Roommates: Dan and Bri

By Brian Holliday

Published on Jun 4, 2010



A horny cooperative effort (c) by Dan Hoxter and Brian Holliday

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons or places is simply a product of one of the author's imaginations.


I went running into the dorm room, all out of breath and said, "Bri, I think I'm being stalked!"

Bri and I were roommates at Great Northwestern College. Bri was the studious one, and me... well, I got by with Bri's help.

Bri had dark auburn hair and a killer body, although I'd never let him see me looking. I wasn't out and the last thing I wanted was for Bri to know he had a gay roommate.


I barely had time to hide the magazine I'd been about to jerk off to when the door flew open. I couldn't let Dan see it and the pictures of naked guys. Of course, he probably wouldn't have noticed. When we first became roommates I had hoped that, if he wasn't gay, he'd at least be open to some fooling around. But he never even looked at me... not like that. I just hoped he never saw how I looked at his gorgeous body... and that humongous cock I'd seen once or twice in the shower.

Damn, Dan being stalked? I wasn't even surprised. Curious though.

"Calm down, Dan. What the hell are you talking about?"


"Maybe it's my imagination but this guy follows me, seems to appear out of nowhere, I think maybe his name is Gerald, I've seen him in some of my classes." I sputtered on with Bri looking at me like I'm crazy.


I thought it might be a joke, but Dan seemed really upset.

"OK, buddy," I said. But I couldn't help kidding him a little. "Gerald? I was sure if you ever got stalked it would be by a girl."


Bri was lying on his bed wearing only boxer briefs... you know, the ones that have that extra pouch to keep your junk together? I didn't look too long but it seemed the pouch was... well... very full. I'd seen his dick once or twice but, damn, I could never get a good look `cause he always seemed shy and would just stick his gorgeous ass in my face as he pulled his briefs up. I've heard him whacking it good when he thought I was asleep. Now though, as he unconsciously rearranges things in his briefs he comes out with this comment?

"Well a girl stalker would be good, I guess, but this guy gives me the creeps."

Brian lay back and put his hands behind his head, showing tufts of armpit hair.

"Are you sure this person' is following you?" I think Bri wants to be a lawyer or something cause he always seems so level-headed and comes up with lawyer talk... kind of like the stuff you hear on "Law and Order."


Just as I thought... Dan would love to have a beautiful co-ed stalking his fine ass, but a guy who was probably gay freaked him out. Sure, Dan never seemed too serious about the girls I saw him laughing with, but that was wise of him. Getting serious could lead to kids and marriage and then what would happen to the college education he was working so hard for? I sighed, trying not to stare at the way Dan's chest was heaving from his run, or the way his sweat made his T-shirt almost transparent. I wanted to get up and take him in my arms to calm him down.

I sat up, suddenly aware that I'd been about to adjust my package again. Dan hadn't answered my question. In fact he looked kind of hurt that I asked it. Shit.

"Sit down, buddy," I said, patting the bed next to me. "Tell me exactly what happened."


I sat down next to Bri where he gestured and automatically placed my hand on his thigh. I wasn't really trying to suggest anything by doing it... it just happened. There wasn't a whole lot of room to sit since he was in the middle of the bed. I explained how I'd seen Gerald in several places, always staring at me with this wicked grin. One night late and only by the dim sidewalk lamps did I see his teeth look, well... long. Like dog's teeth, maybe? As I neared him he hissed and, I swear, I saw drool dripping. Or maybe it was my overactive imagination? As I talked I realized I was slowly rubbing Bri's thigh as I thought about these events. I quickly removed my hand.

"Jeez, Bri, I'm sorry, but this is freakin' me out, Dude."

Bri grabbed my hand and placed it back on his thigh, saying it was okay.


Okay, I confess I didn't hear much of what Dan was saying after he put his hand on my leg. My boner had kind of subsided, but when he started moving his hand around in circles, it came back, big time! When he kind of jumped away from me, I woke up a little and realized I'd heard at least some of it. Some weird guy was hanging around late at night grinning, with teeth like a dog? What the fuck?

The only thing I was sure of was that Dan's hand felt really good on my thigh, so I put it back there. "Um... buddy," I said. "Are you feeling all right? Worrying about midterms or anything?"

I didn't want to insult Dan. He'd always seemed so down-to-earth before. I just couldn't get my mind around the weird stalker shit.

Maybe Danny had sampled some magic mushrooms, or something. Maybe he should lie down. Maybe we should both lie down so I could keep him company... Jesus, what the fuck was I thinking?


Just knowing Bri was in my court gave me some peace. But as I continued to think about what that guy looked like I squeezed Bri's thigh really hard.

"Ouch! Man, Dan are you okay?"

"No, I'm really stoked by all this," I said. "It's kinda weird Bri because, well...I..."

"What Dan?"

"I hate to admit but it kind of turns me on, as well as being scary. I know you think I'm on drugs here, but it does."

As I absently continued to rub my roommate's leg I realized I was bumping into something substantial. Not what you would expect unless...damn... Bri had a hard-on. He was turned on as much as I. Was he turned on by the story or because I was rubbing his thigh and accidentally bumping his cock?

God, I wanted to grab his dick like a life-line. That would take my mind off all the bad feelings. And, with Bri beside me, I wanted to confront this guy... or whatever he was... Vampire came to mind, but I dismissed it.


I jumped up. I couldn't just sit there. If Dan kept bumping against my cock for much longer, I was going to shoot. There was already a wet spot on the crotch of my briefs. Thank god they were black. Maybe Dan wouldn't see it.

Some guy stalking him turned him on? What was that about? I decided to ignore it. Dan would probably be embarrassed later for admitting it.

"Look Dan," I said. "Let's go find this guy and tell him to fuck off, okay? He probably won't bother you when you're not alone."

I quickly pulled on some jeans and a sweatshirt. It seemed like a crazy thing to do, but hated to see Dan so upset. I really liked the guy, even if we were just buddies.


"Okay Bri, if you're sure."

I wasn't sold on the idea of really confronting this guy, but with Bri by my side, well... what the hell.

As we approached a sidewalk light I suddenly got a chill from my neck to my lower back. Something was out there. I just knew it.

Suddenly it was completely dark, as if a blanket was thrown over me, and I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I shoved at the unseen weight and suddenly I could see my stalker. With my blood dripping from his fangs, he smiled. "You are mine now, Danny boy." Gerald vanished.

"No," I said, as I clutched Bri's arm.

