Roommate's Bitch

By Jeff Thompson

Published on Jan 1, 2024


Roommate's Bitch - Part 9

If you're reading this, then you're enjoying Nifty Archives. This is a free library for everyone, EXCEPT the host. It can be costly, please go to the homepage and donate something to help keep the archives free. Also, I love getting feedback on the story. I don't mind suggestions, but understand I do have an outline in my head. If you want the story to go a certain route for sure, then consider writing one. I'll play out the story how I foresee it in my head, but I can be open to some ideas I hadn't thought of.

Some people have asked if I have any other stories, which was nice, let's me know they enjoyed my story. I do have 3 other stories I've written, the first two were under the pen name DsmPicTakr, then the third is using this same name, DsmOralSlave.

How the Hell did I get here?, Gay Authoritarian, 13 chapters, last one posted 12/10/2007 Billy's Bitch, Bi Authoritarian, 3 chapters, last one posted 12/13/2009 Landlord Dominated, Gay Authoritarian, 1 chapter, 12/17/2020

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated the story, Christmas has kept me busy, but at least I finally got a story to go past December.

Happy New Year!!


Joe and I were getting so worked up watching this show, Joe decided it was time for me to get busy. He grabbed my head and started fucking my mouth, "fuck yeah, your mouth feels so good, I gotta nut," Joe told me, he must have really gotten turned on by the show. He kept up until he was ready to shoot. He pulled out, painting my face with his load. It was so hot, I thought I was going to shoot just having that much cum on my face. I looked up at Joe and he was looking at Jordan, giving him a signal to shoot on Davis's face, not in his mouth yet. Then Joe signaled me to move over and blow Davis. I scooted over and took Davis's cock in my mouth, and Davis immediately moaned.

"Fuck this is so hot and sexy, I'm gonna bust here," Jordan said, pulling out of Davis's mouth, but holding him there. As Jordan shot on Davis's face, Davis unloaded a HUGE wad a spunk into my mouth, whimpering the whole time.

"Holy shit that was hot," Joe said.

"Hell yeah it was," Jordan yelled out. "You ok Davis?"

"Umm yeah, I'm fine I think. I gotta go to the bathroom," Davis responded. When he came back out, he was all cleaned up, clean change of clothes and headed for the door. "I gotta go, I'll be back later." With that he was out the door.

"Oh shit," I said.

Joe told us, "don't worry, he just needs to figure all this out, damn dude, you worked one a helluva magic show there, I'm impressed."

"Thanks, hopefully he realizes it's what he wanted all along," Jordan said.


Damn, so Davis is gay, or at least bi. I hadn't seen that one coming. We all just kinda sat there for a few minutes, finally Joe spoke up, "I think I'm gonna jet out of here, here's the deposit." He handed me the deposit in cash, adding "this is going to be a hot living situation. Jordan, you ready for us to give Steve here a daily workout, keeping him pumped full of cock?"

"Fuck yeah dude, this will be fun. I'm still on the hunt for pussy, but this will be fun having his hot mouth available with another cock to feed him whenever we want," Jordan acknowledged.

"Definitely bud, Ok Bitch, come kiss your new reason for living goodbye for tonight." Joe ordered me.

"Yes Sir," I told him. I crawled over to where he was sitting, wagging his half pumped up dick at me.

"Give him a kiss, tell him how much you're going to miss him," he told me.

"Goodbye little Joe, my reason for living, I'm going to miss you," I said to his cock and then gave it a big French kiss, putting half the tip in my mouth, licking the tip, cleaning the last drop of cum from the slit.

"Now lick each of my balls," Joe ordered, I licked each ball, starting to go back and forth, but Joe lightly slapped the side of my head. As he pulled his legs up to his chest, he said, "enough with the balls, you're not getting another load, I gotta get going. But give my pucker one last little lick."

I circled my tongue around his hole, then gave it a quick suck, before he lowered his legs. Joe got up and got dressed, then told us, "I'll see you guys on the 15th, but if Davis ends up moving sooner, let me know, I can move anytime really. If I get too horny, I may swing by sometime before then, just to get some of that hot tongue worshipping you love to give so much."

