By Mike Phillies

Published on Oct 10, 2014



AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is work of fiction involving consensual gay sex between two college-aged young men over 18 years of age, and includes underwear fetishism, bondage, discipline, spanking, edging/milking, and oral sex. It is intended for mature readers. The characters and setting are fictional. If this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

Otherwise, enjoy!!! Constructive comments are welcomed. And please donate to the Nifty Archives. I thank them for the opportunity to present this story to interested readers.



I am a 20 year old closeted gay college student and have had a fascination for domination and bondage and discipline scenarios for as long as I can remember. I have always been a quiet, polite, submissive boy who often fantasized about getting kidnapped or captured and tied up, gagged, and spanked. I even recall reading the Hardy Boys detective stories when I was young with the intent of finding passages describing the Hardy brothers in predicaments in which the bad guys took possession of them and the young detectives found themselves bound and gagged. I am a virgin and pretended to be straight and restricted my sexuality to the level of fantasy, ashamed to let my friends know about my yearning to be put under another guy's control and be punished and disciplined.

Whenever the time came for me to act upon my sexual fantasies - and even in high school I was eager for that to happen - I expected other guys to find me attractive. I had a mop of dark, wavy hair and a dimpled face the girls who gamely (but unsuccessfully) pursued me often described as "cute" and "boyish." I was athletic from years of playing sports and tanned from many summer weekend hours spent in the sun at the beach, and had a smooth, slender body with pubic hair that I kept neatly trimmed out of modesty.

I have an underwear fetish and have always sought every available opportunity to observe other guys my age in their underpants; as an only child, school and the occasional Friday-night sleepovers at a friend's house offered the only chances I had to do this (that is, before I went off to college.) I am athletic and like other boys looked forward to gym class in high school, but not just for the sporting activity; I loved the locker room scene before and after class. Of course, a staple expectation of gym-class protocol included the ritual of the students stripping to their underwear to get changed at both the start and finish of the period. I always took full advantage of those moments to take in the sight of my classmates going about their business in their undies, usually boxers or boxer briefs, with an occasional brave soul wearing rarely-seen-today briefs.

As for sleepovers, I was a shy and somewhat awkward kid in high school, and did not have many friends. When I was the recipient of the rare invitation to attend a Friday-night sleepover, of course I eagerly accepted. I was inevitably the quietest boy there but thoroughly enjoyed the teen-age camaraderie, the horseplay, the video games, the card-playing, and (if the host's parents were not particularly vigilant about counting their supply) the sharing of a couple of cans of beer snuck up to the room late at night from the downstairs refrigerator. But what I liked the most was the expectation that all the guys would naturally spend the entire time during the sleepover in their underwear. Every participant just seemed to know that once they arrived and arranged their bedding, it was time to strip down to their underpants. Those rare nights of companionship with boys my age, everyone casually sharing the time in just their underwear, were among the most cherished memories I had of my high-school experience, along with gym class.

Now I was going off to college and for the first time in my life would have a roommate - his name was Andrew Crawford - and I was eager about the prospect of every night being a sleep-over of sorts with Andrew. I was nervous before meeting Andrew for the first time; our only direct contact in the couple of weeks before the semester began was in the form of emails covering routine topics (what we were both bringing for the room, how late we went to bed, how early we liked to get up, that sort of thing.) I friended Andrew on Facebook and his shirtless profile picture showed a tanned and slender good-looking guy with dark curly hair dressed in colorful board shorts. Andrew was already in the dorm when I arrived and he came down to the lobby to meet me and help me move my stuff up to the room. I was really pleased to see that my roommate, 20 years old like me, was, as his profile picture indicated, a really cute guy. Andrew and I immediately took to each other and quickly discovered that we liked being roommates but I could tell we were not destined to be particularly close; we were both serious and quiet and studious by nature ("nerds," some would say) and I did not expect much social interaction between us. As I said before, Andrew was definitely hot; he was a boyish-looking tanned skinny guy with curly black hair, and I would find his apparent disinterest in girls (like me, he showed little interest in them) appealing. In fact, I developed a secret crush on Andrew right away, but of course had to act like a straight at all times; I only allowed myself surreptitious glances at him when he stripped down to his underpants in our room.

