Roommate Keyholder

By moc.liamatut@seirotsahc

Published on Mar 15, 2016



All characters and situations are fictional. This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you want to read or that is illegal for you to read, please stop.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising. E-mail contact to talk about the story, give critique, ask questions or send messages or pictures of your own adventures is ok. This story already has several chapters written, so any requests will probably not be worked into it for a some long time. Ideas and wishes are always welcome anyways.

Sorry about not answering mails regularly. Lots of stuff to do. Will try to still post the next chapter soon.

Chapter 10

The day Greg was supposed to come back I was incredibly nervous. I knew that he would not be unlocking me immediately but I was just happy to have him back. It wasn't just the fact that I couldn't pleasure him - I did have quite a bit of fun with Pau after all - it was also about not having my keyholder close. I knew that there was an emergency key but I would feel so bad to use it. Being away from Greg just made me anxious. And I missed his cock.

So on that day I was doing almost nothing but waiting for him. I had sent him several texts about his estimated time of arrival but I had only gotten mischievously grinning emoticons as an answer. I spent the day alternately looking at porn, the video that Mikey had made and at the door, expecting it to open any time. I considered waiting naked for Greg, all lubed up and ready to go but it felt presumptuous. After all this was about Greg controlling our interactions. So instead I just grew more and more frustrated as the day went along.

Finally, late that afternoon the door opened while I was watching a rather adult video on my laptop. I immediately closed the tab and turned around. Greg was standing in the room and right behind him was another guy I hadn't seen before. He was very tall and handsome. He had a neatly trimmed blonde beard, short hair and a big, bulky frame.

"Hey, this is Lucas", Greg introduced him. "He's a buddy from high school and drove me back down here."

"Hi", I said and stood up to shake his hand. This was one of the moment where the cage came in handy since I would have had a pretty noticeable boner otherwise. "Nice to meet you."

"Lucas is thinking of transferring here so I thought I would show him around a little bit. If it's okay with you he would stay with us for two nights before heading back."

I suppressed a disappointed sigh. Of course I couldn't say no to Greg's request but I had hoped to occupy most of his time. Now he would be busy showing his friend around.

"Sure, that's fine", I said. At least the guy was hot.


As it turned out Lucas wasn't only incredibly attractive but he was a very nice dude. We talked a bit about school and just hung out. He even took Greg and me out to dinner to thank us for letting him sleep in our room even though he slept on an air mattress on our floor, so even though I kept fantasizing about stealing Greg away for a quick romp, I didn't actually mind Lucas' visit that much.

The next day Greg showed him the campus but that afternoon he had a class. When I came back into the room Lucas' was sitting on my bed and reading a magazine. We started talking again and actually hit it off pretty well, even without Greg. He told me a lot of stories about their high school years and the trouble they got into back then.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?", he asked me.

I was slightly taken aback and wanted to ask him how he knew but he rolled his eyes at me. "Dude, you were literally watching gay porn when we came into the room."

"Oh, sorry. I thought I had closed it fast enough."

Lucas laughed. "Yeah. Don't worry. I don't think there's a single person that hasn't been caught at least once. At least I'm not your mum, huh."

"Yeah. And no, no boyfriend. But there is a guy I'm seeing recently."

"Nice. So, have you seen Greg's current squeeze?"

"No? Who do you mean?"

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking. He isn't telling me any details but last time we talked he had a girl over that blew him, get this, while we were playing a game. Normally he isn't stingy with the stories but he won't tell me anything."

"Huh", I said, trying to stay nonchalant. "No, I don't know anything about that." After that I quickly tried to steer the topic in another direction. It was great that he didn't care about me being gay but that didn't mean he'd react all that well to me regularly messing around with his best, straight friend.

After deflecting the topic of Greg's secret lover we spent the rest of the afternoon chatting about tons of stuff. When Greg finally came back to our room we decided that we had to go out and get really drunk. Lucas and Greg included me in their plans as if it wasn't even a question, even though I had expected the two old friends to spent the evening alone.

