Roommates Gift

Published on Mar 21, 2011


"Well bad news" the man said as he entered the room from the bathroom. Mr. Crawler held the cell phone to his year.

David's eyes, however were on the man's black hair covered chest and stomach. The thicker line of hair in the middle of his stomach traveled south under the towel that was wrapped around his waist.

"He wants to talk to you" the man walked closer and handed the phone to David.

"Hey what's up?" David asked his eyes catching glances of his roommates Uncle still standing nearby. The lump under his towel seemed to be getting more pronounced.

"How late?" David asked Aaron his roommate. "Well I guess I'll take off then"

David listened. Aaron was saying he should stay there, entertain his Uncle until he could show up for a late, very late dinner.

"I dunno I guess so, we can uh talk I guess" David looked up.

"Let's go for a swim later" Aaron's Uncle interrupted the conversation and turned taking the towel off as he walked back towards the bathroom. His man size buttocks were as hairy as the rest of his body.

David adjusted his shorts so his erection could have room. The man couldn't see him so he grabbed it and pulled for some pleasure too.

"Damn" David said to himself as he closed the flip-open phone. Aaron knew he had a thing for older men. He was probably laughing right then thinking of David in his Uncle's hotel room.

"Hi, I'm David" Earlier, he had appeared at the door in time for dinner with Aaron and his Uncle. It promised to be a nice weekend. There were two beds and the two roomies were going to spend the weekend dining, swimming and having fun with the man Aaron said.

"Come in handsome man" Uncle Arthur said introducing himself, "Just call me Arthur".

They talked about college, Aaron, the boys wrestling team and plans for the weekend.

"I have to get a shower, hope you don't mind" the man began stripping in front of David. He averted his eyes when the man dropped his underwear replacing it with a towel.

"Oh sorry if I embarrassed you. I figured with Aaron as your roommate, you were used to casual stuff. When he's at home, he hardly wears anything more then underwear or a jock" Arthur said.

"Yea in our room too" David said the ever present image of his roommate naked in his mind. Aaron was the first boy his age he had sex with. It happened the first weekend they were roommates.

After a week of registering, exploring the campus, swimming in the pool and trying out for the wrestling team, it was Aaron who admitted his sexual proclivities.

"You uh probably have figured it out by now, I'm gay" Aaron said sitting on his bed naked as usual. "I guess you know at the pool I uh talked too much about guys and stuff".

David smiled. He had indeed listened to Aaron talk about various guys they saw at the pool, how hot they were, how apparently hung or how pretty their eyes were.

Then there was wrestling tryouts. In the locker room, Aaron again revealed how he couldn't wait to wrap his arms around this guy of that guy. David had been quiet.

"So should we uh you know change roommates or can you handle it?" Aaron asked.

David lifted his legs and peeled his underwear off. His erection popped out and he laughed "come and get it".

Aaron did just that, his hand, then mouth making David so excited he begged his roommate to fuck him too.

It was more for mutual pleasure they spent the night exploring and satisfying each other.

"So are we going to be lovers or roommates with benefits?" Aaron asked.

That's when David admitted he mostly had sex with older men since he was a teen and kind of liked them in that special way.

"Well it's with benefits then? What do we do when we have a date here or whatever?" Aaron asked.

The two boys worked out the details, their minds racing with fantasies about men and boys they had already seen or hoped to before their freshman year was over.

Three months later, Aaron announced his Uncle Arthur was visiting for the thanksgiving day weekend eighty miles away.

David had packed gym bag with underwear, Speedos and a tee shirt into the room. He knew the man was hot as soon as he answered the door.

"You won't need much" Aaron had advised "bring those little Speedos you wear to the pool though. My Uncle will like them". David should have suspected something then.

Now there he was in the motel room the man has booked wating for Aron to arrive.

"Relax, either bed" Uncle Arthur said. The room had a couple of chairs but David did as the man suggested sprawling against a pillow. The drive had been tiring in the commute traffic.

And now like a reward for the tiring trip, he got to see the man strip in front of him, reminding him of older men he had been with back home.

"So you want to work here?" The manager of Magic Motel asked. David applied for the night shift that summer before his senior year.

"You need to be over 16 to work those hours" the man said.

"I'm 18, just turned 18 sir, sick so I had to repeat some grades" David explained seeing the man's eyebrows raise.

