Roommate's Bitch

By Jeff Thompson

Published on Nov 4, 2023


Roommate's Bitch - Part 4

If you're reading this, then you're enjoying Nifty Archives. This is a free library for everyone, EXCEPT the host. It can be costly, please go to the homepage and donate something to help keep the archives free. Also, I love getting feedback on the story. I don't mind suggestions, but understand I do have an outline in my head. If you want the story to go a certain route for sure, then consider writing one. I'll play out the story how I foresee it in my head, but I can be open to some ideas I hadn't thought of.

Some people have asked if I have any other stories, which was nice, let's me know they enjoyed my story. I do have 3 other stories I've written, the first two were under the pen name DsmPicTakr, then the third is using this same name, DsmOralSlave.

How the Hell did I get here?, Gay Authoritarian, 13 chapters, last one posted 12/10/2007 Billy's Bitch, Bi Authoritarian, 3 chapters, last one posted 12/13/2009 Landlord Dominated, Gay Authoritarian, 1 chapter, 12/17/2020

As you can tell, I'm definitely not a prolific author, just occasionally get the desire to write a story. It appears I have a pattern of ending story lines in the month of December, I'll try to find carry this one into 2024.


"Yeah, just like that, let me feel that tongue," he commanded. He started jerking his cock, really hard, I could tell he was ready to shoot that load and this is how he wanted to get off. "Oh yeah man, that's it, keep that tongue going.. keep it going.. let me feel it.. fuck FUCK, here it comes." He was a little loud, so I kinda freaked out, but he grabbed my hair and pulled my head up so my mouth was right at the head of his cock. He jerked a few more times, then started shooting into my mouth.

Right then though, there was a TAP TAP at his door. The door opened up and Davis looked in and said "hey Jordan, your car is parked behind mine and I need to get out. Oh fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were..." Then realizing what he's seeing, he added, "oh fuck, what the fuck?" Then he quickly shut the door and ran out to his car.

"Oh FUCK ME! Shit, what are we gonna do?" I said to Jordan. As he chuckled, I changed that, "What the fuck am I going to do?" Jordan got up, slipped on some shorts and ran out to his car to move it. He went over to Davis's car, I could tell there was a short exchange of words, but I couldn't hear them through the window I was looking out. Davis left, then Jordan came back in. "What did he say?' I asked him.

"Well, he was pretty freaked out. He seemed a little pissed, and confused by it all. He mainly said he needed to get to work," Jordan told me.

"So he just wants to forget all about it or what?" I was dying to know.

"I guess we just wait until he gets home tonight. I tell you what, you usually don't get home until after us, let me talk to him before you get home. He's usually always in his room for the night, I'll find out where his head is at, then I'll let you know," Jordan advised.

"Ok, what are you gonna say to hime?" I asked.

"I'll play it by ear," he told me, "but I don't see any need to lie about what's going on. He saw what he saw. I'm not going to throw it in his face, and we need to be respectful to him. But also, it really doesn't affect him and I'm sure once he calms down, he'll realize that."

"I hope so, but we'll see," I told Jordan. "Text me after you talk to him, I'll be anxious to hear what he has to say."

What a shit ass day, I was screwing up left and right on my orders. I wasn't even accepting that many, I was just freaking out. I wanted to go home, but then I was so nervous about how Davis was going to be, I was almost scared to. I decided about 6 to head home early. When I was about 3 min away, I got a text from Jordan. 'Ok, we spoke. He's calmed down. When will you be home?' I texted back, 'In about 3 minutes'.

When I got home, Jordan was hanging out in the living room, no sign of Davis. I sat down and asked, "so what happened, tell me everything!"

