Roommate Keyholder

By moc.liamatut@seirotsahc

Published on Feb 20, 2016



All characters and situations are fictional. This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you want to read or that is illegal for you to read, please stop.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising. E-mail contact to talk about the story, give critique, ask questions or send messages or pictures of your own adventures is ok. This story already has several chapters written, so any requests will probably not be worked into it for a some long time. Ideas and wishes are always welcome anyways.

Sorry about not answering mails regularly. Lots of stuff to do. Will try to still post the next chapter soon.

The next morning, he unlocked me. I knew exactly what he was doing. Once again he unlocked me after showing me what I could have whenever I gave him the keys to my cock. It wasn't exactly the subtlest of manipulations but it didn't matter. Whoever had said that "knowing is half the battle" was a dirty liar.

Instead of feeling the intense relief that normally accompanied my unlocking I just felt like I was missing something. Of course I still spent hours upon hours jerking myself off and draining my nuts from every available ounce of cum but that didn't alleviate the feeling of longing for him. All I could think about was his cock up my ass. I could actually still kind of feel it.

So it came as no surprise that I didn't last all that long. A mere six days after unlocking I was ready to hand him the keys to my cock again.

"Are you sure?"


"Remember that I'll be going home over the long weekend. And if you decide to lock up that will not be taken into consideration when I decide on the length of your lock up. Just because I'm away doesn't mean you'll get off as soon as I come back."

Fuck, I had completely forgotten about that. He was about to visit his parents for a few days. They lived relatively close by so he visited them often. I mostly stayed on campus whenever we had days off because my folks lived hours away and the money for bus tickets was better spent on school supplies and food at the moment.

Still, he would go away the next day, so I could have another day of fun. "I don't care. It's time to lock me up." So he did.

I waited the rest of the day to pleasure him but he was busy a lot. That evening he was playing game on his Xbox with a friend when he motioned for me to come over. Quietly I knelt down in front of him and pulled down his short while he kept his eyes fixated on the screen. The game held some of his attention but it didn't take a whole lot of stimulation before he was as hard as usual. I started to suck him off and I could feel that I was getting a reaction out of him.

Several times when I went deep I could feel him jolt up in his seat and then hurl insults at the screen because he had missed a shot. All the while he tried really hard not to moan since he had his headphones and mic on. After a while I noticed that his friend was getting irritated by his unusually poor performance.

"Well, fuck you too. You were supposed to guard that area", Greg said.

I kept blowing him. The fact that he was talking to his friend while I had his cock in my mouth only turned me on more and I gave it my all. When Greg once again made a mistake I could even hear his buddy shout at him.

"No shit, dude, let's see you play while you're gettin' a blowjob. I'm moments from shootin' my load and I'm still a better shot than you", Greg replied.

Had I not been occupied by his cock I would have laughed. Greg was so open about sex; it was kind of inspiring.

"None of your business. Unless it's you suckin' my cock, you really shouldn't care, dickhead. Now cover me or we're going to lose."

That's was when I finally got him over the edge. I looked up at him while his seed flooded my mouth and I saw him clench his jaw in an attempt to keep the moaning in. He somehow managed to keep it under control but it was obvious that he was enjoying himself.

After that he kept playing and as far as I could tell his performance did improve significantly which gave me great satisfaction. I lay down in bed and fell asleep to the sound of him playing.

The next morning, I woke up to an empty room and a note from Greg. "Since you were so insistent I thought I should let you suffer a little bit this time. You'll get some when I come back but until then you'll either have to use your new dildo or go looking for someone else to satisfy your needs. PS: Since I can't inspect anything myself I want you to send me a pic of your cage twice a day. -G"

I was about to cry. But instead of sulking around I resolved myself to see this as a test of my willpower. I had worn this cage a few times without Greg's cock to keep me sane so I thought I could do this again. I was wrong.

The second day of Greg's trip I was ready to call him and beg him for his permission to unlock. All that kept me from doing it was the fear that he would end our relationship if I didn't accept his power any longer. So I contacted Mikey instead. I just wanted to talk to someone about my situation.

He texted me back immediately and we began to talk a bit. I told him about the recent events, how hot it had been to get fucked in the cage and how I was missing Greg's presence right now. When I was done he responded with a picture of his own cock stretching the colorful fabric of his boxer briefs. The text said "You're making me so hard with your stories."

I tried to craft a text that would ask for permission to take care of his boner without sounding to needy but he was faster. "Come over!", he wrote.

