Roommate Keyholder

By moc.liamatut@seirotsahc

Published on Aug 2, 2017



All characters and situations are fictional. This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you want to read or that is illegal for you to read, please stop.

Sorry about the absurdly long wait. I didn't really write for a long time and honestly wasn't feeling it at all. Now I'm back and can hopefully give you a few more chapters.

Chapter 13

The weeks after unlocking were wonderful. Knowing that Mikey was now involved with my kink in a way that I had never anticipated was exciting and new. We spent most of our time together in bed as usual but there was a different feel to it. When we were together he barely touched my cock. He spent hours making me feel good by massaging me, rimming me or sucking my nipples but he took great care to keep my cock untouched. He only ever gave me a few short strokes to take me over the edge when I was about ready to burst when we were fucking.

"I think it's clear that you are made to bottom. And so I set myself a goal. I want you to learn to cum from getting fucked."

I was floored. Of course I had fantasized about cumming without ever touching myself. Just the intensity of a good fuck that would make me climax and shoot my load. I can't imagine a locked guy not thinking about it. But it had never seemed like an attainable goal. But to hear my boyfriend talk about it certainly made me want to try. And it wasn't like I wasn't enjoying myself. On the contrary. I loved that all my orgasms were while he was inside of me.

About two weeks after my last day locked, he was pounding me really hard and I was getting really close. I told him and he grabbed my cock and just two strokes later, I made a mess all over myself. Mikey kept going and I started to think. After shooting my load I still wanted him to enjoy himself but I just wasn't feeling it with the same kind of enthusiasm. Instead of giving myself to him fully, I just went through the motions in the hopes that it would get him off soon.

The thought horrified me. It felt wrong and selfish. I didn't want to feel like that. To abandon my dedication to his pleasure just because I had shot my load early. Never again.

I told Mikey about my epiphany and told him that I wanted him to only let me cum when he was close also. He agreed. But he also decided that that was a great moment to lock me up again. As soon as the cage was locked on, he sent me to my dorm room.

Greg was pleased.

"Two weeks of freedom. I hope you enjoyed that", he grinned. "Because you ain't going to be free again anytime soon."

With that he picked me up from the floor and threw me unto my bed, ripped down my shorts and fucked me hard. I was still loose from my session with Mikey earlier on, otherwise it would have been quite the challenge.

Greg pushed his cock deep inside of me. It was a rough and quick session. He clearly needed to get his rocks off badly. It was barely ten minutes before he shot his load inside of me, adding to Mikey's.

"Stay there", he said.

He took out his camera and began to take pictures of me. It felt weird, lying on my stomach with my short around my ankles.

"Turn around!", he commanded.

I did. I showed off my cage and looked directly into the camera. He took several photos like that before he told me to take another pose. My feet pulled up to my chest to expose my well-used hole. He told me to finger myself while he snapped away.

Then he switched to video and filmed me while I tried to pleasure myself. I was a little self-conscious about it but I knew that was what he wanted. And after a few seconds the pleasure was more important than my reservations.

"Tell me what you're doing!"

I looked at him. "I'm fingering myself."

"And before that."

"Before that, you fucked me. You fucked me in my cage. And before that my boyfriend fucked me and locked me up for you. And now I'll have to keep getting fucked to receive any kind of pleasure because it's up to you to decide when I'll get unlocked again."

He kept filming me for a while, closing in on my ass and on my leaking cage. When he was finally done, he told me to stop fingering myself as well.

"Here", he told me and handed me the camera. "I have a new task for you. I want you to make a tumblr and post about your experience in your cage. See it as a public diary, so others can see how much you enjoy it."

My stomach turned. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that. I had spent hours scrolling through other people's blogs, reading their accounts and salivating over their pics and videos. But I had never thought of myself as someone who would post their pictures on the internet. What if someone would find them?

"It's up to you if you want to include your face. I would prefer it but I'm not going to demand that."

"Yeah, I'm not sure about that ..."

"I just want you to think about it. Think about the feeling of relieve you felt, when you finally told someone about your sexual needs. Think about how freeing it was to have Mikey and my friend Lucas find out. The thing you had always hidden was suddenly no terrible secret anymore but just a part of yourself. And I think a blog would help you be even more accepting of your needs. Plus, anyone who searches for chastity porn on tumblr wouldn't be exactly horrified to see you. It's not like you'd post your full name and social security number along with the pictures."

