Roommate First Course

By athlete

Published on Dec 3, 2001


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This story is an offshoot from my 'Roommate First Course Series', further acts of which are being worked on.

Roommate First Course -- Mid Term (M/T, oral, anal, cons, non-cons)

The mid term break had arrived and I was at home for a few days, I'm Jeff by the way, 18 years old, almost 6' and 170lb with brown hair, blue eyes and a slender smooth body.

I called round at Phil's my best mate's from school, but only his younger brother, Nigel was there. He explained that Phil had decided to stay at Uni over the break to finish a project.

I said "Not to worry, just came to see if he fancied a game of squash." Neither of us were any good, but it got us running around.

Nigel said "I'll give you a game, if you like"

"Your on" I replied, "I'll book a court and let you know"

"Use our phone if you want" he said

So I did, turns out they were not very busy and I could choose practically anytime that afternoon. So the booking was made for 2 that afternoon.

"I'll call for you about half one" I said on my way out.

I suppose I should tell you about Nigel, being Phil's brother I had known him for years, he was 16, two years younger than me and Phil. He was good looking, 5' 10" slim built, with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, but being different ages we had never hung out, we both had are own circles of friends which only overlapped on the periphery.

The time for the match came and we walked to the sports hall together. The place was almost deserted, we entered the changing rooms and started to change. We both stripped off, I couldn't help but admire Nigel's body, but kept myself under control, after all to everyone at home I was straight.

As I pulled my sports shirt from my bag, I also pulled out a long forgotten porn mag, which fell to the floor at Nigel's feet.

"What's this then" he asked, bending over to pick it up.

"Just an old magazine" I said reaching out for it, not wanting him to see that the pics were not just of men with women, but men with men as well.

"Just a sec", he said, spinning around, so I had to reach round him to get at the mag.

We both had are hands on it, which meant that our bodies were in close contact, my chest on his back, and my underwear clad crotch against his underwear covered buttocks. I knew what would happen to me if I didn't do something quick. So I reached up his chest with my spare hand and pinched his left nipple, this had the desired effect, he let go of the mag.

I quickly shoved it in my locker and shut the door. Nigel sat down on the bench rubbing his nipple and said "It's not fair, Phil never lets me look at his mags either."

"Well your to young" I responded.

"Bullshit" was his angry retort, "I'm 16 I know about sex, I'm not a little kid."

And he was right, he wasn't a little kid, that was obvious from the way he filled his underwear, but I had always thought of him as Phil's little brother. So I said, " Your right, I'm sorry, I'll let you have a look after the game, now come on get ready, we should be on court"

With that he packed his stuff in the locker, we both dressed and made our way to the court.

The match was a very one sided affair, Nigel winning all of the games comfortably.

"You might have warned me you were good at this" I said, " I might have thought twice"

"Sorry, I thought Phil would have told you I was on the school team"

"No, no he didn't, I'll have to have words with your brother,. Anyway I've had enough, let's hit the showers, I'm dripping wet"

So we returned to the changing room which was still quiet. We stripped off, took our towels from the lockers and headed for the showers. The showers were of the open variety, shower heads placed at intervals along the back wall, with a partition wall between them and the changing room, I never understood whether this was for privacy or just to stop the water splashing everywhere.

We showered, I took the opportunity to get my first good look at Nigel's groin and behind. Just like the rest of his body his behind was hard, his manhood swung about as he moved and was about 4" long and quite fat, it rested on a goodly pair of balls. He was giving me a hard time, I had to keep thinking about other things to avoid springing a boner, especially when he dropped his soap and bent over to pick it up, exposing his anal rosebud to me.

At this point I decided it was time to get out of the shower, before I did something I might regret.

I dried off, wrapped the towel around me, and headed back to my locker. I opened it up and there at the side was the mag. So I sat on the bench flicking through the pictures, still in my towel waiting for Nigel to join me. He came along a few minutes later with his towel over his shoulder and his manhood bouncing about as he walked towards me. It was a good job I still had the towel on, as I could not prevent my prick from reacting to this sight.

Trying to maintain my composure, I said "Here you are just like I promised, have a look."

Nigel sat down on the bench and spread his towel across his thighs. "Shit" I thought, "no chance to see his reaction now".

Leaving him to his pleasure I went to my locker to sort out my clothes, I packed my damp sports kit in my bag and was about to lift my street clothes out when I heard Nigel exclaim "Wow"

I looked around the first thing I noticed was the look of sheer amazement on Nigel's face, the second was the tent his towel was making above his thighs.

