Rough Sports by Johnny Murdoc

By Johnny Murdoc

Published on Nov 6, 2018



Rough Sports by Johnny Murdoc

Originally published in print in 2010

When Daniel said that he was going to shove my face into a urinal, I didn't believe him.

It's Sunday evening and my forehead is pressed hard against the cold porcelain of a urinal in an abandoned locker room. My body is bent at the hip. My chin is submerged in the shallow water, floating above the worn pink urinal cake. Daniel's body is pressed against mine, his breath is warm in my ear.

"Is this what you wanted?" he asks.

He slides a hand along my back and lets it dip into the back of shorts, beneath my underwear. As his hand spreads over my ass cheeks, a finger slips down into my crack until he finds my hole. My ass is already sweaty from excitement, and he rubs my hole in a soft circular motion. I can't help but pucker against him.

"I know this is what you want," he says. "But I want to hear you say it."

Friday morning, Daniel showed up at the dorm, dressed in a white t-shirt and a pair of red basketball shorts. Since he was off-season, he'd started to let his hair grow out, and his face was covered in a short, scruffy beard. He wasn't wearing any briefs, and I could see his cock silhouetted in between his legs. It swayed from side to side each time he shifted feet, and bounced with each step he took. He wears his shorts like that to drive me crazy.

"I just wanted to stop by and see you," he said. "Before we head out."

"You'll be back Sunday evening?" I asked.

"Yeah." He leaned in and kissed me. He put a hand on my ass, and pulled our groins together. "And I've got a surprise for you."

"You do, do you?" I asked. He slid a hand in between our bodies, and cupped my junk. He started stroking my cock through my shorts, rubbing it slowly.

"Yeah," he said, kissing me again. He brushed his face against mine, and licked my earlobe. My cock jerked hard, and he squeezed it in response. I tried to put my hand on his dick, but he swatted it away.

"Is it big?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. My dick was completely hard in my shorts, pointing off to the side. He kissed my neck, and trailed down to my clavicle. "It's a big surprise."

Just as I thought I couldn't take it anymore, that my cock was going to burst free from its constraints, Daniel pulled away from me.

"But you have to wait until Sunday night," he said. I gasped, my body aching to be touched by him again. "I'll be back around 6:00. Be ready."

He smirked, and stepped toward the door. He turned back to me.

"Oh, one more thing," he said. "Don't touch your dick until I get back. I don't want you jerking off while I'm gone." With that, he stepped outside, and closed the door behind him.

It's Sunday evening, and I still haven't touched my dick. It stiffens even more in my briefs when Daniel puts his hand on the back of my head.

"Tell me this is what you want," he says.

"I want this. This isÑ" He gives my head a little shove, and my bottom lips dips into the urinal water. I sputter. "What I want," I say.

"I know," he says. "I know you." He pulls his hand out of my shorts and grabs the waistband. He tugs it down with one had motion, exposing my ass to the air. He gives it a quicks slap, and my skin stings in the cool air. "I know what you think about," he says. "You think about all of those hot jocks roaming around, their big alpha dicks swinging around the locker room. You think about them standing here, pulling their cocks out. What do you think they'd do to you, if they found you here like this, begging for it?"

His hand is roaming in my ass crack again. I push back against him. I want to feel him inside of me, any part of him.

"Put your hands on the urinal," he says. I reach up, and grab the sides of the cold white porcelain. "No," he says, and he grabs my wrists. He puts my hands on the bottom lip of the urinal. "Here," he says. "And you better keep them there. If I see your hands come off of there, I won't touch you again. I'll fucking leave you here."

Daniel steps behind me and squats. He places a hand on each of my ass cheeks, spreading them open. He spits into my crack, and immediately dives in, pressing his flat tongue against my hole. I groan, and try to push back against him. He laps his tongue against my asshole like a thirsty dog, with thick repeated licks. His hands squeeze my ass, and I know that he wants this as much as I do. He sharpens his tongue into a point, and presses it into my hole, penetrating me. My dick twitches, and I know I'm leaking into my briefs, even though neither of us has touched my cock yet. Daniel alternates between thrusts and a circular motion, like he's trying to taste every inch of me.

His hands fall from my ass, and he pulls my shorts down toward my ankles, but the front is caught on my erection. He pulls down harder, and my dick slips free, smacking against my stomach. I can feel the warm but cooling quickly spot of precum that dabs onto my skin.

Daniel stands, pulling completely away from me, and I can't see what he's doing. I try to look behind me, but I can only see his legs, standing just behind my own. I see a condom wrapper flutter to the floor, and I know what's coming next. He pushes the head of his wrapped cock against my hole, and then pulls it away.

