Roommate First Course

By athlete

Published on Nov 6, 2001


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Disclaimer. This story contains male to male sexual acts, if you find this not to your taste then please close this page now. Likewise if you are not old enough according to the laws where you live to read this type of literature then please leave now.

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The following is based on actual events during my years at college, though the names of the characters have been changed to protect the not so innocent.

Roommate First Course Act 2 (M/M, Coll, Real)

After my early morning encounter with John, I had breakfast and went to the days lectures. I found my mind wandering back to the events of that morning. Come lunchtime I considered going to find John, but as I was about to go, one of my classmates, Asif, called me over.

"Hi Jeff, there's a party at my house tonight, your invited. OK"

"Yeh, great, what time?" I asked.

"Oh anytime after 8, and you can crash in my roomies bed, he had to go home. Oh and it's BYOB"

"Fine, can I bring my roommate? I know he's at a loose end." I said not knowing anything of the sort, but just hoping.

"No problem, as long as he doesn't mind the floor."

"I'm sure he'll manage." I said, but thinking "I wonder if we can share the bed."

This gave me more to think about and even more reason to find John. So off I went across campus to the Technology department, not really sure where to find him, but it seemed reasonable to start in the refectory.

My luck was in, John was just returning his tray. "Hey John, I called." He looked round, waved, put down the tray, and came over to me. "What you doing here?" "Looking for you....can we go outside."

Once outside I asked "Any plans for tonight?"

"Why what you got in mind." he said, smirking and making a grab for my crotch.

"Cut it out, and get your mind out of the gutter. There's a party and we are invited."

"Well... OK."

"You don't seem sure."

"No it's not that, I just thought we could get to know each other better."

"We can do that at the party" I replied "If I know Asif, then we can do pretty much what we want and there is a spare bed. Anyway think about it, I'll see you later."

When I got home John was already there. "So have you decided?" I asked.

"Yep, I'm always up for a party." He replied.

"That's what I hoped you'd say. Anyway just time to shower and eat and we can be off."

***** By the time we got there the party was in full swing, music blasting, people dancing on the lawn, all the usual party happenings. We went in side to find Asif.

We soon found him in the kitchen, mixing up what looked like a very potent cocktail. "Here's our contribution," I said, "where do you want it?"

"Oh over there" he said, pointing to the breakfast bar.

I put the cans on the bar, took one each for John and myself, "This is John, my roommate." I said, "Where should we put his sleeping bag?"

"Hi John. Put the bag in my room, up the stairs last door on the right."

"OK see you later" I said.

We found the room and threw the sleeping bag on one of the two beds and headed back to the party. As we neared the room next but one to Asif's I heard noises and noticed the door was ajar by about 3 inches. I signalled to John to be quiet and looked in through the door opening, at first I couldn't see the source of the noise, until I looked to the back of the room and looked into the full length wardrobe mirror. Stood, side on to the mirror, was a tall blond guy with his Levis and boxers down round his ankles, on the floor in front of him was another blond, sucking hard on what appeared to be an 8 inch dick.

We stood watching, John's crotch was tight up against my arse, his prick pulsing against my crack. His hand came round reaching inside my shirt to tweak my left nipple, I suppressed a groan, his hand slid down my body to squeeze my now hard cock. I pushed back into his groin.

Inside the room the blonde on the receiving end of the blowjob was starting to work his hips back and forth driving his penis further into the guy on the floor, he seemed to be taking it with little problem, the recipient began to moan. He brought his hands to the face of the blonde on the floor and stopped his movement, and then started fucking the mouth and throat of the guy in front of him. I could see his throat bulge as the head dived further in. Then suddenly he stopped thrusting, arched his back, and let out a real deep groan as he came down his mates throat.

While this had been happening, John had continued stroking me through my Levis, and I had been grinding my way back in to his groin. It seemed like the time had come to join the party (no not the blonds, the one downstairs).

Standing up, I took John's hand from my almost over-stretched Levis and lead him to the top of the stairs, took him in my arms and just hugged him.