We said our goodbyes, then Joe was gone. I looked at Jordan and asked him, "you're ok with Joe? It seems like you are, but I want to be sure."

"Yeah, he's cool. It will be hot not to have to prance around Davis anymore. Joe is a bit more aggressive than me, are you sure you're ok with him is my question for you?" Jordan asked.

I thought that was sweet of him to be concerned, "Yep, I think it will be fine. I've lived alone for so long, but I've always fantasized about being someone's bitch like this. I never thought it would happen, let alone getting 2 guys that I could worship."

Jordan replied, "Ok, but if it ends up being too much, remember, I was here first and I have the bigger cock for you!"

I had to laugh, telling Jordan, "don't worry, I won't forget either of those, but I really am looking forward to it."

Jordan made some food, then went into his room for the night. I warmed up some leftovers, then sat watching TV, while eating my food. I stayed up, hoping to catch Davis, to see how he was doing after joining the wonderful world of cocksucking. He didn't come home, and I went to my bedroom about 9:30. Shortly after I got in bed, I thought I heard him come in. I was going to get up, but then decided he may have been waiting for me to go to bed, because he wasn't ready to face anyone yet. When I got up the next morning, Davis had left early. Jordan got up a little later, asking why I hadn't woke him in my special way.

"I'm so sorry, Sir." I told him. "I don't know what is wrong with me, I think it's just been a bit because you weren't allowing me to service you, then yesterday you went to work early, I guess I just forgot. Please forgive me, can I get you off now?"

"I was just giving you shit, I would love to get off now, but I need to head into work, but be ready for a workout tonight, I'm going to put you through your paces," he warned me.

"Thank you, Sir, I'll look forward to it," I told him.

"I bet you will be looking forward to it all day, faggot, I can see by the little sizzler you got poking out there, you'll be thinking about it all day," he laughed. I turned red, but it's all good I thought. If I had a cock as big as his, I'd make fun of mine too.

I was so worked up though, thinking about Jordan and Joe using me all the time, and wondering what Jordan had in store for me tonight, I decided to just work part of the day, calling it quits right after the lunch rush. I was having a hard time focusing and was ready to go and get some rest. I got home about 2pm, and thought I'd take a quick nap. Just as I was laying down, I heard the door open. I got up to find Davis was home early. I greeted him before he had a chance to go into his room, "hey Davis, how's it going?" I asked.

"Not too good, to be honest," he told me. I could tell he was pretty upset. "I left work early, I just couldn't concentrate, everyone kept asking me what was wrong, my boss finally told me to take the rest of the day. I'm not in trouble, I just told them I wasn't feeling that good. My boss didn't want me getting anyone else sick. I do feel sick to my stomach, but it's not that I've come down with anything. I'm just so mad at myself for what I did last night. All I keep thinking is, I'm a cocksucker."

"I'm so sorry, Davis," I told him, "I didn't expect that to happen and I hate seeing you so upset with yourself."

"OMG, I'm sorry, I just said I was mad for being a cocksucker, I didn't mean that like it sounds, there is nothing wrong with being gay. I feel horrible to imply there is something wrong with you. I just can't believe I did that."

"You're fine Davis, to be honest, I always thought of myself as gay, but yesterday Joe asked me if I was gay or a cocksucker, explaining the difference to me. I AM a cocksucker and a damn good one I like to think. I'm not ashamed like I used to be, while you had your first experience last night, it was really quite a cathartic experience for me as well, realizing that I'm a cocksucker and there is nothing wrong with that, and I need to be proud of who, and what, I am."

"Proud? I'm sorry, but I don't feel proud right now, I sucked a cock last night. I'm straight, and I sucked a cock. The worst part, I realized as I was doing it, I think I liked it, I must have because my cock was hard. The other part of it that really bothers me, not only did I suck Jordan's cock, and apparently liked it, but there have been a lot the times today where I've thought about it, getting hard over and over today. I don't know why, but I keep picturing Jordan's cock, and how it looked as I held it, and how it tasted. Dammit, now I'm hard again," Davis said, looking down at his crotch. I looked down, and saw that yes, he was hard.

"I can help you out with that, if you'd like," I offered.

