Rough Hard 'n Dirty

By Rampage

Published on Feb 10, 2017


1 - Friend or Foe?

Have you ever encountered a 'walking snowdrop?' If you should be lucky and see me in uniform on parade or some important duty you will. I am a serving member of the Royal Air Force Military Police and almost since the day of its foundation, the men serving have acquired the tag "Snowdrop" on account of the white webbing accoutrements we wear when in dress uniform or on active duty. The most prominent of these features are the white covers we slip over our military caps, but there are other bits of white webbing, including a holster with a pistol loaded with one round and occasionally white leather gloves if an important personage is present. The gloves are a fucking curse as trying to perform drill movements with a heavy rifle on a wet day is an open invitation for some horrible accident to happen - the risk is even greater if there is a bayonet attached! I knew one poor sod who marched off parade leaving three of his finger tips behind on the parade ground. He had not realised what had happened until he got back to the barracks!

My name is Gordon Luss. I am 29 years of age and like everyone else in the RAF, I have been christened with a personal nickname. Believe it or not, mine sums me up perfectly. I am known to the rest of the lads as "that fucker 'Lusty' Luss." I hail from a small community about 15 miles north of Dundee and stand at just over six feet, have the build of a scrum half - hardly surprising as rugby has been my sport since an early age - and keep myself in match condition by training with the 'A' team at what ever base I'm serving at. My chances of getting to play with them, though, are slim as I am more likely to be slotted for a hazardous duty or crowd control at a potentially rough football match between bitter rivals such as Celtic and Rangers! Every now and again I manage to get a game if it happens to be a crucial grudge match between the RAF and the Army or the Navy. If the reult is win, draw or lose it is usually followed by other kinds of games in the showers or locker room. There is nothing like giving a fit guy a good hard fuck - or even an occasional double fuck - after a good hard game and a hot shower.

In addition to these physical activities my sport fit body - ugh! how I hate those stupid white panty lines which seem to turn some guys on - is deeply tanned as the result of several tours of duty in the Middle and Far East and doing a lot of nude sunbathing. Over the years my spiky blond hair has been bleached almost white by desert sun. My best features, though, are my masterpiece ten and a half-inch dick and a pair of succulent heavy balls which could adopt a version of the famous Windmill Theatre's tag and alter it to "We're never empty." My eyes, which are a genuine bright blue, can turn to points of ice when I'm feeling horny and doing my 'Lusty' Luss act after some guy in the privacy of an interrogation room with no potential witnesses present! Ever since my tenth birthday playing about with one of my uncles and the first signs of puberty, I have always been turned on by handsome guys in uniform - police, servicemen, firemen, paramedics, bus conductors, tram drivers, railway staff and, in due course, airline pilots and cabin crew. They have all been openly ogled and given the 'come-on' by me, but the prize must go to rozzers on duty. Which is why, as a kid in short pants, I always hankered after being a cop when I grew up. As I was approaching puberty there were a number of occasions when I accepted the odd lift from a cop who quickly sussed that I had never been an innocent flower when it came to making a man aware that I wanted to play billiards with his cue and balls! I've eagerly licked many a cop's sperm off his car dashboard long before I could produce my own junk.

I am now serving at a large operational base known as RAF Reiversholt, in the north of England. I have been put in charge of security on the base and have also been recently informed I am about to get my third stripe, as my promotion to sergeant has come through. The reason for the delay in sending me elsewhere is that there has been such a demand for my services at Reiversholt that no one can make a decision about where I should be posted to! Well, I don't believe it either, it is just an excuse for some bugger to fuck me about, that's all. Anyway, I settled down here very well and soon became very well known to those who matter on this base. I am well in with the Station Warrant Officer (SWO) and also the Station Adjutant, who is the Commanding Officer's right hand man and practically runs the outfit. He is still a bachelor and while I was still settling in we happened to meet up in a local bar one evening and got very matey indeed - my cock always twitches at the memory of that evening's entertainment - take it from me, fucking a tight commissioned butthole for all it is worth behind the local bus shelter is great!

Once I was fully operational I quickly learnt that there was a major fly in the ointment interfering in the smooth running of such a busy flying station. It came by the name of Harrier Block, a partially disused two storied brick building designed to house airmen from Engineering Squadron. The current bunch of stinking layabouts occupying it had got well out of control by being ignored for too long and they had obviously forgotten that no military establishment can operate at maximum efficiency without discipline. It took some months but eventually a potential answer appeared on the horizon. I was on duty in the Main Guardroom one afternoon when a shiny new sports car roared up the hill, swung through the Main Gate and came to a screeching halt outside the Guardroom. I looked at the other two Snowdrops on duty with me and said, "Let's go and sort that fucker out, lads. We're not expecting anyone, are we?"

"No Lusty, there's nothing on today's Orders about a new arrival."

I went and stood on the flag stoned area outside the main door, my legs astride, my pelvis thrust aggressively forward to display an incipient crotch bulge (the things you are taught during basic training!) and my arms behind my back, just as the driver of the vehicle stepped out and slammed the driver's door. He was wearing full uniform, but his jacket was unbuttoned and, of course, he was not wearing headgear. He took a couple of paces back and turned to look around at the layout of the entrance to the station, paying particular interest to the Guardian Angel, our iconic preserved Canberra bomber. I stood and watched him - nice tight arse - but said nothing. He had not even acknowledged my presence and I could see his corporal's stripes were very new and shiny. He muttered something to himself, seemed to pay respects to the silent Guardian and came back to his car, opened the door and took out his cap, a blue Arrivals form and a brown envelope from which he extracted a piece of A4. He unfolded it, read something, then put it back into the envelope, which he slid into a pocket. I could not resist making my presence known and barked, "Who are you, Corporal and what do you want?"

"Ah! good afternoon, corporal. I am Corporal Elldon Rimmer and I have been posted here to sort out the disciplinary problems of Engineering Squadron. I wish to report in to you and get permission to come on to the station to begin the arrivals procedure." I was struck by something about this guy. He did not seem to be intimidated in the least by being confronted by three Snowdrops, who were glaring fiercely at him as if he had no business to be there. I gave him permission to come into the Guardroom and got one of them to make some tea while I offered the newcomer a seat.

"Now, Corporal Rimmer, (interesting name, that. I wonder if he lives up to it?) we seem to have a slight problem. I have no record of your expected arrival today and I cannot believe our Orderly Room would be so inefficient as to leave us without any notification of your posting here. Can you explain your sudden arrival? I cannot notify Station Headquarters of your abrupt appearance without some kind of explanation so before I begin the procedure, I would be grateful for any explanation you can give."

"All I can tell you at this stage (three heavily stressed words) is that I must report to the Guardroom on arrival and get permission to be shown the way to the Station Warrant Officer's office. I am sorry if this is not according to normal procedure, but we must treat this business as a minor covert operation. Under no circumstances are the occupants of Harrier Block to be informed of my arrival. You will be told that I am not here today. My posting does not officially begin until 06.00 hours tomorrow. The CO, the Station Adj and the SWO have all been taken into confidence in this matter and I would now ask you to check with them that I have told you all I am currently permitted to say."

I was dumbfounded. What the fuck was going on? There could be no doubt of the visitor's bona fides - he had shown me his valid ID and he obviously knew too much about the set up at RAF Reiversholt to be a fraud. I told him that until I had talked to the Station Warrant Officer and received his clearance and confirmation, he would have to wait in a cell. He took this without argument and stood up saying he quite understood. I led him through to the cells and said he could wait here until I had done my duty and got clearance for him to be on the station. When I returned to the Guardroom, the other two started firing questions at me and I told them to keep it zipped and keep mum. Cutting through the garbage, it did not take long for me to receive the confirmation I needed to be able to release the 'prisoner', take him up to Station Headquarters (SHQ) in our Landrover and dump him at the SWO's office. I said he could leave his shiny new car (he did not bite the bait, though and told me nothing) in the care of the other two MPs while we were up at SHQ. On the way, I noticed he once or twice snatched a quick look at my crotch and I thought,"This looks interesting. See if I can get him going." On the way up to SHQ we chatted about nothing in particular and I dropped a remark about the goings on in Harrier Block. I snatched a quick glance at a slowly rising bulge in the front of his uniform trousers. That was enough for me. I knew we had a 'bro' here: if he was going to try and get the Harrier Block crowd under control, he would need our help big time and that might mean I'd get a chance to have some fun with our new corporal. He took some time to get his business done and when he came out and climbed into the Landrover beside me, he cheerfully informed me that he wanted to go to Stores to pick up his bedding and some other bits and pieces. I thought, "This guy must think a lot of himself. He can't have been a corporal for long 'cos his chevvies (chevrons) are too clean. Is he on a mission or something, I wonder?" I looked across at him, noticed his bulge had returned and said, "OK. I could do with some fresh air after being cooped up in that frigging Guardroom most of the day. A breath of fresh air always seems to make me feel mildly horny." He looked at me and chuckled.

