Rory and Sebastian

By Sebastian Rory

Published on Jun 14, 2022


--Like most of the stories, this installment is once again from Sebastian's point of view, rather than Rory's. Like all of the stories, they are above the age of 18. Thank you so much to everyone for their comments on this series so far. --

'How long has he been like this?'

Robbie looked at me as we walked through the school grounds to the playing fields. Where I'd first begun speaking to Rory properly, only a few weeks earlier. There was no hesitancy in Robbie and no attempt to play coy with the information or to ineffectually cover it up. He was straight down the line with the information; it was one of the reasons why he and I got along so well together. We were very alike in that respect. 'A while,' he said. 'I don't know when it started. I know when I first started to notice something wasn't right, but I don't know when it started in Rory's head.'

'He was never fat, though. Was he?' I asked. It was a rhetorical question. I'm sure I'd've remembered him getting as trim as he was now, if he'd been larger at some point. But at least if he had been, there'd be a firm, certifiable moment where the 'problem' began.

'No,' Robbie said. 'Not in anyone else's eyes at least. He was a bit podgy for, like, a year, in prep school, like we all were at some point, y'know? I can remember someone making a joke about it in football one day, when we were getting changed. Kids' stuff. I remember it because it was the first time I'd ever heard anyone insult Rory. And I think, to be honest, that it just ate away at him, under the surface. Then, when we started going here, I began noticing things like he wouldn't take his top off if we were sharing a bed or sleeping over together or anything like that.'

'And you would?'

'Yeah. Of course. That's what made it obvious. Then, little things -- especially once we started drinking. At times, he'd get upset about it when he was drunk. Really, really upset. Or obsess about his clothes and how he looked. He'd panic if it wasn't "right."'

'It's a really big thing, isn't it, Robbie?'

'Huge,' Robbie sighed. 'I mean, he's not a mess,' he added, defensively. As if he needed to defend Rory to me. 'He's not ... a burden. If that's what you're thinking.'

'Fuck off,' I snapped, irritably. 'That's not what I think.'


'It's just ... Fuck, dude, I dunno. I mean, he's my boyfriend. And I really like him. So fucking much. And he was visibly freaking out when I started touching his stomach. Like, I've felt his boner through his jeans before and he wasn't embarrassed about that, at all. It's just...'

'It's not modesty,' Robbie explained. 'That's not what it is.'

'He cried, Robbie,' I said. I could hear the sadness in my voice; I couldn't get the image of the tears spilling down his face. 'He cried because I touched him. And I had to hold him there to get him to stop. Poor Rory. Fuck.'

Robbie flung his arm around my shoulder. 'He'll get better,' he said. 'You'll be good for him. You'll be good for each other.'

'I will make him better,' I promised. 'Also, dude, less serious note: I'm wanking so much more now.'


'Yeah, I don't know what he does to me, but I'm turned on pretty much all the fucking time.'

Robbie laughed. 'Well if that doesn't help with his self-esteem issues, I don't know what will.'

I wiped my hand down his face. 'That's the hand that does all the damage.'

Robbie burst out laughing and punched me in the arm.

The knowledge that Rory was riddled with one crippling neurosis settled over our relationship like a cloud, dimly streaked with gray, on a summer's day. Had Rory been allowed to do things his way, he would never have mentioned the evening he freaked out. He'd have preferred to let it slip away into silence and mentally torture himself with the memory of it. Like all of his problems, the worst of them was achieved because he was allowed to nurture them, or fester them, in the silence of his own self-flagellating thoughts. I, however, was luckily wired in a completely different way and I wouldn't let it lie, no matter how piss-bitchy he got about it from time to time. I'd put my hand under his sweater when we were hanging out on Saturdays or Sundays; I'd read aloud his jean size and mock him for thinking that it could possibly be conceived as fat; I'd regularly make obscene sexual comments to him (those, in fairness, were as much for my benefit as his) and not once, no matter what he said or did, would I ever concede that he had a point. Or that he should be 'allowed' to feel this way.

