Roommate Keyholder

By moc.liamatut@seirotsahc

Published on Dec 28, 2015



All characters and situations are fictional. This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you want to read or that is illegal for you to read, please stop.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising. E-Mail contact to talk about the story, give critique, ask questions or send messages or pictures of your own adventures is ok. This story already has several chapters written, so any requests will probably not be worked into it for a rather long time. Ideas and wishes are always welcome anyways.

That was the end of that discussion. As soon as we had "agreed" on a time frame Greg had pocketed the keys and started telling me about his time back at home. My mind was racing and I could barely concentrate. I had really just been locked up by my roommate and would not get out of my cage for another four nights. That alone made me want to break free right that moment. But no such luck.

We spent the rest of the day like we always would. Talking, watching a movie, playing some video games. It was too normal. Greg was so completely unmoved by my whole revelation that I wasn't sure whether it relaxed me too or made me even more nervous. Every now and then I would forget about the cage around my cock until I moved in a certain way and felt it. Immediately I would get aroused again.

The first time I noticed a change in our dynamic was when Greg came back from the showers. He was wearing a towel as usual and undressed in front of me. That part was normal. Shyness just didn't come natural to him. However, something about his movement seemed different this time. Where normally he was completely casual about walking around naked it felt somehow more deliberate this time. Like there was a purpose this time. It might have just been my hormone fueled imagination but it felt as if he was trying to make me look. And I did look. I looked at his nice, muscular butt and when he turned around I admired his beautiful pecs and abs that were covered in neatly trimmed hair that lead a trail down to his cock that seemed even bigger today than I remembered.

"Dude, you gotta shower too if you wanna come to the cafeteria with me. You haven't left the room all day!"

I got up and looked for my shower utensils and my towel. Normally I would wrap my towel around me and discretely strip out of my underwear but that just seemed ridiculous now. Why would I hide my cock from the man that controlled it? So I just quickly undressed, wrapped the towel around my waist and rushed out the door.

As I was walking down the hallway I realized that this was the first time that I had left my room with the cage on. I had always unlocked long enough to go to the showers before today. Looking down I saw a bulge in the front of my towel and I was sure that everyone would know exactly what I was hiding underneath it. I vowed to deal with my paranoia long enough to at least get somewhat clean.

The bathroom at least provided some privacy. The two shower stalls each had opaque curtains and only 7 other people actually used it so I would probably be alone anyway. I let the hot water run over my body and lathered myself up. The sensation of touching my own skin was enough to get me riled up again. I took extra special care of cleaning my private parts. The design of the metal cage allowed enough access to ensure proper hygiene thankfully. I considered playing with my ass for a moment but stopped myself in the end. I was four nights away from getting unlocked and I shouldn't make it any worse.

The rest of the day was rather normal. We spent some time in the cafeteria and I tried hard not to think about my locked up dick while we hung out with some of our friends. The night on the other hand was pretty difficult. Not only was I acutely aware of Greg's naked body that was just a few feet away from me. My horniness just wouldn't stop and it took me forever to fall asleep.

The next day was pretty much the same. Only now I was getting more confident in my assessment that Greg was toying with me a little bit because he definitely took his time when he was changing clothes. Other than that though he acted as if nothing had happened between us which was as much a relief as it was a disappointment. After having had the opportunity to talk about it for once it was a bit of a letdown to be back to dealing with this on my own. It was still incredibly hot though to know that I was now no longer in control and that I had already broken my previous record.

The feeling I had was indescribable. Briefly I thought about looking for the hidden emergency key but that seemed like a stupid idea. Why would I self-sabotage when I finally had someone who was helping me? Had I had access to the keys I would have unlocked immediately and spent an embarrassingly short amount of time in front of some internet porn and would probably be drenched in my own fluids within seconds. I couldn't go half an hour without thinking about sex. Knowing that I didn't have the option made it a lot easier though. Self-control is easy when it's really someone else that controls you.

The next evening Greg asked me to go out with him and a few of his soccer teammates. I declined because I didn't think I could take being around a group of hot guys while being drunk, horny and locked up. So I stayed at home and watched some porn which only frustrated me more. Three more nights I thought and decided to go to bed early, hoping it would make my release day come sooner.

I was once again woken up by the sound of Greg entering our room. He wasn't alone though. I heard some giggling and rustling of clothes being removed.

"Are you sure your roommate is asleep?" A female voice.

"Yeah, don't worry. He sleeps like a stone." Both of them were obviously quite tipsy. "And he wouldn't perv on you anyways, he's gay."

I wanted to give them their privacy. I really did. But I just couldn't help myself. When I heard the telltale noises of drunk sex I opened my eyes just enough to see what was going on. Immediately I filled my cage up. The street lanterns made the room bright enough to see Greg's entire backside and he pounded away at some girl I couldn't even see under his massive frame. I could only hear her moan in pleasure whenever in pelvis descendent. I watched closely as he picked up his rhythm. Observed the muscles in his gorgeous ass working with every thrust. I didn't even notice at first that Greg was looking at me now.