"Ask for it," he says.

"Please," I say. He smacks my ass hard enough to leave behind a warm tingle.

"Fuck this. You don't want it bad enough."

"No, please," I say, and I push my ass in his direction, going back as far back as I can without letting my hands off of the urinal. "Please, I need you to fuck me."

"No, I'm not buying it," he says, and then he walks away. Just like that. I turn my head fast enough to see him round the white wall that cuts the urinals and toilets off from the lockers. I can hear his sneakers echoing in the empty locker room. I'm not sure what to do. I think about taking my hands off of the urinal. I think about pulling my shorts up, and running after him. I think about asking him where the fuck he's going. He told me not to take my hands off of the urinal, though. And I don't.

I hear the large metal door to the locker room cringe open, and then slam shut. The boom of the metal door hitting the metal frame reverberates through empty space, bouncing off of metal lockers and concrete floors. He's gone.

No. I can hear his sneakers still. The acoustics are fucking with me, though, and it sounds like there's more than one pair.

"What the fuck is this?" I hear. I look up to see two guys looking down at me. I recognize them instantly: Dallas and Diaz. They're on the football team with Daniel. My face flushes like a bruise with embarrassment. Dallas's mouth is twisted somewhere between a sneer and a smile, and Diaz's mouth is dropped, like he can't believe what he's seeing. I start to pull my hand off the urinal. I start to run away.

Then, standing behind them, I see Daniel. Stroking his latex covered cock. The look on his face...

"What do we have here, boys?" Daniel asks.

"Daniel," I say.

"Did I ask you to talk?" he asks. He hits Dallas playfully on the shoulder. Dallas is a thick brick wall of a motherfucker. Pure Texas, named after his city of birth. Dallas smirks, and reaches down, stroking his cock through his workout shorts. His arms are thick and strong, exposed by his cut-off t-shirt. Diaz is skinnier. Dominican. He's bouncing from foot to foot. Nervous? Eager.

"I can't believe this is," Diaz says.

"I'm telling you guys, he wants this," Daniel says.

The reason that Daniel knows that I want this is, I told him. One night, with his dick buried deep into my ass, he asked me to tell him a story. A fantasy. Something I'd always dreamed about. So I told him about this. Down to the details. The locker room. The urinal. Being told what to do. Getting caught by someone. Anyone. Football players. The swim team. Rugby players. Daniel was on the football team. It's not the reason I fell for him, but it certainly didn't hurt. We'd go out for beers with his team, or go to a party, and I couldn't help but check out his teammates. Guessing about the curves of their bodies beneath their clothes. And Daniel would watch me watching them. He'd smirk because he knew what I was thinking about, and then we'd go home and fuck each other silly. I'd jerk off thinking about Daniel standing around the showers, joking around with a dozen guys and their swinging dicks.

My knuckles are white like the porcelain I'm gripping. I'm horrified, embarrassed, and more turned on than I've ever been. We'd hung out with Dallas and Diaz numerous times. More than the other guys, they seemed to be good, honest, fun to be around guys. We'd gotten drunk with them. We'd gotten high with them. We'd played Monopoly with them.

"Tell them," Daniel says. "Tell them you want them."

"IÑ," I say. "I want you."

"Tell them what you want," Daniel says.

"I want you to use me," I say.

Dallas steps forward, still rubbing his cock through his shorts. It's thick, like the rest of him, and getting hard. When he pulls his hand away it dangles out in front of his body, tenting his shorts out and swaying gently from side to side. He grips the sides of his shorts, and pulls them down quickly, unceremoniously. His dick bounces and bobs as he steps up and lets it hang in front of my face.

Daniel steps around to the other side. He kneels down beside me, and I turn my head away from Dallas's dick to face him.

"You can have what you want, baby," Daniel says. He leans in, kisses me on the cheek and whispers "I love you," into my ear. He stands back up. "You just can't take your hands off that urinal. We touch you. Not the other way around," he says. He steps away and I look back to Dallas.

Dallas presses his thighs against my outstretched arm and smacks my face with his meaty cock. It's heavy enough that it almost kind of stings. He lets it slide across my face, and he rubs the head of it against my lips. Daniel's cock was only the second I'd ever touched, not counting my own. Now Dallas's was the third. My lips parted and Dallas thrust forward, trying to push his cock into my mouth. It doesn't quite go in, though, and slides up across my face, my lips tracing along the underside, almost to his nuts. He pulls back, and gives himself a couple of quick strokes, then brings the head back to my mouth. I let him put it in this time. Just as the first few inches slide in I feel a hand on my ass.

