Roughing It

By Adam Fields

Published on Aug 25, 2009


ROUGHING IT - Arriving At The Cabin

I am 67 years old attempting to write stories for Nifty. I welcome your feedback, good or bad. Please let me know what you think. You can send your response to There are no pictures with this story. It was written before I came up with the idea of having pictures relate to the story. This is my own fantasy. I hope you have as much fun reading this story as I did writing it.

This story is a sexual fantasy between two men. It is fictional, any similarity to any person is only coincidental. If stories like this offend you, or you are not old enough to read this, then please leave this site now. If you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.


Adam Fields

Labor Day is about on us, and we will be headed for the mountains to get the cabin ready for winter. My dad and next door neighbor Mr. Davis own the cabin so everyone goes up to the mountains that weekend to secure it for winter. Everyone being my best friend Jeff, his dad, my dad, and myself. Jeff and I have been neighbors since we were toddlers. Both our families are like one big family. We do a lot of things together. We are both eighteen years old and will be seniors in high school. Next year we will be off to college so this may be the last year all four of us go up there together. However, we may not be going at all this year. My dad was on the roof, fell off of it, and bruised the muscles in his back. He's been off work, and is having a hard time getting around. We have a new football coach at school and he has schedule practice the weekend of Labor Day. There is no way Jeff will be able to go to the cabin, he has to go to practice. That was fine with me, I could stay home and enjoy a relaxing weekend before school started. However, Mr. Davis called me over to his house and said that he thought we could still go up and get the cabin ready. It would just take longer since there would only be two of us. So much for my relaxing weekend.

Thursday has arrived and Mr. Davis will be home from work around noon. He works the graveyard shift and generally gets off at 8:00 a.m. However, he had a meeting this morning, so he wouldn`t be home until later. We plan on leaving when he gets home as it takes several hours to get there. That way we can put up the tent and get settled before it gets dark. Yes we have the cabin, but Mr. Davis insists we need to sleep in the tent. There is something about roughing it that will make a man out of me and Jeff. I've been working all morning with the help of Jeff getting his dad's RV loaded for the trip. We won't be doing any fishing this time, for we will be spending all our time working on the cabin. This trip will not be fun or relaxing for me.

After saying goodbye to lucky Jeff and my dad we were on the road for a fun weekend of roughing it. This ride is going to be nice though. I get to sit in the front seat with Mr. Davis, and it will give me a chance to get a glimpse of the bulge he is packing. He is wearing sweats, and you can see the outline of his jockey shorts, and if he stretches you could see the waistband of his briefs. I am positioned against the door so that I am always looking towards him. Maybe this weekend wasn't going to be so bad after all. We were only on the road for about a half an hour when he said to me. You know Bobby, I think your dad and my son had this planned. I said, what do you mean. Well he said, your dad hurt his back and my son has football practice. It seems like they planned it so they wouldn't have to go to the cabin this weekend. I said, you're probably right. Why didn't we think of it first. He patted me on my thigh and we both had a big laugh.

The trip was more pleasant that I thought it would be. He made me feel very comfortable, easy to talk with. He was mostly asking about his son. By the time we were pulling off the main road towards the cabin I told him he had nothing to worry about. Jeff knew about safe sex. He had talked to him about it, just like my dad had done with me. And furthermore, Jeff was not going to make any girl pregnant. He had his mind set on his scholarship to college, so he had his priorities in order. You could tell he was breathing easy after I had told him that.

The mountain air was a lot cooler than the city. We had the tent up and I started looking for firewood for the campfire. He started unloading the sleeping bags and blankets for us tonight. As cool as it was getting, we sure would need the blankets. I only wish he would change his mind and we would sleep in the cabin. But that was only wishful thinking. We had the fire going in no time, and it sure did feel nice. After we ate, we went down to the lake. The wind was really cold off the lake, so we didn't stay long. We went in the cabin to check it out, but then returned to the tent. Inside the tent it was not bad at all. We were out of the wind, and it did not seem cold at all. He had his vodka with him, so if he did get cold that surely would make him warm. After he had a couple of drinks and some small talk we hit the sleeping bags. I stripped to my jockey shorts and got in my sleeping bag before he did. He had taken his sweats off, and was just in his jockey shorts putting things in order before he got in his sleeping bag. I was getting hard just watching him move around. I think he was doing this intentionally, for it was taking him a long time to get things done. Finally he was finished and turned the lamp down low, like a night light, and crawled into his sleeping bag. We went to bed early, for he was an early riser, and we would be up at sunrise.

