Roughing It

By Adam Fields

Published on Sep 18, 2009


ROUGHING IT - Preparing The Cabin For Winter

I am 67 years old attempting to write stories for Nifty. I welcome your feedback, good or bad. Please let me know what you think. You can send your response to There are no pictures with this story. It was written before I came up with the idea of having pictures relate to the story. This is my own fantasy. I hope you have as much fun reading this story as I did writing it.

This story is a sexual fantasy between two men. It is fictional, any similarity to any person is only coincidental. If stories like this offend you, or you are not old enough to read this, then please leave this site now. If you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.


Adam Fields

After eating breakfast we started looking for dead trees that could be cut down and used for firewood in the cabin. Mr. Davis would cut them down and then I would cut them into small pieces for the fireplace. There were several trees that were dead in the same area. This made it a lot easier for us. By noon we had the wood pile all stocked for the cabin in the winter.

"Hey Bobby, are you hungry?" he asked.

"You know me," was my reply, "I can eat any time of the day."

"Great, I'll go in and fix us some lunch. You can unwind out here, unless you want to relax in the cabin."

"I'll stay out here unless you need my help," I said.

I watched him as he walked to the cabin. You could see the outline of his briefs beneath the sweats. It was making my cock hard. I turned away as I didn't want to be walking with a hard cock showing through my sweats. I kept thinking it would be nice if we slept in the cabin tonight. It would be a lot warmer and I might be able to get a glimpse of his cock.

Laying next to him in a sleeping bag was very exciting, but it prevented me from seeing his cock. I knew this was wishful thinking, for he would insist on sleeping in the tent. Oh well, I can dream about the cabin.

I was wondering what was taking him so long to prepare lunch. Later he told me he was passing by the window and saw me stretched out on the log. His mind started to wonder as he thought about last night. He had so much to drink, and was out of it, but it appears that I had a good time sleeping next to him. After all, he woke up with my hand in his briefs, and my hard cock between his legs.

He was trying to remember all that happened. Flashes of his hand in my briefs went through his mind, but he shook that off as a bad dream. He had too much to drink and couldn't separate his dreams from reality. Looking at me on the log he noticed what a fine physique I had, just like his son's. Tonight he was not going to drink as much liquor. He wanted to be aware of all that happened in the tent tonight.

"Hey Bobby, come on in, lunch is almost ready," he yelled.

I went inside and he told me to call my dad to see how he was feeling. He wanted to make sure Jeff was looking after him.

I picked up the phone and called home. "Bailey residence, Mr. Bailey is resting and can not come to the phone," was the greeting I received from the other end.

"Jeff, what are you doing at my house," I asked.

"Hey Bobby, looking after you dad per instructions from my dad," he said.

I laughed and said, "You know what I mean. Why aren't you at football practice?"

"I went this morning, but no one was there except the new coach. My name was not on the list, so he was not aware that I was on the team. He had to cancel football practice, for it was against state regulations for any high school team to hold practice before school started. How are things going at the cabin?" he asked. "Are you having a lot of fun working with my dad?"

Before I could answer Mr. Davis said, "Give me the phone I want to talk to Jeff."

I handed him the phone as he started his lecture with Jeff.

"So there's no football practice, is that correct son?" he asked.

"Yes dad, the new coach was not aware of state regulations," he said.

"Well I don't want you spending all your time with your girlfriend. Mr. Bailey needs you to look after him," he said, as he motioned me to sit down and eat.

"Don't worry dad," was Jeff's reply. "My girlfriend is out of town with her parents."

"That's good to know. You need to stay with Mr. Bailey in case he needs anything. In fact, it might be a good idea if you sleep over there too," he said. "Let me talk to Mr. Bailey."

"Jason, this is Grant. Jeff tells me there is no football practice so I want to make sure he is looking after you. It might be a good idea if he sleeps at your place too," he said.

"You don't have to worry, Jeff is treating me with tender loving care, as Jeff puts it, per your instructions," he said. "We are doing fine, in fact, if you want Jeff to come up to the cabin that will be okay with me. You may need him to help up there, and I can get along by myself."

