Roomie Mess

By Rex Rush

Published on Jun 25, 2006


I didn't think that I was going to write another part to this story. I don't know how good it will be to continue. I think you will see why as you read this one. I have thought I needed to write it and since I'm not working or going to school this summer, I have time to write, and a lot of time to think.

It was all going great at school and with Christian. Christian was very much a part of my friends and got into most of the fun, and trouble, we got into. He could bitch with the best of them about the Mavs. He could suck down a plate of hot wings without bothering to sit down. And he would make all the right faces and the right sounds when our waitress at Hooters would bend over and serve the drinks and food. He very much seemed to be enjoying life in college and the dorms.

Within the dorm was our room that we did get the most enjoyable of the activities. Neither one of could have ever expected that our relationship would take us anywhere near where we went. I couldn't have imagined it. I doubt if Christian could imagine anybody doing it at all. There were times when I would sit in class, intending on paying attention to the lecture but my mind would take my back and relive some of the things we had done and generate new images of things that we might do. I would lose all concentration on the lecture, sometimes not really conscience of being in class with 50 people sitting around me.

I thought about that evening in the caliche pit. We had our brand new rifles, shooting at beer cans, enjoying the warm sun, stinking from sweat, dust and gunpowder and it led to an exciting loving moment. And I had sucked dick and didn't die. I sucked a dick that was reeking of the scent of man, hot musky aroma that filled my lungs, that I just couldn't breathe deeply enough. I felt that velvety skin over the rock hard huge dick. I even had a boy's cum shoot in my mouth. I didn't die, I didn't go into convulsions, I didn't quit enjoying sports, beer, knocking around with other guys, or even life. It was more than having a dick in my mouth, there was something that made a connection in our lives that I can feel deeply in my heart and gut. It was fulfilling and built a strong desire.

Our room stopped being one of those rooms where the door was always opened and guys would drift in a congregate. It was good to be one of those rooms but we started to lock the door more and more. Most of the time nothing would actually be going on but we both felt like we needed a little more privacy. It was as if we had created our own space and didn't want anyone in it.

And behind closed doors things opened up. I was already spending time without a stitch of clothes on. I would take my time getting ready to get dressed. I would shave in the room over the sink rather than in the bathroom, I used all the creams to keep me pretty, and all the lotions to make me smell good, all while walking around the room naked. Christian no longer peeked out of the corner of his eye but he looked and commented and smiled. There were nights that I never put clothes back on.

And Christian went from hiding and never removing all his clothes in front of me to doing much of the same naked demonstration for me. I loved seeing him naked. He didn't have an athletic body but he was no skinny thing either. His muscles were well defined and everything looked so proportional, well almost everything. His skin had a pink glow and it seemed to shine. As the sun was hanging around more with the warmer weather, it brought definite tan lines that got my attention. His bubble butt was tight and cute. His dick was heavy and huge. His balls hung so low at times that I had to ask him how he kept them in his jeans.

I noticed that there was one awkward moment almost every day. When we woke up with morning wood, there was a real reluctance to let the other guys see. I guess its just something that developed over the years, having to hide boners all through growing up. But there were other times that showing and seeing each other's boners was a great and open thing.

Not long after we tried out our new rifles, we were hanging around the dorm on a Saturday night. Our floor was quiet and we shut and locked our door. I was already down to just wearing gym shorts and ratty old t-shirt, my mother called them my pajamas. I got up to get something from the drawers under my bed. As I leaned over Christian saw a hole it the bottom of my shorts and just couldn't resist it. He poked a finger in the hole and I jumped and just about hit the ceiling. Christian was laughing hysterically on his bed. I was trying to get my heart to return to my chest. While it surprised me, it was also that Christian's finger hit me dead center on my butt hole. He didn't realize it until I told him later. It was like he hit the ON button.

My dick went to full blown boner almost immediately. It was too much for me to resist and I jumped on Christian. I was trying to wrestle him around and acted like I was going to get even. He just kept laughing, and I made it worse by tickling him. I felt small in his grasp but also very warm and extremely comfortable. Our faces were pressed against each other and I loved the warm smooth feel of his cheek on mine. As I moved around, my lips touched his and our wrestling quickly settled into kissing. Deep hard emotional kisses. Hands were moving up and down bodies. My shorts must have ridden up on me because my dick came out of the leg of the shorts and was pressing against the hot skin of Christian's leg.

