Roommate's Bitch

By Jeff Thompson

Published on Oct 12, 2023


Roommate's Bitch - Part 1

I'm a Steve, a 52 yr old guy, 6?, 240, hairy bear with a 3" cocklet. I've got a nice house, 3 bedrooms, one for me, a guest bedroom and one I used for an office. I had a great job making good money, but my company closed a few years ago during the pandemic. I found out I'd been foolishly thinking I was set in life. At 50, and over weight, good paying jobs were hard to come by. Good companies were looking for younger people, not some older, out of shape guy. I ended up having to start doing food delivery to make ends meet, until I was able to find another good paying job. At first, the money was good, but gig jobs always start off paying well, but go to shit after 6 months to a year. Now I wasn't making enough money, and still hadn't found a good job. I was getting behind on everything, including my mortgage. A friend recommended maybe I rent out the guest room. After thinking about it for a few days, I thought, what the hell, it's only be used twice in 11 years. If someone comes to visit, I'll put them up in a hotel, on my couch, or maybe I'd sleep on the couch and they could have my room.

I placed an ad on FB and Craigslist, getting lots of responses. I showed the room to quite a few people, but felt I should be picky. I wasn't used to living with someone and didn't really want there to be a bunch of hassles. After completing several interviews, I had it narrowed down to 2 guys. I called one guy, Davis, leaving a message the room was his if he wanted it and asking him to call me back. Unfortunately, he didn't get back to me, so after waiting a day, I called the other guy, Jordan, and told him the room was his. He was excited and told me he'd like to move in the first of the month. We talked about a few logistics and I let him go. 3 days later, Davis returned the call, telling me he was in the hospital, from being in a house fire. Before I could tell him I'd rented the room when I didn't hear back from him, he told me how glad he was I'd called since he now had no place to live. I explained that I'd rented the room and I could hear his voice crack up, I just knew I'd let the wind out of his sail. He asked I would consider renting him my office temporarily, he'd rent a small bed and dresser to be brought in. I called Jordan back, to see how he felt about another guy living there for a temporary amount of time. He was cool with it, saying he understood and thought it was nice of me to try to help Davis out.

Davis was due to get out of the hospital within the next few days, so the following day, a truck showed up with a twin bed and small dresser, and moved it into my office area. I had to move some things out, but was able to get it all in there with enough room to move around. Davis arrived later that afternoon. He was there for the next week, recovering from his injuries, then went back to work. He was in his room most all the time, only coming out to leave the house or use the kitchen. I'd hear him occasionally go to the bathroom, but that was about it.

Now would be a good time to tell you about these guys I guess. Davis is 36, 6', about 180, nice build and dating a woman. Jordan is 34, 5'9" and about 150, very fit, says he likes to run a lot and divorced.

Jordan gets moved in, and like Davis, he seems to hang out in his room most all the time. Both guys would chat for a few minutes, but mainly stayed in their rooms. Both guys worked daytime jobs, getting home about 4:30-5:30, weekdays. I usually worked 10-2, then 5-7, during the week, then a little longer on weekends. I took Sundays off and every other Monday. While the rent money was definitely helping, I still needed to work to keep up, and get caught up. Both guys seemed nice enough, didn't party or have anyone over, cleaned up after themselves.. this all seemed like easy money, I was kicking myself in the ass for not doing it sooner.

After about 3 months, I was hanging out in the living room. One of the guys got a package delivery that had to be signed for, luckily it was Monday and I was home. The delivery guy was hot as fuck, which got me all horned up. As I sat there in the living room, watching TV and surfing the internet, I decided to check out Doublelist and A4A. There weren't really any good prospects, it seems that all anybody wanted to do was suck cock or get fucked. I'm a cocksucker and ass eater, not into fucking at all and consider myself an oral sub. Anyhow, after not finding anyone, I turn to porn. I looked to make sure both of the guys' cars were gone, then started watching a hot new clip with a cocksucker doing a very verbal straight guy. These are my favorites, not porn actors, but amateur clips. I especially love verbal guys. This one was 42 min long, and the straight guy talked almost the whole time, telling the cocksucker what to do, how good of a cocksucker he is, get on those balls, clean that hot hole, calling him a bitch, faggot, slut, whore and all sorts of stuff. I was getting all worked up and pulled off my basketball shorts I was wearing and started whacking off. I had the volume turned up, so I could really get into the verbal part, jerking along when all of a sudden, I hear Jordan ask, "Having fun?" He was standing behind me. I closed the laptop quick, covered myself as best as I could and told him I'd just been searching some porn and clicked on that accidentally. He said, "well for accidentally clicking on it, you must have liked it, you've been watching it for 5 minutes now, jerking your cock." Then after he paused for a second, he added, "I take it you want to be that cocksucker."