Bri turned toward me, horror evident on his face. Weakened from the loss of blood, I fell to the ground.

Bri held me in his arms and I grew giddy in the afterglow of the bite, as if I'd had had the most magnificent orgasm, my dick hard and dripping honey.

"Bri, my dick," I said. "Please pull my dick out."


My head was spinning. Dan and I were walking along when, all of a sudden, everything went dark. It seemed like no time at all until the light came back, and I saw a shadow disappearing into the bushes. Then there was Dan, with blood on his neck and shirt. His eyes rolled up and I grabbed for him but he slipped to the ground.

It was full dark now and no one else was around. Should I call for help, or go and try to find someone? I didn't want to leave Dan alone.

I knelt down and carefully lifted Dan's head into my lap. He was breathing and there were two holes in the side of his neck, but the blood on his shirt was only a drop or two. His eyelids fluttered and opened. He looked up at me and smiled.

"You okay, buddy?" I asked.

"My dick," he said, "it's so hard. Please pull it out for me."

My eyes were drawn to this big, long lump under the thin fabric of his jeans. I had fantasized, dreamed about touching his meat, but not like this. So much had already happened that the night seemed surreal, like anything was possible. Maybe... I reached for his zipper.


"Hurry Bri, oh please, hurry. My nuts hurt so bad."

It felt as though my balls were about to explode... like someone had kicked me there and the pain that comes after. My balls felt as if they had grown inside my jeans and my dick pulsed, anticipating Bri's touch. I felt a stream of goo escape my piss slit, and my cock throbbed again.

Bri opened my fly and tentatively sought out my dick. I felt the swelling in his crotch as my head lay there. When I felt like I couldn't stand it another second, I felt Bri's fingers wrap around my cock. My balls throbbed again and my cock surged as though it had grown to twice its size. Suddenly my stomach muscles contracted as I felt what seemed like another kick to my balls.

Bri wrapped his large hand around my cock and I spewed piss on it.

"Shit! My God Bri, I'm pissing on you. I can't stop it. Oh god, it feels so good." It was as if I was having the longest orgasm of my life. It just kept flowing, way too much to be cum... or was it?


Dan's cock was the size of my forearm and hard as steel. Once I had it in my hand, I couldn't let go. I felt my cock throb with the pressure of his head in my lap. Dan moaned as I stroked up and down his huge shaft. His whole body jerked and I felt a big spurt of hot juice on my hand. Was he pissing? I didn't care, the heat felt so good.

Suddenly I could see the picture in my mind, Dan and me holding each other's cocks as we pissed, the hot liquid spraying over our hands and splashing our bellies... trickling down our thighs. My cock swelled even more, painfully tight inside my jeans.

I eased my body out from under him, lowering his head gently to the grass. Somehow I jerked down my zipper and set my cock free. Dan looked over, his cock still spewing. Our eyes locked and he reached for me, grasping my rock-hard shaft.

Without warning, my prick let go with a scalding stream of piss, arcing up and over to wet Dan's cock. I couldn't believe it. It felt so amazing, like I was cumming.

"Oh, my God, Dan..." I moaned.


As I reached for Bri's cock he suddenly started pissing all over my hand and my cock. Something went off inside my head as I threw my body on top of Bri. I needed him to piss all over my cock. My cock was as hard as Bri's as I worked it into his open fly and let loose with another stream of piss. Bri's dick was pissing on my balls as he pushed his cock into my fly as well. Again another kick to my balls and my head went into a sexual frenzy. I couldn't get enough of my roomy as I started to rub our piss slick dicks against each other. The wetness was like a lube and we hunched at each other with abandon. So caught up in the act, my cock was ready to spew my jock cum all over Bri's dick. As I hunched faster my climax built to a shattering orgasm. At the first spurt of cum I bit Bri's neck and felt his blood and life enter me.


The feelings were amazing, Dan's hot piss mixing with mine as we rolled on the ground. Our cocks were on fire and I was about to explode when Dan cried out and sank his teeth into my neck. Suddenly chilled with fear, I tried to pull away from him, but his weight held me captive. Then the heat returned to me, but this time it was anger as well as lust. What the fuck? I grabbed a handful of Dan's hair and ripped his teeth out of my throat. I could feel hot blood welling up and trickling away but all of a sudden I didn't care. I yanked his head to one side and planted my teeth in his neck. One hard bite and Dan's hot, sweet blood was in my mouth.

Electric energy flowed into me as I swallowed and swallowed. I was hardly conscious of the jizz that erupted from my balls, my orgasm only adding to the already overwhelming sensations. Overhead, there was a flash of light, followed by the steady rumble of thunder. Then the sky opened and rain poured down, as though all the gutters of Heaven were overflowing.

The rain seemed to wash away a little of the weirdness. Dan blinked at me in the dim light and I rolled over, spilling him off me, then stood up. I thought I saw a shadow move in the larger shadows of the buildings, but I couldn't be sure. It gave me a chill anyway. I held a hand out to Dan and he got up, standing close to me. Just because I could, I grabbed his face and kissed him. He smiled.

The warm rain had washed away most of the blood, as well as the cum and piss, but I was wet and chilled and wanted a shower. I looked deliberately at where I'd seen the moving shadow, but it was gone. "C'mon," I said. "Let's go back to our room."

Dan nodded, taking my hand, and we ran together through the night.

We were laughing by the time we slammed the door and locked it. I knew we both looked like drowned rats, but the wet clothes outlined Dan's body and my dick began to rise.

"Wanna shower together?" I asked.

Dan grinned.


Thanks to all the weirdness, we had taken the first step...that is to say, revealing ourselves and our need of each other sexually. Bri had the remnants of blood on his neck and shirt which the rain had not washed away. I felt my neck and drew away my hand with traces of blood as well.

"Yeah, I think we need to shower," I said.

We both stripped out of our wet clothes, watching each other's swinging appendages, bloated by the recent release of pent up passion. Bri smiled at me as I grinned at him and my dick went to full measure, mimicking his dick as it too throbbed with each heart beat to full erection. God it was huge and his foreskin tried to reveal a very large purple plum, catching itself on the very wide glans of his dick.

I reached out to him and he immediately enfolded me in his arms. Protected by him I sighed and said, "I don't know exactly what happened out there, but I do know I have a very deep, passionate longing for you, Brian."

We held each other in a tight embrace as our drooling dicks dueled, wetting one another.

"Come on Dan, lets get that shower," he said as he grabbed a bath towel.

