and zipper, and pushed his pants down do his knees. His long, thick cock, already semi-hard, stuck out with the head arching downward. His cock twitched, jerking upward, and began to point toward me, like a divining rod to water. I gazed at his cock, transfixed, as I watched it rapidly engorge and lengthen. I felt my own cock twitch and my balls tighten.

"Turn around" he whispered.

I turned around slowly, hobbling with the coveralls around me feet. I stretched forward, gripping my hands around a branch. I planted my feet apart as widely as the coveralls bunched around my ankles would permit and thrust my ass backward, presenting it to Carl to use for his pleasure.

Carl looked down at me, admiring what lay before him The pale white skin of my firm, round butt checks beckoned light a beacon in the dim light, contrasting with the fading summer tan of my muscled legs. My narrow waist accented the round fullness of my ass. The muscles of my broad, strong shoulders rippled like waves into my outstretched arms. Carl stepped closer, his long, thick cock hard as a rock, aimed at my asshole. His large hands gripped each of my butt checks, massaged, and then gripped them more tightly. One his long, sinewy fingers probed the entrance to my hole. It was slick, and his finger slid in easily. My ass was all lubed and ready for his entry. That was what he had meant when he told me to "be all ready for him". I had had to think about what I could use that was around on the oil rig. I had decided on wheel bearing grease. At least it was white grease, and wouldn't stain my shorts too badly. And it was very slippery, as Carl's long finger probing and twisting around inside my ass could attest.

Carl removed his finger from my hole, grabbed each of my butt cheeks firmly and spread them apart. I felt the large knob of his cock head press against my hole, and then slide in. I exhaled slowly, sighing softly, as I felt the length of his cock slide into me. His thick pubic thatch brushed against my ass. He gripped my hips firmly and then thrust sharply forward while pulling my ass backward with his grip on my hips, slamming the last of his cock deep inside my guts. I shuddered with pleasure, shivering with excitement and from the coolness of the night air against my naked skin. Goosebumps rippled across my skin, my nipples hardened. I braced my arms more tightly around the juniper branch and planted my feet more firmly in the ground in anticipation for the assault I knew would follow. I felt Carl's cock withdraw, until the knob was lodged just inside my ass ring, and then slammed forward as I was pulled backward. He did it again, and then again and again in a furious assault against my ass.

"Oh God, Carl!" I moaned. "You cock feels so fucking hot in my ass. Do it to me, man. Plug my ass. Give it all to me, give it to me hard! You know I love it. I love it! I love it! Oh God! I love your big cock fucking my ass. My ass was made just for your cock to use. Use it! Use me! Use me for your little fuck boy. Fuck me, Carl Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

Carl liked it when I talked dirty to him. While I liked pleasing Carl, I was not entirely selfless. Talking dirty to Carl set him off in a fucking frenzy. The frantic thrusts of his cock in me set my ass on fire, the sensations coming from ass shooting like bolts of electricity throughout every nerve in my body.

Carl's thrusts came fast and furious now, his cock slamming into me like the piston of a fucking machine. I gripped the juniper branch as hard as I could to avoid being knocked over by the pile driver slams into me. The entire tree shook with each slam into me. I couldn't talk anymore, just gasp and gulp for air, hoarsely panting. "Fu -uck! Fu-uck! Fu- uck m-m-m-e!".

Carl's cock engorged even more stiffly, slammed once more full length into me, and then I felt the liquid warmth of his cum gushing deep inside my guts. Carl gasped, and then gasped again pushing his cock against my ass in small thrusts with each spurt of cum. I reached down to my cock. On a good fuck, Carl could fuck me for an hour before cumming. I could time my own climax to match his, without even touching myself. Tonight's fuck had been fast and furious, out of necessity, and I wasn't quite there yet. I wrapped my fist around my cock and began to jerk swiftly, to shoot my cum into the dust below. It was then I heard the snapping of twigs and leaves being crushed by footsteps and the sound of branches of the trees around us being shoved roughly aside.

"Well, looky what we have here!" JJ laughed, as he and Smitty stepped into the clearing.

"Having some fun, boys?" Smitty added, looking down at us.

I was still bent forward, gripping the Juniper branch, with Carl behind me, his cock buried in my ass. The blood drained from my face, and I felt deathly cold. I couldn't imagine anything worse than being discovered by the others on my roughneck crew being bent over and impaled on Carl's cock.