The problem with Rory's entrenched belief that he was not just fat but that he was also ugly, too, was that in every other way, Rory had a shrewd self-awareness that it is very rare to find in anyone, of any age. You couldn't possibly have accused him of being modest. Or self-deprecating. Rory was definitely aware of his cleverness, his grace, his wit and his charm. If you'd asked him, like I did one night, how he managed to "work" people, he actually could've told you, with pretty accurate precision, what bits of his personality made people respond to him in the way that they did. It was that understated elegance, the ease of his carriage and person, that I can remember being struck with the very first time I became aware of being attracted to him -- on the playing fields, on the day both of us were kept off by Mr Gortchin.

Knowing all this about himself, Rory was therefore able to convince himself that because he could see the good in himself, he must also be instinctively and infallibly aware of the bad, as well. When it came to himself, I had to make Rory realize that whilst he was clever, he was not omniscient. It was a hard lesson for him to learn.

Anyway, at eighteen, Rory was unshakably convinced that he and he alone could read himself properly. He was clever, funny and confident; he was fat, ugly and unattractive. No matter what argument you put to him, and I put many - including that no-one had ever intimated in any way that he was ugly - Rory could also retort with firm, slightly sad, confidence that implied that either only people like Josh Peterly had the honesty to tell him what he actually looked like. Or that he was somehow so magically skilled with hairspray and fashion sense that he could trick us all into believing he wasn't quite the mutant that he'd appear to be if he went topless.

For the first few weeks that we were together, Rory and I therefore basically had a weird kind of non-intimate intimacy. Physical intimacy between us was everywhere and it was also painfully absent, at exactly the same time. That sounds weird, I know, but that's how I felt. I would hold his hand, we'd make out, he'd rest his head on my shoulder when we watched a movie, he'd stroke my face, feed me, he'd let me rest his head on a cushion on his lap when I'd nap after practice. But the slight tremor in his body when I'd creep up behind him, push myself on him and put my hand up his sweater onto his stomach didn't go away. No matter how often I did it. In a weird way, the fact that I knew getting Rory to be physically or sexually intimate would be one massive uphill psychological battle to overcome focused my attention on that point in our relationship far earlier than I might have done if I had just assumed that, one day soon, it'd start when the time was right and it'd all be fine. There was now no doubt in my mind that I'd have to be the one to initiate it and that I'd have to be quite firm about it. Maybe even slightly forceful. What I hadn't quite appreciated yet, however, was Rory's capacity to surprise me.

It was, maybe, about three weeks after the night at the pub with Robbie and the guys from the rugby squad -- or, in Rory's head, the night he'd gone eight kinds of crazy over his stomach. We'd told everyone that we were official; Robbie, first, as our closest mutual friend. His face had kind of lit up when we told him and he and Rory spent about half an hour sequestered in the corner of the pub with their beers, heads close, laughing with one another. They looked like brothers. Sexy brothers. (My cock flared.) Anyway, after that, Rory had told the girls -- Virginia, Judith, Claudia and Caroline -- all of whom, except Judith, were now marginally nicer to me. As nice as the bitches of Eastwick could be; Judith at least had the emotional honesty to admit to herself that she didn't give a fuck if anyone but her lived or died, so she still looked at me as if I was some weird kind of fungus who'd wandered out of the zoo and too close to her lunch table. I ate lunch with them once. Never again. Firstly even the word 'ate' is misleading. I ate. They looked at me from their diet sodas like I needed a feeding trough. I'd told my parents about him and me; they were cool with it, and they both seemed to like Rory. My mother found him 'very sweet,' my dad liked that he was clever. Which is how my father typically decides if he likes anybody. Rory passed with flying colors. I liked Rory's parents, too. His father was a bit more reserved than his mother, but they were nice to me and gave us our space. Rory and his dad were very close, which I liked. My sister Jenny liked Rory, too; he had a better way of talking to girls than I did. Do. They got along very well. A conversation on the merits of each individual Kardashian sister seemed to seal the deal between them.

