Roommate First Course

By athlete

Published on Nov 8, 2001


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The following is based on actual events during my years at college, though the names of the characters have been changed to protect the not so innocent.

Roommate First Course - Act 3 (M/M/M/M/M, Coll, Real)

I looked round my heart racing and there stood Asif, hands on hips, with a grin from ear to ear.

"Gotta ya Jeff. I knew there was something between you two, when you asked to bring John."

I didn't know what to say and John wasn't helping, he had just curled up into a ball, protecting his manhood but exposing his ass. While I was trying to think of something to say I heard voices whispering outside.

"Come in boys" Asif said, pushing the door further open, "they've started without us."

At this point in walked the two blonde guys we'd seen in the other room earlier.

"Time for some formal introductions, I think" Asif continued, "the brown haired guy with the 8" boner is Jeff..."

I looked down at myself and was surprised to see that I was still erect.

"...his mate, rolled up in a ball is John. This is Luke" he said indicating the taller of the two blondes (the one on the receiving end of the blowjob we saw earlier), "and this is Scott. But I think you've seen these two before." Asif said with a smile.

"Err yeh, I think we saw them with you on the couch earlier." I said looking to John for support.

"Yeh that's right" he said uncurling a little, obviously no longer feeling quite so threatened. I know I certainly felt calmer.

"Well yes you did, but before that in the room down the hall. Don't deny it, it was a set up, just to confirm my suspicions. I followed you upstairs earlier and was watching you from the room across the hall..... So you both still in party mood?" he asked.

I looked at John, he eyed up the blondes, looked back at me and nodded. "Seems so" I said.

"Right well lets make ourselves comfortable shall we, drag those mattresses on to the floor, and there's a spare one in the broom closet on the landing, can you two get that." He said talking to Luke and Scott. They were back quickly and laid it down at the side of the others.

"OK seems like these two have a head start on us, so lets catch up a little." Asif said, pulling his shirt over his head. Luke and Scott took their cue from Asif and very quickly all three were down to their underwear.

All three wore different styles. Luke's boxers, I had seen earlier, were navy blue cotton and loose fitting, but distinctly bulging at the front, they stood out against his blonde hair and pale skin. Scott wore red lycra briefs, which obviously usually held him in tight, but were being severely tested at the moment. Asif was wearing a white silk g-string, which was in stark contrast to his brown Asian skin, the pouch of which would barely have concealed his equipment when soft, but in his current state his prick was poking out above the waistline.

"So, like what you see so far." Asif asked.

"Oh, do I" we both chorused together.

"Right then", said Asif taking the lead again, pulling his g-string off and throwing it in the corner, closely followed by the other two pairs of underwear.

John and I were like two kids in a candy store, we didn't know where to look, all three were well endowed. Luke was slightly longer than my initial estimate at about 8 ½" uncut and what looked like a nice handful around with no pubic hair. Scott, who I had not been able to see earlier, was an amazing 10" long also uncut, but somewhat thinner than Luke, it struck me the perfect cock to try a full on deepthroating, his pubic bush was golden somewhat darker than his head hair. Asif was smaller than the other two, at about 6 ½" but considerably thicker, so thick in fact I doubted I could get it in my mouth, his hair was almost black and very thick. Both blonds pricks were pointing straight out from their groins, while Asif's cock was pointing up at his navel, pressed hard against his stomach.

John suddenly, became animated, having hardly moved since they burst in. He crawled across the mattress to Asif, which put his head at crotch level, he pushed his nose between Asif's balls and inhaled deeply, then began to lick his ballsac, which despite his dense hairy bush were almost hairless. He drew one of the nuts into his mouth, as we watched, Asif's cockhead pulsed and began to ooze precum, I was so enthralled that when I felt a hand on my back I jumped about a foot forward.

"Whoa, steady on" I heard a voice say, as once more a hand stroked my back. I looked round to see that Luke had come up behind me and Scott was behind him with his arms around Luke stroking up and down his body. I turned round getting close to Luke, our cocks rubbing against one another. I put my arms around him and began stroking his sides then went further round and began stroking Scott's back, Scott was still stroking Luke's front but now the back of his hands were stroking my front at the same time. Scott's hands went down to our groins and took hold of one prick in each hand and began to jack us off. He then placed both pricks on top of one another and using both his hands to hold them together began masturbating us backward and forward, forward and backward, the skin of our pricks gliding over one another, Luke and I were both getting in to this, moaning and groaning with pleasure.

I let my hands run further down Scott's back to his buttocks, dipping into his crack and back out, I then started to massage his buttocks. Letting go with my right hand I slid it in between Scott and Luke and found Scott's pulsing 10 incher laid along Luke's spine. Taking hold of it I pulled it down, Scott backing off to make room for my manoeuvring, and placed it down along Luke's asscrack. I put both hands back on Scott's asscheeks and pulled him towards me, Scott and Luke groaned in unison, as Scott slid down Luke's crack and found his way along the cord between his legs. Putting my hand down between Luke and myself I felt for and found the head of Scott's cock pushing Luke's ballsac forward and up, squeezing the tip I milked a few drops of precum from his piss slit on to my hand.