"What makes you say that?" I ask, "and why are you home, I thought i was alone?"

He responded, "well you're 52, never been married you told me, so I figure you must be gay, hence the gay porn. Since I was watching you for a few minutes, whacking that little cock, which is smaller that my 8 yr old son's cock, so it's not like you can be the man in a relationship, no offense. And I'm home because I took the day off because I had to take my car to the mechanic and drop it off early this morning."

"Oh" was all I could manage to say.

To make it even more awkward, he went and sat down on the couch, directly across from recliner. "So you haven't answered my question, do you wish you were that guys cocksucker?"

"Umm, I guess", then adding "I tend to be a little on the submissive side."

Jordan then said, "that's cool, we all have our kinks."

"I hope this doesn't make things too weird for you here and you're not going to move out?" I asked him.

"Nah, it's all good," then said, "when I was in high school, I had to share my bedroom with my older step brother, found out he was gay when I found some gay mags sticking out from under his mattress. At first I was freaked out. I told my best friend about it, he told me not to be freaked, I'd just hit the fucking lottery. He helped me understand having a cocksucker so readily available could be a good thing. When I got home, I told him I'd found them. I could see the terror on his face, I told him I wasn't going to tell on him, but if ever wanted to suck my cock, I'd let him. He was all excited, telling him how hard it's been sharing a room with me and wanting to do just that. After that, all I had to do was say I was horny and he'd be on his knees. He'd suck my cock, lick my balls, after a few months, he begged me to lick my ass. Hell, he would suck my toes, anything I wanted. One night, my buddy spent the night, knowing that he was gay, stripped down and my step brother was on his knees begging for it. I fucked him that night even. Then I got a girlfriend, he went to college, and that was the end of it."

"Oh wow, that's some stroke of luck for you, and him, I guess," I said.

"I haven't really gotten back out into the dating scene, so it's been awhile for me. So same thing applies to you as my brother, if you ever want to suck my cock, I'd let you," he said kind of smugly, giving me a smirk.

Trying not to act too excited, "well, I guess I could help you out sometime if you'd like."

He looked at me and said, "look, I know the score with you cocksuckers, you're not doing me a favor, I'm doing you one by letting you take a slurp on my dick. So if you want to ask me nicely, I'll let you."

I was pissed, I wanted to tell him this is my house, he doesn't have to be condescending like that. But, I didn't, what I said was, "Ok, I'll let you know."

He shrugged and said, "Ok", got up and went into his room.

About an hour later, he came out of his room, and said his car is done, but the shuttle can't pick him up for 3 hours. He asked if I'd be able to take him to get his car back. I told him I'd gladly take him to get it. Apparently, I must have been a bit too eager, because he smirked at me again and said, "Let's go." We got into my car, making small talk. As we were driving along, I noticed that he kept rubbing his crotch. After a bit longer I noticed the nice bulge in his shorts, god he looked like he was about to slip out the leg hole. I was afraid I was going to wreck my car, I could barely look away for more than a split second. Sadly, we soon got to the dealership, and as I pulled up he got out, "I gotta run a few errands, thanks for the ride, hope you enjoyed the show." He closed the door not even looking back for a response, FUCK, he knew.

I raced home, grabbed my laptop, ran into my room and jerked my little nub to that porn again, picking up where I left off. A few hours later, Jordan got home, sat down in the living room, thanking me again for the ride. He told me about something that happened at the grocery store, I was barely listening, because it looked like he was half hard and his shorts were pulled up some, so the head of his cock was sticking out of the leg hole. OMG, I couldn't keep my eyes off of it, I really wanted to taste that juicy looking man meat, but couldn't bring myself to say anything. He got up after a bit and said, "I'm gonna go lay down, kinda horned up so I think I'll spank the monkey and take a nap." With that he and that tasty cock were gone. At 52, I usually can get off once every couple days, I'd just shot a load 2 hours ago and I was hard as a rock again.

It took me about 5 min to get up the courage, but there I was knocking on his bedroom door. "Yes? Who is it?" he asked. Umm dude, you know damn well who it is.

"It's me," I responded.

I heard some rustling around, then he opened the door with a smile on his face. "What can I help you with?"

"Well, I could suck your cock for you, if you'd like, so you don't have to jerk off," I said.

He replied, "so you're asking me if you can suck my cock, is that right?"

