Roommates Adjust

By moc.oohay@egrasehtn_60tsohglileht

Published on May 22, 2012


Roommates Adjust

Part Two

Park Jackson, Elsewhere

These characters and their actions exist in the imagination of the author and are meant to reflect no one nor to condemn or condone any practice contained herein. As usual, if this kind of story is illegal where you live please do not read it; likewise, if you don't like this kind of story, why did you click on it in the first place? If you are underage SCRAM! Also, the characters in this story are immune to disease and suffer no physical or psychological harm unless I, the omniscient author, want them to. Play safe, and if you do get into this kind of wild, make sure all the participants are willing; remember that it's just for fun.

Park Jackson is Danny and Benny's floor mate; his father was black and his mother Vietnamese; he is bisexual, very versatile and totally cool. He is about five feet eight inches tall and one hundred thirty-five pounds; dark eyes, dark slightly kinky hair kept in a neat high and tight; absolutely smooth light milk chocolate skin, his cock is around eight and a half inches and uncut; he has a gorgeous ass thanks to his paternal genetics and a tight defined body thanks to the gymnastics and MMA that he'd mercilessly trained in since he was six years old. In moments of reflection, Park would admit to being something of a slut, and completely open and fair-minded. Since has he developed pretty good mental discipline, he's secure in himself and not really susceptible to head-games.

He met the new guy Rice on the stairs—a definite cutey—as he was heading into town for a weekend of sex and bromance with his civilian fuck buddy Nate.

"How's it going?" Rice asked.

"Heading out to get laid; so, I'd say pretty fuckin' great."

"Don't rub it in."

"See you Monday." Park resumed descending the steps.

"See you Monday," Rice echoed and went through the door to their floor.

Park continued his journey to the parking lot. Nate, that boy was a real find, Park thought to himself. A total suffer boy here in North Carolina; six feet two inches tall, one hundred seventy pounds, a long curly mop of sun bleached golden hair, a tight body with a perpetual tan, heartbreaking hazel eyes, a think nine inches and a beautiful muscular butt. Easy-going and mellow, but a sex machine whenever the chance arose; pleasant and smart enough to hold a conversation with in between fuck sessions—a totally perfect fuck buddy!

"Hey ya Jackson,"

Park was jarred from his reverie. Rivera, his other floor mate was walking toward him to the barracks.

"What's up?" Park said.

"Nada; Have you seen my roomie?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact I just saw him on the stairs."

"Coo, have a good night dude." Rivera sauntered past.

"You too dude," Park replied over his shoulder as he reached his car—a Jeep Wrangler—hopped in and took off.

Park was headed to Nate's apartment where he planned to spend the night and early morning fucking him in every position that two men could get into; it had been a stressful week following the field problem and the two weeks prior had in the woods, so Park had some pent up sperm to get rid of and some tension to release. Usually they flipped and traded, but not this Friday night. Saturday would be what it would be—but tonight, Park was gonna be a non-stop fucking top machine—no negotiation.

Fate was smiling on Park Jackson that night; nothing slowed him down, no traffic, no traffic lights, and no cops. He zipped across town and was parking his Jeep in Nate's parking lot in record time. He barely remembered to shut it off and take the keys with him; he was practically running up the stair to Nate's door. It wasn't locked so Park pushed his way through into the living room. Nate was sprawled across the couch wearing nothing but basketball shorts

"Dude," was all he could say before Park descended on him like a swarm.

Park took Nate's left nipple in his mouth, bit and tongued it then slithered down his body to briefly tongue his belly button; then yanked the front of his shorts down, briefly engulfed his big cock, then rolled him off the couch and humped his ass through their clothes.

"I'm not gonna waste a nut in my pants—don't move," Park instructed; he stood up, shoved his pants down around his ankles, snatched up the small can of Crisco that Nate used for jack-off lube, from the end table and shellacked his rock-hard dark brown dick. Nate slid his shorts off and took a finger-full to grease his slot. Without further ceremony, Park eased his cock into Nate's ass and was soon pounding away at an unsustainable pace. After about three or four minutes, park felt his orgasm build past the point of no return.

"Here it comes!" Park gasped, and snarled something in Vietnamese as a torrent of sperm blasted from his dick into Nate's greedy ass. As his orgasm subsided, Park slid his still hard dick from Nate's ass, and flopped on the couch.