I got on the radio to the two I'd left in charge of the Guardroom and told them I'd be a bit longer yet and to make sure everything was as it should be. I also asked if there had been any further surprises during my absence and was pleased to get a negative reply. Rimmer was not long in the Stores and when he emerged almost buried under a pile of blankets, sheets, pillows and other items, I gave him a hand to pack the lot in the back of the vehicle. I had tucked one of the pillows in and as I reached down for the second, my hand seemed to accidentally brush over his crotch. It felt warm, and a substantial but not fully hard cock gave a little jerk.

"Oh, sorry, mate," I said, insincerely and looking at him unapologetically with a smirk on my face.

"That's OK," Rimmer said, grinning, "it felt rather good and welcuming, in fact." Notice where he laid his emphasis?

"I noticed you were sporting a swelling down there. You up for some fun and games?"

To my surprise, he looked straight at me. I felt a chill in the air at the way his eyes suddenly became cold, hard diamond points. He reached out, grabbed hold of my crotch and squeezed it - hard. I gave a short yelp and said, "We'd better get over to Harrier Block with this lot. Did you pick up the key to your bunk from the SWO?"

"Course I did. So now you know I'm a 'brother'. I was warned that I might have to deal with one or two of them in Harrier. I might be newly promoted but I have been on a special course dealing with miscreants and lazy layabouts, so I'm well prepared. Thanks for helping with the bedding, let's get over to Harrier while they are all still working. I want to get settled in without them knowing I'm here."

It did not take us long to get to Harrier Block and all the men were still out on duty. We lugged the bedding in and Rimmer unlocked the door of the NCO's bunk which he would be occupying. It was standard issue, more or less, and somebody had been working hard to make it at least presentable, that person probably being Andy Taylor. I knew for a fact that the bunk had not been occupied since the departure of the last occupant. He had been on the job for less than six months and had suffered a near nervous collapse thanks to the 40 lazy, good-for-nothing bastards who occupied the barrack room. It was furnished with 42 beds, wardrobes, small pieces of carpet beside the beds and bedside lockers. I asked Rimmer if he wanted to take a quick recce of the room and he promptly declined, informing me he had seen photographs of the place at its worst and had promised himself that the men who lived in that kind of mess would have to clean it up pronto. He would see to that. I was beginning to take a liking to this man, he was a guy after my own heart, unafraid of doing his job properly or of showing his sexual orientation to anyone. I felt a tinge of sorrow for the men who occupied that place.

I offered to help him get his bunk tidied and the bed made up; he thanked me and accepted my offer. Taking off my jacket and rolling up my shirt sleeves we soon had him a rather comfortable wanking pit, ready for that night. While he was putting away his uniforms and some other knick-knacks I sat on the edge of the bed. I did not say anything but I was rather surprised that he did not seem to have any photographs of family or close friends like most men had. I was later to learn, from him, that he had been brought up in a seedy boy's home from a young age after his unmarried parents split up. Neither of them wanted the bother of bringing him up so they left him at the home, where he'd had problems with one of the male staff after he entered puberty. I did not wish to pry and left things alone - for now. Once he was satisfied with everything, he suggested he make us a cup of tea. A kettle, a smallish teapot, one cup and saucer, a small milk jug and sugar bowl were standard issue, courtesy of the MoD, and were the first signs of beginning to be someone in the Force. However, the MoD's generosity was not boundless and the occupant had to provide his own tea, milk and sugar. I was not too surprised when Rimmer bent over his hold-all, rummaged around and brought out the requisite ingredients and a second cup and saucer. "Hmm," I thought, "resourceful and thinks ahead. You're gonna have a chance in Harrier Block, my friend." Bending over in front of me, he had stretched the seat of his trousers and consequently displayed a hard, tight arse. I just could not resist putting a hand out and gently caressing the buttock closest to me.

"That's good," he said in a quiet voice, "carry on doing that and I'll have a sticky puddle in my briefs. I've not shot my load in nearly a week and my balls must be full of spunk. Do you want standard tea or my favourite, a special blend of 'herbal' tea?" Guessing what he meant by 'herbal' tea, I said I would enjoy a cup of that but as I was still on duty I'd better make do with standard. He stood up and turned round. I was flabbergasted by the size of his bulge. I put a hand on it and felt around, brushing against a warm, heavy, rigid cock concealed behind the cloth.

"Jeez," I said, "you've got a big un' there, and I have a good ten and a half inches. We'd have a wow of a time together, and probably get Andy Taylor involved. That would be a threesome to remember!"

As he handed the cup of tea to me, he suddenly asked, "Who is this Andy Taylor? His name came up a couple of times during my interview up at SHQ. I gathered he must be some kind of miracle worker as he has endeavoured to keep Harrier Block on the straight and narrow." Before I could enlighten Rimmer the alarm in the Landrover parked outside went off. "Shit! I've got to get back to the Guardroom as fast as I can. See you around, Elldon and hope we'll see much more of you soon." He laughed and called out, "You will matey, you will!"

That was my first of many encounters with Corporal Elldon Rimmer and the guys he was in charge of.

2 - Party Time!

I love going to parties on the base because they are usually packed wall to wall with hot, horny hunks. Most of the guys are so open about their sexuality that I often have a front row seat if there's a gang-bang going on involving young females from the local villages. I really get off watching some hot young studs thrusting their throbbing cocks up some bitch's oozing cunt while the onlookers cheer them on until it's their turn. They do not know, of course, that the entire time they're all fucking cunt, I am dreaming of fucking their arses. It usually gets so bad I have to slip out to the men's room and jerk off. Some guys can keep going for over an hour and when their creamy sperm runs down their shafts and coats their balls, I have an almost uncontrollable urge to go down on them and lick their spermy nuts clean.

That is why it was such a bitch having to do duty that New Year's Eve. There was a real shindig going on for the 'other ranks' (corporals downwards) in the NAAFI (Navy Army and Air Force Institute) and during the course of the evening my duties had taken me there. The music was awesome and everybody was drinking and having a good time. I was standing by one of the refreshment tables having something to eat when a group of three young airmen caught my roving eye. I almost gagged on my sausage roll when these guys came into view. They were so fucking hornily dishy! The first two were bringing in a large bowl of punch, which must have been heavy but they were young, fit and handled it as if it were made of tissue paper! A third guy - the cutest one of the three - was walking behind them as they were bringing the punch bowl in for the waitresses. They set it down on the table close to where I was standing. One of them turned round to face the third guy and yelled, above the noise and thumping music, "Hey, Brian! Me and Nobby are going to see if we can find some pussy. See ya 'round!" That was the first time I had encountered the infamous Nobby Clark since his improvement from a dirty, insolent scruff to a respectable and worthwhile airman. A dose of Elldon Rimmer seems to work miracles in places where a miracle is needed!

Being the sociable person that I am and since the third guy was an honest to goodness God-given blond hunky piece of arse (well, you must know what blond men are like), I decided to go over and introduce myself. My hopes were not too high that he would want to be seen consorting with a Snowdrop in uniform and on duty but he was hunky and I was randy so I felt I should give it my best shot. Well, maybe not my best one, I'd save that for later, hopefully. I went over and grabbed myself a glass of orange juice, giving him the once over as I did so.

"Hi, my name's Gordon Luss. What's yours?"

"Brian Northcott, corporal." This was the first time I had been close up to a man from Harrier Block since the revolution brought about by Elldon Rimmer. I could see I was in danger of getting the reaction I had feared so I gave my next remark more friendliness and began fishing for information.

"So, where's your date?"

"Ha! I don't have a date," he replied, coldly looking away from me. I was becoming intrigued by this guy. He had boyish good looks and a surprisingly deep voice. I cast my line into deeper waters this time as I took another bite from another sausage roll.

"You just arrived on the station? I can't remember seeing you around before."

Northcott nodded and told me he had arrived in late November. It was his first posting since passing his Admin and Accounting courses and exams and getting his first promotion to Senior Aircraftman (SAC). He was working in the SWO's office and had been temporarily accommodated in Harrier Block as the Admin block was allegedly full up with a load of air cadets getting their first taste of Service life. He suddenly opened up a bit and praised Corporal Elldon Rimmer to the skies. As he did so, I noticed a rather large bulge appearing in his tight fitting slacks. "Interesting," I thought, "Next time I see Rimmer I'll make some enquiries about you, young Mr Northcott. If you're working with him and Andy Taylor we'll be seeing quite a bit of you down at the Guardroom."

"You been down to the Guardroom yet for the grand tour?" I asked, innocently.

"No. The SWO's arranging that for next week."

"Well, apart from the Orderly Sergeant and the lads doing guard duty and fire picket, there's no one down there tonight. As you don't have a date, what do you say I show you around? I'm just off back there any way. Fucking duty."

"Guess so," he said, sounding a bit depressed, "I've fuck all else to do but get blathered." His sexy deep voice had intrigued me and I hazarded a guess that all that yelling and drilling on the parade ground strengthens the vocal chords or something. I was beginning to wonder if I dared hint if he liked making out with other guys but was quickly disillusioned by what he said next.

"I had an on-off girlfriend back home. I wish she were here right now. I could do with a good hot fuck but we're in an off phase at the moment."

