Roommate's Bitch

By Jeff Thompson

Published on Jan 23, 2024


Roommate's Bitch - Part 10

If you're reading this, then you're enjoying Nifty Archives. This is a free library for everyone, EXCEPT the host. It can be costly, please go to the homepage and donate something to help keep the archives free. Also, I love getting feedback on the story. I don't mind suggestions, but understand I do have an outline in my head. If you want the story to go a certain route for sure, then consider writing one. I'll play out the story how I foresee it in my head, but I can be open to some ideas I hadn't thought of.

Some people have asked if I have any other stories, which was nice, let's me know they enjoyed my story. I do have 3 other stories I've written, the first two were under the pen name DsmPicTakr, then the third is using this same name, DsmOralSlave.

How the Hell did I get here?, Gay Authoritarian, 13 chapters, last one posted 12/10/2007

Billy's Bitch, Bi Authoritarian, 3 chapters, last one posted 12/13/2009

Landlord Dominated, Gay Authoritarian, 1 chapter, 12/17/2020


"So Davis, how did you like getting your ass eaten?" Jordan asked him.

"It was unlike anything I'd ever felt, I can't believe I fought it at first," Davis said, then looked at me and said, "feel free to do that anytime, anywhere, I'll never say no again."

I looked over at Jordan, I could see the wheels turning.

"Well damn, I told Joe he could move in the 1st, are you sure you still want to move?" I asked Davis.

"Yeah, this was fun, but I can't let this take over my life. I still need to move," he told us.


So things have pretty much kept going the same. Jordan has been using me about once a day, sometimes twice. He doesn't seem to be getting tired of me. At my age, I'm beginning to wonder how I'll keep up with him and in less than a week, with Joe too. I think Joe will really be the challenge and I'm afraid it might get to be too much. At the same time, I've barely had a sex life for most of my life, so I figure it's going to take awhile to build up to getting this much sex. If it kills me, well then I'll die happy I guess.

We haven't seen Joe since that night, he said he's been busy, but he's very anxious to get moved in. Jordan offered to help him, but he said his Dad is planning on helping, and he doesn't have that much stuff. I was surprised he'd have his Dad who must be about my age, over Jordan, but I figure he doesn't know Jordan that well yet and thinking it might be a big ask.

As for Davis, he's still quiet, not saying much and hasn't really joined in when I've been servicing Jordan. Jordan was hoping he would, so he usually wants me to take care of him out in the living room, hoping Davis will join in. He does truly love an audience. Davis did walk in a few times, stood there watching for about 5 minutes. I could see he was getting hard, but he declined any invitations to join us. He just said, "no thanks," and went back to his bedroom, probably to jerk off.

I just got home from work, both guys are in their bedroom. I was trying to be kind of loud, to let both guys know I was home. Davis came out shortly, said hi, grabbed a beer out of the frig. I asked him, "how it going?"

"Good, just getting some packing done tonight. Getting close to moving day, so I figured I'd get started," Davis told me. He seemed kind of sad in a way.

"We're sure going to miss you around here, but please feel free to stop by anytime to visit," I told him.

"I will, I'm going to miss you guys too," he said, walking back into his room.

About 20 min later, Jordan came out. "Yo bitch, how's it hangin?", he asked with a laugh, "oh yeah, it's not.. HAHAHHA" I must have had a sad look on my face, "I'm just teasing you 'little' buddy, if you had a man size dick, you probably wouldn't be so much fun. I love having you service me."

"That's ok, I know you're just teasing me," I told him. "Speaking of, what are you in the mood for tonight?"

"Well, close the blinds, I have food coming, we don't want a repeat like that one time," he advised.

I got up and closed the blinds, so nobody could see in this time. "Maybe we should wait until after your food comes, just to be safe."

"It's going to be awhile, I just ordered it like 10 min ago, and I'm horny as hell, maybe I can shoot one load before the food comes, then possibly recharge and get off again after I eat," Jordan told me. He sat peeled off his shirt and shorts, going commando and plopped his hot, naked ass down on the couch. I slid over the coffee table and crawled up between his legs. "My dogs are barking today, I took a shower earlier, but my feet still hurt. Why don't you massage them for me?"

