Roommate Keyholder

By moc.liamatut@seirotsahc

Published on Nov 6, 2017



All characters and situations are fictional. This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you want to read or that is illegal for you to read, please stop.

Chapter 17

Sucking my way through cube after cube of frozen cum was both hot as fuck and excruciatingly long. Somewhere around cube eight, I had started filming myself in the process. In my mind, now that I had already posted pictures and videos of my face, it didn't really matter much anymore and I could freely increase my exposure online. People seemed to enjoy the idea and encouraged me to keep posting, so I made a quick video of every cube.

Between the cubes, Greg and Mikey, I was getting enough cum start worrying about my weight. Sometimes, to keep it interesting, I wouldn't swallow it but rather slick up a big dildo and sit down on it, fucking myself for a little while before trying the key. After I was once again disappointed, I would keep riding the dildo for another minute or two - all on camera again.

I was on cube 25 when Greg once again interrupted my new routine. When he had summoned me, I had simply thought it was time for me to go down on him or get fucked but he had something different in mind.

"So, actually I have to preface this with something. What I'm about to ask of you now isn't a request as per our agreement. It is a favor that I ask of you and I only do it because I think you would enjoy it, even if you were hesitant", he explained. "You are free to say no but I would like you to say yes."

"Okay?" I wondered what it was that he might need from me.

"So, you know that my buddies and I often take bets on our performances during a game. Nothing big mostly, some rounds of beer or so. Well, this time Jake, you know him, the big, cocky guy, suggested something else. He wanted the loser to procure a whore for the winner." He grinned sheepishly.

Oh, oh. I knew where this was going.

"I know, it's stupid. But I took the bet and as you might have guessed, I lost. So, now I have to send him a hooker. But first, I have never paid for sex so I don't even really know how. And secondly, I think it would be a fucking waste of money, given that I have free access to all the blowjobs and fucking I could ever need."

"Isn't he going to expect a girl?"

"Well, yeah", Greg said. "But he's a bit of a horn dog. Talks a big game and would never admit it to the guys but I'm sure he would take the offer."

And so, that evening I was standing in front of Jake's door. It had taken some time for me to talk myself into this. Greg had said it was simply a favor and that I could say no. But realistically, I really didn't have it in me to deny him. Plus, I was more than twenty days into my current lock-up, so turning down any chance at getting a good dick in me was unrealistic. The only thing I was hesitant about was Jake's reaction, so Greg assured me that he would be in the common area outside Jake's room for a while. If anything would go wrong, I had someone close, looking out for me.

So finally, I knocked. Jake answered the door in his uniform. Apparently, he had just come back from a workout himself. He looked puzzled when he saw me. Sure, we knew of each other but our interactions had been limited to polite head nods in the halls or possibly being in the same group discussion at a party.


"Greg sent me", I said. That didn't really clear things up but he let me in anyway.

"Sorry for the mess. My roommate's out of town so I really got lazy." As he said that, he actually began taking of his shirt and wiping the sweat off his body. "So, what's up?"

I gulped. "Well, you see..." I was choking on the words. How do you even bring up something like that. "Well, Greg told me about your bet. That he lost and that he needs to send you someone to fuck."

"Yeah, so?" Obviously, this wasn't really in his frame of reference of what could possibly happen.

"Yeah, so... Greg send me here."

That seemed to do the trick. Jake stopped dead in his tracks, turned towards me and stared me down.

"Dude, what? Are you pranking me right now?"

"No", I just said. "Greg told me to offer myself to you."

"He told you? Wait? Are you actually a hooker? Is that a thing? Gay hookers?"

"Yes, I mean. Gay hookers exist but I'm not a hooker technically. Well, not technically. Not at all. I'm not getting paid. But I do kind of fill the same role, in a way. I'm kind of an easy lay that Greg doesn't have to worry about too much. Just fuck whenever he feels like it."

Jake seemed absolutely stunned. "Greg is gay?"

"No! No! I'm sorry. I'm explaining this really bad. Fuck, no. It's just. We have a bit of a weird, kinky thing going on. It was almost accidental but I'm a bit submissive and Greg helped me out with telling me what to do and that somehow lead to him getting to use me."

"What, so you suck him off and get fucked by him and get nothing in return?"

"Well, I like that."

"And he gets to tell you who else to sleep with?"

"Apparently. This isn't really well-tread territory for me either. But I'd be glad to work off Greg's debt to you", I said.

"Well, hot damn." I could see the wheels in his head turning. Clearly, this wasn't something he had expected. "But I'm not gay, like. I really don't get off on rubbing dicks or whatever."

"Well, that's not how... Well, you don't have to worry about my dick. That isn't part of this deal", I said and pulled down my waistband enough for the cage to pop out. "Greg doesn't either. As I said. He gets to use me. This isn't about me getting off."

"Wait. You don't even get to jerk off when he fucks you? Then what's the point?"

"I just like to be of service, I guess."

He was silent for I while, while I stood there with my waistband tucked underneath my locked package. Since he hadn't thrown me out yet, my initial fears of an overreaction were quickly subsiding.

"Honestly, this is kind of hilarious. Like, dude. I know everyone has got their stuff but how can you look yourself in the mirror after this." He laughed. "Well, if you want to be treated like a whore, that's fine by me. Come on, get down on your knees and come here!"

I did as I was told. I sank down on my knees and crawled over to him. I stopped just inches away from his crotch, not wanting to push him too fast. Instead of taking off his shorts, he sat down on his bed behind him.

"Take off my shoes!", he ordered.

