Roommate Keyholder

By moc.liamatut@seirotsahc

Published on Apr 1, 2018



All characters and situations are fictional. This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you want to read or that is illegal for you to read, please stop.

Chapter 19

It was day 41 when I finally found the right key and got to unlock. Looking back on it, it didn't really feel that long. With the ice cubes, Mikey and Greg, the hypno sessions and the blog, I was so preoccupied with different sexual outlets that I wasn't as bothered with not getting to jerk off. That is not to say that it didn't properly fuck with my mind. It truly did. The constant thoughts of sex were such an unavoidable part of my life now. But they were also subtly changing. I rarely fantasized about unlocking and jerking off. I fantasized about Mikey and Greg and how I could please them.

Still, I was relieved when the key finally worked. I immediately called Mikey and scheduled a date for that evening. A long, romantic night, were he teased me mercilessly, keeping me on edge until he was shooting his cum inside of me and finally let me reach my climax. Thankfully, this wasn't a single one. He didn't lock me up again immediately.

I had been unlocked for about ten days when Greg approached me for a talk. He asked me to stay in that evening because he had something to discuss.

"Well, you know that this semester is almost over and I told you about Lucas wanting to transfer here", he started and my heart sank. I hadn't really thought about the future. I had planned to spend the summer here, working some odd jobs and starting the next semester in the same room again. I had just assumed that Greg didn't have any other plans either.

"Well, see. Out of curiosity, I have been looking at some apartments and I actually found something that would be really great."

"Oh", I said. I didn't know how to react. Greg was obviously free to move in with his friend but it still hurt. We weren't in a relationship or anything, but still. It stung.

"So, would you be interested?", he asked.


"Well, you, me, Lucas. And possibly Mikey if you were up for that. I haven't talked to him yet. I thought you should decide whether we should invite him as well, he's your boyfriend after all. The place is big enough. It's a bit off campus but it's easy to reach by public transport. It's also affordable. Especially if we decide to split it by four."

In my mind, I was jumping up and down in excitement. The thought of moving in together with both my boyfriend, my keyholder and his sexy friend was too much. How could he even think that he would have to ask me? Of course, I said yes.

And Mikey wasn't hesitating either. It wasn't just the thought of moving in with his boyfriend. It also turned him on to move in with two other hot men that would get to use said boyfriend. And it would save money as well. He also took that as an opportunity to lock me up again. He said that I should focus my energy on the move and that my cock would only be a distraction. Honestly, it seemed like an excuse and that he would have locked me up anyway. But I didn't mind.

So, the plans were quickly put into place and the lease was signed. The place Greg had found was quite extraordinary. A small house with four separate bedrooms, a big garage and even a small garden that was surrounded by bushes. We would have so much more privacy than in the dorms. I couldn't help but think of all the possibilities that this would bring with it.

As soon as we had signed all the necessary documents, Mikey said that it was time for me to lock up again. He said I should focus my energy on the moving process and that it would be that much more rewarding when we finally moved in together and we could all have a nice celebration, with me already horned up.

Unsurprisingly, given that we were three college students and one young man, the private celebration soon morphed into a house warming party. I don't remember who initially brought up the idea but we all agreed that it would be a great idea. It was the beginning of summer, the end of the school year, Lucas would need to get to know some people. Everyone was itching for a great party.

In the end, we spend almost more time planning the party than we did fixing up the place. Greg and Lucas' rooms on the ground floor were both filled with Ikea furniture in one afternoon and me and Mikey decided to stay together in one room on the second floor. We took a lot of Mikey's existing furniture and only bought a few additional pieces. The rest of the house, kitchen, bathroom and living room, were all already filled and looking good enough for us not to bother changing much. The last room, which was up and additional level of stairs and basically an attic was left vacated for now.