"Dude," Nate said as he stood up and straddled Park; he briefly stroked his cock and then shoved into Parks mouth just as his nut exploded. Park gobbled it down like it was the nectar of the gods, and Nate flopped down on the couch next to him.

"Dude, that's one bitchen hello."

Park chuckled and pulled Nate's face to his and began tongue kissing him in earnest; he enjoyed the lingering taste of his own nut in Nate's mouth. Then Nate pulled away from him as he looked past Park.

"You know, we really should make sure the door's closed and the drapes are drawn if we're gonna fuck around in the front room."

"At least the security door is closed, but with the TV and the kitchen light . . . Yeah, horniness one, good sense zero."

"Speaking of horniness," Nate said, "you ready to fuck me in the shower?"

"Did you have to ask?" Park started to close the door, but thought better of it; let `em look, he thought to himself as he stripped and after a minute or two to let Nate take care their last fuck, followed him into the bathroom.

Nate turned the water on and adjusted it to the right temp and got in with Park in tow; they washed each other carefully, making sure that each set of genitalia was absolutely clean. Then Nate thoroughly soaped Parks boy-reamer and his own ass, and offered his spread to Park; he did not hesitate, but slid in and started pumping. Nate knew this was going to be a long enjoyable fuck, so he settled in and began playing with his dick, and reaching under to tickle Park's sac and crotch.

The water suddenly turned cold—they quickly rinsed the soap off and got out—with a quick squirt of lotion though, they swiftly picked up where they'd left off, with Nate bent over the toilet. With silent precision, they changed position, with Nate on his back on the toilet and his ankles on Park's shoulders; Park loved this position because he could see Nate's nut squirt all over his torso and face. After a few moments Park was rewarded with seeing Nate splash himself all over, and hit his own mouth twice! That was all it took to push Park over the edge; his gushed into Nate's ass and it seemed to draw his life-force with it.

"Oooooh Fuuuuuck!" he groaned, "that was IN tense!"

Nate just smiled as he scooped up his come and slurped it off his fingers. They disentangled and rinsed of in the shower separately; then wrapped in towels they adjourned to the couch.

"After a work-out like that," Nate said, "I need a snack," and sauntered to the kitchen.

There was a pizza box on the kitchen table, he flipped it open, put two pieces each on two paper plates and grabbed two sodas from the fridge, placed all on the coffee table and sat down next to Park. Park bolted the pizza down before he even knew it;

"Got anything else?"

"Not cooked, payday is next week."

"Chow run?"

"Shaa . . ."

Park had a few clothes at the apartment, and slipped on a pair of gym shorts and flip-flops. Nate pulled his discarded basketball shorts back on and barefoot headed out the door with Park. They hopped into Nate's bright yellow Chevy Colorado pick-up and headed for an all-night taco stand. Once they arrived and parked, a swishy twink carhop sashayed to Nate's window to take their order.

"Hey guys. Whatcha gonna have?" he said with a slight lisp, and then added, "Me I hope!"

"Maybe for dessert," Nate said, "but for now gimme a number twelve and two extra-large cokes."

"Okay, I'll make sure Roscoe rushes it," the twink lisped and switched away to the kitchen.

"Let's give the kid a show when he comes back," Park suggested.

"Bichen dude," Nate responded and shucked off his shorts. Park laughed out loud as he pushed his shorts off too. They play with each other's dicks and were bone hard when the carhop came back

"Here we are, a number—; "he almost dropped the tray but quickly recovered, "You both have those permitted I hope?" he lisped as he admired what made Nate and Park's boys. Then turned and went to take other orders; he glanced at the boys rather furtively from time to time. They caught his eye when they were finished so he could take the tray. He nodded then disappeared into the kitchen, then walked to the truck carrying to large shakes. When he arrived, he passed the shakes to Nate and then took the tray off the window.

"Okay, a number twelve and two large cokes, is $13.50."

"Let me grab my money," Park said as shifted around so his back was to the window, then with one knee on the floor boards and one on the seat leaned forward, splitting his cheeks for the carhop and pulled a twenty dollar bill from his pocket and passed it between his legs to Nate, and resumed his seat.

Nate took the bill, and laid it across his dick.