"No, Jeff can stay there and look after you, and he's right, he had better be treating you with tender loving care. If he doesn't, he knows I'll be treating him with more than tender loving care when I get home. If you need anything have Jeff call me. Here, you can talk with your son now," he said, as he handed me the phone.

I said, "Thanks, now he can lecture me like you did Jeff."

He laughed and patted me on the head. I was right, my dad gave me a lecture too. Mine was about "carrying my share of the load." He didn't want Jeff's dad doing all the work.

While eating we talked about the progress we had made this morning. He was surprised we had already finished the stocking of the wood. Especially since it was only two of us working on it. The afternoon would be easy.

"Bobby, after we get finished eating lunch we need to check the propane gas tanks for leaks, and take those that are empty and get them refilled," he said.

"Yea," I said, "we want to make sure we have heat for the cabin."

We had to make sure that was done, for they supplied the stove, hot water heating, and heating of the cabin. We only used electricity for the lights and small appliances. On our way back from getting the tanks refilled the weather forecast came over the radio. The cold front was going to come further south than they had predicted. They were forecasting temperatures in the low 20's.

After it was over I looked at him and said, "Lucky dad and Jeff."

He grabbed my leg again and said, "Yea, lucky dad and Jeff, but we're having all the fun. You know Bobby, I`m seeing a side of you I have never seen before. In all the years that we have been camping you have never been this candid. You can make a joke out of a dire situation. I like that."

I thought to myself, I wonder what he means by that. Will we have more fun tonight in the tent? I certainly hope so.

We didn't say much more, but then he broke the silence and said, "I think tonight we will see if the cabin is ready for occupancy in the winter. We'll spend the night inside, if that`s okay with you."

This time I squeezed his thigh and said, "You know that`s okay with me."

All the way back to the cabin I fantasized about us walking around the cabin in our jockey shorts, and perhaps getting to see his big cock. When we got to the cabin he had to shake me, for I was asleep.

"Bobby, wake up, we're back at the cabin," he said as he shook me.

He kept shaking me and I finally opened my eyes.

"That must have been some dream," he said. "I couldn't get you awake."

"I was dreaming about the nice warm cabin tonight," I said, as I stretched my arms.

I didn't tell him about the other part of the dream. I was dreaming about him walking around in his jockey shorts showing the bulge in his briefs.

It took us over an hour to get all the tanks in place. Empty they don't weigh much, but when full of propane gas they are quite heavy. He then went inside and turned on the hot water heater, as well as the heat for the cabin. He was well organized and never missed a beat.

By now it was almost 3:30 p.m. and he asked, "Do you want to keep on working or do you want to call it quits."

"I'm not tired, and we can keep working. However, if you want to quit that is fine with me. I realize that you are old, and might not be able to keep up with me," I said.

"Old," he said, "can't keep up with you. Well I'll show you a thing or two. I'll show you how old I am. When I get through with your lazy butt you won't be able to pick up the fork to eat supper tonight."

I was laughing so hard I couldn't speak. Finally I said, "You're the boss, hit me with your best shot."

As late as it was getting we wouldn't be able to do too much. I knew that, and so did he. It would be dark in less than two hours. We decided to get the storm windows out of the shed and have them ready for tomorrow.

I said, "If you aren't too old, and can handle it, why don't you drag the storm windows out of the shed, and I'll carry them around and place them under each window."

Now he couldn't stop laughing as he headed toward the shed. We were finished just a little after 5:00 p.m. We laughed about my comments as we walked to the cabin. It was nice feeling his arm on my shoulder. Very nice, in fact it was exciting. I had goose bumps all over my body. It really felt great. It never felt that way when my dad had his arm on my shoulder.

I knew tonight would be special, I could just feel it. We got to the door, and it was nice having the warm air hit our face. He sure knew what he was doing when he turned the heat on earlier in the afternoon.

Once inside the cabin he hung up his jacket, took of his boots, striped out of his flannel shirt. undershirt, and dropped his sweats. I didn't say anything, but followed suit. He then placed his hand around my shoulder and gave me a nice hug.

"Bobby," he said, "we have been working our butt off, now it's time to relax. Come on, lets go to the kitchen and get something to eat."

Keeping his arm around me we walked to the kitchen. He was a man who was always planning ahead. To my surprise the soup was on the stove, and it would only take about ten minutes for the potatoes to be done. Taking his hand off my shoulder he made himself a drink of OJ and vodka.