"That's too bad," I said. So, this hunky young airman was straight. Shit, just my fucking luck! Hang on, though. He hasn't seen his girl in weeks, he is lonely, he is new on the base and has had hardly any time to make some friends. Above all, he's making my cock ache and my balls itch just by looking at him. My gonads never, ever get it wrong.

"Have you tried that punch?" I enquired.

"Not fucking likely! I saw what those girls poured into it. I never drink anything but beer and I think that punch should carry some kind of a health warning. It's more than likely it will live up to the word 'punch' and give a stronger man than me a knock out blow before he'd finished his first glass."

"Oh, go on. Try it. It's a lot less likely to make you sick than beer," I lied.

"Oh, what the fuck! You're probably right." He ladled himself a full glass of the punch and took a man-sized swallow. "Whoa!" he yowled, "this brew must have come straight from the devil's own brewery!" I sipped my orange juice and grinned. Things were becoming interesting. He drank that entire glass of punch and said, "You know, this stuff is pretty good...I think I'll have another." I left him to it as I had to return to the Guardroom for the 21.00 hours roll call, but I thought, "You just stay right where you are, young man. I will return."

Sometime just after 22.00 hours we got a call in the Guardroom from the NAAFI Manager. Apparently, some guy had been trying to poke his pecker into someone else's girl and a brawl had inevitably started up. I rousted out a couple of the lads on guard duty. We piled into the RAF Police Landrover and roared off up the main road through the camp with all lights flashing and Klaxon blaring. When we got to the NAAFI building, things had begun to quieten down so I sent the two guards back to the Guardroom. The Manager had locked the offender in his office and had a witness to what had been going on. The witness had also given assistance in holding the struggling offender. I followed the Manager in and there, slumped in a chair, half collapsed over the Manager's desk, was SAC Brian Northcott. I shook him roughly by the shoulder. He stirred, drunkenly, and muttered something unintelligible but undoubtedly obscene. "Rouse yerself!" I barked in a loud, harsh voice. Now I had the perfect reason to get him down to the Guardroom and into a cell. At this point, the witness spoke and, turning round, I was surprised to see it was Elldon Rimmer. Was it going to be just the three of us? Northcott would not know what was going on, and even if he did Rimmer and I would soon make sure he would not want us to stop doing whatever it was we were doing to him. Northcott raised his head and looked blearily at me.

"Oh, fuck, it's the Snowdrop bastard. Sorry, Corp, I've had too many glasses of that fucking punch!"

"C'mon, airman, pull yourself together. You're coming with me and Corporal Rimmer." It took him three attempts to get up off the chair. When he eventually succeeded he began staggering about the room, banging into desks and a couple of chairs. I wanted to get him sorted out before he did himself some kind of an injury and turned to Rimmer.

"Give us a hand, Elldon, if we're not careful this fucker's likely to do himself some harm. The Landrover's outside and I'll take him down to the Guardroom and chuck him into an empty cell for the night. I would appreciate you giving me a hand." I told the Manager, who was watching events, that things were under control and he need not stay. He did not say anything as Elldon Rimmer took hold of one side of Brian and I grabbed the other. Together we managed to get him out of the building and into the back of the Landrover. Just as we were about to climb into the vehicle, the Manager pulled on my arm.

"Before you go, corporal, you might want to know the truth. The story I gave you about him trying it on with another man's girl wasn't quite correct. In fact, he and the other guy were seen coming out of the NAAFI without her. The two men stood talking and disappeared round the back of the building. I was told about it and went to investigate. When I found them, they were in the shadows. The man you've got there can I put this?...he was on his knees with his face buried in the other guy's backside!" The Manager was clearly very embarrassed by all this.

"OK, mate. Tell me the rest - or can I guess? The girl came along at the wrong moment and made like she was being raped by aliens from Planet Zog?"

"You got it, corporal," confirmed the Manager. "There was nothing else I could do. I grabbed the guy kneeling down and dragged him back here, telling the girl to get along home. She ran - boy, did she run!"

"Where's the other bugger?" I enquired. Might as well catch the brace, if I could.

"He pulled up his underpants and trousers and ran off, probably back to barracks. I couldn't make out his face. It was too dark."

I thanked the Manager and sent him on his way with assurances that I would do my best to keep things as quiet as possible - but I did not tell him there would be no chance of that, once the story got out. I stood deep in thought. It was easy enough to overlook the occasional night in the cells for having consumed a beer or two too many, but this could be serious. You just don't go around eating out men's arses in the Services, even if you are pissed as a newt. A lot would depend on what I found when the three of us got back to the Guardroom. Rimmer and I climbed into the Landrover and I started up the engine. Before moving off, I glanced round to make sure the prisoner was OK. He was half slumped across the back seat, passed out, gently snoring with an idiotic grin on his face with what appeared to be a raging boner endeavouring to break through his jeans. I thought, "You've got a very rude awakening coming to you, my son!"

It was not far to the Guardroom but on the way Northcott stirred and half woke up, mumbling and muttering something like, "Wish my buddies would come back to take me home." Everything was going my way, almost as if I had planned it. I stopped by my bunk in the barracks and told Rimmer I was going to pick up a bag of 'special items'. He refrained from enquiring what I meant by 'special items' but from the look on his face I guessed he'd sussed that one in a flash and did not need too detailed a description. Having picked up the bag, had a quick piss, I drove us down to the Guardroom. I told Rimmer to stay in the vehicle while I nipped into the Guardroom too stash my bag of goodies in a secure place. I returned to the Landrover and, with help from Rimmer, hauled Northcott out of the vehicle. I propped him against the side of the vehicle while I locked it. When Northcott began sliding down the side of the vehicle, Rimmer steadied him by grabbing the crotch of his jeans until I could take a firmer grip of him and frog march him into the Guardroom. He was semi-conscious enough to stagger along but was otherwise out of it. He wanted to know where we were and I told him Rimmer and I had brought him to the glasshouse, where he was going to spend the night in a cell. Mumbling an almost incoherent "OK, corporal" he had passed out again by the time we got him through the door; we had to half drag him across the room. The Orderly Sergeant and the two lads who had gone with me up to the NAAFI earlier in the evening were playing cards and looked up as we wheeled Northcott into the room.

"Give us a hand you two," I ordered the two on guard duty. Rimmer excused himself saying he had to get back to Harrier Block to make sure "that lot" had observed Lights Out. I thanked him for his help and hinted that I would not object to having some company later on. He grinned, gave his slightly bulging crotch a tug and left. The two lads had come over and were holding on to Northcott, which allowed me to get the bunch of cell keys out of the key safe. As I signed the key register I turned to the Orderly Sergeant. "Gotta lock him up for the night, Sarge. He's been drinking heavily and got into a bit of bother which I'll have to sort out with the Orderly Officer tomorrow. Will you come with me as a witness that I don't harm him? I might also need some help here."

"OK, corporal. Will this take long, only I'll have to start my rounds soon."

"No. These two can help me manoeuvre him into a cell, you just watch and make sure we won't need to roust out a medic or something."

Myself and the two lads somehow managed to manipulate the drunken man along the corridor leading to the cells. None of them were currently occupied - yet - so I had a choice and unlocked the first one. Hauling the semi-conscious man into the cell I sat him up on the bed, unbuttoned his shirt, pulled it off and laid him back down on the mattress. He made a slight groan, then fell silent again. His body had been aroused by the cold night air and the two hard points of his nipples stood proud of his well sculpted pecs. I looked down at him and felt my meat beginning to stir in my uniform issue Y-fronts. "Down, boy!" I said silently to myself and bent down to undo his belt buckle and unbutton his waistband. I slid the zipper of his tight fitting jeans down and the fly instantly spread open to give more room to a large cock imprisoned behind the cloth, at the same time revealing the absence of any underwear. Gulping and swallowing hard to keep my lust under control I unlaced his shoes, yanked them off, followed by his socks, and threw the lot on to the floor. I carefully pulled his jeans down over his legs, taking care my hands went nowhere close to his naked crotch, and tossed them on to the floor also. Now he was naked I could gaze lecherously, longingly and admiringly at the enticingly seductive swelling between his legs but I would have to wait until I could get rid of the unwanted audience before proceeding! I raised Northcott's head with one hand and with the other I pulled a sheet out from the neatly stacked bedding he'd been half lying on. I unfolded it and threw it over him.

"That'll keep him warm enough for now, at least until I have completed the paperwork," I said, mainly to reassure the Orderly Sergeant I knew what I was about. He was going to be a problem - with a prisoner in the cells over a holiday period, technically he should remain in the Guardroom until he was relieved by the day shift the following morning. That would, of course, severely restrict any opportunity I might have of playing with this hunk's bits and pieces - and that was something I was fully determined to do.

"C'mon, lads, let's go back out and brew a mug of tea. Want one, Sarge?"

"No, thanks, corporal. I really must be getting on. I'll not be long."

"Oh, that's OK Sarge. Nothing's likely to happen here tonight. You go and see the New Year in at the Mess. The Orderly Officer won't be round till 06.00 tomorrow. I'll be here and the guard duty and picket lads'll be in and out. If the prisoner needs it, I can get a medic down here from Sick Quarters quick enough."