"Yes, Sir," I said. I grabbed his left foot, wrapping my hand around the middle of his foot, with my thumbs working the arch on the bottom of his foot.

"Oh yeah, that feels so good, just like that." I smiled, it feels so good that I can give Jordan pleasure like this, I felt proud. He had his right leg up on my shoulder, while the let was bent on the couch. I was right up against the couch, so I could be close to his foot and he didn't need to try to support it. Instinctively, after I was rubbing his foot, giving it a proper massage, I bent down and kissed it. I was so close to his whole crotch area, I think I was just becoming overwhelmed. "Yeah fag, kiss my foot." I pulled it back up to my mouth and smothered the whole foot in kisses. "Oh dude, that's great... now suck my toes, pretend they are my cock and lick and suck them like they are giving you life." I maneuvered my head a bit and got his big toe into my mouth, licking all around like it was a lollipop, kissing and licking it, then repeating it to each toe. Then I went back to the big toe, put it and the toe next to it in my mouth, taking on 2 toes at once. "There you go, 2 at once, you're a greedy little piggy pig, aren't you?"

"Yes, Sir," I told him, giving a little grunt oink sound.

After a few more minutes, Jordan said, "Ok, move to the other foot, I'm getting horny, but we can't leave those piggies without, can we?"

"No, Sir," I replied as I grabbed his leg, moving it off my should, bending it, and started rubbing his right foot, as I had done the left one. Jordan moved the left leg up on top my shoulder and I proceeded to give the right foot all the same attention I'd given the left one.

The right foot didn't get the full time though, before too long, Jordan said 2 words, "Balls bitch!" As I looked back at his magnificent cock and balls, I could see he was totally erect, he was definitely horned up. I grabbed his body by the hips and pulled him forward to the edge of the couch. His cock was laying his stomach and pulled his balls close to me and started licking them, "Fuck yeah, damn faggot that feels so good, I'm so glad you're into licking my balls as much as I'm into it, get them wet everywhere, keep that tongue busy so I can feel it."

Just as I was getting him going, the doorbell rang. "Oh fuck, my DoorDash is here, can you grab it, it's already paid for." I got up and went to the door to get Jordan's food. As I opened the door, the driver was still standing there, holding the food. As I looked at him, it was the same guy as a few weeks ago, that I think saw us through the window. Luckily he hadn't recognized me.

"Hey man, I knew I recognized you last time I was here, you're a driver too," he said.

"Yeah, I've seen you out before," I acknowledged.

"I hate to ask this, but since you're a driver, I'm hoping you'll understand. I've got 2 other orders in my car and I need to pee so bad, can I use your bathroom?" Oh fuck, Jordan is like 15 feet away, buck ass naked. I stammered a bit, but he just said, "thanks bud, I can't hold it any longer," walking past me. "Where's your john?" It was too late, Jordan was in full sight of him. He stopped dead in his tracks, looked over at Jordan, naked, HARD, sitting on the couch with the coffee table moved out of the way. If he hadn't seen us last time, he had to have it figured out this time.

I pointed to the bathroom, "it's down that hall, 2nd door on the left," and he ran in there.

Jordan slipped on his shorts and after a few minutes, the driver came back out. "Hey guys, sorry if I interrupted you in the middle of something," he grinned. Wish I could stick around and visit longer, but like I said, I got 2 orders to get delivered, it's a busy night. See ya around."

"See ya," I said and he left. "Fuck, that was awkward, now he knows for sure and remembers who I am. SHIT!"

"Seriously man, it's not that bad. He really didn't seem all that freaked out, and was pretty cool about everything," Jordan claimed. "He's not a bad looking guy, maybe he could join us sometime."

"He's good looking, but I don't need him going around telling all the restaurants that I'm some faggot he caught blowing some guy," I explained.

Jordan responded, "I don't know any guy that goes around just offering up that kind of info, without sounding like he was involved somehow. He's not saying shit to anyone, don't worry. Why don't you sit back down in front of me, and just leisurely lick my balls while I eat, giving yourself time to settle down."

I got back down in front of him, pulled off his shorts, nestled my face in front of his balls, gently lapping at them. Within seconds, we hear Davis coming out of his room, heading towards us. Fuck, why do we do this out here, no privacy at all, just interruptions. Davis walked into the kitchen with an empty beer bottle, Jordan hollered into him, "Davis, if you're grabbing another beer, would you mind bringing me one of my Coors?"