We went to several bars and left way too much money in each of them. To the guys' disappointment there were barely any people out that day. Much less attractive college girls. So after two more rounds of shots we decided we would go back to our room. Lucas had brought some weed from home that we wanted to smoke since their chance of finding someone to fuck were slim. When we stumbled home we were caught in the rain. We ran but by the time we reached the dorm we were all drenched in water. The wet clothes hung heavily from the boys' bodies and showed of their physique.

As soon as we came into our room Greg started to strip out of his clothes. His wet abs made my cock bounce and when he peeled of his jeans I was melting. It had been too long. I went over to our thermostat and turned it up all the way since we were all obviously freezing. I thought about staying in my clothes but they were soaking wet. Even Lucas was taking his off now. So I quickly undressed and grabbed a towel. I pretended to dry off my underwear a bit and wrapped it around my waist. I sat down on the chair next to my bed.

Greg was already on his bed and Lucas draped another towel on top of my bed and sat down on it. I couldn't help but notice the very visible outline of his penis trough the wet white fabric of his boxer briefs. When he reached for his bag and grabbed his weed I could see the fabric clinging to his butt. Damn.

Minutes later we were getting high, passing the joint from person to person and talking about stupid shit. Soon Greg and Lucas started trying to make fun of each other. They told me the most embarrassing stories about each other's youth.

"He was such a fucking show-off", Lucas said. "Kid couldn't drink a beer at a party without getting his shirt off. And if he even smelled a whiff of vodka he would streak through the front yard. I could never quite figure out if he was just trying to impress the girls or if he just really hated wearing clothes."

"Haha, he's still kind of like that", I chimed in. "I saw him naked within hours of us moving in together."

"Well, fuck you both. The girls always liked it. I rarely left a party without seeing some action."

"True. You were always great with the ladies. And they weren't the only one's watching. Remember that gay kid at Jason's party? What was his name? Jake?"

"Hah, I had almost forgotten that."

Lucas turned to me. "You should have seen this. This poor guy, still closeted but everyone kind of assumed. Probably never had sex or even fooled around with anyone. And he comes to this party and there is Greg, drunk off his ass. Of course this idiot strips down in front of the few people that were still there. You should have seen the look on Jake's face. He didn't leave Greg's sight for the rest of the night. I'm pretty sure he should have gone home but he ended up saying that he didn't have a ride home and that he'd have to stay. It was so painfully obvious that he was lusting after Greg, hard."

"Yeah, he was quite persistent."

"Duh, you did parade around in front of him as soon as you realized what was going on. And then you even let him give suck you off."

I coughed up some smoke. "What?"

"It was just the one time. All the girls had gone home and I was horny as fuck. Dude was right there, practically begging me to let him go down on me. All I had to do was lean back and enjoy."

"Just the one time, huh?", Lucas mocked Greg.

"Well, no. Okay. After the party he kept on nagging me about wanting to do it again. I let him, since I was horny, but after a while it got annoying. He didn't understand that I wasn't gay. He always wanted me to reciprocate and I was not down for that. So I had to break it off after a while."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Greg had been sucked off by another guy before. That explained his nonchalant attitude about our whole deal. And it also explained why he was so ready to use the chastity device on me. It gave him all the benefits that he liked without any of the hassle of me persuading him to jerk me off.

The whole time this conversation was painfully aware of the metal bars around my dick.

"Too bad. You kind of had a good deal going there for a while. Getting a blowjob without having to deal with all the baggage a girlfriend brings."

"Yeah. But now I've got an even better arrangement", Greg said, smiling.

I knew where this conversation was going and I couldn't decide if I was excited or terrified of it. I did know though that if there was a slight chance of this ending the way I was hoping I would jeopardize it. And I knew that I could trust Greg's judgement.

"You do?"

"Yup. Blowjobs whenever I want them. Literally. I barely have to ask. And I don't have to do anything in return. It's perfect."