We all trooped back to the main area, where one of the airmen made three mugs of scaldingly hot tea. I needed it. I was sure that one of them, whose name was Jarvis and about whom I had suspicions, had noticed the swelling in the crotch of my uniform trousers. Jarvis was instantly earmarked for future pleasures...hopefully. Tonight, meanwhile, I had to get rid of these two. I suggested they take their tea through to the small back room where off watch guards and pickets could grab a few hours sleep. They didn't need much encouragement and quickly disappeared. The Orderly Sergeant was being a bit of an annoyance, taking his time about getting ready to go on his rounds - he was obviously uneasy about leaving me alone with a prisoner in the cells.

"You sure you don't want me to hang on here, Corporal?"

"No, that's all right, Sarge. He's too stewed to do anything and I shall have to look in every half-hour anyway. Once I have a guest booked in to this hotel, they don't get much privacy!" I chuckled as if this was standard Snowdrop gallows humour.

"Right then, I'll be off. You know where I'll be if you need me."

"Fine, Sarge. G'night, have one for me!" With that, the fucking man finally wandered out into the night.

Alone, except for my prey. A silence, heavy with sexual lust, fell over the Guardroom, broken only by the soft ticking of the large clock high up on the back wall which had been rescued from the Ops Room at a now defunct fighter station. I did nothing for a while. I let my mind race ahead, savouring remembrance of the prisoner's body, anticipating what I could do to him. I allowed my cock to rise up, hard, trying to force its way through the serge of my uniform trousers and military issue Y-fronts. I had decided to wait a while to ensure no one else would come bursting in with some problem and also to see if Rimmer was going to come through and visit me. I had plans for him, too. Sipping my tea, my free hand gently played with my cock, running lightly up and down the almost imperceptibly pulsing shaft, teasing the sensitive part of the head just behind the piss slit to encourage the release of some pre-seminal fluid. I had put the phone on Quiet and sure enough, after almost half an hour, I heard its soft purring noise. I picked up the receiver and spoke very quietly into the mouthpiece, "Hello? Can I help you?"

"You must be alone at last, you sexy arse bandit." It was Rimmer's voice. "I'll be down shortly."

"OK, my man. I'll be waiting for you. Come in through the side door."

I stood up, locked the main door of the Guardroom and switched off the principal lights, leaving only an eerie blue illumination from the security nightlights and dimmed the lights in the corridor leading to the cells. These had to remain on all night if we had a prisoner. Duty done, I returned to my chair and sat down, thinking of the hunk asleep in the cell completely unaware of what was being planned to rudely awaken him. Rimmer had made it apparent he was game for something different and I could not get the thought of a possible double fucking out of my head. There's nothing quite like a double fuck. It feels so good with two man size cocks up your arse. I had been double fucked by horny youths out in the Middle and Far East and had become quite an expert and an avid enthusiast. Just think for a moment of the gymnastics that are involved when three horny guys get ready to fuck and two of them work their full-on hard erections into a tightly defensive arsehole. Once the penetrating invaders have been lubed up, they can slip and slide into the third arsehole at the same time without causing too much distress - although most guys willing to take two cocks at once usually enjoy a bit of discomfort on the side, including yours truly. The hot, tight arsehole squeezes the two big cocks together as they collectively fuck their mate's butt and in return he gets the pleasure of feeling the steely solidity of two invading cocks working vigorously. The moment when I discovered that my arse could handle what I had been secretly craving - a double fuck from two well above average sized black cocks on one of my regular visits to Africa - I knew I could never stop even if I wanted to. I had read somewhere in a classic gay short story that "...common sense may tell you that a man's lust should exceed his physical capacity" but I have found that where sexual matters are concerned common sense has never been the strongest card in my pack.

3 - An Outrageous Obscenity?

The sheet I had thrown over my prisoner had slid down on to the floor. He was lying on his back, one arm flung above his head. His left leg was drawn up and bent at the knee. I could see the erotic mound between his legs where his cock was obviously in a state of semi-hardness beneath his flimsy briefs. I quietly unlocked the cell door and entered. My hands were shaking so much I was fearful of the keys rattling so I stuffed them into a trouser pocket. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turning my head I came face to face with Elldon Rimmer. I gave him a sign to stay quiet and he came in to the cell beside me. I looked down at his crotch and there was no guessing what was causing that tenting in the front of his thin slacks!

I placed my hand on Northcott's ankle. His legs were covered with fine, downy hairs. He was sleeping so hard from the alcohol he'd consumed that the hair of his armpits was damp and sweaty. I ran my hand lightly up his leg letting the soft fur travel between my outspread fingertips. My hand came to rest on one leg of his briefs. He sighed softly and moved a little. I waited until he had settled back to sleep. It was all Rimmer or I could do to keep ourselves from ripping off those flimsy, almost see-through briefs and go down on him like two wild things, but I wanted to wait until he was awake and had sobered up a bit. I reached down and gently, very gently, ran my hand over the bulging front of his briefs. I felt his cock jump a little beneath my caress. Rimmer spoke quietly into my ear and said, "Jeez, he certainly has more than his fair share of endowment there." I looked at him and said, "I envy his girl her luck at having that big dick pumping away inside her. She must be a bitch if she messes him around. I've thought of a way to get that cock and yours up my arse - together." Rimmer grinned and began pulling on his hard dick. Slowly, I took hold of the elastic waistband of Northcott's briefs and began easing them down. As the first fringe of pubic hair came into view, I paused. I bent over, pressed my nose against the wiry hair and sniffed. I love the sweaty, dried cum and piss smell of a sexy man . Suddenly, Northcott was wide awake. He shot up off the bed and grabbed my hair.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he yelled. Rimmer backed away and whispered something in my ear that I did not quite catch. I gave up all pretence and ripped the flimsy briefs off him. He was now completely naked - and he was sobering up fast. Good, that was just what I wanted.

"Now you're off that wanking pit, stand at ease," I bellowed. Rimmer had retreated even further into the shadows. Northcott stared at me, then obeyed the order. I reached out and took hold of his genitals, weighing his cock and balls in my hand. He tried to back away but I gripped harder and gave his package a twist. He whimpered.

"That hurt, you fucking bastard!"

"Stand still then. I have a duty to see that you have not damaged yourself in your drunken state." He glared at me.

"How? By squeezing my dick and balls?" He tried again to break free. I was really serious this time and twisted his nuts a lot harder. I could see tears spring into his eyes and he yelled.

"Down on the floor, you little pecker sniffer. Come on, get down on the floor!" I twisted harder still, jerking downwards on his testes. He cried out, his knees giving way as he sank to the cell floor. "Now lie down on your back," I commanded. He paused, then complied. I contemplated the young man stretched out before me, his fully erect cock standing tall. Rimmer had also come forward again, anxious not to miss the show. I managed somehow to keep the stony expression I had adopted on my face as I glared down at the prisoner. He glared back at me. Very, very slowly, like a slow-motion scene in a movie, I raised one leg and held it poised above his crotch. His expression altered as my intent filtered through the remnants of the alcoholic haze fogging his brain. Rimmer let out a breath and waited to see what I was going to do next.

"Oh, fuck! No, you wouldn't dare!" Northcott's voice quavered with fear. Whatever he was imagining, was going to be as nothing to the reality . . . I dropped my leg fast . . . . . .

. . . . . . Crrruunch!!! My heavy, highly polished boot slammed into his naked testicles, twisting and grinding. It even brought an empathetic groan from Rimmer, still lurking behind me. Northcott's roars of agony reverberated off the tiled walls of the cell. He knew it was useless to hope for intervention: the Orderly Sergeant was long gone to the Mess and the guards and pickets were, by now, snoring. He was, to all intents and purposes, alone with his tormentors. "Fucking bumboy!" My voice was hard, merciless, cutting through my victim's screams of agony. "Cock sucker! Arsehole licker!" I twisted my heel into his tormented balls with each word. Despite the agonising torture, his cock was so hard it was a wonder it did not burst a blood vessel. Long strands of sticky fluid seeped from his cock slit, telling me he could not have ejaculated for some time; some of the stickiness was finding its way on to the mirror-like toecaps of my right boot.

"You filthy pig! Look what you've done to my boot!" I roared, giving it an extra twist. He screamed anew, doubling over, drawing his knees up as far as they would go, rolling on to his side, retching, his hands desperately trying to shield himself from further abuse. I gazed down at the naked body writhing on the cold concrete floor. My immaculate left boot thudded into his taut sweat glazed buttocks. He cried out again as an ice-cold flame of pain seared through him. "Get off that bed, you poor excuse of an airman. I've not finished with you - yet." Naked, every nerve shrieking, he tried to obey. He could not, dared not move, the pain was so great and I was not about to show him any mercy. "That is an order. Stand up!" Slowly, each move an agony, Northcott struggled to his knees. Sweat, tears and pre-lube cock juice streamed from him. I sent yet another thud crashing into his backside, sending his ravaged rapidly swelling testes swinging and throbbing. "Come on! MOVE IT!" I bellowed. Taking deep, sobbing breaths, he struggled to stand upright. At this point I beckoned to Rimmer to take over for a while. He glided out from the shadows and the look of sheer terror on Northcott's face told me a lot. Of course he was terror-stricken, he was billeted in Harrier Block and must have seen Rimmer at his 'reforming' work on the likes of Nobby Clark and one or two others. "About turn!" barked Rimmer. Northcott executed the order as best he could and faced him. A ripple of lust spread through me as I saw him clearly. He stood there, shaking as if he was in the grip of some unspeakable malady. I could feel my eyes turning to glittering glacial points as they surveyed the terrified wretch before us. "So, you like licking arseholes, do you?" sneered Rimmer. He and I watched abject fear take a hold of Northcott as he laboured to find breath.