Jordan started telling the story, "He's not pissed, he was confused, he had lots of questions. He wanted to know how long it's been going on, I told him just a few days, and how I'd caught you watching some gay porn. Then I told him about my Step Brother, and how it wasn't a bad thing to have a cocksucker handy. He asked if we were boyfriends, I had to laugh, I was sure to tell him we are NOT boyfriends, I'm straight you're a cocksucker. There is no emotion to this, just convenient sex. He sat there for a bit, trying to grasp all this. Then he tried to understand, asking why you would suck me off if I wasn't doing the same for you. He's naive for sure. I told him about Dom/sub, Alpha/beta... mainly how there are men out there that will let a guy swing on his dick to get off, just like there are cocksuckers out there that will willingly do that and a lot more, just to serve the Dom/Alpha. Then he got a weird look on his face and asked what I meant by a lot more. I told him that a good sub will suck a Dom dude's toes, lick his ass, basically lick and suck him anywhere he wants. I told him most will take it up the ass too, but you're not wanting that. I didn't get into too wild like piss or anything like that. Then he asked me if I was still paying rent, I told him I was, that I'm not looking to be a whore by letting you get me off in exchange for money, he seemed relieved with that."

I was stunned all that came out, "OMG, well at least he's not mad, but he has to be freaked out still. How did he leave things?"

"He told me he's going to have to let it all sink in. I did tell him that if anything else happened, which I told him it probably will, we would try to keep it to when he was sleeping or gone from the house... UNLESS..."

"Unless what???" now I'm freaking out.

"Well, don't be pissed, I don't know what you think of Davis, but I reminded him of the advantages of living with a submissive cocksucking faggot. I explained it seemed like things have slowed down with his girlfriend as he's a young guy with needs" he explained to me.

"I can't believe you did that. He's a good looking guy, but what if I didn't want to do anything with him," I shot back.

"You're telling me you wouldn't do Davis? He's a good looking guy, nice body, 2 hot guys to service whenever their horny. Plus, now it's not like we'd need to hide anything if he's into it," he tried selling me on his plot.

Just then, we heard Davis's bedroom door open, followed by him stepping out to the living room. I started the conversation, "Hi Davis, Jordan was just telling me about the chat you two had. Let me start off by saying how sorry I am about what happened this morning and I understand that had to make you feel uncomfortable. I truly am sorry."

Davis responded "that's ok, first off, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have opened up Jordan's door like that, it's my own fault. This is your house, you should be able to do whatever you want to in it. But, that's what I came out to talk to you about. This is YOUR house, not mine. When I moved in, it was going to be a temporary situation. You were originally only going to rent the one room and you've been nice enough to let me stay until I could find another place. I think it's time I looked for another place and that will allow you guys to do as you please, without having to worry about me."

Jordan chimed in, "Dude, you don't have to move out, it's really ok. If you don't want to partake in the fun, we'll just make sure to be discrete so you're not uncomfortable."

Davis said, "I already have a couple places I called to look at tomorrow night after I get off work. I'll probably try to move at the end of the month. I know that's not a full month's notice, only like 3 weeks, so if you have to keep all or part of my deposit, I understand."

I told him, "I hate to see you move, but I feel responsible for this and making you uncomfortable, so you'll get your full deposit back, I understand completely. Like Jordan said too, we won't do anything when you're around from now on."

"Thanks for understanding about the deposit. While this is all pretty weird to me, and I don't quite understand it all, I realize I've led a pretty sheltered life. It's not really my thing, but if I walk into again before I move, don't be embarrassed or feel bad. This is all part of life, I need to realize the world is full of people, different from me. If nothing else, I'm learning and growing," Davis said.

"You're a good guy Davis," I told him. "We're going to miss you around here. If you change your mind, let me know."

He then told us, "Well, I'm glad we could all clear the air. Once again, you guys do you, however you want, it's all good. I'm going to head into my room for the night, maybe look at a few more ads. I'll see you guys later tomorrow night after I go see some places."

We all said good night and Davis was off to bed. Jordan spoke first, "well, I figured he'd be down for at least trying a blowjob before making any big decisions like that, but it is what it is, I guess."

"Yeah, I guess so," I told him. "Well, at least we don't have to stop having fun."

"No we won't be stopping," Jordan laughed. "In fact, to be more quiet, let's go to your room since it's further away from his room than mine. I need some good head, I've been horny all day."