"Yes, that's right," I told him.

"Since you like being a sub, I think that should be 'Yes Sir', but ok, you can suck it," he backed up sitting on the bed and pulled off his shorts, pointing to the floor between his legs. I knelt down, looking up at him, I grabbed ahold of his cock and started leaning down to put his dick in my mouth. He smacked my hand off his cock, "ask nicely, then I'll let you have a taste, AFTER you've licked my balls."

"I'm sorry Sir, may I please have a taste of your awesome HUGE cock (it turned out to be almost 8" cut), after I've licked your balls as long as you'll allow me to," I begged.

"Go ahead, cocksucker," he laughed.

I lapped and sucked his balls for a good 5 minutes, licking the base of his cock to see if he was ready for me to take his cock. He just let me lick away, so then I decided to move south, licking his taint and the bottom of his asscrack. He moaned a little, but didn't lift his legs up at all, so I figured I'd better not go any further. He'd said he had his step brother lick his ass, so I wanted him to know I was more that willing to give him the same pleasure. "Ok faggot, lick your way up my cock, put the head into your mouth and lick just the head for a bit, getting a good taste of the precum that's coming out." I was so excited, but I wanted to go slow and savor his cock. After sucking on his head for a few minutes, he grabs hold of his cock and pulls it from my mouth. "Ok, tell me what you want..."

"I want to suck your cock," I told him, adding, "Sir."

"Why do you want to suck my cock?" he asked.

"To make you feel good, Sir"

"And, what's in it for you?" he asked.

"I get to make you feel good and taste your mighty cock, Sir."

"And? I get to taste your awesome load, Sir."

"Ok, so what's in it for me if I allow you to swallow my load?" Jordan asked me, looking right into my eyes intently.

There it is, he probably wants free rent, or least reduced. I need the money. "What would you like, Sir?"

"I have to say, I'm enjoying this. I see a lot of fun and possibilities here. IF I allow you to finish sucking my cock and take my jizz, I want you to swallow it all. But... that's not all. By taking my load, you agree to be my cocksucker, ass eater, fuck hole, pit licker, toe sucker and anything else I want, when I want, where I want." Fuck me, this is what I've always dreamt of, being a straight guy's faggot sub. Now that I have the chance, I have to commit, here and now. I want it so bad, but the anything and when/where he wants, scares me. I'm looking at him, looking at his cock, and just keep going back and forth, not saying a word. He gives a miffed look and reaches for his shorts and starts putting them on.

"No, no, please. Anything, whenever you want, wherever you want. I want to be your cocksucker, faggot, whore, slut, ass eater, and anything else you want, except for a few things," I beg him.

"What things?" he asks, not looking happy. "I'm not looking to negotiate here."

"Due to some gastro issues, I can't do anal, believe me you wouldn't want to. And no pain, no vomit, piss or shit." I told him.

"Hmm, ok, I'll meet you part way. For the time being, I won't fuck you, that's not to say that someday in the far future I may not want to revisit the idea. No pain, but you may need some light spanking here and there to show you your place, which is below me. No vomit or shit, but I used to piss on my step brother, I kinda got off on it, so I may want to do that while we're in the shower sometime." Jordan countered.

"Deal Sir, I'd love to be your cocksucking faggot!" I excitedly exclaimed.

Jordan pulled his shorts back off, grabbed my head, guiding his cock to my mouth hole. He was really horned up and apparently wanting to test me out. He shoved my head down onto his cock, seeing how far I could go. "Holy fuck," he shouted out, as I took his entire cock, "oh yeah, you're gonna be some special kind of faggot for me." He continued to fuck my face for almost 15 minutes, stopping a few times, letting me catch my breath, then nailing my throat some more. I finally realized his breathing was getting heavier and his balls tighter, knowing he would be blowing soon, I doubled my efforts. "Ok, lucky slut, here's what you've been working for. I'm gonna shoot, make sure you swallow it all. FUCK! Take it! Take it! TAKE IT BITCH!!"

Guess what? I took it all, and there was a LOT.

"Great job, cocksucker. Now get out, I'm tired from having to get up early. I need a nap and you need to rest up, I like to get off 2-3 times a day. Remember our deal. Anything. Whenever. Wherever. You're dismissed," he advised me. I was dismissed, out of his room, in my house. I was kind of taken back by his boldness, but then looking down and realizing I need to get off and surely he sees my nub, I ran out of his room, into mine, releasing my load with about 3 tugs with my thumb and forefinger. I could hardly wait until tonight. I just need to talk to him about being discrete around Davis.

Next: Chapter 2

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