"Answer me!" snapped Rimmer.

"Yes, corporal," came a faint reply.

"OK, scum, we are going to find out just how good you are at arsehole eating," Rimmer paused to allow his words to sink in.

As he slowly began to remove his clothes, his meaning filtered through Northcott's mist of shame. Rimmer removed his jacket, then his shirt and tie, followed by his socks and shoes and finally his trousers and underpants. He stood there naked displaying an impressive fully erect cock, his balls tight up into his groin. I watched Northcott intently. In spite of his fear and pain, he stared in awe at both of our hard, heavily bronzed and hairless torsos. "But first, you are going to lick Corporal Luss's right boot spotlessly clean. Aren't you?"

"Yes, corporal." His voice was firmer now. Rimmer indicated to me that I should take over so I put my offending booted right foot on the edge of the bed where Northcott had so recently been lying. I ordered him to squat. His face was inches away from the unclean boot.

"Now clean it, like the mangy cur you are," I growled menacingly. His drooling tongue began lapping at the congealing sticky produce of his own body. As he warmed to his task, his eagerness to get through it became more apparent. I wondered if it was the saltiness of his sex juice mingling with the faint taste of boot polish that was bringing about some kind of pleasure. I allowed him a few minutes to continue enjoying himself then roughly pulled my foot away. "Enough! Stand up!" As he straightened up he must have noticed the bulge in the crotch of my trousers and a dark damp patch appearing just where my cock head was straining against the blue serge. "Come here!" He moved in towards me. "Closer!" Obediently he shuffled forward. My hard, strong hands flashed forward, thumbs and forefingers grasping his nipples in a vicious pinching movement. They squeezed his points hard, twisting them in opposing directions. His cock, which had been losing some of its hardness, sprang back to life as pain scorched through his body once more. He yelled, bucking up and down, endeavouring to get loose.

"Now, now, Brian," I said, using his name for the first time, "just calm down. We are not going to hurt you - much. That might come later, dependant on how well you service us. We want to see how you like the taste of Corporal Arsehole!" I quickly undid my belt, unzipped my fly and pushed my trousers down as far as they would go. I was not wearing underpants and my solid thrusting ten inch cock jerked in its newly found freedom. Light filtering from the corridor outside caught the pre-cum glistening in my cock slit. Brian could not take his eyes of my cock and I had a feeling he was succumbing to lust.

Turning my back on him, I leant forward, half grinning. "Come on, airman, lick and suck my pulsating Corporal Pussy. Make him happy." He needed no further encouragement. All pain, all fear was forgotten at the sight of my hard, tight arse cheeks before him. He grasped my buttocks and spread them wide, thrusting his face between them. Like heat-seeking missiles, his lips locked on to my tight pink hole. Gently at first, but soon stepping up the action, he sent his tongue fluttering and dancing around the rim of my arsehole. I involuntarily moaned softly, moving my head from side to side, eyes half closed in ecstasy. I could not help myself. "Shit! That's fucking good!" I murmured. At intervals, his tongue made guerrilla raids across my hole. With each sortie, my body arched, primeval noises escaped from my throat. After some minutes of this teasing game, Northcott launched a full scale attack, ripping into me with his tongue, pushing as deep as he could go. "FUCK!...FUCK!" I yelled. This prompted a move by Rimmer who thought I had been hurt but I signalled that all was well. My arse cheeks clenched ever tighter around Northcott's face. Surprisingly, he was a real master at this game and clearly beyond caring: Corporal Pussy was just fine with him! As he penetrated ever deeper, he reached round with one hand and grasped my hairy ball bag swinging between my legs. He pulled, rolled, and squeezed until my hoarse moans reached maximum decibel levels; it dawned on me he was giving as good as he had been given. I started to pull away. I could feel the first signs of my jism building for an explosion.

"Stop! Stop right now! I'm not ready to shoot my load yet. I plan to fill your arse with cum. STOP!!" Reluctantly, with a final suck of my anus, he pulled away from me but not before he had gently blown across my pulsating hole, sending a wave of lust surging through my sweating body. With a soft moan I turned to face him. "Stand up, about turn, then bend over and grasp your ankles," I ordered. Northcott obeyed and waited, breathlessly, lustfully, knowing his arse was about to be ripped apart by two rigid big cocks. I indicated to the patiently waiting Rimmer to join us. It was time for us to get to work on this airman's exciting arse. As we bent forward Northcott must have felt our hot breaths against his ear, our arms taking up positions either side of his shoulders and legs. Pressing my burning lips against his neck, nuzzling his right ear and cheek, I whispered, "OK, lover boy, don't fight it."

He felt the firm pressure of my swollen cock in his arse crack as it leaked pre-lube into the small of his back. He was panting as if he was a thirsty dog but his was due to pure and simple anticipatory lust. My almost out of control cock pressed ever more urgently against him, searching for his fuck hole, animal heat against quivering receptive flesh. He could wait no longer. He drove his hips backward against me as I manoeuvred my pulsating rod against his hole. He pushed hard against me and squealed, a mouse under the paws of a playful cat, as my rigid cock broke through into his love chute. He arched upwards to meet the pleasure pain of my throbbing rod. The thick heavy manhood thrust deep into his guts as I gave a fierce, soul shattering stroke. My weapon knew what it wanted and was going to take it, by force and right of conquest. My muscular hands wrapped themselves around his ravaged body fondling, squeezing his tits, his balls, tugging at the wiry pubic hair encircling the base of his cock, as I humped my arse and raped him. I drove on faster, thrusting my cock deeper into his body with every stroke. Rimmer had come back and was standing beside me, his cock rampant and dripping pre-cum on to the bed. My solid joint of cock meat rammed unmercifully into Northcott's arsehole, so deeply it made him even randier, made him gasp for rasping, shuddering intakes of breath. He twisted and moaned, impaled on my relentless man weapon, every smack of my hips against his tailpiece forcing a whimpering groan from his dry lips. I was frantically busy now, slamming all I had up his chute. My sweaty chest glided along his sweaty back; he could hear his own muffled sobs and yowls echoing off the tiled walls of the cell. He twisted, torqued, grunted, moaned, all to no purpose - there was no way of escaping. I was too horny to stop now; I was screwing a tight young arse like I could go on fucking hot arsehole for eternity. Suddenly I let out a half stifled shout as I felt my cum racing up my shaft. I had to pull out before it detonated a nuclear explosion in Northcott's arse. Now was the time to bring Rimmer forward and suggest doing the double and the pause would give my equipment time to reset itself, except for a small uninterrupted flood of pre-cum. I lent over Northcott's shaking body and spoke into his ear. "OK cock lover, turn over and lie on your belly, legs as far apart as you can get 'em, then up into a kneeling position with your arse in the air. You're going to enjoy the next bit of this evening's entertainment, I promise. You, my little bum boy, are going to have two rampant, rigid horny cocks up you at the same time." He moaned, but obeyed my instructions without protesting or pleading for mercy.

The only unknown I had to keep track of was just how long Rimmer could go on fucking. As for me, I can fuck . . . fuck . . . fuck . . . endlessly until something clicks in my head, as it just did, making me pull out of one of the tightest young arseholes I'd experienced for some time. Looking down at the man on the bed, he had his legs apart and his muscled tight arse sticking up in the air. There is something about a tight young arsehole being used, abused and, above all, being prepared to be double fucked and double loaded with hot scorching jism ejaculated out of two large burning cocks. From the way Brian Northcott had eagerly assumed the position and was flooding the bed linen with his pre-cum, he wanted it, badly. I turned to Rimmer, who was standing there with a devilish grin on his face. "You ever double fucked a guy before, Elldon?" I enquired. He did not speak, but nodded his head slowly as he increased his manipulation of his balls. I could not resist making a joke in the worst possible taste and said, "We're going to stuff this chicken and when we're ready to shoot our loads, let's hold on to a chicken leg and pulll together!" He said, "Yeah, bro, reminds me of an American airman I once had a fling with in the good ol' US of A when I was over there on a NATO exercise. His expression was, 'OK bo', let's donkey the honky!'" I didn't stop to say so, but I did admire Rimmer's attempt at a Bronx twang when he spoke.