"You're enjoying it then" I said.

"What" Nigel replied looking at me red-faced "umm yes guess so"

"Look we can't hang around here all day, I think you better go take a cold shower, you can hang on to the mag till Christmas, OK"

"Yea, thanks. I'll not be long" and off he went back to the showers.

I had intended leaving it at that, but my curiosity got the better of me. So when I was sure Nigel would be in the shower, I followed. Walking quietly up to the outer wall I peered round, there was Nigel with his back to me, quite obviously stroking his cock.

It was no good I couldn't let this opportunity go to waste, I slipped my towel off leaving it on the rail on the outer wall, and slowly walked up behind Nigel. As I got closer I could see his eyes were closed, so with that and the noise of the water, he clearly didn't know I was there.

I reached out and touched his left asscheek. He jumped about three foot in the air and let out a shout.

"Shit" he said "you nearly scared the life out of me" Then suddenly remembering what he had been and what was still in his hand, he spun around, turning his back to me.

"Hey it's OK, we all do it, and anyway it's a bit late to try and hide that beauty from me, where did you get a dick that size"

He looked over his shoulder and said "Guess I've always had it, but its kind of grown a lot this last couple of years"

"Well its sure grown well" I said, putting a hand on his shoulder and gently turning him to face me, " I can help you with that if you like" I continued reaching out and touching the head of Nigel's 10" long prick.

"No do'n..." he said as I took hold of his cock and started stroking him, "aghh.. unh, we we we should shouldn't .......doing .......thisss" he panted.

"Why not, isn't it good" I asked.

"No.... I mean yes... it's good, but..... it's....not.....right"

"Why not, is it wrong to have fun?"

"No but you're a man, its just wrong"

"No it's not, I know what a man likes, much more than a woman could" I said, as I leaned forward sucking his left nipple into mouth.

"Aghhhh ...that's good" Nigel groaned.

I ran my tongue down his body to his groin, my mouth just in front of his dickhead, looking up I saw him watching me, "Do you want me to stop?" I asked

With a slight shake of his head, he nudged my lips with the deep red tip of his manhood, I licked the tip, then went round the head till I reached the ridge at the back of the head. Nigel was groaning quite loudly now.

I pulled off his head and said "Last chance, shall I stop now or do you want me to suck you off"

"Suck me you bastard, suck me hard" was his grunted response.

So I did, sucking his dick hard and deep into my mouth, swirling my tongue around his head and then his shaft as I sucked him in. I pulled up slightly and then back down again, taking about half of his dick into my mouth.

All the while Nigel was groaning with pleasure. I took hold of his balls, manipulating them gently as I once more sucked him into my mouth, this time taking a little more in, with the head starting to work its way into my throat. I could feel his balls starting to pull upwards towards his body, I recognised the signs of his impending orgasm. I swallowed taking him all the way down my throat, and started bobbing my head back and forward, squeezing his dickhead with my throat muscles. I let my spare hand slide back between his legs, searching for his anal opening. I could tell from his breathing that he couldn't last much longer. Finding the puckered opening I ran my finger around it, massaging the muscle, increasing the speed of my bobbing, Nigel was now matching my motion with thrusts from his hip.

I felt his dick stiffen still further indicating the start of his orgasm, as I felt the first spurt shoot along his cock I pushed my finger into his rear passage causing him to thrust forward and yet still deeper into my throat.

As he continued to pump his cum down my throat I eased back allowing his dickhead to come up into my mouth. He was still pumping his cum out of the opening in his cockhead, I continued sucking and swallowing his sweet tasting cum until I had sucked him dry.

I was quite impressed with myself, never having serviced a cock of this size before.

Nigel was still panting hard enjoying the afterglow of his climax. My own tool was throbbing, I was about to take it in my hand when an evil thought popped in my head.

I stood up, running my hands over Nigel's body and manoeuvred around behind him, still stroking his skin.

With one hand I got a bottle of shower gel someone had left behind and coated my dick with it, working quickly, before Nigel recovered, I wasn't sure what his reaction would be.

Letting my hands work down his back I started massaging his buttocks, ensuring that my dick didn't come in contact, I didn't want him forewarned. Nigel's reactions suggested that he was enjoying the massage. I quickly worked back up his body and along his arms, placing his hands on the shower wall.

Thinking he would soon catch on, I grabbed the shower gel again, squirted some on my hand and rubbed it along asscrack playing particular attention to his rosebud opening.

As I did this he asked, "What are you doing?"

