Roommate First Course

By athlete

Published on Nov 13, 2001


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Disclaimer. This story contains male to male sexual acts, if you find this not to your taste then please close this page now. Likewise if you are not old enough according to the laws where you live to read this type of literature then please leave now.

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The following is based on actual events during my years at college, though the names of the characters have been changed to protect the not so innocent.

Roomate First Course - The Fourth Act (M/M/M/M/M, Coll, Real)

"Great job, boys." I said, "How was it for you John?"

"Oh just sensational" he replied, the pleasure he felt evident in his voice.

"So what about you two? You're still hanging on to your load." I said leaning forward over John and stroking both of their still hard cocks.

"Don't worry about us we know where our spooge is going" said Luke.

"That's right isn't it Asif?" said Scott "Time for an Asif special."

John and I looked at each other, he raised an eyebrow, then we both looked at Asif, who was grinning, like the proverbial Cheshire cat.

"OK" he said, "clear some space John."

John sat up and shuffled over beside me.

Asif got down on all fours and crawled to the middle of the mattress. "Jeff look in that cupboard behind you." he said.

I pulled the doors open and there was a cupboard full of sex aids, condoms, lubes, dildoes and much more.

"What do you want?"

"Lube and rubbers for now" he said

I grabbed a pack of coloured condoms and a lube called 'Wet Platinum' and dumped them on the mattress.

"OK which end?" he asked looking at Scott and Luke.

"My turn for a blowjob" said Luke.

"Well I guess I know what that leaves me" quipped Scott.

"You two want to get either side." Asif said still on hands and knees.

So we all moved around to our appointed positions, John and I not knowing just how far this might go.

"OK, Jeff, John once this gets going I won't be able to talk, so take your lead from Scott or Luke" Asif instructed.

"Fine" I said and John just nodded.

With that Luke shuffled forward his 8½" boner leading the way. He playfully rubbed the head, dripping with precum, around Asif's face slowly moving to his lips, before easing forward and gliding straight into Asif's mouth. He got just over half his dick in before stopping. He eased out again about an inch then pushed forward again, this time another inch went in. He repeated this several times until finally Asif's nose was pressing against Luke's pubic mound.

"OK Scott. I'm in your turn now." sighed Luke.

"Right, Jeff. Do you want to come and fit this for me" he said holding up a rubber.

"No problem" I said sliding down the mattress towards him.

I took the condom from his hand, and ripped it open. I leant forward took hold of his dick, stroked it a couple of times, and then swallowed him down my throat as far as I could, not as deep as Asif had managed with Luke, but then I only wanted to be sure he was as hard.

"That's enough." he said.

I brought the condom up to his dick head.

"Put a drop of the lube inside the rubber, it helps with the feel."

I did as he asked, then unrolled the condom down his length, almost running out as I reached the base. Then I squirted more lube into my hand and massaged his dick with it.

"Use what's left on his arse." Scott said.

John wanting to get in on the act, joined us, spreading Asif's asscheeks, giving me easier access to his anal opening. I smeared the remaining lube along his asscrack and particularly around his anus.

"Push your finger in." John said.

I looked at Scott. He nodded. So I did. My index finger sliding in easily with little resistance.

"Keep going" Scott said, "loosen him up"

I eased my finger out again, then back in. After about half a minute of this I started twisting my finger as it went in and out, in a sort of corkscrewing action. I was getting in to this, and so was Asif as he started pushing back to meet my in-going finger. Then as well as the corkscrewing action I started moving my hand in an ever increasing circular motion, stretching his sphincter as I went.

"Why don't you help him out?" Scott said tossing John the lube, while gently stroking his cock.

John caught the lube and quickly spread some over his fingers and dribbled some more down Asif asscrack letting it run down onto my finger.