Which, I found to my delight, happened early every evening. When I first met Andrew and saw how cute he really was, I immediately became very excited about sorting out the dormitory-room clothing and bedtime protocol with him. At home, I predictably hung out in my boxer shorts whenever possible; I was an only child and my parents were used to seeing me that way. I wondered if my cute roommate would be comfortable with that, or would expect both of us to remain fully clothed while together in the room for studying or during down time. I also wondered about what the protocol would be when we bedded down. I was planning to sleep in my underwear, as had always been my custom, and in the back of my mind wondered if my good-looking roommate would do the same, or sleep in pajamas, or even in the nude. On the very first night we roomed together, I was in for a pleasant surprise; as soon as we got back to our dorm room from dinner, I got busy setting up my desk for a night of homework and was not paying attention to what Andrew was doing, thinking about when I could strip to my underwear without arousing suspicions on his part. When I heard Andrew ask me a question - it was something about him reminding me that he was an early riser and what time I was setting my alarm for tomorrow morning - I turned around to answer and saw my cute roommate standing next to his desk holding an alarm clock in his hands and looking at me, already stripped all the way down to his briefs and socks. I tried to hide my surprise and stammered out a response that I had already told him I did not stay up late and got up early as well, then instantly got out of my chair and followed suit, quickly stripping down to my American Eagle red and black plaid boxer shorts and socks. We then both settled in for a night of homework; fortunately, my desk concealed the boner that was tenting my boxers. I had discovered that Andrew (like myself) was very casual and uninhibited about shucking off his clothes in the privacy of our room as soon as we got back from dinner or from class during the day and getting comfortable in his underwear for homework, studying, relaxing, and then sleeping. In fact, when in our room for any sustained period of time, each of us, alone or together, peeled down to our undies right away; we rarely saw each other in anything but underwear.

Unlike most college-age guys, Andrew exclusively wore briefs. Andrew was a very independent-minded boy; in an all-male dorm like ours there was constant hallway traffic of guys in their underwear, and Andrew had no qualms about walking down to the bathroom or shower facility stripped to his briefs, oblivious to snide remarks and ridicule from some of the guys he encountered ("Hey, Crawford, nice young-boy undies!" or "Dude, get with the program, this is college, not junior high!") Although I wear boxer shorts myself (my mom habitually bought me boxers of the American Eagle brand), I really enjoyed the sight of Andrew in his snug-fitting pristine white Jockey briefs; they were just right for his skinny build, and on him the side seams and y-front design in the front (which formed a pouch that encased a very appealing package) were?sexy. (I once asked Andrew in an offhand way why he risked getting taunted for wearing Jockey briefs when boxer shorts were the underwear of choice of most guys our age; my roommate just shrugged his shoulders and said that was the style and brand of underpants his mother had always bought for him, and he liked them and became accustomed back in high school for being teased for wearing them. I could not bring myself to tell him how good he looked in them.)

