Roommates Gift

Published on Mar 22, 2011


Aaron was fat. There was no mistaking the image reflected in the mirror. His classmates used nick names that he hated, even his friends called him chub or tons. He got used to it without reacting angrily like he did when younger. But inside each time, a little pang of pain reminded him, that indeed he was overweight.

"Honey its ok, you're just big boned" His mother would say "ignore them".

But Aaron couldn't ignore them. He was ten years old and decided no matter what anyone advised he had to do something about it.

Karate, swimming, even tap dancing became part of his private pursuits to loose weight.

But as he looked at him self in the mirror it didn't seem to help.

"Keep goin honey" His mother encouraged him and he, being stubborn did just that.

After tap dance classes he watched the class that was in the next studio. Girls and boys alike wore white tights and moved slowly. It was ballet. He signed up.

The teacher was dubious and refused at first, but he pleaded promising to stay in the back of the class and follow along.

"I have to do anything to get rid of this" he grabbed his love handles. She relented.

He struggled. Aaron knew he looked like a chubby whale but ignored the looks the teacher gave him and thanked her when she chided the boys who laughed at him.

His reputation at school did vary but only because of his Karate expertise. Nobody knew about his ballet. He did loose weight which made things worse.

Some of the kids at school started calling him LIPPO presuming he had gotten liposuction, a term they heard from TV, the Internet or like always their parents.

Then something happened. Puberty decided to lend a helping hand.

"What the fuck happened to you?" his classmates remarked.

June he was still overweight and by September he was suddenly taller and without fat.

The nickname LIPPO proceeded. Aaron didn't care. When he looked at his naked body in the mirror it was what he prayed for.

And along with the slimmer image some new things started to get his attention. Hair appeared on his new body and his penis constantly wanted to make itself known.

He started to notice the bulges in other boy's jeans as well as those in his ballet class.

Aaron's teacher started to coach him like a student rather then ignore his presence.

"You're a bit clumsy but better" she said smiling. The other boys began to include him in their before and after class chatter. The girls in their tights and tu tus smiled at him and giggled among themselves when he entered.

"How's my handsome boy today?" His mother began to say.

He clutched himself rubbing until magic things happened inside his body. Aaron read all about it. He knew what was happening and was finally happy.

Finally to emphasize he was no longer the tubby kid in the back of the class, Aaron was included in the ballet class performance for parents.

Alas he heard "Hey I hear you're a faggot" the new bullying started when he was 14. Someone had heard about his dancing.

He endured the new round of name calling the best he could, though there were some bloody noses that resulted in detention and one suspension from school.

Even his explanation that he could hang out with hot girls didn't eliminate the names he was called.

Aaron didn't care. He danced and felt good about himself for the first time in many years.

He was dumbfounded when the ballet teacher made an announcement. Aaron said he couldn't do it. But on the appointed day as the girls danced on stage at his school, he inhaled deeply trying to calm down before his entrance.

The music cue prompted his first leap onto the stage as Aaron concentrated on the only thing that mattered, the dance.

He didn't hear the slow growing murmur in the school audience as slowly he was recognized.

The students applauded as the girls took their bows. Then Aaron and two lead ballerinas walked forward and suddenly the applause became cheers and yells.

The two girls realized they crowd's standing ovation wasn't for them and they stepped back leaving Aaron alone, slimmer, wearing tights and blushing.

He even heard an occasional "LIPPO" cheer but that didn't mean what it used to. He was acknowledged for his pride, his determination and victory.

Backstage, as the girls giggled and told each other how good they were that a man wearing an overcoat and old style hat was introduced to Aaron.

"Arthur, Arthur Semotee" The man smiled. "Nice very nice" he said to both Aaron and the teacher. "We'll meet again I promise".

Aaron's head was numb for the rest of the day but the next day he heard "HEY LIPPO". Nothing had changed. "Great job" followed and Aaron sighed.

"You get to hang out with all those hotties?" he smiled and nodded. Things had changed. Aaron wondered why it took so long. He was now 16 and had only one year left in school.

An event to occur would change things even more.