"Yep, be there in just a sec," Davis hollered back. 30 seconds later, he's handing Jordan his Coors, and I look up to notice he's watching me lick at Jordan's balls. I don't know if it's the beer or what, but as he's watching, his eyes are transfixed on what I'm doing and he's slightly and subconsciously licking his lips.

Jordan looked up at Davis, saying, "have a seat buddy, you don't have that much time left with us, we're going to miss you."

Davis watched a few more seconds and said, "what the hell, ok." As he sat down, he said, "Damn, that looks good."

Jordan asked him, "What looks good? Getting your balls licked or licking mine?"

Davis responded honestly (I think the beer was for sure getting to him), "to be honest, both."

Jordan told him, "well strip down and join us. Here, kneel up here on the couch next to me, you can lick my balls, and while you're doing that, Steve here can lick your balls from behind. Hell, he can lick your ass too. You liked that last time, didn't you?"

Davis answered, "oh yeah, I've never felt anything so good, I've been thinking of it ever since."

Jordan then asked him, "why didn't you say something, we offered to let you join in since then, you kept declining."

Davis replied, "I dunno, maybe it's the beer, maybe I'm just too horny, maybe it's that I'm moving this weekend and I figure why the fuck not."

Jordan told him, "well get down there and have all the fun you want or desire with my junk, Steve will take care of you. Want him to start with your ass?" But before Jordan could get that last question out, Davis had his tongue all over his balls. Davis just nodded yes to my eating his ass.

As the tip of my tongue flicked at his hole, Davis let out a loud moan, "oh god, that feels so incredible, just as I remembered. I have to admit, I've jerked off a few times, remembering this."

"I bet you have," Jordan chuckled, pulling his face back down to his balls. "Lick buddy, it feels so good." Then looking at me, "get your tongue in his hole good, bitch, make him really love it. Make love to his hole, fuck it with your tongue deep, suck his ass." We worked like that for a good 10 min, with Jordan and Davis both moaning. A few times, I thought Davis was going to dump a load, but he didn't. The noise he was making though, he was really enjoying it. Then Jordan said, "I wanna feel both you guys working on me at once, Davis, since you're up here, why don't you suck my cock and fag, get back on my balls."

With that, I left Davis's ass and moved down in front of Jordan again. Davis let out a disappointed whimper. So as we're both working on Jordan, I noticed that Davis kept moving his ass up and down and he was kneeling there, and apparently, it didn't go unnoticed with Jordan either. "Missing that tongue in your hole, Davis?"

"Mmm hmmm," Davis moaned on Jordan's cock, not letting it out of his mouth.

"Don't worry, you'll get it back soon enough. Here, let me gently use my finger to rub your ass," Jordan offered. He reached back and was rubbing his cheeks, then after a bit moved to rubbing his hole. I was trying to keep an eye out, to see what the action was. I could tell by the movement he was circling the ring of his hole. Davis was back to moaning again, I sat up for just a few seconds, to try to see better. I looked at Jordan and he winked at me. Davis had his eyes closed was too lost to realize that I'd stopped anyway. Jordan gently pressed his finger into Davis's ass, just a little. He pulled it out, then back in. He pulled it out again and quickly stuck it in my mouth to get it wet again. I sucked his finger, getting as much spit as I could on it. Jordan moved it back to Davis's hole again, pushing it in a bit further, then back out, then in. After a bit, he stopped, leaving his fingertip just at the entrance of the ring. When he didn't put it back in, Davis whimpered again, then pushed his ass back onto Jordan's finger, Jordan had the biggest grin on his face. Before we knew it, Davis was fucking himself on Jordan's finger, taking it in as far as he could. Jordan told me to lick his ass some more, so I did that for a few minutes, causing Davis to continue moaning. "Ok, back on my balls," Jordan told me. Of course, that caused Davis to whimper again, until Jordan reached back there again. I heard Davis groan and could see him fucking himself on Jordan's finger again. Looking up at Jordan, he tilted his head toward Davis's ass for me to check it out again. Then I realized he was using 2 fingers now, not just one. Looking back at Jordan, he mouthed the word 'lube' to me.