The first semester had ended and the winter recess had arrived, and there were parties to attend celebrating the conclusion of final exams and the upcoming Christmas holidays. On the night before the students were heading home, Andrew and I ended up together by coincidence at the same off-campus party, and as a result I would experience the reality of my hidden submissive sexual desires for the first time. Neither of us were much for the party scene and we had little experience with drinking and Andrew and I both ended up having too much. We decided to leave together and by turns walked and stumbled back to our dorm, laughing and goofing and clowning around all the way. (That night was the only time Andrew and I ever did anything like that; the alcohol had dissipated the distance we normally maintained from one another.) Once we were in our room, we continued frisking around with each other and then began stripping down to our underwear for bed. Andrew finished first and dimmed the lights very low and was standing in just his Jockey briefs next to the bunk bed we shared, pulling down the covers on the lower berth that he occupied. On this particular night even in near-darkness Andrew looked especially hot in the briefs; the frontal pouch neatly encased his genitals to form a very appealing bulge, and I could see the outline of his nice cock through the cotton fabric. I stumbled while taking down my jeans and accidently - well, maybe not accidently - bumped into him. That immediately started an episode of drunken horseplay conducted in our underwear that evolved into a wrestling match. Once we locked up I slurred a good-natured threat that I would teach Andrew a lesson he would never forget once I pinned him. We grappled some more and Andrew grunted that he would be the one teaching me a lesson that night. Andrew and I were both athletic and of similar size and evenly matched, but he managed to get the better of me and pinned me, probably because I secretly wanted him to in order to find out what Andrew had planned for me once he got me under control. I certainly got my wish; Andrew dominated me and spanked me! Even in my intoxicated state I was absolutely thrilled when Andrew pulled me up from the floor and wrestled me over his knee. He took total control of me and positioned me with my ass vulnerably sticking up in the air and held me in place with a hand pressed down on the small of my back. Andrew then started my spanking; I yelped involuntarily with the first blow, so Andrew quickly snatched up one of his socks from the floor and growled an order for me to clasp my hands behind my head and shut up and open wide, "or I will take down your boxers and we will proceed with your punishment over a naked ass." I submissively went silent and opened up and Andrew began roughly stuffing the sock in my mouth; I could not help thinking that my cute roommate was taking me captive and having his way with me, and my cock had snapped to complete attention as Andrew finished gagging me by removing his hand from my back and clamping it tightly over my fabric-filled mouth . The blows then resumed, and sensation of Andrew in his snug-fitting y-front briefs paddling my slender ass in the darkness over the fabric of my plaid cotton boxers with one of his socks packed in my mouth and kept there by hand engorged my cock even further than the application of the gag. I was now squirming in both discomfort and pleasure over Andrew's lap as he whaled away and, try as I might, I could not stop my rigid cock from jutting into Andrew's crotch. Andrew was drunk, but he surely was aware of the huge boner I was sporting. I was drunk myself, but there was no mistaking that Andrew's cock had also hardened and was straining against the fabric of his briefs and was pushing against my own throbbing shaft tenting my boxers as he continued spanking me. Our rock-hard cocks were now pressed tightly together, and I began to quiver and squirm with ecstasy. Now on the brink of an orgasm, I began begging and pleading through the makeshift gag for Andrew to stop. Andrew heard my muffled desperate pleas and felt me tense up and begin to tremble and no doubt sensed I was about to erupt, so he stopped punishing me, pulled out my gag, and ordered me to stand. Andrew likewise rose up and we both stood there in silence in the dimly-lit room, panting and bathed in sweat and waiting for our erections to subside. My hands were still submissively clasped behind my head and neither of us able or willing to look at each other or say anything about the sudden outburst of passion that had just occurred with such unexpected spontaneity. Andrew gathered himself first and calmly and quietly told me I could drop my hands and stated in a firm voice that we both needed to go to the bathroom and shower and change into fresh underwear before going to bed and we needed to be quiet to avoid disturbing other students on our floor. I lowered my hands as instructed and we quickly grabbed towels and fresh underpants and I submissively followed Andrew down the hall in silence to the men's room. It was now very late and we seemed to be the only boys on the floor still awake and not in bed. We used the facilities, entered separate stalls, stripped naked and quickly showered, dried off, pulled on fresh underpants, and brushed our teeth. Not a word was spoken in the men's room and as I dutifully took my place behind Andrew and followed him back to the dorm room. Andrew then told me in the same firm voice to get in bed and go to sleep. I obeyed and climbed the ladder to my bunk and tucked myself in as Andrew extinguished the light and bedded himself down and we both quickly fell asleep. We clearly were both embarrassed and stunned by the incident and somehow acted the next morning as if nothing at all had happened. Shame prevented either of us from mentioning it as we packed the personal effects we needed to take home for the winter holiday in silence, only speaking shyly about how hung over we both were from our overindulgence in alcohol. Our parents were arriving later that morning to pick us up, and the incident was clearly not going to be discussed at all. But I could not help constantly thinking about it ?Just hours ago my sexy roommate had dominated me and spanked me and clearly got off while doing so, and I did not think it was just the intoxication that was responsible. And I had eagerly submitted to him and loved every second of it?

We said our good-byes and wished each other a happy holiday and promised to exchange emails when we both knew what day in January we would each be returning to the dorm. I looked forward to going home with my parents for the holidays, but now knew I would be very eager to see my roommate again when we both returned to school in about a month. I of course knew why I would be so anxious to see Andrew, and could only hope he looked forward to seeing me for the same reason?