"Class, allow me to introduce you to Bellanter" the man was tall, dark hair, slim and moved like he was always dancing.

"Bellanter" will work with us for two weeks. Aaron stared in amazement. This noted professional male ballet dancer wasn't the graceful skinny boys he had seen or those around him.

Bellanter displayed strength, his broad shoulders, thick arms and raised chest was different then the dancers he had seen.

Stripping his shirt off, the older man began to instruct critique and move with the students. It was magic and Aaron decided he wanted to be Bellanter.

He thought about the dancer at home as he masturbated. The images of kids at school, athletes on the TV or images on the Internet were child stuff. There was a real man who danced and Aaron couldn't stop his brain from imaging things one could only call fantasies.

The first week had passed and Aaron knew he only had a week before this magical man would disappear.

"Uh Sir, can I talk to you?"

Bellanter turned and looked at him. "Dancing boy" he said with an attitude that was almost a snarl. Aaron didn't react.

"Yes I try" he said

"What do you want with Bellanter" there was an accent that made his dancing instruction sound more exotic and authentic.

"You want to be like me, to dance on the stages of Europe?" Bellanter seemed to realize he was a star.

"Uh no Sir, not really, you see I..." Aaron blurted his story which made Bellanter stare transfixed.

"So you're dancing to loose weight, be popular?" the accent was gone. Bellanter was acting differently "come"

The two sat in a small office.

"Look kid" Bellanter talked like an American guy now. "Just dance because you want to, none of the rest matters. Hell, I was like you. My real name is Corbin Bell, I'm from Akron, Ohio. But for uh reasons I had to get out of there, ran to my Uncles in New York, found I had a certain ability to dance and here I am, Maximillian Bellanter, stage name."

It was Aaron's turn to stare transfixed by the story and the man who had been performing for all of them until that moment.

"Were you fat like me?" Aaron asked.

"No something else, I was uh different, you know, liked guys" Corbin aka Bellanter said "a gay ballet dancer, who knew? But that doesn't mean you're gay of course."

Aaron smiled and said something for the first time to himself and the man he had been having fantasies about "But I am"

There was a silent moment as the two stared at each other.

The week that followed was even better then the events till that moment. Aaron listened to stories, shared his own and spent every spare moment with his new friend and mentor Bellanter aka Corbin.

"My last weekend" the man said on the phone. "We shouldn't of course, you're 6 years younger then I but..."

Aaron entered the hotel room with a stomach so nervous he thought he was going to vomit.

"Bellanter, yes suite 404" the attitude accent was heard as he entered.

The dancer looked and smiled. "I do get tired of the performance, but it's what they expect" he said in his Corbin voice.

Aaron was offset seeing the normally fancy dressed friend wearing jeans and a wife beater. The bulbous shoulders, thick biceps were visible and enticing as ever.

"We're gonna eat here, that ok?" Corbin said

"Sure" Aaron said as Corbin peeled his wife beater off. He began to breathe deeper.

"It's ok" Corbin bent forward and they kissed. Aaron wasn't sure what to do. Feeling the man's lips, his hands lifting his shirt and touching his skin was sending shock waves through his body.

"Just enjoy yourself, we'll go slow, let me know how you feel" Corbin said.

"I uh not sure about all this" Aaron said

"First time with a guy?" Corbin smiled.

"Hell with anyone other then my left hand" They both laughed.

"Ok honey, its ok" the kiss was gentle the fingers pet his smooth chest and stomach. Aaron liked the hand patting his butt as Corbin went to the door.

The bellman pushed the cart inside and looked at the shirtless boy and the equally half naked man.

"It's ok, Marsh, he's my student" Corbin said in a quiet voice "I still love you" the bell man laughed and thanked him for whatever he wrote on the tab.

"That's Marshall. We uh had some fun too. It's ok"

Aaron was relieved the Bell man wouldn't obviously tell anyone he was about to have sex with a man and the fact that there was another guy like them.

Corbin removed his jeans. He was naked. Aaron stared at the long dick. He wanted to touch it.