Fingers rub my hole, and then I feel a slick wet sensation. From my perspective, I can only see hints. Flashes. Legs and thighs and sneakers. Daniel reaches down and sets a bottle of lube on the floor. He steps up behind me and lets his cock slide through my crack, the full length of his thick piece glides over my hole. Up and over and down as he thrusts, the front of his thighs pressing against my ass cheeks. He pauses on a down stroke and when he pushes forward again the head of his cock catches on my asshole, and he pushes it in. I brace for it, relax, and push back against him and he slides his entire cock into my ass in one smooth motion. It feels better every time he does it.

How I met Daniel was I went to a naked party. The parties are big on college campuses these days. Groups of students organize a party where everyone doffs their clothing when they arrive, and everything proceeds from there, like any other college party. With exceptions. There are rules to naked parties, to make them work. Nobody wears clothes. Nobody makes out. Nobody has sex. The point to the event isn't arousal, it isn't sex. The only problem is that you're standing in a room full of college students. Naked college students. It's not about sex, except that it is.

My friends and I had been there for almost an hour when Daniel showed up. He walked in with a couple of friends, teammates, and stopped inside the small foyer. On a table was a box of black trash bags to deposit your clothes, and `Hi, My Name Is' stickers to label them. Whatever my friends and I had been talking about, I lost the conversation when I saw him pull his shirt over his head. I knew who he was only vaguely, from the paper and from college bulletins, but I didn't know much about him. I couldn't stop watching him. He pulled his jeans and his underwear down in one smooth motion, completely comfortable, completely in control of himself. My eyes followed him as he made his way through the party, talking briefly with people here and there. I watched him duck into the kitchen area to grab a beer. I watched him when he sat on the couch, and I stared at his soft penis resting between his legs. He had a thick matte of pubic hair and hairy legs, so his penis lay there like a pale island in a dark sea.

Eventually I tore myself away from watching him, and forced myself to interact with my friends as they discussed the merits of Art Spiegelman's Maus as a historical record. I lost sight of Daniel as the evening went on, and I was convinced that he had left until I felt a warm body slide into the empty seat next to me. I looked up to find Daniel staring back at me. He raised his beer to me and said "Hello."

"Hi," I said.

"I'm Daniel," he said.

"Mark," I said

He leaned in so that he could whisper into my ear. "Look," he said. "I know that these parties aren't really about hooking up, but I saw you checking me out earlier. I'm pretty sure I know what's on your mind. What do you say we get out of here?"

From day one, Daniel was in control. Of himself. Of me.

Twelve months later, and he's sliding his dick into my ass while one of his teammates feeds me his cock. Daniel grips my waist and pumps slowly in and out, making sure that I'm comfortable. He pushes it all of the way in, and holds it. He leans over me until I can feel sweaty skin against my back and his hot breath on my ear.

"You like having that dumb redneck shove his cock into your mouth?" he asks. Dallas pushes his dick further into my mouth, almost butting against the back of my throat, and I groan in response. I can feel Daniel's cock pulse in my ass, and right then I'm certain that he's just as turned on as I am. He leans back, pulling his body away from mine, and his penis withdraws a little as well.

"Diaz," he says. "Get your ass over here." Diaz is still standing off to the side. I can't imagine what Daniel told them to get them here.

Daniel gives Dallas a small shove on his arm, and Dallas pulls his meat out of my mouth, a strand of saliva connecting us for a moment more, and then he steps aside and gives Diaz room to stand next to me. Daniel leans forward, and pulls Diaz's shorts down quickly. His cock barely wobbles, it's so hard. Daniel grabs it, and starts stroking it right in front of my face. Diaz gasps. His penis is dark and uncircumcised. With each stroke, his loose foreskin slides over the head of his cock, and then recedes to expose it. A drop of precum beads at the head of his penis, and then smears into his foreskin with another stroke. Daniel lets his hand slide off of Diaz's erection, but pinches the end of his foreskin and uses it to pull Diaz closer to me.

I kiss the head of his penis, a short peck. His precum sticks to my lips, and I lick it off. Another kiss, and I let my mouth open just a little bit. Left to its own devices, his foreskin rests halfway around the head of his cock. I open my mouth and close it around his foreskin, and I slide my tongue around, exploring it. Diaz wraps his hand around his cock and pushes his foreskin forward until it puckers. I push my tongue into it, and suck on it lightly until it envelops my tongue. He tastes of sweat. Diaz starts to stroke himself and his foreskin pulls out of my mouth. With each stroke it slides back and then bunches up at my lips. He takes another step forward, and his cock slides in. He exhales, and I realize that he's been holding his breath.

