Roommate's Helping Hand

By michael keller

Published on Jan 27, 2002



Roommate's Helping Hand

This is based on a true story. Thanks `Trav' -- still a potent memory, as you can see!

MARCH 24th 2001 10.48am

From the moment Greg met his college roommate, he knew that he would never be able to concentrate on his schoolwork. Travis was relatively short at 5 foot 8, yet he was solidly built, with a body toned from years of manual labor on his family's farm in Wisconsin. His big roughs hands seemed to be permanently grazed with cuts and scratches, his fingernails dark with dirt, no matter how often he washed them. Yet it would be hard to imagine a more genial guy. Travis was always the first to extend a welcoming hand to new students, always grinning with perfect white teeth, forever laughing. He could be the poster boy for the American Midwest.

Compared to Travis, Greg was a giant at 6'4''. To the tell the truth, Greg would have gladly swapped places with him; he was always a little self conscious about his height. Yet for all of his worrying, most people thought Greg looked just fine. He never had been without a girlfriend for more than two weeks at the most, and had been the star of his high school basketball team. The two boys were well matched as roommates.

Since Travis was one of six brothers, he had learned to be very affectionate with other guys, and not the least bit shy about getting undressed in plain view when it was time for bed. At first, the site of Travis nude had caught Greg off-guard. He was an only child, and apart from the school locker room, had not seen many naked guys his own age. He tried not to stare, but he couldn't help comparing himself to Travis. Without a doubt, the farm boy was a lot more muscular than Greg. From the corner of his eye, Greg could see Travis' rounded biceps, as big as grapefruits, and his well-defined chest, with it trail of hair that separated his pecs before fanning out in a graceful arc above his dark nipples.

Greg looked in the mirror at his own body. Standing there in just his cargo shorts, he was practically hairless, and still so slim; no matter how much he ate and how much he worked out, he seemed doomed to be skinny forever. Maybe he would ask Travis for some tips, but the thought of discussing Travis' body with him made him feel a bit uneasy. Why had he been looking at it so much in the first place? He tried to clear the thought from his mind, although he was intrigued by Travis' body, he had to admit, so much hairier and tanned and toned then his own. It left him feeling like a skinny kid. What it must feel like, he thought, to reach down and feel that soft hair spread across Travis' chest, to tangle his fingers in the bunches of dark hair under each arm, to trace the line of hair down, just past his bellybutton . . .

Greg caught himself, shocked to realize how far his thoughts had gone, and ashamed to realize that his cock twice its normal size, stiff with excitement. He would worry about being confused about his sexuality later; now he had to act. He checked that the door was locked, and lay down on his bed for a marathon jerk off session. He tried to think of his girlfriend, of the last time they had sex, but his mind kept drifting back to Travis. He had seen the boy walking around the room naked so many times, it was easy to recreate the scene in his mind's eye. He could picture him, hot and sweaty after soccer practice, removing his mud-splattered clothes. He could smell the cold weather on him, a mix of dried leaves and pine and fresh sweat. His fist was pumping furiously now, as he abandoned himself to his fantasy now completely, leaving any ideas of shame or guilt behind. Greg was getting closer to orgasm, very close, pumping his rock hard shaft with fervor, when he heard a key turning in the lock. He jumped up guiltily, and pulled a blanket into his lap, only to find Travis standing in the doorway.

`What are you doing?' Travis asked, his forehead creased with suspicion, as he kicked off first one sneaker, then the other.

`Nothing. What are you doing here?' Greg asked, hoping the question didn't sound too paranoid, too defensive. If it did, Travis didn't seem to notice, and instead started to take off his t-shirt.

`Class got cancelled,' he said, his voice muffled by the t-shirt being pulled over his head. "Teacher's sick. That is fine with me!" he said, and let the trademark Travis grin spread across his face. "I'm going to grab a shower," he said. "I didn't have time this morning." With one swift movement, he had pulled off his shorts and underwear, and stood facing Greg stark naked, his thick dark cock nestled in a forest of black pubic hair.

