Roommate Keyholder

By moc.liamatut@seirotsahc

Published on Feb 7, 2016



All characters and situations are fictional. This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you want to read or that is illegal for you to read, please stop.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising. E-mail contact to talk about the story, give critique, ask questions or send messages or pictures of your own adventures is ok. This story already has several chapters written, so any requests will probably not be worked into it for a some long time. Ideas and wishes are always welcome anyways.

Sorry about the rather long delay. Hopefully I'll be able to post the next chapters faster.

The next day I had class until the evening and when I came back to our room I was expecting Greg there. I had been looking forward to playing with his cock the whole day but I found the room empty. I remembered that he had told me about a quiz in one of his classes the next day. Contrary to the popular stereotype about muscular jocks, Greg was actually quite a diligent student. He spent more time studying than I did and got the grades that he wanted to. I often wondered how he could fit his fitness routines and his class schedule into the same 24-hour day that I got when most of my time was occupied by thinking about ripping of my cage and masturbating.

Disappointed I let myself sink onto my bed and turned on our TV. I flipped through the channels and stopped when I saw some trashy reality TV show. I had zero interest in the drama that was unfolding on the screen but the guys were either seriously hot or I was so debilitated with build-up hormones that I was attracted even to the stupidest of reality TV idiots. Either way my dick was hard.

I had spent probably an hour or two admiring these brainless hunks when a text message woke me from my dozed off state. It was Greg. He simply texted me "Come to the library!" Somehow I knew that this wasn't a request but something that was expected of me. There was no context to the text and maybe it is me interpreting it this way afterwards but in that moment I knew that it was an order that I was glad to follow.

On the way I thought about that list he had me write not that long ago. That list that contained my secret fantasies. I didn't want to presume what was about to happen but a voice inside my head was definitely speculating about a certain item on that list. While writing it I hadn't thought about it ever really happening but now that Greg had proved to be quite open to exploring this dominant side of his I saw it as a possibility that he would take some of my ideas as inspiration.

So when I entered the floor of the library where Greg usually sat I wasn't surprised that it was empty. This wasn't that unusual this late in the evening, especially since it was a rather large library so people were spread out around several floors and different sections.

When I approached Greg he looked up and smiled. It was the self-assured smile of someone who had just one a bet. In this case the bet was whether I would do his bidding without any hesitation. And he had one that one without a doubt.

He motioned for me to sit next to him and he whispered. "It's good that you came. I have to study but I just can't concentrate for the life of me. I got so used to getting a blowjob every evening that I just got hard without even doing anything."

I looked down at his gym shorts that were displaying a prominent bulge. I could see that he wasn't lying. "I need to get back to work for this quiz tomorrow but it's never going to happen until I shoot my load. I have no idea how you can get any work done with this thing around your junk. My GPA would drop off a cliff. Can you help me with that?" He rubbed the shiny red fabric on his groin, accentuating the outline of his shaft underneath.

Before going down on my knees I looked around the room. It was a fantasy of mine to give a blowjob somewhere I could be caught but this was still rather risky. The tables were in an area that became visible just a few steps after entering through the doorway so if anyone came in we only had seconds to cover up. But even through my anxious looking around I knew what was going to happen. There was no denying my hunger for this.

I gently pushed his legs apart and positioned myself between them. My left hand pulled down his waistband while my right one grabbed his shaft. Immediately I started licking the head of his penis with gently up and down motions while I jerked him off slowly. Normally I would have played with him for a while but I didn't want to push our luck too much so I quickly transitioned to giving him a full on blow job. I took as much of him in my mouth as I could and sucked hard while pulling away, repeating this process again and again.

His fingers brushed through the hair on the back off my head and gently but firmly grabbed onto them. He helped me down his pulsating cock and very carefully held me down on the lowest point every time. I tried to go deeper and managed to push against the back off my throat a little without triggering my gag reflex. But before I could go deeper I had to go up again to stop for air.

We repeated this for a minute or two and I could tell that Greg really was horny. And the situation wasn't only a turn-on for me. I felt that he was seriously straining to stay quiet and was getting close to his climax really soon. That only gave me more incentive to take him deep so I pushed myself hard and got maybe another half inch of him in my mouth.

I wanted to try even harder, push myself just a little bit deeper. I wanted all of him, even though I knew that wasn't going to happen. He was just too big. My eyes were already getting a bit watery when I heard a sound. I withdrew quickly and Greg pulled up his shorts. I could still see the top of his penis sticking out of his waistband before he covered it up with his shirt. As I was sitting back on the chair another student entered the room from the stairs that led to the next floor. He didn't even seem to notice us as he walked by and left through the other door.

My heart was beating fast and I was hesitant to keep going. But my dick was telling me that this interruption hasn't really taken away from the experience at all. I could feel every beat of my heart in my hard cock as it pressed against its cage.

Greg was already pulling down his shorts again, tucking the waistband underneath his balls. He didn't have to tell me anything more as I was already going down on my knees again. Once again I pushed myself deep and stayed there for a while. I couldn't get all the way down yet but I was sure going to try.

Greg muttered a swear word under his breath when I came back up. I took a second to breathe and went back down on his glistening cock, this time focusing on intensity and speed instead of depth and soon enough he was grabbing on to my head more forcefully. I kept my rhythm steady and another minute later he was holding my head in place and stammering "Fuuuck" while shooting his hot load on my tongue. I swallowed it all and teased him for just a few second before hiding his still hard boner away in his shorts again.

Not a second too soon because a few moments later we heard the door open and another student entered the room shortly after. Greg grinned at me.

"You can go now", he said as he turned back towards his books.

I did as I was told and stood up and left. On my way out I thought about the entire ordeal again. How he had basically summoned me to the university library to make me suck his cock, knowing that I would do exactly that, and then send me away as if nothing had happened the minute he had gotten his rocks off. I knew that some people would want me to feel ashamed by that. Feel like I was selling myself short. But I also knew that I was getting more out of this than Greg was. I couldn't have been happier. Then I thought about all the other things on my list.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one should be coming fairly soon.

If you want to speed things up I'm always happy to receive encouraging emails with nice words, your personal stories and nice pictures. I'm especially happy to hear from people who are new to the idea of chastity. Tell me if this story inspired you to try it. Mail me at

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Next: Chapter 8

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