Roommate Keyholder

By moc.liamatut@seirotsahc

Published on Jan 24, 2016



All characters and situations are fictional. This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you want to read or that is illegal for you to read, please stop.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising. E-mail contact to talk about the story, give critique, ask questions or send messages or pictures of your own adventures is ok. This story already has several chapters written, so any requests will probably not be worked into it for a some long time. Ideas and wishes are always welcome anyways.

Once I had gotten home Greg had asked me about the encounter. He made me tell him every detail of how it had gone down and what I had been thinking while it happened. I told him about that insatiable lust that I had been feeling and how the plug had only made it that much more intense. How meeting a random guy I had barely talked five whole sentences too made me feel kind of slutty in a good way. He seemed pleased with my performance and I got to unlock myself. Weirdly enough I mostly felt pride at having done well for Greg instead of being relieved that I got out of my cage again. Not that I wasn't happy about that.

Once again I made the most out of my first few days of freedom. The experiences with both Greg and that other guy had filled me with so much excitement that burst out of me as soon as I had some time alone. I spent several hours over the next few days alone with either my memories of pleasing these men or with pictures on my computer screen. I couldn't get enough.

I thought about contacting that guy again but as soon as I started to think about it I grabbed my own dick and jerked one out. After that I felt too spent to hook up with anyone and so the opportunity passed me by. This was one of the big motivators that convinced me to keep my time unlocked relatively short again. It wasn't just that Greg went back to being a normal friend whenever he didn't exert this control over my sexuality. It also was the fact that the ease of masturbation made me avoid looking for sexual release elsewhere. Maybe that was a big reason why I started locking myself up in the first place.

So when I felt I had finally spent all my excess energy and was back to my normal routine of a single quick jerk after a week of freedom I knew it was time to give up my access again. It still felt weird to lock myself up and surrender my autonomy to my roommate but I was getting used to our dynamic. I kind of got Greg's insistence that I should be locked up whenever we played. He clearly had zero interest in my genitals and was mainly aroused by the dominance aspect of our relationship. So as soon as he had my junk under lock and key again we renewed our daily spiel.

He made me suck him off daily but slowly another aspect entered our play sessions. He seemed to get off on telling me exactly what to do and expressing the difference in our positions verbally. So far he had refrained from calling me any names but it was clear what each of our positions were. He preferred me either on my knees in front of him or having my face buried deeply in his crotch while he lay on the bed. Lately he also told me not to only lick his privates but also kiss and worship his beautiful abs and pecks. Apparently it really turned him on to see me admire his sculpted body and I was not going to deny him this pleasure. Occasionally he would also tell me to bury my face in his arm pits which I gladly did. He was a rather clean guy so at worst it smelt like the clean, fresh, manly sweat from his training sessions. I didn't mind that at all.

Several times he also made me put in my plug before I serviced him. He said that it enhanced my performance and I didn't doubt him for a minute. The physical sensation was enough for me to jump into high gear but obviously couldn't make me reach that climax that was accompanied by an inevitable decline. It was really the perfect way to make sure I was in the mood as much as possible.

After the fourth day I had swallowed 7 of his loads. He loved to get one out early in the morning before class and often wanted another one - longer and more relaxing - after his workouts. I was beginning to wonder when he would announce the timeframe for this session since the added bonus of wearing the plug sometimes didn't exactly increase my patience. He didn't tell me anything though. Instead he announced that he would be gone for the weekend and that he would keep me locked up the whole time.

I was kind of devastated. It was hard enough to endure this while I had his cock to play with but without that I would be imprisoned in this cockcage without any form of distraction. He told me that it was his decision to make but that I was free to play with my plug or with any other person I felt comfortable with. My lock up wasn't over yet and that was final.

His authoritative tone made my cock twitch but I was still saddened that he would leave me alone for two days. Friday night I spent with some friends at a bar trying to get my mind off of things but seeing all the hot college guys wasn't really the best way to do that in the end. Mid Saturday I felt like climbing the walls in my room. I avoided my computer like the plague - knowing that I had no reasonable chance to keep myself from looking at porn if I used the internet.

I tried to read something but my mind would always wonder so I grabbed my phone and gave into the temptation. I grabbed my phone and opened up the hook up abs to scroll through the pictures of cute guys. My main intention was to browse so I was surprised when I got a message. It was the same guy from last time and I was shocked to see that my behavior hadn't weirded him out too much. At the top of his new message were still the picture he had sent me. I felt the cage getting tighter.

We chatted very briefly before he asked me if I was up for another round. I thought about refusing but it was really just so that I could say I did. In reality I was already planning my route to his apartment. Like last time I prepared by inserting the plug. It was a risky move since I knew it would only make waiting for Greg's return worse but I wanted this hook up to be something worthwhile.