Now, it may come as a surprise to those of you who would never dream of doing anything so pervy as double fuck a guy to discover there is an etiquette in such matters. As Rimmer's cock was about half an inch shorter than mine and not so thick, so double fuck etiquette demanded he would join in once my ten incher was lodged firmly in place. I gobbed a wad of saliva on to the rim of Northcott's arse and spread it around to make my entry easier. I also gobbed another wad on to my pulsating boner and spread that. Slowly, I put the first two inches or so of my steel hard dick into Northcott's arsehole. He raised his head, gasped and pushed back a little against me to get my vibrating inches further in. I realised he was not in the market for pussyfooting around, so I took a deep breath and pushed. Inch by throbbing inch my cock head and shaft disappeared. Rimmer was beating his meat harder and faster. Northcott groaned with pleasure as he felt my juddering hot rod pushing into him. I lay still for a few moments, then looked over at Rimmer, still beating his dick, and nodded. He came over, climbed in between my spread legs and focussed his cock directly at Northcott's hole. The feel of the hard head of Rimmer's cock against mine made electric sparks flare all over my genitals and Northcott's arse muscles to clamp together to keep our cocks firmly embedded. Rimmer slapped the boy's arse cheeks once. "Relax" he growled. He slapped again, twice. "Open up." The crown of his dick throbbed against my probe and gained a hold on the ring of Northcott's arse. Rimmer began a slow slide, shaft to shaft with mine, up the arsehole of the youth beneath us, until the two cocks nestled together like friendly dogs. Our big hairy balls hung wet with pre-lube and sweat, heavily loaded with the cum that some faultless fucking would soon release.

There is one more thing the uninitiated must know about double fucking a man. When two rampant cocks make their entry into the third arsehole it is enough to harden three dicks even more and cause them to drip with pre-seminal fluid. However, the entry - exciting as that may be - is nothing compared to the nuclear reality of double fucking. Once positioned and entered, the receiving arse is the ham in the sandwich. There is no way it can get away from two big cocks thrusting, lunging, deeply ramming and pounding in-and-out of a targeted arse. Experienced men like Rimmer and myself had the timing down to a fine art. We fucked . . . fucked . . . fucked . . . independently of each other, until we both agreed we were ready to shoot our loads, then . . . we jointly rammed the full length and thickness of our cocks all the way in, keeping them together to give us the maximum pleasure while Northcott screamed in a mixture of pain and ecstasy as his arsehole was fucked like it had never been fucked before. He was crushed and suffocated between our heaving bodies with just enough space to enable him to jerk himself off, his arsehole stuffed with our two huge cocks still shooting nuclear sperm. Yeah, common sense may tell us all kinds of psycho-babble about men's lust but nothing speaks louder to seasoned double fuckers than a good double fuck . . . and this was one of the best either of us had experienced for years.

4 - Learning Discipline

After Rimmer and I had recovered and Northcott had gone off to take a shower, clean his body from our spillage and douche his arsehole, we lay back on the bed that had been the stage for our outrageous obscene production. I knew I would not be able to sleep as I was still on duty. It was now about 02.00 and I still had another four hours or so before I could go and get a long, hot, refreshing shower and some breakfast. Rimmer was fast asleep, so I left him there and would wake him when the first shift came on duty at 06.00. He would have time then to go back to Harrier Block, get cleaned up, put on his uniform and march the men over to the Airmen's Mess for breakfast. It really is a tough life for a Junior NCO.

I made the naked airman stand in front of me and spread his legs so that I could gaze at his handsomely large flaccid cock. I looked directly at him and said, quite calmly, "I'm going to have to teach you some discipline, arse licker." I did not want him to forget the original sin he had committed. "You are to remain where you are, in that position. Do you understand?" He replied positively. "Good. I am now going to fetch a cloth and some water for you to wash these walls down and get rid of those dried spunk stains, and then the floor. When you have done that . . ." Leaving the sentence unfinished, I dressed quickly and left the cell, locking the door behind me. Before I left the Guardroom I made a cursory check on the sleeping men in the backroom - they were out for the count. I grabbed a cloth from the kitchen area, picked up one of the water filled Fire buckets and took them through to the cell. Brian had recovered sufficiently to be sitting up on the edge of his bed, head hanging, an occasional sob making his shoulders heave. He was still stark naked and had obviously not even thought of getting himself dressed and decent.

"Right you, clean this fucking mess up - and do it thoroughly. You have ten minutes, then I'll be back to inspect." His tear streaked face looked up at me.

"Please, corporal, I've never let another man do that to me before. Don't tell anyone, please!"

"That was just a taster. You enjoyed it." He opened his mouth to deny my statement. "Shut it! You could easily have stopped us if you'd wanted to. You just love man to man sex. So do Corporal Rimmer and I. Now get cleaning!"

Leaving him to it, I went back to retrieve my sacred Bag of Goodies. I delved into it, recovered a small transformer and plugged it into a wall socket. It had a long lead, long enough to reach through to the occupied cell. It had three connections on the front, into two of which I plugged two long wires with alligator clips on the ends. The third long wire ended in a tiny button. I flipped the unit on and it made a soft buzzing sound. Taking the transformer with me I marched back to the cell, where my prisoner was on his hands and knees, scrubbing furiously at rapidly drying semen which had splattered on to the floor. He looked up as I approached, my faintly purring device grabbing his attention. He took one look and his body arched with fear as he guessed my intent.

"Now, Brian, I told you we didn't want to hurt you. Didn't you find it pleasurable when we both fucked your arsehole - together?" Brian just kept gazing in terror at the gently humming apparatus in my hand. He suddenly let out a yell. "HELP!" I lowered my voice to an almost silent whisper and said, "Brian, no-one is going to hear you. I will have to punish you if you persist and do not remain quiet and obedient. My punishments are not that bad though, and most folk grow to love them. Now get back on that bed and lie down." I waited as he obeyed the command. I walked over to the bed and leaned over him. I ran my hands over his chest, back and forth over each of his nipples. Placing the transformer on the bed, out of his reach, I grabbed a nipple with each hand, pinching and pulling on them; they began to harden and become erect. I took one in my mouth and ran my tongue around the raised nipple, sucking and biting on it. Brian bucked up and down so hard I almost ended up with a split lip! I repeated this treatment on the other nipple until both were hard and red. I spread some spittle on his right nipple and clipped one of the wires to it. I did the same to his left nipple and hooked up the other wire. I stood up and spoke in a harsh and icy voice. "It is time, SAC Northcott, you learnt how to behave as an airman." I pressed the small button on the end of the third wire. His back arched up off the bed and he screamed, "Aarrghh! Jeeeez!" until I took my finger off the button.

Brian fell back and lay still on the bed, panting and groaning. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead, his pecs; a line of curly wet hair ran down the centre of his chest, stopping just above his belly. His armpits were wet and curly with sweat. I could smell him from where I stood. I bent over and ran my tongue over one of his steaming armpits. He tried to twist away from me, jerking up and down, yelling, "I'm going to report you when I get loose." I pushed the button I held in my hand for a second and watched his muscles flex as the current tickled his throbbing red nipples once more. His thick dick rose once more in all its majesty. I pressed my face into the soft fur of his armpit and deeply inhaled his musky scent. I sucked, licked and ran my tongue through the soft hairs. I sent another surge of electricity through his nipples each time he tried to resist me. I sucked and licked his other armpit, this time meeting with no resistance. He lay still on the bed, whimpering occasionally like a small child.

I now turned my attention to the fine golden-brown hairs on Brian's legs. My hand gently stroked as I bent over and planted a little kiss on the calf of his right leg. He did not move. I quickly undressed once more and got up on to the bed to straddle Brian's waist. I felt his furry cock hair against my arse, tickling my balls as they rested on it. He began cursing me again. He had to be taught the error of his ways, so I tickled each of his nipples slightly and pulsed some more power through them. I ran my finger down the curly wet hairs in the centre of his chest, brought the finger up to my mouth and tasted his saltiness. I lay down on Brian with my rampant cock pressed against one of his strong legs, shocking him with a bolt from the transformer when he endeavoured to rebel. I put my tongue in his navel and slowly ran the tip of my tongue up the line of sweat dampened hair in the centre of his chest. Unhooking one of the alligator clips from a nipple I chewed on the swollen red nub. Brian arched on the bed as if I had sent another surge of electricity through him. I bit down on his nipple and placed the alligator clip against his armpit and pressed the button. He groaned deeply in his sexy voice. I clipped both wires to each of his armpits. "Tell me to suck your nipples," I said. "Fuck you!" he growled. I pressed the button quickly several times and felt his body spasm beneath me. "Tell me to suck your nipples!" I repeated, more harshly this time. Brian breathed heavily. "Suck . . . Aahhh!" I pressed the button repeatedly again and then left off. "Suck my . . . Noooo! Aahhh!" he screamed. I gladly obliged and began to suckle the hard red points. I placed my hands on each of his strong shoulders and massaged them, sucking his nipples, tickling the curly wet hairs of his armpits and giving them electric shocks whenever he tried to disobey or resist. Running my free hand through his pubic hair I gently tugged at the hair on his scrotum. He struggled. I tickled his armpits again with electricity

"Brian, ask me to stroke your cock hair."

"Please stroke my cock hair," he muttered. I shot a bolt of the current through his armpits.

"That is not correct. You must say, "Please stroke my cock hair, SIR!"

"Please stroke my cock hair, Sir!" he groaned.