With that he left me to myself.

I did what Greg told me to do but for now I took him up on his offer to hide my face. I used image editing software to blur it out. Immediately, I felt stupid since it kind of ruined the pictures but I didn't have the courage to expose myself like that. Not yet at least. When I uploaded them to my newly created blog, I felt a rush of excitement that I couldn't compare to anything else. Knowing that my pictures were out there, for anyone to see, even if my face was hidden, was exhilarating.

I also posted a blog entry to introduce myself and give a brief introduction to how I came to be locked up. I didn't tell them everything yet. I wanted to keep some material for later even though I was sure Greg and Mikey would provide enough fresh experiences to write about.

The next few days I watched excitedly as the follower counter grew with every picture and with every post I uploaded. I got into a few conversations with other locked boys, guys that were interested and even some tops that were interested in locking a boy up. It was fun to interact with other people that had the same kind of fetish. It was also fun to share my incredible experiences with these people since not many seemed to be as lucky as I was.

After about a week of being locked up, and getting fucked by both my boyfriend and my keyholder, Mikey and I were invited by some friends of his. I was glad to go to their place, since I hadn't met a lot of Mikey's friends and I also didn't have a lot of gay friends at all. It would be nice to meet another couple.

They were both about our age and quite cute. Both were rather small although Tom, the younger one, had a much sturdier build, as if he spent a lot of time in the gym. Justin on the other hand was a slender young man with a blond mop of hair and a cute smile.

The apartment they lived in could be properly described as a "student's apartment." Cheap furniture and barely clean enough to be presentable to guests but it did have a certain charm. After awkward introductions, we ordered pizza, drank some beers and spent the night on the couch simply talking about random stuff. It was my ideal version of "going out" since I wasn't much of a partier.

Tom and Justin were both very personable and I enjoyed their company a lot. They made me feel welcome even though I was the new addition to the group and so I felt comfortable even when the topics became more personal. As was probably normal in a group of tipsy young men, the conversation eventually steered towards sexual themes.

We talked about past experiences, awkward dates and all that nonsense. We were getting quite drunk when Justin suggested a game of truth or dare. Before I could process the request, Mikey had signed us up and the game began.

The first questions were mostly harmless and we giggled our way through them like little schoolgirls. Stupid secrets about crushes, fantasies and embarrassing information. The dares were also quite benign. Kissing on the mouth, licking earlobes and taking off shirts.

When Tom finally dared me to get completely naked, I began to protest. My face was red with embarrassment as I remembered my caged cock. But it was also quite arousing. Mikey giggled next to me.

"Come on", Tom said. "It's a game. You have to!"

I looked to Mikey for some help but he only laughed and said: "He's right. It's a game. Come on, show them!"

I sighed but thought of Greg's words. About how I should learn to see my sexual side as a normal thing and not something to be embarrassed by. So, I stood up from their couch and pulled down my pants and my jockstrap around my ankle and stepped out of them. The looks on their faces were somewhere between shocked and confused. They had not expected the shiny metal cage at all.

"What is that?", Justin asked.

"Nope, I did a dare. Now it's my turn", I said. I decided that I would own that moment and have them be the ones that were stumped. "Now, I think it's only fair that one of you gets naked as well. Tom, show us what you got!"

With his mouth still open, Tom undressed and showed us his beautiful body. As expected he packed a lot of muscle on that small body. When his boxershorts came down we saw a beautiful circumcised cock that I suspected was already half on its way to an erection.

"Okay, now, what is that thing?", he asked, now that he had completed my dare.

"It's a chastity cage."

"What's that for?"

"It keeps me from jerking off or getting a blowjob or fucking someone. Basically, I can't cum at all when I wear it."

"Yeah, but why?", asked Justin this time.

"Do you know that feeling when you haven't cum in a day or two? How fucking horny you are and how everything turns you on? This makes sure that I am always at that level. It makes me really fucking horny all the time."

"But don't you want to have sex?"

"Who said I can't have sex?"


I grinned and looked towards Mikey.