"Thank you, it's very tempting, and I might let you again before I move out, but not today," he told me. "I just feel like I need to keep my wits about me. I really liked when you did it before, and now after last night, I don't really have a hangup about it, but I just need to slow down I think." I told him I understood. "I need to figure out how I feel, but it will be awkward around Jordan. Do you think Joe could move in earlier? If so, I may try to move into my new place sooner. I'm going to call to see if that's possible."

"He said he could move in anytime, or wait until the 15th. I'd hate to see you move sooner than you want to, but if you'd feel better, go ahead and move whenever you think is best," I counseled him.

"Ok, thanks, I'll let you know," he advised, heading into his room.

Ten minutes later, he came back out. "I called, my new roommate said I could move in the 1st. He wanted until the 15th to do some painting of my room and things, but said if I didn't mind, I could move in as soon as the 1st. I told him that would be great, so I guess I'm moving on the 1st," he told me.

"Ok, I'll let Joe know he can move in the next day," I let Davis know.

Davis headed back to his room, I felt bad he was so troubled. I started a load of laundry, did some cleaning, took a shower, then sat down watching tv. I dozed off, not waking up until Jordan arrived home home about 4:30. "Damn, is my watch broken? You're home early, Davis is home early, am I that late?"

"No, no, I just came home early and so did Davis, he's still pretty upset about last night," I told Jordan.

"Damn, I feel bad now. But fuck, he was staring at my cock, and seemed to enjoy it," Jordan said.

"To be honest, I think he did enjoy it, I think that's his problem. I could be wrong, but I think it was a surprise to him that he did it and enjoyed it, that's what he's struggling with," I let him know. "He called and is able to move on the 1st, so he's moving out next week now."

"Should I steer clear of him?" Jordan asked me.

"I don't think you need to do that, but please don't go calling him a faggot or anything," I pleaded with him. "I think he'll probably avoid you for the next few days though, but don't let it bother you, he just needs to figure things out. We had a good chat, I'll keep trying to help him."

"You got it," he told me. "It's a good thing he has someone to help him through what, and who, he is. Way to go, bitch!," he laughed. "I'm going to go shower, then I'll come back out here, I've been waiting for that tongue all day." With that, Jordan got up and went to get his shower. I called Joe and told him he could move in on the 1st, then went in and changed into some basketball shorts and a t-shirt, came back out and waited for Jordan. After about 10 minutes, Jordan came out, wearing nothing. Now, this time of the year, it's dark by now and the blinds are up and the living room light was on.

"Jordan, someone is gonna see you, we do have neighbors," I exclaimed. This boy has no shame at all, but I guess if I looked like him, I wouldn't either. I turned off the lamp, leaving light from the other side of the room, the tv and a little light coming from the kitchen.

I went to close the blinds, but Jordan said, "for fuck sake, nobody's gonna see from their house, nobody is going to be walking by on the sidewalk and see, the windows aren't that low, relax and get your ass over here and get down on my balls like the subby bitch you are," he smirked. How could I deny him. I knelt down in front of him, lifting up his hefty man cock, and started kissing, then licking his balls. Jordan started moaning, not real loud, but loud enough. I'm gonna guess Davis was watching tv and probably couldn't hear. "Yeah bitch, let me feel that tongue, I've been waiting to get these balls bathed with your tongue all day. Get 'em all wet, lick all around."

"Mmmm, yes Sir," I moaned. Fuck, I really did love being on my knees in front of this total stud, licking his balls and making him moan.

"Yeah ball licker, lick the underside of my balls, down onto my taint," I moved down slight, "Unnngghh, fuck that feels so fucking good, god dammmm." Jordan scooted down, lifting his legs, indicating it was time to move down to make love to his smooth asshole. "Oh yeah, be my little ass licker, I got it all nice and clean for you, let me feel that tongue circling my rosebud." I circled around, flicking my tongue and lightly flicking my tongue back and forth, dancing all around. I started pressing my tongue ever so lightly, into his hole. He shuddered as he felt me entering his love hole, making his continue to moan. Then he all of a sudden, he lowers his legs, grabs a pillow and covers his cock. I looked up to him, trying to figure out what the hell is going on. He's looking at the window, when I look over, someone is right outside the window, looking in at us. "Oh fuck, I forgot I ordered some Chinese. Can you go grab it, since I don't have any clothes on?" He asked me, as the doorbell rang.