We both had been tossing and turning for about an hour. It was getting cold in the tent. I couldn't sleep thinking of Mr. Davis in his jockey shorts. Finally he broke the silence and said Bobby I have an idea, let me know what you think about it. I thought he was going to say let's go to the cabin and sleep, for it would be a lot warmer. But to my surprise he said why don't we share sleeping bags. We could lay on top of one bag, and both of us could sleep in the other one. Our body heat would keep us a lot warmer, and we would have two blankets to cover up with. I wanted to say, why don't we go into the cabin to sleep, but instead agreed with him. Come to think of it, that was a great idea. We both got out of the sleeping bags, and I was surprised to see that he was half hard. His cock was pointing out a little in his briefs. Damn, I wanted to grab it and start sucking on it. We got organized and he then crawled into the sleeping bag. I followed and zipped it up. We were like spoons, his cock was pressing up against my ass. Oh man, this was going to be nice. He said we may be a little close to each other, but we will be a lot warmer. With that being said he pulled me close to his body, and had his right arm over my right arm resting on my stomach. This was going to be nice, and laying this way, he wouldn't notice that I had an erection as big as a tent pole. He said, now isn't this much nicer. I said the only thing nicer would be sleeping at home in our beds like Jeff and my dad are doing. He let out a big laugh, and started rubbing my belly. I said to myself, damn, I hope he doesn't stop.. Knowing that nothing was going to happen, but just sleeping next to this hunk was very exciting to me. He's a stud from the word go; blond hair and he's a cop. I love cops, especially in their uniforms.

It was nice feeling his breath on my neck. The vodka was taking hold of him, and it would only be a matter of time before he was asleep. He was a sound sleeper, he never heard anything. Once he got to sleep it was like he was in another world. Sure enough, he started snoring, he always snored when we went camping. I let out a sigh of relief and started to relax while sleeping like spoons next to him. My hard cock had not gone soft since I had climbed in the sleeping bag with him. I sure would like to squeeze it, but because his right arm was over my right arm it was hard to do. Ever so gently I pulled my arm out from under his. My cock was yearning to be squeezed. It wanted to be jacked, but there was no way that could happen. I was getting ready to squeeze it when his hand started down my belly to my briefs. He rested it on my hard cock so it prevented me from doing what I wanted to do. All the time he was asleep, for he was still snoring. Hell I didn't care, it was exciting to have his hand at that spot. I even made my cock throb in my briefs just to see if he would grab it, but nothing happened. I kept doing this for the longest time. Finally it paid off. He squeezed it and held on to it tight. I almost jumped out of the sleeping bag for it caught me by surprise. His thumb kept rubbing my briefs where the pre-cum had stained them. His thumb was rubbing it so more cum would seep through my briefs. I wanted to turn, just to see if he was still asleep. He was either faking sleep, or was actually sleeping. It was hard to tell, for he was snoring all the time. He probably didn't realize what he was doing since he was a sound sleeper. Just as I was getting use to his thumb rubbing my wet spot he took his hand away. It went up to my waistband, and he slipped it inside my briefs. Once there he began running his fingers through my soft hair. Finally he grabbed my hard cock, and kept rubbing the head of it letting the pre-cum get his fingers all sticky. After he had done this for about ten minutes I could not contain myself. I shot off the biggest load I had ever shot in my life. It didn't seem to bother him, I guess he didn't know what was happening. He had cum all over his hand, but kept rubbing my cock making it very slippery. He had my balls and crotch sticky from the cum. I was enjoying this so much, that I shot off again. My briefs were soaked with my cum. Finally he pulled his hand out of my briefs and put it up to his mouth and started licking his fingers. He then put his fingers in my mouth and had me lick them clean. All the while he is sleeping, for I called his name several times and he never answered. But then too, he was not a light sleeper, so perhaps in fact he was asleep, but not aware of what he had done. By now I needed to pee. We always kept a jar with a lid in the tent, so if anyone had to take a leak, they would not have to go outside. I slipped out of the sleeping bag and relieved myself. When I returned he had turned, and was now sleeping on his right side. I crawled in, zipped the bag and had my cock next to his ass.