"What was that for?" he asked

"Just for the hell of it"

"Alright, so do we go back to the room, or do we go down."

"Well, after that show I need a drink, so down it is.

We got ourselves drinks and started to mingle. It turned out that there were quite a few people there that one or other of us knew. So the evening passed quite quickly.

By about midnight, people were starting to find places in which to be together. John pulled me close and said "We better go and make sure no one gets our room."

"Yeah, but it's not our room, it's Asifs."

"I know, but look over there."

I looked where John was looking. Asif was on the couch sandwiched between the two blondes we had seen earlier, actively encouraging their attentions.

I turned back to John. "OK let's go" I said.

We made our way up to the room. As we walked along the landing, there were the unmistakable sounds of sexual activity coming from behind the doors. We smiled at each other. I was beginning to wonder whether we were to late, but our luck held and Asifs room was empty.

We closed the door and fell, together, on to the bed where Johns sleeping bag was. We pushed the bag of the bed and held each other close. I ran my hands up and down Johns back, while he was squeezing my buttocks. I pulled his shirt out of his trousers, then rolled away from him, to make room, started to undo his shirt buttons. As I the last button came away John rolled on his back and the shirt fell open exposing his nipples to my eager mouth.

My lips closed around his right nipple and began to suck gently, my tongue lapped around the hard point. John ran his hands through my hair. I lifted my head and moved across to his left nipple and gave it the same treatment. I then ran my tongue down over his pecs to his abs and into his belly button, jabbing the tip deep into the recess. I brought my hand up on to the bulge in his trousers and could feel the heat through his flies, I rubbed his pulsating rod through the material of his trousers. John groaned and pushed up against me.

I reached up for the snap, at the top of his trouser, pulled his zip down and pulled the flaps apart. I moved down and sucked his boxer covered cockhead into my mouth. He groaned louder and pushed up harder against me. I took the opportunity to push his trousers down below his buttocks.

I let his cock out of my mouth, went down to his feet removed his trainers and socks then pulled his trousers down and off. Pushing his legs apart I crept back towards his groin, where his boxers were still tented and I could see the plum coloured head of his prick through the almost transparent wet spot I had made a few moments earlier.

I slid my hands up his inner thighs, stroking them lightly, causing goosebumps to appear. I continued up his thighs sliding my hands inside his boxers, my right hand very soon found his ballsac and went to work on his balls, rolling them around and squeezing gently.

John sat up, "Come up here Jeff, I don't want to cum yet."

I crawled up over his body and lay on top of him, still fully clothed, we kissed for a while, his tongue roaming all over my mouth.

We rolled over, putting John on top. He sat up straddling my groin and pulled me up, got hold of the bottom of my polo shirt and pulled up, I lifted my arms, and he pulled the shirt off.

I lay back down and John, obviously feeling my very hard cock between his legs, twisted from side to side pushing down at the same time, I could feel my precum oozing out into my briefs. John shuffled back a little, onto my thighs, and leaned forward and treated my nipples to the same treatment I had given his. Those electric shocks were there again, causing me to twitch under him. He continued working my nipples while his hands reached down and opened my Levis, my cockhead was now visible to him sticking out the side of my tanga briefs. He moved a hand over the head of my cock and smeared my precum over it with his fingers, then brought his fingers up to his lips and licked them.

"Tastes just as good as this morning" he smiled

He lifted himself of me and settled at my side. He hooked his fingers inside my briefs and pushed them down together with my Levis. I lifted my hips to help and he pushed them right down and off.

He came back to my cock, which, unrestrained, was now standing vertically in all its glory. He brought his head down towards me, I could feels his breath on the head of my cock.

Just then the door flew open and someone said, "What the hells going on here......"

What happens next?.

Depending on your comments I may be persuaded to tell you what happens next.

Comments and ideas would be appreciated at . I will try to read all messages, if you want a reply please say so and I will try to oblige.

Next: Chapter 3

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