The holidays and accompanying winter recess passed quickly, as vacation time usually does. It was soon time to return to school; studies and classes and life in the college dormitory rooming with Andrew were once again beckoning. And unlike most vacations away from school that I had experienced in my life, I was eager to return to college; I had a strong sense of unfinished business with my roommate that absolutely needed to be investigated. Given what happened the last night we were together, Andrew surely had some of the same desires sequestered in him as I did?And I was now eager to further test the waters with my cute college roommate. After all, Andrew had already spanked me once, gagging me in the process, and he became erect while punishing my ass. And he young, hot, and appealing?I spent many hours during the winter break devising a scheme to put Andrew to the test and determine the extent of his sexual desires. I was absolutely convinced Andrew was secretly gay, as I was, and was a dominant top who would find me to be a very docile and compliant bottom. I was absolutely determined to investigate Andrew's secret desires, and was intrigued and aroused by the possibilities?

When my mom asked me her annual pre-Christmas question if I needed replacement socks and underwear for college (mothers traditionally seize the opportunity Christmas presents them to buy their boys socks and underwear as a gift, which they must buy for their sons anyway), I told her yes but asked her to give me money instead so I could shop for my own underwear at post-holiday sale prices. She was happy to do so, telling me it was time for me to get used to purchasing my own clothing anyway. As a result, one of my Christmas gifts came in the form of $100 in an envelope labeled "Socks & Underwear." I waited until several days after the holiday and eagerly set out to the local mall to buy my own underwear for the very first time. I enjoyed the feeling of independence that doing my own shopping afforded me (like many mothers of only sons, my mom sort of pampered me), and went on this shopping trip with Andrew specifically in mind.

Although I was accustomed to wearing boxer shorts, I figured one thing I could do to impress my cute roommate was to start wearing the same underwear he did. Andrew looked really hot in his pristine white briefs, and I figured my build and appearance (similar to Andrew's; athletic, slender, smooth, tanned, nice rounded butt) would likewise benefit from a change away from the looser-fitting AE boxers I had worn ever since entering high school. I went to the largest department store in the mall and began looking through the underwear inventory. I quickly found what I was looking for; white Jockey brand y-front briefs in my size (30 inch waist). A sale price was available; if I bought two packages of three briefs each, a third package was free. I selected two packs of the standard white classic briefs, and chose a pack of the low-rise cut (advertised to ride lower on the hips) as my free set.

Excited by my selection, I then selected two packages of white athletic tank tops ("wife beaters," in the slang) that I was sure would look sexy on me. The purchase of several three-pack of socks tallied close to the $100 my mom had given me.

When I went to the closest cashier to check out, I was surprised to see Pete, a casual high-school acquaintance who had gone to a different college than the one I attended, manning the cash register. We made small talk about our respective college experiences, and about Pete taking a temporary job at the department store because (unlike me, whose college resumed classes a week after New Year's Day), Pete was not due back in school until later in January. Pete was a good-looking guy, and I suspected he remembered that I wore boxers throughout high school. I wondered how he would react as I handed him my new packages of underwear.

Pete looked at the briefs, rung them up, and remarked, "Hey Alex, making the switch to tighty-whities, huh? I always thought you were a boxer-wearing kind of guy."

I felt myself blush and hoped Pete would not notice.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, uh, I just thought I would try 'em out. You know, something different for college." I tried to make myself sound offhand and casual. "Cool," Pete replied. He shot a quick glance to ascertain that no one was watching him, and quickly lifted up his shirt to reveal a white waistband embroidered with the distinctive Jockey logo. "I'm wearing Jockey briefs myself. My girlfriend thinks they are sexy on me. You will like them, once you get used to 'em. And so will your girl." He covered up and winked at me. "Cool. I 'll let you know," I lied. I gathered my bags and said goodbye, hoping that Pete would be right about the sex appeal of my new underwear. But not for my girlfriend?

I departed the mall and made another stop before going home; there was an adult novelty store in my town that catered to shoppers over the age of 18. I had long wanted to go there out of curiosity, but now had a concrete reason to patronize the establishment. I readied my ID and parked the car and entered the place, apprehensive but excited.

I got home about an hour later and hastened to my bedroom with my purchases. It was mid-afternoon and my parents were still at work. I opened the packages of my new underwear and quickly stripped naked, shucking my boxers aside. I chose the low-rise briefs and slipped them on; they fit well, although certainly snugger than the boxer shorts I had favored for so long. I then slipped on one of my new tee shirts and looked myself over in the mirror.

Without question, I looked good, and I could make out the faint outline of my cock in the y-front pouch designed to hold my genitals. Andrew would like this look on me, I was certain. I smiled to myself and nodded.