"Damn", said Lucas, gently caressing his crotch. I was obviously not the only one getting turned on. "That sounds too good to be true."

"You want in?"

There it was. Greg had offered my services to his best friend. He didn't have to ask me. He had given me more than enough time to steer this conversation to another topic but he knew me well enough to know that I would never to that. This was what I needed and he was giving it to me.

When Lucas just looked at Greg puzzled for a second Greg gave me the slightest nod and I sprang to action. I slid off my chair and knelt down in front of my bed. I grabbed Lucas' hand and guided it away from his growing crotch to provide me with access.

The fabric was still damp when I touched it and through it I could feel the Lucas' body heat and his already half-erect dick. I waited for a moment and looked into Lucas' eyes before proceeding. There was no protest, only shock so I started to massage his shaft through his boxer briefs while I kissed his stomach and inner thighs. I worked my way closer to his ever growing member and started to suck him through the fabric.

Soon I grabbed the underwear and pulled them down and off his legs. I grabbed his cock and slowly began to jerk it off. My tongue lapped across the part of his cock where the head meets his foreskin and I could feel his reaction. A tiny drop of precum left his shaft and I licked it off eagerly.

As soon as I started sucking on his head the shock of the situation was replaced by pure enjoyment as Lucas began to moan with every move of my head and tongue.

While continuing to take him deeper my hand fondled his balls and stroked his this. I was in heaven.

I had almost forgotten that Greg was still in the room with us until I felt his hand on my back. He pulled the towel off my waist and pushed my underwear down towards my knees. For a moment I was worried about Lucas' seeing my locked up cock but before I could actually think through the possible consequences I felt Greg apply lube to my ass.

He fingered me for a short moment while stroking his own shaft to full attention and then he positioned himself directly behind me.

"Whoah, he also lets you fuck him?", asked Lucas, between moans.

"I told you it's a good situation I have here." While they talked about me I felt Greg slowly enter me from behind. It was hard not to lose focus and still keep on sucking while I was feeling myself getting invaded by his massive shaft. I had never been in a threesome before and handling two different cocks at the same time wasn't easy. I guess I was happy that I didn't have to worry about jerking myself off at the same time.

It took a while for us to find a good rhythm but soon I had Greg pounding away at my ass and sending my head onto his best friend's cock. I was close to getting his entire shaft in my mouth but I was too close to gagging to actually deepthroat him.

While they were spitroasting me I completely lost track of time. It might have been the weed or the humidity in the now hot room but I was completely high on sex. I couldn't keep a thought in my head long enough to process anything other than the movements of our sweaty, horny bodies.

I have no idea how much time had passed before Greg finally firmly grabbed my waist and pulled me all the way to him while grunting deeply. He shot his seed inside of me that made me even hornier. When he pulled out I wanted to stop him but instead he pulled me up with him. I didn't understand at first because I wanted to keep sucking Lucas. Greg however pushed me on top of his friend and everything became clearer. I straddled his beautiful body and lowered myself down on his already lubed up cock.

After taking Greg's massive penis it an easy feat to slide it in me. I looked down to see his face. What I found was an expression of pure confusion as he finally noticed the metal cage around me. I didn't know how to explain so I began to ride him and as I had hoped his expression turned to pure enjoyment within seconds. I rode him hard and fast and soon he was panting and sweating even more than before. All the while Greg watched us from his bed, probably enjoying the hold he had over me.

This time it didn't take long for me to bring Lucas to an orgasm. After five minutes or so I could feel his cock getting even harder and his breathing became irregular. I kept pounding down on him until I could feel him tense up and suddenly relax, moaning loudly as he lost control and shot his load up my ass. I felt so much pride and happiness as that second load filled me. I won't ever forget it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

If you want to speed things up I'm always happy to receive encouraging emails with nice words, your personal stories and nice pictures. I'm especially happy to hear from people who are new to the idea of chastity. Tell me if this story inspired you to try it. Mail me at

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Next: Chapter 11

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