Roommate's Bitch

By Jeff Thompson

Published on Dec 6, 2023


Roommate's Bitch - Part 8

If you're reading this, then you're enjoying Nifty Archives. This is a free library for everyone, EXCEPT the host. It can be costly, please go to the homepage and donate something to help keep the archives free. Also, I love getting feedback on the story. I don't mind suggestions, but understand I do have an outline in my head. If you want the story to go a certain route for sure, then consider writing one. I'll play out the story how I foresee it in my head, but I can be open to some ideas I hadn't thought of.

Some people have asked if I have any other stories, which was nice, let's me know they enjoyed my story. I do have 3 other stories I've written, the first two were under the pen name DsmPicTakr, then the third is using this same name, DsmOralSlave.

How the Hell did I get here?, Gay Authoritarian, 13 chapters, last one posted 12/10/2007

Billy's Bitch, Bi Authoritarian, 3 chapters, last one posted 12/13/2009

Landlord Dominated, Gay Authoritarian, 1 chapter, 12/17/2020


"Fuck yeah, that was hot. I'm just like you man, I love having someone watch me getting serviced, fucking turns me on like no other. Go get me some water, fag, then get back here and I'll give you some more cum," Joe commanded. I ran to get his water, bringing Jordan back his usual beer he has when he gets home. "Damn, you do have him trained. Now get that tongue back up my ass, that shit felt good." I went back to licking around his hole, then when it felt like it was ready again, I slipped my tongue in there. Meanwhile, the two guys were talking about their jobs and stuff, like this was just all so natural or I wasn't doing what I was doing. But, I'd rather be eating Joe's ass than talk about jobs, that's for damn sure. I pulled his cheeks apart, licking and sucking at that hole, trying to get my tongue up there as far as I could. He had a nice ass and I was truly enjoying this.

"Sorry to interrupt the party," I heard Davis say, as he was closing the door... oh shit, we go again...

Damn, what a sight this must be to walk into, Jordan and Joe sitting on the couch, coffee table shoved off to the side and me kneeling on the floor with my face smashed into Joe's hole, eating like it's my last meal. "Ummm Hi Davis," I said, "I'm sorry about this..."

"Davis?", you're Davis? Hey dude, I'm Joe, I just rented your room for when you move out. Have a seat and join us," Joe told him, pointing to my chair.

"Nah, I'm good," Davis told him.

"No, seriously, have a seat, I have some questions I need to ask you before I feel comfortable moving in," Davis said as he pushed my face back into his ass.

"Wh... what do you wanna know?", Davis asked.

"What's it like living here?" Joe inquired.

"It's a nice place, Steve and Jordan are both great, by the looks of it, you'll get along fine," he told Joe.

"You see, that's what is holding me back though, this seems like the perfect set up, nice house, reasonable rent and a hole to get off however I want. You have all that, yet you're wanting to move, I just don't get it," Joe wondered.

"I guess I'm just not like you guys, I like to get off, but I'm just not comfortable living around all this. Except for Steve blowing me a few days ago, I've only had sex with women," Davis explained. "Just don't know that I can handle all this, no offense to you guys. I'm not judging... hell, I wish I was like you guys I think, but I'm not. I don't think I could talk to a guy like you guys do Steve, ordering him around and calling him names"

"OK, I guess I can understand. But just keep in mind, straight, bi, gay... suck cock or get sucked... all that. It's all good, I don't judge anyone on their labels. I know what feels good and if it does, then I'm going to enjoy it. Steve seems to love being submissive and serve studs like us, he's not less than us, he has his part as we have ours. With guys like Steve, he enjoys the treatment, just ask him if you don't believe me. I don't think less of him, I appreciate what he offers. Tell you what, do me this favor and I'll quit bothering you about it, stay out here with us and at least just watch for a bit, I could tell before you sat down you're starting to chub up a bit. If you decide you wanna stay for longer than 10 min, stay as long as you want. If you want to join us, feel free. Come on, stay at least 10 minutes," Joe pleaded.

"Fine, 10 minutes, but then I don't want to hear anymore about it," Davis agreed. "I'm still going to be moving though, so I don't know what difference this makes to anyone."

"It's all about life buddy," Joe told him. "Hell, at this point I'm glad you're moving so I can take your place, but I hate to see someone not realize how to grab what life has to offer. Look at Steve here, his tongue has been fucking my hole for 5 minutes as we've gone back and forth. Does he look miserable? Hell no, he's in fag heaven and I'm so hard I'm about to bust my 2nd nut in less than 30 minutes. Nobody's getting hurt, we're all enjoying what life has brought us to. If nothing else, enjoy the show, I'm gonna love giving it to you." At this point, Davis shut up and I thought I was going to really like having Joe around, I loved his way of thinking. 'Keep working on it bitch, make me feel good."