My hand gently stroked his pubic hair, then grabbed a handful and tugged it - hard. He yelped. I moved my hand to caress his cheek, then ran it along his jawline. His face was so beautiful despite his fear and distress I had to kiss him. "Ask me to kiss you," I commanded, sending juice through his armpits. He spasmed and arched the muscles in his strong hairy arms. "Please kiss me, Sir!" he repeated with a note of genuine need colouring his voice. "That is much better. You are learning discipline well, airman. Now I'm going to really kiss you. I want you to kiss me back and I want you to enjoy it." I emphasised the word 'enjoy' with a brief pulse of electricity. He offered no resistance as I kissed him, spreading his lips with my tongue. His eyes were tightly closed and his mouth remained motionless. His muscled arms twitched as I zapped his armpits. He began to move his tongue around and lick at mine as it probed his mouth. His hairy legs felt good against mine, his chest was good to lie on. Eventually the kiss had to end and I got off the bed. I sent an electric shock into each of the tufts of fur in his armpits as I cupped his testicles, squeezing them slightly, inducing a low groan from deep in his chest. Brian's balls rolled around in their ball sac, spread out on the bed. Most guys don't have much hair - if any - on their scrotums, but Brian was different. His balls were covered with a layer of soft fine hairs. The soft fur on his chest travelled from his navel in a gradually thinning line down to his pubic region, spreading out again in dense, curly cock hair. Brian's outsize cock was uncut and lay limply between his outspread balls, the head having retreated into its foreskin. I moved the alligator clips from Brian's armpits back to his nipples. He sighed, helplessly, "Oh, no!" I sent a good bolt from the transformer to re-awaken his nipples to remind him I was still The Boss.

I got off the bed and went back to my sacred Bag of Goodies, returning with a tube of KY jelly and a small, lifelike rubber dildo. When Brian saw the dildo he became agitated and tried to jerk free. I sent several short jolts of current into his nipples, watching his athletic body flex with each press of the button. This caused his scrotum to tighten, pulling his large hairy balls up close to his body. Grabbing Brian by the waist I slid him down the bed and sat between his legs. I lifted them, bending them slightly at the knee. I squeezed about an inch of the KY and put it on the tip of the dildo. I sent a long surge of electricity through Brian's hard red nipples and asked him what I should do. "Let me go!" he yelled. Electricity again tensed the muscles in his chest. "Brian, I want to show you how good this feels. You know you love anal sex." Directly in front of me was a stud on his back, hairy legs bent at the knees and spread apart. I had a spectacular view of his cock, balls and hairy arse crack, his sculpted chest, his armpits with their curly hair. I love hairy men and boy, was this man hairy! His arse was almost as hairy as his legs and many short hairs grew out of his arse crack. I could not resist running my index finger down that woolly arse crack. He tried to scoot away from me, but I punished his nipples and that stopped him. I roughly dragged him back down on to the bed, bent his knees and spread open his crack with my left hand. I do not mind admitting I was beginning to get annoyed with this bugger so I picked up the dildo with my right hand and touched it to his pink arsehole. His sphincter puckered even more tightly closed. I shocked Brian's nipples and ordered him to open his anus. He groaned and it relaxed slightly. I touched it with my index finger a second time, causing it to contract tightly again - voila! I shocked his nipples, again. I had to continue doing this several times until he gave up and accepted my finger touching him without his arsehole closing as tightly as possible. I spread another dab of KY on to his tiny pink rosebud. I touched his hole and gently massaged it back and forth with the dildo, giving his arse time to get used to its feel. My cock was painfully erect by now, aching to be doing the job that the rubbery imitation cock was doing.

"Senior Aircraftman Northcott, relax! . . . and that's an order!" I yelled. A deep moan emanated from within him as I pushed the rubber dildo harder and harder against his arsehole. My order was obviously doing no good, but I did not feel that he was deliberately resisting me but was simply unaccustomed to relaxing his sphincter muscles. "Pretend you're trying to shit a really big turd and this will go a lot easier on you." He took a deep breath and grunted, his arse cheeks opened and his sphincter relaxed slightly. I immediately shoved the dildo hard and fast into his semi-relaxed arse and almost got it past the sphincter. He screamed loudly and tried to close his legs. I electrified his nipples once more and felt his arse grab down on the dildo when I pressed the button. I applied pressure harder and harder, eventually seeing the dildo beginning to move. I felt it give and knew that the ridge of its cock head had made it past his sphincter. I slowly pushed the dildo into his arse about another inch and then pulled it back an inch. His head moved from side to side and he groaned for me to stop. I began slowly fucking the dildo into his arse further and further and he moaned with each inward thrust of the dildo, "Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh!" tossing his head from side to side, whimpering with delight. His scrotum relaxed as I ran my tongue all over and around his large nuts and sucked first one then the other of his hairy plum sized testes into my mouth. Inserting the dildo as far into his arse as I could, I began to wiggle it as I sucked his balls. He grunted loudly and turned his head from side to side as his soft cock pulsed rapidly towards erection with each beat of his heart. His "Ohhh! Ohhh!" suddenly changed to an "Aaaeeeeee!" as I pressed the button to send an electric shock through his distended red nipples, making his arse tighten down on the dildo and the muscles in his chest to flex. He bucked up off the bed for a second. His rapture was becoming too much so I decided to inhibit it with a stronger dose of pain - and it worked, his cock drooping with the shock. He begged me to continue working on him with the dildo.

"Oh Gordon, that felt so good. I never knew a man could do that to another man. Please do it again."

"You want me to do it again?"

"Yes! Oh, yes! PLEASE, please fuck my arse!"

"NO! You repulsed me and did not believe me when I told you I was going to show you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. I will think about doing it again but first you're going to give me pleasure."

"Oh, I want to pleasure you! What do you want of me, Gordon? I'll do anything, no matter how crude, how filthy, how . . ."

"Well first, SAC Northcott, let us see just how hard we can persuade your man size cock to get."

I brusquely massaged his hairy balls, pulling savagely on them, gradually increasing the pressure. His scrotum had relaxed and I could hold each ball separately and roll them around in my hands. Northcott squirmed with horniness as his cock jumped, and leapt, and rapidly hardened, growing longer and thicker, thicker and longer. As it filled with blood it heaved itself off his stomach. I shook the dildo which was still stuck deep up his arse. His cock surged upright, fully erect, rising majestically out of its bed of curly pubic hairs to its maximum of at least ten inches! I let go of the dildo, leaving it up his arse, and examined the young airman's cock. "Oh my God! That really is big and thick!" I exclaimed. His only response was an imploring "Suck me, please!" At last, this boy was appreciating the benefits of man to man sex. I slid the fingers of my right hand through his soft curly pubic hair, grabbed hold of his throbbing prick and continued to massage his balls with my left. I slid my right hand upwards on his cock then roughly dragged my hand downwards, fully exposing his congested purple-red cock head and its associated ridge. Putting my hot tongue against his man meat, I ran it around his helmet and across his piss slit, licking up pre-cum as it went. Slowly, I sucked his solid military cock into my mouth and jerked my head up and down. "Ohhh, yesss! Suck me!!" Northcott almost screamed. His groans and grunts increased in intensity, hips thrusting his cock hard against the back of my throat. I could sense he was not far off from cumming so I wrapped my hand around his balls, pulling his hairy scrotum as far down as it would stretch. He thrust upwards off the bed until he was supported only on his shoulders and the soles of his feet. Squeezing tighter, I pulled harder on his ball bag with each thrust. He screamed with pain and continued to jerk on the bed. I hauled even harder on his ball bag, releasing his cock from my mouth and leaving him thrusting helplessly into the empty air, howling with agony as I excruciatingly stretched his scrotum further. "Very good, SAC Northcott," I said, quickly whipping my hand away from his scrotum, allowing his tortured balls to fall heavily and achingly painfully on top of the dildo still embedded up his arse. "Aaagh! That hurt like shit! Why'd you squeeze my nuts like that? My cock is so hard and my bollocks feel like they've been castrated. For fuck's sake, make me cum! Make my balls stop throbbing! They hurt so much!" I sat still, unmoved by his cries, staring unblinkingly at him. "Fucking suck me off, you bastard Snowdrop!" There it was, he had uttered the forbidden word. Snowdrop. I picked up the transformer, pushed the tiny button and sent myriads of lightning bolts into both nipples. Every muscle in his body seemed to flex as his balls tightened further and drew closer to his body for protection. "It is now time for you to pleasure me, SAC Northcott," I said.

Grasping his hot throbbing man-piece I started to stroke it back and forth across my nipples as I masturbated my cock with my other hand. I scoured his hairy legs with my solid cock and enjoyed the sensation of many tiny hairs tickling my leaking cock slit. I stood up, leant forward, licked tiny droplets of sweat off the centre of my quarry's chest, and followed up by pressing my face into the curly wet hairs in his armpits and inhaled his musky male scent and licked up the salty sweet nectar of his young manhood. I enquired if my services felt good and received a "Yes, oh! yes." This encouraged me to investigate further and taking my throbbing dick out of his mouth I asked, "Does my cock taste good?" He replied with fervour, "Yes! Jesus H Christ, I want to suck your cock for ever!" I chuckled. "Suck my armpit first!" I ordered and thrust my dick back into his mouth. I leant over him with the wet, dark blond fur of my armpit just touching the tip of his nose. His hairy chest heaved as he inhaled my scent into his lungs. I rested on his pecs, placing my wet armpit hair over his mouth. His tongue reached for my furry pit as he hungrily licked and sucked at me. Clambering up on to the bed, I disconnected the clips from his nipples and straddled his hair covered chest. I vigorously rubbed my distended cock head back and forth over his soft lips while his tongue licked greedily at the underside of my rampant cock. "Open your mouth," I ordered and shoved my cock down his throat. He gagged but natural reflex enabled him to acquire the art of cock sucking almost instantly. Not bothering to slowly introduce him to the joys and arts of oral sex, I fucked his mouth as if I was afraid I'd never have sex again.