He worked the front counter that summer. In a few months he'd be a senior and after that college. The injuries he sustained in the car wreck that killed his parents had long ago healed. But they kept him in a hospital for almost a year when he was only ten.

"Hi" He was tall, smiling, a short beard and his eyes twinkled in a way that made David feel odd in his stomach and "down there".

"I uh can we turn the lights in the pool off? I like to swim and don't have a regular suit so don't' want people to see my underwear" the man asked.

"Sure Sir" David was instructed to make the guests happy no matter what they asked for. And it was past the normal pool time so turning the lights off wouldn't be unusual. He reached under the counter to find the switch.

"You uh work late yourself?" The man asked.

"Till Midnight Sir" David said

"Maybe you could use a swim yourself?"

"Maybe, there you go Sir, don't dive you know" he added trying to sound official. Thoughts of swimming naked with the man in front of him had hardened his penis hidded by his chinos.

"Well come on when you finish here, I'll wait" the man said.

David watched out the window as the man went directly to the pool and stripped. David was mesmorized watching the moonlit image of the man stripping to what looked like tiny jockey shorts and then slipping into the water.

He moved to the office and pulled his cock out to try and satisfy the demands it made on him returning when he heard the bell ring.

It was Miller the man who took over the desk. He usually parked himself in front of the small TV and slept for most of his shift.

Knowing that David said goodnight and walked toward his parked car then turning back towards the pool.

"I hoped you'd show up" the man said "come in, the water is warm" His arms propped him on the edge of the pool.

David had adjusted the timer on the pool heater when the man began to use it. For some reason David didn't think about, he stripped to his boxers and sat on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water.

"Looks like you need some exercise" the man reached over and touched David's bare legs close to the obvious erection.

"Sorry I get em all the time" he said putting his hands over his crotch.

"Wait don't hide it, be proud of it. You're obviously a healthy man" he said "We'll take care of it later" he pulled David into the water.

They swam silently side by side a couple of laps. Then facing each other and treading water, David felt the man's hands on his arms.

"Very strong" he said in a night whisper "Let's do something" he added.

He sank under the water and David felt his hands peeling the boxer shorts down his body. He squirmed but he couldn't escape and soon felt the warm water surrounding his now naked body.

He sank below the water and saw the silhouette of the man pulling his own shorts off. They were both naked now.

They swam around each other and then rising to get air, their bodies met as the man pulled David close.

The kiss did something to David's mind. It was like a dream, a trance a realization that he thrilled at the man's hold, his body and his lips.

They were in bed almost within seconds it seemed and David learned about sex with another man.

He drove home in the wee hours still feeling the man's cock inside him, still in a trance and still hard as hell. It required hours more of self satifying manipulation with the man's last words in his ear.

"I come back this way every month or so, will you still be working here?"

David watched Uncle Arthur walk back into the bathroom as he held the phone. Arthur knew he liked, no had a history, no had the hots for older men, especially hairy men. He knew I'd flip over his Uncle and knew that by being late he made it extra hard for him.

"Hey tell you what, why don't we shower and then go for a swim?" the man had turned around.

David saw the now totally naked man, His black hair framing his dangling dick and balls. Arthur scratched his leg then pulled on his nut sac as he talked.

"Come on, you can scrub my back" his hand stretched his dick. David realized the man knew what he was thinking.

He walked to the bed and waved both hands in a come here signal. David scooted over the bed and let the man strip him slowly. The large fingers slid over his body as his tee shirt peeled away then his shorts.

"Nice" Arthur said "Aaron was right about you".

"Planned" thought David "this whole thing was planned, the weekend, this night, Aaron being late, who was this man really?"

He followed the man who had reached behind him holding David's erection like a leash.

David soaped the hairy body, knelt to show the man how much he appreciated what he saw and let his body be pressed against the tile wall as he felt the cock bury itself updwards into his guts.

They swam like the summer before last, but remained clothed to David's disappointment. The children and adults around them would probably object he thought and laughed as they frolicked like teenagers in the pool.

A water polo game began with them and other guests. Hands grabbed legs, arms and bodies. Strangers ignored privacy as the game gave excuses for them to treat each other like childhood friends.

David felt arms through his legs throwing him over, on his butt to distract him and he believed more then once on his crotch for no reason at all then that he could.