"Yes Sir," I tried saying with my lips sealed to his hole and half my tongue in his ass. I kept licking, sucking and fucking his hole with my tongue and lips, making love to it like a 16 yr virgin getting laid for the first time. Jordan and Joe started talking about different experiences they've had with using 'fags', both jerking their cocks.

"Feel free to join us Davis, you don't have to let Steve here doing anything to you, but by the look of that rocket in your pocket, I can tell you're enjoying this. Jerking off isn't gay, and you seem to be enjoying the show," Joe told Davis.

"Maybe here in a bit," Davis responded. Within 1-2 minutes, I could hear Davis undoing has pants and pulling down his zipper, pushing his pants and underwear down. I looked back at him and he just pulled them down enough to have his cock and balls out.

"Hot damn, I don't know why you're not waving that big dick around for everyone to see. You're almost as big as Jordan there, if I was that big, I'd show the whole world and be naked whenever I could," Joe laughed. I gotta guess he probably does that even with his slightly smaller cock even.

Just then, Davis got a phone call. "I gotta take this, it's work," he said, getting up to leave the room.

"OK, but hurry back, you agreed to 10 minutes, and you still have 5-6 minutes left," Joe said. After Davis left the room, Joe pulled my head from his ass and said, "listen up guys, Jordan, did you notice what Davis was doing as Steve sucked my butt?"

"Umm he was jerking off and watching, right?", Jordan said, "am I missing something?"

"While we were talking, I was watching Steve work on me, I occasionally looked over at you and you were watching Steve too. Whenever I looked over at Davis, he's watching YOU. He couldn't keep his eyes off your big piece, man. He was staring at it, totally transfixed," Joe had observed.

"No shit, really?", Jordan asked.

"I think you're misreading him, he had or at least had a girlfriend," I informed Joe.

"I'm not saying he's gay or has ever done anything with a guy, other than you blowing him, but seriously, he had a hunger in his eyes... I've seen that same hunger in a lot of guys who've serviced my cock, starting with Steve here. I know the look, that's how I get guys to blow me."

"OK, we'll see. Slide over and I'll sit right next to you, leaving room for him to sit next to me," Joe plotted. "I'm gonna tell him to sit next to me, because Steve feels weird having someone sitting behind him. Once he does, I'll look for what you're saying. If he's looking at my cock, I'll figure out something."

Joe slid over to the left side of the couch, then Jordan slid next to him. Just as they got done moving, we heard Davis's bedroom door open and close and he walks back out. "And he's back. I'm not seeing that big bulge anymore, whip it back out and join us on the couch, you'll get a better view," Joe invited Davis.

"I'm ok over here, really," Davis told him.

"Ok, but it's kinda freaking Steve out having someone behind him. He mentioned it after you left the room, it makes him nervous, isn't that right, bitch?" Joe said. I nodded my head, Davis sat down and pulled his cock out again. "Don't worry, we're not gonna bite, or rape you or anything. OK bossman, let me see how you do with my feet, take off my socks and massage my feet."

I looked over at Jordan and Davis, they were watching me work on Joe's feet. After a few minutes, I looked again and sure enough Davis was looking at me, he was looking at Jordan's cock, it was like he couldn't look away, totally transfixed like Joe said. I looked at Davis and Jordan, they were glancing over too, with smirks on their face.

"Hey Steve, why don't you tell Joe about the first time you sucked a cock, I love hearing first time stories, it will help me get off," Jordan told me.

As I was talking to Joe, and he was asking me details, Jordan was looking at me and jerking his cock pretty hard. Then Jordan whispered to Davis, "damn buddy, I need to get off, I'm so horned up, but my wrist is getting tired. Can you do me a favor and just jerk me a bit? Please. It's no big deal, just helping out a buddy, I just really need to get off. I can jerk yours at the same time, so it won't be gay."

"Oh... umm.. I don't think I could do that, sorry," Davis told him.