It was now or never. I stepped forward, holding my dick and bent a little at the knees, sliding my dickhead between his asscheeks. Now he knew what was happening, wrapping one arm around his chest, holding him close, and using my other hand to guide my dick, I found his entrance and pushed forward.

As he felt me start to penetrate him, he snapped his head round and said "No don't." I know I should have pulled out then and begged his forgiveness, but I was to far in to my own needs to listen. I pushed further forward and felt the head pop through his anal sphincter.

This time his groans were of pain not pleasure and he was starting to struggle, I put my other arm around him and pushing with my chest pushed him up against the shower wall.

My head was by his ear. I whispered "Look relax, this can be more fun than a blow job, but only if you relax, OK."

"No please don't, it hurts" he said through gritted teeth.

"I told you, you've got to relax, think of it as a turd your trying to force out, go on do it now"

I felt his muscles flex and pushed forward sliding about 5 of my 8" in to his arse, I held it there for a moment, then flexed my dick.

Nigel groaned again, this time there was less pain in his voice.

I said "Push out again."

As he did I pushed the rest of the way in, I could feel my pubes brushing his asscheeks.

"That's it, I fully in now, I'm going to start and fuck you now, are you ready?" I asked. "Do I have a choice?" he said

"Not really" I replied and started to slowly ease out. I pulled out about 2 inches and then pushed back, I kept this up for about a minute.

Nigel's groans had now changed to whimpers and he was no longer struggling against me. I lengthened my strokes pulling about halfway out before driving back in. I let a hand slide down over his stomach to his groin, what I found confirmed my suspicions that he was getting into the action, as his prick was once more erect and pointing at the wall.

I nibbled his ear and whispered "Told you you'd like it, didn't I"

He didn't say anything, but turned his face to me and began nibbling at my lips, as his tongue snaked out searching for my tongue, it developed in to a full blown French kiss. I took the opportunity to step up the pace and started full length thrusts, in and out. Nigel was groaning into my mouth now. I broke the kiss as I needed to breathe. Nigel's groans were now joined by pants, as I increased the speed of my fucking. Nigel wasn't the only one breathing heavy now. I could feel my jism beginning to boil in my nuts. I started jerking Nigel's cock in time with my thrusts, Nigel began working his behind, meeting my thrusts, our skin slapping together with increasing speed.

"I'm going to come, do you want to feel me cum in you?" I asked Nigel

"Oh yes" he replied, " do it now"

With that he lunged back hard on to my manhood squeezing his inner muscles at the same time, this took me over the edge and I began to shoot deep into his bowels, it felt as if I came forever. I eventually slumped over Nigel's back. It wasn't until I looked over his shoulder and down his body that I realised he had come again as my hand was coated in his cum. I brought the hand up to my mouth and tasted his cum again. I offered the rest to Nigel, I could see he was about to say "No". So I said "Go on try it, you've done just about everything else." With that his tongue snaked out and flicked at my thumb, he savoured the taste for a moment, then licked my hand clean with a grin on his face.

"That was good, I'm glad you didn't take no for an answer, that's the best feeling I've ever had"

Just then we heard voices in the changing room, guess we couldn't expect our privacy to continue forever, so I slid my now deflated penis out of his anal passage and moved to the next shower head. We quickly rinsed off and collected our towels and began drying off before returning to our lockers. As I wrapped my towel round me, two teenagers appeared from between the lockers, both carrying towels and displaying their well developed packages for us to see.

"Hi" Nigel said

"Oh hello" one of the two boys answered as they walked behind the wall into the shower.

We walked back to our lockers, "You know those two then" I asked.

"Sort of, they're in year 9, they're two years younger than me, there's a rumour at school that they are gay" he answered.

"Is that so" I responded, "you think they're doing what we just did?"

"Could be, let's go and see" he said making a move back to the showers.

"No, leave them to whatever they're doing. We've had our fun, let them have there's"

With that we dressed and left. As we walked back I made a mental note to find out more about the two boys, although they were too young for me at present, they were certainly prospects for the future.

We stopped and talked at Nigel's gate for a few minutes, where Nigel made me promise to see him again before I returned to Uni. This we did, and we continued to meet at every opportunity when I was home until he went away to university and found a regular partner of his own. He even came to visit at the Uni once a year or so later when he was looking at universities for himself, and I introduced him to some of my friends, but that's another story.

I hope you enjoyed this story if so please let me have your comments, if not and you want to be constructive then please e-mail me at .

I will reply to all e-mails, if you don't get a reply I never got your e-mail.

===== athlete111uk

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