The party on the other hand was what we really put effort into. Kegs of beer, hard liquor, some weed. Snack food, loudspeaker and even some decoration. We were expecting around seventy people all together. I think, it was Greg who had initially suggested that it would be a costume party. I had thought that costume parties weren't really much of a thing anymore but he insisted. He went so far as to say that it was mandatory for the guests. No one would get in without some type of costume. I thought it would be kind of fun and we all agreed.

In the days leading up to the party, we all discussed our various ideas for costumes. Mikey wanted to be a firefighter, which I heartily encouraged. Lucas was going to go as a baseball player. Greg was very clear that he would be going the traditional route. A toga. I hadn't really given it much thought and was tossing out ideas when Greg stopped me.

"I know a costume for you", he said. "I'll get it for you. It'll be a surprise."

As always, when Greg was suggesting something, I agreed.

The day of the party was also the first official day of us living there. We had barely had time to stow away all of our belongings before starting the preparations. The guests were scheduled to arrive at eight, so when I was still in my sweatpants at 7:30, I was getting nervous. Mikey and Lucas were ready, but looking sexy in their costumes.

When the first guests knocked on the door, Greg told those two to open it and whisked me away into his room.

"Undress!", he said and I stripped down to my underwear.

"All of it!", he demanded.

Getting naked in front of him wasn't really a big deal anymore. Still, I chubbed up a bit in my cage while looking at his sexy body in the toga. Those muscular legs and torso out in the air.

When he handed me my costume, I was a bit incredulous.

"That's it?", I asked. There was barely any fabric.

"It's a Tarzan costume. Put it on!"

I did and my expectations were even surpassed. The loincloth, a thin wild leathery fabric, stopped maybe five inches below my cage. And the piece on my ass wasn't much better. They weren't even fully connected to each other. Only a liana made of a rough thread and some fake leaves was wrapped around my waste, holding up the two pieces of fabric that were supposed to cover me. Another, thicker liana was wrapping around my torso and shoulders and back down the other side. That was it. It didn't even come with any type of shoes.

"Greg, I can't walk out in this", I protested.

"Sure you can. I didn't drag you to the gym all that time for you to hide your body. Go and show it off. I'm sure Mikey will have to pick his tongue up off the ground."

That wasn't really what I meant. Although he was right. I had been working out and was pretty proud of what I had accomplished by now. I hadn't been out of shape before but there was some noticeable improvement.

"But what if anyone sees my cage?"

"Well, I guess you'll have to be careful, huh?"

I simply nodded. I was still nervous about this but I couldn't deny that it was exciting me. My biggest problem would probably be my cock leaking out from underneath he loincloth the entire time.

"Oh, I forgot one thing", he said, grinning. "I also want to you have this!"

It was the remote-controlled butt plug.

The party was a blast. All of our invited friends - and a lot of potential new ones - came. As instructed, everyone did actually come in costume, which was greatly appreciated. Some of them were quite funny but mostly I was concentrating on the great tradition of college-aged people to dress as provocative as possible.

With the added pleasure from the plug that Greg activated in irregular intervals, my cock was leaking from all the eye-candy around. Thank god, it was locked up or it would poke out from those goddamn tiny pieces of fabric that covered my crotch. I was nervous at first that something would still show but thankfully it seemed that Greg had eyeballed my size well enough not to out me as a pervert to several dozens of people. The ever increasing amount of alcohol and weed that I had consumed by now was also helping.

An hour or two into the party, Greg gave me the OK to remove the plug, which I was thankful for. It was hot but also very distracting. I walked to the bathroom were 3 other people were already waiting. I already wanted to change my direction and go to my room when Jake, Greg's friend, saw me. He was waiting as well.

"Hey!", I greeted him and tried not to stare too much at his half-exposed body. He was wearing a cop uniform that was very clearly not up to regular dress code.

He greeted me back and we chatted a bit. After a while, he began complaining about the lack of movement in the line.

"I'm sure there's someone fucking in there. No-one needs this long to go to the bathroom", he said. "Which reminds me, do you want to go to your room for a bit?"