Maybe I had said the wrong thing. Bri's lack of response worried me into thinking he didn't feel the same way. Shit, had I gone and stuck my foot in my mouth?

The showers were down the corridor of the dorms about fifty feet and I watched as Bri tried to cinch a towel around himself for the walk. His erection was standing straight out and tenting the towel considerably.

"This won't do Dan," Bri said laughing, and gestured toward his cock.

"How about I just suck the blood out of it?" I said, laughing with him.


"Mmm..." I said. "That wasn't exactly what I had in mind." Sure, I knew my cock was filled with blood, but Dan's comment reminded me of all the weird happenings of the night and my brain went back to trying to figure it all out. What had happened to Dan before he collapsed on the ground? Why had he bitten me and drunk some of my blood? ...And why had I bitten him back?!

I remembered how the hot blood had felt in my mouth and throat, and my erection, which had started to deflate a little, got harder than ever. Dammit, all I wanted was a boyfriend, not a starring role in a horror movie!

Well, maybe it hadn't really happened. Maybe it was just some kind of flashback from the pot I smoked earlier, or the mushrooms I did last week. That could happen, right?

I felt my neck and there was still a little gash where Dan had bitten me, even though it didn't hurt or anything. Pretty physical for a hallucination. Maybe it would heal soon and I could forget about it.

"C'mon, Dan," I said, "it's only a little ways to the showers and it's pretty late. Nobody will see us if we hurry."

He shrugged and I opened the door and looked both ways down the hall. It was deserted and quiet. I motioned to the bulge tenting my towel.

"When we get there," I said, "you can suck on it all you want." I wiggled my eyebrows and smiled what I hoped was a slutty smile and Dan smiled back.


When we got to the showers, we weren't alone. Troy, GNC'S star quarterback, was in one stall, and I could see he had a huge hard-on. He quickly turned away as we came in, trying to conceal the fact that he was stroking off in the shower. Brian and I looked at each other, fire once again in Bri's eyes. I instantly grew hard as I took Bri in my arms and kissed him.

"What the fuck!" Troy said as I maneuvered Bri closer to Troy, still holding him in a lip lock. Bri reached out to Troy and grabbed him with his free arm and pulled him into our embrace. Troy struggled to get away, but we both had a hold on one of his arms. I spun Troy around so his pretty, perky ass was lined up with my steel hard dong as Bri frotted him from the front. Troy sighed as he felt my cock ride along his asshole, frotting him from the back. Bri's cock slipped past Troy's balls and began to rub against my cock as we met in the middle of Troy's taint. I could feel my swollen cock head ripple past Bri's foreskin, eventually sliding right inside his extra skin.

I had always fantasized about slipping my cock inside his skin, and this set me off quickly and I felt the beginning of a gusher.


By this time, Troy was way past fighting us. In fact, he was frantically rubbing his cock against my abs like there was no tomorrow, and moaning in my ear. Dan's prick was head-to-head with mine and the feel of his hard, throbbing shaft bumping against my sensitive head inside the skin was enough to fire me up in a hurry. I kissed Dan over Troy's shoulder, warm water running over all three of us, and then our eyes locked and I knew what Dan was thinking. As though we'd rehearsed it, each of us bit into one side of Troy's neck.

Troy groaned, loud enough for the whole dorm to hear, and then he came all over my belly. I felt Dan's hot juice inside my foreskin, and then mine joined it and we were all moaning and quivering together.

When it was over we pulled apart a little, and Troy almost fell over. Dan and I led him to a bench in the dressing room and he sat down, eyes glazed. I grinned at Dan. I didn't know what the hell was going on, but I didn't care. It felt so good!

I tilted Troy's face up to me, forcing his blue eyes to focus. "What the fuck...?" he said.

"It's OK," I assured him. "You just had a little dizzy spell in the shower, and Dan and I helped you sit down. You'll be fine. Just go on back to your room and get some sleep." I tossed a towel over his shoulder.

Troy blinked and then stood up. "Oh. Thanks, guys. Guess I had a few too many beers tonight."

We watched him head out, then I turned and took Dan in my arms. "Something is happening to us," I said. "I don't know what it is; I only know I'm glad we finally found each other." I closed my eyes and leaned in to kiss him when Dan stiffened in my arms. The bathroom door opened and a guy walked in. I couldn't believe it, but he seemed to be wearing a cape over his jeans and T-shirt. He stopped and leaned back against the wall with his arms crossed and a mean sort of grin spread over his face.

"Oh, my God," Dan said. "It's Gerald!"


"Hi boys." Gerald's voice seemed to resonate with a deep hollow tone. Whether it was the shower walls echoing or he had developed a... what? a devilish voice? Whatever it was, it gave me goose bumps and I felt my dick belch pre-cum as it lengthened and nestled itself back under Bri's balls, protruding past his ass cheeks and dripping for the leaning figure across from us.

"Well, normally," Gerald began, "my conquests need a little more time before they begin... recruitment." And a laugh followed, originating deep in his chest, giving Bri and me a chilly breeze across our naked bodies.

Bri turned to face Gerald and gasped out, "My god, I never realized how beautiful you are!"

"Thank you Bri, coming from you I take that as a high compliment. You and Dan are no slouch in the looks department either, which is why I've chosen you both as my night soldiers."

"Night soldiers?" we both echoed.

"Yes, my dear classmates. I've chosen you to become part of my family. You will help me gather the necessary...shall we say... nectar, ha, ha, to fulfill my needs as an immortal."

As Gerald walked toward us, his cape and all other clothing fell to the shower floor leaving his body open to us, his eleven inch, extraordinarily fat cock, pointing the way.


Gerald was Greek god gorgeous. His muscular body, his classic face, and that cock! I'd never seen anything like it. I tried to imagine what it would be like to take that thing in my mouth. Would I choke on it? Would I care if I did? And, umm... there were other places he could put that huge piece of meat. I'd never had anything that big inside me, but I was more than willing to give it a try.

A night soldier? I had no idea what he was talking about, but I knew I'd be anything this guy wanted.

Dan was still holding on to me, but I pushed him away. I had to get to Gerald. He smiled as I came closer. His teeth were white and as perfect as the rest of him. I stopped, only an inch away from touching him. Then I fell to my knees and looked up into his eyes. It seemed the only right thing. "What do you want me to do?" I asked.

Gerald held out his hand to lift me up, then stretched out his other hand and beckoned to Dan (who was frowning and looking a little left out) into the group. I smiled at Dan to let him know I hadn't forgotten him completely... it was just that Gerald was such a stud...