I then opened the package from the adult novelty store. I felt a delicious thrill as I felt the cold metal of the handcuffs I had purchased and listened intently to the metallic clicking sound as I tried them on my wrists. Perfect, I thought.

I then handled the wooden paddle I had bought. The surface was smooth and polished. I smiled to myself as I imagined Andrew applying the paddle to my cotton-clad ass.

The final item intrigued me the most. I had seen plenty of ball gags used to gag submissives to silence on internet porn sites. Now, for the first time, I had a gagging implement in my own hands. The black leather strap was wide, and the red rubber ball was large. I decided to get a look. I quickly opened wide and buckled the gag in place and cuffed my wrists in front of me and then looked at myself in the mirror. I instinctively stood ramrod-straight and clasped my cuffed hands behind my head. I really liked what I saw and my cock immediately sprang to attention. Now, I thought, I was ready to go back to school? As the report date for school approached, I continued to wear my new briefs, getting accustomed to their snug feel and definitely liking the way the form-fitting jockeys looked on my lithe and tanned body. I smiled to myself when I thought of soon seeing Andrew with me wearing the same style of white briefs he did. I did not care if I endured some ridicule from other guys in the dorm for wearing underwear that was not currently in style because I was anxious to see how Andrew would react the first time we got back to our room from dinner and got out of our shirts and pants and shoes and he saw me stripped down to exactly what he had on. And I kept thinking about the spanking he had administered to me? I truly believed Andrew and I would soon find that we had even more in common than wearing Jockey y-front briefs and being studious!

And I had formulated a plan. I was unsure but eager to find out how Andrew would react when he discovered the ball gag along with the handcuffs and paddle I "accidently" left in a place where he would see them in our dorm room. It would be very obvious for Andrew to figure out what to do with the cuffs and gag and paddle and who they were intended for?And if after my spanking Andrew removed the gag to free up my mouth and dropped me to my knees, I was prepared to eagerly take his young boy-cock in my mouth.

My parents suggested that I return to school with adequate time to select my courses and settle in for the new semester. I agreed, and we decided I would report two days before the course selection process was to take place. I immediately emailed Andrew to inform him of the date of my arrival and added that I looked forward to seeing him. Andrew replied that his parents were bringing him back a day after I was arriving and that he looked forward to seeing me as well. I smiled at that; I was sure Andrew did not know how eager I really was to see him and put my plan in motion. I was fully committed to submitting to him, and if Andrew did not take the bait as I hoped he would, it would simply be a matter of him having found personal items belonging to me. (Andrew was quiet, discreet, and private; even if he did not do with them what I hoped, I was not particularly worried about him discovering the handcuffs and paddle and gag.)

My parents took me back to school on the day we had planned. I bade them farewell until they would come back to pick me up for spring break and I promised to contact them once a day. I unpacked my gear and settled in. By that night, the dorm was pretty full. I made my first foray to the bathroom at bedtime clad in my new briefs. Sure enough, another student made a snide remark ("Hey, Alex, nice Crawford imitation, you guys got something going?") I simply shrugged and said (partially truthfully, at least) that my mom bought the underwear for me. The other guy laughed and let it go, as did I.

The following morning I implemented my plan. There was a table in the middle of the dorm room that Andrew and I shared for stashing our backpacks, books, and other items. I left the package of bondage gear on the table, in full view. All Andrew had to do in order to discover the cuffs, gag, and paddle was to see the package, wonder what was in it, and open it up.

I got up early the following morning, showered, and got dressed. As I pulled on my briefs, I smiled at the thought that Andrew would be seeing me in my new underwear later on this very day. Andrew arrived on schedule and texted me from the lobby. I immediately went downstairs to greet him and help him bring up his gear. We shook hands and exchanged a quick hug and got to work. I had not seen my roommate in about a month, and he almost looked even cuter than before.

Once everything had been brought up to the room, Andrew predictably stripped down to his briefs before beginning to unpack. I shot him a glance and smiled inwardly. I had some paperwork to do for course selection and I likewise stripped to my briefs and athletic tee shirt before getting to work. Andrew saw me as I finished, looked me over, and grinned.

"Hey Alex, what's with the briefs? No more boxers on my roommate? What gives?"

I smiled awkwardly. "Well, my mom bought new underwear for me for Christmas." (Again, at least partially true.)

Andrew was still smiling. "Cool. I guess the other guys are going to make comments about the two of us."

