Roommate Keyholder

By moc.liamatut@seirotsahc

Published on Sep 10, 2017



All characters and situations are fictional. This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you want to read or that is illegal for you to read, please stop.

Chapter 15

That night I was tossing and turning. Having my cock locked again so soon after my first orgasm in three weeks had quite the effect on me. I really couldn't collect my thoughts. I was swinging between arousal and anxiety. On the one hand, I was super happy that I was in this situation, to have a boyfriend and a keyholder. Two amazing guys that gave me exactly what I had been fantasizing about all this time. Still, there was this nagging voice in my head that made me question whether I had rushed in this situation too fast. Was I really ready to give up so much control over my sex life?

Greg must have felt that something wasn't sitting right with me, because he asked me the next day if everything was all right. I hesitated.

"Paul, part of our agreement was that you would be honest with me. This whole domination thing can't work if I don't know what goes through your mind."

He was right. So, I explained my concerns as best as I could. I tried to make sure that he knew that this wasn't his or Mikey's fault. That they were doing everything exactly the way I had always hoped. That it was just that the reality of my situation was setting in and I was having a small moment of panic.

"If you want to, we can set pause this thing?", he offered. "Maybe we did rush things a bit."

"No!", I almost shouted. As soon as he had said it, I knew that that was absolutely not what I wanted. We talked some more and Greg was really understanding that it was just a bit much. I was sure that this wouldn't last long and was partially because I had just shot my load and was back to square one. Once I was locked for a few days, I would be back to my submissive, horny self, I assured him.

Still, he reiterated that he would be willing to let me off the hook for a while until I was sure again that this was what I wanted. Even that kind of helped. Knowing that he cared enough about my sanity in this situation was a comforting feeling.

That day, he didn't make any advances and weirdly enough I was okay with that. I would have gladly swallowed his cock or got fucked by him but an evening of quiet contemplation was just as nice.

The next day, he had a surprise for me. He told me to get dressed and follow him. He wouldn't tell me where we were going. After a short ride of maybe fifteen minutes, we arrived at an expensive- looking apartment complex. We went in and took the elevator to the third floor where Greg looked for a door and knocked.

"Hello, you must be Greg", a man opened the door. He was tall and quite handsome, about 35 years old. He wore a nice button-down shirt and jeans. "And you are Paul, I assume?"

I nodded. We all shook hand as the man introduces himself as Neil. He led us into his apartment, which was beautifully decorated. Modern furniture and huge windows that let in a lot of light. He poured each of us a glass of wine and asked us to sit down in the living room. I still had no idea what I was doing here.

"So, Greg tells me that you are having some difficulty with your sex life lately?"

I almost chocked on my drink. "What? Uhm... I mean."

"It's okay", said Neil. "Greg brought you here to talk to me. This stuff is kind of my specialty. Now, just to make this clear. I am not a licensed therapist or anything like that. I just do this as a hobby."

A hobby sex therapist? That was Greg's surprise? I didn't quite know what to think. But what the hell. I told him about our arrangement and how it had come to grow into something more formal and how I had kind of panicked after my latest lock-up. Greg added his own version from time to time. How he enjoyed dominating me but not wanting to pressure me into something that wasn't part of the fantasy. He wanted to push my boundaries, for sure, but he didn't want to do anything that I didn't want to do.

After we were done talking, Neil simply said that he thought he could help and that he would be glad to do so. I felt like he was mostly talking to Greg now. That apparently was Greg's cue to leave. He told me to enjoy the session, said goodbye to Neil and left.

"So, you still seem somewhat confused, huh? I'm sensing Greg didn't really tell you a lot about what I do?"

"Not really, no."

"Well, as I said. I am not a licensed therapist. But I do have a lot of experience in hypnotizing people. So, my offer to you is that I would hypnotize you today and try to help you overcome your doubts."

"How would that work?"

"Well, first we would put you into a trance. Don't worry, this isn't dangerous and the first time you probably won't even be completely out of it. Then I will give you some suggestions that we will work out beforehand. For now, these will be mostly about confidence in your own decisions, about enjoying your sex life the way you want to and about building trust in your keyholder and your boyfriend."

I nodded. I had never thought about getting hypnotized but this didn't seem too out there. It sounded more like those "stop smoking" kind of things than the "act like a chicken" shows.

"Now, everyone is a little bit different when it comes to hypnosis. Some will go into a trance easily, some won't. Memory can also be a bit fuzzy. For now, I won't tell you to forget what I'm saying to you when you are under but often it is still difficult for the patient to recall my words afterwards. That's why I would like to record the session."

He explained that hypnosis isn't some kind of miracle cure. It takes time and practice to get into really deep trances that make deep and long lasting changes. He told me that I should listen to the recording once a day until our next session. This way, his suggestions would get reinforced and I would be more easily hypnotized the next time. That all sounded pretty great to me, so I concurred. We made a brief outline of what it was that was troubling me and what my general goals and dreams were when it came to my sex live. It was surprisingly easy to open up to him.

Then it was time for our session. Neil told me to sit down in his comfy chair, lay back and relax. He told me to close my eyes and concentrate on my breathing. He lowered his voice a bit and talked slowly about my breath. In and out. He made me visualize myself at the top of a staircase.

"10... You take one step down. Your breathing is slow and relaxed. In and out."