Looking at me he said, "This will really make me relax. You're eighteen now, aren't you?"

"Yep, the same age as Jeff," I replied.

"Good, let me make you a drink. I don't think your dad will say anything, especially after all the hard work you have been doing."

I put my arm around his waist and gave him a big hug and said, "Thanks."

We headed to the TV room with our drinks. He laid down on the couch, and I sat in the chair with one of my legs over the arm of the chair. That way it exposed my jockey shorts to his view, if he wanted to look. Seeing him lying on the couch was very exciting to me. I knew I would have an erection in no time. However, I was careful to have my leg in a position so that he could not see my hard cock.

"What do you think of the drink?" he asked.

"It's great," was my reply, "but can I be truthful with you? You make it very easy for me to talk to you. Much easier than with my dad."

"What's on your mind?" he asked..

"Well this is not my first drink," I said. "I would drink from your liquor cabinet and my dad's too. I had to be careful. I only drank a little from his cabinet and a little from your's. I didn't want either of you to notice that the liquor was disappearing rapidly."

"How long has this been going on?" he asked.

"Since my first year in high school," was my reply.

"Has Jeff been doing the same?" he asked.

I remained silent, for I did not want to squeal on my best friend. Especially to his dad.

He said, "It's okay, I'm not going to punish him or say anything to him."

"We only drank when we were exhausted from a hard workout on the field, or if we had just taken a really hard exam. It helped us unwind. We only drank to relax, just like you and I are doing now."

"Well at least you were sensible about it," he said.

He finished his drink as if it was a bottle of pop. I just drank mine a little at a time.

His glass was empty and he pointed it toward me and said, "Since I'm an old man, I don't think I'll be able to make it to the kitchen. Let me see how good of a drink you can make."

I just let out a big laugh, but knew I had a problem with the hard cock that was between my legs. I got up, hoping that he would not notice. I reached for his glass, and sat it down on his belly. The cold glass caught him by surprise and he let out a yell.

"You'll pay for that," he said as I headed for the kitchen.

I put the cold glass on his belly as a distraction. I thought if I did that he might not notice my hard cock. I ran to the kitchen to get the refill, wondering how he was going to pay me back. I fixed the drink and stayed there hoping my cock would get somewhat soft.

He then yelled. "What's taking so long, are you out there squeezing the oranges to make the juice?"

I took the drink back and handed it to him saying, "Here's your drink made with oranges that have just been squeezed."

He just laughed and tasted the drink and said it wasn't bad. We then went to the kitchen to eat our meal. After we finished the meal we washed the dished and cleaned the kitchen. Then he caught me by surprised.

He wrapped his hand around my shoulder and said, "Let's go get a shower. If we shower together, you can scrub my back and I can scrub your's. If you haven't noticed, we do stink."

"That sounds like a good idea to me," I said, as I put my arm around his waist.

My cock was getting hard as we headed to the bathroom. It looked like his was doing the same thing. He turned on the water as we stripped and got into the shower.

He grabbed the body wash and told me to get under the water so I would be wet all over. He then used the wash on the soft hair around his cock. He made a lot of suds there and used them to wash my back and shoulder. He went back to his pubes for more suds to use on my back. He worked his hands down to my waist.

Once there he got on his knees and washed my butt and legs. He came back up my legs and washed my crotch. He kept his hand there for some time, going back and forth brushing my balls every now and then. He took the shower hose and rinsed my back.

He hung it up and said, "Turn around and I'll wash the front of you."

I said, "I can't, I have a little problem."

He knew what I was talking about and said, "That's not a problem that can't be fixed. I've seen my son that way, as well as other officers when they shower at the station."

With that I turned around to expose my throbbing cock.

He looked down and said. "Damn son it doesn't take you long to get pre-cum."

I looked down and I was dripping cum like a leaking faucet.

I simply replied, "Well when you're a stud like me your balls are always full. An old man like you wouldn't know what I was talking about."

Grabbing my cock he said, "Before this weekend is over we'll find out who's a stud and who isn't."