"You two have done such marvelous work already that you may be the only ones I'll need on this campus." Gerald hugged us both and I was pressed against Dan, or rather, we were both pressed against Gerald. I wasn't complaining.

"I'm so proud of you," Gerald continued. Praise was nice, but I was beginning to feel like the next words out of his mouth would be "good dog". I sneaked a look at Dan, but his eyes were directed at Gerald and now as glassy and adoring as mine must have been a few minutes ago.

"Brian," Gerald's soft, caressing voice drew my attention immediately. "You haven't had the pleasure of knowing me directly. I think we should remedy that at once, don't you?"


Gerald stepped behind Brian, bringing Bri and I face to face, our cocks drooling and dueling with each other. I pulled Bri to my chest and felt our extended nipples rub and bump as my cock slipped under his balls and met Gerald's dick on the same journey, caressing Bri's perineum as he went. His dick jostled for position and slid under my dick, past my balls and stuck out from behind me. I reached around and grabbed the plum sized helmet, sticky with its need as it stroked between my ass cheeks.

Brian was moaning uncontrollably and began mashing my face to his, trying to stick his tongue down my throat.

Gerald's dick pulled from my fingers and Bri started to convulse as he felt the huge member slide between his thighs. I knew what Gerald's dick would be capable of doing so I pulled my lips from Bri's and whispered in his ear, "Don't tense up, leave your ass open." At that moment Bri's eyes grew large as Gerald's cock head began to drive into his virgin ass. Gerald pulled our heads together and began to kiss the other side of Brian's neck. Brian rose to his toes and screamed as his neck was pierced by Gerald's white fangs and his tiny asshole was reamed by the invading marauder. Up, up his virgin ass the cock traveled, tearing into his bowels, past the sphincter, then his second sphincter, into his colon.

Bri became limp as he passed out; just as I had when Gerald had bitten me. Gerald's cock held Brian up, suspending him like a rag doll. I grabbed Bri around his waist and held him to me, his cock, like a river, spewing his life giving sperm on my dick.

Gerald began fucking Brian rapidly, his huge dong making squishing sounds as his orgasm overtook him and he deposited his seed far up in Brian's bowels.


I woke up on the narrow bed in our familiar room. I had a headache like somebody striking a gong in there, and my asshole was on fire. My neck hurt too, and I was just trying to decide if I had the strength to reach up and touch it when Dan came into the room. He closed and locked the door, came over and sat down next to me and started wiping my face with a damp towel. "Jeez, Bri," he said, "I'm so glad to see you awake. I almost called 911 but I wouldn't have known what to tell them." He started dabbing at my neck with the towel. I noticed it came away red.

"What happened?" I croaked.

Dan shook his head. "Gerald happened. Don't you remember?" It was hard to talk, my throat was so dry, but Dan looked so worried I wanted to reassure him.

"Help me sit up, OK?" I asked. I took Dan's hand and he pulled until I was sitting up next to him. I felt dizzy at first, but Dan got me some water to drink and it passed quickly. The last I remembered it had been late evening, but the sunlight outside was bright. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon, I think. You've been out for hours."

It was all coming back to me. Gerald had bitten me and then fucked me. That supersized dong of his had felt like a freight train was driving up inside me. I remembered Dan keeping me from falling and not much after that.

My stomach growled so loud it made me forget the other pains. "Jesus, Dan. I'm starving!"

He smiled, a pale version of his usual killer grin. "You must feel better. My mom always says hunger is a good sign."

I smiled back, wincing at the pull on my neck muscles. "I hope she's right," I said. "But let's go off campus. I can't face the slop they dish out here."

We walked to the closest restaurant. The sun seemed extra bright so I wore my darkest pair of shades when I stepped outside. Surprisingly, I felt okay, except that my ass still hurt and sometimes I felt like my feet didn't quite touch the ground. I compensated by holding onto Dan's arm.

When we got to the restaurant, I ordered salad, baked potato, and their biggest steak... rare. Dan got the same. When we'd each wolfed down over half of the stuff on our plates, I took a deep breath. "Dan, what do you think Gerald wants from us? What in the hell are `night soldiers'?"

Dan pushed a piece of lettuce around with his fork. "I dunno, exactly. I think maybe he wants us to recruit more guys for him, like we did with Troy, you know?"

I nodded, remembering how Dan and I had practically raped the guy, and bitten him too.

Dan looked at me, his expression serious. "I think that, whatever energy we get, whatever blood we take, goes to Gerald. With us to seduce the new guys, and then maybe they start doing it too, he gets a lot more energy than he could get by himself." Dan stopped to cut another bite of steak and stab it violently. "We do his dirty work, we take all the risks, while he just sits back and gets stronger!"

"Yeah," I said. "And what happens to us when Gerald has all he can get out of this town? He didn't arrive here with anyone. Surely this isn't the first time he's done this. What happened to his other `night soldiers'?"

Dan was wide-eyed. I took his hand, not caring if anyone could see. "Dan, we've been roommates for a while now, and I've been crushing on you from day one. All I want is for us to be boyfriends. It was fun, doing it with Troy, but I never felt like it was even my idea. You are all I want, all I need. I don't want to be Gerald's minion, whatever that means, and then be cast aside or killed when he's through with us." I squeezed Dan's hand and he squeezed back. "I think I love you, Dan."


"I'm so glad to hear you say that, Bri; I think I'm falling in love with you too."

We looked at each other dreamily. I slid my hand from his and said, "Eat up; we've got work to do."

After splitting the check and heading outside I told Bri we were going to the library.

"What for?" he asked.

"We're going to research vampires."

"Good idea!"

Bri and I checked out several books on the occult, and one that was titled, Vampires for Dummies. Laughing, I said to Bri, "Who would have thunk it!"

We took the books back to our dorm room. I plopped down on my bed and began to scour the information. Bri sat at his desk and searched the web to see what clues it could give us.

"Hey, Dan, it says here vampires can be hundreds of years old. How old do you think Gerald is?"

"Don't know, but he sure looks good, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, and that dick of his is as big as a horse dick."

I stopped to ask just how many horse's dicks he'd seen.

"Not many," was Bri's reply and I then told him about the stallions back home who had dicks two to three feet long with enough foreskin to make luggage.

"With the foreskin you have, Bri, we could make at least a couple wallets," I said, laughing.

"Yeah but then you wouldn't have a nice, warm, moist place to put your big ass cock in," Brian said with a smarmy look.