Anyway, I'd been horse riding all day Saturday and I'd told Rory that I'd be over to his house at about seven. I knew he was cooking dinner for us -- steaks, which on a good day might actually make me happier than sex. I jest. Fuck me, I seriously jest! But, anyway, by the time I was done with the horses and said goodbye to my cousin, who rode with me, it was 6.50. There was no way I'd have time to go home, shower or change, without maybe fucking up Rory's cooking plans completely. I bombed over to his house in my car and got there at 7.10. He opened the door, wearing a white wool sweater and dark jeans. He looked freshly showered and his eyes were bright. Like his smile.

'I'm so sorry I'm late,' I apologized, kissing him on the lips. 'Is dinner ready? Did I fuck up?'

'No,' he laughed. 'I haven't start it, yet. You can't start steaks until the person's here! I don't even know how you take yours. Don't worry. Calm! This is funny - I've never seen you stressed before.'

I relaxed and smiled. 'I didn't want to fuck up,' I explained. 'Can I use your shower? I bombed over here from the stables. And I stink.'

For the first time since I'd arrived, Rory took a step back and looked at me properly. I was wearing my boots, dirty beige jodhpurs and a beat-up old Ralph Lauren top. I stank of horses and sweat. I purposely had not yet stepped off the entrance mat in case I messed up his mom's entrance hall. Rory, however, who was usually so fussy about anything like that, didn't seem to have noticed. His face had flushed slightly and his eyes were slightly glazed. I knew that look, like the back of my hand. It was lust.

'Ooooh,' I mocked. 'Ooh-ho.'

'What?' he answered, defensively. 'What?'

'How's your dick, Ror-Ror? Firming up?'

'I ... What?'

'It's "pardon," princess, and it's okay to admit you find me sexy. Who'd've thought it? Anti-Bac Masterton crushes extra hard on his boyfriend when he's all sweaty and dirty. You filthy bitch.'

'You're an ass,' Rory shot back, smiling. His eyes were dancing. The game play was on.

'Would you rather I'd been riding you rather than the horses today, Rory?' It suddenly hit me that his parents could definitely have overheard this and mortification shot through my body.

'Don't worry,' Rory said, smugly. Reading my thoughts. 'They're out for the evening. Go take your shower.'

'You need to help me take my boots off, slut,' I said. 'Unless you want the carpet destroyed.'

He looked at me, keenly. Making a decision. Appraising it. 'Okay. One thing, though,' he said. And then he threw himself at me, right up against me. I could feel his dick through his jeans -- closer to a boner than a semi. His tongue stabbed into my mouth. I'd never seen him this forward before. And I'd rather have been bent over and been fucked up the ass by a cucumber than let the opportunity pass. I wrapped my arms around his back and one grabbed his ass, squeezing tightly. He squealed slightly into my mouth. He liked it. We were both hard now. His hands began to unbutton my jodhpurs. He was like a man possessed and, with him in this mood, so was I. I hadn't had sex, or anything like it bar masturbating, in over a month. Not since the vortex of self-annoyance brought about by Josh Peterly's tight asshole and wet mouth.

When the jodhpurs were undone and his hand was on my boxers -- when he could feel my cock through the fabric -- I felt him hesitate, just for a moment. And I held myself still. Stiller than he'd done when my hand went to his stomach. I didn't want to force him, but I knew he had a habit of second-guessing himself. 'Touch it,' I said, huskily. His eyes flicked up to my face and there was a small, open-lipped smirk on his lips. He looked devastatingly sexy. Naughty and prim; intelligently slutty. His eyes broke contact with mine and he looked instead at my mouth. The right corner of his lips moved slightly, as if he smile was extending, and his left hand stayed clasped on my hip, as his right hand slipped in through the slit in my boxers. That's when Rory Masterton touched my dick for the first time. My head groaned backwards, onto the Mastertons' front door; his fingers traced lightly along my shaft. Then they circled it and he swallowed. He removed his hands, temporarily; I exhaled in audible frustration. He put his hands behind my head and guided it back, so I opened my eyes and looked down at him.