"Oops, can you grab that for me."

The boy squealed a little and seemed to have a little trouble getting a good hold of the twenty, but finally got a good grasp and put it in his shirt pocket.

"I would love to be the link between you in a three-way sometime," he said, "here's my number. I would love to be spit roasted by you two. Gotta go," and he swished away.

"Wow," Park said.

"Damn Dude, that was . . . awesome."

"Hey let's go have our shakes at the landing."

Nate gave him a crooked smile and off they went still both bare assed naked. The landing was something of an open secret gay cruise spot. It was also a real boat landing and a fishin' hole during part of the day—fishermen it seemed would rather have gay guys doing whatever away from the water than they would have boaters scaring off the fish; nobody reported anything that went on there—as long as it wasn't too blatant.

It was after one in the morning when they got there, so even the hardcore cruisers had given up and they had the place to themselves. Nate parked as close to the water as he could.

"Let's get out and have our shakes," Nate said and slid out the door still naked, and walked around to Park's side of the car. Park got out and stepped close to Nate; he then took a spoonful of his shake and smeared it on his right nipple. He then licked and sucked it back off as Nate stood on his tip-toes and hissed his approval. Then Nate did the same to Park—and back and forth it went until each got a partial blowjob before the milkshakes ran out. At this point, Nate paused the action.

"Let's go swimming," he said, "I'll grab the towels."

As Nate went to the truck, Park headed down to the river and waded in. He dunked himself, and swabbed all the stickiness from his body, and felt Nate engulf him in his arms from behind. They played around in the water, getting increasingly erotic, until Park couldn't stand it further and grabbing Nate's hand, led him to shore; once there he pushed Nate to his knees and dove tongue first into his ass. Within seconds Nate was moaning like a bone dry deuce-and-a-half transfer case. Park licked and sucked, nipped and tongue fucked that whole until he got a cramp in his jaw. He then leaned back on his haunches, lacquered his tool with spit and slid into the still moaning Nate. Then he started fucking for all he was worth; after a long while, Park withdrew, turned Nate on his back and resumed fucking. All too soon, Nate once again came all over his torso and once again shot into his own mouth. That again pushed Park over the edge, and nutted from the depths of his soul. Park literally fell onto his side, exhausted; Nate slipped back into the river and called Park in after a moment. Park followed and let the cold water revive him. They got out and grabbed the towels, dried and got back into Nate's truck, again not bothering with their shorts.

They drove back to Nate's place, and dared each other to streak to the apartment. Park grabbed his towel and shorts and was gone like a shot. Nate locked up the truck and followed. They got into the apartment sans incident, and were soon cashed out on the couch. They flipped through the channels a few times and settled on Sports Center, soon though, they were making out and fondling one another; then, Nate started sucking Park, and then he went to work on his ass—Park was rolled up on his shoulders, stroking, as Nate gorged himself on his ass.

"I'm cumming Bud," Park rasped out. In a flash, Nate had his mouth around his dick and was swallowing Parks thin nut.

"Oh, fuck that was hot," Park gasped as soon as he recovered his voice. After a beat, he dove on Nate's pre-stroked rod and after a minimal effort got Nate's ball juice in return.

"That was the most fun I've had without a roller-coaster being involved."

"I think I'll have to fuck you on my surfboard to see if that's true."

"Why do you have a surfboard here in Fayetteville?"

"Dude, I'm a surfer fur shure."

"Whatever, let's go to bed," Park said with a huge yawn.

"Kheh brah."

Park went to the bedroom and crawled in; Nate, after a quick piss, slid in behind him. He glanced at the clock; it was Four o'clock in the morning. He stretched, yawned and snuggled down behind Park and was asleep in seconds.

That's it for part duex, I hope you enjoyed it; I already have part three on tap. Benny's true nature comes out, but not on Danny yet. And later, Park and Nate continue to indulge their addiction to danger sex, and take the carhop twink up on his offer. Thanks for reading this story, more will come soon. Remember though, without Nifty I've no place to publish these stories and you, dear reader, would have no place to read them. If you can, give a few bucks to Nifty please do and keep them up and operating so my Fellow authors can keep you "up" so to speak.

I appreciate when readers drop an email to John at constructive criticism is always welcome.

Next: Chapter 3

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