"Yeah. Got a little bit of that last night, in fact." Andrew made a dismissive gesture. "Screw 'em. It's only underwear. Who cares?" I noticed him steal a quick look at my bulge in the y-front pouch. "And, by the way, you look really good in 'em."

My heart quickened and I felt a preemptory twitch in my cock. "Thanks," I replied shyly, and quickly sat down at my desk. I was really pleased by Andrew's reaction, and was feeling better by the second about Andrew taking the bait and dominating me.

We went about our business throughout the afternoon, getting work done and setting up the room. We talked about what we had done over the winter break, "in addition to you breaking in your new underwear," Andrew joked. (I really enjoyed that offhand remark.) At one point my heart quickened when Andrew saw the package of bondage gear on the table top and moved it slightly to make room for his backpack. He did not open it, but had at least noticed it.

I left the room twice during the afternoon; once to go to the vending station and get a Coke and once to go to the bathroom. When I returned the second time, I saw that the package was not in the exact same position it had been when I had left. I was now reasonably certain that Andrew had become curious about its contents and opened it.

If he had, my roommate showed no reaction and continued to interact casually with me as the afternoon progressed. My plan was going as I hoped it would. The worst-case scenario would be that Andrew knew I had bought some bondage gear over the winter break. And the best-case scenario would involve him using those implements on me, and soon. I could only hope?

Dinner time approached. As we dressed, we rehashed some of the highlights of the January NFL playoffs and other casual news. That conversation continued during the hike to the cafeteria. As was our custom, we split up and sat at separate tables, to engage in idle conversation with other students. I was nearly finished when I received a text message.

"Alex - Done early. Going back to the room. This afternoon I found some interesting items on the table. I am quite sure my naughty roommate left them there intentionally, and for a reason. You and I have some unfinished business to attend to from last semester. I'm sure you remember; you weren't that drunk. Guess I didn't spank you hard enough. Get back here now.


I quickly looked around the cafeteria. Sure enough, Andrew had left.

I finished up and began the walk back to the dormitory. My heart was racing and I walked fast. Andrew's text could only mean one thing; that my sexual desires, having been whetted by the drunken spanking Andrew had administered to me a month ago, were about to be realized in full?

My hands were trembling as I fumbled with my room keys to unlock the door. I stepped in, apprehensive and unsure of what to expect but extremely aroused.

The room was dimly lit. I blinked my eyes to adjust and spied my roommate. Andrew was already stripped to his briefs and socks and was standing next to his desk. My eyes went wide as I saw the handcuffs and ball gag in his hands and the cruel smile on his face.

I could only stand perfectly still as Andrew approached me. He was grinning every step of the way. In seconds he was standing face to face with me.

My roommate placed the implements of my impending captivity on my desk beside me. His left hand went to my chest and firmly pushed me against the door. His right hand was quickly and tightly clamped over my mouth.

"Yes, roommate, we have unfinished business. You want to finish what we started last month, don't you, Alex?" His voice was a husky whisper and the left hand came up to grasp a handful of my black wavy hair and pin my head in place.

His smile and purring whisper was driving me crazy with desire. "You got yourself young-boy undies and got me toys. You really want it bad, don't you, boy?"

My eyes remained wide and he was gazing intently at them. I slurred a trembling reply behind the hand covering my mouth: "Yes, Sir. I need it."

Andrew nodded and freed my mouth from his hand. His voice was curt and commanding. "Sir or Master from now on. Understood, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I whispered.

My roommate was in full domination mode. "And remain absolutely silent. What happens in the confines of this room is our secret and ours alone. And no one else hears or suspects a thing."

"Yes, Master," I whispered again.

"Very well." Andrew snapped his fingers. "Strip down to the briefs and socks, and be quick about it. Then feet together, stomach in, head down, and hands behind the head. Do it."

In seconds I was in complete compliance, standing ramrod straight stripped to low-rise briefs and socks in the pose described.

Andrew looked me over and expressed his approval. "Very good. This is the inspection pose. You will assume it each and every time I snap my fingers. And now, I will inspect my boy."

With that, Andrew looked me over, up and down, front and back. I could only stand perfectly still and silent as my cock began to stiffen. And then Andrew slowly slid his thumbs under the waistband of my briefs.

My cock pulsed and twitched and I gasped. "Wait," I blurted softly.

