Roommate's Bitch

By Jeff Thompson

Published on Dec 3, 2023


Roommate's Bitch - Part 7

If you're reading this, then you're enjoying Nifty Archives. This is a free library for everyone, EXCEPT the host. It can be costly, please go to the homepage and donate something to help keep the archives free. Also, I love getting feedback on the story. I don't mind suggestions, but understand I do have an outline in my head. If you want the story to go a certain route for sure, then consider writing one. I'll play out the story how I foresee it in my head, but I can be open to some ideas I hadn't thought of.

Some people have asked if I have any other stories, which was nice, let's me know they enjoyed my story. I do have 3 other stories I've written, the first two were under the pen name DsmPicTakr, then the third is using this same name, DsmOralSlave.

How the Hell did I get here?, Gay Authoritarian, 13 chapters, last one posted 12/10/2007 Billy's Bitch, Bi Authoritarian, 3 chapters, last one posted 12/13/2009 Landlord Dominated, Gay Authoritarian, 1 chapter, 12/17/2020


Sandwich sounded good, so I made myself one, then went into my room to watch TV and fell asleep around 10:30. I had tried jerking off, but to be honest, I was upset that Jordan was acting like this, it put me out of the mood. I never heard Davis come in, I slept pretty soundly until about 6:45.

The next morning had an odd occurrence. Jordan, Davis and myself all came out of our rooms at the same time, heading to the bathroom. Davis was a bit later than his usual time, he must have had a really late night. Davis had shorts on, I had shorts and a tee, but Jordan was buck ass naked, strutting out like the cock of the walk. Jordan quickly realized Davis hadn't showered yet, telling him "go ahead dude, you must have partied pretty good last night, you're running late this morning."

Davis said, "no, you can go, I'm already gonna be late and... just go ahead." You could tell he was a still a bit shocked to see Jordan brazenly just walking around naked. "It's fine, you shower first," he told Jordan, glancing at his state of undress. I hope he isn't too uncomfortable about that, I'll talk to Jordan tonight, if he says something.

So Jordan took his shower, then Davis went in to take his. As Davis was in the shower, Jordan got dressed and was heading out. I was in the kitchen making coffee when he was leaving. "Hey Jordan, are we ok? Are you still upset?"

"I'm not happy, I thought we were at an understanding and you're telling me what I can and can't do, you try to act all submissive, then give me orders. You need to decide if you're a fag or not," he told me, walking out the door.

I sat down with my coffee and a bagel. Soon Davis came out, stopping in the kitchen to grab something out of the fridge for lunch. "Headed out?" I asked.

"Yeah, fuck I'm gonna be late. Luckily one of the guys from last night was my boss, and knowing him, he'll be late too, so I should be good," he replied.

"Ok cool. Hey, I hope Jordan running around naked isn't too uncomfortable for you, I can say something tonight if you'd like," I advised.

"Nah, it's all good. He's got the body and confidence for that, I'm just not wired like that, I was raised to always be covered up. If anything, I'm jealous maybe," he told me. That makes sense, considering how he's reacted to what's happened between me and Jordan, and me blowing him.

"I hear ya, I'm definitely not going to go around naked, don't worry," I said.

"It's your house, man, but thanks, I appreciate that. I'll probably have to work late tonight to make up the time," and he was gone out the door.

I left home around 10am, while I was out trolling for a decent order, I checked my email. I had a few replies to the ad, one sounded promising. The guy asked me to give him a call when I could. Since it was still slow, I decided to try him now. His name is Joe, the email said he's 31 and works full time, in a warehouse in my area of town. As I talked to him, he sounded like a nice guy, telling me he's looking for a place closer to his job, he's commuting about 13 miles right now, and when I told him where I live, he said it's only about a mile from his work. He asked if he could swing by after work to look, which would be a little after 4:30. I agreed to meet him then, even though I'd planned to work over the dinner hour. I needed to get the room rented and didn't want to chance the guy calling another ad.

I ended up having a great day, great lunch orders with nice tips, then some shopping orders with better tips, I logged out and got home a few minutes after 4. I cleaned up a bit, then sat down and watched a little TV, waiting for Joe to arrive. I was hoping Jordan would come home before he left, so they could meet.