"I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back," I said.

"Hurry back," Jordan ordered. I ran and got some lube, came back and discretely laid it on the back of the couch. Jordan grabbed it and quietly got a bit on his fingers, then proceeded to enter Davis with 3 fingers now.

"Oh my gawwwwwwd. That feels so good," Davis screamed out. I thought for sure he was screaming out in pain, but he seemed to be enjoying it. "Please keep doing that, it feels so good, your finger feels so good in me."

"Finger? You got 3 fingers in you buddy, you're the champ at taking stuff up your ass," Jordan exclaimed.

"3? Oh, oh oh oh, it feels so good. Oh my Gawwwww... oh please fuck me with your fingers, keep doing it." Jordan kept it but, but once again, Davis was fucking his ass back onto Jordan's fingers. After a few minutes, he looked up to Jordan and begged, "please give me another one, PLEASE!"

"Well, I can, but that seems like a lot to me. My fingers are fairly thick, you'd be better off with my cock," Jordan coaxed him.

"No, I can't take that, it's too big," Davis whined.

"It's not nearly as thick as 4 fingers, in fact, it will be thicker than my cock. Are you feeling me rubbing something up inside you?", Jordan asked.

"Yes, it's kind of touching something that feels so good, but not quite there," Davis replied.

Jordan then stopped for a second, "listen here, Davis, let me explain to you what's happening. That feeling is your joy button, that's just guys love to be fucked. Steve here is the only guy I know who doesn't like to be fucked. IF you take my cock, it won't hurt as bad because it's not as thick. It's longer yes, I'll get it inside you, and you can back up onto it, just like you were doing with my fingers. You get to decide how much you want, this will be a lot better. We'll use a lot of lube and you'll love it, I promise."

"You'll really let me back up and promise not to go any further that I back up to?", Davis begged.

"I promise, you were loving it, I've never seen you so excited," Jordan told him.

"I gotta admit, it was incredible. Ok, I'll try it, but if it hurts too bad, you have to pull out and stop," Davis told him.

"Dude, I promise you, I want you to enjoy as much as I do, if not more," Jordan said smiling.

Jordan grabbed the lube again, getting it on his cock, handing me the bottle and nodding to Davis's ass. I squirted some on his crack, then used my fingers to lube his hole, inside and out, I kept it up for a bit, to make sure his hole hadn't tightened back up. Jordan got behind him and said, "Ok, I'm just going to get it in a bit, then I'll stop and you move back and forth as you'd like." With that, Davis lined up his cock and pushed until the head and about another inch were inside Davis.

"Uuuuggghhhhhhh," Davis moaned.

"You ok?", Jordan asked him.

"Yeah, I think so, give me a minute to get used to it," Davis replied. But he didn't wait a minute, after about 15 seconds, Davis pulled away from Jordan til he just had the head in him, the back up again. He kept going off and back onto Jordan's big cock, going a bit further each time. It was almost like in that 15 seconds, he decided it was best just to rip the bandaid off and go for it. He had about 6" of Jordan's cock in him and he seemed to have taken as much as he can. He kept going in and out, but I think it was too much for him. "Fuck me, please fuck me Jordan," Davis begged again.

"Are you sure?", Jordan asked.

"Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck my hole," Davis told him. Jordan and I both started laughing.

"Damn, quiet and reserved Davis has become a fuck monster all of a sudden," he laughed.

Davis joined in laughing, then said, "ok, quit laughing and fuck me already!"

Jordan proceeded to fuck him, holding at that 6" mark, not wanting to spook him. Then Jordan told me, "get under him and suck his cock, give him some pleasure with the pain." I went under and took Davis into my mouth, causing him to moan again.

"Oh god, this all feels so amazing. Suck my cock, fuck my ass, faster, deeper..." Davis yelled out.