I did as I was told. Both of them, then the socks. He didn't have to say anything more as he pushed his feet against my palms. I began massaging them, gentle at first and then firmly when he began to show appreciation for it by moaning deeply.

"Fuck yeah, that's nice. Grab me a beer from the mini fridge." I gave it to him and watched him crack it open while I went back to massaging his feet. Next thing I knew he was pushing his right foot towards my face. It was clear what he wanted so I began rubbing it in my face, licking the sole and then the toes, gently sucking on them and playing with them in my mouth.

"Oh, yeah. Does that get you hard in your little cage?", he asked as his second foot kicked me lightly in the crotch. I winced at that but had to admit that it did indeed make me strain quite hard. The pushy, dominant attitude certainly had its appeal. He switched feet and I went to work on the second one until he finished his beer.

When I handed him the second one, he grabbed my head and pushed me directly into his crotch. I could feel his hard cock through the fabric and I loved it. I breathed in deeply, smelling the musky aroma of fresh sweat that only made my own cock ache more.

"Do you want it, whore? Do you want to suck it?"

"Yes!", I moaned into the fabric.

"Yes, what, bitch?"

"Yes, Sir!"

That seemed to satisfy him as he pulled down the waistband and let me access his cock. I started out slow but immediately he grabbed my head and began pushing me down in an aggressive rhythm. It wasn't bad enough to make be gag but I definitively had to compose myself. All the while he kept telling me to suck it good and how much he enjoyed fucking my face.

When he had finally pushed me deep enough to feel me struggle, he let me back up, grabbed my hair tight again and pulled me up towards him. My face landed right in his armpit, where he held me, pressing me against the moist, warm flesh. I inhaled deeply and then licked across the trimmed dark hair. The saltiness was distinct but it wasn't a bad flavor at all. If it weren't for the slight humiliation of it all, I wouldn't have thought twice about doing it again. It actually turned me on even more.

Soon I realized, that Jake wasn't one for patience. After the armpits I was ordered to lick his balls and taint, with his thighs holding me tight against them.

"Fuck yeah, bitch, that's good. I can't believe you are doing this."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of licking and kissing his entire body, he ordered me to strip. For starters, he told me to ride his cock as he was drinking his now third beer. The alcohol was clearly helping him relax and enjoy this more.

His cock was nice and big but nothing I couldn't easily handle, so I sat down on his slicked up cock and took it all in relatively fast.

"Damn, you are really a bit of a slut, aren't you? Yeah, keep fucking yourself on my cock. Show me how your own useless little dick bounces around while you take a real man's cock. Fuck yeah!"

For a while, I did all the work, fucking myself and leaking a generous amount of cum on his abs. When he had finally finished his beer, he pushed me off and onto the bed. I went into a doggy position but instead of getting up and keep on fucking me, he pushed my head towards his cock and made me suck it again. I was shocked but did it anyway, not wanting to say no to him.

"Fuck, you dirty little slut. Yeah, keep slicking it up again." Then he positioned himself at my back again but instead of doggy, he pushed me on my stomach and then rammed his shaft in in one decisive motion. I screamed, more from surprise than from pain.

Mere seconds later, as Jake was picking up the pace, the door flung open and Greg stood there.

"What is going ..."

But as Jake simply kept fucking me, I began to moan involuntarily and it became clear to him that I was alright. Still, he mouthed a silent "everything okay?" in my direction.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Jake laughed. "Your little bitch is simply overwhelmed by finally getting a real man's cock. Now get out. You gave him to me for the evening."

Greg relented and closed the door. Right thereafter, Jake grabbed the back of my head and pushed me into the pillow as he picked up his pace even more. Muffling my moans of excitement and shock as he almost violently fucked me.

"Are you ready bitch? Do you want me to seed your hole?"

"Yes, Sir! Please!", I moaned into the pillow and he somehow got even faster, pushing the entire length of his shaft inside and out, again and again, until he finally groaned that he was coming. He pushed on more time, deep inside of me and stayed there as he pumped load after load inside my hole.

Before I could even process the intense feeling, he had pulled out and spun me around, once again ramming his cock into my mouth.

"Clean off my cum, bitch!", he told me as he pulled me with him into a sitting position again. He leaned back against his headboard, keeping my head on his dick as I cleaned of all the remaining cum. Slowly he began to deflate but kept me suckling on his cock, even after he was completely flaccid.

Which his hands firmly on my head, I now had his entire cock inside of my mouth.

"You ready, bitch?"

I hadn't even realized what he was talking about when the first stream hit the back of my throat. I was so startled that I almost let his cock go but somehow I had the presence of mind to start swallowing. With more time to think, I might have spat it out but once I had started, I could only think of not to let anything spill, so I swallowed mouth-full after mouth-full of his hot piss. I couldn't believe it.

"Oh, I knew you would do it", he taunted me as he kept letting it flow. When finally he had stopped, I had a moment to breath and I realized that it hadn't been as bad as I would have assumed. It was a weird taste but it certainly wasn't disgusting if you didn't know what it was. Still, I felt this weird sense of humiliation but also pride at having managed to take it all. Embarrassed that he had made me do that but somehow grateful? And above all, I felt horny as evidenced by the ever more constricting bars of my cage.

Still, he wouldn't let me get up. "Keep sucking. I got you for the whole night and I'm sure I'll be ready for round two real soon!"

Well, I hope you guys still enjoy my stories. New chapters are in the pipeline, so keep checking back.

Other stories: (sent in with a disposable email address a while ago)

Next: Chapter 18

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