"Looks like we got us a couple of shit packers" Smitty laughed.

"Um, looks to me like one shit packer, and one shit pack-ee" JJ corrected, snickering, nodding at my bent over position. "Looks like you owe me a dollar, Smitty" JJ continued.

"Yes sir-ee" Smitty agreed, fishing in his pocket. He extracted a crumpled dollar bill and handed it JJ. "It's worth a dollar to see this" he said, laughing.

"Old Smitty here saw Carl sneaking out here into the junipers" JJ explained. "He told me 'bout it, and bet me a dollar Carl was sneaking out here to pull his pud. I looked around, and saw you was gone too, Will. I seen a couple of times how old Carl would sneak a look at your butt. I also seen how you smiled at him sometimes. I bet Smitty that ole Carl here wasn't coming out here to pull his pudd. Didn't need too. He had hisself a little three-legged beaver." He laughed loudly at his joke.

Smitty stepped closer, pressing his face close to mine, glaring. "So, how 'bout it, Will" he asked harshly. "That true? You a little pussy boy? You Carl's little piece off ass?"

My face flushed red, as the blood raced back, the humiliation of being caught getting butt fucked rapidly replaced by anger. I pushed myself to a standing position, pulling my butt forward. Carl's cock made a slight wet slurping sound as it slid out of my ass. I clenched my fists and stepped closer to Smitty, glaring in rising anger. I was dog tired, having worked my butt off for six solid hours on the rig changing that damn drill bit. I'd just had a fast, furious fuck, only to be interrupted in getting myself off. I was not in a mood to take Smitty's shit.

"Now boys, now boys" Carl said pleadingly, trying to pull his pants up and stuff his cock back in them. "Will and me was just having a little fun. It's my fault. I talked him into it. He's never done nothing like this before" he lied.

"Oh yeah?" JJ questioned. "Never done this before?" He placed his hand over his crotch and rubbed it, exaggeratedly, and began to swivel his hips. "Oh God, Carl" he moaned, mimicking my moans of pleasure a few moments before. "Oh God, Carl! You cock feels so fucking hot in my ass. Do it to me, man. Plug my ass. You know I love it. I love it! I love it! Fuck me, Carl Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

The rush of emotions I felt continued, as my anger changed back to humiliation of hearing my slutty dirty talk repeated back to me.

"If that was Will's first time for being on the receiving end of a good butt fuck, then you must be the world's best corn holer, Carl" Smitty snickered. "You had him hotter than a two-dollar pistol." He motioned toward my still stiff cock with a nod of his head "Look. His ole' dick is still poking straight out, hard as a rock. I don't think he got enough yet tonight."

"How 'bout it Will?" JJ coaxed. "You still hot for some more dick? Hmmmm, boy? How's 'bout this one?" I watched in stunned surprise as leaned down and slowly unfastened his belt buckle, unzipped his pants, and slid them down toward his knees. I'd never really thought about JJ in a sexual way. He had always been aloof, calling me the 'little city slicker greenhorn'. But, he was a handsome man. He kinda reminded me of the Marlborough Man in those cigarette ads. Tall and tough, his dark hair always slicked back, his face ruggedly masculine.

JJ straightened up, and his cock sprung forward menacingly. Nearly fully hard already, it stretched out a solid 8". Thick veins coursed its 3" diameter. He was uncut. The piss slit on the head of his dick peered out at me from the cap of his foreskin. Dark, thick public hair framed his cock, and continued down around his long ball sac. His large oval balls hung down a full 6" from the base of cock. I watched, mesmerized, as he grabbed his cock with his hand and pulled the skin back. The bulbous head of his cock poked out from under the canopy of foreskin.

"How 'bout it, Will?" he asked. "Wanna try this cock on for size? Come over here and suck on it for me."

I convulsed at the thought of having his dick in my mouth. I'd never sucked anyone's cock, and never really thought it was something I would want to do. In the month or so I had been screwing around with Carl, I don't think I'd ever even touched his cock, let alone suck on it. Carl had always said that sucking and 'all that kind of stuff' was just 'appetizers', and he was just a 'meat and potatoes' kind of guy. Carl liked to fuck, and always went straight for my butt. I hadn't complained.

"How 'bout Will?" JJ repeated. "Come over here and suck my cock, pussy boy."