Right about 4:35, Joe came ringing the bell. I let him in, showing him around the house. He was shorter than I expected, about 5'9", dirty blond mop of hair, no facial hair and a nice trim, thin build. When we got to what would be his room, I hadn't even thought of giving Davis a notice about someone coming to look. The bed was unmade, a few clothes on the floor. I'm guessing he keeps it neater, but this morning he just didn't have time. "Sorry about the mess, I wasn't able to let the guy know you were coming, since he's been at work all day," I let Joe know.

"No worries, it's not that bad," he told me.

"Well, let's go sit down in the living room and talk for a bit," I said. As we sat down, I was telling him about myself, Jordan, our schedules. I told him he needs to pick up after himself, do his dishes timely, no smoking, not being loud, etc. He understood all the rules and seemed to appreciate them. I asked him if he had any questions about things I didn't cover. He had a few basic questions, parking, food, pets...

"What about guests, can I have company?" he asked.

"Sure, you can have company. If you want to use the living room with friends or something, we can just go into our rooms," I told him.

"Thanks, but I don't have friends over very often. What about me bringing home a girl to spend the night?" he inquired.

"Oh, yeah, that's cool as long as it's a few nights a week, not really anymore than that. It isn't that big of a house, so I don't want more than 3 people here as a norm, but a few nights is ok," I let him know.

"Sounds good, I don't know that I will, I'm not dating anyone right now, but occasionally like to go out and maybe pick up a girl. We all get horny I guess," he laughed.

"That's true, we do," I laughed along with him.

"So you're gay though, you understand I'm straight, right?" he asked.

"Yep, so is Jordan, that's fjne," I said.

"Can I ask you a question? I don't want to offend you," he said.

"Yep, I want to be upfront about anything, so ask away," I told him.

"Ok, here goes, are you gay... or a faggot?" he wanted to know.

"Excuse me?" I asked defensively.

"I don't mean to offend you, but are you gay or a cocksucker? It's my experience there is a difference. A gay guy has sex to show their love for someone. A faggot craves sex with a man to get him off," he explained. "I've known some faggots, or queers, that like to get straight guys off. Some not only like it, but need to submit to another man, often times a straight man. I've used some guys like that before. That's why I answered your ad, I'm hoping your a submissive faggot, who might get me off once in awhile. The rent seems a little high to me, but if there were say, some extra services, that go along with the room, I would probably be inclined to rent. If I've offended you, I'm sorry, I just like to be upfront like you said. I figure if I don't ask, I'll never get."

I sat there for a moment. Part of me wanted to be offended, a tiny little part of me was hard as a rock. I just sat that dumbfounded for a bit too long I guess. Joe started getting up, "Evidently, you're either offended or not interested."

"Wait, stop," I almost shouted.

Joe sat back down, smirking, he said, "So, you are interested."

"Yes, I am," I stated, I was shocked I so readily confessed, but since it's been a few days, I've been so horny.

"Have you ever been a submissive fag, servicing someone before?" he asked.

"To be honest, yes, I currently am for the other renter, Jordan" I told him.

"Oh really, well this sounds like fun. What about the guy moving out, you service him too?" he wondered.

"I blew him once, he walked in on me and Jordan a few times, Jordan told me to give it a try. That's why he's moving though, he's just not comfortable with all of it," I explained.

"What a dumbass, who would give this up? Maybe if you'd done a better job, he wouldn't have given his notice," he said.

"He'd already given it, after he caught us the first time. Jordan telling him to try was his way of trying to get him to stay, he just couldn't deal with it," I told him.

"Ok, so tell me what all you do, or have done, to serve this Jordan guy," he inquired.

"Umm, I've sucked his cock," I told him.

"That's it? Surely you've done more than that," he insisted. "Tell me EVERYTHING you'd done."

"As I said, I've sucked his cock, and I've licked his balls and feet... oh, and I've licked his ass." I said.

"Seems like there's still more, I guess I need to ask more directly. You've licked his feet? Did you suck his toes?" he asked.