Just the thought of that made my dick twitch and grow. I shucked off my jeans and tee to give me room in my boxers and let things cool down. Bri was sitting with his back to me, head down, staring at his computer screen.

"Hey Dan, look at this!"

"What?" I said, as I crossed over to Bri and put my hands on his powerful shoulders.

"Here." He pointed to the screen.


I leaned down next to Bri, almost touching his right ear. God, he smelled good, and I noticed his foreskin sticking out of his boxer fly. The volley of chatter had fluffed him up as well.


Dan was breathing in my ear and I really had to work to concentrate on the computer screen. I could feel a drop of precum moving slowly up my tube. It tickled, making me squirm a little. I stayed quiet, knowing Dan could see the screen as well as me, and we read:

"So, you've become ensnared by a vampire? Just the fact you're reading this article means things are not yet hopeless. If you listen closely and follow these directions, you can break that spell and go back to your normal life.

"First, and most important, never look a vampire in the eye! If you remember that one thing at all times, you have a chance.

"And, hey, if you're only here to laugh and make fun, go away. This message is about life and death. If you don't know what I'm talking about, fuck off.

"If you're still here, then let me tell you that the vampire's grip can be broken. It isn't all like in the movies, but there are some helpful things you may already know. Crosses, garlic and holy water don't always work, but they're a good backup and it can't hurt to stock up on them, just in case.

"Now, you have a decision to make. Do you want to kill the vampire, or just get rid of him or her?

If killing is your goal, then read on. 1. The best way to kill a vampire is sunlight. Even in these days of UV shield sunglasses and SPF 50 sunscreen, (invented by vampires) if you can get an unprotected bloodsucker out into the sunlight and keep him there, he will die. 2. Stakes are another sure fire method. You can go for the classic wooden stake and mallet, or the more modern crossbow and wooden arrow, but both work just fine. 3. The more grisly method of cutting a vampire into pieces works too, but is often difficult to manage. Drugs like alcohol and sleeping pills do work on vampires, but it takes a LOT to affect them. Be careful! "OK, so maybe you don't want to kill the vampire, just get rid of him. 1. One way to do that is to pass him off on someone else. If you can get the vampire interested in another person, he may forget about you, especially if you get away from his immediate vicinity. (This may not sound very ethical but, believe it or not, there are people who LIKE being around vampires.) 2. Last, but not least, maybe the best way to rid yourself of a vampire is through true love. Yes, I am serious. I mention it last because many of us are not lucky enough to have someone in our lives that we truly love and trust. But, if you are one of these lucky people, then it can help you more than you know."

I could feel Dan's breath on the back of my neck. We'd been together for such a short time... did it really count as true love? I turned toward him and he lowered his lips to mine and reached inside with his tongue. My dick immediately popped out my fly and began leaking like a sieve. If what we had wasn't love, it sure felt great.

I hit `print' on the web page and grabbed Dan. We wrestled for a minute or two, our hard dicks thrusting against whatever part of our anatomies they touched. Then we fell back on his bed with him on top.

"Bri, baby," he whispered. "Can I fuck you?"


"I'll understand if you'd rather not since you haven't recovered from Gerald's donkey dick." I giggled.

Bri frowned.

And I really did understand. As quick as it had been, I remembered what Gerald's dick had done to my asshole when he bit me, and how sore I had been all the next day.

The other thought was, am I still under a spell? Didn't I care what damage I could do to Bri? It had been an unfair request, so I said, "Ya know what? It's late. Let's just hold each other and get some sleep."

That said, I rolled Bri onto his left side and spooned behind him. He rested his head on my left bicep as a pillow. I put my arm over his side and stroked his chest.

My thoughts went to the happenings of the past forty-eight hours as I heard Bri's breathing slow, falling into sleep. It had been a good decision.

The words and questions about true love for another to break the spell kept repeating in my head.

Did Bri and I have true love?

And what did that mean exactly?

What about the guys on the team; what will they say if they find out we're gay?

Are we both gay?

I had always considered Brian a buddy, a roommate. This big muscled college wrestler

What about the future?

Not to mention the fact that if my parents were to find out I'd be cut off, out in the cold. No more college, car, or credit cards.

I woke at four-thirty a.m. with my hard cock nestled between Bri's thighs, up tight in his butt cheeks. The warmth of the contact gave a sweaty lubrication to my dick and then I realized I needed to piss badly. I slid my arm from under his head and my piss hard-on out of his butt to slowly get out of bed, careful not to wake him.

When I stood I chuckled to myself as a string of pre cum connected my dick to his ass. Silently, I went to the bathroom, willing my cock to soften and peed; relieving my bladder on the side of the bowl.

I crept back to bed, Bri never waking, and crawled in behind him, nestling my dick against his ass again. He hadn't moved all night. I guess he really was beat and my decision to just sleep was a good one.

Bri was so cuddly; his massive body fit perfectly into mine I thought, as I felt my still bloated dick harden. I absently strummed his right nipple and enclosed his muscled pec in the palm of my hand.

Then a realization struck me; I did love this big galoot.

I felt my dick harden even more at the thought and I pushed it back between his already precum'd, sweaty thighs.

Not wanting to wake Bri, I shut my eyes and my thoughts wandered back to my junior high friend Dennis, and our ceremonial blood brother pact and the scout camping trip we took one fall.

As junior patrol leaders we always shared a pup tent and usually ended up wanking off together. This particular trip, however Dennis forgot (well... now I believe he intentionally forgot) to bring his sleeping bag. We decided it was warm enough we could just spread out my bag and sleep on top of it.

Sometime during the night as it got chilly, Dennis spooned up behind me. I woke to find his dick rubbing into my butt with need. I pretended to be asleep as my dick hardened with the rear stimulation, wondering just how far this would go. He put an arm around me and slid it under the T-shirt I was wearing and started caressing my chest. His hand traveled down and into my briefs nudging my cock with his fingers. When he felt the hardness he groaned and began tickling the underside of my glans.

"Are you okay with this?" he asked.

"Yeah, feels good."

"Pull your underwear off."

"No man, I said, what if someone comes!"

"It's early, everyone is zonked out, don't worry about it."

With that he began pushing my drawers down. As they came to my bubble butt he backed his cock away and slid them to my knees. When he placed his dick back on my ass he maneuvered it between my cheeks and pumped. His hand came around to my rock-hard peter and began to squeeze the sticky stuff out of it. Then, reaching behind me, he spread it on his dick.