'I'm so glad you're here,' he said. And I kissed him again. Hard. I'd hurt him slightly with how hard I'd slammed into him, but he kept grinding against me. When we broke apart, he was breathless, but there was hardly a nanosecond of a pause before he dropped down to his knees in front of me. He pulled my jodhpurs open further and yanked them down with my boxers. My cock sprang free and Rory's mouth fell on it. Instantly and instinctively. He wasted no time. He was trying to take as much of it in his mouth as possible. You could hear him slobbering all over it. His spit was slicking it up, I was already started to prejac and he was slurping away in the middle of his entrance hall like he was demented. His hands reached behind me and held onto the globes of my ass. I heard him whimper with lust when he reached them. The sound was muffled by the presence of my dick in his mouth, right up to the entrance to his throat. He pulled off and took deep, guttural, inelegant breaths. There were spit bubbles around his mouth and dribbling down his chin. He removed his hands from my ass and began jerking them up and down my cock. Seeing him so messed up and so unexpectedly stripped of all his usual propriety, seeing the elegance gone from him completely, seeing him reduced -- or maybe elevated, fuck knows -- to kneeling in his front entrance hall, slobbering and gasping over the sweaty cock of his unwashed, horse-stained boyfriend, pushed me over the edge. I loved him. That was the moment when I knew it. I think I knew it even through the lust and sweat of the situation. I didn't say it though. Not then. Instead, I yanked my top off over my head and tossed it aside. I put my hands on the back of his head and wrapped them through his hair. I guided him back towards my tool and he opened obediently. He began bobbing up and down, my hand stayed on his head and he looked up at me. Holding eye contact.

'You're beautiful,' I groaned. 'Fuck me - you've no idea how beautiful your face looks like, stuffed full of dick like this. Yeah, you fucking like that, don't you? I'm not going to last much longer,' I warned. I was telling the truth. I hadn't jerked off all day and this was unexpected. I could feel my balls tingling and I didn't want him to think that I was an early shooter, under the right circumstances.

He pulled off again and I yelled slightly in frustration. 'Sebastian,' he gasped and slurred slightly. I looked down at him. 'I want you to spunk in my mouth,' he said, firmly. His hands traced up onto my six pack: loving, erotically, entreatingly. 'I want it all in my mouth. I want it. Please,' Rory asked, 'fucking cum in my mouth.'

I nearly came there and then, just hearing him talk like that. I grabbed my dick with my hand and smacked it on his face a couple of times. He tilted his head back, closed his eyes and his mouth hung open with naked, unashamed desire. 'You want it in your mouth, Rory?' He nodded again and I cock-slapped him a few more times. 'Take it, then. Fucking take it.'

I slid my penis into his mouth and I felt relief in him that it was back there. I tightened my grip this time on my hair and his hands returned to my ass. He started pushing himself further and further down my pole. I could hear him choking and feel drool -- there was too much of it now to be called spit -- spilling slickly out the sides of his mouth. There was more choking and nearly a retch, as he forced the head of my dick down his throat. His nose made contact with my trimmed pubic hair and my balls were crushed slightly by his chin. I could hear him choking. I could see him turning red and I tried to back off, just a little. To give him some space, any space, to let more air in. But he tightened his grip on my ass cheeks and held me there. He was actually almost trying to choke himself on my dick, he was so into it. He swallowed; I felt his throat muscles go. I lost it and thrust forward. Spunk shot out of me and poured down Rory's throat or into his mouth. I actually screamed, or roared, as it happened. My legs and ass seized up, slightly. It was intense, visceral. Just as I'd finished spunking, Rory pulled back and his head hung forward. Ropes of my cum, mixed with his spit, hung from his mouth. He didn't have his breath back. I reached down and yanked him brutally to his feet by his arm. I spun us around, so he was the one with his back to the door and I kissed him. Savagely. I nearly had my whole tongue in his mouth. I felt his spit and my spooj trickle onto my bare chest; I tasted it in his mouth. His arms wrapped around my neck, holding me close to him. I could feel he was still shaking; I wasn't giving him anytime to recover. I pulled my, still naked, crotch away from him slightly and began to undo his belt buckle. I pressed my hand against the torso of his sweater and slammed him firmly against the door. I undid his belt, unbuttoned his fly, pulled his pants down to past his ass and then down to his knees, when I pushed his boxers into them.