"Okay," Greg croaked, his heart still beating fast, his face flushed. His precum had soaked into the blanket on his lap, but his erection had disappeared. He tried not to stare as Travis walked around the small room, gathering his things for the shower.

"You sure I'm not interrupting anything?' Travis said again, suddenly moving a step closer to the bed, looking squarely at the blanket on Greg's lap. He had a funny half-smile on his face. He seemed as if he was about to say something, but stopped.

"Actually, Trav, if you really want to know, I was spanking the ol' monkey, okay? Ta da!' Greg said, his face red, and pulled back the blanket. His pants were still pulled down, his cock slumped sleepily against one thigh. `Happy now, jerkoff? Now fuck off and go have your shower.''

Actually,' Travis said, his eyebrows raised, it looks like you're the jerkoff, dude.' Travis could not contain his mischievous smile.

`Fuck you,' Greg said coldly, his faced flushed even redder than before.

`Oh come on, come on, Greg. It is no big deal. Do you have any idea how often I jerk off? Almost every night, I wait and wait, trying to stay awake while I listen for your breathing to slow, so I know that you are sleeping, and then I go at it myself. Hammer and tongs. Honestly, Greg. Every guy does it, it is no big deal.'

In an unprecedented act of bravery, Greg took the leap. `So why don't we ever do it together then?' Greg asked, his heart pounding so hard now it was actually painful.

Together?' Travis looked more confused then horrified. Why?'

This stumped Greg for a second. Why?

`Why not? It'll be cool.' It was a lame response, but the best he could muster. Travis seemed to contemplate this for a moment, and then agreed, on one condition: no touching.

`Yeah, jeez, no shit,' Greg said, although inside he was feeling sick with disappointment. Well, at least he could see Travis pumping his hard cock. That was a good start, more than he could have hoped for.

`Okay, go on then,' Travis said, gesturing towards Greg with his outstretched arm. The big Travis smile was gone. He seemed nervous. He folded his arms across his chest.

No way, fuck you,' Greg said. We've got to do it at the same time.'

Travis seemed to think about the situation yet again. Okay,' he said, but my dick is as soft as dishrag. I need to get it hard first.'

Greg's heart soared. This is it, he thought, this is my chance. I can get you hard, Travis trust me. Go ahead, make my day.

Ah!' Travis said, turning towards his bed and crouching down. Here we go.' Before he could see it, he knew what it was: a straight porno mag. Still, if it meant watching Travis blow his hot load, then Greg was happy to play along. He'd spent hours jerking off to straight porn anyway.

Greg settled down on his bed, sideways so his back was against the wall and his legs were dangling over the edge, and faced Travis. Travis, still in his towel, assumed the same position on his bed across the room, about 8 feet away. Suddenly, Greg had a stroke of genius.

Hey,' Greg called across the room. What am I supposed to look at?' Needless to say, the irony was lost on Travis.

`You can have it when I'm done,' Travis said, already flipping to the first page.

No way,' Greg called back. We agreed that we would do it together. I'm coming over there.'

Travis hesitated and started to say something, but it was too late, Greg had dropped onto Travis' bed, and both boys had their backs against the wall. `There,' Greg said, as he settled in to enjoy the show.

Things got off to a slow start. Travis, for all of his usual boldness and bravado, started stroking his cock with his towel still on, his giant hand tucked demurely under the thick blue terrycloth. Still, with his attention focused on the magazine, Greg had the chance to take a good long look at his jerk-off partner.

Travis was tan, that was for sure. That was the first thing that Greg noticed. But it was not an even tan. His legs were quite pale, and skinnier than the rest of his body, yet his torso and face were bronzed. It's a farmer's tan, Greg suddenly realized, from working the land in just his jeans.

`Are you done with this page?' Travis asked, turning to face him, his faces only inches away.