"He your Dad?" a man asked him. David smiled back. "Maybe after he goes to bed, you can come back" the much older man's hands were on his butt underwater.

David wasn't surprised. He had worked at the motel two summers by the time he left for college and part time during his senior year.

That man, the first one he ever found happiness never reappeared. But others came to the motel.

"Hi my name's David, I know how traveling can make you tired so if there's anything I can do to make your stay pleasant let me know" he smiled in a way he thought friendly but to some it was obvious it was more then that.

He learned to massage, he learned to suck dick and he learned that some men have odd fantasies.

He did pushups naked, bathed me, let toys be used on and in him, even be tied up, watch a man and a prostitute have sex, have sex with a man while his wife watched.

There was a man with a young guy, who said the boy was his son and gay. He wanted to show the kid what gay sex was like and thought David was a clean cut kid who could do that. David began to teach the boy about sucking and fucking but soon found the kid knew more then he did.

A newly married man escorted his pregnant wife to her room and returned to the office an hour later.

"She's sleeping finally. Is there uh another room we could use?"

"You need a room for yourself then?" David asked.

"No uh a room for you and me, I haven't gotten laid since she became pregnant. I can't even sneak out" he said. The guy looked like he was in the military, with a short cropped hair. David realized he was right when he saw the dog tags that hung from the guys neck. And to his delight they lay on top of a very hairy chest.

What he thought would be an act of kindness became a whirl wind of sex starved activity. Everything he had ever done or had done to him, was done by them both. David was exhausted and the man very happy by the time the morning light signaled an end to their mutual desires.

"Thank you we had a very nice night. I guess getting him out of the house relaxed him" the pregnant woman said. Her husband sat in the waiting car, probably too nervous to come into the office where David had returned for an extra shift that day.

There was money sometimes too. The first man was a business man who David liked. He was uncertain what he wanted to do but eventually played with David like a toy and then wrapped him in his arms while his man sized cock jammed inside.

"You were very nice, you're not a pro at this are you?" The man asked as he helped David dress. David didn't know what the man meant until the rolled up money was shoved into his front pocket. The mans' fingers rubbed against his crotch as if the man wanted him to strip and return to bed.

It took days for David to recover from the realization that a man had paid him money like a prostitute.

Another two men visited and very plainly propositioned him one night weeks later. "Look we're lovers but need a little extra you know zing now and then"

David was worshipped, and worshipped. He liked the two men. They were the first gay lovers he had ever met and the realization it was possible made the night delightful and even more erotic. When they started to reward him in the morning he refused.

"We uh didn't expect you to stay the whole night, please" one of them said holding the two one hundred dollar bills out.

David refused again "Just buy me breakfast, I had fun" he said and it was obviously the truth. They were delighted and promised to return..which they did

But money wasn't the purpose. David wanted the large arms around him, the furry bodies rubbing against him, the daddy dicks inside him. He wanted to make them happy.

By the time school started, he decided to work part time at the motel and the summer before leaving for college, he worked there again.

He arrived at the campus with a knowledge about himself and who he was that most freshmen didn't have. And he had stories about the past two summers as well. He wished he had someone to tell them too. Aaron became that willing pair of ears, a convcnient sex mate and a brother he never had.

"So you two getting along?" Aaron was in the room when they returned from the pool.

"Yes he's everything you said he'd be" Uncle Arthur said "you ready for dinner?"

His question was funny since Aaron was laying on the bed, his erection in his hand watching pornography on the TV.

"Need to get off first" Aaron said waving his boner as if the two hadn't seen it.

"Let's help him, so we can eat" Arthur jumped on the bed and pulled his cock out. He jammed it into Aaron's butt so quick it all seemed like one movement.

"Come on use your lips on your rooomie" Arthur said as he pumped his nephew.

David moved to the bed and lay his head on Aaron's stomach so he could see the hairy man fucking his roommate while he sucked.

The dinner was lavish with lobster, steak, vegetables and wine.

"So are you really his Uncle?" David asked in between bites.

Aaron and Arthur both laughed. "Well that's what I call him" Aaron said.

"But you can call me Daddy" Arthur added his hand on David's leg under the table.

"We're gonna have one hell of a weekend" David said "thank you Daddy and thank you Roomie".

Next: Chapter 2

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