Fuck, I wonder how much this guy saw. This wasn't cool, I knew I should have lowered the blinds, FUCK! "Yeah, hang on," I told him. I went and answered the door, luckily I'd lost my hardon, not that whoever it was would have noticed anyway. I opened the door, and immediately recognized this guy, he delivered for DoorDash and Grubhub too. I'd see him occasionally, but didn't know his name. We'd say hi to each other every so often, bitch about a restaurant and such. There was no way he didn't see what I was doing.

"Hi, got a Chinese order for Jordan?", said as he handed me the food.

"Umm ok, thanks," I replied. He gave me a funny look, he definitely had seen, but I could tell he just couldn't place who I was. He just looked at me like, "you look familiar, do I know you?', but didn't say anything. I shut the door quick. I went in, drew the blinds quick, looked out through the blind and noticed he was in the driveway looking at the window, still trying to figure out just what he's seen. I turned on the light, the asked Jordan. "What the fuck, Jordan, you forgot you ordered food to be delivered? By a guy I see all the time when I'm working? Are you fucking with me, or did you forget or what?"

"Dude, I ordered it as soon as I went in to shower, then I got all excited while I was in the shower about getting off in your mouth, I completely forgot all about it. How was I supposed to know you would be friends with the guy?", he wondered.

"We're not friends, I just see him about. I don't think he realized who I was though, I could tell I looked familiar, but he couldn't place me," I let him know.

"Ok cool, well, don't be too pissed, I ordered you some too. I remembered you like pepper steak and fried rice," he told me. It was my favorite, I was impressed, made it kind of hard to stay mad at him.

"Let's eat quick, then get back to you getting me off," Jordan suggested. We quickly ate our food, I finished before he did, so he asked, "you ready for dessert?"

"Yes Sir," I told him.

"Well let's continue where we left off," he told me, scooting down again. I dropped back down on the floor, between his legs, he lifted them up as I nuzzled back into the crack of his ass, and started tonguing his hole again. I looked up and had to chuckle. He's got his legs up, I'm down there licking his pucker, and he's holding his Chinese and still eating, like it's just the most natural thing in the world. "What? I'm hungry," he laughed.

I continued lapping at his hole, teasing it with my tongue entering his most intimate cave, "fuck this," he said, setting his food down on the end table. He wrapped his legs around my head, trapping my face in his hole. I licked, sucked, lapped and chewed for a good 10 minutes. Finally, he let me loose and told me it was time to get on his cock. As he put his legs down, I came up for air, sitting up for a few moments. I looked over, realizing we had an audience. Davis had come out and was watching us. I made eye contact with him, but decided not to say anything, if he wanted to join, he could, but I didn't want him to be uncomfortable around Jordan. I went down on his big cock, Jordan was letting me just go at my own pace, I think the Chinese kind of made him tired, normally he's being a bit more aggressive at this point. I was doing pretty good about getting most of his cock in my mouth, partially down my throat. I was slurping away, kind of lewdly and loud, trying to put on a show for Davis. Davis was still watching, when I glanced back up again, he'd moved a little closer and I could tell he was hard and lightly rubbing his shorts. I continued moving back and forth between sucking Jordan and licking his balls, listening to him moaning. "Yeah bitch, you love my cock, don't you? Tell me how much you love worshipping me", he asked me.

"Oh Sir, I love your cock so much, it's all I think about. I love doing anything that makes you feel good, thank you Sir," I told him. While my head was up, I looked to see if Davis was still there, and noticed he'd moved closer and had his cock out playing with it. Sadly, I looked a little too long apparently, because Jordan looked over and saw Davis. "Oh shit, we have an audience, hey Davis."

Davis looked like a deer in the headlights, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, I'm going back to my room."

Jordan spoke up, "Davis, please don't, please come over here for a few minutes." Davis came over and sat down on the other end of the couch. "Look man, I'm sorry if I made you do something you didn't want to do last night, you were just staring at my cock for the longest time, like you wanted it. Then you kind of went along with it and seemed to be enjoying yourself. If I misread that, I truly apologize."