Two months ago, if someone had said something like to me I would have lit into him with fists flying. Tonight, I was like a moth to flame, mesmerized, drawn closer and closer. I couldn't take my eyes off his cock. I no longer felt in control of my body as I hobbled over to JJ, kneeled in front him, and stared at his cock inches away.

"Come on, son" JJ breathed hoarsely. "It won't bite."

I gripped his cock with my hand, pulled his foreskin back, pressed the uncapped head against my lips, and sucked tentatively. It tasted sweet, and musky. I liked it. I pressed forward, his cock entering deeply in my mouth, my lips sucking tightly.

"Oh yeah" JJ whispered. "That's it. Suck it. Suck it really hard."

I slurped greedily at his cock. My cock twitched. I knew then I wanted to milk the cum out of JJ's cock, milk his cock with my mouth until he shot his cum in me. I pressed more of his cock in my mouth, hot to have it all. It pressed against the back of my throat, and I gagged. I backed off, and let his cock slip from my lips, gasping for air. I began to caress the length of his cock with my tongue, licking his rock hard cock. As l licked the base of his cock I buried my nose in his crotch and inhaled deeply, luxuriating on the musky male odor. My tongue continued downward, lapping, until I was licking his swinging balls. Carefully, I sucked one of his huge balls into my mouth and then playfully, teasingly rolled it around inside.

"Oh yeah" JJ sighed. I felt him take my hand with his and guide it to his cock. I gripped his cock tightly and slowly pulled back and forth on it while I sucked and mouthed his balls. "Oh yeah" JJ sighed blissfully.

"Well, well" I heard Smitty say behind me. "Looks like your pussy boy is one hell of a cock sucker too, Carl" he continued, with lust in his voice. I heard what sounded like Smitty unfastening his pants and pushing them hastily down to his knees. "Let me have some of that, JJ" Smitty demanded.

JJ placed his hands on my shoulders, and pulled me away from his crotch. His ball plopped from my mouth. "Go tend Smitty there for awhile" he instructed me. "Maybe I'll have a go at your crack while you're at it."

I turned around on my knees to face Smitty and Carl. Smitty, a short, heavyset man with close cropped reddish hair, stood with his pants bunched around his knees, his fist beating away on his cock. Carl was standing off to his side, his jaw slightly ajar, not quite believing what he was seeing. Smitty removed his hand from his cock, and beckoned me. I crawled to him on my knees, hungrily eyeing his cock. His cock wasn't so long, maybe 6", the same as mine, but was really fat and thick. I pressed my lips against the head and sucked it in my mouth. My mouth stretched wider and wider as I engulfed his fat cock. I felt my teeth scrape against the top of his dick as I opened my jaws wider, attempting to accommodate the invasion.

"Watch the teeth, damnit" Smitty cursed, cuffing me alongside my head.

I obeyed, instinctively covering my teeth with my lips. His cock pressed further into my mouth, pressing against the back of my throat. I started to gag. I felt Smitty's hands on the back of my head pulling my head toward his crotch, driving his cock down my throat. I choked back the gag reflex, and his thick cock glided down my throat. I reached out with my hands, gripped his hips, and pulled him toward me, desperate to drive his cock more deeply into me.

"That's it, boy" Smitty cooed. "Take it all. Take all my cock down your throat."

I pulled off his cock until the round knob was just at me lips, and then pulled myself toward him, guiding his cock through my mouth and down my throat. Smitty thrust forward to meet me. Then I did it again, and again. I felt JJ's hands behind me grip my ass, spread it apart and press the head of his cock against my hole. My ass, still slick with grease and relaxed from the furious reaming Carl had just given me, accommodated his cock easily, my ass ring gripping his cock tightly as the length of his cock slid into me. His crotch pressed against my backside and then banged me hard as he slammed the rest of his cock in me. His slamming into my butt thrust me forward into Smitty, my nose buried into his crotch, his cock buried deeply in my throat. He slammed forward in a fucking motion, driving his cock further down my throat, and driving me back into JJ's cock buried in my ass. Smitty and JJ fucked me hard. JJ would slam into my butt, driving Smitty's cock down my throat. Smitty would fuck back, thrusting me backward, impaling my ass even further onto JJ's cock. I was their ass and mouth pussy in the middle, hungry for all the cock they could feed me. I don't how long they mouth and ass fucked me; it seemed to go on forever. Finally, on one of forward thrusts from JJ, Smitty grabbed my head and held me firmly. I felt his cock convulse, and then erupt hot cum down my throat. JJ punched his cock deeply in me in short thrusts and began to moan. I felt his cock twitch, and then spray hot liquid. Both of them shooting their loads in me from both ends took me over the edge. My balls tightened and I shot load after load into the dirt below, my cock twitching with every spurt.