I laughed. I hadn't expected that. After his aggressive fucking the last time, he hadn't seemed very interested in a repeat performance but I was certainly up for it. We snuck away to my room and he pulled down his blue cop shorts.

Without much hesitation, I took him in my mouth but instead of letting me suck him off, he held my head still.

"Nah, I need to pee dude", he said and let it flow. Once again, his piss took me by surprise. It wasn't something that I was used to or particularly into. But now that he was already pissing I thought nothing of swallowing it. It was clearly a turn on for him to assert his dominance this way and I was more than willing to do that for him. Plus, I was already a bit drunk so I was quite uninhibited.

"Fuck, this feels so nice", he said. "Yeah, drink it! Drink it all!"

When he was finally done, I geared up to suck him off, but instead he pulled out and zipped up his shorts again. "Later", he said. "Let's get back to the party." I quickly removed my plug and followed him.

Back in the main area, everyone was clearly getting into it. There wasn't a single sober person in sight and the air in the room was heavy with smoke. Our sofa area was packed with people, apparently playing a drinking game. Greg was there and he called me over.

"Come here", he said but there was no place to sit. I tried to tell him but instead he just pulled me onto his lap and handed me a cup full of indistinguishable liquor that I was meant to sip whenever something happened in the game that I didn't fully understand.

When we had been playing for a while and the game was getting messier and messier, I noticed that Greg's cock was getting hard. It had found its way from underneath the toga to my butt cheeks where it was resting. Slowly, I began to rub up against it, which only made it harder.

"You tease", Greg whispered and I laughed. I looked across the room to make sure that no one was noticing my movements but it was clear that everyone was too caught up in the game and too drunk to notice anything really, so I kept gyrating.

"If you keep going, I'm ..." he said but didn't finish. My hip movements were clearly working for him. But then he pushed be off a bit, just far enough that I was worried about him revealing his erection to the crowd. Instead, he grabbed my hips again and pulled me down, directly onto his cock. Thankfully, I was still lubed up from the plug, so it went in with relative ease. Still, the shock made me gasp.

Sitting down, I waited to make sure that my noise hadn't alerted anyone but they were all still concentrating on the game. Then, very slowly and subtly, Greg began to move. Immediately my cock began to leak in its cage. The thought of having my keyholder's big cock up my ass while I was practically naked, sitting only a few feet away from several friends and strangers was turning me on like nothing else. I met his movements and I could feel him getting even harder. I wasn't the only one getting turned on by this it seemed.

It didn't even take a minute for him to finish. He took great pains to stifle a moan and I could feel his thighs trembling beneath me. With one deep push, he let go and sprayed me with his cum. I was just floored that this had happened.

We sat like this for a while, waiting for his cock to go down a bit before we stealthily pulled it out of my ass. Still, he kept me sitting in his lap, keeping his cum inside of me while we continued playing.

I kept his load inside of me for the rest of the evening. I had sobered up a bit from the rush of the experience and spent the rest of the night talking to friends, dancing and simply enjoying myself like anyone would. The cage wasn't really something I thought about much.

Only later in the evening, when all the guests began to go home did I notice the way Greg, Mikey and Lucas were looking at each other. And Jake was also suspiciously uninterested in leaving our home. Soon enough everyone seemed to have left. I sat down on the living room floor and leaned against one of the support beams, honestly spent form a night of partying. Still, I suspected that my night wasn't over.

Indeed, as soon as they had finished the rest of their drinks and their joint, the guys walked over to me. I wanted to stand up again and find a nice spot to have some fun but Greg pushed me down by my shoulders. They circled in tight around me and one by one began unpacking their cocks.

It was a sight to behold. All those cocks were for me. I began to work my way through them. Sucking one while jerking two others, alternating between them so nobody was left out for two long. They were all moaning and encouraging me. Telling me how good it felt.

"Yeah, take it deeper", someone moaned.

"Yeah, fuck his face", said Jake.