I hocked. I spat into my spare hand and I could see traces of my spit, his spit and my cum in it. I reached down and grabbed his cock. I began aggressively jerking it. He was like putty in my hands. He was writhing and mewing, like a whore in heat. I reached up and yanked his sweater up. I felt him try to recoil and with great, great restraint I stopped myself from slapping him. 'If you want this to finish,' I commanded, 'then you better hold fucking still, Rory.' I kissed him again and then yanked the sweater up and off, throwing it in the same direction I'd thrown mine. I keep jerking and kissed him again, before tracing down his neck and onto his nipples. Everything on his upper body was rock hard. It was perfect. People would actually have paid to have the physique he had. It irritated me slightly, in the back of my mind, and it made me sad. But I kept kissing up and down; I pulled his nipples into my mouth and began sucking them, spitting on them, and nibbling. He was thrusting his dick into my hands and I was impressed at the size of it. He was actually quite big. Although, to my rugby boy relief, about half an inch or so shorter than me.

I traced my hand down to fondle his ass and support him, when his feet lifted off the ground slightly. I whispered twice, 'You're so beautiful, Rory. You've no idea how beautiful you are right now.' His eyes were closed as he spouted into my hand -- big, thick torrents of ejaculate. That collided into my stomach, landed slightly on his, hit my balls and ran through my hands. When he'd stopped, he didn't cave into my arms, like I'd expected him to. Instead, he kept his eyes closed, took a deep breath and laid his head back against the door.

When he opened his eyes, I was staring at him, smirking. He tried to reach for the phone table where his sweater was hanging. 'Oh, no you don't,' I ruled. I pressed him back up against the door, our naked stomachs pressed against each other and we felt his cum squelch between us. Our softening dicks nuzzled into together and I wrapped my arms around his waist. 'Too late now, Rory.'

'Give me my sweater, asshole,' he commanded, trying to keep his tone light. 'It's over.'

'No,' I said. 'I'm bigger than you, I'm stronger than you and I'm not giving it back. I wanna perv on you for a bit.' I nuzzled in and kissed his neck, softly. 'Take my boots off, I really need a shower.'

He got down to my feet and prized my riding boots off, as I held onto the door handle for support. I noticed that he tried to keep his hand across his stomach, but couldn't maintain it because he needed both hands to get the boots off. 'I didn't know sweaty cowboys turned you on this much,' I teased.

'Oh yeah, you're so cowboy in your Ralph Lauren and your jodhpurs, Sebastian. It's practically like being in the original Wild West.'

'Didn't hear you complaining when you were slobbering up and down on my dick like it was a popsicle stick in the middle of July.'

He looked up at me and rolled his eyes. The final boot came off and he got to his feet. He tried to put his hand back to shielding his stomach. 'No,' I said, pulling it away and stepping back in. 'No, Rory. I just spunked in your mouth and molested the fuck out of you in the middle of your parents' entrance hall. The time for dignity is past. Right, which shower should I use?'

'My one,' he said. 'There should be towels up there. I'll go up after you. I probably need one now, too,' he said, gesturing ruefully at his cum-splattered physique.

'After me?' I asked, sarcastically. 'No, no. With me.' He opened his mouth to make a wise-ass comeback, but before he could I hoisted him up over my shoulder and began walking up his stairway.

'Sebastian, I am serious, stop this! I am not... Sebastian, please. Put me down.'

'I've already seen you naked, Rory,' I laughed, 'and I might want blown again in the shower. Shut the fuck up.' I pulled his socks, trousers and underwear off him as we walked, littering them on the stairs. 'By the way, when are your parents back? I may need to clean this up. Mightn't make too good an impression if they find all this when they come home.'

He paused and stopped struggling. 'Hey, Ror-Ror,' I said, slapping his ass, 'when are they back?'

'They're not. They're at Aunty Sarah's for the night.'