JJ and Smitty pulled their cocks from my ass and mouth, wiping them clean on my ass and mouth cheeks.

"Hot damn" JJ exclaimed, gasping for breath. "That was better than a hundred dollar Las Vegas whore" he declared. "You need to spread the wealth, Carl. You got something special here."

I stood up, looking at Carl for the first time since swallowing Smitty's cock. He looked down at ground, dejected. JJ and Smitty began to pull their pants back up, fastening their belts and zippers. I looked around for my clothes, and saw them piled where I'd left them at the base of the tree. I used my undershorts to wipe the cum and grease from my butt, and a sock to wipe the cum from my face.

"We'll meet you boys back up at the dawghouse" JJ announced, as they began to leave. "You boys best hurry along. Jack'll be wondering where you all went. 'Besides, the sun's about up and the relief crew'll be here shortly." They began to push their way through the branches. "But, Will" JJ called back, "We'll be looking for you when we're back on swing shift Monday night. You be sure to save it nice 'n sweet for us."

I flushed, embarrassed, but felt my cock try to harden again. It was rapidly developing a mind of its own. I looked at Carl, to find him looking at me. He looked disappointed.

"You know they're not going to leave you alone now, don't you?" he said, saying it more as a statement than as a question.

"Ah, I can handle them" I assured him, as I began to dress.

"Yeah" Carl snorted. "It looked to me like you handled 'em pretty well!" He sounded jealous.

"Damnit, Carl" I retorted. "What the hell was I supposed to do? If I . . . . , uh, if I hadn't . . given them what they wanted, they sure as well would told Jack and hell knows who else what we was doin' when they caught us."

"Well, you didn't have to . . ." Carl began. He shook his head. "No, never mind, Will. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got you into all this." He put his hand on my shoulder, and squeezed it tightly. "JJ and Smitty were right; we best be getting back to the dawghouse afore Jack gets suspicious." He smiled, turned, and pushed his way out of the grove.

The rest of the crew was changing out of their work clothes when I got back to the dawghouse. The relief crew was due any time now. Carl avoided looking at me. I looked at JJ. He gave a quick, knowing wink. I looked away quickly.

"All those pipe fittings under the rig all OK, Will?" Jack asked sharply.

"Yes sir" I assured him, turning toward him. He peered at me suspiciously. I shrugged, turned away to my locker, to begin changing.

It was a quiet trip back into town, except for the country western music on the radio station. I thought it was strange Jack drove into town first and let JJ and Smitty off before heading back out to Carl's trailer. He had said on the way in he needed to stop at the Circle K and get a pack of smokes, but I noticed that now he'd dropped off JJ and Smitty he didn't seem to need them. We were most of the way to Carl's trailer when Jack turned his head around toward me in the back seat.

"Will" he began firmly, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go, son."

"Wwwhat?" Carl and I asked in unison. "Why you lettin' Will go?" Carl demanded.

"I know what you boys was a'doing out there" Jack said simply. "I got suspicious when none of you was around, so I walked around looking for you. I thought maybe you boys were trying to sneak a little shut eye. Then I heard noises coming from the

junipers, and mossied on over. I couldn't get close enough to see what was a goin' on, but I could make out Carl's shape standing there, he's so damn tall he's hard to miss. Looked like he was a watchin'. I sure could hear what JJ and Smitty was doin', and it sounded like they was a havin' quite a time with you, Will."

I looked down at the floor of the car. My ears burned with what I was hearing, but other than that I felt no emotion. I was too tired, too drained.

"Naw, naw" I heard Carl say. "You don't know how it happened, Jack. JJ and Smitty, they jumped poor Will here, ganged up on him. They made him do . . . well, unnatural acts. I was a tryin' to help, but, uh, well, I guess they was too strong for me."

I smiled at Carl's lies, at his feeble attempt to cover up.

"Don't try to bullshit me, son" Jack said firmly. "I wasn't born yesterday. I'd seen how you and Will look at each other sometimes. I thought maybe somethin' was goin' on between you two. Will left the rig first, telling me he was going to check under the rig. Then you go out. A little while later, JJ and Smitty disappear, and I can't find none of you. Way I figger it, you and Will was having some fun out there. JJ and Smitty come across you two, and then they had their fun with Will."