John ran his finger along Asif's tight cord from his balls reaching Asif's opening just as I was about to push back in. He lined his finger up with mine and we pushed in together. I must have done a reasonable job on loosening Asif up, as there was little resistance to our combined fingers. We continued in and out for a while, then as I pulled out John stayed put until I was ready to push back in, then he pulled out as I went in, setting up a sort of counterpoint to my rhythm.

While this was going on Luke was very gently easing in and out of Asif's mouth. Asif himself was squirming in what I assumed was pleasure, his cock was hard, paralleling his stomach, pumping up and down as we worked away behind him, an almost continuous stream of precum forming a pool below him.

"How about two?" I said to John.

"Sound good to me. What do you think Scott?" He replied.

"Try it and see what happens guys."

So we did. Me first adding an extra finger, while still maintaining the counterpoint with John. This was amazing, my second finger slid in with only the slightest of resistance. Followed about 10 seconds later by John's. This time I felt a tightness as John pushed his fingers in. I held still while John completed his penetration. We held still for a moment allowing Asif to get used to the finger stuffing him so full. Then John started a new motion, sliding his finger around the sides of Asif's chute, gently pulling outwards at the same time, stretching Asif even more.

I was just beginning to wonder how much room Scott needed, as it seemed to me that if we removed our fingers there would be more than enough room for his fairly thin cock. When he said, "OK, let me in now guys."

We removed our fingers, I watched the sphincter close and then wink open again.

"Tell you what, both of you put a finger back in and hold him open." Scott said.

I looked at him and he smiled back. So we did.

Once we had our fingers in place, Scott said "Right now pull him open." As we did Scott moved forward and eased his bright red condom covered prick head against our knuckles, the heat of it was quite intense.

"Are you ready Asif?" he asked

"He's ready" Luke replied obviously feeling Asif's reply somewhere.

"Right here we go." said Scott as I felt his manhood start to slide forward along the back of my finger, he went in slowly and continuously until he bottomed out, his golden blonde pubes pushing against the back of my hand. He stayed still for a moment, then looked up at Luke and said "OK I guess we're both in now, shall we begin?" "Yea lets, nice and slow?" "Sure thing."

With that they both very slowly started thrusting in and out. I started to pull my finger out, "No not yet" Scott said, "Slide your finger round on top of my dick Jeff, and you slide it underneath John." With a little effort I did, as we completed the manoeuvre Scott let out a groan of pleasure, so we had obviously done something right for him.

This continued for a couple of minutes, when I felt a hand round my dick, squeezing and stroking gently. Looking back Luke was leaning forward stroking my dick and I assumed John's as well. I shuffled back a little making it easier for him to reach. He synchronised his stroking and his thrusting, as he went slowly into Asif's mouth, he stroked equally slowly up my dick.

"I've got both of them in hand now Scott" Luke said

"Great" Scott responded, "That just leaves one dick to take care of. Can you too get you heads round to Asif dick?"

"Don't know" I said, "but I'll give it a try."

"Me too" said John.

With a bit of effort I repositioned myself, without breaking any of the contacts I had with the others. I couldn't quite get far enough under Asif though to reach his cock with my mouth, but I could see John moving Asif's leg and then sliding underneath Asif with his arm now between Asif's legs, giving him much more freedom of movement, an option not open to me.

John ran his tongue along Asif's stomach along side his cock till he reached the head, then changed direction, taking Asif's cock into his mouth as he moved back down towards his balls. "That's a good idea" I thought, reaching up to play with Asif's balls.

While we had been manoeuvring Scott and Luke had increased the pace quite considerably.

"Time to go for it" Luke said, as he increased the pace again.

The rest of us complied without comment.

John was sucking hard on Asif's prick now, then suddenly pulled off, took hold of it pushed it sideways towards me, I took what I could, surprised at how much I could get in considering my thoughts when I first saw this dick. John wrapped his thumb and finger round what was left and began to jack him off.

We were all going at it hard and fast now.