He repeated this several times. Each time his dick slid better and he began to saw against my pucker.

"Oh shit!" I gasped.

"Shhhh! Keep quiet or someone WILL come."

Then he just stroked my dick as his got wetter with his own sticky stuff.

My dick was getting slippery as well. He manipulated the head and loaded a finger and brought it to my mouth. He tapped my lips with his finger, my lips automatically parted, and he wiped the pre-lube on my tongue.

"What was that?" I whispered.

"It's your cum silly."

"I haven't cum yet."

"I know. It's your pre-cum, do you like it?"

"I don't know...I guess; there wasn't enough to taste it."

Dennis began sawing into my butt again, each time riding over my pucker and bumping into my ball sack.

He did that for, I'd guess, a minute or two and the feeling just kept getting better and better. As his dick grazed past my pucker on its way to my balls the feeling there was very intense and I knew if he didn't stop jacking my dick I was going to make a mess all over my sleeping bag.

"Oh damn, that feels good," he said. "Get ready Dan. I'm going to spew."

His hand sped up on my dick as he frantically humped my bubble butt. Faster and faster he humped until he groaned loudly and unloaded a river of cum between my butt cheeks and onto my balls. At that moment I too blew my load; yep... onto the sleeping bag. Damn!

"You guys okay over there?" Shit! That was Jack, our senior patrol leader.

"Yeah, we're fine," said Dennis. "I was just having a dream."


I woke up with Dan in my arms. He was wriggling and pushing his butt back against me and murmuring something about patrol leaders. I didn't pay too much attention because my hard cock was between his ass cheeks sliding, wet and sticky with my precum, over his perineum. Damn, it felt good. All at once, Dan began to push back into me. A little moan escaped his throat. So that's it, I thought, Dan would rather get fucked than fuck me. I grinned. I could handle that.

The thought of sliding inside Dan's chute was firing me up beyond belief. I wanted to shove right in, but I didn't want to hurt him. I reached down, pushed back my foreskin and rubbed my slick cockhead over his pucker. He groaned and the head almost slipped inside. Damn, he was opening up for me! I'd never fucked a guy before, but how different could it be from fucking a girl? I spit on my fingers and rubbed it over Dan's rosebud, sinking one finger inside and feeling for his prostate. I knew where his had to be from finding my own. It didn't take me long to find that little happy button and when I did, Dan jerked and let out a long moan. My dick pulsed like it was going to let go right there. I lined up and shoved the head into Dan's ass. That's when he woke up.

"Bri," he panted, "what are you doing?"

"You know what I'm doing," I said, slapping his ass cheek with my palm. Dan jumped a little and his pucker opened wide. I slipped all the way in. "Can I keep doing it?"

"Oh, yeah," he moaned, pushing back hard. "Don't stop."

I didn't. I couldn't have stopped by that time. It felt too good. My dick was encased in Dan's hot bowels, sliding inside a velvet tube that massaged my shaft with a million tiny fingers. I felt myself about to blow and tried to slow down and make it last, but I couldn't, not with Dan pushing back into me every time. Instead I speeded up, slamming into Dan's ass over and over with a wet slapping sound until I felt the lava flow out of my churning balls and up my tube. "Oh, yeah!" I yelled. "Oh god, fuck, yeah!"

It seemed to last forever. I kept thrusting until it was all over, then just lay there, trying to catch my breath. I didn't think Dan had cum yet, and I was about to reach for his dick when I realized I had to piss... bad. "I'll be right back," I said. "Gotta piss."

"No!" Dan grabbed my ass and pulled me back into him. "You can't leave me like this!" I tried to hold back, but it was too much. My bladder let go and I pissed into Dan's ass. The hot, wet flood filled his guts and spilled out onto the bed.

"Oh, my god!" Dan screamed. "I'm cumming!" His body jerked and writhed and I reached around and caught some of his hot spunk in my hand and smeared it over his swollen dick.

We both lay there then, exhausted. Finally Dan turned around and looked at me. "That was fantastic."

"Yeah." I smiled. "But I'm glad we've got another bed to sleep in. It's going to take a while for this one to dry out."


"Come on, let's shower, Bri, before this stuff dries on me."

With towels wrapped around us and obvious bloated dicks tenting them we shagged ass to the communal showers. Arriving there, Troy had his back to us as he rinsed shampoo out of his hair, his firm bubble butt staring us in the face. Bri and I looked at each other with broad grins, the same thoughts racing through our minds.

Troy turned, rubbing the water from his eyes and saw us standing there. He immediately got a horrified look on his face.

Troy was a total wet dream. Shorter than us but packed with muscle from the workouts he did with the football team and a dick which, when soft, hung five inches over plump hairy balls.

"Hey Troy," Bri said as he went to a shower head next to him. I chose a shower across from them, so as not to make him think we were ganging up on him again.

"Uh...hey guys," Troy said, watching both of us suspiciously. I didn't know how much of our little tryst in the shower Troy remembered. He said he'd had too much to drink when we encouraged him to go to bed. I wondered if he had been as horny as Bri and I since we had both bitten his neck. Did he also have the craving to recruit other guys into Gerald's fold?

"You guys going to the party Friday night?"

"Hadn't heard about it till now," Bri said.

"It's at the `Alpha D's' house," Troy said. "Gerald's throwing it; said he wanted to do something for the team."

I looked to Bri for his answer and saw him soaping his engorged dick while rinsing his hair. I started laughing, which drew Troy's eyes to Brian also.

"Gees, Bri, does that thing ever get soft?" I quipped.

Troy started laughing as well.

"I don't know what it is," Bri said. "It just seems to have a brain of its own."

"Well, with the head as big as it is, it's no wonder." Troy laughed. "But I'm finding I have the same problem," he added.

Troy and I both began to `chub' up as well.


I was glad not to feel any desire to bite Troy. Those kind of impulses made me feel weird, to say the least. But my dick got even harder at the sight of Troy's and Dan's plumping cocks. I looked at Dan. It seemed important to have his okay on this. Troy was looking down, kind of embarrassed maybe, and Dan glanced at Troy's dick, now half-hard, and grinned. Okay. I bumped against Troy on purpose. He looked startled, but it got his attention. "Hey, buddy," I said. "You mind if I pee in the shower?"

