
Published on Apr 15, 2022



Disclaimer: Roseanne and all of it's characters are all property of Carsey-Werner. I own nothing.

                                                         My Friend D.J
Chapter 1

Summary: D.J finds a new friend and they seem to fit well together. However things are not always what they seem. Why did Todd steal D.J's dirty underwear and why does he keep picturing him almost naked. Will Todd be able to come to terms with the fact that his feelings for D.J go beyond friendship? And will D.J be able to accept Todd's feelings?

D.J walked into the Conner house around 3:15 Pm on a Wednesday afternoon with his new friend Todd.

"Hey D.J who's you little friend here?" Roseanne said.

"This is Todd. His family just moved in across the street."

"Well welcome to the neighborhood Todd."

"I'm going to show him my room. Where gonna look at some comics"

"Now D.J you don't want to go scaring you new friend off already now do you?"

"Oh I'm just teasing you.  Go have fun. MAKE SURE TO BE DOWN BY DINNER!"

D.J and Todd walked into D.J's room which was a complete mess although neither of them seemed to care.

"You have it!"

"Yea its right here" D.J said pulling  out a spider man comic.

"Iv been dying to find out what happens next. I haven't had access to a comic book since we moved."

"So your mom really doesn't let you read comics?" D.J said

"No she says comics are mindless and rot the brain."

"Man that's awful. Well you can read comics at my house any time."

"Yea she can be kind of a pain sometimes."

The 2 boys sat on D.J's bed flipping though the comic book and having a good time.

"I gotta take a leak I'll be right back" D.J said suddenly running out of the room.

Todd lowered the comic and began to look around DJ's room. He suspected his room would look like something similar if his mom didn't make him keep it spot clean and forbid him from hanging anything on the wall. His mom was such a drag when it came to anything fun. She was afraid he would get hurt and insisted that almost everything he do have some sort of educational value. He was a bright kid but sometimes he just needed a break.

Todd noticed a pair of Spiderman briefs lying crumpled on the floor. He walked over to them picked them up and examined them. Then he put them to his nose and sniffed them. They where dirty and D.J's familiar smell filled his nostrils. Very discreetly he folded them up and stuffed them in his jeans pocket then got back on the bed and went back to reading the comic.

After dinner Todd went straight up to bed. His mother tucked him in goodnight and closed the door. When he heard her footsteps go down the stairs he slowly made his way over to the door. Very quietly he locked it with just the tiniest click so his mom wouldn't hear. He turned on the light and began rummaging through his closet. With his heart pounding he drew D.J's briefs out of their hiding spot. For a moment he just stared at them. They where white with spider man logos all over. There was an extra large Spiderman covering the crotch area. Watching cartoons was something he was also forbid to do so naturally his underwear contained no cartoon characters just plain white briefs. Todd brought the underpants back to his bed shucking his pajama pants and shirt along the way. Lying on his bed in his white briefs he took the Spiderman underwear and placed it on top of his nose. The aroma of D.J filled his nostrils and he was in heaven. He couldn't quite explain it but inhaling D.J's scent gave him this euphoric pleasure. All the world's problems seemed to melt away. His crotch got all tingly and his... thingy got hard. He couldn't explain why he felt this way all he knew was that it made him feel good and he didn't want to stop.

After a few minutes of deep inhalation Todd got another idea. He went over to the mirror shucking his underpants along the way. After staring at himself briefly he slowly lifted the Spiderman briefs up his legs onto himself. His crotch now tingled like crazy as he reminded himself over and over again that the same material that was directly touching his... thingy had been directly touching D.J's thingy only a day before. The thought of their two parts coming so close in contact with each other excited him in was he could not understand. As he stared at himself in the mirror he began to D.J standing there in the briefs instead of him. He found he could not take his eyes of D.J's crotch which was pretty well outlined in the tight briefs. If possible he had become harder than before and the tingling in his crotch was both euphoric and unbearable at the same time. Not really aware of what he was doing he stuck his hand inside the briefs and started to rub himself. With the image of the near naked D.J in his head headed off to bed.  

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Next: Chapter 2

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