"9... You feel your rib cage rise and sink. You step down another step."

"8... You are feeling more and more relaxed as you listen to my voice. You feel every part of your body as you go down another step."

"7... Your body is feeling heavy and warm ..."

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I heard was Neil as he counted again:

"9... You are slowly waking up again. Your eyelids are no longer heavy and you feel refreshed and relaxed. Feel free to move your toes and fingers and begin to feel your body again."

"10... You are fully awake again and can open your eyes whenever you feel like it."

I did open my eyes. I looked at him with some confusion. Had it worked? I tried to think back but I only vaguely remember him talking to me for a while. "What happened?"

"Well, we found out that you are part of the lucky group of people that are very easily hypnotized." He smiled. "You were able to go pretty deep for your very first session. Are you feeling okay?"

I turned my attention to my body. Everything was fine. It felt like I had awoken from a short, refreshing nap. I told him as much and he nodded. Mentally, I also felt refreshed. Like I had nothing to worry about.

After Neil had given me a few more moments to get reacquainted with my awake body, he told me that everything had gone well. He went to his computer and sent me the audio recording of our session and made an appointment for our next session. Still a bit overwhelmed I thanked him and was about to leave.

"On more thing", he said with a sheepish grin. "I, uh... Can I... I have never seen a cage like that in real live. Could you show me?"

I laughed. Of course, I didn't mind. I pulled down my zipper and grabbed my junk. I presented it to him and he took a moment to inspect it.

"Wow, that is really quite something. Thank you."

Downstairs, Greg was waiting for me. He asked me how it had been and I explained to him that I couldn't really tell. I felt good but I had no recollection of what had really happened. I tried to remember but it was like trying to remember a dream. Sometimes a fragment would appear in the corner of my mind but it was impossible to focus on it without chasing it away. Still, I felt oddly assured that it had helped me in a way.

At home, I immediately downloaded the audio file, put my headphones on and started listening. I skipped the induction part because I was curious about the actual suggestions. I started listening after the last step down the stairs.

"You are feeling confident about your sexuality. You are proud to live your life in a way that is true to your needs. Doing what makes you happy is a valid choice." Neil kept giving him positive affirmations for a few minutes. Then he went on to the topic of chastity.

"You enjoy wearing a chastity cage. Wearing the cage makes you proud and happy. You decided that wearing the cage is important to you. You desire to have your cock locked in the cage. It makes you feel good to know that you cock is caged. The longer you are in your cage, the more you enjoy it. The longer you are in your cage, the hornier it makes you. Every day fills you with more and more sexual desire and lust. You love that feeling of lustfulness. You enjoy it. You know that even when it is difficult to wear the cage it is worth it. You learn to channel those energies in a way that it right for you. You love to use this energy to fulfill your role as a submissive sexual partner. You love to serve and please other men while you are locked. You aim to constantly improve in your role as a locked man and being locked for long periods of time makes you proud. Being locked makes you enjoy other sexual acts more and more. Giving oral sex to other men makes you feel good. You enjoy anal sex more and more with every locked day. You love to have other men's penises to play with. You enjoy the touch of other men on your skin. Your nipples and your ass get more sensitive with every day you are locked. No matter how difficult it is to stay locked, you know that it is worth it."

"You enjoy to serve other men. Following the instructions of your keyholder and your boyfriend fills you with pride and joy. You trust and appreciate them. Their decisions are right for you and you are happy to give them control. You are comfortable with them. You are happy with them. You know that you can always tell them about your thoughts and wishes and are confident that they will listen to you. Knowing that they decide when you get to come makes you feel relaxed and calm. The next time they give you instructions you will react calmly and will instinctively understand that they are right. You can confidently follow your instincts that tell you to listen to their instructions without second-guessing yourself."

By the end of the tape, I was leaking in my cage. I knew that we had discussed the general topics but Neil had certainly ad-libbed here and there. But it was amazing how perfectly he had captured what I had wanted to get out of this experience. I did want to be able to follow their rules without worrying and getting in my own head. I did want to be more confident in my sexuality. I would listen to that tape every day for sure.

That evening, I thanked Greg again for this surprise. I had no idea how he had come up with this idea but it was the ideal present for both of us. I sat him down on his bed and gave him a long, slow blowjob. I really took my time and properly slobbered all over his big cock, licked his balls and taints and played with his foreskin.

At some point, Greg had taken my phone and begun filming me as I bobbed up and down his cock, taking it in deep.

"Show me your cage", he said and I slid down my short to show of my straining cock in its metal prison as Greg kept filming. I pushed down deep on him again and made him moan. I knew that he was close, so I gave it my best. Moments later, he was flooding my mouth with his cum.

"Don't swallow", he moaned. He pulled his cock out of my mouth. As he held the camera pointed at my face he said: "Show it to me."

I opened leaned back and opened my mouth, showing him his own load.

"Now swallow." I did. He pulled the camera back a bit. "Now how does it feel to swallow down my load while your own cock is locked up in this cage?"

"Amazing", I said and I meant it. And in this moment, I knew that I didn't have it in me, not to post this video online. I wanted to show the whole world what a lucky guy I was.

Well, I hope you guys still enjoy my stories. New chapters are in the pipeline, so keep checking back.

Other stories: (sent in with a disposable email address a while ago)

Next: Chapter 16

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