"Yes, I sucked his toes for him," I answered.

"You said you licked his ass. Just the cheeks, or did you get in there and eat out his hole? Has he fucked you? Is there anything else you're not telling me? I want to know it all." he questioned.

"I guess yes, I ate out his ass, sticking my tongue up there. He hasn't fucked me, I'm really only into oral service. And once, he pissed on me while I was in the shower," I offered.

"Oh, so there was more. He pissed on you huh? Did you drink it? Did you like it?" he wondered.

"It wasn't my favorite thing, but it wasn't as bad I thought it would be. I didn't really drink it, but he had me suck him right after and there was a drop left on the end," I told him.

"Hmmm, thanks for being honest. I've always wanted to piss on, and in, a homo. I do like to fuck, maybe we can work you into that, we'll have to see," he told me. "If you're willing to service me when I need it, I'd take the room if you want to rent to me. But before I do, I'm gonna need to try out that mouth and tongue, to make sure it's worth it."

"Yes Sir, I'd definitely be interested in renting to you. Do you want to go back to my bedroom?" I asked him.

"Sir? I like that," he said. "Nah, let's just stay out here. If Jordan is using you too, might be fun for him to come home and find us, I kinda like to be watched, is he the jealous type?

"No, he's not at all, and as a matter of fact, he likes to be watched too," I told him.

"Hot damn, this is gonna be great," he said. "Well get over here, it ain't gonna suck itself." I got up and went over to the couch he was sitting at, slid over the coffee table and got down on my knees in front of him. I looked up at him, "go for it, get my pants off and do your best, let's see what I'm signing up for."

I reached up and unsnapped his pants, pulled down his zipper, and pulled his pants down and off. He wasn't wearing underwear, so I immediately got to see his cock. He was only half hard, about 5", nice trim bush and like Jordan, he keeps his balls smooth. I took him into my mouth, swirling around the head, going deeper. With all the practice I've had lately, I was able to get the whole 5" inches in, but he was starting to enjoy, those 5" expanded to about 6.5" or 7", I didn't have a tape measure, but let me just say, it was a very respectable size, a lot bigger than mine, just not quite as big as Jordan's. It tasted a bit musky, but he's been working in a warehouse all day. He's a real man, with a nice man size cock.

"Mmm, that feels good, keep that up bitch, I haven't busted a nut in someone's mouth for 3 weeks, this won't take me long," he advised. By now, I could tell he was hard as a rock, and I didn't want him to pop quite yet, if he was that close. I took his cock out, and went down to lick his balls, "fuck me that feels good, hell yeah, lick that jizz factory, get my nuts in your mouth and suck 'em for a bit." They're a pretty good size, so I took the left one into my mouth, swirling my tongue all around and gently sucking it as I licked. After a few moments, I moved over to the right one and gave it the same special treatment. "Hell yeah bitch, get back up on my cock, you're about to get your prize." I pulled his ball out and bent his cock down, going about halfway down, trying to get lick all around it. Joe grabbed my head and started really fucking it, "I like to paint a bitches face with my cum, but this first time, you need to get a good taste, so I'm gonna fill up your mouth. Show me how big my load is before you swallow it down, and I do expect you to swallow!", he commanded. "Fuck yeah, take it bitch, take my spewy, take it!"

It felt like he pumped about 5 shots into my mouth, it was certainly full even after he pulled out. "Let's see cocksucker," he demanded. I opened my mouth, Joe started laughing and said, "yeah, swallow all that shit down in one gulp." I did just that. "There you go, now what do you say?", he asked.

"Thank you, Sir. Your mighty cum was delicious. I'll look forward to many more loads from you," I praised him.

"Well, you can have another one here in a bit," he said, scooting down and pulling up he legs til his knees were above his chest. "Get in there and eat my hole, you do that, and you'll have me hard and ready to shoot in no time. You'll never fuck it with your cock, but you will be with that tongue, A LOT!" I started licking up and down his crack, then slowly circled around his hole. After a few minutes, it felt like it was loosening up enough to fit my tongue up there, so I started pushing it past that ring. "Fuck me! Fuck me with that tongue, oh my god, that feels soooo fucking good, oh damn I love to get my ass eaten. Yeah, keep that up, keep going."