Silence passed, and then I heard Carl say, "Jack, it'll never happen again. I swear. It'll never happen again."

"Horseshit!" Jack snorted. "I seen how those two looked at Will when he came back in the dawghouse. I've seen that look before. It's the look of a stud colt that just got his first whiff of a mare in heat. Those boys will having their way with Will every chance they git. What you boys do on your own time at your own place is your business. But, I can't have this shit going on on my shift, on my rig. I'm sorry, but Will's no longer on our crew."

Jack pulled his car into Carl's driveway. A car was already parked at the end, Carl's wife's car. I looked up at the trailer where I first discovered how much I enjoyed sex with men, sex with Carl. A large, round woman appeared from inside, standing behind the front door window. Her arms were folded, and she appeared to be scowling.

"I'm sorry, Jack" I said, finding my voice. "I'm real sorry I let you down. You're right, you're right in everything you said. Carl and I were screwin' around in the juniper grove. I wanted to. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to be with him one last time before he spent the weekend with . . . her." I nodded toward the trailer. " JJ and Smitty didn't make me do anything I didn't want to with them. I'm real sorry I did it on the job, though. I shouldn't have fooled around like that with your crew, your shift."

I turned to look at Carl, but he was looking down at the floor, avoiding looking at me.

"Jack? Please?" Carl pleaded softly.

"You want your woman to know what you been up to, Carl?" Jack asked sharply.

Carl looked up quickly, his eyes wide with fear. "No! Oh gawd no!" he said pleadingly. "She'd have my hide."

"Well" Jack said, "You'd best be getting' on in there to her, she's awaitin' on you. You best forget about Will. Don't worry about him; he'll be all right. He's a good kid. He's honest, and a hard worker. But, he needs to learn there's a time and a place for everything. I can't have him on my crew no more. You take care of your woman there, and be ready to go back to work Monday evening."

Carl opened the car door, and got out. "Goodbye, Will" he said simply, avoiding looking at me. He closed the car door and walked quickly toward the figure waiting impatiently at the door.

Jack and I didn't speak on the drive back into town. My head was spinning, as I tried to sort out the way things had gone. A month ago, I was just a regular 19-year-old guy. I smoked pot, but worked hard. I didn't think much about sex, and sure has hell never thought about sex with other guys. Well, not really, and I sure as hell never thought about doing what I'd done this night. Then Carl came along, damn him, and fucked me in the ass and I found out how much I liked it. I liked the sex part, the part of how good it felt to have his dick fucking my ass, but I also liked how it felt to be with him. When he was on top of me, holding me, fucking me like there was no tomorrow, I liked how if felt when he hold me, when I felt his body pressed against mine. He felt so strong, so powerful as he dominated me. When I saw how afraid he was of his wife, he seemed like a little kid afraid of his mommy. And JJ and Smitty. They'd always treated me like a piece of shit. When I sucked their cocks and let them team fuck me from both ends, it was like I was in control; they needed me. It seemed like this sex stuff was making me stronger. I was in control, making men lust for what I could give them.

Jack pulled up in front of my boarding house, and I shook my head from my thoughts. I looked up, and saw Jacking looking back at me in the rear view mirror. There was something in his eyes, something I hadn't seen before, but something I'd come to recognize in the eyes of men.

"I'm sorry, Will, all this had to happen" he began. He spoke gently, and a little nervously. "You gotta learn that . . . that fellas with . . . your kind of needs . . . . need to keep it on the QT in this part of the country. There's plenty of fellas 'round these parts who . . . enjoy . . . making use of your . . . uh, talents. You just need to keep things quiet; you can't let other folks know." I nodded. "Hell" Jack continued, almost in a whisper, "Hell, if I'd known you liked to . . to, uh, have fun with other fellas, hell, I'd have liked to have some fun with you myself."

I looked at him blankly, masking my surprise at his coming out with it so quickly. I'd had more than enough surprises this night. I looked at him, seeing him differently. His gray hair swept out from under his ever-present cowboy hat. His face was lined and weathered, his chin covered with gray, grizzled beard stubble. I wondered what it would be like to have his pecker in me. I thought about something else, and the idea of having Jack's old pecker in me became more appealing.

"You want to come upstairs for a few minutes, Jack?" I asked, without emotion.