Christian tried to talk a few times before I let up on the kissing to let him. He told me that he would do "that" to me. I had to ask him what he meant by "that". I finally figured it out when he told me that I had done "that" to him in the caliche pit, and he had promised to do "that" to me later. I laughed a little and then with my lips on his I said, "you want to suck my dick." And he said it back to me. We thought it was funny talking with our lips touching and we did it a couple more times. Then I thought that we were wasting a whole lot of time lip talking and I could be having my dick sucked!

We figured that I should stand in front of him and he would stay on the bed. I slipped my shorts down and my dick sprang out like a cat attacking a toy mouse. Christian looked up and me and smiled. I was thinking that he would have to get ready and build up courage to do it. I was trying to build that courage as I stood there. But then, Christian took my entire dick in his mouth all at once. That feeling of hot soft mouth was almost more than I could take. My knees actually went weak, I sucked in breath like I had just surfaced from a deep dive underwater, and there was a shock of electricity that I felt erupt from my balls and hit every finger and toe. I called out every religious figure I knew, and all sorts of bodily functions, all with "OH" preceding them, as in "Oh god, Oh shit, Oh Jesus, Oh fuck, Oh crap." I had fucked girls, some in some interesting places, and some in interesting positions. I had even had my dick sucked by girls, in my car, on a sleeping bag, and even behind the gym mats at another school. But up to that point nothing felt so good and nothing had taken my body in so completely.

I really wanted it to last and I was holding my cum so hard. I knew that if I were to take a breath that I would lose control and start shooting. I warned Christian that I was going to shoot. I didn't think that he heard me, I told him again and he shook his head. I asked him if he was going to swallow, he shook his head no. And he reached for his cup. Then no matter how hard I clenched, I started shooting. I had handfuls of Christian's hair as I pulled him tight against me. His nose was planted in my pubes and his chin was rubbing on my balls. I had ten huge ropes that pumped into Christian's mouth. Then collapsed on his bed. I did see him dump what was left in his mouth into the cup.

He then laid down beside me. When his face was right by mine, without even thinking about it, I grabbed his face and kissed him hard and deep. I realized that I was tasting my own cum, for the first time ever. At first it really bothered me, I almost gagged. Then it wasn't so bad. Then I forgot about it and was just into the kissing and all. Then I felt wet on Christian's face, and I took my tongue and wiped it off. I got another unintentional taste of my own cum. It tasted familiar, it reminded me of the scent of my dirty clothes as I carried them to the laundry, it was strange but I didn't die after tasting my own cum.

My next thought was about how I had tasted Christian's cum, and the wonderful taste and aroma of his dick in my mouth. Even though I was shaking and dizzy, I had to go down and suck Christian right then. I moved and saw him massaging his dick through his shorts. I immediately got to where I could do it and I yanked them off quick and easily. There was a string of clear precum that pulled away from that massive dick all the way to his ankles. I felt it hit my arm as I dove for his dick. I stopped just short of putting it my mouth and that made Christian jump. I just had to look at it closely. It was thumping so hard and fast that it was like it was begging for me to suck him.

It was something that I still had to fight to do but as soon as my lips touched the head of his dick, I had no problem at all. I took his dick into my mouth slowly. I wanted to take it in slow and make him feel each inch and each good spot as I moved down on him. I had blowjob like that from a girlfriend. I didn't last long with here doing that, in fact as soon as her lips touched my pubes, I was shooting (and that isn't that long of a trip). I didn't take that long to get as much of his dick in my mouth as possible. I held his balls in my hands. I was breathing deep again, the scent coming from his balls was just so good.

When he warned me that he was cuming, and I knew he was because he balls almost disappeared completely inside of him, he handed me the cup with my cum. I pulled my mouth off and the first shot went flying. I stuck my hand a few inches over his dick and tried to direct his cum into the cup.

That night continued with us staying naked in his bed and us jacking each other off. That night was also responsible for knocking down a lot of the walls and concerns we had with each other. I really didn't think you could keep much from each other or be too concerned about expressing yourself when you have had the other boy's dick in your mouth. Morning boners were still a thing to hide but not much else was.