With that he started washing my chest and playing with my nipples. He then worked his way down to my belly button and my pubes. He lathered up his hand using my pubic hair. Once he had enough he started washing my cock and balls. I was still leaking pre-cum, and couldn't stop. He was on his knees while washing my cock. I looked down to watch him playing with my cock. I was surprised to see his cock at full attention; leaking pre-cum too.

You could tell he was enjoying it by the expressions he was making with his mouth and the condition of his cock. He washed my legs, came back up and washed my cock again. He then rinsed me off with the shower hose. He reached for the shampoo and ran his fingers through my scalp. I must admit it really felt good the way he massaged my scalp. He rinsed my hair and I was ready to start on him.

I took the shower hose and rinsed him down. I hung it up and grabbed the body wash. I then ran my hands through his pubes making a lot of lather. I started washing his shoulders and gave them a good massage. He was enjoying it immensely for he was letting out soft moans and his body was starting to relax.

When I got through with his shoulders he asked, "Where did you learn that?"

"Jeff and I learned that from our old coach," was my reply. "He would always massage the guys who had muscle cramps."

I then started with his back, and gave it a massage like I had done with his shoulders. Again he was like putty in my hands, enjoying every minute of it. When I got to his butt I kept washing both of his cheeks. I guess I was there too long, for he wiggled his butt and it shook me out of my trance.

I spread his legs apart so I could wash his crotch. I had my hand going back and forth on his crotch. On occasions I would rub against his balls. I couldn't wait for him to turn around. After finishing with his legs I came back up and washed his backside again and rinsed him off. As he turned around he was sporting a hard cock that was dripping with pre-cum.

"Looks like you have a problem with leakage too," I said.

He replied, "I'm just out to prove to you that I'm a stud and not an old man."

We both laughed, and I grabbed his cock like he had done mine. But I got some of his pre-cum on my hand and used it to stroke his cock. He started to bend at the knees and let out a soft moan. I then pulled away and grabbed the body wash. I started washing his chest with the lather from his soft pubes.

I really didn't need to do that for he had lots of hair on his chest to make lather. I just wanted to put my hands down there so I could feel his nice soft pubic hair. I played with his nipples. I tried copying every thing he had done. Once I got to his pubes I just ran my fingers through his soft hair.

I grabbed his cock and had so much lather on it that you couldn't even see it. I used this lather on his balls and crotch. I was on my knees and wanted to put his hot cock in my mouth. Instead, I washed his legs, came back up and played with his cock again, and rinsed him off. I washed his hair, and gave his scalp a massage just like he had done mine.

After the shower we dried each other off and picked up our dirty briefs. He was going to throw them in the dirty laundry but I stopped him.

I said, "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure," he said, "what's on your mind?"

"Do you mind wearing those briefs the entire weekend, and then giving them to me as a souvenir?" I asked.

"WOW," was what came out of his mouth. "They will be smelly, and probably stained with more cum, but if that is what you want, then that is what you will get."

I took them out of his hand and put them to my face and inhaled the aroma that was coming from his briefs. We then headed to the kitchen for another drink.

On our way to the kitchen he said, You asked me a favor, now it's my turn to ask one of you"

"Anything you want," I said.

He said, "Do you mind if we lounge around nude before we go to bed.? I like to do that at home when I am by myself."

"It's not a problem for me," I said, "but it may be a problem for you."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, my cock will be hard all the time," I said.

"So will mine," was his reply. "If mine starts to get soft you can come over and make it stand at attention. I'm going to prove to you who's the stud, and who isn't."

We laughed about that and I gave him a big hug. This time our cocks were rubbing against each other. He held me there for a couple of minutes, just grinding his cock into mine. When we pulled away, we both were dripping with pre-cum. We headed for the couch and chair. We were unwinding from a hard days work.

After we had a couple of drinks the talk went to sex, and he was asking me all about my sexual preferences. I told him I had sex with guys and gals, but was leaning more to guys. I told him my dad did not know this, for I was afraid of rejection by him.

He told me to come over to the couch and lay down with him. I did as he suggested. I laid down on his left arm, and he put it on my chest and started rubbing my nipples; all the while talking to me. It was his way of calming me down, for he knew I was a little upset.