I tried my best to give great blowjobs but I was probably getting kind of sloppy. It was disorienting to have them all circle me this close, shoving their dicks in my face. At some point I could have sworn that there were even more cocks coming at me. I was still in a drunken haze were I wasn't really aware of everything that was going on around me but still I wanted to perform well. Cock, after cock, after cock. It seemed to never end.

After a while I could hear Greg say something, going away and coming back really soon. I didn't realize what he was doing at first but he had grabbed a camera and something else. He began to take pictures of me with all of their cocks on my face or in my mouth. He ripped away the flimsy fabric of my costume, leaving my locked cock to be exposed. The flash blinded me when I tried to look up so I didn't really see what else he was doing.

Then I felt something drip in my face. I recognized the musky smell and the thick texture. I thought someone had come on me but the temperature wasn't right. It wasn't the hot feeling of cum, but rather cold. When even more liquid hit my face I realized what was happening. Greg had thawed the remaining cum cubes and was pouring them slowly onto my face. I let go of the dick in my mouth and opened up wide. As he poured more and more into my mouth, I tried to swallow it all but it was too much. I spilled all over my face, down my chest. Now I couldn't even open my eyes anymore but I could still see the faint flashes of his camera as he snapped away.

When all the loads were poured over me, I went back to sucking them all of. Finally, I felt them getting closer. Their moans louder, their breathing heavier and their cocks even harder. The first one I think was Mikey. He was clearly turned on by what was happening to his boyfriend and the sight of those straight guys that were joining in on this. I sucked up most of it but quite a bit landed on my face.

Next I thought was Jake, since that dick didn't seem familiar enough to be Greg or Lucas. I swallowed all of it down and took him really deep, sucking till I had every last drop. When he withdrew, he was immediately replaced by Lucas who was already on the edge of an orgasm. He shot his load within a second and moaned heavily.

"Damn, that was great. Thanks for sharing guys", I heard a heavily slurred voice that I suspected was Jake's. But then I felt another cock that clearly wasn't Greg pushing into my mouth. That was Jake. Then who was...? But I didn't have enough time to contemplate as Jake was already fucking me hard. I had to concentrate on taking his rough rhythm. Soon his pushes became irregular and I could feel his load hit the back of my throat.

Then, finally, was Greg's turn. Since I already had one of his loads in my ass, I hadn't even been sure if he was ready again but he had turned himself on enough with this display of my submissiveness and devotion to pleasing the men around me. Within a few strokes and licks, he came with a long drawn out groan that sounded as satisfied as anything I'd ever heard. He let his dick soak in my cum-filled mouth for a while before I sucked it clean. My head still leaned against the beam, I tried to fish for my loincloth and wipe away some of the cum from my face so I could open my eyes again.

I looked up and saw all of them grinning at me. But there were only the four of them.

"Who else was here?", I asked. "Was that the guy from that time you had me blindfolded? Did you invite him?"

Greg shook his head. "Nope. Not me. Honestly, I have no idea who that was. I thought we were alone. Guys?"

They all shook their head. "I think I've seen him around campus ones or twice", said Jake. "No idea who he is though. I thought he was a friend of yours and knew about this?"

"Not from me." Again, everyone shook their heads.

"So, some random guest stayed here and saw us all start to fuck his face and in his drunk state decided to get his dick wet as well?", Jake asked incredulously and began to laugh.

With some delay the absurdity of it all began to come clear as one by one they joined the laughter, while I thought about my situation. Sitting on the floor in the middle of my new living room, covered in numerous loads of cum, after having giving a blowjob to three roommates, one sort-of friend and a complete stranger, the last one without even knowing. I couldn't have been more content.

Well, I hope you guys still enjoy my stories. I know I take my time between chapters, I'm sorry. I honestly don't think there will be a lot more chapters to this story but we'll see. I'm currently developing and entirely different series that I hope to premiere soon. I just want to have a few chapters ready before starting to publish so that you guys don't have to wait too long between each one. Maybe I'll come back to this one later.

My stories: (sent in with a disposable email address a while ago)

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