I laid there motionless, not knowing what to do. I didn't have to wait long. It was only a matter of time before he was scooting his butt closer to my cock. My briefs were still soaking wet with cum, and I was starting to make his wet too. My hard cock was next to his crack, and he was moving back and forth slightly so he could feel it in his crotch. I pulled it out of the leg band, and slid it between his legs. He squeezed his legs tight putting pressure on my cock. His moving back and forth got me so excited that I shot off for the third time. This time it was between his legs and made his briefs soaking wet with my cum. I called his name several times, and he finally answered in a sleepy tone, what do you want. I said are you asleep. He replied, well I was until you woke me up. I said I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. He said, why wouldnt it be, were sleeping, and then he went back to his snoring. He was asleep, or doing a good job at pretending.

Since he said everything was okay, and went back to sleep I decided to take this a little further. I placed my hand over his and had it resting on his chest. I began playing with his nipples, rubbing them, getting them nice and hard. Every now and then you could hear a moan come from him. I ran my fingers through his soft blond hair, and followed it down to his briefs. I placed my hands on his briefs and worked my hand down toward his cock. I was anxious to see if it was hard. I expected it to be rock hard, but was surprised to find that it was still limp, only half hard. I took my hand away, and just started rubbing the leg band between my two fingers. My fingers would go down the leg band as far as I could reach, and then I would slide them back up to the top. I kept doing this to see if that would make him hard. It didn't take long for his cock to start moving in his briefs. I then put my hand on his briefs and felt his nice hard cock. I squeezed the head, and it wasn't long before pre-cum started oozing out of the head making his briefs wet. I kept doing this, and now and then would go down and rub his balls through his briefs Again, every now and then he would let out a soft moan. I knew he was enjoying this. Finally I brought my hand back up to his waistband and put it inside his briefs like he had done to me. I played with his hair and the pre-cum oozing out on my hand. All the time, my cock was still between his legs. He was not going to let go of it. I moved to the head of his cock, and played with the pee slit. I wanted as much pre-cum to come out of there as possible. I then started rubbing up and down on his cock, just like he did mine. I continued doing this until he finally shot off in his briefs. He kept shooting and shooting. It was making me so excited that I shot again between his legs. I used his cum just like he did mine. I kept rubbing his cock, balls, and crotch with the sticky cum, making his cock very slippery. I was having the time of my life. I knew that being twice my age he wouldn't be able to cum again, but it was exciting just rubbing his slippery cock. No sooner had that thought entered my mind and he shot off again. I kept my hand there letting him shoot everything into it. I wanted to taste as much of it as I could. When he was through I pulled my hand out and licked my palm and fingers. I decided to try him out, so I moved my fingers up to his mouth and inserted them. To my surprise he licked them clean. I then returned my hand to his briefs and placed it inside. I kept it their, and held onto his cock. I finally fell asleep, but my cock was still hard and lodged between his legs. He wasn't going to let go.

Finally daybreak had arrived, and I awoke to him calling my name. My left hand was still in his briefs, and my cock was still between his legs. However, he did not have a tight grip on it like he had had all night. He wanted to know if I had a good night's sleep. I told him yes. He replied, you must of have some wild dream. Your hand is my briefs, and your hard cock is between my legs. I jerked back, pulling my hand and cock away. My face was red, I stuttered trying to find words to apologize. He simply said you don't have to apologize. It was nice having a warm body next to mine. I slept like a baby. He never did say anything about what he had done, or what I had done that night. We both got out of the sleeping bag, each sporting a morning woody. We took a leak in the jar and then got dressed for the busy day that was ahead of us.

Next: Chapter 2

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