"Come on, it helps us relax and man its sexy eating naked" Corbin unbuttoned Aaron's jeans. Aaron removed each shoe with his other foot and peeled the jeans down.

Corbin smiled seeing the boy didn't wear underwear. He knew the young dancer wanted what he did.

The food remained on the tray as they two moved their bodies against each other while their hands explored and lips opened so their tongues could explore as well.

What Aaron fantasized about happened. What he didn't know, he learned and enjoyed and what he thought he wouldn't do, he did...or had done.

"Shit kid you're a natural" Corbin said as the two lay facing each other in post orgasmic glee.

"God I should have done this long ago" Aaron said feeling things about himself from self satisfaction to pride.

"We all say that the first time" Corbin said "Wanna eat?"

Aaron smiled and lowered his head taking the man's penis in his mouth yet another time and to his delight it hardened in response growing into his mouth and gagging him.

"Don't worry we'll work on that" Corbin said rubbing the head that was pressed against his crotch.

"Mom I'm uh staying with a friend" Aaron heard the words he had never said to his mother.

"Well that's fine honey, do I know him?"

Aaron lied.

"Well have fun but be home early Sunday, you still have school tomorrow"

Lying on his stomach feeling the cock moved snake like in and out of his body yet another time, Aaron wanted to never go home again. He wanted to be naked the rest of his life. He wanted to be the sextoy for this man, the dancer who had changed his life.

"Maybe this summer you can visit" Corbin said the next day as he saw facing the naked boy who sat on his lap.

They kissed and Corbin moved to align his upright dick so it rested inside the warm orifice it had experienced several times since Friday night.

"Shit fuck me like the first time" Aaron said knowing their parting loomed ahead.

Corbin's strong arms held him tight as he moved to the bed throwing the boy down and pressing his legs back so far they were on either side of Aaron's head.

He fucked furiously, hard, fast and each thrust made Aaron's face contort. In Corbin's mind were the men who had fucked him long ago when he was even younger then Aaron.

The dance classes where other students' fathers saw him and lured him into their bedrooms. The bus station where he went to meet strangers. The school principal who took a special interest in him and the men he met in New York where his youth, dancing and willingness found sponsors and lovers alike.

"Shit, you never fucked me like that before" Aaron hurt like hell. Even his coccyx hurt. But deep inside him was a level of pleasure and satisfaction he had never thought about let alone could define.

Aaron decided to walk ignoring the convenience of the buss. And he cried during the walk from the hotel to his home.

"Honey it's after midnight" His mother scolded him "I was worried"

"Sorry mom" Aaron said.

"You look uh different" She said seeing a calm, relaxed son in front of her. "You even look taller" she said.

"Someone gave me something" he said

"A gift" she looked around for a box or some new apparel her son might have.

"I'm going to New York this summer Mom" Aaron said and turned to go to bed.

"Bellanter here" the voice was full of the attitude that said he was "on" performing as the noted ballet dancer in his home element, the city of New York.

"It's me" Aaron said "I'm here"

Corbin answered the door but wearing the usual style housecoat that Bellanter usually wore.

"Uh come in boy" the dancer said with the accent. Aaron thought the accent would be dropped when he appeared.

"This is Msr. Arthur Semotee. My uh sponsor" Bellanter introduced the tall man Aaron recognized. He wore a housecoat as well.

Aaron realized the two had been having sex. He was startled and a bit jealous.

"I'm uh sorry Sir, perhaps I should come back another time" Aaron felt lost, like he should run back to the bus that brought him to New York.

"No no, Aaron, it's ok. We met a year or more ago I think" the man said "and call me Uncle Arthur, everyone does, isn't that right Bell?"

Aaron still felt lost but found himself in the embrace of the man. It was warm, comforting and so tight he couldn't escape even if he wanted.

"Of course Uncle Arthur, everyone, all your boys call you that" Bellanter said "and now you have another, huh?"

"Jealous?" the man said grabbing Bellanter and pulling him into the group. "Perhaps we both have a boy now huh?"

Somehow the awkward meeting evolved and soon Aaron was listening to Bellanter and the man who he now called Uncle Arthur exchange stories, memories, foreign city names and gossip about other people.