"Well, actually, we have great sex. More than with any guy I've ever been before", Mikey explained. "It's just that only my cock gets any attention when he's locked. He is so horny that he basically begs for my cock all the time. It's amazing. He sucks me off and takes it up his ass whenever I want and he can't get enough."

I could see that they were starting to understand it. Tom's cock was now at full attention and he was absentmindedly stroking it. Justin, who was still in his trousers, was also sporting a bit of a tent.

"And when do you unlock it?"

"Oh, I don't. I don't have the key", Mikey explained. He told them about Greg and our current arrangement and their eyes widened in amazement. We told them about Greg's open approach to his sexuality and how they both enjoyed using me for their pleasure and how it was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

"Well", Tom said. "Now I kind of want to see that horniness in action. I dare you suck Mikey's cock."

It wasn't really my turn to take a dare but I sure as hell wouldn't let that stop me. I unzipped Mikey's pants and a fully erect cock popped out. I let Mikey undress fully and eagerly went for it. I slobbered it up good and began to take him in, inch by inch all the while making sure that the boys could see me.

I worked on Mikey and enjoyed his moans and spasms and noticed that Justin was now sucking Toms cock next to me. It was the first time I had been in a situation like this, were another couple was having sex right next to me. I had an idea and for a second I took Mikey out of my mouth.

"Justin, I dare you not to touch your cock today. I think it'd be fun if you experienced what I'm feeling for a little while."

Tom laughed. "Yeah, I like that."

"Well, I guess I'll try everything once."

"Put on my jockstrap", I said. "It's not exactly a cage but it'll do the trick."

With his ass nicely framed by my jock, we both went back to pleasuring our men. It was fun to do this, side by side. It awakened a bit of competitiveness inside of me that I hadn't known I had. I went as deep as I could.

After a few minutes Mikey pulled me up, kissed me passionately and told me to lie on my back. I knew what was coming and couldn't wait. He asked Tom for some lube and then slid a lubed up finger up my ass. I couldn't hold back my moans.

Inspired by our change of positions, Justin lay down right next to me and pulled his legs to his chest. Both our men entered us simultaneously and began to slowly pound our asses. My eyes wandered from Mikey to Tom to Justin and I could feel my cock strain against the metal bars. This was such a fucking hot moment.

After a while of this I looked over to Justin again and I could see the lust in his eyes. He was getting it good. Instinctively a grabbed his head and pulled him towards me, kissing him deeply. It was a passionate kiss that showed the pleasure we both shared at that moment, getting fucked by our men.

We kept making out while they buried their cocks inside of us, pushing harder and faster every time. We were all working up quite a sweat, when Mikey stopped for a second. He withdrew completely and I was about to protest when he tapped Tom's shoulder.

"Swap", he said and without another word they swapped places. Tom positioned himself close to me and with one long push he entered my already loosened hole while Mikey fucked his boyfriend. I moaned and let my hands wander over the muscular body. I grabbed his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him in deep.

His sweaty body pressed against my own as he leaned down to kiss me. He fucked me good and his cock felt amazing inside of me. Tom and Mikey both seemed to pick up the pace after a few minutes, working themselves up to a climax. When Tom began to moan louder I knew that he was close.

"Fuck, I can't hold off any longer", he groaned and pushed himself deep inside of me. I wrapped my legs tighter around his body and held him there, feeling his cock pulsing and shooting his hot load inside of me. We kissed deeply while he shot load after load until he collapsed on top of me. I caressed his back and his hair as we listened to Mikey cum inside his boyfriend.

When after a round of beers and joints we sat there, Mikey, Tom and I still naked and Justin in my jockstrap, we talked about it.

"I kind of get what you mean", Justin said. "I really did concentrate on how the cocks felt in me more. But I'm still so fucking horny. I don't understand how you can take this. Like... After he shot his load, for a little while I felt kind of satisfied. Not like I had an orgasm myself but kind of at peace with having pleased another guy. But that sure as hell didn't last long. Now I'm just as horny as before and want to have sex again."

I grinned. "Well, that's exactly it, though. I'm always up for another round."

"Well, I'm game if you are", said Tom to Mikey.

Well, I hope you guys still enjoy my stories. New chapters are in the pipeline, so keep checking back.

Other stories: (sent in with a disposable email address a while ago)

Next: Chapter 14

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