Rory and Sebastian

By Sebastian Rory

Published on May 23, 2022


-Everyone in this story is over the age of eighteen -

I walked into school the morning after having sex with Josh on my living room floor. The weather had started to get a little bit colder out and I took my coat off before walking down the corridors to registration. As a rule I didn't usually properly wake up until sometime around eleven, preferring to opt for zombie mode before then. Today, however, I was about to get a fairly rude awakening.

As I passed the water fountain, I bumped into my friend and team-mate, Robbie Kirkpatrick. I'd jerked off to the mental image of Robbie a few times, I won't lie. He was tall, toned and swarthy - and Rory Masterton's oldest friend. He was also a good guy - really funny, really straight (in every sense of the word) and a big hit with the ladies.

"You dog," he smiled.


"Just heard about you and Josh Peterly yesterday after school."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I groaned. "How?"

"He was showing off that monster hickey you gave him to Natalie and Suzanne this morning."

"Fuck my life."

"Come on, Seb, relax. So you fucked him? Big deal."

"I really don't want people to think him and I are an item, Robbie."

"Stop having sex with him, then," he teased. Then smiled again. He cuffed me on the shoulder. "Relax, Seb. It's not a big deal."

But it was a big deal. It sounds douchey of me, but deep down I really disliked Joshua Peterly and I loathed myself every time I gave in and had sex with him. It wasn't that I judged him for being so forward with wanting sex. I mean that's just like, whatever, no big deal. It was that the whole thing was always so desperate. I love sex; I mean, I really fucking love it. But every time I was with Josh you could smell his desperation for attention and my desperation to relieve the boner he'd just given me.

And there's no point, not even a little, in denying that on that morning I was already worried about what Rory would think about me if, or rather when, he heard that after trash-talking Joshua yesterday afternoon, I'd been inside him by yesterday evening.

Robbie and I separated as he went off to his home room and I headed on to mine.

"I hear your ankle's recovered, Sebastian?"

I froze at the sound of Rory's voice and looked behind me. "Yeah, it has," I said, trying to sound cocky and joining in our private joke. "My brain apparently needs a bit more time." Please don't hate me, I thought, and then mentally berated myself for being so fucking desperate. Before yesterday, I'd barely spoken to this guy and now I was ... now I was, what?

Rory shrugged. Infuriatingly. He smelled great as he fell into step beside me. "I'm glad you two have sorted things out," he said, evenly. "Joshua seems extremely happy this morning."

"We haven't sorted things out. It was just a..."

"I don't need to know," he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He looked indifferent to me and I didn't like it.

"It was nothing, Rory," I said, quietly and firmly. Was he listening to me? Did he care? Please care.

"Oh dear," he said, after a second. So lightly; so very English. "Joshua will be disappointed. Try not to have sex with him again when you're letting him down gently. It might make the message a bit clearer for him."

And at that, he spotted Virginia Reilly, his evil incarnate BFF. He left me and crossed to the other side of the corridor to speak to her.

This day was going to suck ass.

"Hey babe."

"Hey Josh."

Josh sat down next to me in the Library and smiled. "So, what are you doing after school today?"

"Not much. Why?"

"Fancy doing me?" he whispered, leaning in. I felt embarrassed for him. I could also feel my balls tingle and prayed I wouldn't end up inside his mouth ten minutes after the end of school. The guy was cute; stupid and annoying, but definitely cute.

"Look, Josh, I thought..."

"No strings!" he gushed, running his hand up the inside of my leg under the table. "Remember?"

"Yeah? Then how come when I came into school half the year knew about the hickey I'd given you?"

"I couldn't exactly hide it, could I? It's enormous. And anyway, why does it matter if people know we're fucking?"

"That kind of stuff is supposed to be private, Josh."

"Since when?" he asked. "Are you trying to tell me the rugby team don't talk about who they're screwing all the time?"

Fuck. He had a point.

"Why do you care who knows?" he asked. "Are you embarrassed of me?"

"No," I lied. "I just... don't want people to get the wrong idea."

Josh's eyes darkened for a moment. He was pissed. But he also wanted to get inside my pants this afternoon, so his face brightened into a smile. A fake one. Very quickly. "Well, okay, then, whatever," he sighed, getting up from the table. "Let me know when you decide to be less prudish, Sebby."

"Okay." I turned back to my books. Who the fuck told him 'Sebby' was a good idea for a nickname? I'm 6'4.

"Oh, and by the way," he shot back, "I saw you talking with Rory Masterton this morning. You know, he's a total prick, don't you?"

I shrugged. "I don't really know Rory." But I could feel myself blushing and I did not blush easily. Something about Rory really got under my skin and something about Josh even saying his name made me very, very uncomfortable.

"Oh right," said Josh, sounding completely unconvinced. "Well I guess if I won't see you this afternoon, I'll see you at Robbie's party on Saturday then?"


"See you then, Sebby."

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Next: Chapter 3

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