Andrew slapped my face hard, cutting off my protest. "I told you to be quiet. No more talking from my roomie. Put your hands to your side and open wide."

I obeyed. In seconds Andrew expertly applied the ball gag and buckled it tightly into place.

"That should shut you up and discipline your naughty mouth. Now, let's get my roomie cuffed. Hands behind the back and turn around." I obeyed, and the cold metal handcuffs were cinched tightly on my wrists. "Now, I will complete my inspection of my cuffed and gagged boy. Face me." He looked at me with that cruel smile and again inserted his thumbs under the waistband of the briefs. My eyes lowered in shame. "Look at me, boy." I looked up, eyes wide and pleading. Andrew was really grinning now.

"You look really cute in these low-rise jockeys, but they are coming down. Right now. Just deal with it." He locked eyes with me and slowly - excruciatingly slowly - lowered the briefs. I felt my pulsing, rigid cock spring free.

Andrew chuckled and reached down. My body convulsed and my cock jumped and twitched as he took firm hold of it.

"Well," Andrew purred, "What have we here? A very erect and naughty boy-cock saluting me that clearly requires my attention. I shall see to that in time. But first, I am going to paddle your sorry ass." Andrew slapped my cock hard, raised the briefs (which did the best they could to hold a very erect cock in place), took me by the ear, and led me to his desk. As he quick-marched me, I caught a glimpse of his straining, rock-hard cock tenting his briefs

Andrew grabbed a pillow from the bed to raise the target, placed it on his desk, and none too gently shoved me face down into spanking position.

"Last time you surely remember I spanked your sorry ass by hand over your boxers. This time, let's try a harder implement and a bared ass to make a more lasting impression." Andrew stood beside my rear end and continued to build the anticipation for my impending spanking by gently massaging the now-quivering cotton-clad skin of my buttocks in a slow circular motion with the smooth, cool wooden surface of the paddle. "Once I begin paddling my naughty roommate, I want to hear him count the strokes through the gag plugging his insolent mouth. Work real hard at that, Alex, and there will be fewer blows for you to endure."

He withdrew the paddle, and I held my breath. He reached down and grasped my erect shaft over my briefs, causing me to gasp inaudibly as my cock twitched and throbbed in his hand. I closed my eyes and steadied myself?

The first blow really stung and sounded like a gunshot; I winced in pain and counter out "One" as best I could through my gag. Each successive blow increased the sting and I hoped my punishment would stop at twenty. He in fact stopped, and I made the mistake of beginning to stand.

I was forced right back down. "Not quite yet, roomie. I told you a bared butt would make a more lasting impression." I moaned behind my gag as the briefs once more slowly came down to my thighs to expose my quivering ass. The paddle again caressed my now-bared and burning cheeks, and then he resumed. I was close to both crying and ejaculating when he stopped after I had counted thirty.

"Up and at attention, Alex." Andrew had to help me stand. I watched in silence as he reached down and took firm hold of my semi-rigid cock. I felt my shaft immediately come to attention and pulse and throb in his hand.

"Now that your mouth and ass have been disciplined, let's attend to this naughty boy-cock of yours and punish and tame it and put it in its proper place." Andrew released my fully erect cock and reached down for my briefs. "No need for these now, roomie. I need my boy naked for a session of prick tease." The briefs were dropped to my ankles. "Step out of 'em, boy."

I obeyed and stood nude and helpless and erect before my dominant roommate. My eyes went wide as Andrew produced latex gloves and a tube of lubricant from his desk. (I realized that Andrew had done some shopping of his own over the winter recess as a consequence of our spanking adventure in December.) Andrew had a cruel smile on his face as a gloved and lubed hand took gentle hold of my twitching shaft. It jerked spasmodically in his hand and I began to squirm.

Andrew grinned, clearly enjoying his domination of me. He squeezed my cock, causing me to moan softly. "Is this mine?" Andrew asked, giving my pulsing cock another gentle squeeze for emphasis.

"Yes, Sir," I mumbled softly behind my gag.

He winked at me. He set an alarm on his watch. "Thirty minutes of edging for your naughty boy-cock, and then I milk you down."

The next thirty minutes were agonizing. Andrew expertly stroked and manipulated and fingered my slippery shaft, causing it to jerk and throb and twitch. When my muffled pleas and pulsing cock and writhing body signaled that I was ready to burst and climax, he would remove his hand and slap my prick and pinch my nipples and then resume tormenting my cock. I alternated between desperately hoping the thirty minutes would elapse and wishing that the time would never pass.