'And when were you going to tell me this?'


'Oh, Rory,' I laughed throatily, 'there's going to be so much cum in this house tonight.'

I deposited him on the floor of his bedroom and opened the door to his en-suite. 'C'mon, then,' I gestured, clicking my fingers and pointing at the bathroom. 'You've a nice dick,' I complimented. 'And put your arms across our stomach one more time and I'll fucking break them, Rory.'

I pulled my jodhpurs and boxers down, fluffing my dick and balls a little. 'Right, baby, let's go. First shower together.'

He walked past me, eyeing me the whole time. He was smiling slightly, as if to say, 'Fuck you, asshole, you've won this round.' And he was blushing, because he was naked. I pulled two towels off the rack, and nudged him into the shower. I turned it on and the shower hit us both. He had a nice shower; a really big one. And the water cascaded over us. He grimaced slightly and squealed as the water hit him. It was cute. I tossed him the shower gel: 'Do my back for me,' I asked, turning away from him.

He squirted the gel into his hands and began lathering up my back. Robbie had been right; his hang-ups were, in no way, modesty related. He didn't recoil from, or object to, my nudity in any way. It was entirely self-centered, in the least selfish possible way; what he did to himself. It wasn't through modesty; Robbie knew him too well. Robbie had said that Rory hadn't taken his t-shirt off when they slept over together, but he hadn't objected to Robbie doing it. If he'd been naturally prudish, he would have. But he wasn't. His hands coiled gently down my back, applying exactly the right kind of pleasure. It was fucking blissful. I curse like an Irishman, by the way; I know.

'So, why didn't you tell me your parents weren't going to be here tonight?' I asked. I tried to keep the nerves out of my voice, but it had just occurred to me that he might have deliberately kept the information from me. Given what had just happened downstairs, I hadn't initially considered the possibility that maybe he didn't want us sharing a bed. Maybe I shouldn't have said that cum comment? 'I can go, honestly, Rory, if you'd rather or if it'd get you in trouble.'

He kept washing me and his hands moved, caressingly, down to my ass cheeks again. 'No, it wasn't that,' he said, honestly. 'It was just that I didn't know how fast things were moving between us. I didn't think this was going to happen. Or that,' he continued, in reference to downstairs 'I don't know what came over me when I saw you. But, I'd like you to stay.' He finished washing my ass cheeks; his hands stopped. 'Please stay?' he asked, softly. Meekly. He kissed my shoulder.

'Of course I'll stay,' I answered. 'One condition. Okay, two.'

'What?' he asked. He was amused; we were playing again.

'You sleep naked with me tonight,' I declared. 'And you blow me in the morning. Then cook me breakfast.' I glanced over my shoulder and winked at him. 'I know that's three, but I'm sexy and you'll do it.'

'Sleep naked?'


He paused, then swallowed. 'Okay. Deal.'

'Do my legs,' I commanded. He slid to his knees and lathered up legs. He washed them thoroughly and then I turned to face him. I raised my eyebrows and he nodded, conceding defeat. Acknowledging that he knew what was coming next. He passed over the shower gel and I washed him. I wish I could say I washed away the last of his neuroses, but of course I didn't. There were still instinctive recoils; momentary flinches. They'd keep up, one way or the other and from time to time, for years. But I kept my hand on him, teased him, talked to him, showered him and tugged on his semi. We dried ourselves off outside in the bathroom, except his hair -- I dried that. Looming over him; it felt like I was looming, even though I was only three inches taller. And I kept talking the whole time. He was looking up at me with these big, calf-like saucers. He adored me and trusted me. There was, for the rest of that whole night, no guard up from him whatsoever. And I loved him; I knew that.

Twenty minutes later, I walked into the kitchen, topless and wearing sweatpants. I pulled a beer from his fridge and watched as he cooked us dinner. He had a t-shirt on and sweats, too. I kissed the back of his neck and hopped up on the island, watching him. 'Are you virgin?' I asked, bluntly. I wanted to know.

'Like a proper one?' he asked.

'Yeah. Asshole,' I clarified.