I didn't know if he was talking to me or Jordan, I don't think Jordan did either, so I think we both went faster and deeper. Jordan joined in on the moaning, but before I knew it, Davis started moaning louder and started shooting his load in my mouth, causing his ass to clench down on Jordan's cock, giving more friction. Shortly after Davis shot, Jordan announced he was going to cum too. Since Davis was done, I got out from under him. Seeing this, Jordan pulled out and shoved me down onto his cock, so I could take his load. This whole thing was so hot, that I reached down, rubbed my nub and shot a load in my pants. After I cleaned up Jordan's cock, and grabbed a towel so Davis could clean himself, we all sat there for a minute.

Jordan was the first to speak. "Damn Davis, you took that like a champ! Was that really your first time to get fucked? Did you like it?"

"Yeah, I liked it," Davis said, but then started to cry.

"Davis, man, we've talked about this. There is no judgement here, you're fine as long as you enjoy yourself, that's all anyone here wants. This doesn't mean you're gay, but probably bi. You got a girlfriend still?", Jordan inquired.

"I think we broke up. It was a 2-3 weeks ago, we kind of got into a fight, she said something and told me to leave and we haven't talked since," Davis explained to us.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry," I told him.

"Me too," Jordan said. "What did she say?"

"It's kind of a long story, but if you guys want to hear it, it may explain a lot I guess," Davis told us. We both nodded, so he continued. "So about 6 months ago, we were having sex and I came before she did. She was nice about it and said it was fine, then reached into her nightstand and pulled out a dildo. I would typically go down on her, but it wasn't my favorite thing to do, to be honest. Anyway, so after I realized she had a dildo, I would occasionally grab that, and use it on her, to get her hot and wet, so I could fuck her. I know that sounds bad, but she would never really suck me, so it only seemed fair to me. Anyway, as I was fucking her one night, on top of her, she started playing with my ass. At first, I freaked out, but she kept doing it each time we had sex. After awhile, I got used to it and not mind it so much. Well, like any sex I've ever read about, we all need to push it further and further, to get off, needing something a little different every once in awhile. So at one point, she wanted to try her dildo on me, instead of her finger. I said no, but then a few days later, after thinking about it, we talked again and I agreed to try it. She went slow and I kind of liked it. I was shocked that I did, I thought it seemed very gay, but how could it be with I'm doing it with my girlfriend. After awhile, it became part of our sex life 2-3 times a week. As I said before, it seems like I always need to push it further and try something new. I said something about going to a sex shop and looking at getting one the next size up. That's when we got into a fight, she said using her dildo might be somewhat normal, but me wanting a bigger one wasn't. She said she thinks me living with a gay guy has gotten ideas in my head and maybe I didn't need a bigger dildo, maybe what I was wanting was a bigger, real life cock. I explained that I don't want that at all, but she was pissed and told me to keep her dildo, she didn't want it anymore and kicked me out of her apartment. We haven't talked since. Now, I've been thinking about what she said and I've been wondering if she's right. That's why I've been struggling to come to terms with all this. So to answer your question, it's my first time to get fucked by a real life cock."

I looked over at Jordan, and just like me, his mouth is hanging open, listening to this story from Davis. I reached up and gave Davis a hug, "I'm so sorry Davis, I had no idea you were going through all of this. Are you going to be ok?"

Jordan patted his shoulder, "yeah man, I'm sorry, I hope you're ok."

"Thanks guys," Davis said. "I will be. I have to say, I did enjoy tonight and it gives me a lot to think about. Your attitudes, along with what Joe said a few weeks ago, makes me feel better. I know I'm not a freak and if I am bi, or even gay, it's ok. I'm kind of glad I'm moving though, this will give me a chance to figure out what it is I really want. You both invited me to come back and visit though, and I think I might like that, if that's still ok?"

Jordan and I both said, in unison, "of course it is, anytime." We all laughed, lightening the mood.

"Dude, I'll tap that ass anytime, but come even if you don't want fucked. You're a cool guy and I'm going to miss you. I wish we'd known all this sooner though, I feel like we never really knew you until tonight. I'm enjoying your company," Jordan told him.

I chimed in, "me too, please come see us whenever you want. I do feel bad that Joe is moving in though, I'd rather you stayed here with us."

"No, no, this is really better this way so I can figure things out, but I will for sure come over quite often. To visit, and get some more of this big cock in my mouth and ass," he said as he grabbed ahold of Jordan's cock again.

I think he's already figured things out, he just doesn't know it yet.

Next: Chapter 11

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