"Hell no," Troy said. "Why would I mind?" Dan's face lit up. He and I both aimed our dicks at Troy. He looked around, but there was no way out, so he just stood and took it, Dan and I playing yellow streams up and down Troy's washboard abs, his hard pecs, and especially his dick and balls. Dan even gave him a shot in the face. Troy's hard-on wilted and I was beginning to feel a little sorry for him when his expression changed. He grabbed his limp cock and it started spewing like a fire hose, all over Dan's and my bodies and in our faces and hair. I caught Troy's eye and opened my mouth deliberately, daring him. A little smile came to his lips and his dick began to seriously plump. He took aim and got me, right on target. I caught a mouthful and let it roll slowly down my chin, all the while holding Troy's eyes. He gulped and his cock was as hard as a flagpole. I heard Dan laugh and then all three of us were laughing.

"Come on, you guys," I said. "Let's get out of here and go to Troy's room for a party." Troy looked a little surprised. "We can't go back to ours," I explained. "Dan hasn't done the laundry yet." Dan snapped me with his wet towel.

Troy licked his lips. "Let's go."


"Umm... you guys go ahead; I've got that fuckin' exam tomorrow and I haven't cracked a book yet," I stated.

"Oh shit," Bri said, "I forgot all about it!"

Troy looked a little disappointed as he rinsed our pee from his body and grabbed his towel. I really wanted to party with him and Bri but I knew Professor Higginbottom would be throwing a difficult exam just before the Christmas holidays. "Hey Troy, why don't you come to our room and we can all cram together; that way we can compare notes."

Troy and Bri thought that was a good idea and we all went with chubbed up dicks to our room. As soon as we got in the room I stripped my bed and flipped the mattress over. "I always do that, Troy, my Mom says to turn the mattress so it wears evenly."

Bri wiggled his eyebrows and grinned at me. Bri turned on his laptop and pulled up his notes as I slipped on a pair of boxer briefs. I threw Troy a pair and he slipped them on as well. Bri turned and saw us partially dressed and groaned. "I thought we could at least study in the nude!"

"Go ahead," I replied. "But when you become a distraction we'll have to throw your ass out the window," I said, laughing. Troy joined me.

The exam went well for all of us, so the cramming we did was very beneficial. It was Thursday night with only practice tomorrow to look forward to, and then the party at Alpha D that night. Troy had confided to Bri and me that he wasn't too comfortable with Gerald and was glad we were going to the party too. I had to assume from that Gerald hadn't had his way personally with him yet. I was glad for Troy. Bri and I both knew what Gerald's gargantuan dick could do to a virgin asshole.

That night after having pizza delivered to the room, Bri and I sacked out on his bed to get some rest. I spooned up behind his bare ass. (Something I'd become accustomed to...Bri rarely wears clothes, not that I mind), and nudged my swelling cock between his ass cheeks.

"Mm," he groaned, and pushed his ass back into my dick. I gently humped his bubble butt until my dick was rock hard and stabbed between those twin globes. I let it rest there, the head just nuzzling his pucker. Bri squeezed his sphincter closed and then opened it again. The moist heat and the movement on my corona caused pre cum to tickle its way to the head and wet his spasming boy cunt. This made my next move easier as I tilted my pelvis and forced my glans into his ring, whereupon Bri squeezed, locking it there.

"Ohh... damn," Bri breathed.

"Oh God, that feels good," I said as I chewed on Brian's ear lobe.

Holding my cock steady, I waited until I felt Brian relax his pucker. I thought for sure Bri had been a virgin prior to Gerald's raping him a few days ago. I knew this was going to have to be a pleasant experience for him, a slow and pleasurable penetration.

I pulled out just a little to let more of my precum coat his hot lips and advanced another inch or so. My cock was bathing in his hot hole and got, if possible, even harder. My dick gets fatter as you go down on it so I knew that a cautious approach to his ass was needed.

"Oh jeesus", Bri groaned.

"Are you okay? I asked.

"Oh yeah, just take it slow; my ass is still sore."

"I won't push any more until I feel you relax," I said, and hugged him to my chest. I rubbed his distended nipples and he groaned again and closed his ass on my dick with a vise-like grip. I left his nips and went for his swollen cock and slowly stroked it. As I did he tightened his ring on my dick and then relaxed it again. Each time I stroked his length, his ring got looser. My dick was drooling big-time now so I slowly extricated it and just as slowly pushed back in. Bri didn't clamp up as long as I continued to stroke his dick. I pushed in some more and he groaned again.

"Yeah Dan, give me more," he said.

I continued to stroke just the glans as it slipped past his foreskin and that seemed to make his asshole spasm again around my cock. This time I was able to slide half way in. Now I was at the thickest part of my cock and I would have to continue to stroke his glans so the pleasure would continue. His hole opened and I slid in to my balls, stopping any movement now.

"Oh, oh argh!" he said.

Bri had all eight inches and a six inch circumference stretching his ass ring. I waited until he loosened again. Bri bucked back on my dick and cried out, "Oh... damn it Dan, fuuuck meeee now, damn it!"

I slowly and agonizingly pulled my cock from his furnace and felt my prelube dump inside his chute. Pushing back it coated my dick, making it slide better. Out again and the pleasure for me was wonderful. Bri continued to groan as I sawed my way in and out of his tight bung hole. I sped up my stroking on his cock and he began to meet my thrusts.

"Up on your knees, Bri."

As he slowly raised himself up I pushed in his ass so as not to slip out. Bri on hands and knees now, I pushed his shoulders down, exposing his beautiful butt to me.

"Rotate your pelvis Bri, so your ass is sticking as high as you can get it."

"Like this?"

"Yeah, now relax your me... do you trust me?"

"Oh yeah, Dan, give me more cock." I laughed. What a slut he was turning out to be. I pushed down on Bri's lower back, causing his hips and butt to tilt up and toward me.

"OK, Bri, hang on!" I began to withdraw my cock and just stopped at the head. My swollen glans was locked behind his agonizingly tight ring. Grabbing the lube beside his bed I squirted a huge amount on my exposed cock and slid back in to my balls.

"Oh shit!" Bri said.

"You okay, dude?"

"Yeah, that felt good!"

Pulling back out, I let the head of my cock pull past his ring and just as quickly pushed back in to the hilt.

"Oh shiiit! More Dan!"

I lowered myself on Bri's muscular back and started to jackknife my hips into him. As I kissed his neck and licked the perspiration off his back, I fucked him with ever-increasing tempo and lengthened the strokes to pop my cock out and then back into his screaming boy cunt. He met my thrusts as he bucked back onto my cock. I reached below him and felt for his hard hot cock, wrapping my hand around it as it belched pre cum all over the bed. I fucked him faster and just barely stroked his cock. I rammed his swollen prostate over and over and finally he screamed, "FUCK, DAN, I'M CUMMING! Oh, shit, fuck, shit, I'm cumming!"