While he is rubbing my chest with his left hand he started rubbing my cock and balls with his right hand. While doing this I could feel his cock come to life. It was getting harder and harder. I reached down and grabbed it and put it between my legs. Man it felt good there. He took the hint, for he started sliding in and out, giving me a dry fuck. I could feel his pre-cum on my crotch and balls, he sure was leaking a lot.

"You had better stop," I said, "if you don't, I will be shooting all over the couch."

He stopped and said, "So will I."

We laid there collecting our thoughts and he turned more on his side. His stiff cock popped out on my belly with pre-cum dripping out of it.

He said, "You know Bobby, it doesn't matter if you like guys or gals, as long as you are comfortable with it. If Jeff was gay it wouldn't bother me; he would still be my son. I think your dad would feel the same way about you."

"I hope so," I said as I squeezed his hard cock.

He could see that he had calmed me down, and said, "Come on stud lets go to bed, we're both tired puppies."

We got up and I said, "Which bedroom do you want?"

He didn't say anything, but grabbed my hard cock and held it tight as he led me to his bedroom.

We got in bed and he said, "I want you to snuggle up close to me as if we were in the sleeping bag."

With that he pulled me close to him, both of us lying on our back. I was motionless, not knowing what to do with myself. He then rolled over and was laying on top of me with his head resting on my chest. I spread my legs apart, and had my arms around his back, squeezing hard, not wanting to let go. We just stayed there in silence, neither one moving for several minutes. Our hard cocks were grinding into each other.

He then raised up and came up to my face and whispered in my ear, "Let's have some fun."

Before I could say anything he started nibbling on my ear while my hard cock was between his legs. It was going up and down on the crack of his ass. We both were oozing with pre-cum. He then started moving down on me, licking my pits, chewing on my nips, getting me more excited than I had ever been. My hard cock was now beneath his balls. I had pre-cum oozing all over his balls.

He worked his tongue down to my belly button, going in and out, looking up at me all the time. I had my hands in his hair and was massaging his hair letting out soft moans of pleasure. I couldn't believe what was happening.

He worked his way down to my pubes, putting the hair in his mouth, sucking on the hairs. I had never had anyone do this, and I was screaming with ecstasy. My hard cock was now under his chin, wetting it with pre-cum. He grabbed it, and began stroking it lightly using my pre-cum as lube. Once he had it slick with pre-cum he used his tongue to lick it dry. He then put his mouth on the head of my cock and used his tongue to get the pre-cum out of my piss slit.

He was laying on top of my one leg, and I could feel the pre-cum from his cock oozing out all over it. He would grind his hard cock into my leg. He was fucking my leg while he had my cock in his mouth. He was enjoying this too. He teased my cock with his tongue and teeth. He would use his teeth to nibble on the head and then use his tongue on my pee slit. He would go up and down on my cock slowly, taking it all the way in his mouth. He would keep my cock deep in his throat while his lips were buried in my pubes and balls.

He could sense when I was getting near, for he would stop. He didn't want me to cum yet. He stopped sucking my cock, but put it in his mouth one last time, licking all the pre-cum from it. Well almost all the pre-cum. I couldn't stop leaking.

He then raised my legs up and put my balls in his mouth, sucking on them as if he was sucking juice out of an orange. All the while he was using his fingers rubbing my hole. I was arching my back and moaning with pleasure. Taking my balls out of his mouth he worked his tongue down my crotch towards my hole.

He was playing with my balls while he used his teeth to nibble on my hole.

I yelled, "If you keep that up I'm going to explode. I can't hold it much longer."

He said, "Not yet, I want you to shoot off in my mouth. I want you to fuck my mouth hard and then shoot your load inside my mouth."

He put my cock in his mouth, rolled me over on top of him in a sixty-nine position. I started fucking his mouth as he requested. We were bouncing up and down on the bed, and I just kept pounding his mouth as hard as I could.

His hard cock was flopping all over the place with pre-cum oozing out of it. I kept pounding and then grabbed his cock and slid it into my mouth. I was pounding his face while sucking his cock.

I couldn't contain myself anymore. I tensed up, and he could sense that I was about to shoot my load. He wrapped his arms around my ass helping me pound his mouth harder. Finally I shot load after load in his mouth. He took it all, not letting a drop sneak out of his mouth. To my surprise I was enjoying a pleasant irruption in my mouth. He had shot off in my mouth at the same time I was shooting. Load after load, just like me.