"Please," Jordan pleaded, as he grabbed onto Davis's cock and started to jerk him a bit, "see, that feels good, right. Come on, just help me out for a bit, I'm so close." Davis just sat there, staring at Jordan's cock. Jordan stopped jerking him, grabbed Davis's wrist and moved his hand over to his cock. Davis took hold, looking up into Jordan's eyes, unsure of what he's doing but seemed to be caught up in the moment. Jordan took his own hand and went back to jerking Davis, with his right hand, he started moving Davis's hand up and down his cock. "Oh man, that feels good buddy, keep doing just like that." Davis kept working Jordan's cock, trying to figure out the best way to make it good for Jordan. After a few minutes, Jordan took his hand off Davis's cock and put his arm around his shoulder. Davis was so lost in what he was doing, he didn't even notice Jordan wasn't reciprocating any longer. Jordan let him keep going a little longer, then he leaned over and whispered into Davis's ear, but loud enough for us to hear, "you're driving me crazy, I love the way you work my big cock and the way you look at it. I can tell you like looking at it, you've been staring at it since you got home. That's ok, I love having people look at my big boy, so look all you want. In fact, why don't you lean down and get a better look, that would be so hot to me if you wanted to look at it closer. Be a buddy, make it sexier for me, make me feel like you want to see it." Davis didn't move, just kept slowly jerking it, unable to look away from what he had in his hand. Jordan asked again, "please buddy, I'm an exhibitionist, I get off on being watched, get a close look for me?" Then he gently started putting pressure on his shoulders and upper body, pulling him down close to his cock. "There you go, thanks man, this is so hot to me." Davis kept up working Jordan's cock, getting him closer. You could tell he was starting to pick up on Jordan's scent, he was sniffing a little. The look on his face didn't show he was repulsed at all, if anything, more wrapped up into what has going on. "Yeah buddy, that's so awesome, I love that you're watching so close, keep watching but I wanna take over my cock a bit, will you rub my balls for a few minutes?" Davis was losing control by now, just following Jordan's lead, when Jordan moved Davis's hand off his cock and replaced it with his own, Davis moved his hand and started playing with his balls. "Mmmm, love some ball play, you're doing great buddy, just get in there close and keep watching me, you're so sexy doing that."

Jordan gently placed his hand on the back of Davis's head, then started waving his cock all around, until it brushed past Davis's lips. Davis started to recoil, but Jordan's hand stopped him. "Sorry buddy, I got carried away there, I'll try to be more careful." He slowed down a bit, Davis just sat there an inch from Jordan's cock, unable to look away still, he was obsessed with it by now. Within a few minutes, Jordan ran his cock over Davis's lips again, once again holding Davis's head in place. Davis didn't pull back this time, so Jordan did it a few more times, you could see some precum on Davis's lips, damn that was hot. "Fuck buddy, that's so hot, your lips look so dry, you should lick them." Davis under Jordan's spell, he licked his lips. "Yeah, you got some of me there, that didn't taste so bad, did it?" Davis moaned, then shook his head no. "Help me out buddy, give my boy there a kiss, make out with it for a bit." Davis just sat there, staring at Jordan's cock, I was afraid Jordan had gone too far, but when Jordan brought his cock back to Davis's mouth, Davis gave it a kiss. Jordan pushed his head down slightly so half the tip had disappeared between Jordan's lips. "Oh yeah stud, give it a little lick. Oh yeah, just like that, keep licking my head." Jordan had done it, he actually turned Davis, I was in awe of him. Jordan slowly started to push a little more and more, over the next few minutes. After he had about 3" of Jordan's cock in his mouth, Davis gagged and started to pull back. Jordan still had him back the back of his head, "I'm sorry man, you don't need to take so much, just get used to it and enjoy yourself. You're doing a great job."

Joe and I were getting so worked up watching this show, Joe decided it was time for me to get busy. He grabbed my head and started fucking my mouth, "fuck yeah, your mouth feels so good, I gotta nut," Joe told me, he must have really gotten turned on by the show. He kept up until he was ready to shoot. He pulled out, painting my face with his load. It was so hot, I thought I was going to shoot just having that much cum on my face. I looked up at Joe and he was looking at Jordan, giving him a signal to shoot on Davis's face, not in his mouth yet. Then Joe signaled me to move over and blow Davis. I scooted over and took Davis's cock in my mouth, and Davis immediately moaned.

"Fuck this is so hot and sexy, I'm gonna bust here," Jordan said, pulling out of Davis's mouth, but holding him there. As Jordan shot on Davis's face, Davis unloaded a HUGE wad a spunk into my mouth, whimpering the whole time.

"Holy shit that was hot," Joe said.

"Hell yeah it was," Jordan yelled out. "You ok Davis?"

"Umm yeah, I'm fine I think. I gotta go to the bathroom," Davis responded. When he came back out, he was all cleaned up, clean change of clothes and headed for the door. "I gotta go, I'll be back later." With that he was out the door.

"Oh shit," I said.

Joe told us, "don't worry, he just needs to figure all this out, damn dude, you worked one a helluva magic show there, I'm impressed."

"Thanks, hopefully he realizes it's what he wanted all along," Jordan said.

Next: Chapter 9

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