`Um, yeah, sure.' Greg answered, startled out of his train of thought.

Above the towel was a different story. Travis looked more like he was from the Mediterranean than the Midwest. On his lower stomach, just above the towel was a smattering of soft, almost black pubic hair. As it crept up towards Travis' chest, it thinned out into a narrow trail, before fanning out again to cover his pecs. Again, Greg had the urge to touch it, but resisted. Instead he watched Travis's furry chest rising and falling with each excited breath, his rounded shoulders tensed, a thick vein clearly showing in the one closest to Greg.

He sneaked a peek further up still, and could see Travis' strong square jaw clenched with concentration as he continued to flick the pages of the magazine. His prominent Adam's apple raised and lowered with each excited swallow, as his emerald green eyes scanned each page hungrily. His hair was cropped in an almost a military style. It suited him.

`Next page?," Travis asked, without even looking at Greg this time. Greg could see that the magazine was doing the trick. An impressive bulge had formed beneath the towel, the fabric raised like a circus tent.

`Sure,' Greg said, his own cock rock solid now from such close contact. He remembered suddenly that Greg was just about to have a shower, and bent slightly towards him to see if he could get a whiff of his familiar masculine scent. Sure enough, there it was, faint but unmistakable, a heady mix of yesterday's deodorant, Travis' old-fashioned cologne that reminded him of his dad, and dry sweat. He breathed it in and his cock twitched gratefully. He was close enough that he could actually feel the warmth coming off Travis' body.

Without warning, and without looking up from the magazine, Travis threw open his towel, putting his hard six inch dick on display. His eyes flicked towards Greg for a split second, but then returned to his two-dimensional fantasy woman. Unlike a lot of guys, Travis' dick didn't look much bigger hard than it did soft, but still, it was beautiful. Up and down he stroked it, gently, with a loose fist, his hairy leg almost touching Greg's now. Greg took Travis' cue, and pulled down his shorts again, freeing his aching erection. Travis turned his head to look at Greg's package -- there was no doubt about it, even if it was just for a fleeting second -- and then went back to his magazine.

`Next page?' Travis asked again.

`Uh huh,' Greg said dreamily, stroking his hard cock, the tip leaking precum now, while he devoured Travis with his eyes. He adjusted his leg, just ever so slightly, so that it was now touching Travis' hairy thigh.

He was in heaven, but adrenaline and a mad rush of hormones had made him reckless. Without saying a word, he switched hands so he could jerk himself off with his left hand, and took hold of Travis' cock with his right, gently nudging Travis' own hand out of the way.

Travis didn't say a word. Both of his hands now lay still at his side. The silence was excruciating.

Greg's teeth were clenched so tightly that he thought one might break. He tried not to breath. He tried not to move anything but his hands, each now pumping a thick teen cock. Travis turned the page. This time, he didn't ask Greg whether it was okay. Up and down, up and down, Greg stroked both hard shafts. He could hear Travis' breath getting more shallow, a little raspy. Travis started to speak; Greg nearly froze with terror.

`Is that door locked?' Travis asked, not taking his eyes from the magazine. A woman with enormous breasts leered back at them from the tattered page.

`I don't think so,' Greg replied honestly, remembering that it was still unlocked from when Travis had come in. Greg shimmied off the bed, praying that this interruption would not break the spell, and walked over to the door with his shorts bunched up around his thighs, erection still at full mast. He locked the door.

But instead of getting back on the bed, Greg positioned himself in front of Travis and kneeled on the floor. He had come this far, he wasn't turning back now. He saw Travis' eyes flick in his direction for a split second, startled, like a deer in the headlights, before he returned his attention to the magazine. He could see Travis swallow hard.

Greg had never given a blow job in his life, but he knew what he liked, so he went for it. He placed a hand on each of Travis' hips, right on the bones of his pelvis, and leant forward to take Travis' whole cock in his mouth with one swift motion. He heard Travis let out a long breath, and although he couldn't see his face, he could imagine what it looked like: his lips parted and his cheeks full as he puffed the air out of his mouth, his eyebrows raised in surprise. He had seen Travis give the same look when an opposing team scored an unexpected goal during a football game.