Originally, I wrote a story that got to this point. I think I recreated it but I know I left some things out and did put a thing in. I was just about to send it when more happened and I had planned on sending it as its own chapter but it was a big sports weekend and just didn't do it.

Since the walls had been knocked down, we started to do thing more often. For awhile, we would end the day with just jacking off. Just in our own beds and jacking ourselves but it was a good easy way to end the day and be able to go to sleep. We got into several sessions of kissing and grinding. Once ended up with me squirting in my black jeans that I had just put on to go to some frat party that night. And we did suck each other a couple more times. One started in the showers, that had a whole new taste and feel to it. We were probably close to getting caught but we did get back to the room.

Then one Sunday morning after a pretty good time with each other the night before, we were still in bed and just talking about what we wanted to do that day. It was one of the few days that it rained all semester and it was pouring outside. It added to our laziness in getting out of bed. We had talked about how we both liked sleeping while it rained. Christian did suggest that we just stay naked the rest of the day. I asked him if he was naked now and he quickly stripped off his underwear and tossed them at me. They fell on my face and I could immediately smell his scent. It was that strong aroma of his cum and his musk. I did put my hand on the underwear to take it away but I was breathing in deeply and just couldn't take it away. They had that scent that I smell as I walk into our room, or that rises from the washing machine as we do laundry, and the scent that fills my nose when I bury it in his pubes and get a mouthful of his cum.

Christian said that he didn't know if I was naked or not but he knew I was horny. He could see my boner tenting my sheet. I became naked quickly and tossed him my underwear, but he quickly tossed them back at me. I sniffed them without really thinking and after all the fun from the day and night before, they were pretty powerful themselves. Christian asked that I toss them back at him but I took them to him. I slid in bed with him and we just smiled and laughed a little. Getting close like that had become more and more prevalent with us and it would usually end up with us jacking, grinding or sucking.

I could feel his boner pressing into my stomach and it was hot and hard. My morning boner was needing attention and I thought I could go and suck him off and get mine taking care of pretty quick. Without much messing around, I got up on my knees and moved down the bed. Christian lifted his legs in the air and held onto his knees. I was where my dick was close to his and I wiggled my hips and we did a little sword fighting. I think I used to do that as a kid much more than I let myself remember. It was making us both laugh. I was very much outmatched, at least with our weapons but I did have better swordsmanship.

In playing like that, my dick would hit behind his balls, even touching his hole. It made him jump and I purposely hit it there a few times to watch him react. Then I left it there, near his hole. I teased like I was going to stick it in. Instead of jumping back or lowering his legs, he opened his legs a little more. I looked at his face and it was intense and he seemed to be nodding to me. When I put a little pressure on his hole with me dick, his head was nodding a little more. I pushed in and a little bit of my dick head was in his hole. Now there was no doubt that he was nodding and no doubt where my dick was heading. It was a lot different than a pussy, there was nothing to lube his hole up and I didn't have enough precum to matter. I knew I wasn't going in without help. I hopped up and went for my closet. I grabbed the Astroglide that I had since the start of school. Christian got set and I got back in between his legs. I didn't have a bit of questioning, we were going to do it.

I did lube up my dick and then ran fingers into his hole. If I had just used my fingers to fuck him, he would have been happy. But there was no way I was going to stop now. I got tight up against him and put my dick on his hole. I looked at him one more time and he shook his head again. I realized that we hadn't said a word since my dick flipped behind his balls. I held onto my dick as I pushed in. I have never felt a pussy that tight. I went in slowly and I thought I was in pretty deep when all of a sudden I felt a snap and I was definitely in then. Christian arched his back and grimaced. I looked like I had stabbed him. I stopped for a minute and drizzled some more Astroglide on my dick. When I pushed again, I was sliding much easier. I pushed slowly until I felt my bone hit his butt. I was all the way in and I realized that I was fucking a boy and there was no going back right then.