He was delighted to be a part of it.

"So now let me see you dance" Uncle Arthur said "with Bellanter".

"I uh didn't wear bring uh you know stuff" Aaron said.

"It's no problem honey" Bellanter discarded his housecoat. His naked body was in full view "We shall dance together, naturally" his fingers were unbuttoning Aaron's shirt.

Aaron couldn't help himself from being erect now his body was on display.

"Its ok son, concentrate on the music not Bellanter's cock" Uncle Arthur laughed.

Then something else weird happened, it was like a drug and erotic at the same time. Music filled the room, drowning out the sounds from outside. Bellanter grabbed Aaron's arms.

"Move with me" he led Aaron in an improvised dance that combined ballet and other hip swiveling moves. It was like the movie Dirty Dancing and sex.

"God he moves well. Not sure he'll be a star like you Bell, but he seems to know your moves well, probably from some bed you two shared" Uncle Arthur said.

Aaron reached for his jeans and Bellanter stopped him.

"Well boys I'll leave you do it. I hope to see more of you, well I've seen everything but maybe in a more intimate setting we shall share what you two have already, if that's your intent Bell?" the man had stood and reached for his coat.

"I think you should sponsor him" Bellanter said "When I'm on tour" he added laughing.

"That was uh wild" Aaron said to Bellanter.

"Kid you haven't begun to see wild" Corbin's voice suddenly came out of the still naked man, Aaron lusted after. He moved from his chair on his knees and took the familiar cock in his mouth.

"Having fun honey?" His mother asked on the phone.

A month had passed. Aaron watched rehearsals, his mind full of images of Bellanter dancing, demanding more moves from others, acting like a star and yet dancing like an angel.

"Yes Mom, learning allot" Aaron answered feeling the hair body behind him. Uncle Arthur snored lightly. His arm was still draped across Aaron's smooth body.

They ate in restaurants, played tourists, sat in balconies of movie theaters. Bellanter still excited him, but the older man created another feeling. Aaron loved the man; he was the father he never had, the lover that he never thought about till that night his tongue dove through the body hair.

Sadly Aaron rode the distance home. Another year of school was ahead. He hadn't passed auditions that would take him into a ballet company but he had found love in a man who seemed to want him, not the dancer but the boy.

"Graduation and then" Aaron didn't know the rest of the sentence until the call came.

"One year, try it, if not, then we'll just have a good time" Uncle Arthur said.

"What about Corbin?" Aaron asked. "I mean Bellanter?"

"I know his name is Corbin. There wasn't much we didn't share Aaron. He knows. We'll bump into him on tour."

His mother listened. Aaron told her everything, gay, dancer, lovers, ballet school in London, trips to Europe, one year, everything.

"Wow honey, you're not ten anymore" she said both proud and sad.

He stood on the platform with the diploma in his hand. The tassel had been moved and the ceremony was about to end.

In the audience, Uncle Arthur sat next to his mother. He blushed knowing the man saw him as naked as he had been the night before in his hotel bed.

The photos were taken like all graduates. Friends who used to bully him and call him names stood next to him now, arms interlaced in celebration.

"Party with your friends, your mother and I are going to dinner" Uncle Arthur said.

Aaron ran across the sand from the pile of discarded clothing. His body, the one he had changed with help from puberty now on naked display joined friends in the surf. It was what graduated seniors did that night of parties that ended their childhood.

He went home; saw his mother sleeping on the couch and after covering her with the nearby throw kissed her ... a kiss of good bye he knew.

The plane took him and Uncle Arthur to England. Aaron worked hard intent on making the man he loved proud. He learned names, places, etiquette and habits from the man and those he met.

He was a boy toy; he knew and proudly didn't care. If it made his man happy to introduce a young handsome and slim boy like him to his peers that was not only ok, it made Aaron happier then he ever thought possible.

"Arthur, I uh don't' think it's going to work" He admitted sitting naked on the floor, his legs crossed, and bare skin warmed by the fireplace. The school had appraised him as a company dancer, not a star. He was never going to be Bellanter.

