Roommate Keyholder

By moc.liamatut@seirotsahc

Published on Feb 13, 2016



All characters and situations are fictional. This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you want to read or that is illegal for you to read, please stop.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising. E-mail contact to talk about the story, give critique, ask questions or send messages or pictures of your own adventures is ok. This story already has several chapters written, so any requests will probably not be worked into it for a some long time. Ideas and wishes are always welcome anyways.

Sorry about not answering mails regularly. Lots of stuff to do. Will try to still post the next chapter soon.

This lock up was bound to break another record. I knew it. But this time I was really looking forward to it. With Greg's penis available to me every day to play with it was a lot easier to give up my own. After all I was getting exactly what I had dreamed about since I had discovered this fetish of mine.

And Greg sure seemed to enjoy our arrangement. I was amazed at how easy it was for him to accept his behavior without having to change his perception of his own sexuality. We talked about it one day after I had just spent an hour worshipping his body, licking his hole and balls and swallowing his cum. I was too curious to just let it go unspoken about again. He simply told me that he didn't care. He still didn't think he would ever be in love with a guy. He didn't even find me physically attractive. All that mattered to him was that he was exerting this kind of control over someone else, that this someone was going crazy for him and that he was getting his cock sucked on the regular.

I was astounded how confident he was. It had literally taken an accident for me to admit my sexual needs to another person and he was fine just doing whatever he felt like, not caring even a bit about what that might mean to other people. To be honest I didn't know if that turned me on or made me jealous. Probably both.

When we had broken our previous record by two days I was leaking from my cage practically whenever Greg was in the room with me. I had to force myself to reread every other sentence in my books whenever we were studying at the same time because all I could concentrate on was his cock. Even in class I sometimes drifted off in thought about his body but the dull pain of the cage pulling on my ball sack always brought me back to the present moment.

I was sure that he was going to unlock me soon so when he hadn't asked me for a blowjob the whole day and told me to close my eyes after he came back from his evening class I was sure that he was going to use me one last time before unlocking me. But he didn't. Instead I opened my eyes to him holding a dildo in his hand and giving it to me.

"I bought this for you, Paul", he told me. "Undress and lube yourself up. I want you to use it."

I was puzzled. He had told be before to use the plug when I was sucking him off because it made me really horny but this was new. When I started to undress I noticed that he was leaving.

"Where are you going?"

"To the gym", he said. "I really need to get some workout in today. Class was super stressful. When I come back after my workout and a shower I expect to see you using that thing on yourself, okay?"

He didn't wait for an answer. I heard the door close as he walked out with his shower supplies.

Well, I thought. Why not? I certainly enjoyed the plug so why wouldn't this do?

The dildo was considerably bigger than the plug but still very manageable. Maybe 6 inches in length and a proportionate girth. It was shaped like a penis, even with the small details like veins and a realistic head. At the bottom there were even balls and a suction cup. I pressed it against the floor and let it bounce back and forth a few times.

I used some of the lube I had bought for the plug and spread it over the whole length of the fake phallus. It was strange to be able to play with this fake one while my own was locked in its metal prison but it also felt strangely erotic.

I reached around my back and touched my hole with one of my lubed up fingers. Carefully I entered my hole and stretched. It went in easier than I expected but all my arousal was certainly making me more receptive it seemed. Very soon I was able to work another finger in and when that felt comfortable I was ready.

The sensation of the silicone material against my ass was very different from my own hands. It was colder for once but it also had more texture. I felt it very intensely as I tried to sit down on it. The bulbous head pushing against my opening and slowly finding its way inside of me. I felt my cock jump when the dildo got past the first ring. I dropped down further and pushed more of it inside. Once it had gotten past that second ring the rest went in surprisingly easy. The lube and the warm up had helped a lot.

It was only then that I could concentrate on the feelings this provided me with. The intense sensation that radiated from within my hole throughout my lower abdomen. I retreated a little bit, just so that I could push it in again. Wow. This was actually perfect. It was amazing how well this dildo seemed to fit me and how good it made me feel.

Immediately I started to penetrate myself with it. Slow at first but picking up a nice rhythm after a few minutes. My whole body was reacting to it by now. I used one hand to stabilize myself and let the other one play with my nipples with only made me fuck myself harder. After a while I was really going at it and I could see that the dildo was pushing out a lot of the pent up cum that I had collected over the past few days. A pool of seminal fluid was dripping out of my now half-erect dick and onto the floor.

I kept going at it and after a while I knew that I had reached a plateau of excitement. With a steady pace I kept going even though I was beginning to feel a burning sensation in my thighs and I was getting a bit winded. Greg wasn't the only one that was getting some exercise in today. I only ever stopped to reapply lube.