"That's ok," Davis told him.

"Did I misread the situation?" Jordan inquired.

"To be honest, it felt you did when we were done, but I've done a lot of thinking and I think you're right, I think I may have thought I wanted it," Davis replied. "I just hate the fact that I'm a cocksucker now," looking at me, he added, "no offense."

"I get that dude, but I have to tell you, and Joe kind of talked about it last night, if you get off on sucking cock, then you'll always have that craving. I know you think it's a bad thing, but it's not. You just need to surround yourself with people who accept you for who you are. We're all different, we all have our thing, if your thing is sucking cock, then embrace it and you'll be a happier person," Jordan told him.

"I know, but it's just not that easy for me. And it's easy for you to say, it's a lot more socially acceptable to get your cock sucked than to suck a cock," Davis replied.

"I get that, but you're getting hung up on labels, who gives a shit, do what makes you happy, that's what life is all about," Jordan advised. "I'm not going to ask you to suck me again, but let me ask you, since last night, have you thought about doing it again?"

"Honestly? Fuck, it's all I've thought about," Davis answered.

"Ok, let me ask this, did it make you hard, thinking about it?" Jordan asked.

Davis sighed, "yes, every time I thought about it, I got hard."

"That's your thing then bud, don't be ashamed, life is too short," Jordan told him. "I know this is messing with you, but if you ever want to try again, I'd love to feel your mouth on my cock again, that was so good last night. Just let me know anytime."

"Really, I was good?" Davis asked.

"Fuck yeah, not as good as Steve here, but if that was your first time, you took to it better than most anyone I've ever had sucking my cock, guy or girl," Jordan told him.

"How many guys have you had suck you off?" Davis asked.

"Damn, probably 15-20. You are not alone, there are a ton of guys out there, a lot with girlfriends even, that get off on sucking cock or taking it up the ass, it's actually becoming more and more common," Jordan told him.

"Oh wow, I didn't know that, maybe I'm not as much of a freak as I thought I was," Davis said, feeling somewhat relieved. "Would... would you mind if I tried it again, since you offered."

"Hell no man, go for it," Jordan told him.

"It doesn't have to be now, it looked like Steve was enjoying sucking you off right now," Davis said.

"Oh, we can keep Steve busy, he can suck your cock, or he can eat my ass and you suck my cock," Jordan offered. "Wait, have you ever had your ass eaten?"

"Oh god no, I don't think I'm ready for that," Davis answered.

"Well, tell you what, let Steve suck your cock for a bit, then he can try licking your ass, if you really hate it, then he'll go back to sucking your cock again, sound ok?" Jordan inquired.

"Yeah, I guess that would be ok, is all that ok with you Steve?" Davis asked me.

"You betcha, I'm just glad to be servicing someone, you're both studs, I'm glad to help either one of you out," I said.

Davis leaned over, grabbed ahold of Jordan's cock and slowly jerked it off. "Take your time man, just go at your own speed and enjoy yourself, that's all that matters right now, you figuring out what you enjoy. Bitch, get down there and lick my balls for a few minutes before you help out our buddy here," Jordan ordered me.

"Yes Sir," I replied.

So Davis is playing with Jordan's cock, I'm licking his balls, getting his hard again, then I see Davis slowly move his mouth closer to Jordan's cockhead, taking the tip into his mouth. "There you go buddy, that's the way, give the head a little lick, Fuck yeah, that's the way, you're doing so good man, feels so good," Jordan told him. Davis starts smiling, you could see the pride on his face, then he starts taking more of Jordan's cock into his mouth. Just like last night, he became obsessed, trying to get more in his mouth, going faster, then started gagging. "Whoa dude, slow it down, we've got all night here, and even all week, if you want to do it again, you're doing great, but nobody expects you to be a pro tonight. Make sure you watch your teeth, you haven't nicked me yet, but the way you're going, I'm getting a bit nervous up here." Davis slowed down a bit, but he was like a mad man, he just couldn't get enough, I could tell he was trying to keep his teeth covered with his lips though, he's getting the basics down. "Ok, my man is doing good here, why don't you move over and give him some of what he's giving me."