And boy... did I ever cum! My whole body convulsed with it, bowing my back and clenching my teeth while my cock spewed gallons of hot spunk onto the mattress. Just about the time it was ending, I could feel Dan's cock swell inside me and he groaned in my ear, "Bri, I'm cumming!" And it was like I started all over again. The orgasm never stopped until Dan collapsed on top of me and we both sank to the bed in pools of cum. Dan rolled off me and we just lay there, trying to remember how to breathe. I think I would have passed out then, but Dan put his arm over my side and pulled me back to nibble on my ear.

"You, okay, Bri?"

"Jesus, Dan. Did you get the number of that truck?"

He giggled. I turned around until we were face to face.

"Seriously Dan... that was the best fuck ever. Thanks." He looked at me for a minute, trying to see if I was giving him shit, I guess. Then he gave me a tender, loving kiss. We kissed for a while longer, but my cock didn't even get half hard – that's how wrung out I was.

"Dan," I said, as we were both about to drift off. "What about that Alpha D party? You know Gerald is going to be there. How are we going to keep him from just sucking us back into his plan? I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a vampire groupie."

Dan sighed. "Yeah, me either. Guess I just didn't want to think about it for a while, you know? OK, first thing tomorrow we'll look over that info we got and come up with a plan."

"That's cutting it awful close," I said.

Dan kissed me again, then grinned. "Yeah, but we already got true love on our side, right?"

I had to smile back. Whatever Dan and I had, it was pretty damn good. We fell asleep with our arms around each other.


Practice the following day was grueling. The coach knew about the upcoming party that evening and I thought he was deliberately trying to tire us out.

The party was in full swing when Bri, Troy and I arrived. Immediately Gerald came over to us, wearing the sluttiest looking get-up ever. His white shirt and black leather coat were one thing, but the leather pants were so tight you could clearly see his monster cock tucked down his left leg.

"Glad you boys could make it," he said, boring holes into Troy's eyes.

Troy visibly shook and looked away from him.

"Thanks Gerald," I said, "but we're only here for a little while."

"Oh? I was hoping just the four of us could party after."

"No. Brian, Troy and I have things to do before we head home for the holidays."

I could see the veins in Gerald's neck pulse as he digested what I had said. He then put a hand on my shoulder and turned me directly toward him, eyes glaring. I knew not to look into his eyes and looked down, avoiding his stare. Brian moved up beside me and pushed Gerald's hand from my shoulder.

Gerald immediately grabbed Brian's hand, flexing it behind his back, and pushed it up to his neck.

Brian hollered bloody hell and was forced to his knees. From out of nowhere Troy landed a kick to Gerald's balls, sending him to the floor clutching his crotch.

A crowd was gathering now and, as Gerald yelled, cursing Troy and Brian, the better part of the team gathered around Gerald.

"You need to understand, Gerald," Bri shouted, "Dan and I are in a relationship and Troy is our friend and not to be harmed by you!"

"If you guys are in a relationship, does that mean think you are you in love?" Gerald asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Bri and I have fallen head over heels in love."

The rest of the team looked at us like we'd turned purple, then all heads turned back to Gerald.

"Troy then, will be my guest tonight," he declared. "You guys can go do whatever it is you need to do."

"Troy's coming with us," I said.

"Oh, no, he's not!"


I stood there, rubbing my shoulder and pissed as hell. It looked like Dan and Troy and I were going to have to fight, not only Gerald, but the rest of the team, too. Was it only that he was the one who had thrown the party, or had he done something else to the guys? It was like we were frozen.

Then I did the only thing I could think of; I took out one of the silver crucifixes that Dan and I had bought from Carlos, the Catholic guy down the hall. Dan took his out too, and handed another one to Troy. The three of us glanced at each other, then held up the crosses. Gerald hissed, took one step back and held a hand in front of his face.

That was when the door burst open and all hell broke loose. "Oh, my God!" somebody yelled, "its the LGVKC!"

"The what?" someone else asked.

"The Lesbian Gay Vampire Killing Cheerleaders!"

A dozen or so people wearing blue and gold uniforms came skipping and cartwheeling and back-flipping into the room. They all headed for Gerald. The team members moved away from him.

The head cheerleader, a cute little blond guy in a blue tank top and tight gold shorts sprinted over to us. I'd seen him around campus before; his name was Van something-or-other. He took in our crucifixes and our determined expressions and gave Gerald, still cringing away from the crosses, a long stare. I think he might have winked at Troy, but I was too busy holding up my cross to be sure.

"It's him, girls!" he said, and the rest of his gang moved to surround Gerald. I could see that they all were wearing crosses and carrying stakes or crossbows. They also had small spray bottles.

"Is that Mace?" I asked the nearest, a red-haired girl with a long perky ponytail.

"Nope," she replied, "garlic oil."

Van waved at Dan and Troy and me. "You can relax, guys. We've got him."

Everybody had pulled back when the cheerleaders came in and there was a big space around Gerald. Van walked right up to him and said, in a high but loud voice, "Gerald, by the powers of goodness and light, we demand the truth. Are you a bloodsucker... an evil demon... a vampire?"

Gerald did his best to stand up straight, but he sort of sagged back with all the crosses and stuff around him. "I am," he hissed... almost proudly, I thought.

"OK, girls," Van said. "He admits it. You know what to do."

And they all closed in on him, jumping on each other's shoulders and forming into human pyramids until we couldn't see Gerald at all. Then the top ones did back flips down, and the whole group of cheerleaders all started hugging each other and jumping up and down.

"Everybody over to the gym," Van yelled. "Free beer!"

Dan and Troy and I looked at each other as the crowd followed the laughing, high-fiving cheerleaders out the door. When they were gone, we walked over to where we had last seen Gerald. There was nothing there but a little pile of dust and a crossbow bolt sticking out of the carpet. Dan stirred the dust with his foot. Troy sneezed.

I shrugged and put an arm around Dan.

"Guess that's the last of Gerald," he said.

"Yeah," I agreed. "You want to go over to the gym?"

Dan reached down and pinched my ass. "Nah. I bet we can think of a better way to celebrate."

I grinned.

"I think I'll go on over," Troy said. "That cheerleader guy was awful cute."

I don't know how the party went at the gym, but I hope Troy had as much fun that night as Dan and I did.


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