'Yes,' he answered, flushing slightly. 'I'm not a slut, despite what I just...'

'How was that slutty, Rory? I'm your boyfriend. If you think it's slutty every time you end up with my cum on you, you're going to have a pretty unhappy life.'

He laughed. There was a pause. 'Sebastian.'


He didn't say anything more. He opened his mouth, stopped, then shrugged and focused with excessive interest on his cooking.

'I love you too, Rory,' I said.

He spun round. 'What?'

'That's what you wanted to say, isn't it?' I asked. My tone was matter-of-fact. I knew him. I knew he'd bottled out, but that he wanted to say it. That he meant it. But thought it was too soon.

He nodded. The spatula was still in his hand, but he'd forgotten his task. There was no elegance in him again; he just looked big-eyed and lost. I hopped down and walked over. 'Rory, I've never said it to anyone before, either. I love you. Okay?' I kissed him on the nose. 'I love you so fucking much. You think it's weird we're saying this too soon? Fuck it. We don't have to tell anyone else we've said it. It doesn't matter what anyone else says or thinks; this is just us. It's just between us. Our business; our relationship. Right?' He nodded and his free hand trailed entreatingly over my chest. I kept talking: 'Rory, you think this is all too soon and that you can't believe you did what you did in the hallway. Don't be stupid. I looked down at you, slobbering up and down on my dick and you know what I thought? I thought, "Fuck me, my boyfriend is incredible." I love you, Rory, all of you. When you have your shit together and when you don't. Less so when you're being a little bitch, but other than that, you're perfect. Almost as perfect as me. Which is something!'

He smiled and bit his lip. 'I love you, too,' he said.

'I know. Duh.'

'Well, I thought I should at least say it, Sebastian!' he shot back. I laughed at him. 'I've given head before,' he said. 'Just to be clear.'

'That's so weird, baby, considering how timid you were in the hallway.' I slapped his ass and then grabbed him as he cooked, pulled his collar down a bit and landed a hickey on the back of his right shoulder.

That night, I sucked him off for the first time, too. After dinner, we went into his den and watched a truly shiteous Scarlett Johansson movie. He was lying down and I was resting my head on his stomach. (How's that for progress?) I began kissing it, then trailed down and went to town on his dick. He tasted nice; freshly washed, obviously, but sizeable and a little salty. He had nice balls and dark pubis. He kept a firm grip on my head towards the end and didn't warn me when he was going to cum. He just sprayed in my mouth. I drank it all down. I liked him like that -- a little butch, a little domineering. It was sexy. I crawled up after, when it was over, and kissed him on the mouth. He accepted it, although I'd swallowed his cum. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes for a minute. He gently stroked my hair and kept watching the movie. Later, up in his bedroom, he pulled out some baby oil and offered me a massage. I stripped naked and then undressed him. He massaged my back and then my front, tweaking my nipples as he went. He was hard again; the redness of his head pointing angrily to the ceiling. We 69'd each other and I let my tongue flick over his asshole a few times during it.

He lay in my arms that night; there was no light and it was that kind of pitch-blackness that only homes in the countryside, that are far from the main roads, can get. It was nice and soothing. I traced my hands up and down his side and he was too tired, too worn out by all the foreplay, to protest. He'd relaxed. That mood happened to him intermittently, with increasing regularity the longer we were together; so relaxed and at ease with himself, with us, with his body. It gave me an insight into what he might always have been like if, if Robbie was right, that kid had never made the comment to him eight years ago at a kids' football practice.

'Tonight was unexpected,' I chortled in the darkness.

'Well, you were right about the amount of cum,' he rejoined. Still on the ball with wordplay, even when he was half-asleep.

'I'm always right about spunk, baby. It's a skill. You are quite the tiger.' I pulled him closer to me and he wrapped his leg closer into mine. He sighed, softly. I nudged him, just as he dozed off to sleep. 'Don't you forget that blowjob in the morning.'

'Fuck you,' he murmured.

'Oh, that'll come, big boy,' I laughed. 'Don't you worry.' ------------------------------------

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