I was unsure how much time had passed but I really hoped that Greg would come back soon. This was getting exhausting and I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to be able to take it. While sucking on Greg or Mikey's cocks had always satisfied me to a certain degree this was just making me more anxious to get the cage of my cock and pump out load after load. It was feeling good but it was lacking the psychological aspect of pleasing another person.

The only thing that kept me going was knowing that it was what Greg wanted. At this point I was seriously thinking about using the spare key to unlock myself because I was driving myself crazy but no matter how tempting it was, somehow I kept drilling myself on this silicone dick. Because that's what Greg had requested of me.

After another eternity I could finally hear the handle of our door being lowered. Greg walked in in just a towel, his workout clothes and shower supplies under his arm. He quickly closed the door again and smiled at me. As soon as I saw his beautiful face I knew I had made the right choices. I knew that I made him proud.

He stayed at the door for a minute and watched me as I bounced up and down own his present. Then he put away his stuff and unwrapped the towel. He didn't say a word. Just stood there. His pumped up muscles still kind of wet from his post-workout shower. His beautiful cock getting harder with every second that he saw me do exactly what he had told me to do.

Within a minute he was fully erect and I was still waiting for him to give me further instructions. I was hypnotized by his dick, waiting for him to allow me to suck it. I didn't even care if I would have to keep torturing myself with this dildo. All I wanted was to bring him pleasure.

Instead he just motioned for me to stand up. Very carefully I pulled myself off the dildo and tried to stand up. I barely could. My feet were all wobbly from the constant up and down. When I was threatening to keel over Greg grabbed me by the arm and steadied me. Before I could thank him however he had pushed me onto my bed.

Before I could even think about what was going on he had slid his hand underneath my thigh and pushed it up towards my chest. He positioned himself between my legs and leaned into me. I just stared at him in utter confusion, too shocked to really progress what was happening. Next thing I know I felt his cock at my ass, pressing against my opening. Automatically I pushed back against it and it slid it.

It hurt a bit because after what might have very easily been an hour of fucking myself I was pretty sensitive. But it didn't matter. He pushed a bit deeper into me and all I could think of was grabbing his hips and pulling him all the way towards me. I instinctively knew that I wanted this to happen. But he took his time and even though I had lubed up pretty well it took a while before he was fully inside me.

At that point all I could think about was how big the felt. He was certainly bigger than the dildo but the difference hadn't seemed that much before. Now that I actually felt it inside of me I was sure that he had filled me up completely. It was the first time I dared to look into his eyes.

I don't know what I had hoped for but his expression gave away nothing other than the enjoyment my ass was giving him as he was gently starting to fuck me. Each time he entered me it was a bit faster and each time I was getting used to his size a little more. With every thrust I let out a sound of overwhelmed excitement that was bleeding into a continuous moan as he was picking up speed. Soon he was fucking me with long, powerful strokes that sent shiver throughout my whole body.

My chastity cage was bouncing up and down with every motion, still leaking precum everywhere. I tried to grab it so that it would stop moving but Greg pushed my hand away.

"I want to see it."

I relented and just concentrated on his amazing cock again. All my thoughts about defying his orders from before were gone. No way was I ever going to unlock against his will. I was completely his and I would be for as long as he wanted to. Nothing could ever feel better than having this beautiful person fucking me and me being there simply for him to enjoy.

I relaxed completely and let his rhythmic penetration rock me into a state of complete bliss. All I wanted was for him to have a place for his cock. With his speed slowly getting faster he grabbed me by the shoulder and held me tightly. This let him push even deeper into me before he let out a guttural groan that could only signify one thing.

For a moment he held his cock deep inside me and I could feel it pulse as he shivered, before he started to move again, fucking his load deep inside of me. With every thrust I knew that he was leaving his cum in me and I was so happy we he let out his last moan and collapsed on top of me.

I wrapped my leg around him and pulled him close, feeling his cock still inside of me and his body pressing my cage against my belly. I wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever. After a few moments to catch his breath though he got up. When he withdrew his cock from me I felt so incredibly empty but I was still content holding onto his load.

He grabbed my underwear from the floor and used it to wipe off the cum and lube from his cock before tossing it into the hamper and falling onto his own bed.

"Good night", he said and I could tell that he was completely beat.

I watched him for a while and admired his beautiful ass and back before turning down the light and trying to fall asleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one should be coming fairly soon.

If you want to speed things up I'm always happy to receive encouraging emails with nice words, your personal stories and nice pictures. I'm especially happy to hear from people who are new to the idea of chastity. Tell me if this story inspired you to try it. Mail me at

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Next: Chapter 9

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