As I did not want to waste my load by shooting too soon, after a while I stopped pumping. My boy ran his tongue all round my silky cock head and began sucking on it. I could not resist and resumed pumping his mouth and throat once more - harder, faster, my testes slapping against his chin, until I could not stand the build-up of tension any longer. I pulled my throbbing cock from his mouth and frantically rubbed the tip of my aching shaft against his tender lips. I growled deeply, took a shuddering breath and dumped my wad all over his face. Large, thick pearly globs of cum exploded out of my pulsating cock, sticking to Brian's forehead, eyebrows, cheeks and his hair. He opened his mouth and I shot five or six more loads as I pumped my cock with my hand. Drops of jism slid into his gaping, greedily grasping mouth, on his lips, all over his chin, which was beginning to need a shave. The odour of hot sperm and musky male bodies filled the air. He moaned with delight, licking the creamy droplets of my sperm from his lips and looked deeply into my eyes. I pressed my lips to his and gave him a real kiss for the first time that night. Sliding my mouth up and over his face, I licked off the large pearly globs of sperm that were still clinging to his hair. My cream tasted salty and coated the surface of my tongue. I kissed him repeatedly and permitted his tongue to explore mine as we feasted on my jism. "Suck my cock again, please!" implored the impassioned man beneath me. "My balls are throbbing, please make me cum!" he begged.

5 - Next, Please!

His cock was solidly erect, visibly pulsing and jerking with the forceful strength of his lecherous erection. I moved between his legs; taking hold of the dildo still jammed up his arse I pushed it in and out as if he was being energetically fucked by the largest human cock in existence. He groaned in his depravity and thrust his arse against the dildo. I pushed the dildo even deeper and faster several times, pulling it out as far as the head then driving it back into his anal channel. He lunged back and forth to the rhythm of my thrusts. When I yanked the dildo out of his hot, hairy arsehole he yelped and thrust his throbbing cock into the air, beseeching me to fuck him. Being quick on the uptake, I did not miss the word he had used so I squeezed a large globule of KY on my long middle finger and tickled his arsehole with it. He repeatedly moaned the words, "Fuck me! Fuck me!" over and over - the allegedly straight boy wanted a gay man to fuck him - SUCCESS! My middle finger still had a coating of lube on it so I inserted it in his arse, sliding it quickly in and out . . . in and out . . . His cock had been throbbing hard for at least an hour and I knew he must have a terrible case of blue balls by now; having kept my pet airman hard and horny for so long I knew his balls must be throbbing. Just what I had been waiting for.

I grasped his hairy nuts with my free hand and squeezed. He screamed loud and long. If only he knew how many times I'd watched hot studs like him, wanting them, not being able to have them, my balls aching so badly from having a super hard-on but not being able to do anything about it to relieve the tension in my groin . . . there was only one thing left for me to teach him. I inserted my finger into his chute as deep as it would go and searched until I found his prostate. Bending my finger, I rubbed his semen producing gland, driving him close to crazy with pain and lasciviousness. I toyed with his prostate and - with the other hand - stroked his tender, tormented balls, enjoying his agony knowing he would find no way to alleviate the lustful urgency burning his groin. A rivulet of clear pre-seminal fluid glistened as it oozed from his cock slit, gathered on the tip of his cock head and streamed down his oscillating shaft. I got off the bed, took another item out of my sacred Bag of Goodies and returned to the bed. I positioned myself between his legs, bringing with me a special butt plug. When I roughly seized and lifted his throbbing bollocks out of the way he screamed, writhing with searing pain. Squeezing more KY on to and around his arsehole I pushed the butt plug into him. It had been specially adapted for me by one of my regulars, who just happened to be an electrician. He had fitted two electrical contacts to it, to which I now hooked the alligator clips I had used earlier to fry Northcott's nipples. I turned the knob on the transformer to increase the power output. Next, I squeezed another large amount of lube into my palm, rubbing my hands together. "Tell me when you're going to cum," I said. "Yes, oh, yes!" moaned the youth beneath me. By now, every nerve and sinew in his body must have been crying out, "We need sex! For God's sake, make him cum!"

Taking his throbbing, swollen cock in my hand I slowly and gently stroked the thickly veined shaft with a delicate up and down motion, taking time out now and then to lick his distended glans and lightly mouth his aching blue balls. Feral primeval grunts and squeals came from somewhere deep within him. I continued to use my hand on his dripping cock as his tongue flicked lizard-like across his lips. Leaning forward I took his manhood into my mouth and down my gullet, continuing to deep throat his cock, my head bobbing up and down like a cork in a turbulent tea cup. He thrust his hips in time with my rhythm, fucking my mouth and throat. "Oh, YES! I'm cumming - NOW!!" he screamed. I popped his cock out of my mouth and pumped on it fast with my lubed hand. I grabbed the cable carrying the switch button as I jacked him off faster and faster. "Oh . . . Oh . . . OHHHH!" Then in short bursts, "ahh . . . ahh . . . ahh . . ." He was waiting until his jism could not be held back a moment longer. I continued my rough masturbation of his cock, squeezing it harder to give him more feeling. "Oh . . . ahh . . . ahh . . . I'm cummmmm . . .!" he bellowed. At that precise moment, the decisive point, I held his cock at its base, at a 45 degree angle, aiming towards his face, and pressed the button to activate the electric butt plug. Screaming a wild scream of pleasure mingled with pain, his backside lifted off the bed, his ball sac tightening and his steel hard cock twitching vigorously in my hand. A flow of thick white sperm exploded from the distended crown of his cock, landing in viscous white globs which stuck to the fur all over his chest and his needing-a-shave face. His spunk continued in an unflagging white stream for several seconds. It was as if he was pissing rather than shooting his load.

When the stream of thick white sperm finally stopped, I released the button. He crashed back on to the bed, clearly close to exhaustion. I put his still powerfully throbbing cock into my mouth and sucked the delicious final droplets of his man juices from his cock head. I heard him give a long, shuddering sigh of satisfaction and looked at him. He had passed out in his ecstasy. I slowly dressed, gently removed the butt plug from his hole, unhooked my magic box of tricks and quietly left him in his cell, sleeping the dreamless sleep of a man sexually satiated. I left him sleeping for the remainder of the night, until an hour or so before the Orderly Sergeant arrived for Defaulters Parade. By then, the guards and fire picket lads were all awake anticipating the end of their spell of duty and breakfast at the Airmen's Mess. Brian Northcott was still soundly asleep, a child-like smile hovering around his lips. Gazing down at him, all my lust and craving for him returned. Thrusting such thoughts away I decided to wake him up. The next few minutes would be critical: either he would turn out to be the most conformist heterosexual that ever lived and would threaten to kill or report me, or else he was going to abandon his philandering with the opposite sex and embrace man-to-man sex games ever after. I tapped him lightly on the cheek and woke him up. He opened his eyes and said, "That was the most fantastic sex I've ever had. Thank you." I breathed again. Somehow, I had known Brian was going to be OK.

I told Brian I would not press charges against him concerning the incident behind the NAAFI building the evening before but only if he gave me the name of the other guy, the one who had scampered away. He briefly hesitated, then gave me the man's name. To my astonishment it turned out to be Andy Taylor, Corporal Rimmer's right hand man in Harrier Block. I recalled there had been salacious rumours about those two and they had jointly acquired the tag "the bumboys". I reassured Brian that when the time came I would say that the night had been very dark and the NAAFI Manager, when asked, admitted he could not have seen clearly what was going on. The young lady who had allegedly been present had been nowhere near the supposed incident, having gone home at least an hour earlier.

When I saw a glimmer of hope on his face I said, "Now, what about you, you fabulous cock sucking airman. I will spin a believable yarn about you having had a drink too many and, not being used to it, had been a bit cranky. I will testify that I had been called out to investigate curious goings on behind the NAAFI and when I saw the state you were in, I brought you back to the Guardroom and put you in a cell for the night, just for your own safety. You will probably get seven days CB (confined to barracks), but that will be better than a Court Martial and probably being discharged from the Service for having your tongue up another guy's arsehole!" He thanked me in the only way he could - by giving me a quick blow job before the day began in earnest. He and I had plenty of fun over the next few days until, one morning as I was going off duty, I saw Andy Taylor - the young man whose name Brian had given me - coming out of one of the barracks (not Harrier Block) looking very pleased with himself and with his arm around another young airman's shoulders. . . . . .

Laurie, 10/02/17.

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