"With pleasure Sir, his pleasure," I said.

I moved over to Davis, grabbing his hard cock and slipped my mouth over it. I remember the last time, he got off pretty quick, so I didn't want to make his shoot too soon, he needed to wait until he got Jordan off. I lazily slurped most of his cock into my mouth, licking around the head and shaft. I was working his cock for a few minutes, when I started sucking his cock, he started moaning on Jordan's cock, making it all the better for Jordan. After a few minutes, his balls started to get tight, so I took him out of my mouth and started licking them for a few minutes, then moving back to his cock. He really does have a nice cock. He still hasn't quit moaning, after another couple minutes, he pulls off Jordan's cock and says, "I'm gonna shoot, stop for a minute, I don't want to shoot yet." I switched over to the other side of his legs, pulling one leg up and started gingerly licking his crack, zeroing in on his hole. "Oh my fucking god, what the fuck..." Davis screamed out. Me and Jordan both started laughing.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked him.

"I don't know, it feels so weird, but so good I think. God no, please don't stop, I can't believe I'm saying this but please eat my ass!" Davis said.

"Gladly, it tastes so good," I told him.

Davis went back to sucking on Jordan's cock, "yeah buddy, that feels so good, you're really good at this," Jordan told him. Now instead of moaning, he was humming while sucking Jordan's cock, Jordan was now starting to breath heavy. "Damn boy, you about got me there, but I don't want to shoot quite yet, just lick my balls for a few minutes," Jordan tells Davis, as he make a slight turn on the couch, to give Davis easier access to his sac.

I moved back to his cock again, once my tongue left his hole, Davis let out a slight whimper. Jordan leaned over, taking his middle finger, running it up and down Davis's ass crack, gently rubbing his puckered hole. As I'm sucking Davis, Jordan occasionally sticks his finger in my mouth to get it wet, the back to Davis's hole again. "Ok, back on cock," Jordan told Davis.

"Ok, back on my hole," Davis told me, we all laughed. I went back to licking his hole, but Jordan kept his finger there, every so often, pushing my tongue out of the way, and breaking through that ring with the spit I've put there with my tongue. When he broke through, Davis tensed up, "I don't wanna get fucked, I'm not doing that."

"I know buddy, but even I like a finger up my ass once in awhile, most all guys do, it's not gay." Jordan told him.

"Ok," Davis said, going back down on Jordans cock.

"There you go man, your mouth feels so good, keep going just like that," Jordan told Davis. Jordan looked at me, pointed to Davis's cock, basically telling me to move back to his cock again, he as ready to blow. I switched back and took Davis into my mouth, giving him deep, sloppy head. "Oh fuck man, I'm gonna shoot here in a second, I'm almost there." Davis got a freaked look on his face, and after a few moments pulled off Jordan's cock. Jordan kept Davis's face there, jerking his own cock, getting ready to shoot. Jordan yelled out, "Fuck me, here it comes, I'm gonna shoot... oh fuck, OH FUCK..." Jordan shot some on his belly but aimed some for Davis's face. Davis just let him, but as soon as Jordan started shooting on his face, Davis started shooting in my mouth. After both guys were done, Jordan said we needed to help me out. "Let Steve eat your ass while he jerks his little nub, it won't take him long." I didn't wait for Davis to respond, I rarely ever get off while I'm servicing someone, so I didn't want to lose out here. I buried my face in Davis ass, tongue fucking that hole again. Davis was thrashing around, moaning like crazy, telling me how good it felt. I jerked for about 45 seconds and shot a load in my underwear.

"So Davis, how did you like getting your ass eaten?" Jordan asked him.

"It was unlike anything I'd ever felt, I can't believe I fought it at first," Davis said, then looked at me and said, "feel free to do that anytime, anywhere, I'll never say no again."

I looked over at Jordan, I could see the wheels turning.

"Well damn, I told Joe he could move in the 1st, are you sure you still want to move?" I asked Davis.

"Yeah, this was fun, but I can't let this take over my life. I still need to move," he told us.

Next: Chapter 10

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