Jack looked around quickly. "Uh, well . . ."he considered. "Why don't you go on ahead. I'll find a place to park the car and be up directly."

I looked around at the nearly deserted street. "OK" I said.

I had sucked on Jack's cock until my jaws ached. He had spun me around and plowed my ass until I thought he'd never cum. He told me older guys have more staying power. After he had his gratification in my ass, he began to dress. I stood naked, waiting for him to leave. I needed to clean up before sleeping for the day. I now had the cum of the entire crew in my belly and in my ass. That was what I had decided I wanted as my trophy for this night. Despite my best efforts to keep my asshole clenched tightly shut, I could feel the latest deposit oozing out from my hole and down my inner thigh. Jack seemed to be almost humming to himself as he pulled on his boots. I wondered if he was going to leave me a tip on the nightstand, like you would for any cheap slut.

"Do you know what you're going to do, Will" Jack asked, breaking my train of thought. I shrugged my shoulders. "You outta think 'bout moving on" he told me. "Those two - JJ and Smitty - never can keep a damn thing to themselves. They'll spread the word around, how they had fun with you, and how you liked it. Some folks will try to fuck with you when they see you around town. They'll fuck you up when they're with other fellas. When they think no one'll see them, they'll sneak up here and want to have their fun with you. This town won't be good place for you anymore" he assured me. I nodded, realizing more and more what I had gotten myself into, and what I had become.

"Ever been Moab way?" Jack asked. I shook my head. "It's over in Utah, down by the canyonlands country. Real pretty country down that way. There's a lot of oil drilling goin' on 'round there. Friend of mine, Sam Sneller, called me just the other day, askin' me if I knew any good hands lookin' for work. He's pretty short handed. You outta think 'bout going there. You look up Sam, give him my name. You tell him I said you was one damn good hand." I nodded slowly, considering what he told me. It didn't sound like a bad idea.

"But" Jack warned me sternly. "Don't even think about pulling the kind of shit you did on my crew. Sam's a family man, got that Mormon religion and all. You pull the kinda stunt you did tonight, and he'll fuck you up bad. He'll spread the work around, and you'll never work in the oil fields in this part of the country again."

I nodded in agreement. "Thanks, Jack" I said. Jack shook my shoulder lightly.

"You're a good kid, young Will Thorton. Like I said, you just keep things quiet like. You'll find plenny fellas around who'll wanna make you happy."

When Jack left, I collapsed on the bed. I decided I was too tired to clean up, and I kind of like the idea keeping the collection of cum from the crew in and on me.

I slept restlessly during the day, tossing and turning. I dreamed a dream I had dreamt before, and would dream many more times over the next few months. I was in a white water raft, plunging down a raging river. The river was narrow, surrounded by steep canyon walls. I was alone in the raft, paddling furiously to steer the raft safely down the river. I dodged huge boulders with white caps of water crashing over them. I would be swept just past a huge boulder and then caught in the eddy behind it, the swirling water spinning my raft around and around. Then I would break free, the raft propelled down the river ever faster. I was swept over a small waterfall, narrowly avoiding the raft overturning. The eddy from the cascading water would pull my raft toward the falls, threatening to crush me under its flow, only to break free again, racing again down the river. The dream and the cascading river seem to go on forever. I felt the range of emotions of fear, excitement, relief, and awe at the power of the river. And then I would be swept around a sharp bend in the river, and the canyon suddenly widened into a broad, lush valley. The river was no long rapids, just deep, clear water flowing through forests of towering pines, the with broad, grass covered valley floor just beyond the trees.

It was always then the dream would end. As I dreamed that dream over and over the next several months, I came to realize what it meant. I was seeing a vision of my life as I discovered and explored my sexuality. The thrills, excitement, danger and fear of the river were what I experienced as I journeyed down the river of exploration.

I woke in the early evening, showered, and began to dress. My mind was made up when I awoke that I would head out for Moab. I packed my things, loaded them into my beat up old Chevy, and checked out of the boarding house. The sun was just beginning to set when I headed west out of town on U.S. 40. The road was straight as an arrow, rolling over sage covered high plains, disappearing in the horizon under the looming Wasatch Mountains of Utah off in the distance. The snow capped peaks were painted a glimmering shade of coral from the setting sun. I turned on the radio, and found a distant station just beginning to play the Eagles' "Hotel California". I cranked up the volume, fired up a joint, and settled in for the journey down the long, empty highway that lay before me.

Next: Chapter 3

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