I knew I was getting close, and from the feel of Asif's balls tightening he couldn't be far away as well, so I guessed the others especially Luke and Scott must be ready to explode, so I gave in and let it happen. My first spurt went up Luke's arm, he moved my prick aiming it towards Asif and my second and third spurts hit him at the bottom of his ribs, the subsequent spurts went in the same direction but didn't reach Asif and fell on the mattress.

My orgasm seemed to signal the others to come, I looked across at John as I basked in the afterglow of orgasm, to see strings of white cum erupting from his dickhead. I went back to sucking Asif as I watched John. I felt his dick thicken and stiffen even more, knowing what was coming and wanting to share it with John, I pulled his dick from my mouth and said to John "Get a load of this." Realising what was happening John moved closer as I quickly brought Asif to a climax with my hand, as he started to shoot his cum I moved his dick from side to side spraying his cum over both our faces.

While this was happening Scott and Luke were becoming more vocal and urging each other on. John and I still had our fingers up Asif alongside Scott. I moved to a better position and started working my finger in and out in time with Scott, "Oh yes, keep that going" he moaned.

John and I both had a better view of what was happening now. Luke was pistoning in and out of Asif's mouth and throat for all he was worth, at the same time Scott was doing the same thing at our end, both going in at the same time, practically squeezing Asif between them.

This continued for about another five minutes, I was amazed at their staying power, how could they hold off so long?

Then Luke looked Scott in the eyes, nodded and panted "I'm ready."

Luke nodded back and said "Let's do it."

Two or three thrusts later I felt my finger squeezed, as Scott's prick enlarged as he reached his climax, he thrust in deep and held it there. I could feel his cock throb as each spurt gushed along his dick.

"Oh yes, that's so good" he almost screamed.

I looked up at Luke just in time to see his eyes roll back and his body freeze in the first throes of his orgasm, his manhood buried deep in Asif's throat, then he started to thrust again, short hard thrusts as he shot load after load straight down Asif's throat, as we watched we could see Asif's stretched throat muscles working on the head of Luke's cock.

As Luke finished cumming, Scott started to pull out, drawing my finger with him, as my finger and then John's slid out, we could see Asif visibly relax. Easing backwards, causing Luke to slide out of his throat and then out of his mouth, he took a huge breath of air and rolled over on his side, causing Scott, still well inside his ass to roll with him, once on his side Scott quickly pulled out, allowing Asif to get his breath back.

Asif was on his back breathing hard, just like an athlete after a hard run. As we all sat back John pointed to Asif, saying "Guess he's not finished yet."

As there lying rigid against his stomach was Asif hard cock once again ready for action.

"He's all yours, we're bushed" Scott said.

John crawled round between his legs and started licking his balls and I took hold of his dick in my hands and started to jerk him off. John drew one of Asif's balls into his mouth and Asif's pants turned to groans, "I don't think this will take long" I said. "umff ungh" was John's reply, I guess he was agreeing with me.

I increased my stroke rate adding a twist to the action just as I reached the head, looking down at John I saw he was busy pushing a second ball into his mouth, making him look like a hamster with his cheeks bulging.

Just then Asif spoke, for the first time since this all started, "I've got to come guys."

With that I went flat out on his dick and I could see John sucking firmly on the ball sac in his mouth.

A few seconds later Asif screamed and shot his load the first shot going over his head, each successive shot landing in a line down his body. As he finished I climbed on top of him, sliding around spreading his cum over the both of us, then rolled off onto my back, totally satiated.

The next thing I knew their was light coming in the window and someone was stroking my dick, I followed the hand and arm back to its owner. It was John, the other three were still sound asleep.

"Let's go home" I said.

"OK" he said

We found our clothes and made for home, pinning a note on the door as we left, thanking them for their hospitality and promising to return the favour.

Depending on your comments I may be persuaded to write about the next Act.

Comments and ideas would be appreciated at . I will read all messages, if you want a reply please say so and I will try to oblige.

Next: Chapter 5

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