We laid there neither one of us wanting the moment to end. Our cocks were not getting soft. Finally I got up and laid on top of him face to face. He put out his tongue and offered me some of my cum, I did the same with my tongue. Our cum was mixed together in our mouth. It really tasted good.

"Damn that was some load you had," I said.

He replied, "You weren't exactly a slouch either."

"I want to explore your body and give you the pleasure that you have given me," I said, as I rubbed my cock between his legs.

He said, "Start whenever you want, we have all night. But first, let's have another drink in celebration of what has happened."

I started to get out of bed to make the drinks.

He smiled and said, "Stay in bed, it's my turn to make them."

I watched him as he walked out of the room. His bubble butt was exciting to look at, as well as his hard cock. I pinched myself, I wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming. He came back with the drinks. We were lying on the bed propped up on our elbow facing each other.

We talked and just enjoyed the drink. We finished the drinks and he leaned over me and put them on the night stand.

When he did this I said, "Okay stud, it's time for me to explore your body like you did mine. I want to give you as much pleasure as you gave me."

He laid back down on the bed and said, " I can't wait for you to start."

He was on his back, with his hands behind his head, and his feet cupped at his balls, and said,, "Take me, I'm your's."

I started probing his body like he had done mine. I probably spent more time in some areas than he did. I was too excited and didn't want this to end. He was really enjoying it, moaning , arching his back, telling me to keep going.

I said, "I want you to fuck my mouth hard. I want it rammed down my throat as far as you can, and as hard as you can. You don't have to suck my cock,. I just want you to shoot a load in mine."

"Okay stud, you are going to get the pounding of your life," he said as he rolled me over and climbed on top of me.

He started pounding my mouth with his big cock. His cock was going down my throat as far as he could push it. We were bouncing all over the bed. I was holding on to his ass while he pounded my mouth. He was pulling his cock all the way out of my mouth, and then would thrust it hard into my mouth.

Finally he said, "I can't take much more of this. I'm going to shoot."

Boy did he ever shoot. My mouth was full of his cum. It was hard to keep from choking. He knew I would be shooting too. Before he exploded in my mouth he put my cock in his mouth and started working it. He took all my load, and again we exchanged the cum in our mouth.

"Damn," he said, "you are a stud. That is quite a load you had in your balls."

"Well for an old man, you aren't so bad yourself. That was quite a load you had too, especially for your second load in such a short time. I almost choked on all that cum in my mouth. You've proved to me that you are a hot, horny stud," I said.

He smiled and said, "It`s time to get some sleep."

"Yep," was my reply as I started to get out of bed.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To the other bedroom to get some sleep," I said.

"Oh no you aren't," he said as he grabbed my cock. "You're sleeping here with me. Do you want my butt up against your cock, or do you want your butt up against my cock?"

"It's up to you, it doesn't matter to me," I said.

He grabbed me and pulled my ass up to his cock. He reached down and slid his cock between my legs.

"When we go to sleep it will get soft," he said, "but for the time being you might like my hard cock lodged there."

I laid there and worked my ass up and down against his hard cock. The cum felt good on my hairy ass, and he was enjoying it too. We kept that up for about ten minutes, and then to my surprise this dry fuck had got him so excited that he shot his load between my legs. This old man was really a stud. I put my hand there and tried to wipe up as much cum as I could on my fingers. I put them in my mouth licking them clean. I found his fingers on my crotch as he was gathering my cum too. He then licked his fingers dry. We fell asleep, he was right, we were two tired puppies.

We must have really been tired. I woke up and looked at the clock; it showed 9:00 a.m. He was an early riser but was still in bed next to me. I couldn't believe it was that late. He saw that I was awake and gave me a hug. We were still in the same position as when we went to sleep. Neither one had moved all night. He was sporting his morning woody and so was I. He laid on his back and said let's take care of this problem before we have breakfast. With our legs entwined with one another we both stroked our hard cock, watching each other as we did it. He was arching his back and getting tense. I knew he was ready to shoot. We shot at the same time. He had cum all over the hair on his chest, and his hand was drenched as if he had been out in the rain. I quickly bent over and started lapping up the cum on his chest. I did it to his hands and cock as well.