I brought my hand up to my lips and licked at the precum I had collected, it was sweet. I put my fingers to Luke's mouth, pushing them in, he sucked on them drawing them further in, devouring the remaining precum.

While we were getting it on Jeff and Asif were enjoying their own action, evidenced by the sounds coming from them. I looked over my shoulder to see what was happening. Asif had his fingers entangled in John's hair pulling him onto his cock and at the same time pumping with his hips hard forcing his cock deep into Jeff's throat. I didn't know how Jeff had managed to take it but take it he did. Jeff's own cock was rigid and dripping precum despite being left to its own devices, while his hands worked away on Asif's nipples.

I felt a tongue in my ear, turning back I found Luke successfully attracting my attention. His hands were down under his balls one allowing Scott to work his cock through it, the other massaging my balls. I knew I was getting close, I could feel that tingle in my scrotum, that signalled my impending orgasm.

"I'm cumming" I said to both Luke and Scott.

"Let it happen" Scott replied

"Yea we've got all night" Luke chipped in, and with that I began to shoot my load, straight in to Luke's pubic bush, Scott released our pricks, freeing my prick to spring up and pump over Luke's stomach. I seemed to ejaculate forever, spurt after spurt landing on Luke and running down his body, to collect in his golden hair. When it was over I slumped to the floor feeling exhausted.

Luke and Scott laid down beside me, Scott still stroking Luke's cock and still humping his cock along the cord between his legs. I just lay there watching them. As I was enjoying the spectacle, Asif began panting hard and muttering "Suck me.... suck me hard, go on, that's it ....go on make me shoot.... go on I'm almost there, suckkk meee" and with that he clenched his buttocks and thrust hard forward deep into John's mouth and held it there. Then he started to cum, each spurt identifiable by a twitch of his balls. I could see John's throat working hard to swallow the cum shooting into his mouth. After about the fourth spurt it was obvious that he was fighting a loosing battle, as creamy white cum started to ooze from the side of this mouth, down his chin, finally running down his neck on to his chest.

Scoot and Luke had also stopped their action to watch the climax, when it was over they separated and crawled across to John, and pulled him off of Asif, who wandered over to me and sat down next to me, watching the three others.

Scott and Luke laid John down between them, Scott on John's right and Luke on the other side. Then together they went to work cleaning John of Asif's mancream, once they had him cleaned up they began making their way down his body, taking a nipple each and sucking on it. John's whole body was twitching, his cock was lifting about an inch off his stomach with each twitch. They continued licking on down to Johns flat stomach, just avoiding contact with Johns prick. Further down they went over his hips to his thighs. John was groaning with pleasure at the efforts of this double act. I remember thinking, "It looks like they planned this." It was only later in retrospect that I realised that this was probably something they had done before.

They reversed direction and began to work their way, licking and stroking, back up John's inner thigh, they spread his legs wide giving them more room to work. They reached his nutsac still licking and sucking, but still not yet making any contact with his rampant manhood.

Then as if by telepathy they both moved to the side of his cock, looked up at him and then each other and nodded. Lowering their chins to his hip they slid forward towards one another, tongues out, they licked the side of his cock not quite to his head and back down to the base. They looked at one another again, moving closer together, they stretched their lips wide, wrapped them round John's meat and kissed one another, and slid up to the head. John was thrashing his head from side to side and muttering. "Oh shit...oh shit" over and over, to say he was enjoying the action would be an understatement.

It was also quite clear that John could not last much longer.

With that Scott and Luke separated, Luke sliding down between John's legs to work again on John's ballsac. While Scott took hold of John's throbbing dick and gently stroked it, laying his face down at the side, his tongue flicked out at John's cock, licking the cock as he stroked it. At the same time Luke looked up and said "He's ready". With that Scott slid his mouth over the head of John's cock and in one motion swallowed John right to the base of his cock. As I watched I could see Scott's throat muscles working away on John's cock, in just the same way that he had when we watched Scott blow Luke earlier.

"Go for Scott," Luke said "any second NOW."

With that John's hips bucked up, trying to get even more of himself into Scott. Feeling John shooting down his throat Scott pulled off of him just as the next shot erupted splattering over his face. Scott and Luke sat back, as we all watched John's prick jump about as he shot and shot spunk all over the place. I counted ten shots, before John subsided and just oozed the last few remaining drops.

John just lay completely washed out. Luke and Scott just smiled at one another and nodded.

Depending on your comments I may be persuaded to tell you how the night progresses.

Comments and ideas would be appreciated at . I will read all messages, if you want a reply please say so and I will try to oblige.

Next: Chapter 4

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