Daniel pulls back and lets his erection slide out of my ass. I gasp, feeling a little less whole than just a moment before.

"Dallas," he says. "I want you to fuck him." Another condom wrapper joins the first on the floor, and I feel Dallas push his dick against my ass. He's not as sure, or as confident, or as practiced as Daniel, but my hole is relaxed and soon his dick is buried deep inside of my ass.

"God damn," he says. He gives my ass a few exploratory pumps and settles into a rhythm. His cock is thicker than Daniel's, but not so thick that I'm uncomfortable.

Daniel steps around to my side, opposite of Diaz, and kneels down. He rubs his hands on my back, and lets one slide around to my front. His fingers tweak my nipples, and my cock jumps.

"All this dick going around, and no one's touched yours, have they?" he asks. I can't say much in response though, with Diaz's cock buried in my mouth. Daniel's hand slides down my stomach and then wraps around my erection. He gives it a squeeze just as Dallas makes a deep thrust, and I almost lose it right then and there. It's hard to focus, though, and I'm unsure which sensation deserves my attention.

Diaz strokes his dick faster, and his fist bounces against my lips. It hurts a little bit at first. I like it. I open my mouth and he continues to masturbate, the head of his cock rubbing against my tongue.

"Can I cum in your mouth?" he asks. I nod, trying to look up at him. He closes his eyes and lets his head falls back. His hand speeds up, and the first shot of his cum splashes against my tongue. His second shot is harder, and it misses my mouth completely, arcing up and cutting across my face. "Hijo de puta," he says, and shoves his cock back into my mouth harder than I expected. He slows down his strokes to time them out with his shots. I feel another three, no four, squirt into my mouth. He gives his dick a rough shake and slips it back out of my mouth. His cum spills out of my mouth and splashes on the floor, one long string of it trailing down, and then dropping.

Behind me, Dallas begins to grunt. He must have liked watching Diaz get off. The pace of his pumping increases as he begins to slam his cock harder into my ass. His thighs make a slapping noise against my ass with each thrust. His staccato grunts create a rhythm, and his grip tightens on my waist. Daniel begins to stroke my cock to the beat of Dallas's grunts. I look down to see him stroking himself.

Dallas makes one final thrust, the entire length of his cock slamming into me, and holds it there. His grunts fade into a low rumble, punctuated by the throbbing of his dick as he ejaculates into the condom. He gives another short thrust, trying to bury it deeper, but he's in as far as he can go. His hands relax on my thigh, and he pulls his dick out of my ass slowly. As he does, something inside of me is set off.

All of my attention is focused on Daniel's hand on my cock, my one lone sensation.

"Are you going to cum for me, baby?" he asks.

I don't have time to nod before the first shot fires from the end of my cock and splashes on the tile floor. It hits hard enough to splatter, a drop of it landing on Daniel's sneaker. The next shot seems to pour out of me, a thick stream of cum leaking out, and Daniel gives my dick a hard shake. The long streak of cum breaks free and falls to the floor, followed by two more powerful shots. I start to thrust in his hand as everything I have seems to pour out of me on to the locker room floor. My legs buckle and my knees hit the cold checkered tiles.

I let go of the urinal and slap a hand against Daniel's chest. He grunts once, and I look down in time to see his cock head flare. I pinch his nipple in time for the first shot of his cum to arc up and land on my leg, a long white line stretched across my thigh. The rest of his load falls between my legs, pooling on the floor with my own load. He lets himself fall forward and rest his head on my shoulder, his chest heaving with heavy breaths.

"God damn," he says.

We help each other stand. Around the corner, we can hear a couple of showers start up. Dallas and Diaz. Daniel and I take a few tentative steps. My legs and lower back are sore from holding on to the urinal for so long. Daniel holds my hand as we step into the showering area. He reaches up and twists one of the showers on. The water is cold at first, but warms up quickly. He squirts some soap into his hand from the dispenser nearest to us, and starts to rub it into my hair. I look over at Dallas and Diaz, showering like I'm sure they always do. Just two guys in the locker room.

I look at Daniel. He gives my head a playful scratch and smiles. Gone is the attitude. Gone is the cockiness. Gone is the demand. Instead, there's only a smile, and a gleam in his eyes that few people ever see. It's the smile I saw the first morning he woke up next to me. The morning after the naked party. The smile I get to see every day. I lean in to kiss him.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you, too," I say.

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