I looked up at him and said, "Now you don't have to wipe yourself clean."

He pushed me down on my back and licked me clean. Looking at me he said, "Now you don't have to either."

It was time for breakfast.

We had the storm windows up by noon. Work was going fast like on Friday and we decided to work the entire day. We should be able to get everything done and then we could relax all day Sunday. We emptied the cabinets of all the foodstuff, and replaced them with what we had brought. We always swapped out the foodstuff every three months. That way we were sure it would be fresh and not outdated. After that we cleaned the cabin thoroughly.

We took a shower and dressed. He put on the dirty briefs like he had promised. We then left the cabin to get pizza. On our way back to the cabin we stopped for some liquor and other personal effects. We were back in the cabin by 8:00 p.m. I called Jeff to see how things were going at home, and Mr. Davis talked with my dad. It seemed everything was going well for them, there was no need for us to head home on Sunday.

We stripped to our jockey shorts, poured our drinks, and headed for the couch. I sat on the couch, and he stretched out on it, with his head resting on my lap.

He said, "Bobby you know these briefs are starting to stink to high heaven."

"Just the way I like them," I said, as I bent over and buried my head in his briefs.

I put my hand through his leg band and rubbed his soft hair. I then straightened up and we talked about all that had happened. I know he was concerned that I might say something to Jeff or my dad. I told him that I looked up to my dad and would not say, or do, anything that might hurt him. I told Mr. Davis that he was my hero and I surely would not hurt him in any way.

He then told me that his first experience with a guy happened when he was in the Police Academy. It was a six month training, and they could only leave the facility on Saturday. Because of this, it was his roommate that seduced him. Then they had sex every night after that, but when the training was over he settled down and married. So did his roommate. Every now and then they would have sex, but it was nothing planned, they never knew when they both could get together. He did not think he was cheating on his wife, for he was not with a women, and this was not going to turn into an affair.

Tonight was the first time he ever had sex with a young guy. He let me have my way with him, for he would watch me out of the corner of his eye. I didn't know it, but he would catch me gazing at his crotch all the time. He figured that I wanted to see it, but never thought we would actually have sexual contact.

I said , "I wanted to do as much with you as I could. I figured we probably would never have another chance to be together again and I wanted to do it with a cop, even if the cop was my best friend`s dad."

"So you like cops?" was his reply.

"Yea, especially in their uniforms," I said.

We had a couple of more drinks and he fell asleep with his head on my lap. I continued watching TV and the bulge in his jockey shorts. I wanted to see if it would get hard. It didn't take long for his cock to start throbbing. I placed my hand on his shorts and ran my hand up and down the bulge that was in his briefs. Damn, if he had only brought his uniform. I love to see a guy in his uniform, and he is one hell of a stud in his uniform.

It was not long before he had pre-cum seeping out of them. By now my own cock was rock hard leaking pre-cum too. It must have been poking him in the ear for he got awake.

He looked up at me and said, "Let's get to bed, tomorrow will be a fun day for us."

With that I got up and grabbed his cock and held onto it tightly. He smiled as I led him to the bed.

We took off our briefs and I said, "This time you are going to have my hard cock between your legs."

"Great," he said, "I can't want to feel your wet cum on my ass."

We got in bed and I pulled him close to me. He reached back and put my cock between his legs.

He said, "Fuck me like I did you last night. I want to feel your hot wet cock rub against my ass."

I started rocking back and forth with my cock between his legs. He was keeping pace with my movements. I reached over and grabbed his cock. It was rock hard with pre-cum pouring out of it. I kept stroking it while pumping his ass. His body started to get tight and I knew he was about to cum. He shot all over his pubes. At the same time I shot my load between his legs. We both kept shooting and shooting. It didn't seem like we would ever stop.

I then pushed him on his back and lifted up his legs. I started licking all the cum off his ass. I had licked it clean and then came up and put his cock in my mouth. I licked it clean and worked on his pubes. I put his pubic hair in my mouth and licked all the cum from his pubes.

I went up to him and stuck my tongue out. I gave him a taste of the cum which he gladly accepted.

I turned him on his side and pulled him close to me. We fell asleep with my hard cock between his legs.

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