Once again I reached his door as fast as I could and as soon as he opened it we jumped at each other. He was wearing only the boxer briefs he had shown me before and was pressing his hot body against mine. My hand began to wander over his soft skin as we were kissing and he was trying to undress me. I grabbed his firm butt cheeks and massaged them which made his cock pulse and press against my jeans.

"Let's take this to the bedroom", he told me and grabbed me by the hand. I followed him and took the time to admire his beautiful physique. Inside I got rid of the rest of my clothes while he stripped off his boxers. He lay down on the bed and motioned for me to join him.

His kisses were amazing and I immediately began to strain against my own cage. This was so different from the experience with Greg but it was in no way less sexy. Where Greg had a raw animalistic quality this was a much more passionate connection. I could feel that he was just as attracted by me as I was by him and it really got me going.

I reached down towards his groin and started to jerk off his cock. Soon I felt the first droplet of precum roll down his head and onto my thumb. I knew that I had to taste it so I stopped the kissing and turned around to take his shaft into my mouth.

I was determined to improve upon my previous attempts at deepthroating and I'm pretty sure that I would became really good at it if my enthusiasm was any indicator. Twice I almost went too far too soon but I always managed to regain composure. All the while I could feel Mikey's hand exploring my own body and touching me all over the place.

After a while he grabbed one of my legs and pulled it over his body so that I was positioned on top of him. He pulled me down and started to lick the underside of my balls and I felt like I was in heaven. He pushed his tongue along my taint and made me moan onto his cock. When he finally reached my hole and started to rim me I had to try really hard to concentrate in order not to forget that I was supposed to suck him off at the same time. The sensation was so overwhelming.

A few minutes later I was begging him to fuck me. "Please, can you fuck me? I really want to feel you inside of me."

Instead of answering he pulled me off his cock, kissed me again and got the lube. He applied it generously to his cock and started to push in. All the rimming had relaxed me enough for the entry to be really smooth. He bent down over me and kissed me passionately while pushing himself into me, inch by inch. We both breathed heavily while and got into a shared rhythm that had me push back against his invading shaft with every thrust of his.

After a while he reached for something on the bed. I saw him point my phone towards his crotch and I realized that he was filming it. He flipped the phone around and held it far away with his hand extended over his head to get a wide angle. He smiled into the camera, never losing his rhythm, and moaned "Thank you for this, Greg. He is truly amazing." Then he pointed the panned the camera toward my face and told me to thank him too. I barely got the words out throughout all the fucking and moaning but I thanked Greg and I really meant it. I don't think I would have ever gotten into this situation without his dominance and his open-mindedness.

When he was done filming the video he asked me about Greg's name in my phone to make sure that he sent it to the right person. I heard the sound for a message leaving the app and felt like I was completely crazy with sexual energy. Not only was I getting fucked by an incredibly cute guy, I was also locked up under the authority of another hot hunk and was getting videos of my situation sent to my keyholder.

Mikey leaned in again and kissed me. One of his hands was rubbing my nipples while mine gently scratched his back. After a few minutes of this I could tell that he was getting close. I felt him tense up and I whispered to him: "Cum for me! Please, I want you to cum inside of me. Now."

The words pushed him over the edge and I could feel him losing his rhythm. Once again he started to move spastically as soon as he came and his whole body tensed up in spasms. He shot his load and moaned into my neck, holding me tightly. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and hugged him with my entire body. I felt so incredibly close to him.

Neither of us spoke for a few minutes. We just lay there with our arm wrapped around each other and his dick still inside of me. Only when he was getting soft did he finally pull out and roll over.

Not knowing the protocol, I was getting ready to go when he grabbed me and pulled me close to him. "Would you like to stay over? I've cooked enough food for four people and we could buy a movie on iTunes or something?"

I was completely blown away. So far this had only been about one thing only but he was so cute when he asked that I simply couldn't say no. I felt so happy lying there with my head on his chest that I just quietly said "I would really like that."

When my phone vibrated we both turned our heads a little. I opened up the message and read.

"Enjoy. Just make sure that he's in good condition when I come back. I don't intend to give up my control but he's obviously horny enough for us to share. -G"

"How generous", Mikey chuckled. He really was strangely okay with the situation. He gave me another kiss and got out of the bed. "You pick out a movie while I reheat dinner!"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one should be coming fairly soon.

If you want to speed things up I'm always happy to receive encouraging emails with nice words, your personal stories and nice pictures. I'm especially happy to hear from people who are new to the idea of chastity. Tell me if this story inspired you to try it. Mail me at

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Next: Chapter 10

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