The timer finally went off on his watch and Andrew stroked me hard past the point of no return. I was dripping sweat and my entire body convulsed and shuddered as I erupted and broke and splattered into his gloved hand.

Completely spent, I went limp and slumped to my knees in exhaustion before him, positioning me exactly as he wanted. Andrew unbuckled the gag and removed it from my mouth. "Clean up your mess, boy," he ordered, as he forced me to lick my still-warm ejaculate from his gloved hand and swallow it.

Andrew then roughly grabbed a handful of my hair and pressed my face against his groin. His cock, still hard, was pushing against the fabric of his underwear. "Start licking it, "Andrew growled. I obediently worked my tongue against the fabric that was straining against the pressure from within. "Stop. Not much time," Andrew panted. Andrew worked fast and lowered his briefs; I realized he was close to ejaculating. A large, erect cock sprang free in front of my face. I had been completely subdued; Andrew's ownership and domination of my cock and control of my orgasm ensured that I would be docile and compliant. And I desperately wanted Andrew's young cock anyway?I went slack-jawed as he puckered my lips, opening my mouth. Andrew slid his shaft in, grabbed a handful of my hair, and deliberately and methodically fucked my mouth. Seconds before he came, he withdrew his cock and erupted onto my face.

"Roommate just got christened. Hope you enjoyed your first facial," he growled. "I have marked you as my own. Get up and turn around." I obeyed, and he removed the handcuffs. "Now, turn back around and clean it up."

I dutifully complied, collecting his salty fluid in my hands and licking it off and swallowing it.

"Good boy." He snapped his fingers. Weary and utterly broken, I managed to assume the expected pose.

"You have five minutes to recover, and then we are going to the bathroom and clean ourselves up. We will take ten minutes to shower and brush our teeth. Put on your underwear, get a fresh pair of briefs, and get ready. Move!" He hurried me along to my dresser by slapping my still-sore behind.

I grabbed my discarded jockeys and pulled them on and hastened to my dresser to grab a clean pair of briefs. We stood in the darkness, breathing heavily and sweating, just as we had when he spanked me a month earlier. The five minutes expired, and I dutifully followed Andrew to the dormitory bathroom, not daring to make a sound. Both of us were sweaty and had been clearly up to something; fortunately for us, the hallway and bathroom were quiet and empty, so no one was around to see us or ask us a question. We entered separate shower cubicles and stalls and quickly stripped naked, showered ourselves clean, toweled dry, brushed our teeth, and put on fresh underwear. Cleaned and refreshed, we walked back to the room, ignoring a cutting remark ("Hey, look at the boy-undie twins!") delivered by the one student we encountered that night.

Once inside, Andrew suggested that I sit down and relax while he went to the vending area to buy us Cokes. Our D&S session was over, and it was time to get things back to normal as much as possible. My roommate returned, and we sat down in our underwear and drank our Cokes and opened up and talked.

I was pleased and relieved when Andrew admitted to me that he was a closeted gay and had a crush on me from the first time he saw me. I told him I was the same and had felt the same way about him, and my underwear fetish led me to enjoy every opportunity I had to see him stripped to his sexy briefs and led me to purchase similar underwear. (Andrew likewise admitted to an underwear fetish, which did not surprise me in the least.) We both confessed how much we had enjoyed the first spanking episode in December, and how we had hoped the experience could be repeated. We were clearly destined to be boyfriends, but since we were discreet individuals and serious students, our sexual encounters would be limited to Friday or Saturday nights to keep our relationship private and to allow us the time we needed for study and school activities.

It was soon time for bed. Andrew suggested that we continue our practice of only appearing before each other in our underwear in the privacy of our room. I eagerly agreed and suggested that we try a future encounter stripped to jockstraps, which led us to plan for each of us to order a sexy jockstrap for the other partner who would be required to wear it the entire day both leading up to the session and for the session itself. Andrew told me he believed he was a switch and in the future would want to try being the bottom and at the very least wanted to suck my nice cock. I told him I definitely liked that idea.

We rose, hugged each other, kissed each other on the cheek, and went to bed. Before I drifted off into a deep and contented and dreamy sleep, I smiled as I realized that never in my life was I so glad?to be back in school!


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