The next few minutes were a frenzy and my mind was a mess. I humped deep and slow for awhile and caught myself holding my breath. I realized I was feeling Christian's balls on my pubes and I moved so that I could feel them more. When I did that, I apparently hit the right spot in Christian's ass. He screamed and started to shake. I thought I had hurt him but he wanted me to go on. He was grinding his butt and I could figure what he wanted by the way he moved. He looked as close to shooting as I was. I could help it, I started to hump him as fast as my butt could. I lasted a while but I was shooting in his ass before too long. Each time I shot, I jammed my dick deep into him. I don't know how many ropes I shot into him but I wasn't sure if I was ever going to quit and I sure didn't want to. When I pulled my dick out of him, that little pop made it feel like I shot again.

I was sitting back on my heels and I watched Christian stroke about three times and he started to erupt. His cum was flying high. It came down on both of us. When he milked that last rope out, I fell down on him. Our hearts were pounding, my mouth was so dry, I couldn't get enough air, and my head was spinning.

We stayed there a little while but he had to get up to go to the bathroom. We wrapped towels around us and hurried down the empty hall. When we got into the bathroom, Christian whispered to me that he was leaking cum out his ass. I laughed and thought about it, and when we did walk back to the room, I saw some of my cum on the floor. We both went into stalls and then separate showers. I was concentrating on getting empty and clean. I knew it was going to be my turn and I didn't want anything to mess it up. I was already amazed at how clean my dick was after being in his ass.

We did go back to our room. We got back in his bed and relaxed. We watched the rain and kissed a little. I was feeling a little guilty but when we were so tightly pressed together and nothing seemed wrong, I relaxed. At one point, I whispered to him that he could do me next time. He just nodded. We did talk about some of the things we felt. I told him how tight he felt. I told him what I thought about how he was so much tighter than a pussy and asked him if he knew what I meant. He said he didn't, I wasn't meaning to get an answer. I knew he had never fucked a girl, I wasn't trying to get him to admit it.

The rain increased and the lightning was all around us. A huge clap of thunder almost knocked us out of bed. All the power in our building went off. The AC shut off, the music from down the hall stopped, it got extremely quiet. Then the rain came even harder. It was like a signal to us. We began to grind and kiss seriously. I was thinking that this was going to be my turn. I even worked to see if I could relax my hole. Our kisses got wilder and deeper. Our hands were grabbing each other hard. And then Christian was asking me to do it again. He was pulling my dick towards his butt. A lot more Astroglide and I was inside of him again. I lasted a long time. I had to take a break and just stayed inside of him. I could feel his hole squeezing my dick as I stayed still. I really started to move so that I could get Christian to react.

He was the one who warned me that he was going to cum. I was close myself and I got faster but tried to stay hitting that good spot inside him. I felt a hot shot of cum hit my chest and my dick could feel it blow through him. I started shooting and we were doing it together. I lost almost all control over my body, everything was concentrating on shooting ropes. I emptied my balls into him and then we both collapsed. Later on, we did run down for another shower and ran into guys who didn't even know we were in the dorm that day. They did notice how red Christian's cheeks were.

That week we would talk about how it was going to be his turn to fuck me next. He said that was fine but he said he did like how we did it. I found myself avoiding anything to convince him that he should take a turn on the other side. It was one thing to fuck another boy in the ass but another to get fucked in the ass. However, that wasn't what my real concern was. I didn't know if I could take that big old dick in my butt. I remembered the look on his face when my dick went into him and I'm no where near the size of him. And I knew that he had laid down some huge turds, especially compared to mine. (That is another story that I probably need to avoid but I have seen them) I could just imagine getting seriously hurt and having to go to the hospital with a bleeding asshole. I just didn't know if I could handle his dick inside of me.

Christian's parents made plane reservations for him to fly back home for a wedding of their friends. He would only be gone for the weekend. Before I drove him to the airport, I told him that the next weekend we needed to stay naked again and that it was definitely his turn. Then it was more of a joke than an offer but I gave him a blowjob before we left the room. It was so he could make it through the weekend.

On Sunday, I slept late and had gone out for lunch with friends from the dorm. I had stopped my jacking that morning because I was thinking about picking Christian up at the airport that evening. I had planned on being loaded just in case we got something going. I got back to the dorm in the middle of the afternoon and when I went down the hall, I was my door was open. I stepped in and I recognized Christian's father. I thought it was a pleasant surprise, he had been nice when he visited earlier. I looked for Christian but all I saw was his mother. I said hello with a smile but his father turned around quickly to face me. His face scared me without saying a word. Then he got in my face and said, "Go downstairs, go the cafeteria, go get a coke, just don't be around here for awhile."