When I finally met his gaze I wanted to look away but I didn't. He stared at me so intently that I couldn't turn my head away even If I tried. He wasn't smiling but I could see that he wasn't mad. It was more of an invitation that I gladly accepted. He picked up the pace and I could see the pearls of sweat that were forming on his back. His expression changed to one of intense pleasure and I could see that he was close to coming. My own cock was twitching in its prison. I reached down to adjust it and felt the slick feeling of precum in my underpants.

"Are you ready?", he asked.

"Yeah!", moaned the girl but I knew the question wasn't for her. It was directed at me. I nodded almost imperceptibly and just moments later Greg thrust into her once more and left out a load groan. His body shook but he never broke eye contact with me until his orgasm was over. At that point I was finally able to close my eyes, roll over and pretend to sleep.

We didn't speak about this incident the next morning. Not a single word. When I woke up the girl was gone already and Greg was dressed and ready to go to the library. Once again we spent the next two days and nights pretending everything was completely normal other than Greg's sudden inability to change his clothes in a reasonable time.

Finally, it was my release day and I was more than ready to get out of this cage. I didn't know though what time Greg would give me the keys back so I spent all day on edge. When he came home that evening I was probably looking like a puppy that was waiting by the door for its owner to come back because Greg laughed as soon as he saw me.

"That desperate already?"

"You have no idea how difficult this was."

"But it's what you wanted, isn't it?"

"Oh, yes. Don't get me wrong. It was difficult but I am so fucking grateful that you are doing this for me. This was without a doubt on of the best experiences in my life. You wouldn't believe how fucking horny I am."

"So, do you really want me to unlock you then? Or is that just your basic instinct talking?"

"No, I really, really want to jerk off now." I was getting nervous.

"I read up a bit on your fetish. And I've seen people that were locked up for way longer. Six days seems kind of beginner territory."

"Well, I guess. I am a beginner though. And it's not like I have any chance to use this pent up energy. No boyfriend in sight. So I'm just doing this for myself."

"You did enjoy the show the other night though, didn't you? It was the first time you were ever brave enough to watch me with a girl. That was pretty hot I have to say."

I was quite embarrassed. Of course I knew that he had noticed me but I had thought that we would just ignore that. I decided to go into the offensive for once. "Well, you did seem to be turned on by being watched."

Greg laughed. He wasn't embarrassed at all. "Yeah, I have to admit. I do enjoy a bit of an audience. You might have noticed that I have a slight exhibitionist streak."


The conversation wasn't helping with my horniness problem. My dick was once again testing the boundaries of its cage. But it seemed like I wasn't the only one that was turned on now. Greg hand was suspiciously groping his own bulge that looked even more pronounced than usually.

"So", he said and stared me down. "Are you up for a little offer? You agree to an additional night of lock up and in exchange you get to watch me jerk off right now. With the lights on this time."

"Yes!", I blurted out before I even realized what I was agreeing to. This was getting really weird. I had agreed to Greg keeping my keys away from me but now things were getting really complicated. I didn't want him to freak out after coming and ending our friendship. But that didn't really seem like something that Greg would do. It didn't matter much though. Greg was already unbuttoning his shirt and I could feel my mental resistance falter with every button.

"Why do you want me locked up for longer though?"

"I dunno. I'm just more comfortable with this when your cock is out of the equation, that's all."

I just nodded and watched as he slowly pulled down his pants. His cock was already semi-erect underneath his boxers. He sat back on his bed and let his hands travel over his torso. When he reached his crotch he pushed his hand underneath his waistband and began to fondle his crotch.

All thoughts of regretting my decision where gone by the time he got his now fully erect cock out from underneath the thin fabric. It was the first time I had seen his cock hard and it was all I could have wished for. His thick shaft was at least eight full inches with a nice big head had was still covered by a bit of foreskin that he moved up and down slowly. At the base two big low-hanging balls tensed up every time his hand moved down.

I watched him intently savoring every minute of his performance and memorizing every detail about his hard physique - from the exact shade of purple of his head to the vein on the underside of his shaft. All the while he was watching me too. It wasn't too long before his breathing was getting heavier and his movements faster.

"Ah, fuck it", he said. "Undress and kneel down!"


"I want to see your cage. Undress and kneel down on the floor."

I clearly wasn't thinking straight with this perfect specimen of a man giving me instructions while jerking off in front of me because I did exactly what he told me. I was completely naked and on my knees watching him as he stood up.

"Don't move!" I wasn't going to. He positioned himself a few feet in front of me, his cock right in front of my face. Instinctively I opened my mouth. "No, close your mouth!" I did as I was told leaking in my cage.

He jerked even faster and started to groan loudly. "Stay still! I'm coming!" With that saw the first spurt of come shoot out of his cock and hit me in the face. I closed my eyes just before another one hit me. Two more spurts splashed me in my face before it was over. I stayed still. I smelled the salty aroma of his load that was slowly dripping down my face, too nervous to do anything about it. My cock was still bouncing in its cage. Even more so now that I had gotten an unexpected facial. What had I gotten myself into?

Moments later I felt a piece of cloth wipe the jizz off my face. When he was done I opened my eyes and so him naked ass as he turned away to throw his shorts into the laundry basket. I quickly licked my lips to steal a tiny taste of his essence before he turned around again.

"Well, that was fun for me." I couldn't exactly complain either. Just that I was hornier than ever and still had to wait until tomorrow to finally jerk off.

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Next: Chapter 3

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