I was so engrossed in doing a good job, I didn't even hear Jordan's car pull up. But before I knew it, Jordan walks in on us. "What the hell? Looks like you got company," Jordan said.

Joe just pushed my headed closer to his hole, saying "you must be Jordan, I'm Joe. It looks like I'm gonna be your new roommate. I hear you've been training our cocksucker here and I have to thank you for doing such a great job, so thanks! Tell you what, he just got me off, so why don't you have a go at him, then I'll feed him one more time."

"Umm OK, yeah, I'm Jordan," Jordan said as he held out his hand to shake Joes. "I've been holding out on the cocksucker these last few days, but I think he's due for a reward for being a special slut to worship you on while looking at the room." Jordan shucked his pants and boxers, "get on my balls bitch, I'm still pissed at you, but this is helping make up for it."

"What did he do?", Joe asked.

"Long story, but felt like he could tell me what to do, so I decided he needed to remember who the cock was around here. I guess now it's, who the cocks are." Jordan replied.

Joe just laughed. "Damn dude, that's a nice piece you have there, I'm feeling puny over here."

Jordan told him, "thanks, yours is good too, not much smaller than mine, really. Besides, your not puny at all, is he Stevie?", Jordan laughingly asked.

Oh shit, FUCK ME, I really didn't feel the need to let Joe in on my "little" secret. "No Sir," I replied.

"Why don't you take off your pants and show Joe your big boy," Jordan laughed.

"I'm ok, thanks though," I said.

"Now bitch, or no more cock for you," Jordan ordered. I was finally getting his cock back, I can't lose it again before I even get it back in my mouth. I guess Joe will find out sometime, might as well be now. I stood up and took off my pants.

Joe immediately busted out laughing, "Oh shit, sorry man, but I don't think mine was that small when I was born. Is that why you're a cocksucker, because you have a little boy dick?"

I was so embarrassed, "I guess so, I don't know."

"He may have a tiny dick, but he's a helluva faggot, so it's all good. Now get back on my balls bitch, this won't take me long, I have nutted since you last got me off," Jordan ordered.

"Yes Sir," I told him.

"Remember, I wanna feel that tongue all over, get down there and lick everywhere." I did just that, licking all over his balls, get them all nice and sloppy wet, licking underneath them, just like he likes, taking a few swipes at his taint. "Oh yeah bitch, I love that shit. Get up here on my cock, I'm so fucking horny, I'm gonna blow soon. Get my cock in your mouth and make it feel like the king it is." I took his mighty cock into my mouth finally, I was so excited to get it back, I wanted to live with it in my mouth for the rest of my life. I swirled my tongue, I licked it as best as I could, as I moved up and down taking almost all of it, picking up speed, I could tell he wanted to get off. "Fuck yeah, shit that's some good head, I needed this today and to have someone else watching and getting off too, this is too much.. I'm gonna blow, take it cocksucker, take my wad." Damn that was one big ass wad too, but he pulled out so there was just the head in, I had to swallow twice so I didn't lose it. "Damn that was good."

"Fuck yeah, that was hot. I'm just like you man, I love having someone watch me getting serviced, fucking turns me on like no other. Go get me some water, fag, then get back here and I'll give you some more cum," Joe commanded. I ran to get his water, bringing Jordan back his usual beer he has when he gets home. "Damn, you do have him trained. Now get that tongue back up my ass, that shit felt good." I went back to licking around his hole, then when it felt like it was ready again, I slipped my tongue in there. Meanwhile, the two guys were talking about their jobs and stuff, like this was just all so natural or I wasn't doing what I was doing. But, I'd rather be eating Joe's ass than talk about jobs, that's for damn sure. I pulled his cheeks apart, licking and sucking at that hole, trying to get my tongue up there as far as I could. He had a nice ass and I was truly enjoying this.

"Sorry to interrupt the party," I heard Davis say, as he was closing the door... oh shit, we go again...

Next: Chapter 8

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