I immediately thought there had to be something wrong with Christian. I had to ask several times before I got an answer that everything was fine, at least nothing happened to him. But I was asked or told to leave again. I went down to the parking lot. I thought I might find Christian there. I saw a Suburban in the loading area but no one in there. I walked into the empty cafeteria thinking that it might have been a suggestion to go find Christian. I walked through the common areas of the dorm. I walked outside again, looking. The more I looked, the more I was running instead of walking. I had trouble catching my breath. Even though his father said nothing happened, my mind was going through all sorts of things that could have happened to him.

I was heading back to my room when the RA stopped me at the elevator. He had two other RA's from the other floors with him. They stopped me, first gently and then physically. They wouldn't let me go upstairs to my own fucking room. The RA took me into the lounge area and tried to talk to me. He was trying to calm me down. I was hyperventilating and I thought I was going to throw up. He told me that I needed to wait. I asked him if he knew what was going on. I had to threaten him before he would talk. He told me that they were coming to move Christian out. That he was fine, uninjured anyway. I asked him why and he convinced me to settle down, he told me that Christian had told them what was going on between us. I asked him what he meant and said that he didn't really know but he knew I knew. He said that while it was something between me and Christian, his parents still had the right to make decisions.

I saw Christian's clothes being carried out.

I went back to my room. There wasn't a thing left on Christian's side of the room. There were some pictures thrown on my bed that Christian had taken. I felt cold, very cold. I was shaking, and sick. I couldn't cry, I couldn't yell, I couldn't do anything. I went back to my car and I started driving. I didn't react very well to anybody in front of my car. I got out on the loop and I drove. I hadn't planned it but I got to the FM road that took me to the caliche pit that we shot at. I drove out to the pit and just stopped and looked. It was the closest I've come to crying in years. The low fuel alarm sounded and that got me moving again.

I was miserable for a couple of weeks afterwards. I did start to do things with friends but nothing was near as good. I had convinced myself that I was going to live. I felt worse for Christian. I never got a roommate, nobody was swapping and it was too late in the semester for anyone on the waiting list to move in. I did a hell of a lot of jacking though. Many times it was hard rough and fast. It took care of a lot of frustrations by doing that. And I also made the point of making sure my door was unlocked. I don't know why I wanted to be caught but I expected to be caught.

I was almost back to normal when finals came. I concentrated on studying for them and I knew I was doing good in all my classes. I was looking forward to getting back home and enjoying the summer with my friends. My English final was in a large auditorium. The school tried to combine all of the Freshman English finals at the same time so that no one could sneak out a test. We all took the same test, at the same time. When I finished, I walked up the aisle to go out the back. About three rows from the top, I had my arm grabbed. It was Christian. I would find out later that he hadn't left school, just the dorm and that he was moved out of the one course we had together, that Freshman English. He would take the test with our class.

I almost fell to my knees when I recognized him. I felt a wonderful wave flow through me. For a second, I felt like all the world was right again. I was about to speak when I heard Christian tell me that he missed me. I said I did too. One of the fuckhead proctors stepped toward us and said we could be talking during the test. I grabbed Christian's arm and told him I would wait for him outside.

I waited in the hall outside the room for a while. People were constantly coming out. I got worried when I saw the people who take their time on tests come out, like the girl who can never make a decision about whether she is right or wrong. And the guy who always argues about some question and stays to the end so he can argue right then. When I saw the proctors leave, I could physically feel my heart fall. I stepped into the room and saw only a couple of proctors gathering the tests. There were doors that exited the room up front and apparently Christian left that way. I don't know why, I don't know if he meant to avoid me, or if he didn't understand that I would be waiting.

His email doesn't work. I get voice mail when I call his house. That's all.

I lost all passion to write the stories. It was like they didn't matter. I didn't think I could stand to think about it again. Its why there is such a huge gap in stories. Then this week, I felt like I need to write. I have had to take some of the things out, its just too personal, and its like it would hurt to share that with anybody. I don't think there is a chance that I will see Christian again. At least not anytime soon.

I apologize if this was such a downer of a story. Rex

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