As soon as he had opened the door we grabbed at each other and made out. My cock was straining against its cage hard. He led me to his living room and I started to undress. I wanted to do the same so bad but I knew it was no use and I didn't know how he'd react so instead I helped him out of his clothes. I let my hands travel over his smooth body and gently pushed him onto his couch.

His cock was already standing up straight and pointing towards his beautiful face so I knelt down and went for it. Like the last time he was a very easy to read person. Every touch revealed what brought him closer to the edge so I could play him like an instrument. His breathing, his moaning and even the muscles of his thighs tensing up made it feel almost like cheating. Still I didn't want this to end too soon so I let him suffer for a little while.

Twice I abruptly slowed down right as he was about to reach his point of no return just to gently up the rhythm again once he had lost some of his momentum. At the end I had him pleading for a release - something I could relate to all too well - but I was more merciful to him than I was to myself. I brought him to the edge and just kept going, through moans and cries, until he had shot every last drop of hot semen into my mouth.

I kept sucking to make sure that I had gotten all of it, long after I had swallowed down the last drop. His cock was almost back to a flaccid state when I finally let it go to look into his eyes. He looked so content and serene. It almost made me forget my own feelings.

"Wow, I knew why I had to contact you again. You are no one hit wonder. That was amazing."

"Thank you", I smiled. It was nice to hear that my efforts paid off for someone at least.

"Do you want me to do you now? Or do you need another picture?"

"Uhm. No, that's okay. For both."

"Are you sure? What was that about anyways? You were so cagey about that picture thing last time. It kind of weirded me out."

"Well, if that weirded you out maybe I shouldn't tell you all, then."

"Oh, come on. You're literally on your knees in front of me, your belly full of my cum and you're still holding my cock in your hand. Just tell me! Is it some kind of open relationship where he wants to see what you're up to?"

I grinned. That did make sense and I'm sure I could get away with it but I didn't really see a point in lying anymore. He was right. I had just pleasured him and would do it again in a minute so why not be open about it.

"Not exactly. It was for my roommate. I accidentally let him know about some kinks of mine and he totally went with it. I think he's actually really into the dominating role so we started kind of hooking up. Which is strange since he identifies as straight. But as long as we have a very clear distinction of our roles he seems okay with me servicing him. And last time he told me that he wanted me to service another guy too. That's where you came in."

"I mean. That isn't exactly standard but I'm not that freaked out. It's kind of hot actually. The whole straight roommate fantasy. I can't count how many porn videos I've come across with that theme. So you're not that far out, I guess. But why not let me reciprocate then? I'm not straight."

"Well, that ties into the whole kink thing I told you about. He's only interested whenever I'm living out this fantasy that he found out about."

"Which is?"

"I'm into chastity."

He seemed puzzled. "Chastity. Like in not having sex? 'Keeping maidens virgin until their knight comes back from war' chastity?"

Of course this All American Gay Guy didn't know about my weird fetish. I thought about an adequate way to explain it to him but my brain was coming up short. So instead I just stood up and opened my jeans to show my dick cage to him.

His jaw fell open as he looked at my cage. "What?"

"It keeps me from masturbating or getting off. My roommate holds the keys and decides how long I stay locked up."

"That IS kind of weird. Why?"

I told him about the denial and how it turned me on the longer I was kept from coming. How I turned more adventurous and enthusiastic about finding sexual outlets the longer I had stayed locked up. How I enjoyed the clear division of giving and receiving pleasure and how I loved Greg's dominance and him controlling my cock. I explained how much more submissive I got with every day and how it gave me the push to actually go out and find a hook up on an app. How it just enhanced every aspect of the giving end of sex for me and how it was the best time of my live. It felt amazing to talk about it and I felt that he actually listened to me and heard what I was saying.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in but I kind of get it. Damn, has he fucked you while you were locked up? That would probably be torturous. To be fucked, getting all worked up and not being able to cum afterwards."

"No. Only oral. I do have a buttplug though. I'm actually wearing it right now."

"Damn, you should have told me before. Then I could have made you go crazy in your weird cage. But now I'm all spent. Maybe another time. To be honest it's kind of refreshing not to have to worry about getting you off. I'm always so not in the mood after shooting my load. This just makes it a lot easier."

"So you're not telling me to piss of and never contact you again?"

"Absolutely not."

"Cool. Then maybe we should exchange names now. It's kind of weird not knowing what to call you."

"Mikey", he said, extending his hand.

"Paul", I replied and shook it. "Nice to meet you."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one should be coming fairly soon.

If you want to speed things up I'm always happy to receive encouraging emails with nice words, your personal stories and nice pictures. I'm especially happy to hear from people who are new to the idea of chastity. Tell me if this story inspired you to try it. Mail me at

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Next: Chapter 7

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