Funny I thought, I haven't been horny at all, I've been too scared on how all this was going to play out. "Ok, let's go."

We got into my room, "Get your clothes off, I want you naked tonight, then take off my clothes," Jordan ordered me.

"Yes, Sir," I responded as I took off all my clothes. Then I went over to him and took off his t-shirt, then knelt down in front of him, pulling down his shorts and boxer briefs.

"Ok bitch, get up on your bed, on your back, with your head hanging off the side of the bed," Jordan told me. I got up and did as I was instructed. "There we go, let's start the way we always do, give my balls a good tonguing." I loved licking his balls, he kept them so nice and trimmed and they smelled so manly. I heard a moan escape as my tongue made contact with those mighty orbs filled with his cum. "That's the way, OMG, I fucking love getting my balls licked. Get 'em wet, put that tongue to work." I made sure his balls weren't dry anywhere. After licking awhile, Jordan told me, "that's enough, now I wanna see how much of my cock you can take in this position. I'm going to fuck that throat, if you can't take it, this will be something we're going to work on quite a bit. If I can't fuck your man pussy, I'm going to want to fuck that throat quite often. We'll start off a little slow, but quickly test how far I can get down there with a straight shot."

To his word, he started with just the head for a few minutes, "Yeah, get that head all wet, be sure to get lots of spit going." Then using the lube from my spit, he pushed in further, about 1-2 more. "You seem to be doing good so far, let's add a few more inches." Now I had what felt like 5 inches in my mouth and heading down my throat. I gagged a little, but Jordan pulled out slightly, then slowly back in. "Don't worry, we'll go easy, gonna get your trained to be a first class cocksuck." He was getting a steady in and out rhythm going, every so often, very briefly going in further, then quickly pulling back out before I could get a full gag going. He was the master at training. Over the next 20 minutes, I felt his balls banging my eyes and his pubes scratching the tip of my nose. I wish I could say I quit gagging, but I can't. But to my astonishment, I was getting better and better. "You're doing good, but we're gonna make sure you keep can take a break and see how long it takes you to get back to this point again." Jordan pulled out of my mouth, turned around and backed his ass up to my face and sat back against my face. "Time to put that tongue back to good use, it's been on break long enough. Stick that baby up my shithole and clean out my sweaty ass." He basically decided to twerk on my face, I don't think there was a place my tongue hadn't licked on his hole, crack and the cheeks around his hole. He was a bit sweaty and ripe, but it was definitely hot. I ate that ass as best as I could with him dancing on my face for a good 5 minutes, then he turns back around and says, "Let's see how far we can get in right off." He slowly stuck his cock in my mouth, breaching the back of my throat, and I gagged. He pulled out quickly, telling me "Damn, not bad at all, we only had a few inches left to go in, you did better than I thought." He went back to the slow and steady going in further a little more each push. I was in such ecstasy to have that big cock using me, that I didn't even focus enough to realize how far he'd gotten in until his balls were back to slapping my eyes again. "Ok, here we go bitch, I'm ready to get off." With that, he started fucking my face like he was fucking the pussy of some two bit whore he was pissed at. It was a bit rougher than I like, but who am I to say stop. "Fuck, that's nice. Yeah, get ready, I'm about to pop. Fuck yeah, here it comes, down the hatch, straight down to the belly." Then I felt the first 2 shots go right into my stomach, but I started gagging again, and Jordan pulled out, shot the next rope on my face, then putting just the head into my mouth, he finished shooting the remainder of his load filling my mouth.

After pulling out, Jordan pulled on his shorts and got up, heading for my bedroom door. He stopped before opening it up, turned around and said, "I have to be to work early tomorrow, I won't need you tomorrow. Since Davis is going to be out looking for a new place, we should have most of the night tomorrow night, you'll get enough of my cock then." I don't know what it was, but between the vigorous workout Jordan just gave me, and the anxiety I had all day about Davis, I decided I needed a nap. Sadly, that nap lasted until 4am, when I woke up realizing that soon it would be just Jordan and I, that there would be plenty of time for and no need to hide it.

Next: Chapter 5

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