Published on Aug 16, 2007



Mickey should have known where their friendship would lead the first weekend they were roommates.

He stood in the bathroom letting his bladder empty into the toilet. His penis had subsided from it's morning wood enough to let him pee. He wished he had jacked but he had to finish unpacking.

Carl yelled through the door asking him what he wanted for breakfast. Mickey couldn't believe his ears. New campus, new apartment and new roommate who cooks breakfast.

"Uh don't bother man" he responded

"Naw it's cool, cooking eggs and sausage for myself, want some?" Carl yelled back.

"Ok great thanks" Mickey yelled. He stood in the shower feeling good about the way things were happening.

His parents let him look for an apartment by himself despite their constant questions. So after arriving in town a month earlier, he looked at the bulletin board at the various roommate postings. There were girls looking for gay roommates, he thought maybe it was a way to come out naturally and at the same time make his parents think he was living with a girl.

Mickey knew he was gay. During his senior year in high school he had his first experiences. And he was ok with it. Freshman year in the dorms kept his gay identity secret but there were the nights in the arts building where other closeted gay men made themselves available.

He dialed the phone and a male voice answered. They talked and the guy, named Carl, said he posted the ad not a girl.

"It's a good way to find guys who think a gay roommate is just a way to hook up" he said.

"Logical" thought Mickey wishing he had posted an ad for the same reason.

"Uh so kind of got a place but looking for a roomie" Carl said

It was a two bedroom one bath place on the top floor within blocks of the campus. Mickey passed other kids his age on the stairs as he walked up.

Carl gave him a tour of the still empty apartment. He felt at home immediately. And Carl and he seemed to be instant friends.

"Stop jacking off in there, breakfast is ready!" Carl yelled across the bathroom. He had come into the bathroom to deliver the message.

Mickey dried himself and put on his underwear and tshirt.

"Ok here I am where's my breakfast bitch!" he yelled as he entered the living dining area.

He stopped in his tracks seeing Carl in the kitchen at the stove. He was naked.

"Won't you get burned like that?" Mickey asked as he sat down at the table.

"Naw besides a little grease splatter feels good" Carl smiled as he brought a plate to the table. "Here you are eggs and sausage"

Mickely looked up to take the plate. On it were two beautifully fried eggs, some potatoes and a big pink sausage that looked like a penis.

"If I stab that with my fork you'll be sorry" Mickey laughed.

"Fuck you" Carl pulled his meaty cock off the plate and then scrapped some real sausage from another plate.

So the two new roommates sat eating and talking about the campus, class schedules and plans for the weekend.

"Ok you cooked so I'll wash" Mickey said as he stood.

"Deal but no clothes are allowed in the kitchen" Carl said waving his fork. To his surprise and delight, Mickey shed his shirt and shorts and ignoring his half hard cock went into the kitchen to wash the breakfast pots and dishes.

"We're gonna get along just fine" Carl said patting Mickey's bare butt.

Weeks later Mickey sat on the couch his legs sprawled out in front of him. He tried not to think about his birthday, or the paper that was due on Monday or the fact it was raining outside making the Saturday afternoon a gloomy and boring day.

"Hey, Happy Birthday" Carl called out as he came in from the store. "Got some stuff for tonight"

"Hey man let's not make a big thing" Mickey said scratching his balls. He was naked as usual.

Carl turned, "Just a few guys, Jaime, Patrick, that new guy the one you liked at the pool, Ryan and me of course. "We'll eat, drink, dance, joke, maye fuck around who knows?"

"yea yea, got a papaer due" Mickey said staring at the TV.

"Well why aren't you doing it now? Sunday you'll be sobering up" Carl said.

Mickey heard the clothing sounds as Carl removed his coat, jeans, shirt, shoes. He looked over to see Carl approaching him.

"Now it's time for your brithday gift" Carl said.

"Hey no gifts, none of the guys are bringing any are they? You and I shouldn't start gift thing, we can't afford it" Mickey said s Carl moved in front of him.

"Well this gift I'll give you now..the guys can do what they're going to do later" he knelt and bent forward.

They had been roommates for months now. They had had friends sleep over now and then. And they had jacked off while in the same room. But they never did anything with each other until then.

"Man you dn't have to..." Mickey said and then stopped feelign the pleasure of Carl's warm lips and tongue on his cock which seemed to respond immediately.

"It's your birthday, family tradition" Carl said and returned to savoring the tast of Mickey's cock.

Mickey let his head fall back and spread his legs more. Carl's tongue lapped at his sensative cockhead, them traced the stalk of his boner. He sucked the cock in like a big noodle then licked the ballsac.

Each lick sent a new sensation through Mickey's body. He had sucked and been sucked often but this seemed different. This was no hurried bj like he encounted in the bsement of the arts building.

When Carl pressed the cock against the roof of his mouth and rubbed it there, Mickey gasped.

He felt Carl's fingers move up his body to toy with his nipples. Then one hnd moved away and slid under his butt to poke into his anus while the other alternated between his nipples.

"Gonna" Mickey said but again didn't finish the warning as his body spewed out it's creeam deep down Carl's throat.

"Shit" Mickey said looking down at Carl's smiling cum coated lips.

"That was the best" He patted Carl's cheek "When's your birthday? I guess I owe you a bj"

"Not for months" Carl said.

Carl wiped his lips and patted Mickey's half hard cock "Nice load man, happy birthday"

He got up and grabbed his clothes and went into his bedroom.

Mickey sat there recovering and then went to the bathroom to let his urine wash out his urinal tract into the toilet.

"Hey Carl" Mickey walked into Carl's bedroom.

He was laying on his bed reading. "yea birthday boy"

"If I'm gonna give you a bj on your birthday that's as good as the one you just gave me I need to practice" Mickey knelt on the bed and lowered his head over Carl's cock.

Spring came too soon and the two were making plans for the summer.

"Dude we gotta keep this place, I mean the guys kind of crash here as their place and it's great rent" Mickey said

Carl sitting crosslegged on the floor reading looked up. "Roommte" he said.


"No not you, we need another roommate so we can cur expenses. I've got my job at teh pizza joint and you said you were getting a job when you come back from visiting your folks, so we get another roommate and split the rent one or two more ways."

"one or two? its goign to be a bit crowded here" Mickey said "where will we put em?"

"Well" Carl smiled "I've been thinking about this for sometime. We give them your bedroom, mine's bigger anyway. And you share with me." Carl waited.

"I guess we can get some smaller beds for there" Mickey said

"Naw dude, sometiems you're so thick. We'll share my bed" Carl said as he stood and stretched.

Mickey liked lookign at Carl's naked body. He was so free about it and didn't care who was there. He just liked being natural he said.

As he stretched, his mucles flexed and relaxed. Mickey felt his cock getting hard as usual.

"Looks like you like the idea" Carl said his eyes aimed at Mickey's crotch.

"What if we uh hook up with someone?" Mickey didn't know if Carl was proposing to him or not.

"Just like your famous birthday night, we share sometimes. And if one of us wants privacy the other goes into the other bedroom with our new roomie or crashes on the couch" Carl said "wanna beer?"

"Yea, thanks. I guess we better choose our new roommate carefully then, if he, "

Carl interupted "or they"

"Ok or they have to be willing to share a bed sometimes"

"Oh I think we'll find someone easily enough. Look at the guys who come by all the tiem, cash and end up in our beds"

"yea it's been a fun year" Mickey said as he reached for and held Carl's cock in his hand.

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