"So what do you want to do?" Arthur looked down from the chair where he had been watching his naked boy lover masturbate...a show for him that Aaron liked to do for the man. It would be followed with mutual intimate sex.

"Maybe go home, college, not sure" Arthur's eyes welled up.

"You could keep trying you know. It's no problem" Arthur had been paying for Aaron's ballet training.

"Couldn't we just you know travel, see Bell somewhere? You know like we talked about?"

"Then you want to go home." Arthur said acknowledging the boys thoughts he knew well.

"If that's ok" Arthur stood and walked to the man accepting his open arms as comforting and welcoming.

"Then .... " His words were interrupted by Aaron's kisses and the sex that followed. Aaron was apologizing for the money the man had spent, searching for the love he had felt, offering the sex he had loved to share and saying a good bye that was to come all at the same time.

They didn't speak, just gently touched, grabbed, wrestled, titillated, fingered, tongued, licked, sucked and fucked until the phone rang with the morning wakeup call they didn't need, since sleep hadn't been part of the hours that passed.

"Hi I'm your roommate" Aaron said entering the room to shake the outstretched hand of a new friend named David.

Europehad become part of his history, though there were only two months of travel, seeing world known places and meeting other fans of ballet and boys like Uncle Arthur.

Aaron knew he was one of their boys in many eyes. With the man he called Uncle Arthur, there WAS love, and there was playfulness but something more.

Bellanter performed to standing ovations, drank with his companions and included Aaron in orgies that were wild.

"It's part of the circuit" Uncle Arthur said "go and enjoy, be careful, safe but let it happen, you need it, and it needs you" the man advised.

Aaron rolled naked among bodies, drank alcohol he couldn't pronounced and felt effects of drugs that made his throat and ass beg for sex.

He saw Bellanter as he might have been, dancing but lost among the others. Aaron knew he wanted something more, something he couldn't define but whatever it was would be ahead of him.

Aaron was older now, strong, handsome, desired, experienced and gay. He was amazed seeing himself in the mirrors of hotel suites that he wasn't the chubby 8 year old boy he felt like sometimes.

With one behind him injecting inside his body and another his own cock had invaded pressed in front of him, Aaron let his body do what it was stimulated to do.

Bellanter became a playmate, leading him through parties, experimenting with devices and substances, stepping down stone steps to ancient basements with toys that scared and delighted many.

He shared bellied men with Bellanter who showered them with expensive champagne and outrageously priced clothes.

Aaron posed with dancers he'd never be on stage with, ignoring the nudity and identity of photographers. He didn't care who saw what he had become and what he was doing.

"Welcome boy" Uncle Arthur always held his arms open to hold him, listen to his stories, kiss his face and press his hairy body against.

It had been a whirlwind ten weeks that Aaron couldn't tell his mother about but maybe he'd someday meet a friend he could confess his past too.

"I'm David, uh you were supposed to be her a week ago" he said

"Yea I've been overseas, you won't believe where I've uh...well when we get stoned some night maybe I'll tell you" Aaron said looking around to see where he should put the new computer, the books and clothes his Uncle Arthur had provided.

"Are you still you know with him, that nice man?" His mother had asked.

"I still love him mom but not like before, not sure why" Aaron said.

"You're growing up" His mother smiled proudly. "You look like such a handsome man now yourself" she said.

"I'm only 19 Mom" he said feeling like a ten year old in front of his mother.

"You're a man now son" she repeated kissing him on the cheek.

"You'll meet another and I hope that will last forever the way it should be for everyone" she said leaving Aaron in the living room he'd soon leave for good.

"Sure let's do that, but you've got allot to do this week, registration, books, lectures, and masturbation. I hope you do that, cause I can't stop" David said

Aaron stared, then smiled.

"Oh that's what this thing is for" he grabbed his crotch.

"Roomie I see I have lots to teach you" David said laughing not sure if he was right or not.

Aaron laughed too, knowing he had found a friend perhaps the best gift that Uncle Arthur could have given him, even though he didn't know it, .... Yet.

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