Greg pulled back and then went down again, his nose pressed against Travis' dark brown bush. The smell was sharp, but not unpleasant. It reminded Greg of woodsmoke, of pinecones, of the forest. The hair tickled his nose and he withdrew again, keeping a tight seal on the cock with his lips. He continued up and down, up and down, enjoying the sight of Travis' nipples hardening to two tiny beads, his ball sack pulling up tight against his body. He let up on Travis' shaft and moved down to his balls, something that he knew from experience most girls were unwilling to do. The smell was stronger here, mustier, but very sexy, so primal and masculine. Travis' balls were hairy, and they were salty with the taste of dried sweat. Greg licked one side of the sack before drawing it into his mouth, lolling it around on his tongue. He moved to the other side, before taking Travis' whole scrotum into his mouth. Travis made the same sound again: the unexpected goal. He turned another page, his hand trembling now.

Greg could feel himself getting close to orgasm as he continued to stroke his own cock. The scene was so sexy that he barely required any additional stimulation. The time had come to finish Travis off.

He moved up to Travis' swollen cock head again, and slowly licked around the tip, bathing the fat knob with his spit. Then he traveled lower, and licked the shaft like it was a lollipop, before returning to the head from some more stimulation. Travis closed the magazine, and closed his eyes. He clasped both hands behind his head, leaned back against the wall, and exhaled.

It was time for Greg to live out his fantasy. Gently, with just feather light touch, he rubbed Travis' furry pecs with the palm of one hand while he continued to jerk Travis off with the other. The hair was silky soft; it felt sexier even than Greg had imagined. He rubbed lower towards his abdomen, and then back up, lingering for a moment on Travis' hardened nipples, before tangling his fingers in the damp hair under Travis' arms, tugging them gently, and then sweeping back down across his chest and across his tight flat stomach. Travis groaned softly, and Greg picked up the pace.

With Travis' hard tool slick with spit, it was easy to rub the shaft in quick firm strokes, pulling it towards him and twisting it gently at the same time. Travis moaned again, and lowered one hand to his own cock so that he could stroke himself to orgasm. He was getting close.

Greg brushed Travis' hand away, and kept stroking, faster now, both on Travis' cock and on his own. Again, Travis tried to take hold of his own cock. As long as Greg didn't actual make him come, maybe then somehow none of this would matter, Greg suspected, it wouldn't count in Travis' mind.

But Greg had other ideas. He was the one who wanted to give Travis the powerful orgasm. Again he brushed away Travis' hand, and Travis, too close now to care, dutifully returned the hand to grasp the other behind his head, his back arched. As he did, Greg tugged gently on Travis' ballsack while he worked harder and faster on the cockhead with his mouth. In a final act of bravado, he slipped one slick finger into Travis' hot hairy unwashed hole.

That did it. Travis' cock erupted at the same time as Greg's, both cocks spewing an amazing amount of hot white cum. Greg dumped his load all over the dorm room floor; Travis soaked his own belly and chest with two ropes of thick white cream, and other, more watery blasts, that ran slowly down his belly, into his pubes. Greg got back on the bed, and both boys collapsed, breathing heavy.

That was great', Travis said, very quietly, almost as if he was talking to himself. Thanks.' Greg smiled, and sat up to wipe Travis off with the discarded bath towel.

Thanks to you too,' Greg said. I had fun'. Both boys were silent, each lost in his own post-orgasm dreaminess. `But do me a favor, though', Greg said.

`What's that?' Travis asked, lying on his back now, his dick just starting to soften, his eyes closed.

`Next time you want to jerk off, just do it, you don't have to wait for me to fall asleep,' Greg said. He saw Travis smile.

It's a deal,' Travis said. No problem.'

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